The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, February 26, 1873, Image 4

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Farm, Garden d Househoid. TlE VALUE OF LABOR ONLY RELATIVE. T he ;ae of labor Canl not be esti mated by' anyv ob st ract rules or htwi: its vu%iz is rttive nv. The vaine of capital and the use of cap: tal are estiat.d by the laws of pwrto prdc arltihles v:able fG: the u,e of nn an its eatine value is io:n ;in is power to pro due~ vah: v; x.hen combied withI *ita~1. In this evau-vt he use of :: : l sfi:ced :-, .0b''tt e e e cen:t. per :L:num;I in Egh:d it is less. on the Continent still less. In this country inwor is hiherthau in Europe, yt bearin- about the san:e relation to capital as there. In England land in iuch dearer tha:n hero, and wen l the use (f dear hand is comiibined wit h cheap cr labor the products of the soil Uear about the same value. while the products of manulieture arUe Chaper, as labor is cheaper. in this country prior to the war, the value of labor had been quite uniform for many years. and bore a fair relation to the value of it products.. You say the value of a day's labor has been considered as conivalent to the value of a bushel of wheat. The products of the soil have ever beei cha1geable, whIle labor has been quite unifo1rm in vaIlue, stil; bearing, the same rela tion to production. Wi:e crops verc Short. .niCes were W w r hen 0rops w.e abundnt. prices were low. ahlvs govr.e b the law 01 Supa!v and dtmand!. Under those lung estr blisued valuIes of~ those ti:-nes our country prospe; apple butter, cder made fro sweet apple' wvii l mne better article, but It Can -' bv (btain Xbe the eill it runs m t..e pre, before ny f:rmenttionl has taken liaee. and 1-oil it dIown in a tinl or copper boilter never use iron) untiL it hns evaporated fuly one 1al ; wi:l it is boiling al! 1le seum that rises must be carefully-remov cd, and as soon as it, is thieck enough.agd a quantity of good. tart appos. pared anu cut mnto qn:arters, takinr out all the cores. Fill the boiler half full ofthe[ qu:n-ters. Keep up a low but steadyx iire,and I ..e vLry careful to stir the appie. every: few mio:aents, to prevent them from sti:ijng to the bottom and sides of' ne ke tl.hen the atpples have boOiled abut ft~i:.e mfinultcs :md~ have sett4 ~o!wn a !!ttle,:i Inore, unti the boi ler is (~ttite bil (.eJP no wx e'') to ar pu lp, stiringu * :dos 'uontinuialy. W hen it j, mseu saoowin no wh-iole p)ice,~ ba all onet ma:ss of p'ulp. turn it tint jar nro1 trini~ls,S anld uet It col cover it m store it In a cool ;iace. It ca b e seaisoned? with spices. wx hile cookin - or after wxard;gorotund cinna:non' and cloves are the best s:uiteJ a-i flavoring. ( )ine and a ii:f b usheis of aitppes, after they are~ pare?:i andi qu:Iu-ter ed, are eo:gi h) t-r ne barrel of et':er before it is Loi 00 dow~.n. L iu.s of rh:u-coal ai w*i a s sa'lt has Kon hi hl recommnett l ur cat- S tie, as tendin t~ o keep them in val iro vere::1. '! etts h ealthI .