The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, February 18, 1874, Image 4

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-TRBRUJART. A& L __19 10, 11|12 113 1-4 16 17 18 119 20 21 23 24 25 - 26 21 7 28 MOUP-MAKING. There is no way in which the com fable abundance of a table jnay lie better insured, while at the same time ytrict eye is kept upon economical ex penditure of means, than by an almost daily addition of soup to the family d&8ner. It is only when concoeted by an indifferent cook that soup dc. serves the contemptuous sobriquet ol e often applied to it. It is suprising from what a scar ty Pfotment of material a. dain4y disb of-oup may be supplied.- Let a roast otheif be consumea to th6 very bone q, turkey or pair of fowls deprived ol every joint, ytif the carcass is 'sui iway, it fIurnishes at'once the ~needed basis. The French understand this t< perfection, and we read that in Pais ian kitchens a closed vessel, contain. ing "potage," is ever at the fireside awaiting any contribution the skillfu. grisette anon supplies from the surphi of other dishes in process of prepara tion. .In the 6rst place, observe alwayi i ay. your mat~in tIhe bottom of tb pa: ot-utting tTW meatPup or il a bone, 6rackitg it well. A lump o: butter.idds richnes, but -is ~not ne cessary. Select suh herbs as you pre. fer, out them UP very small, gAud L-3 over the meat, with a very litfre watei and a cautiously small piece of sdt. Cover the vessel. witi a close-fitting lid, and set it by a slow fire; this wil draw out all the 'virtue of herbs id roots, giving the soup a different fla. vor from what is imparted by putting the full quantity of water in at first. Turn the meat frequently. When -' the gravy produced is alniost.Aried up; fill your pot with a sufficient quantity of water to make soup enough for youm .,amily. To a large shank hone of beef, three quarts or even one gallon, is not too much to allow. When your soup is done take it off the fire to eool, and skim thorough46 from grease. Put it on agai6, and be sure not to dish it ump unless boiling hot. Be careful to add salt and other hihfavored condiments~ sparingly;i every table is~ supplied with salt-eeliar and castors so that a deficiency in these respects may be easily rectified; not so au over quantity. If other thickening than the vegetables used ik deeined advisabule, brown'the&fur for altsoups save chicken, eal, au4oyster soups. CULTIVATION OF JU.TE.-.-Tbe de. partment of agriculture at Washington is in thereceipt of some. very interest ing information coqring be es pe. rimnents wbhi-avereeendiybeen made in the culture of jute in the South. A North Caroliua planter writes thei ,Ke gathered a flue erqp from seeds turnished him last May by the depart ment, and he thinks that the bottom lands of that State could be made to prodt-a by liberal manuring as much as three thousand pounds of fiber i the aere. Froar Georgia- and' Louis iana most favorable accounts also come. A Georgia planter says if five cents per pound can be netted it wi'l pay more to raise jute than eetton. In iouisiana the jute raised is said to be fidy'per cent. superior to the Indila article. IIeretofore Inrdia has been almost the only country where jute has been raised at all, and it has been a veiy profitable product. It is much used in the making of ropes,. gunny - acks, &c. It also has a large commer --cial value in other respects, being ex tensively used in the manufacture of -ladies' chignons. The department considers that it is :lemonstrated be. oand doubt that is can now be made -a staple and most profitable product in the bottom lands of the South. LIQUmD BLUEING.-To one part of Prussian blue add gradually two parts of concentrated muriatie acid. Let the paste stand for twenty-fdur hours; theni add nine parts of water, and bottle it. The solution c.f indigo in sulphuric seid is also used for the same purpose. To prepare it, pulverize one ounce of pure indigo, and add it by degrees to four and a half ounces of concentrated sulp,hurie acid, mixing it well by stir ring with-a glass rod. If desired, the acid may afterwards be neutralized with carbonate of potash. To ND COINA.