The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, September 04, 1872, Image 4

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A PARODY. Oh, barber, spare that young moustache, Touch not a single hair; Your razor, brush, and other trash, Must never venture there ; At last the bud has blossomed out, By much caressing taught, Its frail tendrils how they sprout, Then barber touch it not. Though well laid out and wide the field, Where this young moustache shoots, The sickly soil no more can yield, Oh then guard well its roots, For should thy murderous blade sweep o'er That curved lip'sshadowy mist, The tender plants would bloom no more. Then, barber, oh desist. Think of the dear young girl, whose lip Was wont so oft to press; That budding mouth its sweets to sip, Oh, think of her distress; 'Tis unfledged manhood's pride and joy, With sighs and tears'twas bought, I L no rude stroke its life destroy; Oh, barber, touch it not. The Dress of Civilized Wo men. I do declare that I think it would be better to die and get out of torment at once than to have to rise every morning for some forty or fifty years and box one's body up in a sort of com pressive armor, hang weights to one's hips and more weights upon one's head-which last are supported by the roots of the hair; put one's feet into shoes a number too small, and not of the right shape, and with heels like stilts; and then set about doing the whole duty of women with a cheerful face and a spry air, for from fifteen to seventeen mortal hours out of the twenty-four! That there are so many women who are not frightened into a decline at such a prospect, and that they bravely undertake to do it-nay, more, that they even dream that under such disadvantages they can work side by side with unshackled man, and that - they die in trying to do it, certainly says much for their courage, but very little for their common sense. A man's diess to a great extent is fashioned for comfort. He has contrivances for suspending the weight of his clothing from his shoulders. If the east wind blows he can turn up his coat-collar, button himself up snugly, slouch his hat over his eyes, thrust his hands into his pockets and brave the weather. But imagine a wo man removing her hat or bonnet from the angle Pt which fashion says she must wear it on account of the weather, or turning any of her "fixtures" up to protect her neck and throat,- or buttoning up anything that was unbuttoned before, or sticking her hands into her pockets ! She would be taken for an improper character out on a mild spree, or for an escaped in mate of a lunatic asylum, should she endeavor by any impromptu arrangement ofT her habiliments to save her health. [ From The Science of Health. A Good Joke. A capital joke, and all the more palatable because it is true and can be vouched for, took place, afe w Sundays since, at one of the promi nent Fourth street churches. It seems that a worthy deacon has been very industrious selling a new church book, costing seventy five cents. At the service in question, the minister just before dismissing the congregation, arose and said: "All you who have children to baptise, will please present them next Sabbath." The deacon, who is a little deaf, having an eye to selling his books, and supposing his pastor referred to themn, immediately jumped up and shouted: "And all who haven't any can get as many as you.want by calling on me, at seventy-five cents each." The preacher looked cross-eved at the deacon ; the au dience~punched each other in the side, the bubble grew larger until it burst into a loud guffatw, ladies colored up and blushed, and thank ed the Lord for the low price of peopling the earth. There was no benediction that morning worth speaking of.-Grass Valley (Cal.) Republican.__ G REEI.EYSsioN.