The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, May 28, 1873, Image 4

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FIRST WORKING OF COT TON. By the time the corn ig disposed of, cotton will need its first work ingj-. To avoid I-getting behind" it is very important that these first workings should be begun as early and pushed forward as rap idly as possible. Not a moment's time should be last. Just as soon as the cotton is up, the ground on each side of it should be lightly scraped off, either with scraper, sweeps or barrow. Something that can run very near the cotton will kill incipient weeds and grass, treak the crust, &c., and yet not cover up the cotton. The dirt scraped off being thrown in the middle will cover up the young grass there and leave every thing clean but the narrow strips where the cotton stands. Follow now with hoes and chop out lighily and rapidly. The bringin.g down to final stand had better be left for the next working. Opinion is much divided as to what constitutes a "stand." It 'inust necessarily vary with width of rows-the wider the rows the thicker the stalks should stand in the drill, other things being equal. Wherever the nature of the land (as bottom lands) produce dense, luxuriant growth, greater distance must be given to admit air and light and prevent rotting of the bolls. Mr. Dickson's plan of leav ingfrom two to three stalks, at the distance apart of the width of a No. 2 Seovill's hoe, when first pub lished, was opposed by many. We should be very glad to have the views of our readers on this point now after the experieuce of four or five years. On the sandy lands along the coast where Sea bland cotton is cultivated, such crowd in- will not answer. The stalks will run up without throwing out a branch for eighteen inches or two 1etet from the ground. Mr. Sam41ueIl Banett, the wortr Secre tarN. Georgia State Agrieultural Socety anr uite an extended investiotion of the point in ques tioln C:ne to the conlclusion, that the nature of the land decided whether it was best to leave one. or three stalks in a hill-and that matter had to be tested by each one for himself on his own farm no general rule on the subject could be laid down. It. is altogeth er probable that besides the na tnure of the lad, the length or sh1ortness- of the season would hiave a controlling inliuence. Mlr. lhar niett's observations were made lriinci pal ly in the imiddlhe portions of the "cotton belt." WIDE AND NARRlOWI ROWS. l'.islToR SOUTHERN CUI;TIVAToI. --i notice. in the April No. of the ('aira"or (page 123,) that Mr. Ge. iC . Dixon claimns that there is mosre mio?ner in four feet rows than t her i-i ii three feet. notwithi standing thes. thriee feet rows madL(e tw~o po Iuds seeds. cotton more than four fee t rows, (in 3lr. J. 13. 31.'s experimenti.) lie goes on to ex plain why it is the best to have fouir leet ro w5, and hiis reas5on is that t hey save l:bor and gu ano, which is moner. I believe that cotton ini four I'eet rows crowded in the drill wi!! mature earlier, if it is cultivated shail!ow. A g.reat many inien dislike wide mows, giving as a reason, that, the ground is not shaded between thenm and that it e~xhaust5 land1( mnore where the sun has fuill power upion it. I agree with them under their modes of culture; viz.. turning up~ laid with Long T1urn Plhoughs andI Shovels inl id-s u mer. or if the Sweep is used, it is generally put in very I never experimented myself. iBut last ye: I had a freeman lay ing~ off rows, which I intended to hothree feet. But I n'ticed where lie finished the field that in the last acre or two, lie then run them about four feet. These stood1 thle drought better, and was