-Take a thick solution of gum arabic in warim uater. and stir into it plaster of paris till the mixture is of the proper consistency. Apply with a brush to the fractured edges of the china. and stick them to gether. In three days the article can not be broken in the same place. The whiteness of the cement increases its vakne. LIME AROUND APPLE TREES. We have known some .farmers make it a regular practice for a number of years to throw caustic lime- around their apple trees in the spring and summer. We once no ticed that a tree etandiig in the im rediate vicinity of our dwelin! had all at on.-e put forth with renew;l energy, and we were at a loss for si. eI time to define the cause. On exami nation we found' that a quantity of lime that had accidentally been spill ed and rendered worthless by becoin in,g mixed with the refuse on the sta ble floor. had becv thrown at the foot and arunrd the tree, and to this, -as the principal cause, we immediately-at tributed the reviviseenee and renewed fructuation of the tree. Taking the hint from the accident, we purchased twelve casks of lime, and applied half a bushel to each of the trees iis our orebard, a'nd found that it produced iwmediate beneficial feets. Not the health of the trees only, but the quality of the fruit was aLso greatly improved. This applica tion will' be especially benefieial to soils where there is a redundance ;of vegetable matter. We would.advise Mir farmers, in some places, esieially in new forest lands,xecently cleared, d on low )ak&ds, ke i triilof thie experiment, and see whether it is npt deserving of the high recommendation it secures.-Eaagge, - M"t TO KEE i3uTTER.- --T is the easiest thing in the world. Simply put it zin clean jars and cvqr:,with a t . bine. This will kqp pure butter a year, fresh and sweet, as we know from experinmeut. It is. almost equaily good to put in cak casks. head ed tight. This is equivaleHt to can u1ing fruit. The brine, in the case of the jar, acts as a heading, keepiag the air out. But butter should be wade well; we have never experi wented on poor butter. Work out the butterwilk until you have only pure "beads," clear as rain water; but do not work so much as to break the, grain. in whi-h case you have a tough, heavy article in winter, and grease iu sumser. &ieh- butter we advise no one to try to preserve. [Rural NWorld. TOILET POWDER.-Violet powd6f s an excellent preparation..for dying j's ti after washing. It is best prepared by mixing three parts of the best wheat stairch withi one. of. finely ground .orris n>ot. The latter 'adds to the drying power of the stareb, and imparts at the same time an agreeable odor like that of violet-hence the mixture. It is also prepared hy per fuming~ starch with cssential ois, with out thie additio~n of orris root; but h'ouliie iscent of' the powder is stronger, and to some more tempting" 'to use, it is far less beneficial in its japplication. The seent acting as a stimulant to the skin, increases rather than abates any .edness. Unperfumed powder is,therefore, the best to use, dusted over the part with Ta liitle brush made of swan's dow,q called a puff. CELERaY AS A NERVNE.-A corre' spondent writes : I have known maky men,~iud wonen,. too, w~hopffonzi varis ous causes. had become so much affec ted with niervdusness that when they stretched out their hands they .shook like asper. leaves on windy days ; anid by a daily moderate use of the blanezr ..ed foot .stalks of the,oelery leaves as a ~siiiiil,' they became as strong and steady in limb as other people. I have kiowia others so, very nervous that the least annoyance put them in a state of agitation, who were in A zuawIsi e.eLetuaHly eered by daily moderate use of blanched celery as a salad at meal timies. I have knowg others cured by using celery for palpi tattion of the heart.. R E31OV AL OF GiREASE FB,0M MIAR B ILE Tiht ,uures of concentrated caustic soda, mixed with an equal quan tity of ox gall, and four ounces of tur pentinie carefully stirred in ; to the whole enough pipe-clay is to be add ed to form a thin paste, which is to be run through a hair sieve. It is then to be-spread in a eoat over the spots upon the marble, and., remove afterI twenty-four hours: Tide pplication is to be. repeated until the marble has become perfectly clear, and free from stain. Another method con sists in mixing a conceentrated solution of soap with slacked lime, to a creamy' eos is te ncey, and applying it a above. OIL OF CAisi.