The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 18, 1872, Image 4

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Farm, Garden and Household. Fattening Turkeys. It is well to commence with light feed, such as oats and buck w neat, given in equal quantities at morning and night, scattering all that they can possibly eat. In a week leave out the oats and substitute the corn; and a third week dron the buckwheat and feed on co'rn alone. Dough once a day, made boiled corn meal, is commended by some breeders, but turkeys need no other mills than those they possess with which to grind their food. Their giz zards work with tremendous power, and the machinery i. (it such a character that its workings are essential to the health of their bodies. Give them now all the corn they can dispose of, and, if fed on dry, smooth turf, it can always lie within their reach, and as they will never clog themselves by overeating, it is better to keel a large supply always at hand. and let them pick up the kernels at their own pleasure. It will make a great difference in the value of the food given i turkeys when there is an abunid anee of pure water always at hand. If they are stinted in the suppily the corn will not d1aret as readily; and when the weather is windy and chilly they will not go even halfa dozen rods to proenre as much as is needful for fattenin, purposes; so the farmer will find iL to his advantLge to supply it in ;arge quantities. Although tur keys arti very hardy I,wls, yet they should always have s(oMe shelter provided at this season, such as a sunny shed on the souII side of a board fence, fbr they wih rathersitforadayon the sunny side of a barn than walk two rods when the North wind is blow ii.g hard. It is important to beguile them into roosting under some shele at this season. It may be done by commencing to feed them un der it the first night that food is thrown-to them, and always ha, ing corn thrown to them at that place at night. It requires a cer tain amount of food to produce the needed amount of heat; sD the less they are exposed to the cold. frosty air at night. and the more comtortable thev are housed. the more rapidly they will fat ten. Quantities of food, plenty of pure water and comfortable, warm quaiters will fatten turkeys ex peditously, withot resorting to any shttng up or eraroming pro cess.-Country Gentleman. Curr:Gs AND Scos-If in tended for planting in spring, either currant or goose berry cut tings may be separated from the parent stock any time durng the winter,:he later the bet ter, thougoh before the buds swell. Both take root so readily and open theirj buds at a temperature so low, if S cut in ear-ly winter and stored in a cellar. they- are liable to start into s g row th before they can be put out in spring.-Seions of the apple, cherry-, plumk and pear, for either r root-grafting~ in early winter,. as soon as the leaves drop and the wood is thoroughly hardened up. For the preservationi of seions and cuttings, there is no kind of pack inig material equal to sawdust of T about the same degree of moistureF as when it comes fromi ee tim bcer. To winter currant and lhar dyV grape uttins such~ a~ei s Coni cord, dec-ide~dly the best p)lan is to bury them in. the open. groulnd in moist Cart h, when they will freeze, and be ke(pt in that. con ditio un til ready to planit, wR'lieb should be done without dtelay after the frost leaves thle gr->und in spring. DIrLiiE:tTA.--The foill wing re-r ei pe tr " theL uen of( di1 theria, is from a physieint who says, that of oin th usand eases in which itu has 'seen *isa,; ni - a sin gie pa ient hats bee, lost. The treatment con s:sts in thoroughly swabbing the b:ek of the miouth and throat with a wash made thius : Take salt, two dramns ; black pepper, gfolden] seal, nirate of p)otash, atlum.i one dra:m eaeh. Mix and pulverize, put into a teacup, which, hal illl with bloilIin water. stimr well and C" then fill up with1 good vinegar. Use every- half hourim. as recovery progresses.-e TheDatinax swvalow a little Li each time App!'r one oune eac C 01fsweet <., spirits ot turpentine and aqua ammonia, mixed, to the or whole surfa~ce of th athroat, and ag over the breast bone every four hour-s, keeping flannel to the& parts. ..-+-e+------ fl ('RaE roR BONE FELox.