The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, April 09, 1873, Image 4

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WALLET. It is of great importance to draw the attention of our planters to any thing that will help out the scar city felt by this, as well as every other community in the "cotton pianting belt." of forage. A wagon l(aded with "Boston Hay" was seen i'n our streets the other dav, about tr, be hauled over and thri01gh the mud-holes tOh lie between this and the L:nca-er line. The best substdute for good. wel cured f*orage, is to be F indml in ihe "Egypt in or Cat.Tail Millct." (i- r there are two kinds, a snail s'! that-, dol ot.answer.) wxhich; hts_ long ee: pia!ie ln il ighor oo by a1 gocI miti. bu. is still W>t near!,Iwel known a;!d a-&e Tie 'advaii.t agem (t * lii; t, over :0 everiy o)ate green! eropj thait can be planted zt ti seuson as a for aige for animal, is that its astrincgen ey p'vevt's sin1mg; by using Salt freelv, unt, wilting it a few hours in the sun thty will do well on it in thi, hottest weather. You can cut it soonter than any other green crop planted in the spring. and you can cut it oftener and later. On'seighth of an acre properly prepared-that is. made i;ery riclh-(there is no use to pllant it, inl poor- land)-will siipply fully six work animals-half a pee' (if seed will plant this and leave some to spare. Plant it in three feet rows. so it can he ploughed-as Von cut over it, clean out the grass, and two or three times during tile season give it a top dressing of';table manure. It can be planted in April, as soon as the danger of frost is over, and cut early in May. Cut it when knee high, and it can be (ut every twelve or fifteen days. The first cutting .hould be made as soon as it can well be got hold of, eight or ten inches high, as it only begins to grow after it is once cu t. Sow it freely in the drill and th1ii out to twelve inches. it does not. run up to the stem and joint so soon. if left, rather thick, and if the land is as rich as it ought to be it will grow fast -..ough. (Carden Jourral. RAISING ONIONS FRO3m1SEED. I EDITOR SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR. -Fir-st rate onions may be raised from seed any where in our coun try if the seed AIre pVlanted in Febiruary or Mai'ch in a rich mel lo!w s;il-a sandOy loam is the best. Be sure t.hat t he soil is fine and well broken. Winingstad's red is the best. Sow in drills eighteen inches apar-t dripping the seed thick enouigh to secure a stami1. Cover a hair Ine-n deep. -Runi a roliler over to pre.s the soil, dorwn above the seed. When the plants come11 uip and1( ar large en onugh, thi n to about thllree inches apart. Jicep the soil iooseC b and mellow anid when the stalk are as hirae as a pen houlder' he ver*v --aref'u! to cu'livate sh:dlow as the roots have occupied all the space L'etu een the rows and if' the pints are w..unded or c-ut, their dest rueth>n f.oows. Onions ris ed lromu seed are inuchi mnore paa tabie thani those that are iraise'd fAm But tonls or sets-i have= raised thema large cnough for anyl use.~ Old! implroved lan~d is the best. Tile biest manuriie for- onions is.a mixture of poulItry) manure andi bone dust. S. GA RRISON Meek:eni burg Count y.N. C., Jain. GRAIN Foa Poc'tra.