-pake a gill (or mr)of fresh, sweet cream; put it1 in a tin eup or saucepan, and set it on~ the back part of the stove, or range,j where it can be kept hot, but will uot! boil. In five or ~six hoars an oil will rise, which is agreeable and delicateI aud can be used in all dysenitric affee tions. It is slightly purgative, and is almost a specific in such cases. A teaspoonful is a dose. It can be giv en 4o infants ia.smaller. doses and is: of great value where irritaion of the inucous membrane exists. Co,R\ BREAD.-Take four cups of sour milk, one of .these partly filled* with cream; one egg,, a little salt, two ev en teaspoonisful of pulverized soda: with a little corn meal, and stir all to.: gether till it foams; then add corn meal till a thin batter ia.obtaiped, and pour into hot pans, oile3d, an inch deep~ quick oven. F?erliii IRDLD AMMON SEA FOvi E--j =d THE ab-&ve STANDARD FERTILIZERSI the South with imequalled sucees, are again o satis-ution, whilc the Standard is guaranteed, POLLARD &CO., 100 TONS IN STORE J. E. WEBB & CO. Dec 10, 49-3m. LBERAL TERMS xb We are offering our Guanos this season on the following liberal terms : Pg(ENIXpUANO, per Ton of 20001l-$57;0 WILCOX, GiliS & COIS XAJIPLATED GUANO, Per Ton of 2000 lbs. $70,00. ($1,00 per ton drayage to be added.) On credit until 1st November. 1S4, with OPTION oF PAYING IN MIDDLING COT TON,.DIELIRE XT BU ERS'NEAR EST DEPOT, AT 15c. PER LE. A discount of $10.00 per ton will be al lowed for Cash. Our Agents thriughout the State sell at sali prices and i aaoe tcrms asourselves. Iland in your orders to ncar,st Agent, at once. W1z ros. &J30.7 & CO. CIIlRLESTON, S. C. Feb. 4, 5-6t. AROUNItf,EILIZER, . WILL.E .80L1AS FGOWSV CASH PRICE. $50 per Ton of 2)000 lbs. TIME PRICE. $55 per Ton of 2,000 lbs. PAYABLE NOVEMBER 1, 18S4, FREE OF INTEREST. FRElIHUT AND DRAYA6E TO BE ADDED. 1TS SUCCESS IS UNPARALLELE D, AND ITS STANDARD IS - A No. 1. WILL BEO8LD AS POLLOWS: CAS)4PRIdE. $3 eToni ot2,OO0lbs. TIME PRICE. $38 PElt TON OF 2,000 lbs. _Payable Novemrber 1, 1874, FREF/OFRITEREST. E EBIT AD DRS ABEW8ADDED, F OR A1.E BY 9 . fCAFG1RR N &! 00., Newberry, S. C. H. S. BOOZER & C.. Prosperity, S. C. 9E?, W. WILLI1MS& 00 (ENER A L AGENTS, At Charleston, S. C. Ja. 14, 2-4m. Pacific Guano Company's (CAPITA L $100,000,) SOLUBLE PA0IF10 G NO. TIlSGUANO is now so well known in a] the Southern States, for its remarkable effcs as aln agency for increasing the pro ducts of labor, as not to require special re-J cmendai frorn us. Its use for.eight years p.ast haKestablished its character for reliable ezcellence. Ti lar-ge fUe. apitail iriestdby the Com~pany int this tradc iaffords the surest guarantee of the conitinued excel leoce oOhis Guano. The supplies p)?t into iirket -thb-season-are- as heretofore pre pared under the superintendence of Dr. St. Julian Ravenel, Chemist of the Comnp.muy,.at Ciae-ston, S. C. Hence pi.nters nmay rest assuredl that its quality and co-nposition -is pre'eisly phe same as that hyr9to%ow sold. J. N. RIOSSON, Selling Agent, Charleston, S, C. JOHN S. REESE & CO., Trs-$ S cash ; $53 timie, a ithout in te To accoimnodate planters, they can order 4 now and have until 1st of April to decide( as to whether they will take at time or cash price. When delivered frosu the factory by the car load, no drayage will be charged. ACID' PHIOBPHATE, G;UANO, BONE, PLASTER, &c., always on ha::d, gntlay guaranteed. J. N. ROBISON. Dec. 24, 51--ma. IN EXCELLENT PI4NO For Sale Cheap. The subscribers have in their s:oire roomi a NO. 1 PIANO, which will be sold cheap[ for.casii> Apply early..:; ~BARRIS& 1~S~AL. r:ers. CO BT~ED DISSO-1EDl BONEIB. =O = SP SC( aving been used for the last six years in ffered at prices that cainnot f-61 to give equal, if not superior, to any ev.r sold. General Agents. AND FOR SALE BY K ita Agents for Newberry- r eit( fior w gewing JIachines. i TIE 8 AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE OVER-SEAMINC AN'D BEWJNG MACHME,I GE BE rea hat the Il2 BUY THE BEST! rhe AMERICAN will Last a Life Time. It is superior to all others for simplicity th id durability. of It has been pronounced by the best me :hanics the best finished, and made on the best plan, of any machine manufactured. 