The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, October 01, 1873, Image 4

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speelal umd. Leeal. NEW A.DERIF8sExENTs. M/.-Foot-arg Stock % tal and winter goods. T. F. Harmon-Plantation supplies, family groceries, anil fancy goods. P. W. & R. S. Cjucx-New stock of Dry Goods. Southern & Bramlette-Exchange House, Columbia. C. F. Jackson-Cash at a premium-Co lumbia Dry Goods House. County Comn%issioners-Report of Expen ditures. L. R., Xarshall-Frest. Fish and other A. M. Riser-Photograph Gallery, Colum bia. . W. ff. Harris-Repairer and Maker of Fur niture, &c. Prof. Schmitt-Concert. Lovelace & Wheeler--Bringin your Cotton. Just received at R. C. Shiver & Co.'s the first new goods of- the season, for fall and winter, cbeaper than ever before. 38-tf. Mr W. R. Harris, it will be seen by refer e to card, has oponed a Cabinet work shop, for the making and repairing of fur niturm'stocking of guns, &c. He is a skillful workman and full of inventive genius. Give him work. ArrTzriox is called to the card of Mr. A. E Jaser.who Is prepared to execute in hand some style any work in his line, which may baeutrusted to him. His gallery is on Plain Street, between Shiver's and Dr. E. E. Jack son's. A NursaxCE.-Can't the Town Council pass an Ordinance to put a stop to rolling wheelbarrows and trucks over the pave menu?' Jr woald be a very laudable act, and 'io*il' ieceie thehearty approbation of allfor this unisance is,very annoying to pe destrians. Do take some action on this mat ser, gentlemen o f the Town Council! One id--alkarre'speetfully invited to call and examine our Stock and Prtees before buying. Polite and attentive Salesmen in attendance. -R. C;SHIVER & CO., 38-tf. ~ Newberry, S: C: - Radi8iiED.-Our polite Clerk of Court, Capt. Smith, through Mr. J. F. Kilgore, fur nishes us the information that up to Monday night, the 29th, the total of claims registered amount&;to v.M .'4, ofpast due County in debiniss.' T'e limit for registration ex pived on the 30th. and thought the final amount will be $20,000. RzTUENiD.-L t. Anderson, after an ab sence of some months spent in doing a con siderable portdon of the 'old country,' has re turned to his post. The Judge of Probate, J. C. Leahy, Esq., is again to be his office prepared for business. Judging from his improved ap pearance he has had a splendid time abroad. TaE 3o or OcyoEam.-Don't forget the frolic 'at Pozaria, on Friday, the 3d. The entertainment will be of the best kind. Good speaking, fine music, grand toarnament, eat ables of the beft kId. Indi display of beaun ty anfaho such as has not been seen in Newberry for a loug time. Trains will leave Newberrf I einorniag'and return in the a 1~dIeaHouds.-The liouse-furnish ing establishme6t --oftssrs. Kinsad & Heath. Columt and under the Columbia Hotel, is onootee atrations of the city. There noaiieodisideof cabineifurniture and cooking stoes,at wideh-ean be found in it. Ladi svisiting'it:sf6 k?mags "carried away" w delight, fiIeldun fail to carry away a hestof higgst the infinit satisfac tion of t edidwetors. - . 2t. KNIHTUNoJWcuiOJ Mtniday eve ning,'the22d ult.,O'ea-ll lodge; Knights of Jericho, was 'Empejrance Hafl, nberiug-sizteen members. -The foBowing ofileers-iwereelected: J: E. Chapman, Chief; W. H. Harris, Vice Chief; Miss Mary -ie Coy, Preceptress; J. I. Houiseal, Sec.; 0. B. Butler, Treas; L. C. Moore, Marshall; T. A. Thompson, Herald; G. E. Summer, Guard; 3. N. Bass, Sentinel; J. M. Crawford, Past Chief. 1'Lin AssOTaw.-An inspection of Dr. Fant's Pocket Cutlery and Razors proves *e trath,of.theadvertisemenat,that the assort ment is very superior, and no'twithstinding this, that the prices are exceedingly low. If any one is in want of a handsome pocket knife, large or small, for a gentleman or lady, and of goo'd uatal, 'accoinmodation can be had at the Doetor's. His resrs, too, are as keen as a Damascus blade. He will accept onr thanka for one of the best of pocket 2 CmarErZ.--Mr. Patrick Scott, the veterau Merchant Tailor and experienced clothier, , we are gleesed to see,-:s baet from his Northern tif and tlist he has brough t with him a fine lot of-gentlemen's wearing appa ret. Mr. Scott's ability to make good.selec tious-is undounbted, ad his prices, .beside, are known'to be reasonable. is present Io cation is diagonally opposite his old place of business, on the south-west corner of Caldwell Street. Our thanks are hereby ten dered him for, he knows what. Each and every Department of our im ,mease establishment has been thoroughly orerhasled and replenished with new and de sirale goods.' Et. C. SH iVER & CO., diS-tf. M ewberry, S. C. CLEARIG AWAY.