The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, July 24, 1872, Image 3

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;;oes. aanted to sell the beau i'I PrOT66ikPAP NIARRIAGPiE'R TIFICATES3 AND P110ORAir FA3iz L.T RECoRDs. For terms, send stamp to CRIPra & Bno., Publishers, York, Pa. July 21, 30-4%. DISTRICT COURT OF TUE UNI TED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF -SOUTH CAROLl NA.-IN BANKRUPTCY. TN THE MATTER OF ABRAM IfARRIS, Bank rupt.-District of South Carolina,ss: A WARRANT in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court- !cint tLe Es.ate of Abram Harris, of the County of Newberry, and State of Sowth C:uolina, in said Dis trict, who has been duly adjudged a Bank rupt upon Petitin of hie CrUditors, and thd payment of any d,ebts and the delivery of any propor.y lnagian to said Bankrupt, to hini, or to his use, and te transfer of any propertylby'.Im, are forbidden by law. A meeti.g of th'e Creditors of said Bank rtlpt, to prove :teir debt and choose one or vore Asip of his Estate, will be heldl at i C,rt of B aap to ie holdn -t Newberry, in sai-I Distrie-, on the Slt day of Aluci, A. D. 1L7:2, at 11 o'clock, A. -., at h oize of C. G. Je:, Esq.. one of the -gisters in B.Wnkruptr of said N>str'et. R. 31. W A LL ACE, C. S. Marshal for said District. Per A. P. Pl'ER, Dep. .uly 24, '30-2t. Announcement... The friends of BURREL l[ARRIS res npetful!v annonceq h-im az a cardi'ate for County Comndssioners at the ne?t ensuing -:ksio n. July 10,19--f Taken Up, Oa the 9th of July, a -(rav cow. The oter is reonested to come forward, prove prop.rty, p:-y charges and take her awar. 11. C. WILSON. Jaly 17, 29--. - Trees! Flowers! Bulbs! Seeds! HEDCE PLANTS! Nursery S0k Fruit au ioer Ratesi Address F. K. PMENIX, BLOOMINGTON NURSERY, ILLINOIS. 69) Acrc; 21st year; 12 Greenhouses. App:e, 1,000 1 yr., 620; 2 y. S30; 3 y. $40; 4 Y. S50. 4 Catalogaes, 29 cents. r Jaly 17, 29-4:w. W Prime Red Oats. S) BUSHELS GENUINE RED OATS for sale by ITBI,3 JONES & PARKER. July 17, 29-tf. NOTICE. ALLpersons having claims against the Estate of Anderson Wicker, decea-ed, will be required to render them proper1 attest (d at my resideuce on or before the tenth day of August next, or else no responsibili ty will attach to subscriber, and I further notify all persons interested that 1 will on that day make a settlement on said Eqwte in the Probate Court for Newberry County, and apply for my discharge as A-iniszra trix, with the will annexed, of said Estate. her SALLY g WICKER, -mark Admn'x., winl a:mexed, Estaite of July 11, 29-10* Anderson Wictker. CAROLINA LIFE IN~SURANCE COMPAN Y OF !IEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. ASSETS - - $1,100,000. .HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS, President. GEN. WADE HAMPTON, Vice President, and Superintendent of' Atlanutic Department. J. D. KENNEDY, SMeit Agent. J. F. GLI'ENN, Agent Newberry Co. Anfong its~ Directors are some of the first businless menC of the country. We guaratntee honesty of management, I.e peedy settlement of losses. July 10, '72-28-ly. NOTICE To Property Owners. The lay, requires that all proper' holders shall, between the 1st of ,July and 20th of August, annually, make a certified re turn to the Coui'ty Auditor, of all Per sonal Property owned or controlled by themt as Executors, Trustees, &c. The Auditor is nowr ready to receive said re turns at his omflee. 50 per cent. will be ad dled to the last assessment if returns are not mnade within the timie above specified. 