mchi the best COtton I had in the field. It was~ all fertilized, left ielk in the drill, two and three stalks in a hill. and was cultivated shaillo,w. A Sr mseni:n. Wnrr 1s .PaoGmarssivr AGRicU nI:R E -T he New York Observer ainswe rs this qumestion in few words but very comiprehensively, as fol i ows: ".1inder its influenlce spring up tasty and convenient dwellings, adorned with shrubs and flowers; and beautiful within with the ,iles of haippy wives, the~ tidy chilidreni in the lap of thoughtful a?e--broIad hearts and acts, as welil as words of welcome Pro yessive agricultuare buildis barns :nal puts gutters on them, builds stabsles ihr cattle and raises roots to5 fs.eed them. It grafts wild ap pie trees by the ime.adow with pip pin and greenigs-it sets out new oreb:ards and takes care of old ones. It drains low lands, cuts down bushes. buys a mower, houses tools and wagons, keeps igood fences and practices soiling. It makes liens lay, chickens live, and prevents s winec from rooting up mmeadows. Progressive :agri cultuire keeps on hand p!enty of dryv fueli and brinrgs ina the oven wood for the women. It plows deeply, sows plen tifully, harrows even ly and prayvs for the blessing of heavein. "Finally. it subscribes for good religious, agricultural and family journals, aid pay-s for thEn in ad vance, advocates free schools, and always takes something besides the iamily to thicnnnty fair." S.T-1 860-X. 04,, TS PUMEY A VEGETABE PREPARA TION. LcomposedsimplyofWell-nown ROOTS, H ER SS and FR U ITS, combined with other properties, which in their nature are Cathartic, porient, Nutritious, Dlurct:. Altarative and Anti-Bilious. Tha wholo is ireserved in a sufli c-nt quantity of spirit from the SUGAR (iE to lwcp them in aLy climate, whiCh makes the rDIANTATION one of the most desirable Tonics and Cn thartics in the world. They are intended strictly as a Temperance Bitters only to to used as a medicine, and always ac crding to cirections. They are tha shleet-anchor of the feeble and eebilitated. They at upon a dim:sed liver, and ctimulate to a degreo th.t a healthy action i3 at once brouaht .bout. As a remedy to which Women are especially subject it is super scding ever othor st:.ulaut. As a Spring and Summer Tcn ic they have no equal. They are a mild and genjtle Pur,ative as well as Tonic. Thcy pu:-:I ta bood. They are a splendid Appetizcr. Thiey:Io the weak strong. They parify and invigorate. They curo Dys pepsia, Constipation and Hleadache. They act as a specific in all specis of disorders which mndermine the bodily Etrength and break down the animal spirits. -- Depot, 53 'Park Place, New York. Apr. 1i, 13-iy.cow. KATHAIRN Only 50 Cents per Bottle; Epromotes theG(ROWTHT,PRESERVES the COLOR, and increases the Vigor a and BEAUTY of the HATR ' OvEn TNUmTY YEAiRs AO.O LTOi's KATflAIROI ofessor .Tonas Lon . ag:duateof Princeton ollege. The namne is derived from the Greek, o .in-Tbfivr it has t'hoppu abs It inrse s the (uowand BirY of the He t it ar deligh ful dein. erdicates tkeeps the head cool. and giesthehaira rich.sof aQuArYas itwa over a QeucER of aC r tore at eai FHy ent per eto .e WVoD1'l Glory is Rer ar. , LYON'S A pr. 10, 15-ly.cow. AN UNPARALLELED OFFER --0 We want to add 100,000 Subscribers to th h:bscrip; en list of HE 80UTiIER~N MAUiZINI D)U RING. 1S7.3. WILL TOU EUY ONE OF T1iE31? We think you will when we tell you tha ec will ive you 521.(00 for $..0! llow io a.nd .se: Wec w.ill send !E 80UTilERN M:iNE The SubscriptiGn l'r ice ofuwhich is G40 per Annum, ANr> A SPLE1DID STEEL-PL ATE ENGR AVING, 20 x .5 \Icrs, HE BURIAL OF LATANE For !