-There is no other- grain that is relbshed so I wvell by fowls as Indian corn. It~ mOust aIways conltiniue to be, as now the Americau poulterer' G ma..n reliance. ior. ab.ihou:gh too I:. LI teig to usec in certain (*ases it possesses mnore nutriment for the pice'~ than any other grailn, and is always to be obtained. Cor can be given ground and un grouind, raw and cooked. Oats we pr'efer gr'oond fine, as otherwise the bulls are too harsh and bulky. Withi wheat-bran and mniddl ings wheat in the kernel, barley anId buckwheat,. thdere need be' no diffi et:ity m f avoid:ig mono toniy. Rye. thouh th pooestgrain of .2.L ntmay e g'iven occasi.onal!ly and brewer's grains, if convenient. ([ix PuiryJTorWd.C CEIasN A 110at-s''s G.ur.-In P>arbary, p)acing horse:s are held in1 suchI thigh estimation that the: ter' hackle like : boat in a chop sea is reduiced to at Science. To,.. miak~e hi:a rack. casily, a ringi 0f 1. lead wvith leather, is putt around each hoo! a c"'rd from each weight~ ..scenids, and is fastened to the sad.t die, front anad rear ; necxt, a stral) 12 r'uns h~orizonltally from thle fore to io' the hindr foot on both sides. Be ing rathier short. :t is iimpossible to make a long step. Restraint compels the animal to practice a OCew gait to progress at all. As soo)n as a habt is; established of going ahea 1 thus tethered, the uesired am ble is fui!y,permnanently aeco mliished. - --- +e- Gwr SEA FOAM Pr oDIN(. - Four; cups flour ;two teaspuoonfuis Sea Loam Po wder- ; one0 cup sugar ; one . cup bu: ter ;one (A' r'as; one ot cutrranits ; two eggs; a little salt: a pint of mlilkt spice with nutmec or' all spce and flavor with lemlil onr s v'aniita. or almound. Put in a bai~ ai~ aed boil or steam three hours. -Serve with brandy or wine saucu- hons A. dish for king or President. nc Al Three things to admire-intel- addr IeinalInmwe rHdignt &ni~ mr.1 Doors, Sash and Blinds. Q. - N, E No HAYNE Dr!:ESSED FIXR!NG. CElLIXG, WEArlEix rml.' . :t: ( .0 :fe a. - (ra ,t.f*' odI ns moa1d i , over 100,000 feet on halil, "or . - a: x: r p . : 1e . 1or ad Wiml!ow Frtmines made to orh-r; as hor; :. -. r - iv. -,m . 1 In -.Im r Al!i:4i&:,y,V on hand an .1 :i ao.0:. C u: e hrii -1 "il. h::p 'hi a :a!'iahmet.t !as c:m e me tm ibc ! : -: W t : ui htant sh-- !.ar..:',: stck 'af :ha- abo0ve.'on:h oft the a-t'cit o It? t .: .0 . hEh g :r u:l l*., W'! r e :re .- - 1iG1!1 to ;Ili wl:o W:11T l :1!1id u -o u ! o r Thew are :r e liteo. practic:d alvcharnic., Sa, Blin : 1 .:- Makers he T ra:t-e, airrymg on the buwine. iii '!ie ci-Y af Charlc-.ron. i ctn r.t-r .- gti-1. Pitn a ll over thi rtP, GeoTtia, Norib Carolinia and Florida, as to the c1aacter of their work for the past wenty years. C W. P. RUSSELL & CO., Ch.rreso.,S-C ZOTICE.