--"The mission of Horace Greeley is to blot out the name of rebel from the books of the hand." Thus spoke Senator Trumbull to aN' rth ern constituency a few days since, and the sentiment met with a fervid response fromn the hearts of those who support Mr. Greeley for the Presidency. It is be cause the people of the South believe that the mission of Greeley is "peace"~ that they give him their earnIest support; and when a leading and conspicuous leader of the Liberal Republicans, and a supporter of Greeley, gives public ex pression to such sentiments as we have just quoted, the Southern people take new courage in the conflict which lies before them. We have suffered nnder the government of bate for more than seven years; we now give our support to a man who comes to us with words of conciliatior. and peace:--who asks us to clasp hands with the North over the bloody chasm made by the war, and let "the nnme of rebel be forever blotted from the books of the land." DwELLINGS FOR THE Pooa.-A new ex perimemt has been made near London, with the vie.v of meeting the great de mand existing in that city for dwellings for the humibler classes. A new town is to be built in the subiurbs, close to a line of railway, and to consist entirely of workmen's houses-1 200 in number. One feature of the project is that each'uf the tenants, after a time, is to become the owner of his house, by paying a cer tain sum in addition to the rent. In the centre is a large plot for a recreation ground, and there are also to be lecture halls, schools, clubs, reading rooms, baths, and other conveniences. Public houses are not to bc admitted. The experi ment will be, watched with great interest in Enr-ia-nd and doubtless in this coun WHAT rr COST TO PREVENT Scor's IN PEAcuMENT.-A Charleston, (S. C.) co respondent of the New York World writes: Among the expenses of the House, which Mr. Gorbin estimates at $1,000,000 for the last session of the South Carolina Legislature, are the amounts paid to defeat Scott's impeach ment, which foot up, a6cording to Speak er Mcses'admisson, $203,000. $140,000 it cost to buy the members of the House, and $63,000 were paid to lobby-men and stool-pigeons. It is also claimed that $83,000 were drawn for this purpose from the amount appropriated to sup port an armed force-a force intended to over-awe the Ku Klux, but which never was organized, though the money ap propriated, $112,000, was expended. Of this I am convinced by undeniable proofs. When Treasurer Parker was informed in his office that articles of impeachment would be presented in the House con cerning Scott, he exclaimed, "The Gov ernor shan't be impeached !" and he wasn't, and the above exhibit tells us why. The foregoing statements were scarce ly needed to convince the country of the utter unworthiness of the present State administration, for the system of bribing, by which it controlled the Legislature to carry out its corrupt schemes, to fill its private coffers, was far too patent and flagrant to require proof. MAY BE WoRTH PRESERVING.-The Medical Home has the following recipes, which may be of value. A tea made of chesnut leaves, and drank in the place of water, will cure the most obstinate case of dropsy in a few days. A tea made of ripe or dried whortle berries, and deank in the place of water, is a sure and speedy cure for a-scrofuious difficulty, however bad. A tea made of peach leaves is a sure cure for a kidney difficulty. A plaster uade of fresh slack lime and fresh tar is a sure cure for a cancer, which, with all its roots, will soon come out. For the cure of small-pox, apply raw onions balved, under the arms, in the hands and on the bottom of the feet; change often ; diet, chicken broth. Do not poison the blood by vaccination, and leave posterity to reap the rotten fruits of our stupidity. Consumption, scrofuln, and other loathsome diseases, are thus impregnated into the system. Better by far, have the small pox and be free from a living death. MoRE WnEAT THAN CAN BE SENT TO Max-r.