$.30 1 --o* 4.9Pfire of ilN r0lrivih P .0 ----- 4e boldly ass:-rt that no;-uch l iberal u:rer ha ever beenmna.deby ar.yMagr.zine ORTH OR SOUTH! Wc do not ask you to subec ribeC until yot e oth: lie F.ngraving and! the~ Magazine h to tmble you to di tis we have aippoitt rTtE PtB.ISHIEI OFl THIS PAPER: OUt n:Er. iIe will be pesed to shtow yoi 'URNBULL BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, BALTIMtORE, MiD. A pr. 9, 14-tif. feri:er. The Celebrated FERTILIZER ! PiE BEST 01F ALL ppl to Wri.I . N(NI, Agent, )r to A. J. McCAUG HIBIN & Co H. S. B00ZElR & CO., Agents, F'rog Dec 559~ if J011 C. DIAL, .mporter and Deaer in F & American RAHA[ M M l[ Iron. Steel, Nail, Castings, Mill Stones, Bolting Cloth::. Smut Machincs, Circular Saws, Mili 1rons, Sugar Pans, Carriage and Trimmnig Mazerials, HARDWARE, ACiCU'lTURAL IMPLEMENIS Lim), Cum,.!t, P7ast:-r. Pau.Oils, FrinCh aad American Wi 'lw Glass, Uns, Ri fics, Pisto's, Shot Belts, Powder ilasks, rPw-ar, Shot, &c. WHof.E.4.\I.EAN RETAI.. At the Sin ofthe (.OL>! 'N Al) IADCK. COLUMBiA, S. C. J .24, 1t2-:hn. 1 IJ011- R & 0 COLUMBIA, S. C. DFALKI'S IN Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksmith's and Carpenter's Tools, CARRIAGE and WAGON MATERIALS, Builders' Hardware, Iron, -\"ils, Piow and Cast Steel, Liac and Cement. Family Groceries, Flo;!r, Davnn, Lard, Ilolasse!', Gate,Corn, IIay,Peas. Ihported U'ies and Liquors, (i. (ic :' :,, a i fied W .hVi= iesi in all I their variei-, fo' O - at whiolezale and AT LOW PRICES FIOR CAS. JOHN AGNEW & SON, THE WARREN Improved Hoe. T LATESTl and BEST HO for~ COTTIOiN EFver litaliuratture.d. Caipital for gardens also. To form an idea of its greait ::daptabclity and wonderfulin min n. come: andi examine. An inrov:- tI', recived by jan 8'l MA\YEs a MalITIN. PATRONIZE IF YOU WANT A 'CA RRIAGE, BUGGY, ROCKAWAY Or WAGON, JOHNAGNEW, Of C'OLiiMEB., S. C., MA NEFACTUlms: the above, and w arrants saidaction at PIrIES TilAT AlmE LOWV iIe kee'ps a full stoc k of H ARNESS, W HIPS, UMBRELLAS, &c., An.d mnakes REPAIRING AND PAINTING A SPECIALTY'. JOUN AG1NEW, Propietor. M. J. C ATLNAN, Agen'ct. Mar. 26, 12---:.m. DEALE.!: IN Confectioneries, GROCERIES, &c., AT TIlE Baltimiore Cornier, Newberry, S. C. I Feb). 12. G-tf. Music Given Away. i.x" to bie sent for one veacr to anIv one wrho " will sendl us Iive subI,cribers to our paper. Think of it: You canT get at least Sixty froautiful Songs, Dunets, and Ghornses, and frmffyto sixty P'iano pieces, worth atE least $40,. by sending us five subscribers to ft A,, p n ap Feb. 5. 5-tf.1 ~'c Hop I Ic, PS. LE - / OPl'1I [ SSFD FLOR!NG, CEI LING. WEAT te*rns of M!ouldings madi:ce, over 100,000 o:ell-Pce'P. Door nld WindIow Fraces, ina I-, l'.dluiers of Walmt or Maho.gany, on li -ork ma-le as clc:.p at his e hhinent as I l:lll(! t!1 I: t stock w* th1 above.South t ntee will give entire satisfacton to ail who m The sub?zccibers are the only practicalN Mech arrying oun the I:tsines! in the city of Charles ;ratc, Georgi.t, North Caro!ina ad Florida, ai wenty ycar-. W. P. Rt ()TIE.- n nccount of the ianner in wii( tion If the risk of lreak:cte of Ib, swith Ol ie in ti k Stctt, at, il A LF N ATES, wb ic Mar. 12, 1873-10-ly. Sash and Blinds,1 Tilfes, Wire G rd,Tvrra C'tt Ware., Marbjli! and4 Shato .\bn:le P!Wcelz. 