-On ncount of the manner in which we box up our work, avti our own assump tion of flth- risk of Breaknce of GI:i.t. with ordinary handfil;n. ot ZO i; ;are shipped over be ro:xis in tki State-t HALF RATLS, which is a great saving to the r)ure.b:1-r of our wq:k. Mar. 12, 1873-10-1y. W. P. RUSSE LL & CO. oDry Goodss X filinery. R I BBONS, Millinery and Straw Goods, 1873. -'t~~ ~ II he G~ot Maib eries, &c. :0DSTRONG CATOR. W aportere. Nanufwiiirtrs a:id Jcaber Bonnet, Trimming, Weck and Sash Ribbons, Vevet Ribbons. Vcck Ties, Bonnet Silks, D~ 0 0 T:I S Satin-. valvat3 wiad Crapes, Flowars, Feathers, Orn:ament- Framies, &c. Sash and Blin.d free onoiit appladietion,hiIr& Hbys M0UVL DIIN G S, I 1 ItA CI RTS,a TIUKE0 AND UNTR111iED. 1,T.kR FIX-tun-o, hta,r)Ft- 1 AND IN C.%.LCT1.N,; %VAIr.rCatN1 ape a Pa r White Go, Lines, Ebroiderikss, Laces, Ies, Wiri .ar I . art Cotm Nes Collars, ' -tts- HandkerchiCe ., %Vare, abie and Matctor Veiling, ad Nets. Ie., &c. ioEos. 237 and 239 Baltimore -Stre WINDOW GLSS . SPECIrLTYy BALTIMORE, MD. Circ.-Juart .. a t rc LiTsise s,-jt iit tlta t hera Eyu o ra l)oatgit r o a olirevliv frort upta fra ot y audniery an Stra G Fi P. TO*A LE the ia!u-. naovchie4. titq!iallec. in vuticty 1 20 flaavnc- a P;vck%y I. I'-'n!ah n'3 ttt''ra ct Oct. ,'7~ 2 i oLdl-rseV.itl. care. promptucta and Fb. -3m* 1873. GEO. RS. I "K R FALL IAI 111i"11L1TEfl. hoore Sash and oliod Factoryd E CHAARRLEST ]NTN, . C.AT MILLINERY AND Zmpr t tes aaturr nd Bonet,T:ig,N asnd ash Cibbon, Velvoesit bons Neck Taies Bonnelt Sis Satin::, Vlt O CraesIowes, Feor athe rs, t rcaeta , rme,tc Tll~ S ~L~d~G. \u viPLEE F0IE 1M18 6 LS!h Ol'tlFT 91N 5 o. Whi ;e eoods, Lineos, Embroiderits,aI.mces ed h~~ aNets,aCollars,aEtts,,HandkeriefsIi, -L ~ SED FI~ flIE LIT ~ I~as.I<VeiaC lg, c:1 Nis. c., &o . FacoryandWaretoms Ka~ tr:r,op: -Noks. 237 ad 239 Batmr -Stret,a bonght CotaCahadirer:et,fomnthatEuripea the. hdress,n ohiec, umqalldi ait P.ders ti i iti: carr, dev.p13.h.7F-b.-2c, 6-3m" NDVEE LTI E U)SPLIS ___ ~~Tht paie are espeiat iovia t ed to u.aaex tamit my ass?ort i are t o ing - as MRSPLTE Ds _elMOWCERAP, to peas.ti surunenpt i- a! it lb in! tt Mnornua. f ,tor ascttanhorrataisa inbtrthe, tae mb.aest is city. The imly house ownedfor.ta Iaad smttl ed _y_a_aol:_ a niu ths- citry.I~J RoFacoyadWtrom,,ngSret p d Shoes 6? i]} k y. Adres,t.- the w- t P.-O.TBox-10, CharLes-O, -..C. . __. _ Anji- aditon jim'i 1-1 oueuniin aods ROOETS DUPIS, p I~C pm.. ' O. of whh STEI motrspeulyivt F0 .R . ALIJthe\ publi -avttet , ith theaurnc liE sa,st: il 'r It thatt-i nok :T i-t w i b pate to gt.iv a tis lI ED SIN L , t a..~t~' --. ome'All partiesg i:hrd b M m rnu Ota':sw!he 1aapk tetdt o. h -. a t o UO e rad an i se ttleU F H. DO F.INLEM,NG -.tufL.v a..v aEL:N. i-b 2,d-taa LaTUN ate i: Jrat e .'.hcr. WeLO eialL ;eaJ~ 0.0,000 SHINGLESt.t 'lE bsci aron ad, atagePfeakes Cion, Lo:r \!:o, . . ntiG . C. PREARFDT REEnT CIrO befuniseo 2l HiAYNE CSRET inavne other propert u.on stFr.:e 'at.dHmakei red in aino haeeiteeni .eaaflainuen., avorn nce s dsi: d;andadvaceswithimod . m rmb , - :rh lIRL at club of n le be l-'aet.-be;nkin: ::-esd Our-sbor; at nothina h:os es ab.:elontedeftdrmagdis ot, th- lo- ewiiee nd u [sar, Tn Wo Hr DrE DThad8.iND Nil. asiiyen dd rseen, on ser-:a are. .es huasnesd eoch,nwieati.ei soler vervC~I 1fo rr neton,t . EdswARD bepopty artededt. a otat ilb aefrrre i ~ lin. TrmsCah. ddrss Insrance. COTTO STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Pr1INCI'AL OFF'1, MACON, 61'A.a Au:ore.1 'ap:a.. .. . .. ... . 