The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 03, 1873, Image 4

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DE IY FO]r TIE ET ('A OW'S UDDER. ows frequently have so siiht touch of the garget that their proprie tors do not always observe the fact.-. A !ei.hIbor's cow, during the past sea S'n, was affected with the garaet. so that her u.ilk was full of small and hard lumps of milk. But they did tot observe it until the difficulty w,s poimted out to them. L. B. Arn(Ad -Cretary of the American Dairvmeny Associaton, says :-Garet maye cured if takeu in season. To rednee the swelling and lumps in the udder if any exist, rub the swollen pari6 twice a day, till they disappear, with a liniment made by mixinrg one-hal ounce of oil of turpentine and one-half Ounce of liquor of ammonia with a half pint of linseed oil. This will rc move them if anything will. The ap pearance of blood in the strippings is an Cvidunce of weakness in the lacteal glands. They are too much debilita ted to hold the lood they take up long enough to elaborate it into milk. when the milk alrea,ly formed is re moved, and ceases to afford any resis iance to the passage of the blood into the tubes of the udder. The blood which appears in the strippings has, doubtless, a bright and fresh appear ance. The lacteal ulands should be streugtheued by increasing the gener al vigor of the animal and by lessening the labor of the glands by abating the Alw of milk. To increase the strength f the animal some kind of grain that will not be heating should be given. A gruel made of scalded oatmeal would l. as effieacious as anything. To di:inish the fow of milk leave a little in the ba at each n:ilking till the l S.:1d dis:Crears, but do not leave so mueh ss to create any fever in the bag. ,:top miiking just before you suspect the blood will begin to appear in the L;ilk. When the milk ceases to be c:lred by blood the milk mlav all e drawn out as usual. Anot.her remedy for the garget is a pitee of poke root, so:aetinmes c:ld -koke root.' as large a.s a man's fore inyer, cut into sall pieces and mzin: edi with a cow's feed twice a day. A Woim T FAten':ns' Boxs. \\e hope every farmter' s son will set cut. at least, one cornamecnt::l tree on ibe homestead. It will be one of the iir-t thingrs he will look at wheu lhe retura:s home at somte future tie. We :hways search1 out the apple trees tha:t we raised from the seed hat g venerabe. ~looking~ trees, and derive a pecdulizr pleasure as they help the memt try to run Lack to the scenes and 1.lkasures of Layhood. To-rday we sa~ a beautihul maple timt we set out iwnym er ::o. (o a::d get a healthy 1:.O.king~ supr maple. with as miany r. ots as possible. Cut the p~ of Ku le. the sm:ll under. NL.E it out Lefure the bud~ bei to) swell in a rich, and it wih m.r1w and be an ora:elit to your ei. A lmzost everyV boy is axo thie ti a.e to con:e wheni he shal iy * ' .ho:e a;.d see the worl! for 1, ;elf, b,ut after he L:as b,een bruised t' .c '' fe years he~ tm mrlS n eves wi-. d th la.q o his bL:yhood whevr -;verv o. - t has. pce'a ar inuterestaan i.ei ca e beautifuol tree thait uma a hands lante d. it. will add n.uen , hli' ph.aire. Parents are often .v dge. '4 n' ke immel1( aluraetive tc theih.