- . .I ian 1 a V i's x e-tybre o iprov tothat x tent w.leit'rinited to r:dn amo i I "I 'XMrre kio or Ut I hie vtU.- t: Lat -" Zihet wo[uld b4rin:-t. teri double ;414 them throch a .:eve. a:I easont bola? half .illeds:'c withih seamo ain ilk.. Every good act is a flower, bo F Frojij th.: .t6weriPle Press and 1a:, .:aun uary 15th, 1S73. A NEW ENTERPRISE. So yevrs avo we dopted :the pho of endinrg our "Firrner" Coo-.ig Stores through tWe country with wagons, by our travellin" -r men, in order to supply a rHOt long tt in the South, alnd that Ceh f-mlily )oI;.hve an' opportuOity of Seeing if vo! pu-rch;asing one of these inidApenaablo arlicle, Te :b-,n,d:,,*, s o: our cot prie trir l!ht.t the S4.ter! of M,ovrih. Tne-y, Teunepe ua -orzia, ..A! "he !::.Iv,rsa: r wi:iehl our o- -: re "iiii everywl-e, coni nces n n : r t th c,:!in :n-d Ir o)-0-i n;r lomand,wen w :r ! i.--:e n:r :l CCs :at :he o ::i:h nv - i::ereNsed onr d:t*!y n:n u - i z:k:1 One pattern to thirty, and wi;! still lilther in crease it !o 'i-ry if r, :. cf :lin'' s to demrand it Ir sA swon wl: oui:K v,t you, are au!'ith :I i : :' t s:mi.e i-rmo tho::.ih yol!I: .1c . : h- P. re,; dh.-t fro:nr hes t':e Fon: r.Weh thn t:i- b:-.t';i w a .tl e n:, !-!o a:,! *:a ()I -.!h:: v. - Vvvr, ! .1---. i:n TVho t. re !: a h:. :d .i .rea:,r7e e"s,-01Y. It K very bK:o; rud V::le Only If i thei t t. ii f :w iron S' ;.i.wd ts tt ' ree.vre ae to:i:, "' n. p.thCIt e b i .wv=a cracks by Oire. To those persons in the Stov, tr.t4l' who tlhink their businesz will he !nined, byv us, an'd who the refore pps : :d mjisr-pr n ,-t fs anitd, oir good.; at all Places, we desir to asure them itr ita of Aehin:a:: o hiI to th ogr, we are IloiE, a benci, Ib I building up a bu'invesa h ha., her'tofo:, h beneubte, :Ii; !h bintmduiPog an ar tiele o! houseol lit-oi 1051, nu st 1i: mawly bring ther into b .!eral u:-e int. every famli l R lespeR:Hly your;, A!-TF j. , S. C., Dec. 10, 1-,74. CU:LVER G DP i::UOTHI-:S :-IW ecliper-I Muly grant ycri perminsiont to use our narle as you see proper in comrmeurLtion of your Ft.ira.. Coomm.; SrovF, for wo re-ga-Lrd it as beinZ altogether the best cooks:. S vC i use. it is ail that is desir.a e 4in a is:ove. "or it is simple in conztrution, has no d-on pe-r; or flues to burn out, an:d bakes qp.ick and beautifull. We besitM j for tou a liberal patronage from our neighbors and tral,believi as we do that none W h purchase One (if these stoves Will ever regret i, but Wi Con164e i R:1re rite in these days. u: W good cooks are so hard to get. We think .)Ilr eni,rpr6.,enmerits succes.