--We are pleased to no tie that the financial cloud is clearing away, and that the night-mare which almost for a time paralyzed trade is broken. Onr mer chants have heavy stocks of goods, (look in the HERAn,D for their advertisements), and they had reason to fear, likewise the farmers with theeir cotton, but the crisis is passing away, and all,we trust,wlH soon be well again, and trade open with redoubled activity. We saw (aced smile yesterday that a few..das ago looked as if the night oftdespair had settled over them. Cotton is selling again. Tus CoNcEar.-Agreeably to promise given in the last HanLLD, Prof. Schmitt wilt repeat his Concert on this Wednesday night. at the Town Hall, on which occasioni he will be assisted by tho same talented amateur performers. We would bespeak for him a large turn-out, a ball full of the beauty, fash ion and intelligence.of Newberry, that his heart may be made light and his pockets heavy. To use his own language, ladies and gentlemen, if you give him a large house, he will assuredly "make him all right." Don't forget the time, and turn out promptly. THE MACRINE. '. The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine ' -bears off thie palm of distinguished merit i over- all competing rivals. At -the Vienna eft. posiion,after five months trial, the jury &ave awarded It the Gold Medal of Honor, as e kng the best Sewing Machine made. eroad HI. Redeas, agent for Ne vberry, t of Mrs. D. Mower. Wf INTExR-STING TO THE LADiLs.-Mr. G. F. Jackson, D!y Gods Merchant of Colutibia, would call the attention of the ladies of New berry, and all others who indulge in the pleasure of reading the IIEEALD, to the high ly interesting fact, that he has now in store a complete stock of all of the celebrated But terick patterns, and can promptly supp!y all demands made on bim. His stock is surpris ingly large, and embraces every pattern made, from the tiniest infant's outfit up. Catalogues, with price list, furnished oa ap plication, also Butterick's Fashion Magazine, an acknowledged authority on dress. Send for price list. it. Special attention is called to our Dress Goods Department, where you will find in great variety all the new shadei and styles, from 20c. to $1.00 per yard. R. C. SHIVER & CO , 38--t. Newberry, S. C. A LAnGE SToCK.-A visit to the store of our fellow-townsman, Mr. Thos. F. Harmon, just now in the full tide of receiving and un packing late purchases, is sufficient to impress beholders not only with surprise but delight Surprise, at the vastness and variety of goods which fill the store from centre to circumfer. ence, and delight that so many of the multi tudinous wants of the great public can be supplied. No matter whaL tle want, whether it be some delicate adornment for the form divine of lovely woman, sweet, innocent girlhood, something that will make even lord ly man more fascinating, or an article for the comfort of the laboring toiler, either for the outer or inner man, there indeed it may- be found. Mr. Harmon deserves the success he has achieved in business, and his effort is stiU to go ahead-his mo:to being Excelsior. NOW RECEIVING AND OPENING Our Fall Stock of Ladies Dress Goods, Trim mings, etc., together with gentlemen's piece goods, and a general stock to suit the trade. These goods have been selected with our, usual care, and consist of every article tq be found -in a dry goods store, and will be sold at prices. Our friends and customers are in-vited to make an inspection from this day, and we are satisfied that we can give them satisfaction, not only in quality, style and variety, but in that very important de sideratum to all buyers-PRICES. tf McFAL & POOL. NEW FURNITUKE.-One day last week we visited the Furniture rooms of Mr. R. Y. Leav all, but further than the openini passage we could not penetrate, by reason of the arrival of an immense stock of new furuiture, at which, between the coming and unload ing of the drays, he was busily engaged, in opening and setting his house In order. His assortment of furniture embraces various styles, from plain and single pieces, to the most exquisite bed-room and parlor setts, and in such numbers that the tastes and pockets of all can be snited. The confused condition of the piles of boxes, loose pieces, and the noise and dust, drew largely on our sympathy for our enterprising young friend, for it really looked as if he had too much 'elephant' on hand, but we know that all will be straightened ere this paragraph sees the light, and he lie ready to show his goods. all and examine his stock. it LEGAL NoTICS.-Persons having claims against the estate of George Morris, are re uired to presdt-them before the twentieth f October, and all persons indebted will ake payment to Thos. R. Morris, adm'r. The kindred and creditors of Sam'l H. Spence, dec'd., are required to appear before he Probate Judge, on the 7th of Oct., to show eanse if any there be, why Isabella Birge and E. E. Young, should not be the ad inistrators. The pablic schools in districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, , 5, 7, 8 and 9, will open on ti,e first Monday in October. ~In Nos. 6, 10 and 11, the Schools will not be opened at present. The Board of County Examiners will moet t the office of the School Commissioner, on Saturday, 4th October, at 11 o'clock, a. in., t which time all persons desiring certificates s Teachers in the Public Schools will pre sent themselves forexamination. REtIGOUS.