-'s, bu ity c aant bue - r .,- Weihpe that whet de r Lv vou h~ .Ao, we shad se( trees pated by your ownhad p>I, .' Fow Ls-Feed fowls litle .nd often It is a very careles: n.,.rod, o' feedi..g ibwls whiei~w c detd. whtere the gr:u a us.n dwnin ga reat heaps ont. *r .un (1or i t is not only waste tor-J,anid it i- 1m an n r,''iLrespect contirary to their nab -. r their naiture is to u'serateni. * he old hen with a broad whet I ust l':t out of thre coop. Jird v.l. tirsfomU the spet, but as/0 v she has realized her freedom, dowi .o her claws into the soil, and after Sard, whenever you see her. she is a it. Always feed, then, no more that canl be e:,tenl at once, audtk 0 thiat this is seatuered amhonig someC lighi iubbish, that they maly have the lux nr o ertlmIf.r- i-. If feed n 1.uriedI in fresh earth, then they get with their mo1uthfuls of grain, soruC thir'u of use to their p;euliar diigest VK OriUlns. G;rain, h:owev.r, im . e ..!!'wed to :eC ini a(et.wmi lit by, tainted svil tOO enecn tsu ithe poultry yard .-'on!lry L.rld T.o. rt.iN..-- .:ak three taliiespoonifuls of tapico:t in water over igt:pour ofl the water. put t:apioc in one ciuant of boiling milk and boil ten minutes: beat the yelks of four eggs, a cup of sugar and three table. spoonfuls of cocoanut ;stir in. boil five nminutes longer, pour in pudding dish. ihe:t the whites to a stiff froth, with three tablespoonfuls of white sugar-; put this over the top. and brown five minutes. PLANT YOUNG TREES. Most persons want fruit trees two or three years old under the1 impression that they will obtain "ruit sooner than from young ones. This is an erroneous idea. The best age at which to plant an apple or peach tree is one year from the bud or graft. At this age the root is two years old and the top one. They are generally termed year 'ings. We decidedly prefer this agc, even if they are not two fe -t i.ih, to older trees six feet in he.ght, or even higher. Wby ? as s an inquirer. Because you you take up the yearlings almost I enwirely. Very tew of the roots ar*e bri.k: or otherwise injured, aul i*t p:mY,ted in the fall they grow nearly as well as if they had riot been removed at all. As the trees get older the roots extend farther, and the second year they are too long to be taken up without mutila ti,on. Fully half and almost all of the small working roots are cut off, and it .vill take two or three years f.r the tree to recover. By this time the yearling has caught up and generally outgrown the older tree. In the Spring of 1SGS we trans planted a lot of trees, mostly two years old. We had eight small yearlings, that did not average over a foot and a half high. All were planted with the same eare and in the same manner. i'Y grew off the first season and did very well, the 'i:all ones gaining p)erceptibly ou tle larger ones. L ist fall they were all about the samenc size. Now, the younger ones are decidedly tie laer, and in every respect are superior trees. S We have noticed the same thing repeatedly before. There is 1.o advantage in planting even two year Old trees. You have better trees, and fruit fully as soon, by pianting yearlings.-Partation. DIPTHERIA.-The fol!owing ree ipe for the cure ofdiptheria is from a physician who says that of one thousaUd cases in w hieh it has been used not a single patient has been lost. The treatnient consists in thoroughly swabing the back of mouth and throat with awash made thus: Take salt, two drains; black pp , golden seal, iitrate of pot aTh, atlumr,one dram each. Mix and pulverize, put into a teacup, which half fill with boiling water, stir wvell, anid thecn fill up with good vinegar. Use every half hour, one, two, or four hours as recovery pro gresses. Theptienmay swailowv a lit tle each time. A pply one ounce ece of sweet oil, spirita of turpenrtine. and aqua ammonia. mixed, to thre whole surface of the thrc*at and over~ the breast bone, every four hors keeping flannnel to the parts. PRESERVING SGGS.