- atid hop .you wvill attain it. J Iordan, .h"'n .ones, ,1 T) lNel, , P Neel, S T:11 rt, W',, ' ei , 0s. B.rnes, .1 U jii:t, P T neer, John Hfagon, W W:tt .kfn,, 3 Pri, I F BeP0, Hen.y lloxi., A Hd,: IWV B o.vie. . Yo:me. T V P'ruitt. D P' I:I:mIn1h, '11 C Rar, C .lnes. . W Ni1o t, S T', C'ki .1 ' Hall, S 0 Yonr: . t J-.T ;1 r , 31 Freetran, Wv" w ick!."lrf, . (4? ireA ('I,4 V Shiarp, T 31 PrUR, A .1 Wed. 1W A 11:AI. A -I 'lIies DOo Mle' !, m v!y Ta.Thmo. W Ve. (Wm.' P ook, I* C0.i. iAewin, A FVery, .T NIthmn), STyr Hi-y, il M Prince", \ii L Ar!ilev, V. XVsee Broh W 1io ,\ Ael%er, . ! !1 1; e no1 .IV I Iil X11m. 111gan, .T .' .\e r. .J M .lorn. C Foo,I, W C Co:nr G I RD Ad:Wn, WV F Er W 31 DFouoshee, T I- ', et WV WIyiev. Ac.tker. 11 .1 1.tng ' A Trihde., STATE OF S1)1T11 CfiLN, A m,:vn,.i.: C'or*, - .I :. ommonier:pi atol Gen.:i aseionfo i:el boveSus:iiers, a::d "'eypivue i y aW1'at te are, sever 'iy, hoCnr..ume !e.nn-n,r an, mea of cedi:. :e inDoUaed Crirhe.rshe ,3hs h! 'evrlihu.'.' d co: ...J...W C.W .II F N, . 4 Fe .5 .-st.'4 I ii' .44 empayer*.'.1''' . CoRY YOUR LU ., 'hi .,t A D GKr TH 'rE4T C'A't'i'iLYP;E. Sub1nption Fri,:'. '4.5 a 4er o,.4 IIous el phu iut I .u ,e th-,c' '?*!.ytve Cer: .\to Twety-Evax Dolr HACENTS-OX.n an ac.r s Avr iy on:n SITUA IOr.N: Un:. LNe, bd Cffrner,ttf ii elstimn te ter to. k .e . For . cf eook enFo 'nr ,'::.: i .:g :ma4doT apms toit t. .L:, --tf 3.t;: t o.L OF 1UTIAY HOUE E. R. STOKES H.\S Jut operici. in the new and hand solmt: hih!!n imm.t:atlyv oppoqite the P,N(U:."x ofi " . :,.lair strect, a co,:iplete stock of ST.\T!flN EBY. s : : < ry M.- e:' i :in .i : IL -:. ....:- r-1::l : , a:'! I: l.r. I.,N V'' F;' sIzcu."k v:b a 'x! *,. I: :y urt , o :nai ~ ~ I :"e oaypten n011b.l :! i --ny In e n !!eas v:u :,:n -.. : ! t.-,!v r : o:. rit;:; r 1 . i ver dtcrv - .n : :::. . t variety of con v .i it;ini li . (: for bo T! wachirs :ind :.-pi - :.r oitni {!: .-, 'it. hox-, a't d a countle Vjric: (T11,'i' Paer 'e cil . : r C->:t,-: in enke :indl ' o'i . ;r% ,ba , l '::r Snr, r:n ti P v-ie s Coc .N'. I N K:4. Waek, ie, iolet :r ("Z vrillie, Ind c-le ved ('oenta': .'efu'ii artices foribo !Teahr z:mi i M', i a:id .Vitill. d i C ard s, s, and -wrytiniiually Ipt in krst !a 'noer ouse and: PeOe iIt' e tpier s bly- 1t d libe. -,xi s 'i:i llLl. 11; ANDElY ulid aLANKd i(i( MN*1i:1 ChAe(RY and P: 1'-Ei~~1", J'~ S A bULSID1ENT, which aem n in aUTdVs.4:6 uPtraroui W - h Crtv Years in li all. t ke:inh a Hi;h 'h sid c:eiber!1nhe:f his sh I]atll e i wl :il c;kn:s his* lidE.t and-a: h: bee 'n suhcac ii so a :rt f o th E Pti State", a ih WV. I -2 1 iil i " jI Te Gnest hks,e f: e Uai:! : e G' t ha J,ie -shr T;'E STORE. Jn . 