The Ilerald. THOS, F. GRENEKER. EDITOR, 0A B JONES, ASsISTAX1T EDITOP NEWBERRY, s. C. S)Y,D EC. 24, 1873 A PAPER FOiR TIE PE )PLF. 1 e' i(eral1 s n h - i Ne-- nr drte hhes respelct a F:uiu. S epeopIe or i.. Cou t erall tin. - It (ire'lltti.,. ext4ud th.!e aln A-lmrts tH1meuu1 7r urimae(I ad. ':tzL- For Terma,, see! first eda The Rural Carolinian Iie proprietors of this sterling monthly, not satisfied with making it one of thl best a-ricultural papers in the courintry, and giving their subscri. hers more than value received, have at hago: e.xpse gotten up a cliarin 11iroilo, entitled "The Jewels of Spriag," a picture rich in beauties. This they offer substantially mounted to every paid up subscriber for the current year, for 50 eents, the cost price being $6. In other words, the Riral Cuaroi1nian and mounted chro 111o fr 82.50. Aoy subscriber al. re:dy paid up, by remitting fifty cents addiMtiotnl cau also secure the chroimo. We advise each and every one of out readers to secure it. The Legislature. The Message of Gov. Moses was read in bth louses on the lith, and tw) thousand copies ordered to be print.d. There is some wheat in a gfod dv: of Chatf The bill to repeal the Lien Law ims been virtually defeated by placing1 it on the ca!endmr for 1.975. A very prtpr disposition of it. we think, unl der the circutustat:-ees. 'I'hough the Lien Law is defective, its repeal would have caused um , injury thau its con tinu1ance will. On the 20th, Mr. Art coni gave n4tice of a bill to amend the Lien law. The proposed aiendmleuts to the Funding Iilf, to pay Pay certificates a ,d the Blue Ridge Serip, were de feAte1d inl the Senate. The Funding Bill has passed the senate. The Senate has discussed the ]14I.use Tax Bill and has reduced the t:x levy to fifteen mills, which is the f.,tal for the State and counties. The~ 1,ii to reduce the public debt hias pasdteSenate, anid been sent to t he i use; it brings the debt down tc The certificates oif indebtedness have'b b;een mal de rece'i%able for taxes. Wanut of Consideration. A man who does not consider the rights aind conveience of others, but sacrnfies theml mer-ilessly to his owl] .&ellishuess, is a nuisance to society But just such men are lameutably prevalent. Yott can meet them every yo'u go. on the street. in the L:ll r'oo:n. at a conert,. in the church, anywhere, everywhere. If it's hot, a~d lifty persons are dependeunt On anf om-u window for a sniff of cool air, he fills it up with his body and exclusive lv aippropiriates it tj himscif without a scruolde. If it's' cool and he happeus . to be ai li:tle warm, he hoists up the window without a thought of how inconven' i.:it the act is to many others. 11e jumaps up out of his seat te b ek over the heads of others. ignoriag :h at that thereby he is obstructing~ d e \ ic.w of mauy. If th;ere are foul ..ru0t eat cne pie. and he gets thi Irst : ich taikes oue-third. if in a ra... (e.eb. he approipriates two ':m. use!f'. and never thinks tc ueoe f' them? to a man who( hasa *no "a .tht to a seat as he has, &e..&c. -i i.eo ecs are the least we could mL.:nt~ion of him- W~e nity such : ':'f . he :tl:s nmnecrs, sense and mo'r:.llit V. lie is no acectun!t, Ii ke not o a ueed which wants consider'a tItAt. Christmias. Tiomorrow will 1.e Chrisanas, the (Chri-tian Festival. the anniversary e. u'.. Savi,r's birth. ilow wil itb eik-brated ' Hobw wtil what is e:digd the Christiatn woarld observe the anai vers-try of the b irthi of' that God-usnanl whs missioni oni earih was to) rede.em m~ fr.,mj the cu'rse of siL' B tiukiin in Nthso Chre hel hase te tratiekinbg then thani ever. 'ihe udoo'rs of t he churches wvill be h?ermletl (caliV sealed and their existecelC for .A .tn. 1Instead of prayers and thanks ings12?. will be riotous sporting and (.arsing. The poor, the sick. the s'r r'win.r wil be banished fronm the unnd :a en.cde?i to its peacc. Fire crackers, Romnau e.ndles, sky-rockets anmd wh i key wilt bIe the order of the day al: who have kept sober the whole ':'' feel licensed to getsi-unl! andl drunkards~~& . This is strange and ineonsistent \Xere ps::nSs sung at the Inquisitior and songs~ of praise at the galows b~ the exuhtant mob propriety would b< ,2o'cked ini a less degree. Were the~ day of An ericanm Indepea deuce and tradom celebrated bythe i:npi;son. li o te people,. there would b.e a un-ater show of consisteneey. -Yrily, there is nothing so true, ,l:tteLW fero ahzo ap -di. tl:g the damp of error hath not warp The Census of 1KQ gives the 1p- Q ulation of the United States as 3;, 5,371. of which z 3589,S87 are whites, .R 0,009 blacks, G3,254 Chi uese, and 25,731 Indians. The popu lation of South Carolina at that time! was given as 705,606, of which 2S!, B 667 are whites, 415.814 blacks, 124 6udian, and 1 Chinese. In the na tive white, the colored,and the Indian population, the number of females is larger than the number of males. Im migration. however, which brings C more wales than females. makes the total number of males in the Western It States more than the total number of females. thnough the difference is small, B showing.