-A San "rancisco journal says: There is no prospect that the greater part of the wheat of San Josquin Valley can be brought down to tide water before the rainy season sets in. The river is falling rapidly and the boating season on the upper waters will soon be over until the rains come. Ono large land holder has 300,000 bushels in the valley, and having no prospect of getting it to market at present. is making arrange ments to store it in temporary sheds where it will remain until another season. This necessity may not work any special hardship for men of large nicans who are in no hurry to realize ; but farmers who are in debt, and are paying heavy interests need the full money value of their wheat at once. Most of th3se can obtain advances, but many such have al ready anticipated this advantage and now want the balance to make ends meet. The grain product this year in Calhfornia is in excess of all the means of transpor tation. Christians need to institute a new and higher standard ofgiving. If thbe missionary work is a duty, it ought to be provided for on a more gener-ous scale than at pr-es ent. It ought to bear- some re lation, in the liberality with which it is conducted, to the means of Christ's disciples, and to their modes of conducting impo tant secular business. If it is a 1work bringing a great income, it should be deemed worthy of a great outlay. If it is Christ's work, it ough t to claim and receive Christly gifts. The common ques tion, How little can I give? should give place to the nobler question, How much can I gisve? George Gordon, a colored man, who killed Levi Garrett, a white man, near Newherry, about six months ago, and Ibroke jail, was arrested near Columbia on the 19th, says the Phoenix. TWENTY DOLL.ARS FOR ONE! A $25 SEWING M10CINE, FREE! SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR OUR WEEKLY, A. first-class, twe?ity-columo, Literary Famni Iy Paper, published every Saturday,at Char lotte, N. C., at the low price of ONE DOLLAR AYEAR! Each numbe.r conains an INTERESTING ISTORT, worth at least the subscription price; enough FU S to keep you laughing a week ; and-a general collection of the L A TES V NEW. Every subscriber gets a ch'ince at a VAL UABLE PSIEMIUM, and one out of every five wvill be sure to get a Premium, worth from 25 cents to $25.00. Our CASH PREMIUMS are in sumsof $1, I 2, SS, $10 and S20, with from two to ten premiums of echcl denomination. Our other premiums consist of useful articles, such as Sewing Machines, Bleachbed Domestic, &c., I&c., ranging in value from twenty-five cents to S2.5.00. "Delays are dangerous." Subscribe imme diael, and get a chance at the large prema mums. TO AGENTS.-We are offering more libe ral inducements for Clubs than: any other Publisher. You can make money by can vassing for OUR WE EKLY. For specimen copy of paper, Premium List and terms to Agents, send 3 cent stamp to J. 0. H. NUTTALL, Publisher of Onr Wekly July 31, 31-tf. Cbharlotte, N. C. D. W. OWENS, WHEEL- WRIGHT, MAKES AND REPAIRS BUGGIES, WAGONS, &c., Shop on Main Street, near Depot, and on corner of road leading to Helena. All a 'rk warranted to be done in good style, as well as expeditiously and cheap. AlllIask is a tril. D. W. OWENS. Jan. 3,1 -y. COLUMBIA HOTEL. COLUMBIA, S. C. HrlE PROPRIETOR takes pleasure in an, I ouneing that this elegantly.furnished Establishment is now open for the accom modation of guests. The table will always be supplied with every delicacy of the sea% son--both from New York and Charleston Markets, and no efforts will be spared to give perfect satisfaction, in every respect, to MILLINERY! MY stock of the above goods is NOW COMPLETE. Consisting of most all of the ROVELTIES OF THE SEASON, And at somewhat LOWER PRICES Than las.t year. Give me a call and see for your selves, at D. MOWER'S. Apr. 5, 14-tf. COME NOW, 1ND GET TOUR PICTURES AT THE NEWBERRY IPHOTO UALL.EY YOU will find the work 0. K-not K. K. -and ke, ping pace with the times and im provements. Just received a fine lot of ALBUMS. both book and revolving, and a splendid lot of new and beautiful Stereo's. Call at once on the friend who is always ready and anxious to please his patrons. W. H. WISEMAN. Oct. :35, 43-tf. Fisk's Melallic Burbial Cases, THE SUBSCRIBER has constant!y o. hand a fullassortment of the above appi oved cases, of different patterns, besides collins of his own make, all of which he is prepared to furnish tt very reasonable rates, with pro:nptness and desparch. Persons desirous of having cases sent by railroad will have them sen t free of charge. A Hearse is alwavs or: hand and will be furnished