1IN0 W LSSA S PE01A LT Y ,:ee wz appliv:liun, by P. P. T6AlE, 21n llaynv and i:m Li (eyv . Oc. 2, 'T 2 -ly C'al t n .' GEO. S. IIA CKER. )oor, Sash aind Blind Faetory, ("HIAR1LE,STON, S.C. TilS S S aRE AD OMLEEr 4 "oya hr i nteSuh ar and Bleoos inse,op os IteI C:mn Stcret, oncliec o' CcRil I c X~n' cGEO!. S.c IIACKER * i tP Z: c. B o 0n hrtn . C. LOFCE2 &f W~m ccI 1EELEli' Agets. NO. '72-4K-1y LNo inge~sI an lndHFacy , SH[AINGLEN,S.' SD L.YPRES AIINCOLErE Aue orv a ic i i a di dSrailitn. n ~ortes ntcicct.udlrd at acy pin Sthe lie ril ou. ndaidmn Alid nocc hand ,onleotCiy:c Apply Adreose,~ to cj R J'. . FO W 7,CaLE~tc,S. LOpr IK,C 1:;-: LLE:,Aget. HEAP! CHEP! 200,00 SHNGLE TH ucrie s on hd atPeake SHVSHINGLES.ckgso 'er hundredv ea:ch, whi lccich e offers very w.c' 1ccci,cc Ie is cou'stanul recevn sim lcr S. Order wilO be,o pl ane to . F. . DOWLNESK Feb. 12, 1- - ALTO,c.C AFSITUATION WANTED ry a opeen adrible >:occkee r itoiee a . set ofc Books. For. rth er oraillnb apply tthaed o rR 3. O p.-r HERouALD~ NoFFIcCrE.f iiv Ei: ,BA!:DS O Oe 100 d ifferent pat cet onl hain.!, ise 1. at New Y 't:k pries. le to order at .h..rt noti:ce. Sta ir Itail , Ne :d andu madec to i Gondl an.d sublstantial an he m:ade in :he I i:ed Stae' We have if the ciy olf altimiore, all of which we guar ant good aml sibtantia work. mnies, Sash. Blind and Do'or Makters, by Trade, otn, and can refer to, gentlemnen all over this~ to the character of their work for the past ISSELL & CO., (Uiarlcston, S- - ii we box up our wvork, andl our own assump linary hi:iidling, our goods are shipped over i is a great saving toe the purebaser of our work. W. r. R~USSELL & Co. tx loa TAlHE SOUTH CAROLINA R. R., Steamshtips, :iud Connecting Ioads, FOR.MING TilE Great Southern Freight and Passenger Line Via Charleston, S. C., TO AND FRlOM New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Balti mehre, Ot'er superior iincmts to Shippers of Freight. Quick tim e anid safe delivery guar anteed. P .otengerst il i nil this not only the cheap est, but the most dlelihtfl toute bettwee-n New York p And pnts West. leg:nt steam ers 0on the line. lihrough licet otr sale at hipe above points, aod at all principal points West. Vice-resident, S. C. AO. R. S. -. Pnsisn, Ceneral ticket AgeIt, S. C. 1. It. A pr. 9, id-t f. ClhARLOTTE, COLUMIL .INI AlUITA RAILROAD. JA.\l lS A~ N I )ElSiN, Gem-rai l ueitn G.roa. Soten!!Y,'e. Freight and PsegrLr Ticket C.hatc, C lmii . S. C., TWO EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY. iaia sotr-rn. Leave Ch.irlotte, 7.15 . .a. ndi a.2 B.M.* " Coh:mi!eiia, 2.:2.) P.M. .md :: b :'. .Ms Ai ive at Aui-i, 7.4 .M. and 8.:;f .effi Cos .: Nottn. Leave AugustIa, ;.".5 ..t. andl 5.5'i rat." "ll IN NI ba.1:::a n 1.5 P>. P.' T'raiis iirIIkd di not run oii un da. 'it tai :iake e!ose conuctior. to all Ne ont rj. ati-! 1))iintV. Elean steani Elegant Sl.epiag Cats on Night Trains. Theo conetions are tnmtrouis, and with the priniiipal li:;es of travel in North Caro lina, South I'.irinat and Ge;orgia. .Ppr e, :-t.. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. L. M. COiLE, Gencral Ticket Agent, l.ti mitore, MA. JAMNE A. J)RSN, G ent-ral Passpertner A gent, Cincinniati, Ohio. Great National Route to the West Tilc,A lid, ot-WS. The on!v .inei running Pldlmain's Palace CaIs, aid legan t lay CoAebe b2 Ptwi n Baltimnore and Walhingaton, Cinciinnati and :4. Lois. WIT!iOUT P Il.IN AE. It is the BEST ROUTE to Chicago, Columbus, Louisville, Nashiville, MIemphis, and Its con necltion ar m- nany ::nd implortant, making niore diret connections through I'nijoni Depots witih othiir lines, than any' other Ritul Linec fromt Washington or Balti Thc supe-irb eqpiipments of this Line, G'randl Senery, its advanitages in modern i:nprove muets, and permuanent structures of Iron !!idges antd Stonie Viadnets, are .otable feaitures, a! ol mcmen it to lie traveller. Photograrphy. OUR GALLERY. LE T it br: di--tly u ttnde stood tha't the PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY NEWBERRY, is in full bla:t and doing things up all ritdht, and o l prepiar-ed for a gzood run this~ Fall. All lkinds iof work donie in good style, in eldingi copying of ld