- that a nin ought to have one i wife, and only one at a time. Even f in U tah there are 42 females to every o 44 males, from which fact we infer ( that there are a good many old bache- P lors out there. The longevity of a woman is greater than that of a man, as the following facts show: In 1870, in the United States, there were of j the white population 964 who were r< 100 rars old and over, 394 males and v 570 females; of the colored popula tion, 2,587 reached the age of 100 years and more, 885 males, 1,652 fe males; of the Indians, 7 males and 14 h females weic over 100 years old. The longevity of the black female popula tion is greater than al. t ti Bier iMentions. AgSsiZ, the great niaturalist, is dead. Science has lost one of her noblest and ablest champions. Dr. E. T. Avery was arrested last fi Weduesday night, 17th, about 2i j. o'clock, by a detachaeut of U. S. Cavalry, on a bench warrant frow the Cuited States Court. "Honest John" Patterson has re- o cently been arrested on charges of 0 bribery, but was released from custody, C the proof being deemed insufficient. p 0~ el The .News & Couriersays: "Boston, - of Newberry, one of the best colored mt,ebers of the Housa, and who as a rule seems to strive to do his duty by A the people, and to fight all frauds and R extravagant appropriations, introduced a concurrent resolution that the Gen ral Assembly adjourn sine die Jan V uary 25, 1674. H1e supported his e ressolution by a few well placed re- a arks, that the House had finished or would by that time finish all legitimate ol business before it-that they will have been in se,ssion the regular time, three mouths, and that, the only result of remaining longer would be to heap additic-al and useless expense upon a the State. I IIorace G reeley supported the salary T' rab in Congress. Ma~rshal Bazaine was found guilty t of the chara;e against him and ben tenced to death, but the sentence has ~t been comnmuted to twenty years exile,. The State papers will please stop .a. sayig that the Newberry jail has no A prisoner. There are four or five there g now. 'Before it got through with the la irst sigh of relief a boarder stepped i. in. h. The Enterprise an M iJounta ineer ~ says: A branch of the Methodist de- 2 nomination, known as -the Methodist to Protestant, has been established in d Greeville. It is under the care of j Rev. R. M. Piekeus, in connection e with the South Carolina Distri et . MtditProtestant Church. b The Virginius was surrendered at l Bahia Honda. on the 16th inst.. in a le courteous mnner. The survivors were delivered aboard d the .Juanita, December 18th. : Samuel F. Brown and Robert Rig- e ins, both of South Carolina, and im- i pi edat Albany foroffehuces againstP the Ku-Kiur law. have been pardoned. i The slavery ciuestion is nlow, serious l' diseased in Cuba by slave owners. The general minutes for 1873 , of the MIethodist Episeapal Church, sho that there are 1. 64,0)27 members anad t: probationers of that denomination in the United States. in the ease of Watson vs. thme (Citi zens' Savius Baink. the d1eeree~ of I .Jude Bryan hazs been athirmed, the "iit Court having. dIeided thamt the I u itd States Cou:t has exclusive juriition in Bankruptcy. The af- I fai' 'of the fsank will therefore go trugh-l the I-nited States Bankrupt I 'i1 . iGA!t.N AG~AI N.--I rtyV p)er sos mostly Enu'lish tamiuilies. careful ly seleted ini New York. by Tibuxan R~ I 'alns of (Colutmbli:, arrived in the it vesterday, oni thle st eamish ip uth CanIun. ib.ut twenty of these are fo Jark,u geniitlumen at and( near Ni ty-ix. ; Edge,fi. ld Coaunty. T wi ( Eng.-l i and twvo Geran fammi!es gro to 'aI Caldwell:mid oIther prlties i '' to (ie. Csl. in Chest.r County. Au leish~ famiily f. t, !. iley. at F rnh bh.ieksmiith and wif go to "Iir I 31 lc lnto, A\ uders''. Couty T~Ihere a ::f dozen xr women, ordi'red by pari ic- in Columbmia an ote plac* . w1.lir'. were on their way WXest, hand weiduced to come1 So~uth by .Mr. C 'e. w.,.. repoirts that tlrousads C can: be tuzrnmed to ou Sta te by a etiv agenats inm their miidst. We rm tha t 3Mr. Gamines intends to spend te winteri mon&ths at the North .ma:kinug "w Y ork h head iinarters, where lieL w ill b- able to fill, witl, much care, all the orer sent hima. [Hiiipeoial work w il be :o induce f:iznilies of the b -st posbl lass to coime withi a view to" sttling up the country. a (Ch/arleston News. I ij OF -IS AN U andry, and every frmers alb in the 2 tate, should immediately appoint one delgate and one alternate, to assemble in Coluba, on Thursday, the 15th i Jaurmy, 1S74, to address their fel- It lwczen s of the otiher States, andj etition Congress to save their homes fro cofiscationl, themselves from a er'im, and their children fron iorance. degradation and slavery. TIDETTE. tK p Th't let sale-dny in .January t aswitho he~ edog~ this unm-W m net1s x mnoll.r intett e in 4p I ~ in the 8tate pka~e ~opj'. The following are the apjointmen's .les Lthe M. E. Conference, 1or Coke-bury istrieL H1. f. Mtot, Presitding Elder. Cokesbury Sta-It. .Wells. otice C_'(keshnry ('t-.9. 11. 11. Elwell, (I.Prbt . P'ritchard, jr. aet on AliLeville Sta--W. T1. C:';>ir, Johnston Ablheville C Zt--I. I. Dagn.ll, J. C. Xt4 C i.,se, tal disc South Abbeville Ut-G. At. Bova. Low%nde.,v'lle S'-ta-A. J C:utenmDc 2. Ttillin,g Shoals-.3. Finger. Greenwood Ct-J. W. Mirrav, G. W. No :alker, W. H. Lawton. sup'v. 11cr.,on! Newlberry Sta-M. Prown. Peron NewberryCt-,J. L, Shuford, and J. wnit Counts, supply. 1 ed accord Little S:uda Ot-J. C. Miller. his Attor Cokesburv Conferenee Shool--G. F. tol, at N ound. day of 4 TnE RUICAL CARULNIAN AND ITS Dec. *4 EAUTIFUL HOLIDAY Girrs.