-J' C. Hig- 4~ gins, Deliii Mils, Michigan, writes: "In auswer to corresj o:dent in June numiber about preserving eggs, I would say that I think thre following plan will keep them, and without gir ing them any unnatur:d flavor :Dip them in boiling hiet water, taking out immuediatey,thou lay them: in fresh salt. searate from each other,small end down To my certain kinowledge, eggs that were paicd after this plan last sumi mer, were as fresh apparently when used in April, as when laid. I know o:ne womrran whou sold four h.unr dred d.oz.ei at one~t ha:e duriing the wnter, when they were highi, that were put down during the sununer *in this way ;they were all gIod. (PouHrndy Wiorld. To P'RENREAt LETTnUCE.-Prepare a iixture-a eup ef rieb niilk or thin eremP one egg beaten light, a table sp'.ufnul of mustarJ, a lump of butter hlf size of an egg, salt to your taste. Set on the fire uutil the ingredients y' are thoroughly heated. Whein cold add by degrees a cupful of strong vine gar. This mixture poured over the lettuce will mt1O-.. very appetiz ing~ additioui to a dinrrrc, HE'S NEsTs.-HIen's nests should be made by placing in the bottomr of the nest-basket or box a cut turf arid a shovelful of dry carth or ashes; on tis~ place shod straw, first hollowingr *out the earth in the 3hapa of at nest. A more even temperature is obtained for the eggs than in straw nests alone. Such nesis are particularly adapted for aly setting, when the weather is cold. Cooi A UTIoRITrY.-Class the dif erent breeds of fewls thus : For hardd iness- -Br ahiums, Hloud:rns,H amburn Spaish, arid Leghrorns. For size Brahma and Cochins. For size of eggs-La Flechro, Hioudanrs, and Black Spanish. N umber of eggs-lf amuburgs, SnihLeghrorins, arid Polands. For setting qualiies-Coahins, Bahm~s NERtvois H s.4rAct;E.-Bat.he the spine every night with vinegar aind cayenne, having somre person rub it briskly with the hand :also bathe tire back of the neck. behind the ears. anrd the temples with the same daring the ( atack, and take a few swollows of it once in Uive or toen miinrutes. Hut pm.. lows around thre head are beneficial. Perfect rest must be had. Let nothing but what is good bo spoken of tire dead. A LIYE, INDEPENDENT .VD RE.IDaiBLE Famy lPa7p! ENLARGED TO IRTVl-SIX C00MNS AND PUBLISHED t the Low Price of $2,50, IS ONE OA of b4c beaptst anb etst Papers PIublished a ow is 1he Iime lo Subsuribr, FOR A Reliable Advocate of the People's Interests, ,he Ajewberrp ' erald IALL CONTAIN Tlil BEST INFkfR MATION IN AGRICULTURE. S NEWs, MARKETS, &C., CHOICE LITERATURE, STORIES. MISCELLANEOUS EADING, POETRY AND BiouRAPRY,4 Sudl also lure tcir place; while t 'he Local or County News Will have the Strickst Atiotioll The .Tob K et C. DEPARTMENT fThe HIeraild Olic ' d I4 S'i-LIE[> WITHIIMl'RI)VED c a i an(150 EII IIr:e, -rIr, C, i INVITATIONS,. IIn Ds, io~ ty, i CliEiiS, i,n be FLane nd up8PiOP ngl I TET IIEAIII. ni tai fier s Rare AdantGesin FO i LLCUIES ITI:ITS tre THETHEF REA EKD" FO .L !leSS AD(INT IE( e [ARBLE WORKS, Corner 316Kibben and loyee Stre:, N E WBE R1. : . C. HEAD STONES, P MARBLE and GRANITE [~ O 1. ]L- - S . rea aI Ib! l lp MAiE TO ORiER, I i the best Foreipn aid Duitwsti-; Marble. an: lar ll Work filIlL1he ill the be-st manner, and er k!i Lind. (1 I;::-lite woik ml;adt to order. Pa [ ;axv on ha:d aid for .,ale cheap, all ( a raliling 1 ph:w.Filit:ble fur voclu,ilg yo iaen lr lot. \ill e scild at a bargain. L MP. EERS, tl LDWELL ST., 1NEWBERRY, S. C. pa I'A.I: iN i AMERICAN .Nil ITALIAN TOMBS, ITT pa 4 i ell YLE n.d FIl ()F Woli:K GAN.lAX TED io .QLAL ANI i. :he SFA VE. CAST AND WROUCHT RON RA1LNc,. f:al F:OR ENCLOS.;ING* CDE El LO4Y1. S. ri.1 Furnished :. M:Iu.acturer-'s Prices. ae ) o 500 ::r;. ovcd l. rn t seh et from, i vept. 17, :-7-3 ?i ro in the~ B cod TOMi - - nI Z Slit:ns <>f tw jcPrlo<:lk of tont. is, so con)lIci&h (a.; to lui 3 e ch<1t(ir of a1., aIliJue::a, a~s Uh I:e'Ld..u.d a-. Lhr s:I aL-I L. 1 increae.