11 Will sew the finest and conrsest fabrics, no matter how much starch. Never drops kithes, r=slight.nd.a1iaos noiseless. Call and examine for yourself. Sold on tne no-t reasonable terms and Ie:m tsto Clubs. LoVELACE & WHEELER. S -Oct. 22 1-f WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MIACIIINE of 'lba - 1the - -pJ - 1hop LEFIES ALL COMEEiTITION ! AS APROOF Oi No lady who has one would willingly part lh it. And every lady who~ has nct, anxiously lesires to have one. The W. & W. runs easily and with but Thet ittle noise. .tl And physicians reconnend them for Ia lies ini preferencet to all oiers. This Matchine took the premium at the Vientna Ex position. Buy one anti you will not regret it. So'd- by L.. H . R EDUS, Agent for Newberry, who can be found it Wia. C. Chase & Co.'s Stoie. lHe can furnish to those who prefer them, owe's, Siniger's, Domestic and man; AS ther machitnes, at reduced rates. Got Local Agency at the Store of Win. C. WE lhase & Co. T1 L. H. RFi>cs and W. C. StronI travelling ado igenta. Oct. 8, 40-tf. "The Family Favorite." HI D MEI IN MllIN Ts now on Exhibition, and ready for sale, lMRS. D. MOWER, GENERA4L AGENT, For Newberry and Laurens Counties- H son I have one of the New Weed Sewving Ma hines mi use in tuy family, and in addition o the satisfaction it gives my wife and hrhter-Iewi-n'iddimy own opiion as aal ractiei mechanic, that for PECRFE.cTION of Flal toKMANsHIP in build, ease -of- miDipula- digi ion, simplicity of construction una re-adi- size ess of adjuistnmet, it is so-r mxteL.t.D by mat imy oter sewing machine in the market. and JESSE H. LORD, st eehnicalmEditor of "Scientifie-American." Atig. 27, 34--tf. In e ________ _______ ties. THE WARREN Of Improved Hoe. BO find use. Brih -- Pop * -~ box Ofe ven - . - and P' folic ,and Goo ['he LATEST and BEST HOE for COTTON and ver manufactured. diDce ~aital for gardens also. F Whl ' form an idea of its great adaptability and H ondrful mer-its, conme and examine. An L iole just received bypp jun 8 1 M AYES & MARTIN. has -- Ithirt Administratrix's Notice. w'i AlNotes-and Accounts due the Estate comn f D. Mower, deceased, must be settled on reas r before 1st of Janiuary, 144. All those pat rho wish a compromise oD OLD NoTEs must N pply immitediately... .C. MOWER, Adni'x. Nov. 2(6, 47-tf. PYAVILION I{OTEL, spec 'deed ,Charks.ton, S. C. terl ' ~ oni & ~. 4LI7~T~ & CO~', Pr6prfetors. K umiaidertieets. OLDSMITL P. KIND. %NIX Il0 WoRK COLUM 31BIA, S. C. ndgrs and Machi8ists, Have always on hand tionary Steam Engines ' and Boilers for Saw Mils, Etc., LW AND GRIST MILLS, >tton Presses, Gearing, Shafting, Pullies, Etc.. LSTINGS of every kind i lrou or Brass. e guara]ite' to) urnr1i1ish 1ia1;nC arid er- of . -oio< un:tlit.v uand power, and s low rates as can be 11ad in the North. e 11:111u1facture, also. the UAD)DY 1m iVEl> V.TF11 WHEEL. which we re imenal tor power.. implicity of construe i. irability and cheapness. e warrant our work. and assure prompt iuid t1ispateh in tilling orders. GO.DSiTH & KIND, .n. 14, 2-tf. Colurubia, S. C. 73Fal and Winter.]8 AND NTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Yo are now receivii!g one of the ST and LARGEST STOCKS of dy made Clothing that was ever K1ed int this Market. If you want VERY BEST CLOT11IN(1 and TS -ad . SIRTS, at MODE 'TE PRICES. call and see, and ge for yourself if we do not keep BEST at the LOWEST PRICE My Iouse in the State. ,e sell the BROADIWAY SILK LT. INARD & WILEY, COLUMBIA, S. C. ov. .5, 44-tf. - egers' vs, Cincinnati Beer. 'he Cincinnati Gazette nkes the aston Wrg annf(ouncemen1t that Cincinnati beer o longer pure, but adlulterated -s.iith mo s, sugar of st'arreb, fusei oil and the nous coilch4irum. The Cornmrissioner Igriculture, in his report for 1845, say 0Prof. M.ipe's; f New Yorle, analyzed beer from a dozen different breweries, foun:d all of it aidLlterateJ. Cocculus -ieus and nurvowica entered largely ini tcomaposioon. C. SEEGERS guarantees his beer to be Sand re-liable. He, does not, aduilteraite mt brews from the best barley, malt and s. Feb. 4, 5-tf. COLUJMBIA, S. C. au'fNew Casli System Vorks Like a Charm. best ovidence can be seen any hour of e day by calling at our Estab;lish me't. The