-The pub shers of the "Rural C:>alinian" ire of ring to their subscrilx-rs tico Chromos- Toys, C ae as a Gift, and the other for Two Dol- Are geue rs. The Gift Chromno is a beautiful fore Clit icture, highly finished in oil,in eighteen SHALL' P-5 fromt iov )lors, entitled "The Jewels of Spring," a nice ad is furnished to subscribers for the DOW NI >st of mounting. ready for framing, FISH A hich is only fiftq cents-. The Two Come. ollar Chrono is one of Prtng's gam, elsewher presenting a little boy in a chair, "i plac 0 -N. B3. ho has fallen asleep hefore finishing is meal, when a pet kitten mounts on is lap and finishes the meal of "The Celeb neonscious Sleeper." We are indebted to the publishers for The G, The Jewels of Spriny"-which we .hare a ae suspended in our elitorial room, 1jt rid will be pleased to show it to any from Re% ison who m:Ade desire to see a truly Temptur, eutiful picture. It will make a beau- and the full holi(bty gif. Lodge es The publishers are desirous of oh uinmg canvassers in every County of iC of the Solithern States, and are ftering the most liberal inducements >competent persons. No better o- e. ortunity is presented to an energetic Want xiter who will undertake the duties ra canvasser, and devote his leisine me to it from now until his farm aties require his undivided attention. Ce feel contident it will pay well if roperly attended to. Persons desirous F engaging as canvassers. should make irlv application to Walker, Evans & -rain. ou ogswell, Charleston, S. C., when full Railway articalars as to terms, requirements, :C., will be ascert:tined. *.ave t - -Leave Gr /Iarried, -eaye 5I Arrive at December 17th, at the residence of Gen. 4 rthur, of Lexington, by Rev. A. .. Cautlien, Leave Ch ev. G. T. HARMON, of the S. C. Con fereneC, Lfave Spi id Miss MAOGIE SETBLES. Leave Gr Leave Se: Arrive at THE QUESTio SETTLID.-Those erniien t en, Dr. Jas. Clark, Physician to Queen GOMM ictoria, and Dr. iughes Bennett, say that Leave At msumption can be cured. Dr. Wistar knew Leave Ser is wheu he discovered his now widely- 1.vve Sp -own BALSAM or WiLD CnEitcy, and ex- Arrive .t rieuce has proved the correctness of his sI A MANUAL OF [1EALTI.-An edhion Of Lave (r -tween nine and ten millions of copies of f rave ae .ry useful work is now ready for gratuitous stributfou, and can be had for the asking ....... any drug store in the United States, the riti h Colonies, Spanish Americ4 or Brazil. Lie work refcrred to is Hostetter's Almanac - ir 1874. The medical portion of it treats ofST i various ailments to which the human (JO stem is subject, and sets forth the peculiar J. S. -operies of Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters-1 e purest and best tonic at present known- Griflin a preservative of health and strength, and By vi a remedy for debility and disease. The will'sell, Imaduc is printed in all the princip-tl lan- H., S. C. tages of the civilized world, ::d reache.s a rger number of families and individuals O h an any other medical treatise ever is,u"'l Fou oma :he presss. No man or woman who. is a sia regard for thatchoice-t of heaven's Attachei essinlgs, bodiiy vigor, should tfai! to read TFRgl C plain, simple and convincing articles hie cthLiis truly practical publicationi con is. The miscellaneous mtter~ is vaned,( stutctive and amusing, anti the calender DCC npartment copious a n d comtprehenisive, ostet:er's AI:manac is. iin short, a househiold STT iiventionCC, adlapted to the urer, the professional man, :ll need it; and E at invalids of bo:h sexes it is literally an ar- E at le of prime necessity. The medical techni iiie-s which render so many medical treat- Order fo es intndd for popular use unintelligible to te g -neral reader, have been carefully. m'i,ie.l im this p.tmphiiet. All is cieuir, ex- T9 v licit. foirible, and reconcilable with reason fromi the id commtron -ense. Public ati The proprieters, Me-srs. Hostet:er & Smaithi, On thec isburg, Pa.. on receipt of a two cent imp. will forward a copty byv ttail to anty all the 5 arson who c.iuiot procure on:e in hi< nei;;h- belongit )rboiad. Dec. 3, 48-1m. dee'd. ,bm,,., m..m m~" Terma .1'ew .# .mdsceu1ane'ous. .hr iatinal Bank of Newberry. - Thi:s Ilmnk will he el-e.l on Chirh aa ma!ty, .\ !5:! iii.:1, AllI papers due otn that day must (' Spaildie day hierore. *JNO. B. CABI!LE, A. -. D),e. QI l.51-1t. C,.h ier. --U-- H M . .An Qa te QAGGG,Three ~AG(:1 NU,TIES, -l and RILME SIDES, i PRIME SEIOULD)ERS. Uot COW E ES, 101. Or LJOUR7 Ih~ YRUV~Dec. 2 MOL ASSES, S'fA1' lash Advanced on Cot ton Bought by And] F. E. SALINAS. . 1Dec "*4, 5i-3t. sell, at p' .----.--. D.lBoez. between ON NINE IVE. I will bell on the premriseS, to the highzest der, ini' dder, One? N FRI DA.Y. TH IE 9TfI OF .JAN- of Lint deison B] ! that T ERII Tract of~ Itud int Utniun Cot; f ' Shrf ing on Enoree River, DLc 'a mni.t 1i by amis of J. Wa,. Hunter, P. W. IN ble' antd oth.ers; there ato 20 Acres of as Fine Bet torn Land Willam 75 A cres of Original Forest, ic auctd W e 11 Tfimberedt, anId On the Buildings all Good- a tf"e a will be sold in consitim blreSeparate Tracts; One(* ne of 443 Acres, one of 315, and one of 495 eres. TEitMIS OF SALE-One-third Ca..h, the tanca int two eqail antnu Il instahtnenits, in rst front day (of sale at 10 pier cent., pay- - ,de annally. A Mortae of the. premises Houtsch hh powver of ale. Term A. G M AYBI N- .. .