1 - pit e P oix Ofl ee. "The-Fgrzieat indusre of.' I 73...p's L i i'i Iio i ll" 2" a bea'iin! ho.,in Thre irs 'f af 'er. Th.- Ah!!:-e, ain e A t'l' '..ourc in: :u Iwo 'c:1s iin :..r, ank~: r i' :b>n r i onditi Av h', 10:i (:1CiiL v-d CL p, P l"i t e, -Tu,ourpub -hed,ry ne-.vieditton ofd. .er Cne alvew hi alAn Cei r'a:edC,Essay A~o i .w rne : e nre Li wnm>:.!. uime,h ne ) of Sperm to o. , eia Weak-. ('I.Invlu t:. A.min ilI E . Lo 'es , .ptn Pi. .\b-il::el httfL I$ne:A :r-i2y, 1m-1di . iir oal xrve. TJe :.r, lemii d pr.::-:lLl, :bat~ hea r:In ,nac :le ces f slf-a usem:tybe a.iiall d. wiPnte darink uYefinral in out a oeo neatoc ipe AYFradiSALE..1 ThsLeTir shn!heiihihno v ph aouth aeer A n i the land A2o, 3er. jNrwcwbMriaeGud, ren W. L. Bradley's POLLARD & CC 1 D Sea Fowl 4d --1..1fulk-d meer s, are a a tn ol GTioa bil -h N hrd ip vL;:T: e d e 500 sa i Sore and F The Celebrated .CT TOXil FERTILIZER ! IE BEST OF ALL. \pI,!y to W:. F. NANCE, AgUllt h-' to A. .1. 31eCA* CG; U 1l? & Co. k. . Bo IZER & C ., AgenI& , rog Diec 23 52 :f vI IO XAt FRIt III WILL BE SOLD AS FOLLOWS: CASH PRICE, 48 per Ton of 2,000 lbs. "lM E P C 53 per Ton of 2,000 lbs. P'ayable November 1, 1873. 'REE OF INTREST. To bie a(ba2. 3. P.iSR A L LELED. AN!) fTS ST.\N .UR) 18 A7No. 1. CALL ON AG1ENTS F(>L m anacs and Cerilficates. CHUARLE:STON, S. '. z Lvel .. C. ''e. 1S, 5:-- m M ABPES' L : I iJ AND - H. PRESf0rN & SONS' 4MMIhNIATED BONE 2erpThosphate of Lime. of the above~ Fert!!z:-rs : r m t:u: finetat m;:ueriai!- ob:i:: be T 1b rIon1s of each of the~ inr; i.uar to >roui:--:IoweIr:.i ad ci veFr 'NSM'JAN & HOWE LL, eneral Agents for South Ce.roli.a, P0 .128 Eastgay, Charleston, S. C. rELACE & WHiEELER~, Agents at Wry. Jan u ._ m I m i1i:ersi. Atanldard F1ertilizers.; General Agents. QUALTY ;l 0 R11' r *ed at prices -hat v.: not 1 I: t.> give satis pzil, if not sut ir to any ever zoW. w Sale by J. E Welb & Co. -OLU BLE1 NAVASSA GUANO. THIS MOST iPPII hED FE!!Il R Corn, C oiton, Wi eat, &. I ;::n o Yn!reIve rrs.:: . 1 t l' s .65 UN Credi:, Jer T--:i o: -!. ;j:'. The "Dissoved Bone Phos phate, Rich in .nd :- I, f : E wI 1 . ____:: __ O - i- I.:v Pacific Gano Company's SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. TIII" UI . , Oi ' o- . 41 wel k wnin :i the 8 .:nth ai A e i:.: ren urk:Ibl '4' .1e.s....a..:: eiv I' e r e -s"etepo ye:n pi'. has- est -.h !it baractrrr fo :do I tio suret 'ur33 : o13''(f '3ne conun .re , iC3there;ofor 134 pa- .. .I- th i - sontil supint endenQ2t,ce of' Dr. :-T. JEII.tN pre: th .u -i e.4 :t331 that3 he 'tofoe sohi3. J. N. 'non.4N, Selling .\'ue:.;, !h:i.- 33, '. C. TJX -:. s. PL''' \ 1:ow and3 have unal fir3 t 1351(t .Ap.-i to1 deide. a3s1 to w hter they wi!