- tge prn f iij ** aizi::;; ||w Nist:. . .i.. -i p::r. o ilm ?gti, iscas (to fee:. upo'..t j .. . )JJtrl:y D (y 1' , 15... i r (' *.4 - it, mp, ( the - - ~'si.; and'1'e;-.f JI n-s Ind, Fem l':.1:Ets bui j<q a e oJ ' *.!.:- i.'i~i (,< m-<c- . ae ofa te sis h "i fli:; 'rec -T~ W!o|o in.L :& : SO'S,'Propri:rs, u:e. -|correspON,n -S'. C 0:.i.ter and te: anent. int noy Isir >a la|: r ig on;-, t <:n .ce-s:n: in -no< ete. ofredr,t 1.p'::rit an :bulsi I ly buiad p . r..on :iit:: t,f la .tt Ti. W i--n: :|clj I. by c thpi d a 11(1:o t -:v niai :: >i I.s sir- 4Llii t hc ite~ So t or i vcn dsi Seen |a t he l il h a:; of vey e ..i riyrlc AN S h BU boeit,in toil i u ass. l C.~ 1:- Mitn tlate. B'tn %.t.o>e rdin in::ttv is iv i n A is- tha an l-rid' iid a 1pcilh' te o.-1 IN THE tle'ae s fr . (Cirlii .lournalKi f:o the erchliatant, bn the P 1 t.ri~l and threieju nam ly. nt t nw hscra , arge ad contnl inrasn )mer Ef radr it. popul yar iy manthbs, a:j- f iml y t liINise otTu .es.Tusi,wihinynec and brura,oeiy al;li -o tainn ,'rzthe . aeu ne s n ac is su :':ty red. an.dte!madeph audth ea ail n iis.ij onad n ta s the am o h e lyra b.ifr ic,n i n the~w sialleD o ible spa c. vnet ll prie, reitis aeof aevery ado- bhe ri p:>r:l anh moennts in r oial latfer a t I t i' s,. . r co;ang i te o faiy dcire w 'dc<!h no-t alwndayste ionayteodr rrsodet f p ints ntes . S. C .Ifiten~ t Sta tes- Sitfeona:iCilt. A kiadpart:en C Tis ful and ccurate an te ;,ias, ; -;;per the: pe r i frez h. t parig eCat ti ypo grap y cn aonvn inixet. .o-a ni::. cenin m-tter IOueer pa. L AK Ew ' 2 PATENT 4 ~RIJ~1~ NAMvEL Lways ready for tie. Soh by taiJj gIa.on3t One Gallo Covers Twenty Square Yards Two C'oats. Tmi:. .u s F.k-ir, im Co., FA-, '( - : 11 MI.. C. P. 1-- ;t: Ti P. c:11w, to f e ''1' lons v.u-h, 1 an thrh btckels, o. -LloI e::h. As pc:ce w As lack, b. Ti. 's(1l1. TWO wee 0s CoIt.con tn , ) Com!J;1 ..1I theO h101.- Cn e s. I pplied thick, :I;I it'iow general!y conicei. :1at *.i:- i ar.: s,an Si l , I harmonti ofc:or color t inut a alindon!U . b I l; t wv. I Savcu .. 1. ' . t. U. Sby tIe L-IA:atiO,llhii : is :n l j .t %%x I whh % I u e :Ill e. It sho i1 ne ,LII lly ndopted in this titv. Ani c t lad van appiv it I ha%v ul vi d0 in h~sto k as es:i:ci. ,but I~ cl so 1m,r.ibly ti., :reI :i.i a " . fact of its I ' ,ay mix i:i", lil: gi-- .a,i i'e . er. i l .- i.n dc.'rabc to ,) toaey I&OWhait tu: %4:11thinlk (rIe f tiJ.- hnr Very re-pALitfully an.I truly, - , - - ;an:d.:n:: I4 ro IhY2 )a. C. P. 1*o;,:*. - i: 1u:x: i :oois me iehlt ! li .-v la:.t lwa:ovi Puin fir x .: n' .l.a ai l 11 IIA have~e Vry n-11 to boll,-vo, inl dutram y Mor in. I.I av LO ti -: inte the i rooi of (iot - ',,l2 n ii.t- "i i.i d I Was so well plie - L ith i:, 1 deivi-rijitwild tI p::it t!w, 21I:S!nt oi, i ,1 mt t happy to Fav it ;vs me pr t uilsfacilo1. I 1!n a n be of anyv dVant I t:I V011. . o\r i:iw*t: 1;'It. Iansioit !ii,e Hotel, N. W . C r. o;t am. -;. I Str - is, N.t1dna'e. TO -ril.: Pr[ .-.I al'ord.- mlv 1: y) Sr t 1t 0 tha A L Fr! JUat1"' ichl 1. . Kn ht lk . I : W e, N (% L , mb;1ard . "t -b 1.''i :IA I( -ttd1, ro oVer :. :1 and all a.e forshon,itr , t,. 4 t :.i in(?iv IIIa n4 ca1 I d 1tAh as wL n i h i t n. M t' o. I t .over other (- I l Io y .tliUn its, bVinl iiXOd 10,] r *0: ls i . 1 foliult:,13a io suit pur is n' its quic' ing p pi.e,, wUN- Ii ii,i:ch tim in the exCeution ot worl: r : l a:lm I; :ic,)diluiij its very p : ':ile ten:eitv, '.iieh i*-.