-The following is said to be a good remedy- for this cause ot'sufering: --Take cqImmon rock salt such as iused for salting down: pork or beef, dryv it in an oven. t hen pound , it e and ix withi spiri ts of tur- col l)enin in equal p)arts. Put it in Bu a iag and wrap it, around the part M; :.3ected. :wi as it gets (drv nut on more. and in twenty-ibtir hours you arli e red ;the tel on is dead.'~ TumE TEErH.-llorace Xapole ber wrote: "{se a little bit of al"m' twice or thriice a week no biggrer 11. than half vour- nail. t ill it has all ran dissolved In your month, indl the ii s;oirtit Oct. This has so fortified myi teeth that they are strong as o hie pen of Junius. I learned it of q~ Mrs. Grosvenor. who had not a ce peek in her teeth, until hier b -- +elThe A preposterous stoiry is cireu- Fr am:g to the enfeet that sports- ii, men in New Jersey mistake mos (''ii'-s Jor snipe. Temc 'ceater lengthi of ithe dersey imos .iee's lii nhoaud rende..r such an VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE For 1873. The GUmIDE is now publizhed Q UArTL:LY. 25 cents pays for the year, four numbers, wbich is not half the cost. Those who after wa:ds end money to the atnount of One Dollar or more for Seeds ay also order Twentv-tive Cents worth extra-the price paid for the Guide. Ue Januarv Number is beautiful, giving plans for making Rural Homes, Designs fbr Dining l'able Decorations, Window Gardens, &c , ::nd containing a mass of informa:ion invaluable to thodover of flowers. One luin dred and Fify p;qges, on fine i:ted some Five Hundred Engraving- aud a sipierb Colored Plate and Chromo Cover The Firr F.di:ion of Two Hundred Ti!ousand jti%t printed in Engli.b.and German, and readi to send out. JAMES VICK, Roche,ter, N. Y. Nov. 27, 18-i f. THE SCIENTiFIC AMERICAN, FOR 1873. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The ScENTie AMEICAN. nw in its12h ' year, enjoys the wide:t circulati-n of ac;v al;a!a gous perio-ie: in the wor'd. Its conte-:ts enibrace the lats: and ni ist inter esting info:mantion l'ertaiv in i theI ~ldutr ial Mechiaic:!. an t ier ri Pro.r*-s of the World: De-criptions, wi l%e.ut,;;ul Engrav ings. o. Now L-vientons. N%w im I.ments. ew Procs:-s, :.dimpove ! !!1:ustr;ces ot"u all k ids; Useful Nites. Fact., le'pe-. ugeoioud Advice. by Practical . r:ers'. fo Workm.n and Enployees. in all the varioul' . Descriptious of iproe:nen:s Disc.overiv,. and Impoitait Work, to (ivAl :d Mec-'jaical Engineering millin.. miling aid Metallurgy; Record, of the latest prores. in the Applications of .teani. ,team Enllineering. lIa ilway s,Shiip-buildit:g.N avigation.TIelegiaphyv. Telegraph Engineering. Electricity, Magneti. Light and Heat. the Latest Di'coveries in Photography. Chem istry. New and Useful Applications t Cheinistiy in the Arts and in Donestic or Householld Lcouno my. The Latest luformation pertaining to Technol ogy, Micro: copy. N:1trmticQ. Astrowatmy. Geogra phy. Meteroo.y. Miineralogy, teology. Zoology. Botany. Horticulture. Agriculture. Architecture. Rural Econonv. l,isehold Econ nyiv. Food,.g:. Hleatili, Venltilation,. jIlt, Health. In& sort the whole range of the Sciences and Practical Arts .re embraced within the scop: ol the Scientific American. No person who eire, to be imtelligeitly informed can afford to be without this paper. Farmers, Mechanics, Engiacers, Inventors, Manufacturers, Chemits, r'overs of Science. Teachers. Clerg% men, Lawyers, and People ofall Profe sions. wih find the ScEN'rIFc AmEi CAN to be ul great value. It should have a place in every Family. Library, Studv. (iffice ai Countin:: Itomr; in every Reading Room, Col lege, Academy, orSclhcol. Published weekly, splendidly Illustrated, on ly $3 a year. 1 he Yearly Numbers uft he ScTENTIFIC AMERI CAx make two splendid volumes of nearly oue thousand pages, equivalent in contents to Four Thousand ordinary Book Pages. An Official List of all Patent' issued is published weekly. 07P- Specimen copies sent free. Address the pub lishers. Mux & Co.. .37 Park Row, New York. PAT rNT I connection with the ieti 'ri?TIFc AMElic.. MIessr.s MUNNi & Co., arj.Solici,o. of Anierican and Foreig Patent,z, have ha.! over25 years' experieace, and have the largest establishment in the world. If you have made an inveiiion. writz them a letter and send a sketch; they will promptly inform you. free of charge. whether y(ur device is new and patentable. They will also send you. free of .,harge. a copy ofthe Patent Laws iu full, with instructions how to proceed to obtain a patent. Address Mc-NN & Co., 37 Park Row, New York. Dec. 4,49-tf. rhe Great Democratic Journal. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS. IEN,T. WOOD, Editor andi Proprietcr' Mammoth Eight Page Sheet, Fifty-six Columns of Readinrg Matter. Cont:dns alil the news, foreig'i, domestic, olitical and general, with futl and reliable iarket reports. Each nutnhcr also cotntain s everal s.hort stories, aind a great variety of terary, agrieuitural anld scientific matter,~ te., etc., constttuting, it is confidently as-J trted, the most comp:cte weekly newspapert 1 this country. E'ERMS, $2 A YEAR. INDUCEMIENTS TO CLUBS: ive copies, one year.............$ 9 00 - en copies, one year, and an extra copy :o the sender...................... 15 00 wenty copies, one year, and an extra copy to sender...................25 00 ify copie", oneC year, anld an extra copy to sender.................. 55 00 Parties send1ing clubs as ahove, may retain per cent. of the money :cceivecd by them, commttitsion. Persons dlesiring to act as agents supplied itb specimen bundle.;. Specimen copies or f'ee to any address. .ll letters should directed to NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, BOX 3,775, NS.W YORK CITY POST OFI"fCE. Nov. 27, 48S-tf. Prospectus for 1873.-Sixth Year. 2 H E .A LDINE, An Illtratedi Mouthl. Journal. universaully mutted to he the handsome-t heriticl it th'e orbi. A re'prieseitative and champion of nerican :a-:e. Not for Mah- in Rook or New' Stores. TnIE A LDI NE. while issued with Iiil the i, CIu rv, ha. none ott he temntorarv or tirni:v 'in re-t ch: aateri-'tie of ordina rv' periodicais. It ani eleauin1tmiscella:, ui eII, lighit. audii grace~ l 'iteraatre; : nd a colltectti of pictur.-s. thle rest "yeieurets of attic I. mn black and lt. Alhonugh e:ich suicceeding i.umbner if I-d a ftre-t ple:nure to it, 1 fiends. the real value di beau of1Til1 A LINe will bc mist ap L'inted it er it h:ts been bouni up :I the close r tIhe year. Whbite ther putblienti<wa mty I mn uuperior chet nes. ms eomti:tred wiat h rivats a 'imrilh c t. fit V .\hu LDNE is a uni quan:,d CU .in:i caeption-aone mi.d un:iroachedt- - t -1u0e'y withaout compeltitionl itn price or chir er Th po es'or of a citlete volume cm,- eyc i~ du!c::e thle qu:intity of tirte taper cnd en - ivin in 'ini' other shap1e or nu:n ber ot vol j- ror ten times% ils cost: ai:d then. there are Iau omo-, besides: .E1 M--S5 pr attrum. in aidvance, with Oil IIE' A LDINE wi, hereafter, lhte btainable cr Iy by oubscri;tion. There wvinlbe no redluced club rate: c:ash tor subricription- musit be cent the publishers direct. or baiided to the oc: -t mnt, w ithout responsibility to thIe publishr. ept in eases where thte certifoite is 5iven. ring the fac-simile signature atf.anmes tutton E.NIS WVANTED.-At.y person. wi-hing etr peimanently as a local agent, wil receive land promnrt informatIon by mtpply ing to9 JAMES' SU ITO N & ('0 . Publishers, 58 Maiden Laue. New Yo rk. ov. vt. '72-45-t f. THE LADYS FRIEND, AUTIFUL NEW B1REMIUMI CHROM0 ! JI know what thi Mmag:zini' is t-ndl that it tain- the moe,t admrirable Mt iries. Engravings, tie. Fashion. A rt ich-'. IPm t run:. lieceipts, etc. all co not know that its publishteis aire offer with it. "'LfTTLE MUL." yantifuli Chromo of' the (Chibl-P'ro,net. st:irt fromxId hi sep ..t thle caill of the~ Lord. iid ih. hajsthe trich an'td low in.'colors of ai ti.e ainx:g ati a siritual beaty atL it e. r Chroo ill be. set te vr Sl.5 i ubi,cni a. an to everyt peron send in: ' inb. end at :hd rite- to evenry menmber or a1 Club. tedmV Ware.c ol Chaixn atnd Wa~itches. etc..F Sen-d -i m Lied I,e nms of P'r.:xmum-. A it :Ter vesrial are xuncunted for i-eNt rear--Thie "tg ter of.;reylan'ds. ,y Mrs. Wood,t author of tAit Lcne ad also serihus by Miss Muzzey, sv Ventnor. Aimanda M. Dougias, and F"an- F llodlgson. Po EI:MS-Alwrays in A dr'ance.-One- copy. with wai emo. $2.51 F our copies, with thur l hiro ,an.d one grais, S 0. }Eit copies :n :Chromros, with a paper and Chromo gratis.. ie ::bove Clubs can be made up coiju'rtly of~ Saturday Evening Fast and The Ludv'i mid, if'tiity cents is added I'r each copy 'of: Po~st, with Chromo, taken. If the f hromo atwishd -it cents nwy be deducted froma h;ysFriend sub-criber. One copy each lie L:-dy's Friend. S::turday' Even.iig P'isi Cli ItIMO). wil ie -cit for $500. Ten centD a rnt al ways be.sent frv mrailing expenses lr eli Chromo. Adriiress- resi DEACON & tElEERSON. hr s9 Waln. ~t', a,h, f orr CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. ASSETS - - $1,100,000. IION. JI-:FF -!