-f WILL THIS INDJ WITH se lie Eberdon Over-Coats. >se ilrown. IleaVY Beave r Over-Coats, ise Itue Ca.stor uuver OV'-oAtS. >se Black Cantor Jtenver Ovcr-Coats, - ige IwIe Chinchilla Ov-r Coat,. >se Dirab Chin:hil i.Over Cats o. - - se B;ue Cloth Cape Uver-Cout.z, - . >se Brown (*lI)t Catpe Over-r:-t.. )>ts I;lek, 1Ie.Vy lcaver ( Uvpe O >se .Al ixed Chiinchil !a Ca pe 1 ver-t,at., .wis nd flankets .t ste sacriic'e. ?orted Cheviot "hirts,. - - - . pot ted Dover Shirts, .tation Cheviot shhirts, We are offering siilar bargains in othe R. & W. ( Dec. 21, -,1.-trf. 4T*Fj--A:-;TA'ES OCiA ME RIfCA. DISTRI OF .4;UTI CAR0 INA. IN BANKRUPTCY. Ex Parte--Boozer, Peoples & Co. In Re-Natthan A. 1litter, inkript. Petition for Le4 ve to Piove Liens. L0 Cre-ditors o| Nathan A. Illoter, whose ims are sc.:red by Lien. :tire to rei.der oath and e t:rIsh their re.,pective L.iens re Garl G. J.' .r, E , Regi-ter, 't ofrce, at Ne. b,:y C. 11. S. C., on or ore the First a,y of Febra:arv next. uv order o S . S l.t., Coort for So. Ca. liAN'L IiOliLIECK, (. 1>. C. U. S. for S. C. )e. 21, 51-:t. acific Guano Company's (CAPITAL $100,000,) -0 IllG C AN is now so well known in the S.,uthern States, for its remarkable cts as an agelcv for increttin. the plo :* of labor, as not to reiuire re m11eitlation; from I].. Its use for eight rs past has cstablishcdt its cbaracter for able exerlience. The large fixed e-tpital ested by the Coinany in tiis trau u't;drds sure t fuarantee of the conlinued excel ee of this Gualno. The siiplies pit( in'-o rket this se.ison are as lieratofore pre -ed under the bupwrintendence of Dr. St. iau Rivenel, Chemist of the Company, it irlestun, S. (.. Ience planter may rest ured that its quality ard coipositionl is eiSely tihe samne as leretofore sold. J. C.R:SN Selling Agenit, Charleston. S. C. JOHN S. REESE & C:., 6r-oeral Agents, lBaltimliore. rrnis-$4S cash ; -:5.; time, % iLtout inte ro accoim,odate pj,!ters, they can order y aind h'Ive in ii st of A pril to dectlide to whether they will take at time or c-A e. When delivered froIi the .e,arV by car, no dray;.ge wii:; he La.-ed. kCID P )il.vT. G!UANi), BONE, ASTRI, &c., it1wa%.s (n hl. d, (1:a.Llity Vilnteed. J. N. RlSN D)ec. 14. -2 . 1E STATE ()F sO.T1 CA lo LNA, COUNTY OF NEWNBERt RY. -COlT OF C -MMON PLEAS. .\gainst ry Ga: land and UTlvae~ R G.irhand, Ad tinitrators de lho:;is non, wi ith the WVill unx., of the Estate ofm E!-j.h WValdrop, ecCaised. Archibal I W.laron, George W. .ory. E!ijah L.'Gary, Jiohin K. i ;arv,F:n es M. Gary, Witliamu G try, Ephraiun F. .r, ) .hne L. Gary, Nathaniel U .ry any la-y A. 1I:ttmond,l chilidren of' Reb:'ca :ir, dece'aed, Williamt M. D,>rroh, John . Pitts, Executors of the Will of Henry turtoni, deceased, and Jordan P. Pool, De eidnts. py Summuons.-For Relief.-Complaini Served. the Detfemats,t5 Marty Garland andu Ulys es It. G.iria d, Ahini sitra:or and! Admtiin trarix dle b.i:tis nton, C. T. A , of the E+ ate of EhIjah Waldrop. deceaised, Archi aG ado ,norge W. G.ry li.t r, .John K. Gary., Franaces al G ry Viliamh Gary, l:phrairo F. Gary, D.aniel L jary, Na.hfttiielL' G:try and Mary A. 11am Villiam M. D)orrob. J1hn D). Pitrs, F.xecu >rs of' the W ill of h eury Unrton, deceased md Jordtan P. Paol: 'out ire hereby sumemoned anid req:: ired tc wer the complain t in lthis tactioni of whief apy is fherew.ith serv'ed upon yout, anlia! v.e a copty ofyour aniswer toi the (lom int on the subscribers ait the-it' rfllee, al wherry Court lituse. South Carolina, in twitty d!aVS after the service herteot' ~lusive of the day of sneh servic.:; .in! ii ifail to ans-aer the cotmplant within th<~ C aforesaid, the~ plaintiff int thtis act-to1 apply to the Court for the relief demand in the complraint. )aed November48. 1873. .]JES .S MITll, C. C. P. s. ES .FAllt. POPE & POPE, Plaintill's Attorneys. the D)efendants, Archibaldi Waldrop eorge W. Gary, Elijab L Gary, John K ary, Frances M. Gary, William Gairy phraim F. G:ary, .amiel L. Gary, Nathan eLI Gary and Mary A. IIammond. childrer af Reea Gairy, decease I: 'ke notice, that the summons in this aic a, of which the foregoing is a copy, wiu atin the office of tIhe Clerk of the Coturt 0: rnmon Pleas, for the Couty ofi Newhmerry State of South Carolinai, att Newberr) trt Iouse, ini said Stte, on the 28th daj Noveaber, A. 1). 1873. FAllt. POP)lE i PoPE, Palaitiff's Attorneys, Newhe'rry C. 11., S. C. lIE BEST PAPE~R! TRtY IT!! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRlATEDJ. 'ho liCENTIFIC AMERICAN tin inl itt i year, enj i*yS te w.tile't eiieniati ,.t 0: erIst.n ifrm .tttaionC ptaintt. ingtlttit' Itstrial, Mca'ft neal, andii cientti'' Pro t.i t he Wortd I; l)ieseiipt ions. w th fte fi i Enia'tvings.lf New' hioventions-.New' lini menvts. Neaw Praocesses, tiad iprova' hstriSt of atlt kith.; U-ct ul Notes, Ie a's, "tugge'sl t i' In Adice by' actic a -it-trs for workmaetn alt Emirployers, it the var ius :i rts. 'ho~ SQUISNTIFIC AMERICAN ts t' lhlaIl iand beat illud raied weeklIy pap:r pubIllt originaul elgratviilgs of liew '. ttil iltr coerVias, tand ittpotnti Woriks. petin tot (ivii a.I Ma-ahaniien! E::neing lig, itiing and~ .\tl tairgy ; l'o-cords inie,t progre.atS in thea Applien'tttin it 1llig. N4 i4ta. Tlegraphylt, TIee 'ARMER.S, a1ecaii es, Enigineeres, Inven.t iit O 'lotaeture,. Cherit. i overiS. il sple of atlt Professonts, will rand tlit ENrWic AMIIntCAN useiefu to thteai. Ii mutli:hae a place in every ftamii, c. ihra Stdy. Offlee, anti Conunting lioom; i:r 'ry Reaing Rtoom, ollege?, cAe.idemuy. 