-The eommuanity will regret o learn that the lRev. John Stout, who has for nearly two yeare, efficiently and accepta bly discharged the duties of pastor of the Baptist Church of this place, has been forced by the delicate health of his amiable com panion to resign his pastorate. The resigna tion will take effect in December. On the last Sabbath In that Church, it was determined tro hold a ten o'clock-morning prayer meeting hereafter. The order of ex rcises will therefore be, publIc prayer meet ig at 10, regular morning service at 11, ad Sabbath School in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. Wednesday afternoon prayer meet ing at 4. Services were held in the Episcopal Church n last Sabbath, the Rev. E. Ri. Miles pre'ach ing at the morning hour, and Bishop Howe in the evening. There was a confirmation in the evening. An interesting and profitable prayer meet ing was held by members of the Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon, at the residence of Mrs. Harp. This lady has been for some length of time confined to her house. These meetings it is thought will be repeated. The young men's Monday night prayer meeting is continuing to grow in interest. Large numbers attend-regularly. A Goon PAFER.-We have been pla@Sed to hear from our friend, MecD. Metts, and more so for the testimony which he bears as to the merits of the Newberry HERaALD. We sometimes despond, and think that it is not appreciated as it should be, and just then, as in this instance, a cheering word is receiv ed, which lhfts the cloud. Hear what he says: "The HasALD has just come, and h as saved you no end of scolding and myself' from oodles of mosquito bites. I would not be without the HaRaALD In this sea-girt city fr any consideration." We have always thoght the paper invaluable in many re spets-but somehow the knowledge of this new virtue-touchis us tenderly, and we can't hielp feelIng a greater degree of pride as we look upon its wide pages and long columns. As an antidote for raosquito bites, we dared not hope that it would prove effective, but MD. says it saved him from oodles of bites, and he is a truthful man, and our good friend. We know of nostrums which are efficacious for alt the ills which man is heir to. but 'tis seldom a newspaper can be made to sub serve other than the legitimate purpose of disseminating news. The LIERALD goes be yond that, it has saved a reader from pain and annoyance, and in the gratitude of his heart he tells us of it. Thank you, good friend, and on the strength of it, we shall redouble our exertions in making the HER ALD more acceptable to friends, and a great er terror to enemies-mosquitocs especially; and to carry out that purpose, as soon as we can raise the means sufficient, which will be directly-for every body promises to pay in a Ishort time-we shall add to its length and its breadth, and increase the power of its tone. We hope our friend will write again and state how it was accomplished, whetherj.ts soothing editorials put him ',o :,leep, its lively locals set him to laughing. at which the pestierous insects were driven away, or whether the paper was used as a fan. It is important that It be known. In the mean time we advise our friends and readers to reco amend the HEiaaLD to all such as are not subscribers. There is no telling how much good it may do them. AnOUT THE TowN AND COUNTY. For tt: informatioi of the curiouo, and to relieve a fit-nd the annoyance of answeriig tive hundred questions in a day, we state that the gentlemen whose left arm has been car ried in a sling for some days past,is snffering from an accidental sprain, it was not caused by the pleasant pastime of "pistols and coffee. We may have mentioned before, that all kinds of job work can be done at the HERALD office, but it niatters not if we have, a good thing will bear repetition. Don't send your work out of town when it can be done in it, as well, as cheaply, and so much quicker. Don't do it. A man's death was recently caused in Illi nois by a spider. It was one of the iron species-in the hands of his wife. Now is a good time to kill bashes by cut ting them close to the ground. We chronic!e with pleasure, that one pro mise made us to pay up out of the proceeds of the first cotton sold has been religiously kept. - This was before the panic, consequently we don't entertain hard feelings towards others who fai.ed to come up. As soon as the effects of the financial crash are over, it is hoped that all indebted will call and settle. We enter solemn protest against our butchers selling ineat before daylight appears. I he getter up at six o'clock, has to fall back on bacon. The supply evidently is not suf ficient for the demand. The man who is blessed with the