busy scene is con.etant from morning until night. All. hands are actively employ ed in displaying the choice and seasor able Goods. MOYT FASHIONABLE WELL AS TIHE CIhEAPEST class of ids can be found in our LARGE and LL ASSORTED STOCK. ie, people appreciate otir action inr pting tlre CALSII SYSTEM. e know that we have the HEAVIEST D $fOST COSTLY STOCK OF DRESS JS. in this City. The ~other gepart its.are enctly,a niarch,and; in fact, we i~ &icn shroiv that we are at the head he Trade. - .11 we ask is a call. or. 5, 44-if - aionery and Binding. E. R. STOKES AS just opened, in the new and hand e building immediately opposite the nix offceton Mais street, a complete k fSTA TIONERY, prising Letter, Caip and Note Paper, of izes, qualities and of every description; Papers of Cup, Demy, Donble-Cap, Me n, Royal, Super-Royal, and Imperial s, which will be sold in any quantity, or ,factured into Blank Books of any ,.i?e, ruled to any pattern, and bound in any c, at short notice. EN V ELOPES ndless variety-all sizes, colors and quali BLANK BOOKS every variety, Memorandum and Pass ks, Pocket Books, Invoic and Letter ks, Receipt Books, Note Books. RCIIfECTS andl DRlAUGH1TSMEN will a complete stock of materials for their Drawing Paper, in sheets and rolls, tl Boards, Postal Paper and Boards, Oi! er, Pencils, Water Colors, in cakes and es, Brushes, Crayonus, Drawinrg Peras. SCHOOL STATIONERY very description; a great variety of cnn ent and useful articles for both Teachers Pupils. ALso, otograh Albumns, Writing Desks, Port es, Cabas, with b>oxes, arid a countless ety of FANCY ARTICLES. so, a most elegant stock of Gold Pens Pencil Case.s, superbly-mounted IRubber TNKS. ack, lue, Violet anid Carmine, Tndklible Copying; Mucilaige; Chess and Back mon Men arid Boards: Visiting aind Wed Cards, and everything usually kept in a st Class Stationery House, c the subscriber intends this shrill be. will still conduct his BIND)ERY and NK BOOK MANUFACTORY and PA-I RLING ESTABLISHMENT, which been in successful operation for over y years in this State, anid to which he continue to.devote his own personal at on. His stock will be kept up full and plete, and his prices will be found always >nable, and he hopes to have a share of E. E. STOKES, Main Street, v. 15, 46-tf Opposite Phcenix Offce. Interesting to All. term of office havmng ezpired, I re-a fully notify all persona whro had.liens, i or mortgages recorded during- my Sof office, to eall on Messrs. & Jones as, who wll deliner the same. - en4 4f PRM& La IAE. -'PW STOCK SCALES. COAL SCALF.S. HAY SCALEZ, .01lY SCALES, C(0VNTEN SCA1.ES, 00-., &k. ales Repaired PromptIly au;d Reasonably. For Sale, aL1o. Le!tti, an. TE VOST PEPFI:C UAM CASKHAW Miles Alarm Till Co.'s. e1 EVEUY i---- EVEtY MERCHANT -W suo'. .thER JSE THEM. -- - SOLD' AT Fairbanks' Scale WarehoUes, FAIRBANKS & CO., 3U BROADWAY. NEW YORX, 166 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, .53 Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 Milk Street, Boston. POLLARD & CO., Agents, A-iSTA, A. F.r Sale by JNO. E. WEBB & CO., NEWBERRY, S. C. Jan. 1 :-. COME ON FOR ALL THINGS ARENOW READY AT TlIE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Havin.: jast returtied froim the Northern iti-, swd the National Photugraphlic As. 0ci:tion at 13uf1alo, 1 feel better prepared to do ,oocd work th:an ever before, by the .dvunLa;;:- of the iatest improvements, and Lte prettiesr. -tyles My stock i larger than ever, and among which are, a fine !ot o* Albums, Fancy Picture Paper Weights, &c. I am prepared to take PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES, Dopying and Enlarging Old Pictures, Taking Residences, &c. Call n hile the pretty weather lasts: re nember that delays are dangerous, anid do lot pur. it off. A proof is alwuays furnished for inspection ~efore the picture is printed. The surest way is to comie at once and et pictures at the Newberry Gallery of' the ever ready Photogropher, W. H. WISEMAN. Oct. 8, 4u-tf. PIOTOGR PI GILLEIRY. COLUMBIA, S. C. Visitors to the city are respectfully in rited to visit my rooms, where canr be seen specimens of pictures in all styles of the Art. Satisfaction guaranteed aid prices cheap. A. M. RISER, Oct. 1, 39-tf. Plain Street. Professional Cards. C. C. JAEGER, ATTORNEY AT LA~W, ~ NEWBERRY, s. C. L Offlee un Caldowel Street, nearly opposite the Post Office. Practices in the Courts of the State and U nited St ates. Oct. 1.3, 4-mi. N S Dr. J. D. BRUCE, In resumnine the- l.