0/0,0 ed! . & 8id............ 5,10 1 .1;.n Comp! rollers :wr .r. ni w Po!icy Holders. .,l50,000 \I. Ri. .;INSTo ................President W S. HLu................vice-President GFo. . W:AR...... ..........Secretary J. W. .:..............G.nvral Agent m. M,:-N:.n Gt.. M. D ... Medical Ex'r W. .1. M.ur ............Sap't of Agenciep *' F...h..'-....................Aco.1ry -'iw.:arEEY C. H-., S. C.. I ~ ~ ~ ' Meme 9 2. .\t 1101,w,ill" jf Policy- odr,a N(:wberry C. HI. a Roard of Advisory Trustees of the COTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO3PANY: was oranized. and the followiti! 0. THos S. Moop.sA. - President WM. LANGFoRD, - Vice-President 0. L. SCUMPFRT, . - Seretarv The Comipf"anlY is it the finest poi ble condition-having R175 to $100 >f liabilities. A Dividend has beon lclared on dI Puioic issued Irior to Janunlry 1st, 1870. M. W. ABNEY, eer..: .. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MEMPHIIS, TENNESSEE. ASSE TS - - -$L100,000. HON. JEFFERSON D AVIS, President. EN. WADE HAMPTON, Vice Atlatie Departmnent. C e J.'D). KENNEDY, State Agent. rn .F. GLhENN, Agent Newberry Co. ol Anaongi its D)irctours are sae of the 0 is buiiis men of the cou~ntrv. v. \eguaranitee honesty of ninnagement, e. speedy si-ttlement of losseS. July 10, '72-28--ly. 5to $ 0Per Day! A genitsWanted e e of either .sex. young or old. maIke tuore man- at - t work ter us inl their spare moments, or all tv te tine. than at urnything else. Particulars ee. Address G. Stin<on & Co.. Portland. , aine. Jan. 15.2-ly. DAVIS & CO. NFORMATION AGENCY, WASIlIINGTON. D. C. A Great Pr.blic Want, at last, Supphied. There are hiundreds o1 men in all parte of the mnotry who daily need IN FOIDIArlION in re rd to t'esionlS. flounties. Patents. In:terinal .venue Licenses and Decisions. the condition Conitractor' atccounts. or come others of the *dless claims which go before tihe severail De rtments of the Government: which infourma 2n, if t can beAtuished reliably and prompt . eves them the loss of time and theexpense' of vi<it to the seat of Government. If you se'ek it 'your Member aof Congress-absorbed., as he is, his public duties-you impose upon him ire ently a considerable extra burrden: and, per 13aC.ce re obliged to submit to rielay. We caci furnish. uipon the shtorte-it notice. spe fic and reliable information in regardto an init inivol ved inl tile busines of the varions fu- I Cuis; 0r can) tran-LIct any of' the l.bsline befobre emI. The alid your R.epresentative" will. f rom 'vious reasons, be very willlg to affor'i us, bien necessary; our" long :iCegnaintance and fat Diarity with the offcers and with the routine public business. nnda our prompt and uniemiflt ig attent ion41 fo all mnit.ers entrui.t--d to ut. in Ie us to offer lie be..t f.iI citiebfr ulbtaiinlg fo'rmation; andi we desire to aiford it on ti:e t reasonable ter.r All !etters enloin;/t )ne Do lr, with a stamn -T anid explicIt and( c:atisfl1ctory i.formtiloll en. Ill i1s pulrsuit no efforts will be spared. dI it will be commuica'Iti dIl wih the most scru e ar ,e.