biggest appetite in the Couoty, was in town on Mon day. He looked uncommon hungry. A famine is feared. The dying words of a good wife were: "Heury, if you marry again, remember that it only takes a cupful of sugar to sweeten a quart of gooseberries." Why is a stick of candy like a horse? Be cause the more you lick it the faster it goes. The Baltimore Corner is in supply of some of the best kinds. We are pleared to notice that a new build ing is being finished for the accommodation of Messrs. I. N. Gary and Andrew J. Mc Caughrin. We wish them much prosperity. This is not the only improvement going on by any meads. Messrs. Lovelace & Wheeler have put skylights in their store-a decided improvement. Capt. Speck has enlarged his already hand some jewelry room; Mr. William Langford has erected another commodious warehouse at the depot; Mr. Jos. Brown has just completed a -two story building in the rear of his store; The work on Mr. White's building Is pro greising finely; Beside; many new projects are in happy contemplation; and We are gratified to say, Packer's elephant being finished, is a handsome piece of work. The biggest potatoes, the finest potatoes, the most potatoes, and in short, potatoes which are potatoes, were deposited on our table Monday last by our esteemed friend, Mr. Mordecai Boyd, No wonder he is such a happy man, and thli'manifestation of his fove for us not only fills our heart with ad miration, butwill fill several stomachs with potatoes. Our enterprising fellow-citizen, Mr. Ed. Christian, has finished burning another kiln of brick. The burning kiln was a grand and pretty sight at night, while at a red heat. We understand the hay crop this season is of4he finest kind, so that farmers would do well to cut and cure as much as possible. It is superior to Niorther-n or Western hay; fur the reason that our stock is used to it. Mr. Joseph Caldwell has been made happy by the arrival of German family. The bae ballists played another game on Wednesday. the White Stockings beating by smaln odds. Mr. Thos- F. Harmon has on hand, besides a large and elegant stock of groceries, dry goods, shoes, &c., some choice tobacco. Hie has kindly permitted us to try some of the latter. The young men of the town have wisely determined to hiave a reading room, which will be sup plied with the best literature of the day. This is right. A proof of'the pudding is chewing the bag. We have smoled some of Mr. T. Cook's segars, and acknowledge them worth pnfgng. A colored woman, wife of Jack Whitner, an employee of Messrs. Webb, Jones & Parker, died of fever last week. Also a child of John Duncan, colored. Commercial. NEWBERRY, S. C., September 39.--Cotton LIVERPOOL, Sep]rspber 29.-Cotton fli'm uplande 8ia9; Orleans ois9t. NEw YonE, September 29.-Cotton firm; s ales 940 hales, at 18ka19. CHARLEBTON, September 29.-Cotton qui et and firmer-middling 16. WILD CHERRY Batsax.-The memory of Dr. Wistar is embalmed in the hearts of thousands whom his Balsam of Wild Cherry has cured of coughs, colds, consumption, or sonme other form of pulmonary disease. It is now over forty years since this preparation was brought before tha public, Rnd yet the demand for it is constantly increasing. Sooner or later all will be forced to adm it, that maanual labor cannot compete In quality of work with machinery, and none are so blind as not to notice the greater reduction in the price of an article, as soon as machinery Is adapted to Its manufacture. Njo line of goods have been more favorably affected by skillfully made machinery, than Doors, Sashes, Blinds, &c. All of the Improve ments in this line are used to get up stock for Messrs. I. HI. HaLL & Co., Charleston. S. C., Agents for the best roofing and lining, Asbestos' Felt, ever used. Send for price list and eirculars. Oct. 1, 39-Im. WINOW Gr.ass.-Great attention is now deservedly paid to the kinds of Window Glass used in d wellings, stores and churches. All qualities of American and French Win dow, Picture. photogra ph, Cut, Ground, Enameled and Colored Galass, wi4olesale and retail, from Mr. P. P. Toale, No Hsayne street, Charleston, S. C. Send for price card. Sep 3, 35-Im. Natural Decay-Protect the Sys The human body is a machine, and there fore cannot endure forever; but, like a watch or a sewing machine, it will last much longer if properly regulated and dqly repaired, than if no pains were taken to keep it in order. The great object of ayary one who desires a long and healthy life should be to put his body in a condition to resist the life threatening in. fuences by which we are all more or less surrounded; and no invigorant and correct ive at present known so effectively answers this purpose as the vitalizing elixir which, uder the unpretending name of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, has been for more than twenty years the standard tonic pf America. In crowded cIties, where the atmiosphera is contaminated with the effBavia inseparable