\GTICE of his PRO ESSION, teniders his se.rvices to tie citi tens of' the Tow,n, and can11 be uimndi -it all toes wvithini its limits. A pr. 2i, '7;3-l 6-t. Ir JHNSTONE & H ARRINCTON, Attorneys at Law,, (O)f!!ee on La Rangie,) NEWBERRY, S. C. eorge Johnstone. Y. J. Harrington Air. 2, '73-1B-Iy. t in] THOMPSON & JONES, ol D en.tal Surgeonis,( NEWMBERRY C. H., S. C. T Graduates of the Peiinsylvania College of Dentlal tSargery.) T .Jlarbe YaZirds. . JOIN R.IM 1-2 R MARBLE WORKS, Corner McKibb en aind lioy(ce Streets, = NE',WE,lR. S. C. H HLEAD STONES, ti MARBLE and GRANITE T pi BurBav aild Iab18 Ifps MADE TO ORDER, f the best Foreign momestie 3farble. ou orl ai the best manner, and A Y 01hl.le worl made to or der. I si d a for sale cheap, an ron r.t on hete, suitable fo'r enelosing ee iftle I1.b odat abugain. Oe l -Wl .e .. S.O Doo0.8, SalNiH 4 cot NopS P.,R UESED FLOORUNG, CEILING, WVEATIl terns of 'Mouldings mjade, over'100,000 fe, nteI-Pieces, Door ana'Window Frames, madi Ballusters of Walnut or.Nfahogany, on han( rk rl::de z.,: cheap ac thjis establizshment as eS h1"ndt the arg;et s;tock of the above,Sou th of ee will give entire satisfactlon to all who wa 'he subscribers are the only practical Mecha1 rvin- on the business, ip thie city of Charlestc ~ - t~e,(Georgia, 'North Carolina and Florida, as Rity Yesars. W. P. RU' ICE.--On account of the manner in which io. of thOw risk tft*II,eakague cf Glao; with ord romad.; ;n thi<; Stat!( at 11ALF itA TES, wvhich, Jar. 12, 1873-10-1y. 1: 8I EM 10 E. GEO. S. HACKER'S >or, Samh ,and B!ind Factory, K ING. 01'Vo.SIT E CA\%'ON, STRtEET. CHARLESTON, S. C. Vc onll% house of, t - ' in( inl thi6 City nked ai'd m1ana.gedl by a Carlnin Large Stock always on hand, anfl sold &t 20 i)er cent. 'Aes,s than. Northern prices. -*t. 17 . - rC. - ie * 1 ,npht Fn, im2F .Lr # (.abne ('Ar.A.LEod:1c ) LOWSE STLOIG PRCE S. EA Bautrs autr ogan,[onr.r. rk .,6,d 8,7he. a hetabShentasc 22">,th 225 East D fteahocSuho chil giv entire tfacion to Al of grss lie yu,e:rs.b . Ha L Con .. prina theof ,yn o the braincspect of Congesra Wehntn tC,(ore, NoTh inaanlrd, a. TILD.LOW n account of the taningh ies ,oOOK INGti ti-thL S T ES hc T.SI-W A RII K,E WE. S. HACKERT, ween,Dr. Prant'Bland A..\Fatorn', nCStr E STONe. C40. dae ndtoce ciwizes on tias and surond-2 prCont. ieth thn mosrte aprivedns. 00KINGSTOVES BDFancy Coffee Bigis Mongon~IAey dBoxs,Zand LOEAlRIGS 30INend GUTTERING MADEA ,ifche SPCATYe. ZZp. , 214-tf. Ily, I CARCITYN S 0 hs u deprecring efeto Allcsebt ofCors aelis o l t empoirar y, andr s~ th wangto lnot coninu l 2 lon.I te manie .veylarge ltot ofCLIGuLan COOKINGSTOVS aitnd covnc ty onet tat. sae lo b doawcel oro. Comet' ad xam.N inei s :toc, hihbe dnetapue id FORKJNO-TING. Toeie wi PaivrDDtHPV0 wid Blanas. S 5 RN N- P-4%E ER B4O.\RDS, &c. Over 100 dlifrerent pat-! gt on hand, for sale at -New York prices. to order at short notice. Stair Rail, N.\ew and made to order. Good andl substantial 3 be made in the United 6:ates. We have the city of Baltimore, all of which we gua ait good and substantial work. tics, Sasbi. Blind and Door Makers, by Trade, u, and can refer to gentlemen all over this o the character of their work for the past 5S E L L & CO. , Charleston, S. C. we box up our work, and our own assump inary handlin-m, our goods are shipped over is a ,.reat saving to the puc-ser 6f our wojrk. W. P. RUSSELL & CO. Drugs X Farncy eIrticles. SPECIFIC MEDICINES DR, OREENIS FIT01UR E!I The Great Remedy for Epilepsy, CUMES Fits, Spasmns, Convulsions and Nervous Wakeftilne.--, acts promiptly, often arresting the Fits fromn thle fi rst day's use, even where theY ha1Ve e-Xiste d for1 years. COMPOU1D EL COR ALIS! The Great Vegetable Alterative, CURES Sonfula, Sefond:r Syplals, I.rptions.on TheSkin, and all dieases arising fron im pnuve Bld. WEDAVAT? DPONEYK A Sovereign Ba1m fir Coug .. e h-ron chi is, A..atimo.r all oisa! o:wc we air passag s and Tu:.1g By l use ican SUsoled c:mes ot. Cousmi,ion are promptl.y reileve'l t:111 the Luing!s restored U health. NEU'R.A4ZASPE1F.4 A p:t-hmpt. pof,hive an permanent relief for '111e erc1in 1,aLja:- . Of NeUragia, For salC by Ir S. F. FANT, Newberry, S. C. e RS, SprEN, UINDLEY & BENTLEY, DO . 