-.Ii-van ^ dura iv% to thk, ue ie i.Mn it is eltd. A.:, S.neh ! o io. n ':'.i.y recolimniWid it to tie :chan:ts andm. trade uI ' of o eity, believ*h,., it INill give them gre.: t 0er :t i'f o than . can possibly aitilpate. W . }:. SINN, Baltiiore, April .5, 1872. V-out -tieet Thetre. '.m.,r:i:,Di.ecem!r I872. Ma. C. P. swar-Di:An Siz: The pains we recivced fr"o' o'i'.Ve been applied s e ra l o f o u r o v.mbiild i n g s ta d l tI o s e f *( I r : I 2 0 .g i v el c 11e,re sa t i iou: iti coveri:.g i.1es, in uLo-:, amd in .b::1bdiy :i al . u! of ourface at e I, and we checer'ill, recomnieA i, .sp.cia ly ', cit s o! cwm r i wno lavc to pend upon ink..owl parties, or painters, to mix and furni-. m11ateri.d"Z, wherein we have nd the most decepion. Yours, trily, J- 'O' QTU1-TER & SON. M. urt..Nsi L : .: Cot:UNv, Mt., ep ember 24th, 1872. C. P. Ksim.r, E.> - A gent fru Iradley's Pate' Enami Pai:i,wA iania'. Sn e paint u fbi I p:lased from you has givli 0ire610. salisfactiol, so m11n1ch so that all i. ile l - fol l ily e.anle, ad ave tiri houe' paiiited. It is not on J- U, and it !u:ks better aficr i! is pur. otn th.n any paint I ever saw. The ir I have eroplo-ed is de;ighted with it. Ile says thzt e'can paiit twice fast, I it hw saille timiv o a heiter pb, with the E: a hinl p ti h t1111 ::; otner paiit he A I r used. I can therefore without hesitatio-n recomimend it to tih publie as ot.e of the flee y best articles of pint ever introduced. Yours, very truly, JA3YE.S HALL. B:. Ali:, )I:n.Asn, March 4th 1;7:1. Ma. C. P. KNIMr-DA:. Sin: I have been usinz, si::L- !st spr::, ii aley'. I'atent al Paint, an:ar nhappy to syI that it gives etire s:ii.etion whierever I have seI and to parieis to vhomi lhave fuirnished it for otheicr pain:ters to use. .Mr. .Johni J. eet, who ives nea- Clirmonit uhlills, to whorm I fiurniishied ti hnBradley P.ant last fall, is ichi ple..std with it, arid gives permiission :o use his na me in recommniendin gso good a int S. II. Mlriae, p.rinter, agrnees wVith rme as to the dlurability of your miost exceh t pa i. I htope plrties who have painting to do w ili!lok to their ativantnage an'.d appl.vi3, P tenit Emniw,l P'ai:t. whi is the mnost diurible paitt no m1W i use. It hiolds 1its ssao h'> hla n an,- other painit that I have ever uise.. Youlr, truly, E. C. GAl1lRETTSON, Ilouse and Sign Painter. C. P. Kn-rlc, .se..-Ib:.t Sru:: I have Itself Bradley's Patent Enmamiel Paint on myv elig i:a-t Sp, in::, and~i am miuchi pleased with it, antd it looks as well now as when fi: ' ? - Idri i'. a goi'd. Paint. Yolurs, truly., C. P. KNTGHT, Sole Agent, No. 93 WV. Lombard Street, Baltimnore. W SPE0IMENS AND PRICE LIST FURNISIIEDI GRATIS. Sf June 1 1, 2:u-Gmi. c.UCJAECER, nrITnL' .TTORNEY A T LA W, AAEYY NEWBERRY, S. C. lee on Caldwell Street, neairly oppo-ite thie I Post E.itice. & .PFR .M, rnia."j ricices in the Courts of the~ "te ha ndMisFNILAEL,ssta. itei Srates. Ocet. 15 ibn. Po..WRE, al -icl Dm.t Inr *sn h PRATIC o hi TPiEX ESItNo ti S-O :s far asttheern hiseservdutiesoofhlifeta u of lit' Town.1, andl ian be foundl at adll tiiavi ie .!' . i ui:ii iu limiLtS. 'iii; rii . t 225ifrSsin Ap. 2:t, ''.,--16--1. IPihi it.t.eo''.;ftil e lid *uHNSiU NE & HAPRNCTrON, h.iii'A12ri:cat s 1trn y atf.i Law,, i1:i f:1 '.ii''iE I . .XP. Pi'R,A.M. : :,: P inipal. ME1ER,isFANELAEL:: Assstnt AfProf.tF. WERBER, : : Musical Dep't. The oiitue NEN EsLkN of: ths CI -O TillbegnSon18t&SETEMBR,,87:. fh ADearastheprctialdugesoflif ae, obtine a thsYSbol a atanSFeal Sem iartv in he .: . i'riili o tI' Tuitio from !1. I0 c2250 -r ionn. prici. Au .6,:1-if emee o ImS ng, Dntal Surgeons., Mar. 19. '73-11-tf. ___s .L U , 0 Women. Both Marriedl andi Singlie. I APPly for relief before you becoine a een- yp ' : ( (l ied invalid. t JU [ ave been for years past attending strict- - -- th arred nd inge, nd te nmb d Ant y hlsfinhle run-r hsne;sl to he ill pay speciiheyttentionnt ehose whoema cST. LOUIS, MO to icinc trecomend forc diseases oe, Esttit i .alised 1' Yearsl . ih arc rie an single , da they numbiaer And t: ' nas Sfur i .' s mora in ess''. men t e setines seto ireief,ost i igratme Ahan tenis M: issiila: matuuuoni. f1py p cia athentilntl hoseI who'Ilil mfay~(1-.b'11) p! ne ;thne choni help, and ay,if thul ToI Youngfii( Me Sekn1 to a h suf sicin fobr refpae, whic cat be''4. f,~Pe en, bre noy soen wh tae ting eura-e21, prour ::o - o com diene or ely ened. o uhiess pein of ouse or refugd ;entire ees ic are ors han eles, theya palliate . Refe:e-e to St n fro i ens .us N. . Iliactceforcas nlyan i anap Pr:nsa ..m.ini.aths and labg ad p d metis se m ar.iv reie, bu-t. in urs i g d. tiii aln o e t Iti t!!gy ostpo g the vil p til th disese e- iM- - i oii lAL-" T BlS - mme MThcrifrm adIhe theyj~ ap cac h .ni.u fteBt r t th Pysiianfo reief wichcanbeTBui 1011 'AIcE. Pres. iena but atelyoo ras whenitaen In he so or1eoui Wa tn'd,2N hc it. t orn eal stage JuOtlC1 r Siih 3t,Cah...... useAnooursek ondicinng,ol 2r1aBathse,st':-e-i- - raio l :d ciniteprncpeslectroi pChbei dcl Bth s aiu. C. D. practce fo eash nly anIprom t tersn nggingo ofhs and co vinr h-. ANDxcrp iases o the, faiito t hi yments. Mar. 12, 10-t.f. 'iii,taIt mi 1a's i t1ei beio- chI e the sam $2 if y tet BV!ir'tad {. U .t .f~i t' to Il ridse tEkn Itnrequire a ou tw h o 'rs in o aditi'aot~t my laetntiD. t pae the ah, n rod nIhei oncempre d ClE1ICAi, ERF.\!RIE, ec., paet cank bor o uiieiptt theirJSLhiti. r r Dr. S.F FANT tintai;fae, than at ga;.lig e. 1't' A Pine and, ElgatAsemn otf. Si.e Jahsn l......... D> OOjq v - t 00 E EDP FL C' iiN, C111\G, wE.ATII :er.- of MIu-din- miAe, over 100,000 fe( I-Pieces, Door awl windlow Frames, made -Ia tr '-4 of Wahmt w- ar %Mho31nn. cn hand m . : :p ,t thi e- bisihmn t a s C1 1: T t toc of th! abovSot,South of : r t.hcio to all who wat e th.- onY p.actical Mechbal in r be e-:y of Ciarleto -asNorh Cwlin unFl-ondla, as. t W4. P. RU! th.- ri -s with ordi 1AI 1F I "ATF:S, h. icl. I I-n- y. 4. 12 ('co ,,QA4ViA EST i q 7ai!&&hrire,21wpdV aasq ?rdd,delvewk ifika e ek S&ateand r!va FlrnDri etjerr nd 4&T7je-p e All Worhfarrnvd. LOWEST PRICESI. Send for.PriceLi.' L M. HALL& CO, },dnefad:wre: & D]eeera' 24., 6, 8, 7.2?Vzrzet Street. 23, 22...?'g CHY AR LES TOP., 8. 0. dce 1u e" ... : eel: t, t1 .\ : t of) ('on;.1:S:s. & yavur 7. bv I. .. 1i.. C.'.. in the of >dteir: in of (-in. n. :it Wj!hing-ton. lie 25, 1 - -2 . TWHE AMERICAN BU fN 1L O VER-SE AM!NC BUY THE BEST ! 2 DMIRIC' ill L:ast a life Time. t is 2 Cuprior to all others for simplicity !durabilitv. t. ha:s beeQt prononneed by the best me aies the best tinished, and mjade on ths t plan, of any machine mtanufactnred. ! sew the linest and coarsest fabries, no ter how much starch. Never drops ces, runs light and almost noiseless. all and examnine fo.r yourself. old on the mIost reasotnable terms and sfaction g,uaranteed. ndtucemenCfts to clubs. Lo WELACE & WHJEELERO. WHEELER & WI LSO3N EWJNG MACHfIXE WiES ALL COMPETITION! AS A PROOF '.o lad w~ho ha one w~onld willingly part hi it, in-s to haive one. he WV. & WV. ruins easily and woh hut ndm phic'ia1n5 r'eeOmnfend them for Ia. his Mietine :oh the. premium at the ym one and you will not regret it. kld by L. H. MEDUS, ment for Ne wherry, who cant be found a a furn.-h to those who8 prefer thema, we's,sige:s,jDnwstie and many ,"e- Agenc a' :t the Store of Mr-s. D. 1~ -ntjys.v nt. I:nOw on Exhiii on, an:d re:.dv .for sale', MRS D. MOWER, GENEIt\L AGENT, -'or Newbenrry anrd Laurens Coulnties. have que i.. th 'NwWe SCewing! Ma tsm use: int my f.unIily, and int addition th: tisfa,ction i gives may wsife anid "lter, I wi' ad myown oinina, thIJt for Pimc-rTIO of *-t.KMnSt I in)bi'd, e. ISe of manimpula ,simlpheity of contruVtcticu anid read: s of ad,itIIme n itS is ~ my . ?!