from large populations; in marshy regions, where the soggy soil reeks with miasma; on the prairies and in the forests, where every falLthe air is tainted with exhalations from rotting weeds and grasses, o r decomposing leaves-in short, in eyery.locality where ma laria exists, th is powerrul vegetablp ga jMote is urgently needed. Fever and ague, bilicr.s fevers, :dysentr, congestion of' the liver, jaundice, rheumatism, and all diseases which are generated by infected air, impure water, or sudden changes of temperature may be averted by strengthening and regulating the system in advance with Hostetter's Bitters. Atnign is always a season of peril, especial ly to weak, susebr.tilsle organizations. Even the more vigorous arc apt to be is sags measure depressed by the humid atmosphere, loaed with deleterious gases produced by vegetable decay. The fall is a period of the year when the renovation and regulation of the living machine is peculiarly important, and the Blitters should therefQre be talgen daily at this critical season. Oct 1 0.-1m. SheriUPs Sales. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution to me directed, I will sell on the first Monday in October next, the following personal property, to wit: two Mules, one Horse, one Cow. And also the following Real Estate: One Hun dred Acre. of Land, more or less, bounded by lands of David Livingstone, Andrew Be. denbaugh, Henry Werts. All of the above levied on as the property of William A. Werts, at the suit of Witi. Berly. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Sheriff's Office, Sept. 15th, 1873. J. J. CARRINGTON, S. N. C. Sept. 24, 38-2t. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution to me directed I will expose for sale, before the Court House door, in Newberry, on the First Mon day in October next, the following Real Es. tate, to-wit: One tract of laid containing one hun dred and seventy acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of E S. Keitt, J. M. Mar tin, Adam Croner, Lewis Hogr. Levied upon as the property of John T. Gillia:n, at the suit of DAvid Kibler. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay for pa pers. J. J. CAlRRINGTON, S. N. C. Sept. 17, 37-3t. Sheriff's Sale. In Comnion Pleas-Newherry.-Mary A. Black vs. D. D. Holly. By virtue of an execution to ne directed, I will sell on the First Monday in October next, at Newberrv C. I., S. C., the follow ing Real Estate, belonging to D. D. Holly: One lot in the town of Frog Level, situated near the G. & C. I. R. Dimens'ons sixty feet s4uare, One other Lot adjoining first lot and runninr sixty feet along the lot be longing to G. & C. It. It. Company. Terms Cash. J. J. CARRINGTON, S. N. C. Se p. 10, :-4t. Aiswellap eous. VALUABLE L A ND S FOR SALE. Will be sold on Sale-day in November next, at Anderson C. IT., if not disposed of at private sale, 1hat VALUABLE FARM, known as H[ARRISBURG, lying on Seneca River and both sides of Conneross Greek at its mouth, containing 517 A nCES, more or less-one half low grounds. Also, a small Farm, nenr Pendleton Vil lage, well improved, contiining 118 ACRES, more or less-about 20 acres botton land. For further particulars, apply to DR. MAXWELL. at Pendleton, S. C., or to CRAYTON & SONS, Anderson, S. C. Sep. 3-10, & Oct 1-8-35-4t. State of South Carolina-County of Newberry.-Court of C o m m o ii Pleas. Joseph Caldwell as Administrator, &c., of T. W. Caldwell, doe'd., Plaintiff; against James N. Martin, Adm'r, et. al., Defen danits.-Complair.t for Relief. In pqrstance of an order by His Hopor, M. Moses., Judge of the 9eventh Circuit, in the above stated case, All perroni having demands against the Estate of Thomas W. Caldwell, dee'd, are required to render iii and establish such demands before the un the lst day of December next. JESSE C. SMITH, Sep. 24, i;8- :st. c. C. P N. c. IN PROBATE COURT, LAURENS COUNTY. Sallie E. Finney and husband,'l J. W. Fin.ney, Elizabeth A dairand bus'dnd,Jas. Adair,| John r. Ltttle, nomas Littte, Pe fo Margaret Little.tnd husband Partition. and husband, David Glenu, Jas. Little and David Little minor-,.J To John P. Little, Thomas Little and Margaret Little, wife of M. M. Little, leg al heirs and representatives of Thomas Little, dce'd who died intestate and dev isees of Thomas Craig, dec'd.-Greeting: YOU arne hereby require~d tU appear at the Court of Frobate to Ije );gidpp at Lau rens Court Hloute, for l,aurens County on the 8slt day of October next, A. D. 1873, to show cause, if any you can, why the Real E4tate of Thomas Little, and also the tract of land bequeathed by Th,tmns Craig, dec'd, to the parties to this petition on file in my office should not be divided or sold for partition atnd division. Qiven igpder~ my lta!hd and egl, thi9 the 3d of day September, 1873. C. L ARK, Judge of Probate. Sept, 10, 36-6t. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, LAURENS .COUNTY.--IN PRO BATE COURT. ' Ex Parte-Mary Downey and her husband, Samuel. In lle-The Real Estate of Martha Dorroh, deo'd.