-rr- '. ei n-::.. Neere--:L gu:.; .ed co.n,ides:ce of our patro. "ontractors 'conts forconivey ing thet Uited tes .I[ail pr for to JW ats aIso A's*istt .Yir ii's acn::ts fo*r teiking Censuts of l"'M. boughti r< cived for cotlh ct4In. is e refer. by e-pecial permission. to- wo0 11o1 J1. J. 31::rtin:. $ixth Anditolr if thjeTress- inC e fr th..: l'ost Ulrice Depairtmenti; ilon. D). 1'.s ow ay. uat Conissiioner of L.teits. Wash :ton: .". Agent Southernt A,socied Ii; :. ii i. E.q.. O.fficiaul Itepolter :1 .Le 'f R epre-entatives. Washini'on: I. G. ye. I .i.sot'r Associated .Prea. 11ionse -e tative4s. W'sashington:l hJhn 3t . lIr y. CIerk. Il(l4!1 o n ofIl w: ci. Wa-.:ngtou: Clinton lIoydl. Ncq.. Pay. rk.I ilu e of Riepresentativee. W:higton; n. J.3cDonaldi. tisq., Chief (h-rk U. S. sen-. .WashIington: Jlohn l. urch, t:sq . 3inute I .Journail (lerk. I'. S. Senate. 'Washlingtonl; se-s Kelley. &eq.. (ashier Nationil aletrotoli- I B:-lik. Was.hmlgton; (has. A. Jamesc. Ek.q.. A 1hier Bank of Wsashligtoni. Washinigton: lo Shlelley. Proprietom 3f etropolita- ito 11i. shin;:tUn: John11 Cumins. inte Associate tice Supreme Court. Boise City. IdJaho: A. nan & Co . Publishers5. SaIl Frncisco, Cal.: is & Railey, Proprietors Congressional Globe, shlington. And to the members generally of paresnt Congress. 145t Ofice address, G.lass box a51. WANTED$LT ONCE. - Hundred and Fifty Thousand Acres ofH South Carolina Landj. E have an application for the above amount nuth Carolina Lanld uponl Which to locate a l ny of Swedes. Farties having lanuds for sale 5 fmd it to their advantane to send us a full j ription of their premises, with terms, &c. at I.bis mus' be accornpanied by One Dollar; efray the expense oftpublisahing I amphlet. Io-e stump tor return postag.e . e charge er cent. upon al] property sofd. Wtaione"i iinid Dindhig., NEW STITION"ERY HOUSE, E. R. STOKES HAS just opened, in the new and band soine huiling immediately opposite the P'l:W.ix oth1ce, on Main street, a complete Stuck of ST.\TIONERY, Compris'ng Letter, C,p and Note Paper, of ll sizem. r(i:ht' n.! of (very description: Flat Papers ,f C.q, I) -toy, Double-Cap. M ium, Sy :p-lsoyal, atnd fn;'ri I size!, wih c!! h -;!d in any quanti:y.. or M.rani ufac^I ured 1n link Books Of any sire, and rule! to aliiy p:itn:u, and bolti;d in any ie, at nhort to;lee. E. v i:.C)PES A. e v:e.y-:d s:c colors :- ui .' - ) everv vr l--imor:mndum and Pocz Be.ks. Pc Y 1.. f!ivoic: and L.-tier 1i., Im-p I e s . Ni Book'. .'Cfll H ECt :nd >R AUGIITSMEN will nid C e:m:;:e ek Of m:er i:f I f.,r their use. Drawing Paper. in shfers and rolis, lristol 1;oards., Po-tai P:er and Boards, Oil Paper, !'cncik, atcrA Colr:, in cakes and boxcs, Brushe, Crayon<, Drawing Pens. SCHOOL STATIONERY f every de;cription; a great variety of con renient and uset'i articles for both reacher md Pupils. ALSO, Photolrah Aihnms, Writing Desks, Port oi6s. CabaS, with boxes, and a countles rariety of FANCY ARTICLES. Ako, a most elegant stock of Gold Pen md Pencil Ca,es, super:y-rnuted Rubber 3ouds. I N S. Black, Blue, Violet and Carmine, ind'iC mud Copying; Mucihge: Chess and BIck tamon. Men and Bi:is: Vi-itin_ and Wed ling Cards. and every thiing utlt:aly kept in a L;irst CLa Stationery House, ''hich the subscriber intends tsl shali e. He widl still comnet his lNDElRY and ILANK BOiK MAXFACTWZY and PA "ER-RULING ESi'ABLiSIIl:NT, which :as been inl suc in oper::tion for over hirrtvyears in this state, :ind to which he vill con.inar- to d,rote his own !:-rsonal at ention. li stoek will be kept up full and omplete. and his pric,-s will be found always 'asonable, andl hs hopes to have a share of >atronage. E. R. STOKES, Main Street. Nuv. 15, 46-rf Oppu!itc Phonix Office. YVE OF T11E MOST USEFUL AND COMPRE1ENSIVE BOOKS OUT! 