Pictures, Fillingu Pins, Rig, ke. A finie lot of AL.B TJMS Comie along' during this pretty weather. W. If. WISEMAN. Oct. 2, -0-tf. Watreitouse. SO UT HE RN WAREHOUSE COMPANY, ervais Street, near Greenville and Colum bia Railroad, COLUMBIA, 8. C.. IS PREilPAR~ED TO RECEIVE COTION and other properiy upon storage, and make advanices upon the samle. Cotton shipped to this house will lie .,tored subiject to the order of the owner, and the lowest rates charged for stoinge. All property so stored will .be insured in good reliabtle compauies, if in surance is desired: and advances wvil be made at the lowest banking rates. Oar store hoses are so located that drayage is nott necsary; and no charge for handliing will All business commnunications shonld be address:d to the Tre-a,urier. ED)WAI) ll uPE, President. EDwiN F. G.u'nY, Treasurer. 4 Mar.1P2,10-(0m. I Free Transportation. WE are prepared to grind from one to one hundred and fifty bushels Corn per day, ad will fnrnish free transportation of their rain to and fromn our mill for our patrons free of charp. wenn mOmE & P ARKER. ERNN%UI'lutCC. COTTOill TATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. PRiNCiPAL OFFiCE, MACON, GA Anthoriz ai .... ...... %"10,04 Guaranw;ed C t!............ 5oo,oul Deps.ited with Siate Comptrollers for Sec.rity of Policy lders. .150,00( :Q: . d. . SsTON................ Prosideni . i 10 .. ... . ... ........ .vice-Presideni Gi:o. S. 02....... ...........Sqecrutuu J. .. rm.............. General Agern J. 3 :aa Gun:EN, M1. I...Medical Ex' W. J. M.1 . ............ st '1 of Agecie; C. F. MCa ....................Actuars Ni:w:nR 2. HN.. S. C., Decelnbier 19. 1s72. At a eetin - of Policy Holders, at Newberry (. 11., a iuard of Advisory Truces~ of the COTTON STATE's LIFE INSUlANCE C031PANY was orguanized. and the following ol Tnw.-k,S3. 314)(l61AN. - President W..Nr. ],.N;:o11. - Vice-'resident 0. L. S'IL.\T T, - - Secretar The Coimpany is in the finest possi ble condiition--having 8175 to 8111C i)f liabilitivs. A >ivid 1iid has I k-el,n declared o all P-li,ik, ue pri" to Janu:ry lst, 187t. M. W. ABNEY, Genueral ..ent. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY MEMIPHIS, TENNESSEE, ASSE TS - - $1,100,000. ION. J1EFF1iSON D)AVIS, P'resident. GEN. WADJE ULA3PTON. Vice Pres-ident. anid Superintendan1t of Atlant iie Departnienit. J. D). KE:NNEDY, State Ageut. J1. F. GLENN, Agent Newberry Co. Among its Directors arc some of the first businiess umen of the country. iWe gusaee htone.sty of itmnment, i.e peysettlement of h>s.-es. July 10, '72-28-1y. Cotton Giiis. THE BROWN COTTON GIN. Planters should examine thme above amed old amnd reliable Gin before buing~ any other. It combinmes the required qual tics or Simplicity, Strength and Diura bility, It gins rast and clean, mnakes excellenit lint (of ten bringing 1-4e, to -2e. per 1b. above market,) and is univer ally admnitted to be the lightest running~ in made. We have had thirty years' ex erience in the business, and warrant every in perfect. Gins constantly in thme hands f our agent s, to which we invite inspection. Circulars, with testimonials and full >articulars, *ay be had by addressing, ISRAEL F. BROWN, President, Brown Cotton Gin Co., New London, Conn. WEBB, JONES & PAR~KER, Agents. Mar. 5, -4m. COTTON GINS MADE AND REPAIRED AT MY S!IOP ON COLLEGE HILL, NEWBERRtY, S. C. Give Me a Trial. JOHN A. CHAPMAN. Mar. 2d, 1 2--3m. GERMAN valuable in Teething, and Summer Com plaints of Children. Cures DYSENTERIY, COLIC, sudm other Diseases, incident to the period fl Den tition. Unlike the "Soothming Syrups," now so idely used, this CORDIA L contains NO ANODYNE, r other injurious Drug. It is composed of e very best