\ON 1uI, GEN. WADE II.\IPTON. Vice President. an<l .sup..rintel1:m11t of J. . K ENNEllY. Nate Agent. .J. F. GL .N gent Newbvirv Co. Amonwri0 )ro-t.r-m. ton of the first lusiness inon of the .nitrv. We guarantee hllld v' oni:.agement, i. e. speedy ttl'me:. ol July 10, '72-2-ly. 1Y FOR THE GR~EAT I.NDUSTRIES of the UNITED STATES' 1.t) Page<; and I Engra vin s priited ill English a:.d rsun. Writ ien by 2o E'.ninent Imi. L.on case, -dwurd 11owiand, e'v E. Edw,*OHall, 'ilip Ripley, Al t)ert Brisbane. io ice Grceiv, F. B. 'rkins. etc .etc. Th:is work i -inplete history of tP branches of-in Austry, prucsces of I manufacture. etc.. in v .. It i a complete cucycopjedia of art, i1:mnfctutes, at, is, the most entertah)in,in, and valuable work of in formation ou subjecit -X cezieral intere:t ever offiered to the 1.ulic. Tht Book is sold by agents, who are maki; !arge -.64- in all parts of the countr. I t i, of--rv :.! ih l!w price of $3.50, and is the clivapest I 6,-% ever sold by .ubse rip- I tion. Ne nait .\vi.ts in every town in the United Si: ts. ald no :1nt c:.n fail to :o well with t hi, luck. :;r Irmus :ie liberal. We give our avcnt4 tie exel-iv ri-,ht ofterritory. One of our a -.nt -1 1:;7 C.Ipics int eiht -1ys. alm ther Zo'd 21.: in two werkb-. (ir e:iet in Hart ford sold 3- in One week. Speciies of tle work --n to gr.ts o:. rveeipt of stamp. For :ircul.irsand erims to agvts. tddrels tle pub% lishers. S:inple copivQ nfthis book sent to any addres- ont rceipt uf price. t JT. 1.. BFIN IuT .:YDE. Publisher;;. [Iitford. Conn.. C lehg i 1 a , Cinciinnati. Ohio. Stpt.-5ly M CL IN 8, IRA,ES IN. 9. X' D .lfA2ES ST.A i R ilN-.t a rs, I tillers' Fur Tiles, 'Wire Gur.iS, Tecrra Cotta Ware, Marbid and S!ate Manitlet Pieces. I - WINIJOW GL.ASS .1 SPECIA LTY. Cireal:ars andi Price Lists sent fG free on a'pplicationi, by P. P. TOALE, S20) [Hayne andl :i: P mene st-., PI hIe Best is the Cheapest ! SINCER TRIUMPHANT TILL DEFYlNG CDMPETITIONS "'I lea - su An To rorn Return ofsales in 1871, 1S1,260, e:n 3.731 :orc thtan the uext h ighest number. ome o if the numbher of sales be any criterionl inl meit, the Sin!rer certa,inly hears the' patlm. 0 t ti i.- not all, thougmh it is sufficient toth vin"c the most skeptical. It is simple, to .h!eo, not liahle to get out of order, and IN h idv who eveor set her heart otn a Singer rmuI wile:hy it for aty oither. TliEi SIls [IS TRR:EPRE:SSFBLE 1 will ',ke the led whiile sewing Machines C used. Ichines of all styles of finish, extension tit.-exCteiton tale, :md cither for lighi t heav e:Ik suppledi bvy W. T. GAIL.LARD,. Acent, Fitr Newberry and Laurens Counties. GEO. S. HACKER, or, Sash and Bld Factory, CHARLESTON, S. C. 2""""" Sto o I'c toryas tere s i theSouo.rn II worl manfttitieured t the Fue: ory in 0 ti:y. The on ly hous~e owned andt man - I byv a Carolinian in thi city. 'ilNDFO P'ICE; LIST " .ietory and Wareioomns. Kitng Street, op . te Ciannon S:reo inee, i ofti C1ity aii . Addres., cot: GEO. S. H.lCKER. quan P C. Bo 170. Chiarle.on S. C. pimp >v 13, '7-1. Pho, Tc PROFESSIONAL. nt DR. C. W. ABNEY F R-shis ,ervice5 ' h comntun:.v at and .Office op ad:e G->L W m. F. Nancee's bt'ee. .t Lade .moe A R. Church, erly occupied by Dr. T. W. Thompson, .a -r,,Jly , 81-ti __f. c Pt, & Il C, SWAFFIELD, COLUMBIA, S. C. Are now offering the LARGEST ind FINEST STOCK of CLOTHING, AND Gnis Fmishing Goods, Ever I)ivUilit South. We are now oceupying the rooms ortierly occupied by Wearn & lix, is a CUSTOM BEFIRIMENT4 Mnd are AKING TO O1).R the BES'T FiTTING SUITS, out of the :hoicest Tputteris of FRLENCI and 'NGLISH1 CASSIMERES AND 'STING S. Give us a call and be convinced. Oct. 2;. 