at the rate of :10 per day. Thankful for past patronage, the sub scriber respectfully asks for a continuation of the same, and assures the public that no effort on his part will be spared to render the utmost satisfaction. A. C. CHAPMAN Newberry S. C., Ju!y -1. N EW111BFl,R RY -EMALE A. P. PIFER, M A.. : : PrIncipal. Miss FANNIE LEAVELL,: : Pmsistant. Prof. F. WERBER, : :Musial Depts THE Exercises of the above chool will be resuned on the 3d JNUAItY, 1872. Tuition from -2.50 to $!.50 per month. No Incidental Fees. Pupils will be charged f,rin dlatu of en trance to the enl of the Sesson. No re duction except in cases of protracted ill ness. For particulars, &c.. apply to S. P. BOOZER, Esq., Sec. B'd. GOL. S. FAIR, P'res't. Dec. 27, 52-tf. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL R1IL NOT EXLODE Tbis CELEBRATED OIL for sale, in quantities to suit purchasers, at MOTTE & TARRANT'S DRUQ- STORE. Feb. 28, 9-tf. L ARGEST MJLLINEiIY STU fGK In the uip country anrd receiving daily addi tions by Express, at A pr. 26, 17-tf. Di. MOWER'S. NATIONAL HOTEL. Columbia, S. C. Robert Jovner. Proprietor. P. Hamilton Joy-ner, Clerk. RATES: Of Board, per Day...............$ 00 Snppei-, Breakfast and Lodging..... 2 0it Single Meals....................-1 00 Sep. 8th, 186P. V IC K'S FLORAL GUIDE For 1872. THE First Edition of Two HUNDnEn THOrsAso copies just publ=.shed. It ele gaintly p)rirrted onr fine tir'.ted paper, in Twon Cotoas, and illurstrate. with over Three Hundired Engravi'ngs of Flowers and Vegetal!es, andl TWO COLORED PLATES. The rnost be:.tiful arnd inrnructive'. Cata logue and Floral Guide in the wrd 112 pagea, giring thorough directions for the crultu:re of Flowers anrd Vege:abies, or nanmeniring grounds, making walks, &c. A Christmas presentr for my customers, but forwarded to ainy wiro apply by mail, for TEx CmNs, only one-quarter the cost. Ad.dress, JAMES VICK, Something New! !! THE AMERICAN Button Hol e,Over seaming Machine. One of the most complete Sewing Ma chines ever offered to the public. Cal; and examine those on exhibition at the store of LOVEL ACE & WHIEELEiR. Feb 76 tf Southern Musical Journal. Ludden & Bates, Publishers, Savannah, Ga P'ubli.-hed r.onthir at the low price of $1.00 a year'- A tirst c!nss magt:zine of its kind. beauiti frilly gontten up. anrd most ably edited. Thor cnghly Southern. in its tone it should be found in every musical family throughout the South. It corntainus each monitt sixttern pages. sheet music size. of Musical sketches. Hints, Correspondence, Melange. Instructive Editoriais. Southern Mm.d eal Notes. Vocal and Instrumental Music, etc. Ten Dollars worth of choice music gisen during thme year. By a special arraingeinent we can offer this magazine as a premium for 5 sumscribers, to the HIYr.acD. or will furnish the Jonrrnar arnd H mTALD together for $3.65. Address all orders to Newberry HIEaAtV. Mar. 27. 13-tf. ALL parties indebted to me by Memorandum Account, or in any other way, are requested to pay the same at one T. MIOW1UL. SPRIi11t CLOTH1G AID UfIT& GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. KINARID & WILEY, COLUMBIA, S. C., (Successors to Childs & Wiley.) ARE NOW OPENING the most ELEGANT READY MADE CLOTHING for MEN. BOYS and CHILDREN that has ever been tn this market, and we intend to sell them AT THE VERY LOW1 EST FOR CASH. Apr. 24, 17-tf. MOTTE & TARRANT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL [GIISTS, APOITUIECARIES, AND. CHEMISTS, NzW:EaRY S. C., WOULD call the attention of the public to their large and well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, &c., Together with a large and well selected stock of PERFUM~ERY, Hair, Tooth, Nail, Flesh and Shaving Brushes, Sponges. &c., &c., LAMPS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, &c. Agents for the CELEBRATED NON-EXPLOSIVE "DIXIE LAMP," Which needs no Chimney, and gives a more brilliant light than any Lamp in the market. at LESS COST. Our Stock having been bought at CLOSE FIGURES. we are prepared to offer the same at LOW PRICES. both WHOLESALE AND R ETAIL. Price Lists sent by mail on application, and all orders entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. Thankful for their previous patronage we solicit a continuance of the same from our friends and the pub)lic. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. J. WARD MOTTE. HI. P. TARRANT. Sep. 20, .38-tf. 1MO T T E 'S INEW STITIONERY HO0USE. LII ER INVWOIIA TOR' E. R., STOKES HAS just opened, in the new and hand AND some building imnmediately opposite the Dypeti Rmey.Phenix ofHee, on Main street, a cmlt FOR HE :0:- ~ ISTA TIONE RY, RELIE ANDCURE comprising Letter, Cap and Note Paper, of FOR TE REIEF ND CRE O al sizes, qualities and of cvery description; Acute and Chronic Diseases of the Liver, FI:&t P'apers of Cap, D)emy. Double-Cap, Me Jaundice, Gall Stone Heart-Burn, diumn, Royal, Super-Royal, and Imperial andl all Disordersresult- sizes, which will be sold in any quantity, or ing from manufactured into Blank flooks ofan sze DerangeRient of the LIVER. and ruled to any pattern, and bond in any It is a pleasaint laxative, moving| syE,NVELt otiE the bowels gently and surely, but In endless variety-all sizes, colors and quali without pain ; and is wonderfully .ties. adapted to eases of Habitual Constipa-' BLA NK BOOKS tion, Torpidity of the Liver. It cures Of every variety, Memorandutm and Pass Sick and Nervous Head-ache, Colic, lFooks, Pocket Books, Invoice and Letter Flatuieney, and is an effective remedyBooks*, N4otC 1 MEN wil in affections of the find a complete stock or materials for their UDNEYSIi ANDJ E)iALADDE. S iitoi"ords,Pota ar an*dnoa' --_______ -Paper, Pencils, Water Colors, in cakes and MOT T~E& TARRANT, uoxes, Brashes, eCraons. Drawing Pens. SOLE PROPRIETORS, L(CIIOOL STATIONERY NEWBE RY, . c. Of every description ; a great variety of eon N E B ER R , S.C- enient and useful articles for oth Teachers Ma r. 2:', 13:-ti. and Pupils. S IWPhotograhi Albums, Writing Desks. Port ~ ~ 7 4 olios, Cabas, with boxes, and a countless variety of Y1T0llRIA TONIC BITTI N ARRERS.~ s. ~ ~ . Pn -- and Pencil Cases, superbly-mounted Rubber i/VTRELY VEGET ABLE. Goods. FORTandUR OFee,!Back, Bhue, Viole en Carmine. Indelible 3y csia, gu an evr and copying; Mncalage; Chess and Thick gatmmoni Men andI Boards: Visiting and Wed. BiliOU DIeass, ene- ding Cards, and every thing usually kept in a ral D~ebility, and al First (lass Stationery House, Impurity of the W hich the suhscriber intends this shall be. B100g II will sti!l conduct his BINDERtY and Blod BL AK BOOK MANUFACTOIIY and P~A-. PITR-RULING~ ESTABLISHIMENT, which It excites healthy appetife, invigoratesQ has been in successful operation for over the Dieestive Organs, is devcid of all that thirty y'ears it; this State, and to which he dreadful poison-Fiisii Oil, and imparts a will comlinueC to devote his own? personal at LIot agreeable, warming, and cotrdiad effec tention. I is stock will be keipt up ful! and to the Stomach. It e::hiilarates the spiri, complete, and his prices will he found nlways relieves pain, and is most wonde,llyt eli-i resnbe, and lie hopes to have a share of eacions in all deb,ihites and irregularities ol. QLnaE. RT. STOKES, Main Street, Female..- It will prove a positive prevenitive Nov. 15, 46-tf Opposite Phonix Oice. in al MA3L.A RIAL CONTAMINA TION. - -_ MOTTE & TARRANT, GEO. S. HACKER, MdanufactuLrers and Sole Proprietcrs, Door,Ss,adBidFcoy NEWBERRY, S. C. CU ALETON Blin Fctoy Mar. 1, 11- tf. CALSO .C Bricks,Bricks.Bricks! GOOD BRICKS! 400,000 BRICKS FOR SALE At the Brick Yard OF Tln 'aslre and complete a Factory E. W CHRISTIAN. Nrhr i work to dlli couna Oct. 25, 4a-tf. try orders.DFRPRC IT CU~TM mde eggd CLF Addres GEO. S. R ACKER, P. 0. Box CUSTOM de peggd CA r,car-ton, s. C. BOOTS. and warranted. Factorv and Wareroomis, King Street, op. For sale by D. MOWER. posite Cannon St., oza line of City Railway. Aimv 23, 47....tEf . Sep. 0, 86-1y. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHARMACEUTIST AND CHEMIST, NEWBERRY, S. C., RESPECTFULLY commends to the confidence of the conininoity his popular prepara tions, which are manufactured under his own sbpervision, with great care, and which may be relied upon for their purity and efficacy. Fant's Tonic Bitters, Composed of the best antiperiodic Tonics known to the Medical Profession. FANT'S ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK, A most palatable Cordial, particularly recommended to persons of weak habit, and to such as reside in low, damp situations, where the nervous system is, more or less, relaxed. Fant's Compound Syrip of Sarsaparilla, Queen's Delight, &c. This preparation will purify the blood and eliminate mercury from the system. Dr FANT'S SOOTHING SYRUP, An Invaiuable Remedy for Children suffering from Teethiug, Indigestion, and Bowel Affec tions generally. My stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS,i Aie fresh, large and complete, all of wh:clh I guarantee to be Chemically PURE. Also a large and well selected variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Boh Foreign and American. WINES AND LIQUORS of purest qualities for Medicinal purposes. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at any Hour of the Day and Night. Dec. 6, 49-tf. INSURANCE NOTICE. THE uidersigned hiving established his office at Edgefield, as General Agent for the Cotton States Life Insurance Company, inTites attention to one or two of the ad vantages offered those who may desire to effect insurance on their lives in a safe Home Company: The Board of Managers at a recent meeting, passed unanimously the following reso lution "Resolved, That in view of the fact that there are unusually large sums paid for Life Insurance, to the Ompanies of the North and East, which sums, being there invested, contribute to the enrichment of those sections, whilst our own South is greatly in need of cash capital to prosecute succes4fuiy our Agricultural and Mechani cal enterprises ; it is ordcred, that for the purpose of retaining these sums in our midst, hereafter a certain proportion of the net cash receipts from premiums, amount ing to not more than 70 per cent. of the same be invested in such manner as may be in accord:tnce with the' regulations of the Company, in those sections from which the said premiums are attained." (Signed) WM. B. JOHNSON, Pres't. (;EorG. S. O'BEAR, SeC'y. The Financial strength of the Company places it in high rank. Its last An. nual Statement shows that the Company possesses, besides its large Guarantee, $17t for every $100 of its liability. M. W. ABNEY, General Agent. To carry into effect the foregoing Resolution of the Managers, the Company proposes to establish Boards of Supervisory Trustees in each County and Village in the State, who will supervise all investmen-s. Seventy per cent. of all the NET PREMIUM RECEIPTS, from any locality where there is a Board of Trustees, will be returned and invested with its Policy Holders ; therehy mnakinug the "Cotton States Life," a HO0ME GOMPANY to every Policy Holder. Applications for loans from any locality will be made through its Board of Trustees, whose approval will secure a loan at nmoderate rates, and for any :"riod, provided the collaterals are acceptable by the Directors at the Homie Office in Macon, Ga. No safer investment of the accumulating assets of a Life Company can be made than with its Poli cy Holders, and the above plan, so liberal and just, is now offered to people of New berry. The privilege of using a portion oif the Comnpany's assets, is extended to every one "of its Policy golders. I therefore propose to establish a Board of Trustees here in Newberry, and at any other point in the District where desirable. Mar. 27, 13-tf B. F. LOVEL ACE, Canvassing Agent. ESTABLISHED 1851. IU%rx // OPS P7C 4, AYEE DRESSED Flooring. Ceiling.Weather Boards. Shelving. Box Boards, &c., &c. Over a hundred diff.renit l'atteros of Mouldings. making over 100.000 feet on hand, for sa!e at New York prices. Mantel-pieces. Door and W indow Frames made to order at short notice. -etair Rtail, Newets ar.d Balusters of Walnut and Mlahogany, on hand and miade to order. G;ood and Substantial Work made as cheap at this establishment as can be made in the United State-s. We n.ave on hand the laret stock of the above Goods south of the City of Baltimore. all of which we guarantee will give entire