'The Great Industries of the United States," ,ontaiting 1,2( pO:es a;nd 5o Engravings, itg a cornp!ete I niyelopedii of a:ts and A HmnilEJ u:O oc. oP:cs 1*0r u. ilt THE BOOK STORE. Jan. 15, 2-.f. Wagazines, Books, &c. 1873. Godev's L:.rv's Bork and a be'tu;iful bromo. for T:.ree Do! rs a t'ar. Tih' Abl:... .; mtine rt .!urnal, and two ne Chirome;. ihr Fire. Difla:s a year'. Send in your' subscripions e'arly'. Al-o, Writing Desks, Portfolis, &c., &c At the BOOK STORE. N'ov., 48-tf. ANII03: HOW LOSi, 1!0W RESTO11D Ju.t pnh.iiheil, a new' edition of ~Dr. Cu:verw lI'.< Celebrated Ess:iy on lie ridica1 enre (without med i ne) of SpermatorAhes, or setninial Weak r, MeIntail and Phy..d incapacity., impedli ents tn M1arriane, etc.: n1,0 Consumption. pilepsy. and Firs, induced by. self-indualgence : exual extravneance. Price, in a sealed f'rvelope, only 6 cenits. Tie ceebrhiated authior,' in thris ;dm irabhe ;say, clearly demonstrates, tromn a thirty aars' successful practie, thnit thie a larming )n-equences of' self-abuse raav he radically ired without the d:ner . i u<e of internal edicine or the :tpplieunon of the knife.; >infing out a mode of enre at once simple, I *rtain and effectual, by means of whichI 'ery sufferer, no niatter wh:t his condition| av' be, may cure himself eneapl:y, privately| id radically. y youth and every man in the land. Sent, nder seal, in a plain envelope, to any idress, rost-paid), on receipt of six cents, or to postauee stamlps. Also. Dr'. Culv'erwell's "Marriage Guile," 'ice 50 cents. Addre:.s the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & (C0., 127 Bowery, New York. Post Otfice Box 4,5665. A pr. 24, 17-17. THE~ WARREN Improved Hoe. he LAT~EST and BESTi HOE foU COTTOX ijitli fr Lgar'delS a180. fiorm an ideam of its greamt adaptability and _ tilerful merits. comeW and examine. An Cice juist received byv in 8 1 UdAYES & MARTIN. riks,Briks.Bicks! GOOD BRICKS! D0,000 BRICKS, FiORI SALE At the Brick Yard @. H. CHRISTIAN. i. 25 4-1 t AY FOR SALE. ________to nt tIMf TIMOTHY HAIO pply at the R.ail R'oad Deruo , to J. N. FOWLES.|. B.n %L Mm W. L. Bradley's f POLLARD & CC BD Nea FOV Il TRE above STANDARD FERTILTZEE:S Souh isuccess art io fection, u hi,c the Standard is guara:teed e 500 Bags in Store and F Feb. 12, --21n. N-'GAGE IN TIME! The Celebrated cOT TOX FOOD FERTILIZER ! THE BEST OF ALL Apply to W). F. NANCF, Agent, Or to A. J. McCAUGH HIN x Co. H1. S. DOUZER : CO., Agent, Frog L-ve-'. Dee i2 v tf IIilIIPIIAXT! CAROLINA FERTILIZER WILL BE SOLD AS FOLLOWS : CASH PRICE, $48 per Tonl of 2,000 ibs. TIME PRICE, $53 per Ton of 2,000 lbs. Pavable Noveml>er 1, 1973, FREE OF INTEREST. FREIGlHDNJII~I IGm E To be added. ITS SUCCESS IS U NP A RAL LELED. AND ITS STANDARD TS A NO. 