materials, and should be >und in every Nursery. The best physi ians recommend it. MANUFACTURED BY Dr. H. BAER, CHARLESTON, S. C gg For sale by MOT'IE & T ARR ANT, awberry S. C. May i, 18tf. E. R. STOKES HAS just opened, in the new and lnid some building immediately opposite the P-eon\ix rilce, on Main street, a complete sUocik of STATIONERY. Letter, Cap:n:a Note Paper, of a1l sizes, qualties and of every descriptioll; Flat PapLer, of Cap, Diny, Double-Ca), Me diuiml, Royal!, Super-Royal, and Imperial wis, which w ); ( he I ld il: v quantity, or m:nfalctured into lian llooks of aily si'e, and uiled to any p,attern, and bound in any style, at short niC. E:N N'ELOPES In cndle.s vxecty-all sizes, colors and quali ties. BLANK I10OKS Of' evere vtriotv, Menoranilurn and Pas !'t [.k, Iiiv,ice and Letter Iook, 1eip;* Boo;,I -Note: l%:.k,;. AliCilli 1W 1 and lI:)A UGl-TSMEN ' will find a complc ock (if iaterials for their use. Drawi:l- Papr, in .4hcet- and rolls, Bristol ioards, Postal Paper and Boards, Oil Paper, Pencils, Water Color", in c..kcs and boxes, Brushes, Crayons, Drawing Pens. SCHOOL STATIONERY Of every description; a great variety of con venient and useful articles for both Teachers and Pupils. ALSO, Pliutogrb Albums, Writing Desks, Port folios, Cabas, with boxes, and a countless variety of FANCY ARTICLES. AlNe, a most elegant stock of Gold Pens and Pencil Cascs, superbly-inounted Riubber Goods. INKS. Black, Blue, Violet and Carmine, Indelible and Copyin-,; Mucilage; Chess and Back .aminon Men and Boards: Visiting and Wed !,aug Cirds, and everything usuaily kept in a First Class Stationery House, Which the subscriber intends this shall be. lie will still conduct his BINDERY and LANK B4)()K MANUFACTORY and PA PER-RULING ES1ABLISIDIENT, which has been in succes:,ful operation for over thirty years in thi.; State, and to which he will continue to devote his own personal at tention. Ilis stock vill be kept up full and complete, and his prices will be found always reasonable, and he hopes to have a share of patronage. E. R. STOKES, Main Street, Nov. 15, 46-tf Opposite Phonwix Otce. .Iecie.. 5 t Per Day: Agents Warted! $ to$2 A ll classes olworkIng peo. ple of either sex, youn;g or old, make nmore inon er at work for us in their spare momieuts. or all tie tilie. than at anvthing else. Particulars free. Address G. Stiuson & (v.. Portland. Maine. Jan. 15. 2-1y. DAVIS & CO., INFORMATION AGENCY, WAS IIIN(TOX. D. C. A Great Public Want, at last, Supplied. There are hundreds o men in :ill parts of the country who daily need INOILMA lioN in ze .ard to Penins. Bountices, Patents. Internal o:,.venue Lo:i.ei:ed e o:i-ow. tve condition of ('ontra.ctor-' :,ecouiuts. or somie others of the endlessclacims which go befnire the seeralI De p artmnents of the Governmiae:t which inforia tion. if' it can be fuirnishedi reliably and proimpt lv. saves themi tie iion of time and the expein-e ot a' visit to the seat ofl u vernriient. If t'on seek it of your 3lemiber ofCongress-::bsorbed. as he is. in his punbhic dutiev-yu 'imp ose upion him fre quenitly ai con'iderabl e exra burden: aind, per ch:anee. are Ob.'d to .'ubmtit :o delay. W e ec .i fa: nish. upvn ihe -hottest notice, spe citie :i:d reliable iitnfrm~ato in regardI to any point involved in the bu.'ien of the various Bu, reau-; or can tan act al.y of the buciness before thein. The aid your I epre-centatives will. froms ob.vious reason', be very williang to afford us, nt hen necessary ; our long acquainta::ce and i'a :niiiarity with the oilicer' at:d with toe routine ot publi'c business. and our promipt und unremit ting atte'ntio.n to all raatters enti usted to us. en able us to offeir the best facilities for obtaining information; and we desire to afford it on the moct reasonable terms. All letters enclosing One Dollar, with a stemp for return postage. will be hamediately answer e'd. and expiscit and satisfactory informtatiou giveii. Jn its pursuit no efli>rts will be spared. and it will be communicated with the mnostscru pulous fidelity, so as to be absolutely reliable. 