43-tf. 1,11, D. [01E & 0, DESIRE to annoumee to their friends ud patrons that they have MOVED into wir Large and Elegant Store, Corner -.a;n and Plain Sts., Under the Wheeler House, Where they have OPENED their IMMENSE STOCK ofNWana )esirable Goods, SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, AND OMPRTSING TILE BEST MAKES OF GOOD)S TO JBE FOUND IN DO31ESTIC OR FOR EIGN MIARKETS, To which we invite the atter.tion of the hatbitants of Newherry ned surrounding I untry, feling assured that we can fur sh themi with hetter goods at less prices an any house in South Carolinma, as our r>ck is of the best qJtulity of goods. Sa mples sent ont atpplicationi. We keep a beautiful line at MOURNING 30DS. Mr. John Grey, well known in your uuty, is now in our enmp!oy and would be eased to hear from his friends in Newber at the rand Central Dry Goods Es tablishmenit of WM. D. LOVE & CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. D. LOVE, { 1B. McCREERY. Oct. 20. 44-Thm. To See the Fairest most liberaul Dealer i., the desire of ev-ery when they wish to purchase goods. The tudian Girl" solhicirs a call, and will then ye it to you as to whether she is entitled to h a reputation. It being near the time Of the Fair ext ra harge stock of IIavana Cigars, from to $30 per box, Domestic Cigatrs from $2 10O per box,:mid Chewing aond Smoking ):eCo, froim common to the linest manu tured, has been received. Remember Go to Newberry invest in this line of goods, that an order to the "Indian Girl," in Columbia, will -e a delarv in getting the goods of' only day, and give you rthe advantage 0o' all ucements offered, and if the goods re ed are not the best you ever hnught for s mon,ev, return at rmy expense, as the mot- I S "The biest for the motaey." ORDERING STATE PRICE OF GOODS WANTED. S. J1. PERRY, "Indian~ Girl" Cigar Store, et. 23, 43-'3m. Columrbia, S. C. REMOVAL. i IV. H. BERRY, HRMTRE WIRER6O0S COLUMBIA, S.C. O osite old Stanid, next to Wheeler House. nw Ott hand and receivinrz, the Largest 'k of Firsi Class FURNITURE ever f vn itn tis Market. Cotising in partu tb,ut Parlor, Ditning Roonm and Cham-. Sutits tin variouts new styh-s, direct fromn matnuftt:et:reru, an'd at pt iee.s to smit tieS. etttre Framtes made to order at shtort 0 ec int Walnut and Gilt. v 'I Sprht ts. Spring I3eds atn:1 Mattrasses at Iaunt nttm1 to order. longt xp,ientce int buintssu" ad re quality of eood,., feel coniden t ut cottpi-te wirh any House . o oth of mtore. tinkful for past favors I lope to cotn to merit the samte liberal ptron:ige .11u r:t ft-rm the Marl beds found otn thte of this State, equal to double the (i tiuy of ordinary Limte for Agricultural F '-es, &uning to the large per centage of ;dhate of Lime which it contains. itntroditce its unse among the farmers B i -ecuion, the price is put at P ~1.00 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. ha r sa e in quantities to suit purchasers, wil or furtl er particulars~ apply to ten J. N. FOWLES, r A t Store of MIayeb & Martin. JOHN C. DIAL, Importer and D,:aler in Eugli6h & American HARDWARE' ANO CTLERY, Iron, Steel, Nals, Castings, Mill [Stones, Bolting Cloths, Smut Machines, Circular Saws, Mill Irons, Sugar Pans, Carriage Building and Trimming Materials, 4NDIA R[BBER AND LEATHER BELTING, Carpenters, Blacksmith and Tanners' Tools, Hoiuekeapinq and Furnishing HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Lime, Cement. Plaster, Paints, Oils, French and American Window Glass, Guns, Ri f fles, Pistols, Shot Belts, Powder Flaske, Powder. Shot. &c. WHOLESALE AND RETArL. At the Sign of the GOLDEN PAD LOCK. COLUMBIA. S. C. Oct. 223. 43-9im. TFAI 0P EN'I,ING!I TIIE M0ST MATNIFCETI ST0CK 01' JEWILRY SOUTH OFVUTI1E POTO311AC. ISAAC SULZBACHER, Havin- removed from his old stand, to the lIre and ele-1anlt StoV-, Under WEARN & IlIX'S Art Gallery, Maiu Street. COLUMBIA. S. C., he respectfully to state that lie has now 0penI A 3agnificent Stock of Jewelry, Silver Ware and Fancy Articles, and 1'eels no hesitation in saying that it i the Finesi stock of Watews, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamond.-, Solid and Plated Ware, Cut e-ry, &c., and the mo -st artistic and be .uti fal in style, ever before exhibited in Colur. bia, and every article from first class ianu facturers oiuly. Rvpairin- and Engraving a specialty, and all work warran:ed. Terms, cash. ISAAC SULZBACHER, Oct. 23, 43-tt. U.ider Art Gallery. Don't Neglect Your Own Interest, BUT ALWAYS BUY Good Goods, Cheap for Cash! OF hIN-GRANDl & HITil, COLUMBIA, S. C.: DEALElS IN HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, CROCKERY, PLATED) WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, And abmost every article to be conceived of by the Housekeeper. Visitor to the city are invited to camll and examine our superior .ini ex:ensive stock. J. A. HEATII. R. KINGLA AND. UJnder Coluumbiia Hotel, Golumbia, S. C. OLt. 30, 44-3m. BACK. C. F. JACKSON Has just returned from the Northern Cities with the most choice stock of FALL AND INTER DRY GOODS~ F'ANCY ARTICLES, ~ver brought to this market. For tie ati t vecrv ~OW PRICES FOR CASII ONLY. Main Street, near Plain, CIILDIBIA, S. C. Oct. 1 , )-. E. R. STOKES HA '3just opened, in the newi and hand nine huilding immediattely opposite the L bonix offiee, on Main street, a complete i tock of STA TIONE RY, c In odpriking L.etter, Cap amnd Note Paper, of i Il sizes, qualities and of every description; b tat Papers of Cap, D)emy, Double-Cap, Me mm, Royal, Super-RLoyal, and Imperial zes, which will b,e sold in any quanitity, or lanufacturedl into Blank Books of any si'.e, ad ruled to any patern, and bound in any 'yle, at short notice. ENVTE LOPES Sendlless variety-all sizes, colors and quali BLANK BOOKSt w f every variety, Memrmdum and Pass ooks, Pocket Books, Invoice and Letter th oks, Receipt Boos Note Books. A RClif f ECTS and D)RtAUGH TSMEN will id a coniplete stock of mtetrials for their A e. Drawing 1Paper, in -heets and rolls, -tot Boards, Postail Papner and Bo:trds, Oil iCC per, Pencilk, Wat-er Co!ars, in cakes and ai xes, Brushes, Crayions, D)rawing P'ens. cr SUIHOOL S-TA~TIONERY Ie 'ever- tdescription: a great variety of con nien:~d um:lefcul articles for both Teachers N d Puipils. Photograh Albumns, Writing Desks. Port ios. Cabua-, with i>oxe.-, and a countless riety of FANCY ARTICLES. 1140, o most elegant stock of Gold Pens d Pencil Ca-es, superbly-mounted Rubber ods. INKS.V lack, Blne, Yiolet and Carmine, Indelible In I Copying; Mucillage; Che-s and Back- w imn Men and Boiards: Yisiting anzd WVei- j g Cards, and tverything usually kept in a rst Olass Stationery House, i-:h the subscriber intends this shall be. In Ic wIll still condnct his BENDERY and pat ANK BCuOK M.AN-FACTORY and PA R-RULING ESUABLISHMENT, which 1 been in successful operation for over rty years in this State, and to which he I continue to devote his own personal at tion. His stock w-ill be kept up full and plete, and his prices will he found always sonable, and he hopes to have a share of C ronage. C E. R. STOKES, Main Street, icha sov Ia nnn~er, ?parmnizOrun. I FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods. EI]STAR]D & WIL~E"Y, C OLUM:BIA, S. C WE are now receiving and will continue to through the season the BEST READY MADE CLOTHING, that cannot be surpassed if equalled by any custom made. All the latest fashions in 3IELTONS, DIAGONALS, CHEVIOTS, BEAVERS, TRICOTS, BLACK DRESS FROCKS, BLACK DOESKIN PANTS, FRENCH and AMERICAN DRESS VES rS, CLOTH, SILK and VELVET. A splendid line MENS'. YOUTHS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING. WHITE FANCY SH[RTS, CHEVIOT AND NEGLIGE SIIRTS. HOSIERY AND UNDEIR WEAR, NECK WEAR and SUSPENDERS, CARDIGAN JACKETS. SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. SILK HATS, FALL STYLE. The undereigned respectfully calls the attention of their friends and customers of New berry and upper Counties, to their large and well selected Stock of Goods. Visitors to the City are invited to call and examine. Orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. KINARD & WILEY, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct. 9, 42-tf. J. H. KINAIRD, COLUM:BIA., S. C. -0 I have recently returned from the North, and an prepared to exhibit the most com plete and elegant stock of cver brought to this market, consi-ting nf the 'atest and motst popular styles in DRESS GOODS, CA.SSI.NIEREZ, &., w%iLt a ll line of HOSIERY AND GLOVES! AND SELECT ASSORTMENTS OF CARPETINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAINS, RUGS, MATTINGS, and all other articles usually found in a First Class Dry Goods Establishment. 0 THE GRAND OPENING OF THE MILLINERf DEPARTMENT, under the direction and supervision of MRS A. McCORMICK, so zenerally knowin throughout the State for her skill and taste, offers unusual attractions, the stock having been carefully selected by herself, and placed at figures to meet all wants. ---0 THE CELEBRATED HOWE SEWING MACHINE, AND AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE AND OVER-SEWING MACHINE, constitute a preminent feature in the line of my business, being justly considered the most efficient and satisftctory now in use. Strangers visiting Columbia, are invited to give me a call. J. H. KIINARD, On Main Street, one Door South of Columbia Hotel, Columbia, S. C. Oct. 23, 43- 6n. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHARMACEUTIST AND CHEMIST, NEWBERRY, S. C., RESPECTFULLY commends to the confidence of the community his popular prepara tions, which are manufactured under his own sbpervision, with great care, and which may be relied upon for their purity and efficacy. Fant's Tonic Bitters, Composed of the best antiperiodic Tonics known to the Medical Profession. FANT'S ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK, A most palatable Cordial, particularly recommended to persons of weak habit, and to such as reside in low, damp situations, where the nervous system is, more or less, relaxed. Fant's Compound Syrnp of Sarsaparilla, Queen's Delight, &c. This preparation will pnrify- the blood and eliminate mercury from the system. Dr FANT'S SOOTHING SYRUP, An Invaiuale Remedy for Children suffering from Teething, Indigestion, and Bowel Affec lions generally. My stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Ate fresh, large and complete, all of which I guarantee to be Chemically PURE. Also a large and w'ell selected variety of PERFUMERY ANII TOILET ARTICLES, Both Foreign and American. WINES AND LIQUORS of purest qualities for Mediceinal purpjoses. SUPEIOR WHITE WINE VINEGAR. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. f Pr'escriptions Carefully Compounded at any Hour of the Day and Night. Dec. t, 49-tf.f =INSURANCE.- NOTIC. THE unduersigned having estabhlished his office at Edgefield, as Genreral Agent fort bie Cotton States Life Insurance Co;mpany-, i ites attentiont to one or two of thte ad untages offered those wbo may desire to effect insuratnce on their lives in a safe Home omtpany:v The floard of Managers at a recent meeting, passed unanimtousiy the following reso "Resolved, That in view of the fact that there are unusually large sums paid for e Insuranrce, to the Comnjties of the North and East, which sums, being there ivested, contribute to the enriehment of those sections, wihilst. our ownt South is reatly in need of cash capital to prosecute successfu!!y our Agricultural anid 3Mechani d eterprises ;it is ordered, that for the purpose of retaitning these sons in our iidst, hereafter a certain proportion of the net cash receipts from premiutms, amoumnt uto not more thtan 70 per cent. of the same be invested in such manner as may e in accordance with the regulations of the Comipany, in those sections from which te sairl prenmiunts are attained." (Signed) WM. B. JOHNSON, Pres't. - Gsonor S. O'BEAR, See'y. The Financeial strength of the Comrpanyv places it in high rank. Its last An asl Statemnent shows that the Company posseases, besides its large Guarantee, $170 r- every $100) of its liability. M. W. ATBNEY, Generam agen t. To carry into effect the foregoing Resolution of the Maniagers, the Company proposes establish Boards of Supervisory Trustees in each Counity and Vilhtge in the State, whojJ il1 supervise all investmtents. Sevety per cent, of all the NET PREMIUM REC:EIPTS, from any locality where ere is a Board of Trustees, will be retturned amid invested with its Policy Holders; ereby making the "Cotton States Life," a HOME COMPANY to every Policy Holder. pplications for loans front any locality will be nmade through its Board of Trustees, iose approval will secure a loan at moderate rates, anid for any period, provided the !!aterals are acceptable by the Directors at the Hlome O)fiece in 3acco, Ga. No safer4 vestnment of the accumuatinirg asets of a Life Comtpanyr can be mamde than with its Po Holders, and the above plin, so liberal and jtet, is now offered to th.e people of New rry. The p,rivii'ge of utsing a porin .f the Cotimany's assets, is ex tended to every e of its P'olicy lHolders. I therefore propose to establish a Board of Tr-ustecs here i 'wherry, at.d at any o'her point in the District where desirable. Mar. 27, 13-tf B. F. LOVELAGE, Canvassing Agent. WM. GLAZE, THOMPSON & JONES,_ COLUBIA S.C.