1. CAL OJ.N AGENTS FOR Almanacs and Certificates. ~EO. \, Elil.MM & UL, CH-ARlLE5STON, S. C. A. .J. MeCAUGHR118N & CO .. gents at Newberry, S. C. rog Level, '. M A PES' iIrog6RN1 Sup8[phos0phato OF ANDI H. PI'E1STON & SONS' AMMONIA TED BONE uperphosphate of Lime. Cash, $50; Time, $60,. The Oldest Supei,hos'pha.. man. aoftured :ino th i rs n fo 'er nd i Gne t ma'e-id Ohriih!. II. rportions of eaceh of the in'gredi-nte are ato produce poweul and activ F er KINSMAN & HOWELL, General Agents for South Carolina, No. 128 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. 0A5t4C & WA R Agenj at standard Fertilizers. ., General Agents. QUALITY Guarant eed Equalv t '0 anyq - I'V[RSOLUI hav'ng been ts-d for the laz! six yar- in the f-red pri.t, tat cannot fai! t- .) ie satis I-al, ifnot -uperior. to any ever sod. ir Sale by J. E Webb & Co. SOLUBLE NAVASSA GUANO. THIS MOST P 101ED FERTILIZER, Which hstJ e .ished a stamdard charac ter "or Corn, Cotton, Wheat, &c., I can caifiten:!y rcommnd-:: to Farmers an.i Plalters, .nd will sell for *'-- Cash, or L o, 0:' 2, j) P-. The "Dissolved Bone Phos phate," Rieb in S laue oe Pl;, an.d prepired. for ti. os : with otto%I iee or oher veg.t;blc iatter, :.2 Cash, or A:,5 on Credit, per T.>i of 2., IUls. I .m" ~ 2fo-*e. of t :bc-oV and a. d c.ustomers with the -a::ze. Set.d in your orders early. THOS. F. 91AR11ON. Jan. 15, 2-:hn. ooks. EJAGENTS~ FUNNY SIDE OF PHYSIC. 800 Pasges, 250 Engravings. A startling exoose of Medica! Hutmnug.s of :he past :trd presenut. !! cettilares (Qucks. Impostors, Tra v.uthg Docrors, Patent Medi Cir eS Vcndiers, Noted Female Chmeats, Fortune Tellers and Mediums, and gives interesting acennts of Noted Phy:siianus and Narratrives of their !bves. It reveals tartling secrets and instructs all how to axvoidethe ills which flesh is heir to. We give exclusive territory and liberal comnmissions. For cirealars and terms. aiddres the pnbI;Shers. .T. B. BURR & HYDE Ht ARTFOR D CONN.. on CtitCAGO. ILL. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE UNCILZED RACES OF MENT IN AL L COUNT IF..S OF TH E WoKLD. BEING A CoMtFnEHEtNsivE ACCOtiNT OF TIn MLassi:: Asab'.s. AND) (F Tu.In .AND RELloGtuca CtiARtCTEkdS-ruCs. By R EV. J. (. WOOD. M. A.. F. L. S. 500 Engravings, 1,500 Super IRoyal Octavo Pages xN TO wovoi~.c (s, TO woVOr.cEs 13 oNr. Agent; are ma:kin;g over $100 per week in s;:Iling th is work. An early aipleationl Will Secure a1CI!.( chi ern rrtory. For terms ad dreg the pub!t,hi:ers. .3. Bl. Bi R & H YDE, H ARTFOR~D. CONN., otn CHiICAG~O, ILL. Mar. . G. 1.--Sm. E. E. DAVIESt. D. B. *'u ADE. TilE [SEFElSIORE ROBDl TilE CORNE. E. E.DAVIES & C., Dealers in New York and Domestic Poultry. Game, Eggs, Butter, Lard, Checese, &c. FRESH FISH And NOBFOUi OYSTER DEPOTS PLA!N STREET, Neur to i)r. .Jackson's,. COLUMBlA, S. C. Orders Promp~tly Attended To. Femar.rad my A.. P. PIFER, M. A.. : : : Principal.. Miss FANNIE LEAVELL,:: Assistan. Prof. F. WERBER, : usical Dep't. Tt IE Exerci.-- of the above Seboic, wj!l Lne resumend on TE&:DAY, ~ 7th .JANUA~Y, 187:t. Tuition fro-o 812. to \".50 per Ssom:e. Paid in advane or -at%etILortil V een:edl. Pupils wvill be charged .mrm 'date of 4n rance to the end of the. 