'We are determnined to merit--and secure-the uneuaiied contidence of our patrons. 'Contr::etois' aceuunts for couveying the United States 3Mail pi ior to 1WGO. as also A "sistant 31:ir shal's acconts for taking Census of' 180, bought or received for coll. etion. We refer, by e'.pecial permission. to 1ion J. J1. M1artin. Sixth Aud itor of the Treas ury for the Post Oflice [Departmsent; lion. D). 1P. Itolloway. late 'otnnissioner of' Patents. Wash ington; SiL W. hlarr. Ageiit Southern Associated Pru:-s; F. ItI. Smithl. E>q., Qtiial IRorter ilouse of R.epresentatives. W.ashiing'on; .f. G. liyes, l%q.. lieporter Asocciated Press. Itouse of llepr.eentatives. Waymhinton; John 31. Bar clay. Eq., Journal Clerk. liou-e of R.-presenta tives, Washingtou: Clinton 1Joyd. &"q.. Pay Clerk. hlouse of llep'reseintativ'es. Wa'hingtout Win. J. McD)ouald. &sq., Chief Clerk U. S. Sen ate, Washit.gton: John C. Burch. E.sq.. Minute and JouirnalClerk, U. S. Senate. Washington; Moses Keclle.y. Esq.. Cashier M1etropoli tan bank. Washin.gtou; Chas. A. James. Esq., Cashier Bank (g Wa:.hington. Washington; Potts & Shelley. P'roprietot s Metropolitan iotl, Washington; Jlohn Cumins, iate Associate .lustice Supreme Court. Uoi"e City. Idaho; A. Roman & Co., Publishers. San Francisco. Cal.; Rivcs & Bailey. P'roprietors Congressional G hobe. Washington. And to the niemaners generally of' the present Congress. P'ost Oftice address. G lass box 851. Dec. 11, 50-Oim.' WANTED AT ONCE. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Aeres of South Carolina I.and. W E have an application for the above amount of South Carolina Land upon which to locate a colony of Swedes. Parties nlaving lands for sale will find it to their advanta;ge to send us a full description of their premises, with terms. & c.. at once. This must be accompanIed by Oine Dollar to defray the expense ot publishing in pamphlet. Enclose Stamp tor return postare. E' e c harge 23 per cent. upon all property sold. DAVIS & CO., P. O. G lass P.ox 851, W ashington, I). C. Dec. 11, 50--m. Prorisions. E. E. DAVIES. . D. B. W AIDE. T H 1'SETL STOPJ ROEND TilE 00R.NER. E. E. DAVIES& CO., Dealers in New York and 1)omestic Poultry, Game, Eggs, Butter. Lard, cheese, &c. FRESH FISH NORFOLK O1IMR DE0T, PLAIN STiHEET, Next to Dr. Jackson's, COLUMBIA, S. C. Orders Promptly Attended- To. Mar. 5, 9-tf. BricksBricks,Bricks! GOOD BRICKS! 400,000 BR1CKS FOR SALE At the Brick Yard OF E. H. CHRISTIAN. . Oc. 5, .8-tf GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Chromo. WE SEND AN ELF..NT CPPOMO, UOUNTED AND READY FOR FRtAMING, F::EE TO EV'-:RY Al:.Nr. AGENTS WANTED FOR UNDERGROUND; OR), LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE, l;Y THOS. W. KNOX. 942 Pages Octavo. 130 Fne Engravings. Relatcs Incidenl.; and Accidents beyond the light of D.,: artling Adventures in all parts of the World; Mines and Mode of Working them: Unide-rcurrents of Society; G.ambliln and its 1l-rors; Caverns and their yIteries; the Way, of Wickedness; Prisons and their Secirts; Down in the Deptlis of the e; Str:n,;e Stories of the J)etection of Crime. TIc hook ireat- of ex pericncu with bri2and: nits,! in opium dens and g:.mhl;ng hel: life in prison; Storici of exiles; :olvtwure:- among inJians; journeys through Sewer; and Catacombs; :.ccideiits in