17. 50-17 CHARLOTTE, N. C. DR. P. RBAER, D R U G %G IST, NO. G REETI T STRE T, CH111A11RLESTMN, S. C. M4yL'J,r. r ~~kin n deat rntlyakin.rstn tCeito Mae rdysue U nrtaer H av onhand and yil aet dr,Bd sTed, Greaus Weearbe, Aleati, fs Serttli eeones, &c. ls,riptoSO thealo nwrd all kindase ade andm re s o n hnug i ai full supl o f 3eli, 3tro - hpny ac.-.nd Ruosewood t BuriallCas se i nsI m.:de 'to1 ord,e r a,t (.iShort no,ile ard tohere ulied Ae p 4ipt. po~ ntT HeiA~iitRRIS. lTHlz-Ey SUBSCRIBER hasi ontalgior 1hnd aziz flaornt of hez aoe proe Forssa, of dfren SpatterA , ebedes Scin ofS w En k, UNDIof whe hETLapEpare to furis at1 ver Hrasonable ae, with ThaLEpSTptona, the sub no efot hndhi ad will baep to rder e Nciewery s. &C. uy:1 p .reiosdrel aneous. which an eo Burdbyse a tu ime l ro or thi shot a,and herved bythiel hnreso prprietos. I i Hanowl Ee SbSy I many promnnto physiian lt?o t obte thoe appoved caes,iablepreipartion bevier cin ofuhi ofnna all Ln cola~ eis,a~ tondrish atffery e t'ole publ, i, prontinead byptheepeiec rsot e tors insasn eite sent-b dom rs fis ato efecthan andpe e curned 'r threost sv erey Inkflnza Asithan, thedsb Soet herroaet, ais or orezsto nes the Che anl ses th ndSicdha tte ung ts, ch.Wstr eBalaierr notC. July up hus emoi,ng eocuse o T REARED Y BT ETCWONSUMPOS,BoTIONs. Andsldy rugsts t tstandDelr -eerly Oct. 1,)39-1y.oI a asbe t esimalTR oMoniasrcie byi Stet propweenrs.' It Pirs.akol Apphysane to b h ot of over fort yer. Wen, RaU Roads. .reenvIle TCoinldit& aHlroad. Daffy. S undays eNcepted, conuectin.: with nlght TrainE, oni-.Souils- Crtrolbnax Roilrad, up and ow, a! o wvithi Trains going North and ' :1 ' - it? Sauth on Ch:rintte. Co!umtiz; arddAugusta Railroad. and Wilmington, Colaumtia. sad An atu Railro:d. Leave q:iumbin................... 15 i m A! tou .........................., 9.16 a M Newrlerry...................... .10.40 a m Cokesbury................ 0 p m Arrive Greer.vie.....: 30 p M . DOWN. Leave Greer.ville. - .7 a M Beltot...................... 9 3 a m Coakesbury ............. . M A!-- bevi lle.... ................. 5 a M Newberry...................7.. 230 p M Alston. ......-4 20 p m Arrive Columbia ......................: 6.00 p m ADEIISON nMA NCH A ND BLUE irIDGE DIVISION. DOWN. Leave,... . .5. a ma Pei rv il:e.... ................. . C 5 a ra - l'en dietOu......:.... ;:'.... - 71 a mn Anden-o................. 8 10 a in Arrive at Belton....................... !0.) a M Connectina with down train froi dGreenville. I.eave Belten at. 50 P n Anderson p 10 .en5dl p to Perrvrill ........6.35 P Arrive at Walmaila.... -,%5 P m Accommodation Trains run on Abbeville Brauch. Mondays. Weduesdays and Fridays. tou Ar.derson Branch, betwee;'Wton and Ais derson, on Tue-days. Thursdays and Saturdays. 1HOS. DOIAMEAD. Gen'i Supt. JABFZ NoiRToN, General Ticket Agent. Sep. 11, 37-tf. Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Railwa on and after MONDAY. Dec,mber 8. 1873, the Passenger, Accommodation and Freight Trains on the Atlanta and Richmond Air-Line Railway will run as follows GOFING NOETH-EXPIZESS TRAM.' Leave Atlanta...........................00 p m Leave Seneca City.... .......;.. .11.18 p m Leave Geuville............. ... 1.54 a m Leave Spartar.htg......... ...... '4.06a m Arriie at Charlotte............--.06 a m GOING SOUTH-EXPRE8 TRAiN. Leave Charlotte............................ 8.48 p In .eave Spartanburg................ ...... 1.21 a m Leave Greenville...................... .... 3.24 a m L.eave Seneca City............... . 5.39 a In Arrive at Atlanta...... ............. 4 p a GoING N:!Ta - %CCO3MODATION T]ZIX. Leare Atlant ....................' .......... .2 aM Leave Atlanta.. . .~ ~ i Leave Senecca City................... ........... 4.45 p M Leave Grceuville...................... ........ 8.09 p = Leave Spartauborg............ :.. 1142 p i Ai riveat Charlotte.a GOING .TIll-ACCOM3ODA T.*A IN. lcave C%a:lotte ................... ......:... .12 a Leave Sparanbarg............. 4..-. 24 p m Leave Gre--Lville............................. ...7 54 p Leave Seneco City................11.26 p m Arrive at Atlanta . .. - a m .1B.Y.SA. TH'E SO11 T LIN C Charlotte, Couimbla &Augisti'L L GNaIL TicET DEPAXTrt. COLUeBa, .