-:.i b y other'sewinag madchiI1 in ItIe m.tI :et. JESEl. L('Ei). lh. :ie . Eijt or of "Se.ientitie Amlericanl." ag. ?,: --tf. 18 78. odev's Lad v's Bo, and a beautiful oml1, for Trhree ~' a 'ear. het Ahie at i:-' -t. .Jo:;:; and.O two, Ghel-nafl; for "'.).'lhars a Jecar. 300QK STORE. TO RENT, .feiable >fc i E lioM on Main Street, -ply at on1ce to - -~ N -- so! \ C F o a ll di an lox - sI: S tic MSHAYN - 01 E'R BOARDS, &C. Over 10 diterent pat-, ton hand, fvr sale at New Yo:k prices. , to order at sh,rr noti'e. SIair lhail, New- li and made to order. (ool an.! :4ubiStantial u i be madei the I 'i:-. Sa:ws. We have Br P11 the citV of l.tiinore. nN of W ich w,2 gaar it good a1 su1bs.tantl wok. ;C S:h, 11!ind ai D-or 3ikers. by Tride, 1, 1u I (an refer to uenien all1 over this D the charaeter of their work for the past v %_S E LL & CO., Charleston, S.c. we box% up cur work. and cur own nsump- fo n:L!%' : :. Cur I .dI are - d, i ped over va -at aiL' ) t the purebAr of or work. W. P. aLss:u. & Co. all ;rug-.v LVfiley .11-ficles.G 1. S. F. lANT, di E,_ I . I yC.ll ,C MM.ER C. II., S. C. p All th.- mo': approved PAT EST I MEDI - 1i:F::diu ES, SIAPS and TUILET A ETIC.1., ot h d e :i C t*. 3 ! E D i I N . 1L I I l ' ZRS , o f p u r e s t q u a i - . p ;.ond e Carefully, at a!! t,, d.:y :d :n:Jt. .\ r. 12, - - DR. H BAER, WHlOLES.\LE AND .T AIL D RUG G IS T, NO. 131 M;ETING~ STIEET, CTARL ESTON. S. C. ORGANS! Thebest.ORGA NS of the Reed class IN THE WORLD. Thoe Best for ChurYches and Loiges. The~ Best for Sunday Schools. The Best for Parlors and Vestries. Th-. Best for Academies and Colleges. The Best for ?ubha !iaiiE, Thie Be.t for Orchestra'and Stage. These in.strumients, which for sweetness of tone and elegance of appointment stand unri-: valled, have met with unprcedented saocess ini this country and abroad. MINUFACTURED BY E, Pt NEEll11Mi & SON, ESTABLISIlED) IN 1846. Nos. 143, 115, & 147 East 23d St., NEW YORK. i!Cejpontible paties' :ipp:yinlg for agencies int Aecttin sti!l uuppied, will receiveC primpt ai:!0etioni and liberal indlucemients. P:u-:les res'iius cat a distance from our a u thtarized :ageni:i, may order fro:n our fa1ctory. Send for illustrated yk- isOJt. BROTHER J0NAYH A A LARGE FAMILY PAPBI Is Publish~ed Weekly at $1.25 a Yea... it i:as been eIari;ed to 32 longco and t now th:e checapest pae ofth ini the woth!d. Ti:. lDou.. us int grenb - gven to one out of each lifty new u. bers. Spehn ide sent Mli free. Ouir Book tCatalogue sentt frece. Send cash erders to Brother Jonathani Publishing Co., Ot . 48~~ii IBehman St., New Yor. THE WARREN Improved Hoe. The LA\TE ST an d BEST iEver mianufactured. Capital for garde-ns also. To forma :mdei of itsi great adaiptabst':y and wondekrf.l meris, come' andI examtine. An jan S 1 MAYLS & MA RTIN. PRICES NOT REDUCED .1 The Proprietor of the Wheeler H1ous~ 9" U.W iy inrJtrm the travein ub hea Ul, in Orde'r to mtainttain the retaot of hI.s HlOuse as a first class IIote.l, heatwi] coumue Is pr:'es as hecretofo)re, antd gcr ateeos to give that SatisfactUin hich secured to the Ifouse the restajo.1 tf ha. 4. 11. VOI0cK, ~. i, *--ti, P'roprietor. n .tnteresting to All. My' ternm of oflice harvintg expired, I re. ntoify all pet sons who had liens, deeds or mnortgagesa recojrded during miy orat of oihee to ct4tO iossrs. & Jones Jones, no will deliver the same. Nor 2e 4S_,r T S., M. .