| take0:3 1t ' (1e or'& ca F ~te ear loah1 ! ' er :il Vt '2 1. A. J1. .!c3,,:z:htin & 43o.. .\143te for N'wberrv. Sash ~ andi Bids~?j~.r e o .- e '.'. . P P. TO L -E -*. 'h r!..u, t . . 3 L I Ii 4 1 (hA0 ESTo. SIC. C4,ER CFF IIIS 1IS AS. LaRGE AND1) ' )oMPLE l'E A i -t:-.a 1.r;i in the4 Sout b. 1111 di4 work1 ma' etu21rc(d 2: theC F'ctory inl 12j ('3 c i:. he nly hotuse owned andi man.f d by a lr:i riian in this Ci'. ie .3f SEND FOCR PRICE IdST~ sme atctory' and Wa;rerooms. Kirg S:reet, op- Color ite C&innon Street, on line of City Rail. Editi .Address, print GEO. S. HACER, to ser P. 0. B3ox 170, Charleston, S. C. '. 13 7......m . r~ .Vewspapers. A'noss P CT I's OF The Progressive Age. The ndersi"ned prono.ts to publislh in the town of Newber-. y. C., about the 1st of Feb)ruary, 18713 a wec':1v nvspap2r. Learing the title (,f TH E- Pi' :'..EIVE AGE. The limits (1 :: i.e do no: 1hai: of a mi:intirc d elinreitao: of al the features ,I the con:rmp!:L e ' :n! I wil b! slui :ient to !; lic,: 1:, ceitra iiia:c':r. TIIe e.: : Of h' ; .c AL will be a newspaper in i. .Ides, of the t.:rm. einbracib-z w:hio i:s columns all infor m::: .ion n- : 1 . ro in 'ruetive to the p'blic. !n ' : . .r : I;- ,- ! h r and C tite. w. -il e *;( 'treniious wii! be u i i' i- in of importtin po!it iI : .i i . a ll sut'jecs it; p1n Its .-s e. r:.:e re anie,sof p1vrn:;::; ill p Vi , ::d to the .r . :and ti ruelii'd *: )s 4 hti ~own r'i:io t Op e No r os, r ' Rt,-or;nt ilb :v c t, i p! e :m ' it i cA*. :m1 i .,, t rn,r ' i n pl wicy il i ) , :ne- d. :m:igh it m ay :;ave the: s te:ion nd::I ap;tn>t::! ofi r lon e A - tli the 1:0.. .i its ai li to:: nile i fa ilvnew,p: per, its se - lct.ion'sG lihe 0 :4.4 Lu s t :itii e le,ome Ia I I grenhi t :h 1-viv.00 .!: wlll LeJ n:i iu. inshrl-ive : d n s,t readin.:, to the yo .gln . T'hj1.,:a.v 11. w,t no:,te ble to 7ive Ole.psand v:rihdChromos ns ill du 1cfmiI"s for ubc it n. s::.l, how evet, p r ois to funish throz;gh it4 cuumn -', fr a we Cossaby ctn the unilv;fheIhe Tl;c Comi,iwri-cial, Matnuf:ieturin. and Az "CniurTI .:tret 'f thle St.t 11ha1' recei; m1::d1i. Tbe 1Jat'risive Age will conlbute its 1i,3:e to lth nle e of her immen-ze if ore ur ti, 1bii'!d * to i'1e'he i :nd scilenceN wide mine-rto :e w ll-bingof her. poo pe. If shoh b e insisti, too. -,at Newb:erry were havel ! . ptake of the eerlproNpe:riry, w-ih no :tttempt to ds pnrape tiwi. liwvI of w:hcr toNsII :i.ii 7 ci . The e - ntelli-enw2, both Fo .I :Jfl D 1e0:e1wl be carefuliy r p-rted. For thi* end th ' Tt!egiraph, nd all o'her mie.isuirei within the reuch of the un .er. inda . aln be 1::id under contribution. Tez.