- C.. October 24. 1873. The folloving Passenger Schedae ril be op&. rated on :md atter'Sunday, 26th"Iistant: GQNG 'KOR -~1I. - No-2 Tr*n. NO.d Trlqu. Leave% A%u;:Ust.'a .......... 6.83 A. 31. 4 15 P. JI. Leave Graniteville.......-*.33-.L-. 'L6:S.1 P. . Leave Bate:rille ....... .43 A3. P. 31. LeaveCokmtbi...... 8 A.'M." P. M. Leave Chester.......,.-:4.28 P,4 - N A. X. Arrive Charlotte ......ti.08 P. F. BS5A. . No. 2 Train makes close con-.eeft,via& Rticb moud. to all ,ointts North . riving at New Yoak at 6-- A. 31.: also. via Raleigh and old Bay Line, utriving at New York at 4Z P.'I. No. 4 Train makes close connection. via ricUmond, to all points Nortb. arriving at Neu? York i v5 P.M GOING SOUTWe' - . No. I-'rain. Xa..3Train. Leave Charlotte ......... A:.'3L 8..0 j. X. I .4. A:. 8-A.0 T). Leave(< heter...9.M A.M.-.-6 P.I. Leave Columia......2.48 P.M3. 8.40 A. M. Leave iiatesvifie.4. .57 P. M 5:48 A. 31. Le:ave run iteville..17.15 P. X. . 48 A. K. A'rive Angusta.-..:.&8:5 F: M. 8.4.5 A. 31. Lreakf.ert; IDinner; tSuapper. South bound Trains connac at Angusta, via al peints South and West. Through Tickets sold, 4nd.Bsggage chicked to all trmcsp.s! Points.. Sleepin;r car nal ih trains.' E. R. DORSEY.&Gnera1icket.Agent. .SA ze AtvDzasoIr, G eneral Superintendent. South Carolina EaUroad Company, CaAaLasTos, S.-C.; October:18. 1873. ON and after SUNDAY, Octobet-19, the Pas seutge.r Trains Onl tile South Carolina Rail Road will run as follon: - . iOR COLUMBIA. Leave Clir'estou at ....................... b.00 a m Arrive at Columbia as......:............5.00 pma FoR AUGUSTA._.:. Leave Charleston. .................. 9.00 a m Arrive at Augusta. .......-.......u. 5.0 p a ILeave Columbia at.. .................. 8.40 ama A rrive at Charlesto, :t.... :.I........4.20 p m LArve Auuta.............,...,.-.... 8.20oain Arri atG2arle-ston........ ....... 4.20 p in COLUMBIA NIGBT ?.aESS, (Sunadaya.excepted.) Leave Charlestan n;...........!..710 p m A rrive at Columbi.a t... .. . .....,....5.0 a a Columbia at.................7.15 p an Arrive at Charleston at. ....:...;....45 a in AIUGUSTA NIGRT EXPRESS, (Sua4ay2. .u.epted.) Leave Charlestoj..,...............8.30 p mn Arrive at Anusta,b. .... ...50 a an Leave Augusta-..-.............--..00 p mn Arrive at Charlec.ton.--..............540 a in .SUMMEEY.LLE TRAWe. Leava Summerville at--... ...e 25 a Arrive at ( harleston-. ............8 ?0 a a L.eave CharleEton. .. .. .. ............ 8.10 p a Arrive at Summerville. ....-.... ..4:80 p a CAM.DEN TRAIaI.. Leave Camden...... ............6.50 ama Arrive at Columbia.......... .. ... .11.50 a a Leave Co7umbia........................1.50 p an Arrive at Camden...........-. ...;-.; 35 p a SDay and Night Train, make.k , cnnection at Augusta, with Georgia R3ailF oa. Day Trains, only. -nke cloacecoection with 3Macon and Augusta :.:;iroad. This is also the <iscest and most dlirect route, sniT s comn sor table and cheap asnyotherp.oute, to Mont gomery. Selmia. Stobile,lNew Orleans, and all othber pomits Sonthwest,. and to IAuiavilIe, Cin enati. Chicago~.St. Louis, -aid all other point Columbia Night Train courmatsel.esly with the 'U reenvilk and Columbia Railroad; and with the Chaelotte, Columbia and A:zgata- -Railroad for points North. Through tickets on sale to all points'Ndrth and Camden Train-connects at Ktngyilne'daily(ex cept Sadays) with Day .Pasnggain, and runs through to Columbia on Mondays, Wedneg days and Saturdaysi a- f .r S. B. lCK ENS, General 1jc/Cat Agent. WfLMtNSTON, C0O.UMSIA A%NU$idiTA R. R, -GHYtIA L PASSINGwR Dfer&ZTrN, (0LLearA. ,. C., Octctse24,.1823. Thme followi ng 1Pissen;;er Schedule will be ope rated on and a'ter.Sunday, October 26th instant: GOFlSG NORr.-- * N;o.A Train. Leave Columbia ...... . ...U.4Aa. m. 9 05 p. m Leave Florence.....-, 2.. o.m. .- 2 . L.eave F!lmingtou...t8.50 p~. 625 Arrire at Wilmington. .0O.n.. No. 2 Train makes close eonu.s - mood. to all pointsYorth, ait $ at 6.4o a. mi. No. 4 Train makes cel A Itay Liue,ned maso y~j Nort, arriving inW " Leave Wigin...''50 Arr1at Columbia . ngclose conn p'ta South and \ 3reakis-t. D L'hrougih ticke princapal L'ullman E. Rt. tent. y o.surA A9N;e* Jai *1. a.