-Potition for Partition. To Alexander ILamiton, and the heirs of John Hamilt<n, representative legatees of the Estate of Martha Dorroh, dec'd: You are hereby required to appear at the Court of Probate, to be holden at Laurens Cort l1otise, lot Laurens County, on the 10th day of Novemnber, A, D, 18i8, to shew cause, if any you cant, why the Real Estate of Martha Dorroh, dee'd., described in the petition of Mary Downy and her husband Samuel Downy, filed in my office, should not be divided or sold, allotting to the said Mary Downey one-third, Alexander Hasmil ton oud-thir, and the phpI4pen of <John Hamiltor, dec'd., one-third. ' Given under my huad arnd seal, this the 16th day of September, A. D. 1873. C. LARK, P. J. L. C. To Alexantder hamilton and the children of John Hamilton, dec'd., defendants in this case, whose residence is unknown: Take notice that action is commenced for the partition of land, in the Probate Court, for the County of Laurens, State of South Carolina, and that a summons in this action of which tha fnvgQing is a~ copy, was filed in the office of the Judge of Probate of said County, at Laurens Court House, State of South Carolina, on the 16th day of Septem ber, A. D. 1873, and that you are required to sapear in the cause by the 10th day of Noepher next, or the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief denan4le4 in the complaint. TODD & TODD, Sep. 24, 38-Ct, .Att'ys for Pl't'ffsm. An Ordinance Imposing a Tax On Real Estate and Mer ehandise. SFc. 40. Be ft ordained by the Town Council, and by the authority of the sanme, That a Tax of one-fifth of one per centum shall he, and is hereby levied, on all Real Estate within the incorporate limits of the Town of Newberry, and paid into the Town Treasury on or before the 10th Oct., 1873. Sm. 4a. Be it further ordali,ed by the authority aforesaid, That a tax ot thrde and a half mills on the dollar shall be, and is hereby, levied on the ad valorem value of all merchandise on hand 1st Sept., 1873, to be paid within said time. Done and ratified under the corporate seal [L. s.] of the Town of Newberry, this the 1st day of Sept., A. D. 1873. - JORDAN P. POJ, Attest: Intenaant. 0. L. ScHUlMPERT, Clerk. For the purpose of receivintg the above tax, I will be in my office every day from 8 il 10 A. M. 0. L. SC HUlMPERT, 3,000 CASES BOO FOR FALI :0: We are now receiving from the Manufact1 of BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS of every de any other Mirket. Merchants visiting Charleston are invited D. F. FLE 2 HAYNE STREE RAMUFr. A. NELSON. Aug. 27, 34-2m. Dry Goods, G JME. WE WHOLESALE A GROCEIRS, COT AXD DEAL] Plantation Supplies, Dry Goods Keep constantly un h Coftee, Meal, Baggin LBacon, MolAsses, Tie-, Lard, Sugar, Salt, Flour, . Corn, Tobac< kc., Pink Eye 1 Also a choice article of N. 0. Molasses, in bl :hoice A No. I article Goshen Butter, and But Give us a call. INO. E, WEBB. THOS. M. LAI Jan. 29, 4-tf. GROCERIESI FOR CASH. Contemplating a change in our business it an early day, we have determined to sell ;oods in the future &T SHORT PROFITS FOR CASH. - With our experience we are satisfied that it will be to our interest as well as the [nterest of Those With Whom We Deal, to confine ourselves strictly to the CASH SYSTEM, and SELL FOR SHORT PROFITS. We hope our friends, and the public gene ally, will give us a trial under this new ysten upon which we iow enter, and we xill endeavor to make i. to their interest to give us their patronage. WE WILL KEEP L good stopk- of feavy and Family Groceries, ind a CO'NSTANT SUPPLY of the WANDO FERTILIZER, to the examination of which we invite all persons wishing to purchase goods in our ine before they make their purchases. a, MOOINIA & 00, All persons indebted to us by note or account, are most earnestly regnested to !nake payment at once. A~ll our claims are mast One anta we must have them settled. WVe mean*what w say. R. MUORMAN & CO. Mar. 10, 1873-10-tf.e Uouse-Furatishing Goodsi. ze uto and Co mi s House. THE undersigned have again associated themselves under the old firm name of H.4 & S. BEARD, for the purpose of trensaeting the AUTI~'ON and GBNERAL 'OMMIS SION BUSINESS in the city of Columbia, and have purchased from Mr. Thomas Steen his interest in that business. The busin~ess will be continued in the store formerly occu pied by Mr. Steen, on Main Street. Any interest entrysted to their 94[ will be faithfully and promptly attended to. Consignments of all kinds solicited. HENRY BEARD, SAMUEL BEARD. CoL.UnDa, September 11, 1873. Having disposed of my Auction and Com mission lBusiness to Messrs. H. as S. BBA RD, [ do cheerfully recommend them to the pa tronage of my friends. THOMAS STEEN. Cor.MBZA, S. C., September 10, 1873. Sept. 24, 38-1 m. FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale a VA LUA BLE COTTON PLANTATION, situated i mediately on the Qreenville & Columbia R. - Rnear Saluda OTd