-The Poreaiv Aewill pub 1i ' at e & in adlv;nce. per m:um : 10 s b S ti er i,-- with oi:e copyv gr. Edi; tor, erS e can fOrwar c I-;e,: or, thters if 0 they fe6 l 0 disposed. Dec i'-' TH()S. P . SLIDER. Tbe Great Demcradc Joarla T HE NE -.W YO0R K W E1-0,L0Y EWS. B-1. w I0. W D, E_Iitor ~ and Froprietor. kA.YMam,,r.1 Zig'ht Page Sheet, Fifty-six Column s of R,ading- atter. itku~ "opil;I'l I'i' ii:ius .t li'ti the a.'c. foregn,s d st ie, :.ce: t, ::', a'.,. Al: in!;er :sd retb! z:.t:whr:soie. ! a .:e tvarie-ty o l*rN- 1. Offw most co"::vie;y new-miper hEW 11$SI2 A Y EAR IND- UC I!::N C PTO CL UBS : ve c ;ue , o e y ::r ................ 0 !ov i .,s,ir .. .i . . .a . .. "T:e e.Oies. oned y hm. 1c.ti~ (* - : e e r.. .. . ~eencexrazcopy nt iesi ienditg elab. as above.'r m yrt It -ith st r b! N .ile-:. AR IS.e -pe re bcrt-Ed .Yto Nh o~E YORKWEELYNE N''e SHR STIES F E "he best rdBeOoftMS.ecis. Ih 6000s STEin~RAXgazne Ii. a S ' S L!BEJ N1- to! i~fc: With41 the'umtr:t fo s:mary thei4 iECt.ECTi. tes po :i4i'it,, tw 40: 1 y-n i-t i r i. 'en the. e ':eiot '. le ,4 f:om ' h e::tir tiel ofa? foitgnt rir ia t!)litrature. a:i'- ht oil:s -. dl: 'h bestLRETEWS. e 1he bstECR I'ASES.S"IGAPIA SKETCHESi d Ehe b-sr. ISCELANIES .4h.. finet SrTL ENGRAVtING' 44'4. 1.0 1 ein 4en anin withou I -- !!e 1'a n m n ,-' ir tatia. T r s 11h:b . t'eiC .-C e w!h cn t::'''4 -m 4e4'l'.r4dica'"u4e'ilen ltrate . Add I' . 5e11 2-f. 13 ultn're, IIY)'1:btNew Y I'; l': esdanda 4)11.41 0Ct. .to d vin 1.?dish' 3 (vi a;'e('cts :md! exta -ni. rit-~ ~ '4.4'Auhhor3.d,ncludh: d :oN FithJohnta1s. 011ough, Ftve11todr~ Etira .dn::ratd flwbo ed P;;t mdCiaomoC~Re. iE 'i11t sao'ToHnrdT'hilipn *ipley. JAMS VIC,o'e:crine. .ec INSURANG TilE utiIlersigneid havin, es:.ilshr-d 1 the ('lit'tO Sttes Life In urance Co:U:a vanrtnge- of'rted those A ho m.:av des': o ef Comtpany Ti,c Doarti of Man:vgrs at a tcozt me. lutionl "Rcsoive-i, in vlow of the fact tha Life : . the m . . , 0O ,he inve0te, contri'ute ! h en:iehorlic-It of 21l :1 .t a pt I i r th naat,heea:e acerai. ,tr>:tonof the : 0 o " o 10: mor ;ti:1 71) !per c 0nt o !le inl accord.1ce w! :of ts the -Zaid pen : saeatie . T'el.a e.i -:rel;zth of the, Coiw, 1111 :h :;It the for t. 91 of hts li-'bilty. e:ynrr ot of all :eN"'T PRiFN, herez is Tio t.i o u.ej, .:;a be rt u:-in !ihern-by n:-aki::: the "('oucit S:.t:cs Li;e,"* a. I Applicati: for Vi::s !:::.:. 1uc-l! itWE o!bai:e:-.v atl e aeta y : he DiYcilrs :1 inv.'tment- U. 1t;se a e u.i: aas-z-! Of'a L -y H1old1::', an]dT ab v h :. !.%ibr an er ry. Ti:c- privii---e w" i.-iing a portlon of t0 )ne Of its Po0*,;cy Hloldersz. I th--refAorc Pr0o .ahry e ! aany w:her po-,,t in hie Dist M:-. 