01 year's nutmbers conitin r'I pages anld rhyt~ Hls pi.:i) ENoturtsa.. 'Th'niamb~til volgu;is artt pgspyye ita r lit'biptiling 4gdi ierer.c. Thu purei retes;pig ;tre wu rt ten tilfnes theL' subscr'iptionl pr1ice. tms. $3 a y'ear bly inatil. l>iscoutnt tc it<. Spaecimen ia-enit free. Mamy be hadl a: TETS In connectionwihh as McNNa & Co. arc Solicitors of A mer. ) and etignl Paitents, tiaT ha1ve theC epJIi~jXtlt i~ thec worldl. Marc IIWineCd on' thwbsttems dlels of N.ew 1Iventions~ andi sketches ex ied and advic rco. All patents are lished in the Sclentille Atner-ican the~ ek they Issue. Setnd for Pamphlet, 11C ;es, contiintg laws iand foil directiomi obtaiidg Patents. ddress for thec Paper. or concerning~ :etS. MUNN & Ct).. 37 Parik Ro0w. N. Y. Icl 'Ofice, cor. F-. and 7th Sts.. Washlig. , D.C. Dee .24, 51-t f. Strayed or Sto]en, rm the Sitipcriber, some ivfo or three :ks ago, a yountg, good M[l.Chl C'OW i pale rod,. smooth arOp andlt under bit in ba ear, hasr htorns,anrd whtich n-ill ealv'e in the iug. It' smrrtyed, I will -;ive 65~ for haer re er'. If stolen, will give $Ii0 for hear re m... .am.1 w,elm ...:.u. to..t V.imi I the' lif.r r ' .MisceManeous. e for FinI Dischargee is herewiah given that I will make Houorate Jantes C. Lealhy, as rudge of Newberry, a final settle the estate of -py intlestate, Charles ,deceased, the first dav of February ininediately thereafter apply for a barge as Administrator of said Es DAVID b. JOHNSON, Es!. of Charles Johnston, dee'd. Th 51 - 5t- T' -- - Th< ice to Creditors. hulding denads against the Es- Th1 ihu B;ew.u K;aard, dec'd., are here- T d to render the same in, duly attest- i ing to law, to the undersigned or T -eys, Me-.srs. Johnstone & Harring- Si: 5wberry, S. C., on or before the 1st Im :bLuary, 1S74. I 1 QCINCY M. KINARD, in Adni'r., of .. B. Kiuard, dec'd. . 1-3 *. EEVERSED. nifections, Fruits, Nuts, &., rally sold at highest figures just be istmas, but on account of MAR i anxiety to realize money, he will, on, sell all these goods (and he has ind varied assortment) at LOW TICES. ;1) OYSTERS AS USUAL, SERV ED UP IT ALL TIMES. md see 31A RSiAILL before you buy then if't sarist-y you, go - you please and he will tior object. cia -COMEANDPAYl1MWIA1 YOU cn h1. Dec. 17,50-1t. bei ration and Pic-Nic. s J lod Templars of Trinity Lodge, will 1'elebration and Pic-Nic at Trinity ewberry County, ou TUESDAY, a INS r. Speeches may he expected Heury 1. Mood, the Graud Chief and others. The pu>lic generally, F Newberry Lmdge and New Chapel pecily, are invited to be present. utendini- will ple)ac brinZ baskets. J. S RUS.ELL. T. .1. MAFFET. E. C. LONCSHORE, Comnittee of Arrangementits. 1, 50-2t. k and Hichmpnd Air Line all Railway. t dul 4F '~4 TJ - w*' 'U 3- el after 'MONDAY, Icc:mber 8. 187', iltv Uger. Acconanw-datiuu aud Freizht th( the Atlatat and Richmond Air-Laue ll Kill run as foilows: OlNG NORTa-.PA,ESS TRtASIN. [ata............ ........ .. ... .00 p m leca Cty....................1118 P Ju ec ville............ .... 1.54 a m Ch artanburg.. ......... ........... 4.M6a m Charlotte.................. ........... 8.06 a m w,1\G SoUTi--xitESS Tl.AN. irlotte................ S.48 p m artanburg-............................... 1.21 a w !enville............................. ... 3.24 a in eca City....................... . ... . 5.31 a M Atlanta....... .. ......................12.24 p m I NOUTu -- COXZXODATION TEAaI. re ants... ................................... 5.24 a u ieca City...............4.... 4-45 p eUvillte ........................--- ...- S-09 p Di axo 2rtauburg.............. ........11 42 p na a; Cirlotte. ..............27 a in pr SOUTI--ACCOMMODATION TLAIN. tI arlotte .............. .. .............. 8.12 a m rtulibuzg.................. 3 24 p P .enville. .......... ........... . . . 7 G4 pim Iea City. .......... ...........11.26 p m giu Atlauta . ... ... . ............11.48 a in It. Y. SAGF. Eug. & $up't. T1 Sherill"s Sales. OF SOU'TH ('AROINA, NTJY OF NEWBERRY 's. Attaclnnt under Lien Long. rlue of the above Att.xelaaent, I at public auction,. at Ne-wberry C. First Mondhiy in Janauary next, e [4] Bales of Cotton. ia the property of Griffix Lon.. S CASH. C J. J. CARRINGiTON, s.s. c. SOlfice, Dec. 19, 187:5. t~ OF S3OUT11 CARIOLINA, NTY OF -NE WBE RRY. ROBATE COURT. '.-N. E. L.eitzsey, Adaan'x., D.- M. Levitzsey, dee'd.t rSale of Notes and ChxoseLs itn Ac tioni. tue of an order in thxe abloveC case, anu Judge of Probute, I will sell, at a etiona, at. Newt.eray C. ii., S. I., O. First Mamnda:y itn .J.nuary next, Ne OES and CHiORES IN A(TION, 2 g to the Estate of D. .\. Lei:zaey, yo tiU of Sal--CASH. wi 4, 51-2t. j:;.5)0I OF' SOUTH CAROLINA, NTY OF NE~WIBERRY. To Bowers & Co., Att,tehnuent . F. IIhrri:ngtonx Lien. rt. of theu abiove At tachmtt -t, I ' at. pulblic auc.tio:t it New berry' C. ria flik Co Fir Monaday in -January next. ani One H unidred and y [150] Bushels of I les, attachxed axs thec property of A CAsIf, J. J. CAIRINC l'O, M. s. c. 4, 51--20. f5.)5. " OF 80OUTII CAROLINA kI NV OF NEWHERiT Y. m R. Moorman & Co.. v'. tiI erson Boozer andx Peter Boozer. Attachunent Uder Lien. ei c e of thie ab>ye~ .4ttachuxlent, I wsill l i,lic auction, at tLa riiemue1. ' rday, the 3d of Janxuary netxt, Ii, three and four o'clock. I 1) Bush~1els of (Corn, tre or i en I fundred (1500)ILb.. ittf Fod lr or~ less', and1( xo Ifutdted and Fifty (i50) 1b.L Cotton. tot Sci .ve .attaec as5 thx2 property of An- je rozr xand Peter Boozer. Sc, S CASH. sh< J JT. C.