~DENTAL SURCEONS, WSould it.vite attenition to his stock of 7atches and Chains, great varie:y. for ladies' and gents' twelry-, in Diamond, Pearl, Coral, d othter styles, n.ew and beautiful. SILVR AND PLATED WARES, reat variety, plain and lanicy. of raresti terns. -(Graduates of the Pennsylvania College of LBL E CTTLE RY, C03DIUN- Office over McFall & Pool's Store. [ON SETS. MUSIC BOXES, Our.patients receive the benefit of all the FROM850 n MAON. latest the profession. FRO $0 P.MAO- Special attention given to correction of Ir- one IC JEWELS, ETC. reeuiarities in Children's Teeth.a; pecia atte tio tiven to orders, sent The patronage of the publtc is respectfally gr; ). D., with privilege to return. or ex- JobteR. r HOMPS)N, D.D.S. e nge if not approedw om ni ht 3, o er n Let us Have Peace, BT hEEP FlI! W11ici you caxn i,' kaiing' a::d buVinlg some FULTON MARKET BEEF aid tine PICKLED SALMON, a:d SUGAR CURED HAMS. Also, on Consivnment, TEN BALES OF HAY. At HARDY SOLOMON'S, Next to Messrs. McFall & Pool. on the May 22, 21--tf. Fitrh Avenue. 'EWMIRRY FEMAlE Miss FANNIE LEAVELL,: Assitant. Pro. F. WERBER, : Musical Dep't. T9E Exercises of the abov, Sehool i ill be rvsumed on WEDNSE.DAY, s: sEP TEMBER, IS72. Tuiiion from $2.50 to $4..50 per mont. No' Incidental Fees. P,pils wil, be chargel from d]ate of %:n t-ance t. the end of the e--ion. No r-e duction except in cases of protracted ill nes.s. For par.iculars, &c., apply to S. P. BooZER, Esq., Sec. Id. COL. S. FAIR, Pret. S4, 916--tf. GERMAN SOOTHEINt CORDIAL Invaluable in Teething, and Summer Com plaints of Children. Cuw DIARRH(F ., DYSENTERY. COLIC, And other Diseases, incident to the period of Den.ition. Uulike the "Soothing Syrups," now so widely used, this CORDIAL contair NO ANODYNE, Or other injurioug Drug. It is composed of the very best materials, and should be found in every Nursery. The best physi cians recommend it. MANUFACTURED BY Dr. H. BAER, CHARLESTON. S. C :V For sale by MOTTE & TA RRANT, Newberry, S. C. May 3, 13-tf. THE CREAT CAUSE OF HUVAN -1ISERY. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Ra tical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper mattorrl:Omi. induced by Self-Abuse. Inv-ol untary Emiissions,, Nervous De bility, and Impedimnents to Marriage gene rally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Firs; Mental and Physical Incapacity, etc.-By 1R0B. J. CULVERWELL, 31. D., Author of th ';-en Book," etc. The world-renowned author, in this ad mirabhle lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the -awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed with out medicine, and without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at on)ce certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radic.dly. This lecture will prove a boon to 4 thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two post ~ge stamps, by addrensine the publishers. Also, DRI. CULVERWELL'S "'Marriage auide," pritce 50 cents. Address the publishters, CHfAS. .J. C. KLINE & CO., 1'27 Bowery-, New York. Piost Odiice Box 4,586. A pr. 24, 17-17. :i8k8 MBla|||C ifial Ca888, THlE SUBSCRIBER has constant!v or and a full assortment of the above a ppt oved ases, of different patterns, besides codins f his own make, all of which he is prepared o furnish at very reasonab!c rates, with romptness and despatch. Persons desirous of having cases sent by ailroadl will have them sent free of charge. A Htarse is always on hand and will be arnished at the rate of $10 per day. Thankful for past patronage, the sub :riber respectfully asks for a continuatdon. f the same, and assures the public that o effort on his part will becspar to reinder le utmnost satisfaction. A. C. Cli.dMAN Newberry S. C., July 31. D. W. OWENS, NHEEL- WRIGHT, MAKES AND REPAIRS BUGGIES, WA60OS, &C., iopt on Main Street, ni-ar Depot, and on corner of road leading to Helena. All n irk warranted to be done in good vie, as we-ll as expeditiously and cheap. All I ask is a tri-dl. D. W. OWENS. Ja n. 3, 1-1y. iricksBricks.Bricks! GOOD BRICKS! 00,000 BRICKS FOR SALE At the Frick Yard OF E. H. CHRISTIAN. DR. H. BAER, WHOLEsALE AND RETAIL )R UG GIS T, 0O. 131 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. [ay .3, 18-tf. 'ree Transportation. Eare pr'epare'd to grind tomn one to ii'dred an d fif ty buebels C -n perday, w i.-n t rrh f ree transpor at . n ut their nl to :td.fro onr It :uio r [atrons 0.~ cha;. WEIH8. JuNES & PARKER. pr. 17 hi-I