'esion. No me .iuetion except in case~ of protracted ill tess. Plfain, smbst antial boardinZ c:n be ob ained with thea Principalt at ?! 5 t:-'r mtnt;h. GOL. S. FAIl', Pres't. A SITUATION M ANTED, by' coempetent and reliable 3keetok'ep a set of Pooks. For. Ji~ er fom n utl at e IL. 3. SPEERS, CONTRACTOR F-or t!.e eciio:: of :i,! kindjs of MONUMENTS, Mouiental Head 8icnes, TOMBS, ('071IN GRAVE STONES, &c. Yard nea.r N. A. 1u:ter'! Shop, Ncw berry, S. C. .an. 15, 2--,n. P iw0oraphy. 'UR GALLERY. i. L dT iet y . A1"o tii PHOTOGR?APH GALLER NEWBERRY, is in full bast and:doin- thing; up a:! righ, and wel prepared for a good run this Fail. A inds of werk doine in good style, in eludinz copying of old Pictures, Filling Pins, Rings, &c. A fine lot of ALB.TJMS Come along durin- this pretty weathe r. W. If. WISEMAN. e' 2, 40-tf. GERMAN SOOTHINNG U0ROMe.. Invaluable in Teething, and Summer plaints of Children. Cures DIARRHME -, DYSENTERY, COLI And other Diseases, incident to the period of Denmt1on. U.ike the "Soothinz Syrups," now so widely Lsed, this CORDIAL contains NO ANODYNE, Or other injurious Drug.- It is comopose-d of the very best materials, and should be found in evcry Nursery. The best phvsi cians recommend it. MANUFACTURED BY Dr. H. BAER, , CHARLESTONK, S. C Z For sale by MOTTE & TA RR ANT, Newberry, S. C. May i, 19-f. Cndertaking. C. M. HARRIS, Cabinet Maker &Undertaker. Has on hand and will make to order, P.ed steads, Ureaus, Wardrobes, Safes, Sofas, Settees, Lounges, &c. Cabinet Work~ of all kinds made and re paired on liberal tertns. Has on hand a full supply of Mletalic, Ma hogany and Rosewood Burial Cases. Coffins made to order at short notice, an hearse supplied. Oct 9 40) tf. MAR~TIN HARRIS. THE SUBSCRIB~ER hras constar.tly o:: hand a fullassorutnent of t.he above approved cases, of diffemtn p.iaerns, besides coffns of his own make, all of which he is prepared to furnish at very reasonable~ rates, nit promptness and despatch. Persons desirous of having eases sent by railroad will have them seut' free of charge. A Hearse is abrays on h and and aill be furnished at the rate of $10 per day. Thankful for past pa'ronage, the sub scriber respectfu'iy asks for a continu:1tion of the same, and assures the p:ulic that no effort on his part wil! be spar ' to render the utmost satisfaction. A. U. Crx?MAN, Newberry S. C., Ju:y 1. .Confectionery. DEALER IN Confectioneries, GROCERIES, &c., AT THE iBaltimiore Cornier, Newberry, S. C. THE BROWN COTTON GIN. Planters. rl exai the bore ttir ..' . . I. comb.ines the. r. gmr.ed quail 3,' of implihcity. Strength: :tni Dura bilily. IL ;ins fat andi clean, makes X'Cellenit linit (Thn hin 1-4c. to I-'10. pe i. bove n.arker.) and is univer hly m ed m .d li:ghtest running rin ina. We iare had :I,rtvyvears ex erienceir. the bu:ine, and nwarrant every P' pefet Gi(ns c hn.tdV in the hands o au a n o wh nebte inspec:io:i. (ire(ar1 ,Eo te-stimoials a:.d ful1 >aen, m tt 'enk L:v byl adessing. ISRA EL F. BROWN, President, Brown Cotton Oin Co., New London, Conn. LEB J NE} PA .IIKEl, .igents. DOTTONCGINS MADE AND REPAIRED AT MY SliOP ON COLLEGE HILL, NEWBERRY, S. C. Trive Mfe a TriaL. JO HN A. CHAMAN.~