\R RING [0ON, S. N. C. ry, s Offie, Dec. 20, 1873. r OF SOUTII CAUOLINA, NTY OF NEWBERRY. HE1I PROBATE COURT. Martha E. Koon. Plaintiff', Against A, H. K(oon and others, Defeis4ants. ica titon for Sale of Personalt. ate, , IMe First Monday in January next, o Iwe e residence of A. HI. Koon, deceased,y Personal Property of said deceased, for | Mube, Ba os, Corn. Cotton Seed, uld anxd Kitehenj Fu.rniture, &c. ca of Sale-CAShf. 8PI J. J. CA RRING i-ON, S. N. C. ico' . , (Jmce D.... 2. on73 icoI rellaneo?r'. CE YOU TO PART YOUR B ACK . OLU .... -. S. . . . . . '- $ '.". " 1l . . . . . h. L-- $ 5, - ::1 . . . . . .-- $ 1. " j A '13 . .... . -- $., - $2.50 good-. . SWAFFWILD, COLUMBIA, S. C. 'N~ ll*lsums* ,ad Orjh.tu,. Friilly SuldletW, NEW.ARK, N. .1. CASH CAPITAL $25,000-J. Any heltty nan. 1etweC the 0gs of Is :41t1 i;5 veara. Iay b1ectnue a lileliber o, tiIs Soviety . S.ini. i :ii 0 00 1-; 5 :;1 511 2 p) 1200 00 tp 32 0 I. ou :13 ( lyl 4S 00 los. .JolIN W11Till .l>..% . Iresidunt. .ildiress. 1G.J. G . 1 l.lT s ,e Al .gent. 1ount Phant, nleatr Cimris S. C. The Piedmont & Arlington Li Insurance Co., ()f RIlCHMOND, VA. Assets J : try t. F'7:3, - - - ' 00 Divinle:tt' to) Pi.le lioldir4.1" , 0. 'iW 0 Reserve. being ainllotIlt neces,4a ry to re-insure all 1tisks. - - - .!.t.M5 00 BEN.J. G. Ill-i'10T, Special Agent, Monit Pleasant. near Cirleton,l ,. c. Dec. 1W, et Christmas and New Year! THE PLACE TO GET HANDSOME AND) Serviceable Presents A. A. NATHAN'S, Iyou wtUit FANCY ALTICL.ES go to Na tLuLn':. (a hall.oni Io lt I- reivd.) Ifyu W.ILt ('1,iCi-:tY OF ANY KIND, If yo vanit (.l11ant G;LA-i.WI:F. sin-le or in se t-. g. ti Nath:u 's. wi) has just re ;e l :1 r lot u l f1or CAristniAlms presenlt:. An,l ifyout want ANYTiNE. goto NATHAN'S ASD -TET iTEM CHEA P. Dec. 17, 5o--I:m. GARDEN SEED. BU IST'S Warranted Fresh Stock GARDEN SEED OF ALLKIND". Together wI ith White and Red Onion Sets. Now inI*' .utad 'or saxle by DR. S. F. FA N]', IIOLIl1V1NN0(FMT! A FAMILIAR SOUND. THE JALAPA STORE ("even m.)IIIilfom1 Newberry,) IN t:ECFIPT OF NEW AND 011010CE 600DS! J. B. CAMPBEF ". no0w in rece'ipt 0f IL splenee. 17, 50-3:..E ST.T.: OF 80111 CA iL NA . IN 1PR)8.\TiE 'OVi RT. Jofn A. EhIlore. aL- *t di, 'r., o. W il'iam and o,thers. Vetiton uor Partition i Land-d and Sae to Pav ChtS. B virtnw of an -r- iTn :he .br.VC Cae. frotn the Ion. J. C. Lil, I wi1 selt, at pub :e aILiul, at Newbey C 11., S. C., O. ind I Jiul next. the foll,win.' Feal ate belonginit- the E,t:e if W :l J:n .I,rt:, de rvd iz: 0'o Tra Int -nnowi as ra:,ct No. 2, us pr %\: hieti ill b exlibited on day o f .- av,s o f c o n a mt:re or ;z, an.1 h::ded bY land of, Jacob Rlawkins, Lvday!tisek, Willi2itn Da vi,, George a!rowvad David Kibler, and bv Fraiets No. 3 a:N,. 1. cr-dit of wVe iC with interest from tu1r:g.l_e of thle ppie st-Cil Elhe pay unn!11 of lie cre, ;,ortimi, and to pay fur Solid at i - of fnr pt:cha-rs. J J. (1it.-NGfON, S. N. C. Serif' Officec. 13, 1873. Dec. 17, 50-3t;!1 STATE OF PTi CAROLINA, (W _NT"Y-F NEW BERIRY. Mtri:n WV;, Subler,) by xt friend, hI if. Sub uardian, awd othor,. John 11eller, :the uIie of J. I.fel:er, I Propert v. Ivey M Stibwr I .Ii.D. '.uber. Ca--lard i.ther, I I 1.z Ivey .luber. 11y virtui ofe tl)o% Execut:ions, I will sell, Oi the FirsJoaday in Juary noxt, at Newl)erry if., S. C.. Nine I[ldred [900] Cres Of LiUld, more or .lSi1lA!e inl s.d County and Sta:e. and tdedlb Li ladk of Wuj. Wad lice, 1'. W. tell, .state of S. 1. Davis, :11 tl l1ine o.i. L.:vied upon as the propertdvey M. Suber. TElRU6 0!i. l'treiaCr to pay for pa pers. . " % F J. CxlNitlNG'ON, S. N.C. SherifrT, Liev. 15, 1S71. Dc. 17, -.0 STATE-' SU il CAROI(LINA. i 1-1E'RR.\TxE CoUfRT Riard erl isle, as the A.imrl. If theC eS talle o 5. Sei;r, deeased, Plain tit, against Amatida 1es,Anai. Seig, andI others, P'etitionl p.le of landsi to pay debts, for partilion, &c*. By virpf anl older ~in the ablovei case from~ tge of 1ii1hate, I wi; sell at pub lie aucti;tt Newf..erry C. Hi., Ona the'! lurnday in JIaary ne.rt all the r, title and ulrterest oif thle estate of Sami'Seig, deceased, iln the tract ofa Onwndred anid Fajtan l15) acres, i or ls e. bonided by the~ lands of or GeoE:it, deed,. and o- hers, ich l said trof bl' has betel:i ssignied to Mrs. Aman.. Seig for life, as her dower in the lands ml( S Seig, deca-ed. Te.rtOue half enhi, halan1ce on1 a credit b o)f twem4onthsli, nithl interest from day - of sagedit portion to~ be iecuied bya bonid o fpurchaser aInd a mortgage of theE premisPu-chaser to pa:v for p ipers. J. J. CAI:tilNG CON, S. N. C. P ShleLf>Tee, Dec. 16, 1873. Dec.30-3t. !10 STfA'OF' SOU.T11 ' 1PAOLINA, - c(T1Y 01F NEWBERRY.- S Richs. Cairlisle, as A dm'r., of the Estate j4 snuel S. Seig, dee'd , Plaintiff. Againfst Amal.. Seig, Anna R. Seig, and odhers, i )l>?ofen:ns. Petit!, Sell L-unis :o Pav Debits for Patr- CI Bly.e of an1 order in th.e aboIive stated Iat cased th -;u.i.:e of Proib.tte, I will self, at p~ine:onI, at N.:n beiry C II.S. C., S One F'irt IM onday in1 Jan ury- Next, F the wing il-aI [':ate belonlging to theC Esti Sam uel S. S:ig, de'd., consisting Il of pr T'dHundred andThry two (2:32] Aerety mc-less, and1 boundled by landls of Thorn. lacial be sold byv a Plat, wi ch will be ex':d onl daty o(1 $.. 