27, 1 Pfaif Rlomdv. GreenvilIe & Columbia Ra Iroad. T ---------- Qr%,f__ 'W .Dailv. Smundays excel.ted. cour.ectiii. w1th M;h: Traii:s c i uth C:rolia Railroad. up 11d down. xv'-o ith Trainis noi.n Noith and -out on (iarl.ttE. CoU:tiLia and Aii-u-ta 'aHruad. a1d WIlingtUn. CWuubia altd Au !Usta RaE;road. . Colurb . . . .. a m Alston ................... . . eCwberry....................... ( ,ke'bury- ...................... 'lee t~et .....................72 a? ( to..........................'ar \- -N vi er . . ........ . . 1) n , . ta m .................... ;- ?Jp ............ .... . . 5 - I'Lnd-t -n........................7.12 p in Ik-tty.ti ... ...... .............*. .. i''a I ,rrivc- at e .U . . .......... .......:i, In .. lch........................... 7:3 P m " C ke bur ........... . . . ......... 1 5 a m -. A ev i ... ... .. ..... ..... . .. .1 a m, . N e . . b ... ..... ........ ...... Nr arie a :-umb i . -- -. .....- -.... . I . p m I w%vel >WN. ::#]'A T r.%z Nvi,)"tt Gea.: l. vh atlea Hl. 7-ff.N .o.:ve Cr:la ut. . . .... a a a l 'e r i. 31Je.. . . . . .. c. a ni "V P'I nd!rt . ..... ..... . . . .. 7. p ati rive t l 'tit: t-- -- ----...--.-- 50 a mt :av t Iiou t ... ......-.........3.%, a tm - td ttA. CCr o, ..... .. ...... -il 4iI 5 t , y e "tt . 'ndle t .... ...... t ............. . . W e5 p ?d:ycth. Monrrda . Wensa-a, ;i Si -A. DI. jA.U' V,Ai.ce-: si t. J.k n -:z Ns,ox Geniert: Ticket A.gnt . p1137t.NlN )N~.tU (':.:.rriA. .. .. D*c.2. 1S72. ON and afteur IUNDA Y. re 15th, i:tanit,'c.tPa I.1 N-P n\o 1:: -ru N 2 rrreI a tt I r: : . . -- . ........ 4 .f5 p m14 a yeCha h to a ....... .... ....... T.3:m rrea ('hre bS it ar............g 4 a U io m ci t~ Counei t ...... . ..... am rutt ' tunb a asformteI3rndv . W.iaed -. 1.,P -ENS Gee: *ike Ae.) ( . . 1 -1. A -.S )tnbr 2 3. tiUiiEii'-L..7! T::n No.t 1. Tri N . MONUMENTS... . .G 5.\3. , >.3 Oll t lune'oa....1 i.nd S.3f 1.n ;. .,CO ON;e' r (te......V .1.E -)OES .L can.o sacrl P 'i0h.::?o. .....s., . [ . )p. [ e-OluRah GALL.. ER4Y- 3. ; .3 . rege .tu :::ra. .. ... ..7 ;2 '. 1. s 20 i . CoD1TOraPH- Go T: AL-;ERdYs NEWk.i: t.Eu R: k- Y, .::eto t Jud:t- N -tn Sou4 ad We . N . 1 r: 1 kes.taseconue:is: a liihu:nd f: Vigiu -9 :7 - e 'e'. :;'.v A .X.N E!ta pt . Rairoa. WEMN Jt4e To cm uece 9th Iay.3J1 E NOTICE. i lee at E ti i:, :, : A n for i:, n' m-i- at::n:tn to *sut er tw o '2 :1.e ad. 'Cet inurnce t:- their lives in a sa.e Home -l~I: ha su:,os paid for North in il . w suls, being ltre thos'e sectios, whi:St our own; S,oi,h is ac !:!f Iy o%r :.::!"".aan M, ebla:1i Sr ; es. st:!mIs in o7r tet. cash rciv :, ;rO prdmiurnz, atini t. me he ie t sn ;uch :t:an er :,s ii:,.V e Gomip-ny. in c;;1oe i o:s from i el W1. 1. JoUNSON, Prez. yV p.::C i: In hh r Ink.Es last An 5*ne5S, be.:ide. iP - 1e Guarantee, $170i 1: 7e Compa)y proposes $ T.\1 RE-'EIP fromiS. any localitv whlere 1 and i:. d . : 'Policy jioide HIOE Cf )MP'ANY' to ev.rv Policy Hold ie n: :br. h i:s Ioard of Trute.