sati.Jaction to nil who want Gooed ard Substantial Work. The subscri'oers can refer to geuttemen all over this State, Georgi.a, Nort.h Carolina and Forida, as to the character of their work for the past twenty years, and are The only Practical Mechanics, Sasa, Blind and Door Makers, by'Trade, now carrying on the business in this city. W. P. RUSSELL & CO., East End of Hazel Street, Opposite Wando Fertilizer Works, and in the immediate vicinity of Charleston and Pavilion Ilotels. All work sliipped by us is at half price, to-wit: 65c. perl00 lbs., over the So. Ca. R. R. Oct.11, '71,41-ly. CATOOSA SPRINGS. GR A W ONDERFUL FOUNTAINS OF HEA~LTH O TlX OllA AND PLEASURE. - THE nRIlGntTET sPOT IN THE? sUNNY SOiTHt. Ivla nTehn,adSme on Are located in the Piedmort region, of lito hlrn ue Georgia, twenty-five miles southeast ofDIR1I X Ghttaooga, Teun., and within two miles D SN EY of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. These Springs, fifty two in unumber, em- C LC brace every varietv of mineral water found noheDias,icintotieprd in the famous mountains of Virgina- ofeiton white, red and black su-4phur, Alleghany, Uniete"ohig.yps" ow o all-healing and chalybeate, magnesian sodia dluedtlsC DILcnir ad iodine, as also thec waters characten-i zing the Montvale Springs, of Tennessee, NO A DY E ad Indian Springs, of Georgia; all of whichi are to be found here in abundance,jO te nuiu rg ti opsdo witin the comupass of this "Magic mle,"'tIevr bstmeia,an shud e 'o Pcppsa,Rhcmntiu Gut Iver aluable n eehig and Sume Cm Comptir's Scrouiats of kChilofen.taCureu hie'uan leDIARsheir to arein horughconitn, ewl pante, d or Dsaes,y incTden to TheriodT and entiely new ppointmet.ofcDer:rtion. .My:,Itf - inevrypatiulr Amaniicnt wtideyiA dtIs'CL RDAL cotan an~a apciusbolig aloOrg SotrinjuroDrug wel r opsdo Ilirecttelegrehicratibesttlmaterial- , and\houdR b CopTict Sei;g n rofullknds wil Catabeous iAttionilumiatd it act, every aetat R E & C R L, humatin le afheir thevsto.t a T SpErOTinDg OTAG BUIL ISIIV'G AD HI~ L~S Tre ioroug Watei-n newill baed e wbr S.AC. aLO O N Stf ad etoiarons ne appotme1nt, b-Nrho h olc lue THETABLE WL . B E I T-S atevey GlobeiHotar. A gniucet Ga! CON LLBA, SR P room, 10 by-ifet andmnewyletteantifunised,antedn mont approvecsoules.owo. 22saloon. Dirmsctp1 telgahi n cOmmun. FoD. M b DOWER. Greenville & (alumbia Railroad. Daily. Sundays es:cepted, connecting with NX t Trains on So:tb Carolina Railroad, n an down, also with Trains going North a South on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, and Wilmington, Columbia and Au gusta Railroad. UP. Leave Columbia-. - -...........7.45 a In Alston..........-------........ 9.35 a m Newberry......................11.5 a m Cokesbury..............2.46 p m 4 Belton. - .--..........4.30 p In Arrive Greenville ......-......... 6.10 p M DOWN. Leave Greenville ----.--............... 6.30 a m .Belton..--.----............... 8.30 a m Cokesbury................. ..........1015 a m Abbeville -- ................ 8.15 a m Newberry...---.-............... 1.20 p In Alstor. ................ 320 p m Arrive Columbia....................... 5.10 p m ANDEIsON BRa NCH AND BLUE RIDGE DIVISION. D ) WN. Leave Walhalla vt..... .............. 4.45 a m Perryville......................... 5.25 a m " en dleton.............. 6.10 a mi " Anderson....... ........ 710 a M Arrive at Belton...... ................ 8.00 a M Conuecting with down train from Greenville. UP. Leave Belton at-------. ......................... 4.30 p m " Anderson .........................- 53: p I " Pendleton- -... . ................. 6.30 p = " Perryvile- ............ 7.15 p m Arrive at Walhalla .. .................... 7 50 p I Accommodation Tr. ins will be run on Branch Roads on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ABBEVIILE BIANCH. Leave Cokesbury for ).bberille at..... 10.20 m "9 Abbeville'for C..>kesbury ....... 1.30 p M ANDErS.N BLANC_. Leave Belton for And..rson at........ 8.35 a -I " Anderson for B-iton........2.30 p m 1110S. DCDAMEAD, Gen'l Supt. M. T. BAnTLET-, Ceneral Ticket Agent. South Carolina Railroad Company, COLUMBIA, S. C., June 9,1871. ON and after SUNDAY. the 11th instant, Pas senger Trains upon this Road will arrive and leave as follows: MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Columbia at.... .......... 