__E al atiomery and Binidn-h. EW STITIONERY HOUSB E. R. STOKES 1AS just opened in the new and hand ne buildin , tiiiately- opposite the ce:ix office, on Main street. a complet ck of STATIONERY, mprising Letter, Cap and Note Paper, of sizes, qtalities and of every descriptiou; it Pup>el of Cap, Deiy, Double-Cap, Me im, Royal, Super-Roya, and Imperial ;es, which wilbe so!d in any quantity, or Inufactured iU:o Blank Dook, of any bie, d ru!ed to any pat-ern, and bound in any Ic, at Abort notice. ENVIELOPES endless variety-all sizes, color. and quali BLANK BOOKS every variery, Memorandum and Pass oks, Pocket Books, Invoice and Letter >ks, lReceipl Bo0oks, Note Books. aCHIrECTS and DAUGHTSMEN will d a complete stock o.' materials for their Diswing Paper, in sbeets and rolls, istol Boards, Postal Paper and Boards, Oil per, Pencils, Water Colors, in cakes and ,cs, Brushes, Czayons, Drawing Pens. SCHOOL STATIONERY every description; a great variety of con 11ent and useful articles iur both Teachers I PUpils. ALSO, ?hoogruh AlLums, Writing Dek:, Port ;(IS, Ca.1S, with b1xes, and a countlesS cie:y of FANCY ARTICLES. \l, :1 most elegant ztock of Gold Pens i llteil Ca-es, superbly-mnoutnte-1 Lubber modl. INKS. B lack, BIne, Violet and Carmine. Indelible d Copying; Mucilage: Chess and Unck 11)on Mcn: .d Board: Viitinguand Wed ig Cards, and everythingv uually kept in A irst WIass Stationery House, hieh the subcriber intends this ,shall be. ie will still conduct his BINDERY and L[ANK BPOK MANUFACrOuY and PA. R-RCLING ESTABLISHMEN'r, which L been in successful operation for over iry yyears in this State, and to which he ill continue to devote his own personal at ntion. His stock will be kept up full and nip!ete, and his prices will be found always asonable, and he topes to bare a share of ttonage-. E. R. STOKES, Main Street, Nov. 15, 4-tf Opposite Phcenix Office. Insurance. JOTTO STATES LIFE ENSURANCE COMPANY. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, U.ACON, GA. Luthorized Capital.... ........2,000,000 ;uaranteed Gtpital............ 500,000 )epotited with State Comptrollers for Security of Policy Holders. .$laA, V. P. JoxsTos...............President V. S. HIo:r.................Vice-Presidens Th. S. OI:w.... ... .. . ... ...Secretary I. W. ,t:rx...... .......Generr.l Agent t. Mzc :n G uc:a, M1. D.....Medical Ez'r V. .1. Macu............Supt of Agencies .F. McCX.v...................Actuary NEWBnnIY C. H., S. C., December 19. 1872. At a meeting of Policy Holders, at Newberry C. H.. a Board of Advisory Vru.tees~of the COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY was organized. and the following offi eers el.eted : l'uomlas S. Moon,tM.x. - President WIM. L.x tain. - Vice-President U. L. Seul3xiERtT, -- Secretary The Company is in the finest possi ble condition-hatving $175 to $100 ,f liabilities. A Dividend has been declarea on dll Policies issued prior to January 1.t, 1S70. M. W. ABNEY, General Agent Feb. 21, S-tf. S~pect Moi t, S. C. our (;ity utag em e nerd Cont.. gree, to 'OUtin~ IIa most astonishing de-. LIFE, By "OR AND IIEALTE, ofEd of' the soft and ilowing etresin quic -Gmy, givjin brightneiss to teEe -s o the Ear, and energy to the Le"re se.t wth lenses of theiael i.rta.r, o sui.t all sights, and ib sest.- for to . not n edi: Spectacles to I.. i wnh, but deirg th e benefits toha -m. fn rom weairing the Batteries; sadi are. to use haid in dti vicini:5 only Og .JOHN F'. SPECK, liatchmnaker and JeweI0,r Dealer in Wachs Clocks, Jewelry Silver and Plated Ware, NEWBERRY, S. C, None are Genne uness each pair at~i T. Mus~E ErOaLV2I Apr.atented June 2d, 1SGS. JAMES PACKE AND DECOR ATIVE P AINTER, Aj PR HANGING and KALSOMININg Hain 'g provided himself with all the s est improved ladders and other tools d uplemnentsa of his trade,ino pe and t erformi all work in h -is ino bprieare ith eatness, durability asnd di sp nestch t COUITRY 3OBS WILL RE AEm p Bthe arragements which he has com-. rnches of his trd atethe LOWETP . Terms Cash on the completion of work. H.f yo ant me and don't me, inquire Apr, 16, 15-sf.~ Ti and Stove Store. Apr. 18, I~-~f~ -p