11IS-On.:-half (.ashi: balauce on a ertf twelve month<-, withl interest from dgale, credit portion to be0 secured by bof puichaser and a mortgage of the pres. Purchasier to pay for papers. Ja J. J. CARXIItNGTON, S. N. C. liT's Oiic, Dec. 16, 1S73. 'E OIF SOUTll (AROLINA, Ih 'UNTY OF NEWBIERY- 01 TIIE PRO1(BAT1E (COURT. th a.X WVilson. :as the Aldm'r., of the Estate " A.:ainst iF Wi!hon, Vernlon C. Wil-on, Thomn N. Wihdon anid John W. Wilson, De .ants. ha for Sale of L.lnd to Pay I)ehta &c. II virmel of anl od-r inl theL above cas-e,JI Ithe dJ eli 1.f jiwh-e. 1 will selil, at pub- a1 1 in,at Netn berry C. H., S (C , I the First Monday in1 Janl U;i'V NeXt, for llo.winIg Real Estate belon:rinIg to the Sof Thloma t. W I.n deed. Hundred and1 Eighty - von [187j Aeres Of Land,I or less, l:sa thle llomestead to be set the saiid Lr.u!t F. Wikon and others, ounded by lands of M HI. Garv, An J. Lo hr and( oth--rs. Dow'er ab assigned to the said Ursula F. Wilsont. Cat f said land i|i be exhlibited on d!ay of DIS-One-ha'f C.Ishl; hlalance on1 a of twelve mnonths, ith interest fromt r:-Ie, cre.dit p8Irtionto be I1eenretd by (ot' purbse and0 :118 mo :r:g of th 1 as ses. Purchaser ma:y pay al e.tsl if be nt ill s. Purch :1eer to p:.y for papers. H1., -1 J. CAl1titNGT( N. S. N. C. On riif's Omeie, Dee. 16, 1873. 0 17, 50-3t. !0 all l'E OF MOUTfil C2AROINA. coni OUNTY OF NEWB3ERRY.8 Dickert urle. Attachen:t Under Liec. virtueC of :hle bove A;xnt, I il at Publie Outery, mlor ria, h 2t Daly of D)ecemn Ler. 1.S73. n1.11 i:, S. C.,, to the iihihet bidd1r, cred E (1) BALE OFV CO.TTON, ad I JtpoI ais the property of D. 31. Grc, the chas 318 CASH. Sc J. J. f'A RRINGTON, s. N. C, ar1' nff.ce nm. 9, w-. cS, SHERIFF'S SALE. IN '-ROH.\TE COURT1. I. 1. %iot1 l, A r Jv.. v i h A. BOU : l , i- I ollor J . L . J : for :he Cutunt. of N\ . se:. : :es : f ho : C rl : a Iw :1 !. : ::iie 1 : e ion!, a: N'.w:)C1 r y C,ucti-:!, .: On i he .i t :-. 'nd i .J:L1nu:.ry nx on :1. f lk -.sin : - 1. t ,:-, viz : 0;.k Tr. a:,.im a si i T\\'W.NTY ACRES, :;t:o ! , - nd it.m lt d byv L.tndps lft H. Boizer, G.roline C LbJ'./.B zC: :L- . . a r 1 ror a::. r to pa J. J GAlt',N1GT4N. sN. c. Sh.-r: J', .e. I D ie tembr s. 1-7 3. Dee 17, 93. f it :*TATE C. 1)iT .111OLINA, COUNTY O NEWBi'lRRY. T IN PiB.TE cOURT. HOgh RodI.L- and Mary E., hiS wife, V.C Ai.n SloaLl an1d othet. Pe. ion fOr .b-d of Land. In :ri:L::ee of an order to me directed, :i !h. 1 ta:- d Case, Iy the Judge of Pr!ba:e b. s.d Co:unty and Slate, I w:I svi!, :it pub 0w auctio,t Newberry Court (hI the Firt Monday in Januarv next, thie floing221 Real E.Ma2e: OIle Hundred Acres, ii.k-re or .,s, t,mded b lui.d. of John P. Ki , ird %:,a iI n: i :rd TIERMS OF SA LE-Onte-h:Ilf Cath ; bal O.Ce: (IN at credi! of twe -c II:o th tlls tith ill 1r*t fro:1 !a VOf -ale, pI chaser to give 1 and good t:ety uith uortgage of the p::ssto soe!:rc thle credit portin, and .o pay sor ptipers. J. J. CA RR INGTION, s. .. SherifPs Onice, December 8, I 73 Dec. I-,, 5o-*":. f lo. ST.ITE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF NEWBERItY. IN Pi1OBATE COURT. 1). If. Wheeler, Adm'r., Petition :. for Jame W 1). Jo!hnsson, Sah- If a:d otheli. j Land. Ii pujr.:ance of anl order in th. above tited ea2e, to te directed, by the Judge >f Probate. I will :4i, It piblile auction , at % en berry C. H ., S. C., l tl. Fir;t M1cmday in January next. heu following Estate: Two Hundred Acres, iur.: or ies i: t , ns.i Couitv and at.-, and3 bounded by lanl ! of .Joi MeM. .:Ames, Dr. J. P. JohlnIS.m, D. F. Jetikint,, ame, W. Il ywood a::d othiers, the ,ame Iin te I:e I! E-1ae behon.g1:" to the Es ale I.f !s wJOhINSon, dlece.i.:.. TiI FS - SA LE-Il Af c:A-, b.danIce oin redit of one ear. with bonI and approved tiretv, and mlortgage o' the premliges to 1Cure credi: I or,;->m. Purchaser to pay 'ar p.ipe:s. J. J. CFRRNTN . X. C. Dec. 37, 5-3t.t SHERIFF'S SALE. 'TATE OF SOL TI! (CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW BERRY. IN CO3DION PLEAS. aigins .t i For . ells, James5 Gauntt, r F'oree!osure. and J. B S:zith, Defiend.ants J InI pursuIan1ce of an1 orde-r to me:. directed. I theC above stated ease, hv ii Honor, ud.g.e M'owes, I wili selIl, at piablic auction, SNew!,etry to :rt HIoris, IIa thet First Mon:day in Jau-iry next. Ie fo!lowzing R.-. E11-tate One Tracet of L.and containing' E LEVEN ACR ES, Ore or lesoi, 2.1ituate in2 said CounIty anmd ate, anId 2e.dr the Town of New b'erry, anid un1:ded by landsi of J U.Xins B. Imi th, W. A. linIe, M a:hew Gr.ay, Ili:ram OMcMorries, andic 'til- of' Mr.. !ielen O'Nea!!. TERMS C.ASh. P'urchlaser to pay for J. J1. C AflRINGTON, s. y. c. Shier'ff's OfTiee, Dee. 11, 1873. Dec. 17, 5o-3t. y10 TATE OF SO1TII CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERIRY. 43h2 E. Webb & Co., ) Atachmenlt WV. Koon. Under bier.. By' virtuec of an Attacehmen1t in the above se, I will sell, at pulici auction, ai the First Monday in Jamnuary next, Newberry C. H., ix~ Jundred (600) lbs. of Seed Cotton, mre or less. ifteen (15) Bushels of Corn. >re or l-ss. The aboei attached as the perty of J1. W. K(oo. TERMS CAS!!. J. J. CARRING\TON, s.s Sh"riffs Office, Dec. 1I 18S3 Dec. 17, 50-::t. 7E OF SOUTHI CAROI COUNTY OF NEWBERILUM IN TIHE COMD10N LE Jesse C. Smith, Clerk, )ComU9 ' moes Crawford, an:d othmer. )Forelo~ By~ virtue of' ani order fromn his H-oi Moses, inI the a,bove stated CaseC, I i I, aL tIblic aunction, ait Newberry Cour use, South Carolina, the First Mo)nday iti January next, following descrii>ed Real E gSgyz1ifs Se.. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA -COUNTY OF NEWRRRY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. Perinelia Lindsay, Pl.iitiff, ) Petition agint I for Sarah Louis. Holo%ay alnd ; Partitoni others, D, fentid.,ijs. j of L.nds. Il purz.twce of an order in the alove cas,, fron th- Hoi. J. (. Teajly. Judge 01 Probate fur Newbert County, I A ill .vlI, at _Neu bert C H., at pul c outery, On M nd the .5th day of January, 1>74. to the hi dth. l --r, the Jo'owng Real E-;tat, viz : Tract No. 2, co:.taiig One Iuid-cd aid T e tv Seven and One-half 127H) Acres of Lind, more o: !ess, b1ounid...4 by Yan, of Mitihew lI, org Flcrs, Tract No. 1. J.1o) 11. LooZer, ;.ld !%'ig on water. of S.i-& Riv. er. . R .M". OF SALE-iietthird Ca. ; bal Ince 0- .1 - r.d: of ielve m1lnth-, Iith in terv.. th4reo:: from1 the day of alei, with a uond of pur: h.tser an.d at m.ortgagc o! the pre.tnile to Aceure the payment of the cred it portion. Purchaser to pay for papers. J. J. CARIN NG TON, s. i. c. Sherifls 01lic, Dec. lo, 1873. Dec. 17, ,0-:t. f I' STATE OF SOUTII CAROLINA, COUNTY OF N%BERRY. IN THE PROBATE OOURT. Saralh A. A. Pouzer, who :uee) Petitiou lby her Gnialrian, ad lieImI, for J.imes F. G!enn, Plaintif, Partition avaint of John A. Boozer, Thonias N. I Land lioozer, James S. Boozer, aud anid Datn. T. Boozer, De- Periial feidants. J Property. In po.rsuance of an order in tie abovo case, !ruw the Ilon. J. C. Leahy. Jadge of Probate fi Ne- berry County, I Ai.1 sell, ait ptblic ou:cry, to the highest bij, r, On Monday, 5th of January, 1874, at Newberry G. B., the following Real Es tate v iz: Ninety (90) Acres of Land, mxre or, bou Aded by lands of James B. Clary, Mrs. Jolhn C. Booz-r, Mrs. Margaret Ghupp, a:d 1nds formerly belonging to the Eittate of Thos. X. Boozer, belouging to the Esta:e of Martha Jane Boozer, dec'd. TERMS-One-half Cnsh; balance on a creidit of twelve iontlhs, with ititerezt there. on fron the day of sale, purchaser giving t,oid and a imortgage of the premises to se care the payttent of the credit portion. Ptirchaser to pity for papers. J. J. CARRINGTON, s. ). c. Sheriff's Ofive. Dec. 1I, 1873. Dec. 17, 50-3t. t 140. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. Danxielei'', Plainltiff, vs. J11o. M. Pen. n;:ton, Defendant. Execution Againsit Property. BY virtt:r of' anl Execution directed to me inl tie ahove case, I will sell, at public outcry, On Monday. 5th of January, 1S74, at Ncwuberii (. 1., to tite highest bidder, tie following Real Estate, viz: One Lot ,ituated in the Town of Helena, T H REE (3) A CRES, 1ore or less, ami bounded by !ots of oo Glen, G. & C. R1. I Co., BroAn and oth. "ra Levied upon as the proierty of J. If. P'eniniig:ox, at the .suit of' Daniel '4eigler. Swd at ri,k of former purchaser. TERMS C A'U. Purchaser to pay for p:L er.. J. J. CA RRINGTON, s. N. c. Shxer'ff's Oflice. Dec. 9, 1573. Dec. 17, .i--St. {10 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN THE PROBATE COURT. George W. Glenin. T.rustee,)l Plaintiff, Order aginst ~ . in Mary S. Gilliaint, et al, I Partition. Defendants.J I3y lirtu:e of ain orde-r in the above case, fromt the~ Hon .J. C. Leahy. Judge of Pro bate for Newberry Co tyt, I will sell, at public outcry, to rhe igh~.-st bidder, Ox the First Monday in .January, 1874, at Ne'wberry C. II., the following Real Es ta:e, v:z: 3G2b ACRES OF LAND,' more or ie-s, belonxgii.g to the Estate of M.cry A. Gle'nn, dee'd., and bounded by hu ds of Geo. A. Sligh, Mayes & Martin. Dr. G. W. Glenin and others. To be sold in three separate tracts, plats of same will be furui.hed on 'day of sale. TERtMS-One-thtird Cash; balance on a credit of onie acnd two years in equal annual instainments, ui:hi interest from the day of sal?e, purchaser giving a bond and good se :turity anxd a mortgage of thene weuctre the payment of the Pu rchiaser to pay or -' Ser. GOODS !ISHENT Ol & 0, BIA, S. C. itingz our City I F.12JL1ES 'aote or ...__crs :R. 'ondi.- :-c unde Sby lanids of Joha seltox nt,-icsa Sbr Mrs. Morrs Terms e. , nd John HIaltiwaiger. a er' -t oafone al f eash - balamc he d 't f on yer, ith3 nauerest frog a e at aceven per centt. per an. -10 tobesecredbya bond and .Itae te premtises to the Judge of ,ihaL utudte to jg. for~ -ts J. J. CA RRNGTO orp , 'Ii- 01 SOU:TH CAROLINA (")'NTry- OF NEWBERRaY. iN P'ROBATE COURT. 'iela-r .ut c Adt'., etc-, of Langston V. 'ab; lw' Ad'., Plamtiff, against A. G. e 'dee', Adnr .-, of Abraham Wick. r, dcd., et al, Defenidaxnt. P'etition for Sale of Lands. -'y virte of the Decretal Orde:r of the our,b iJ mes C. Leahy, Judge of said o, te raboveH Cttd actio;. I;ilI~ aeday, the 5th of January, 1874' So Ing tofF .hhgest icdr,th fO A I ret or wit :~i 'd h oe or less a bounded by lands or EZ 'a, the property of' LI sThn . tWeceg e'd., anid another tract of land, containn FORTY-TWO ACRES, >re or less, and bounded by lands of J .Caldwehl, N. E. Rhodes, and other ilands beig the property of Langsto Ternms of SaIeCcASg. I will also sell at the same time, One Bay Mare Mule. One Lot Cotton Seed. One Lot Plow Gears. And one half interest in a Black ith's Bellows. . J. J. GARRINGTON .x.c ~heriff's Office, Dec. i~;, 1873,