-, or y periol, provided I the tle Honi.:li!e h: kttcun, G:!. No safer ( Compainy en b mt de than wit it its Poli d- t, i now oibere, to tie people of New et..00 Coman' ass't,is exutned to everv to esa.blish a Board of Trtustees here in riCt V.Iere dosirable. B. F. LOVELAU, Cnva.;sing kget. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE i COMPANY OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, ASSETS - - $1,100,000. 1 1 -ON. JEFIFIRSON D..VIS, "EN. WADE HAMPTON. Vice Prisile..t. and Superntend::tof At:intiv eatet J1. D). KENNEl Y. State Aett. J. F. GLENN. Agent Newberry Co. A nit-I Diret' nre some of the first btsinetsstren of the coufrv. July 1f, '2 --1:. Moftels-Rarber. COLU31BIA HOTEL. COLUMBIA. S. C. TH1fS el-kno1wn - HOTEL, situatte in the :en're of the business nordon ftecie : :rs every cunenlctan omfrt toltra :flic:e:t assistan,ts. jled;"e himnelf to -parie to means~ and p:un.s inl its mlanaeme*nt to :r.tin rthe hith reputtir on' o lon"g enjoved >y thte "(OLU'H."saFrtCisHue A:ahdt !eHus'e isa handso me IL. f.\AI:i RO' 2. 'tirnished "ith threC of Phe-. ;In & Citiender' be-t *'nd most impnroved TELEGitpi!IIFICE in roturnda of* 'e I one.~ .Also, Lath ooms, equaied byi none S M. G(IDLAN, Proprietor. E. T. Per.m:LL. ia:e of "*'harlt&>on- llo el," an-i J. F. G;aDSttn, As,istants. Jian. 20j, 1873. NATION AL HIOTE-L. Columbia, S. C. Robert Jornier, Proprietor. P. Haiilton .Torner. Clerk. RATES: ppr, Brettlah1t :anrd Loing... 2 Oi The Newberry Hotel, OP?DA N P. PUOLI, Proprietor. Tfh i' Hotei hta. unerg'~o trecet rpis .1ii now r:uore com.r::be :.nd wel IItp. >:iite1:ha o ever. ' Wi: a well-!cept talei, tod. :rnm, a:ten:ron to(' evr , ri >h:gmn, :C traveling punblic will tI it .uli they carn al.k Ior. itt aditiont ther i ' 'las-e s b):t-j i n h-:re the best of v:ne: a :juors arnd segars ti he had, and! alIso a hilianrd-rom at 'lied. The Livery aneelnigtthHol et > tr~ i itfgrgt h oe RESTAURANT P>A KE !U. The runders'cl t'ed re e:fi:Iy infotrms the ont:::t he is nto:' prepared to f:ti . 4cdls--il. Ovetel's. &c.. Feu.h Everyv Dav. i. OK (;UT FOR YuURt MEALS .AT THE'! Aiston Hotel, ireakfast ( Vin atd s ( 'htarlk.m. S. (1. C;. T. AL!'oiID ':Co.. Proprmetr. i:. HAM ILTr N. Superintende4nt. Private Boarding. . -, nt A. WV. T. SIMMONS. RIEESE & C.iRROLL. VINGJ .ANf ii.ii 1)RESSIN( sALOON, Norb o te P Ic ntHouse, t 'r: ' eI c0 -. N ov. 2t2. 4t7-:f. E C;;A!LESTON NEWS, OFC Mie. 'L i.' 3A AY STflP.tTr CH1ARL~E>TUN, :S. C. ):aiy Naw-.........---..........88ca vr. tVcekly New -------------.........M a1-:r any ot her inc tit he utheu eri t a: e-r . .fr, tinrertioni, 1-2 ceute a Lee. ofi so!!d no'.n in sutsequenat insertiLts, 10 ceLts a line. I. 21.4-tf.