7.40 p m Arrive at Charleston at.............3.2) p m Leave Charleston at ............................. 8.20 a m Arrive at ColumbIa at........................... 3.40 p m NIGUT EXPRE.-S, PREIGHT AND ACCOMXGDA TION THIAIN, fSundays excepted.j Leave Columbia at............ .....6.50 p Arrive at Char!cston at............7.o am Leave Charlest.,n at................... ...........7 10 p I Arrive at Columbia at .. ...............6.40 a m Camden Accommodation Train will continue to run to Columl a s formerly--Mondays, Wed nesdas and Satur; Ivs. A. L. TYLER. Vice-President. S. B. PICKENS, General Ticket Agent. Junt 21. Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta R. H. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. COLUMBIA S C., March 29. 187?. ON and after M UNDAY, April 1, the Pas senger traius over this Road will run as follows: GOING NORTH. Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Lea;e Augusta..........6.45 A. 31. 6.30 P. Leave Columbia.......11. 45 A. M. 11.10 P. Arrive Charlotte........6.10 P. M. 5.00 A GOING SOUTG. Leave Charlotte.........7.10 A. X. 6.3r's Leave Colfimjia.....1....l.15 P. M. 1.49 Arrive Augusta... 6.15 P. 3. 6.30). - No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sund excepted. Both trains make c.ose connectio - a, points North. South and West. No. 1 T makes close connection at Richmond for Vi is Springs. . Tickets sold. and Baggsge checked all principal points. Standard Time-Wa.-Lington Cttv Time. E. P. ALEXAN5ER. Sup't. E. R. Dor_sY. General Freight and Ticket Agent. June 21. Summer Schedule Spartanburg and Union Railroad. To Commence 29th Mar, 1871. DOWN TRAIN. T TRAIN. Arrive. Leave. ArrIve. Leave. Spartanburg.... 5.3.) 5.25 Batsville... 6.00 6.00 453 4.53 Pacolet........ 6."S 6.13 440 4.45 Jonesville........... 6.43 6.48 4.,13 4.10 U'nio%ville.... 5 7.5 3(6 3.25 Santuc.........8.20 8.25 23 Fish Dam.......S.40 8 45 21) 21 Shelton........9.15 920 135 .4 Lyles'Ford......... Strother......10 05 10.10) 1 0 25 FASHINABLUTAILR. FROMCHARESTO. eve Respctfuly anounes tat5 le2 i prepaed tocut ad fi g5ntl 4.5' ing fr ~ 2.Wor pr.mptl5 To ct ad mae pnts.. .12 C.1 TAt n. ....... .et....1..02 00 Toy c1, 187d THOS. wB.n JETR .-reidnt ' SSC URE, . cotResetu an noncstat heis ineparetic o cut anfit pentlemen's Tsuits t hr eriredfation.h lHav ingha or prgeso experiencein t taie orngn buins andrc paern coantly suppeditht the FLatestew Ycook adshes he feels-o L hesitay nadk Eping rpthoe. Wletorka promply Teoncuth Cndmake pnts............ lik al0 Thecuthand peioal i neest........... of the To .Chrh South.mae lis privte........0 TAc nd metigaek ly ofrthk AcaI.0 The Chuhhris t,a beighbotr Is publihdiver papursday, iny sortmbia, iisho it,So S. C.l, or inahn drE mle NEtHo,iodiet.ffh er otinue a Advectements Chtanditye ainsut~hr al ot he reliion.-"arreion inaticuar Oeyar, adancpae, it.0; not ithi, bte mnthsist. iccpe Thoui h ad havances.rd oth hn Arsto pros on digicia0," yetthe EhllHo hvis owCnrc paper, an yar ora of00 ediricat.on to t Fomr h, the sroo erall the hisc-on aper awholeayrear fExe:po,ina tepiatnor.s abot nashvowe thecotera periodicasin the intperso tte ii.b E.iChuch,Suhdspivt.rpry The epiGno aweeklatinf t Afresent in E.thirch, Stereth in, besids the NTIon ant,oa Merodin paedo nghoroo inb ise inSouth Caroli na,aornwihin aohun dre mle out.iSe. EGIP)l OMay se,lectf~ Advrtieme ts,and limited Rinumbe , Deamitted. O. si Cmnh L.ST. I pSyen besue. Taesi aanes.. 8ayer TheaTl haeel Neis..own .p1per 8 a year.o Te Wshly Naewhs.on .ap 2 aol year free Choreon all ans abe lare's ctown thunsarypton, ap cmion otheaster Staent. Tahen N dEIGaR,tirculaforting a pent tho.irt Statsn of the Uin, ontson ACTo ;agent: foreer u-ton, nd ngboroo line Addr Kess RSTIN NHOGISEO Coy 22, ia,-t..C, xr, .C Rt,I owA N t raveleN &n Cohe, nihed Trith nWe,ekly rooms........ .....n rear.t b T he eren e os...............6 er Jan 1hretnNw Ahs a arIGrcHT.o tha0 arrotels Paen Sack FSour,ten stoe. JNov 29 D.-tWE.