mAies; pirates alld piracy; tortures of the inquisition; wonderful burglaries; under world of the great cities, etc., etc. We want agents for this work on which we give eceiuive territory. Agents can make $100.. week in selling this book. Gend for circulars and special terms to agents. J. B. BURR & HYDE 1l. RTFo, CoNN.. o (:HICAU, ILL. May 21, 20 -4m. .Jast Published! STRAUSS' WALTZES ARNANGED AS VIOLIN SOLOS. ASK FOR PETERS' EDITION. Paper Copy sent, post-paid, for 51.50; in Boards, 52. Addres, J. L. PETERS, 5Ct Broadway, New York. Apr. 9, 14-2n. SANGER-FEST: (The Singing Festival.) A collection of Glees, Part-Songs, Chorus es, cet., fur MALE VOICES. Sample (opis mailed, post-paid, for $1.50; t15 per dozen. Address, .1. L. PETERS, 5v9 Broadway, New York. Apr. 9, 14-2m. FAIRY VOICES: N1W MISIC-nOOK FOR DAY-SCHOOLS. Send GO cents, and we will mail a saijle copy Apil 1st. Address, .1. L. PETERS. .99 Broadway, New York. Apr. 9, 1l-2m. ONE OF THE MOST USEFUL AND COMPREHENSIVE BOOKS OUT! "The Great Industries of the United States," Containing I,:;n pages and 5o Engravings, beih.g a comtplete eneyelJopediat of arts and mnaiitctuire-, ini all a;tes A liited nonber ,if copies for sale at THE BOOK STORE. Jan. 1.5, 2-tf. Magazines, Books, &c. 18 73. Godev's Indv's Book and a beautiful 2hromo, for Tl.ree DlollaLrs a lear. The Aldine, aFin.' Art JTournal, and two tine Chromtos, for Fiv-e Dollars a year. Senid inl youtr subscriptions early. Al-o, WXriting Desks, Poertfolios, &c., &c At tile BOOK STORE. Nov'. 27, 48-tf. Female .eademaiy. HEWER F MALE A. P. PIFER, M. A., : : : Principal. Eiss FANNIE LEAVELL, :: Assistant. Prof. P. WERBER, : : Musical Dep't. TUE Exercises of the above School will de resumed on TU ESDAY, 7th JANUARY, Tuition from $1l2.50 to $22.50 per Session. Paid in advance or satislactorily secured. Pupils will be chargecd fromi date of en ~rance to thle end of the Session. No re luction except in cases of protracted ill :iess. Plain, substantial hoarding can be ob tained with the Principal at $t 5 per month. For particulars, &c., apply to S. P. BOOZE R, Esq., Sec. E'd. GOL. S. FAIR, Pres't. Jan. 1, 1-tf. Undertakig. C. M. HARRIS, Dabinet Maker & Undertaker. Hans on hand and will make to order, Bed iteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Safes, Sofaa, settees, Lounges, &c. Cabinet Work of all kinds made and re >aired on liberal tcrms. !las on hand a full supply of Metalic, Ma loganty and Rtosewood Burial Cases. Coffins maide to order at short notice, and 2earse supplied. Oct 9 40 ttf. MARTIN H ARRIS. THLE SUBSCRIBER has constantly or: tand a fullassortment of the above appr'oved ases, of differenit pattertns, besides coflins~ >f his own miake, all of w hich he is prepared o furnish at very realsonabile rates, with >romllptness andI de spatchl. Personsi desirous of having cases sent hy 'ailroad will have themn sent free of charge. A Ilearse is always on hand and will be urnished at thle rate of $10~ per dav-. Thankfitl for past patrona:g', tIe sub eriber respectfully asks for a continuation f thle sanme, and assures tihe plJic that o cilort on his5 part will be spar, to render he utmiost satisfaction. A. C. CBLA?MAN, Newberry S. C., July 31. Change of Rates. this date the Newberry HELRALD will e furnished to all single cAsU in advance ui)scriblers for $2.50, instead of~ s3, but when be subscription is not paid in advance it ,-li invariably be $3. Clubs of twenty, re 2ember, get the H ERALD at $2, clubs of ten .t $2 25. Tratnsient adve.-tisements, one square ne inch space-will be $l for tirst inserti mnd 75 cents for subsequent insertions. ral contracts will be mnade for three, si maere months arda1-ticements