Town, consisting of 935 A C RES, 300 of which is No. 1 Cotton land i 100 acres of the land, and 360 acres of the upland in condition for cultivation, re mainder in timber. On the premises is a convenient new dwelling, splendid well of water, a good gin-house, barn, stables, and over a dozen cabins for laborers. N'his place, if properly tilled, is espable of pro dgoing anually 150 bales cotton, 2,500 bushels Corn, with abundance of small grain. Terms-One-third Cash, balance of pur chase money in three annual instalments, with interest from date, and with mortgage to secure unpaid purchase money. If not sold privately, will be offered to the highest bidder on Sale-day in Novem ber next, at Newberry Court Hlouse. Apy prsqu can be shown the premises by Dr. J. N Lindsey, who resides thereon, or can address rue at Saluda Old Town, in care of Dr. John N. Lindsey. TIIOS. A. FLOYD.* A Trunks. JAMES %1. WILSON. rTS AND SHOES , TRADE. irers a very large and well selected Stock scription, which will be sold as low as in to examine our Stock. MINC & CO., T, CORNER OF CHURCH STREET. JAMES GILVILLIN. roceries, Xc.. BD& CO., .ND RETAIL FON BUYERS, 1, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c., and a good line of Plantation Hoes, Trace Chains, IHames, o, Woolen and Willow Ware, tatoes, &c. Is., h ., .5 and 10 gallon kegs, also a kwheat Flour in abuneance. CJ. H. O'N. HARRINGTON. NEW GOODS IN VARIOUS LINES AND AT 10MNTMEIT PRiCS! My Stock of FALL GOODS, consisting of )RY COODS-All varieties, 300TS AND SHOES-allprices, 4OTIONS-all sorts, 'R0CERI. S-all grades, And many other articles suitable for ill People and All Pockets, 3 now in sttre, and to which wiil be con tantly added, everything in season. I respectfully invite my old customers as ,ell as new ones, to visit my store, examine tock and prices, and if 'agreeable to them, ive mc a ahare of patronage. THOS. COOK, Under Pool's Hotel. Sep. 17, 37-3m. GROCERIES, BAGGING, TIES, &c., WVIOLESALE AND TAiL, BY I. H. O'Neill, Agt. Corner Caid well and Friend Sts. Oppo.lte Mr. P. Scott, Merchant Tailor, [as just rceived and opening a general as, Cholte Family Groceries, LIQUORS, &c. mHicH WILL BE SOLD 50 for Cash, or coun try Produce. 'he public generally are invited o call and examine my stock be we pur.chasing elsewhere. rhe Highest Price Paid for Cotton. Sept 25 39 tf aJe8 & Marti f Are receiving their FA LL SUPPLY of [lARD WARE, CUTLERY, 3-ROOERIES, PROVISIONS,. BAGGING, -TIES, WOODEN-WARE, fa(on and Bugy Matil SADDLERY and WHIPS, JItIIMBER WVOOD PUMPS ETC., ETC., ETC. Oct. 2, 40-tf. DO YOU WANT e TO BUY Gr'oceries Cheap AND Excellent in Quality? IF SO, GO TO VIRS. D. MOWER, Vhere can be found Flour, Bacon, Molas es, Sugar, Coffee, Corn, And Many Other Articles at the Lowest Market Prices. On the corner, and under the HERALD Mflice, is the placo or Cheap Goods, Cheap Prices, And the Best Attention.1 Ap, 2o 16...t. Clot hing. JUST RECEIVED! OTR ENTIRE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, H A T S, AND Genls' rum ishig Goods, Our S:Ovk this Fal I ha bwen iC elecii d %th great care, ai.d we uhesitatingly say, the best ever brought to :bis City. Our Goods are too well known for their style and wokm.ahip to need praise at this tite. In the CI'STOM DEPA RTMENT our GOODS Am ;E.w'TFUL and under the charge of t gentleman recenily from ore of the best l-1u14es Nort. Do not f1i4, to give us a V.I:l when in the City. Re & We s SIV NEID, COLUMBIA, S. C. Sep. 24, 38-tf. OOOOO00ooo OOooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooOo)O(,OooOOOO )000 000 000 0OLD CLOTHESWO 00) 000 oo(ooooouu(4oo uoooooooo0oo.4oOOOo )O ooo Do inot add to a asain's appear- ooo ooo ance, uiI when WRIGUT & ooo 000 COPPOCKofferelegainatnew 000 000 ones, the old should bo ooo o0000000000000000000000 000000 00000 0"EXCHANCED00 O00000000000000000 000000000 000000000 ooo Instatnter, and at any price or ooo 00000o0000000000000oo00oo000000000000 0 FOR NEW AND0 OOOOOOOOOOo000OOO oo000000000000000000 oo Paid for with thanks; if thi; be ooo ooo not done, othr n,zil with less 000 OQQ protw;sions to beauty, wit ooo ooo or intCar !Clce, whoare 000 000 sharp enough to ooo 000 adorn them- 0oo 000 selves in 000 oooooooooooooooooooo00o0oo000o00000000 oELEGANT SUITS,0 000000000000000000000ooooooooooooooo ooo Will take tie shine OUE ot you. Onr ooo 000 G!othing is cheAp, and of great ooo 000 variety in style, anid can b :.oo a WITHOUT COST : 000 As no charge is made for showing ooo ooo them ;for we fed, tstaini that ooo ooo00~ %:.;c e a customer calls 000 2* AT THE STORE ** 000000000 oooooooooooooooooo o0ooooo00 0o0 And ma~kes an examrination lie will ooo ooo ~never be satisfied until he makes 000 ooo a purchase 000 M OF WRIGHT & COPPOCK,m 000oo 000 NEWBERRY, S. C. ooo Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo0000000 May. 21, 20-tf. rtores, Tin Ware, &c. ( At his Old Stand,) Is now prepared to supply thre wholesale trade arid thre citizens of this arid surround inig Counties, with the most approved kinds of COOKING STOVES, Together with a1! varieties of Tin Ware, Toilet Ware,. Fancy Coffee Biggins, Teapots, Cake and Money Boxes, and liOIJSE[RISHING GOQODS, REPAIRING Neatly and expeditiously done, ROOFING and GUTTERING MADE A SPECIALTY. Apr. 9, 14-tf. REMOITIOF TIN SHlOP, AS my lease on mry present stand expires on the 20th of thik mionthi (March), I will, on and after that time, be found in tire large store recently occupied by Abramns & Metts, as a Shoe Store, between Dr. Pratt and Mr. Nathan, where I will carry on the Tin and Stove Business, in all its branches, and. where I shall be pleased to see all mry old customrers and as many new ones as desire anything in my line. I shall try, as hieretofore, to give sat isfaction both as to price, quality of goods and work. W. T. WR ICH T. Mar. 12, 10-tf. Photography. OUR GALLERY. LET rt be distinctly understood that the~ PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY OF N E WBE R RY, is in full blast and doing things up all righ t, and well prepared for a gbod run this Fall. All kinds of work dones ini good style, in. eluding copying of old P'ictures, Filling Pins, Rings, &c. A fine lot of ALBUMS Just received. Come along during this~ pretty weather. Respectfully, W. H. WISEMAN. Dry GoodV .Xifimery. FAL A) 11INTER MILLINERY AND Millinery Goods, RIBBN, 0 S Silk and Straw GoOds, WHITE GOODS, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Parasols, and Handkerchiefs. Now open at Mrs. D. MOWER'S, US1R1 HERALD OFFICF. Apr. 1G, 15-tf. W. T. TARRANT, MOLLOHON ROW. . Dry Goods. Grocerivs, l3oots, Shoes, Hats, Capq, Crockery, a.ddleiy, Ifarue-s, Tinks, Leather, etc. Apr. , - ff. Colleg.. DUE WEST FEMALE COLLEGE. Fifteeth Year Opens Oct. Gth. Tuition S26o a Session. Board -15 per month, including fuel and washiu-. Send for a Catalogue. J. 1. DONNER An.g. 27, 34-2m. Due West, S. C. TWHERR FELMALE ACADEMY. -.P. PIFER, A. ., Principal. Miss FANNIE LEAVELL,: Assistant. Prof. F. WERER, : : usical Dep't. The' NEXT SESSION of this SCHOOL will begin on 18th SEPTEMBER, 1873. As far as the duties of life are concerned as thorough an education can he obtahned at this School as at any Female Seminary in the State. Tuition from $12.54 to $22.50 per Session. Paid in advance or satisfactorily seenred. Boarding can be obtained at a nioderate price. For particulars, inquire of S. P. BOOZER, Sec. B'd., or of A. P. PIFER, Principal. Aug. 6, "1--tf. WILLIAMSTON, S. C. TIHE THIRD COLLEGlATE YEAR VE ILL BIEGIN OCT. i;, 187::, AND CLOSE JULY 2, 1474. Thme.Institution claims a faiir share of pa tronage on the following grounds :-Expe rienced anid Com:petent, Yaculty ; Course extensive, in independ'-ut dlepartmuuens; Ifigh Standard of Scholarship ;Ui:usuail in dlucemuents to study: Due attemkion to muan ners, morals, ankd phi sical comfort : Donies tic arrangemzents like a well governed home; Pure, whuoie air and water.; The (;elebrated Mineral Spring ; Con venience of access: Freedom from the in terruptions inseparable f:onm large towns; Building con venient and commodious; (;hapel ample for any Occasion ; FurnitLure new ; Musical Instru:meut< excellen t and in order; No debt ; No sectarian inuuce; No State control. -n.m?:s Eon 20 wr):S-Is ayaNCe : Board, exclueive of washing ankd lights, $70.00; Regular Tuition, $10.00) to $25.00; To Ministers' daughters, tree : Instrumental Music, 82u.06; Latin, Greek, French, and Vocal Music, Gratis. REV. SAMUEL LANDER A. M., Aug. t, 31 -2m. President. Gie WET! And O WET!! Adstudy- in the great Metropolis of the Mississippi Valley and Sind emkploy menClt. MOUND CITY ST. LOUIS, MO., MODEL BISINESS SCHIOOL. Established 14 Years! And has furnkished miore business men to graduate than ten other simiilar inlstitutionks. To Young Men Seeking Em. ployment We guarantee to procure situations on comi pletion of course, or refund i entire fees. Reference to Students fromk Texas, Louis iana, Arkansas, I!ississippi and Alabama furnished. Send for Circulars of this GREAT BUSI NESS SG HOOL, to THOS. A. RIGE, Pres., 210 and 212 N. 4th St. July 30, '73-30-17. ESPECIAL NOTICE. I respectfully announce that from and after this date, has ing made a reduction in prices, I will conduct A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS. No goods will there fore be delivered unless p.aid for. T. P. ABRAMS. TO THE PUBLIC. Having been employed by Mr. T. P.* Abrams to conduct the above business, I take this means of informing mny friends anid the public generally, of the fact, and to respectfully solicit a stare of their patron ege. J. E. BROWN. Dissolution of Copartnership. The Copartnership heretofore exist ing between Win. H. Walker and Francis H. Forde, ink the namei and style of W. H. Walker & Co., is hkerebv dissolved by mutual consent. All those inIdebted to said firm wil. pay to F. IIL Forde, and all claims ag..inst the firm w ill be paid lby himn. W. HI. W ALKER F. IL. Fo1:DE.