1L.C. CORWIN, Auditor New,berry Go. July 10, 27-4t. GhIIQLIB COTTON GIN!! MANUFACTURE.') BY J. M. MATHEWS, NINETY-SIX, S. C. Who is also agent for THE TAYLOR and THE BROWN GINS. three of the best in market, all of which he warracts to per form well in every particular, and to give C'ineral satisfaction. References and cer iitiea tes furnished ou application. Orders solicited, and should be sent in carlv. Repairing faith fully done. July 3,, 27-fit. Or. GQTTLISB FISCH'S BITTZES. - ThIs preparation of the * . great Scientist, Dr. Gott Ileb Fisch, of Germany, is ". based on the fact that, as *anl materials of the body * are derived from Food,.so anl Vital Force, or Health, is derived from the Force - stored up in Food. Dr. * .ach's .Thters enables the System to liberate and appropriate these Forces, creates Appetite, cures - D, psin with its result ingcbiiit and lack of Nervous ney; so tones thestomachi and Liver as to make Constipation and ElIlonsnesalm iOsSble; re -inforces the Sytem so it can tide over bd results of changig liate water, -&c., and Detter endure the demands often unexpec -tediw made on Its Force and'Energy Ladies in de llcateheath, aged persons, and all emnacia ted and n - weak after sickness, will tse rapidly strengthen by g this great preparation. A ttE La dSCSat, Pailadelhi, ProprietOrs . F:smcs Foot"CUaR EwITas.' e w-mQ1:'m nAVI. Airents. Charles NOT AT (MST!I But at a hij SmiiMNPfif,! Owiu: to the disturbed condition of tb times, many are willing to make sacrific:: even to a 6 nois;d of goods at cost, 'ron the taxcs, 3trigei:ey of the money market and gencral du-;ness, &c., but this we can not do, and now that, we are in want 0 money, wc arm d-trined fo announce tha we will dispose of our well selected stock o Ladies, Gentlemen's, Mis and Youths BOOTS, SHOES, &., at a swa:i advanci on cost for the pnrpose. of defraying pOs tireexee. There is no discount Oh 'iS. 1e Cannot Live by Seiing al Cost, and a GEYEROUS IILC oez n% R\ P'ECT IT. But bcie7e us wc Will Sell at a sma Advance fot Cash. ABRAMS & METTS. June 1"), 25-:. South Carolina RiaiAroad. EXCURSION TICKIETS :> GrecnviI. Anderson aid Wlalhalia hav bc,en, put CI sale To-D.Y, and il! co:tin-ie on sale unii Ist September. Good to retura unii Ist No%ember. Pieie to G:eemill *nd Returnl Price to Anderson and Return 1 70 Price to Wal!i.P:t and l':tcrn i0 Excursiona T Is lso o: ro Cao SpringS (G.)-PIc,::i. Baggage checked thro!gh. S. 1.. 1PICKENS, A. L. TYLER, 0. T. A. 'c-Presidnt. Ttne 10, :5-;. LOVELM" & HEELER Will dispose of their entire stock of Spring & Summer UREN GOOII AT CB tST. June 12, 24-tf. NOTICE. THOSE indebted to as must positivelY make sonic rragements to pay us very soon, or we will be obiigcd to leave our Ac counts in the hands uf an ollicer for collec tioa. We can make no exception in case of anybcdy.. MOTTE & TARRANT. June 26, 26-tf. - Genleral Supplies. NEW STOCK---LOW PRICES. J. A. MARTIN, Formerly Martin & IIardy, Respectfully calls attention to his stock of choice GROCERIES, consisting of COFFEES, SUGARS, FLOUR, BACON, HAMS, MOLASSES, MACKEREL, Together with a general variety of such goods as are usually kept in a well appoint ed FAMILY GROCERY STORE. FRESli CORN MEAL, ground both by water and steanm mills, kept constantly on The.qtuality of Kerosine Oil sold at this store is of the best, and is branded 110, and is beyond1 any chance of explosion. All packages under In po nis wteighit, delivered free of charge in the~ incorporate limits. J. A. MARTIN. May 29, 22-3m. Men, wIon and chiIdren WANTED At the Store of UNDER THE NEWDERRtY HOTEL, To help clear ou~ ti l5 arge stock of goods, consisting of BDRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HEAVY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CROCKERY, GRO0CERiES AND Graniteville Hiomespuns at Fac tory prices, etc., etc.. These goods were bought to be sold, must~ be soid, and il 11 olud (HEW FOR Til (AS! I mtean just -what I say. Call and examine and no charge will be mzade for showing. The Highest Price Paid for COTTON. M. FOOT. une 5, 92-... "i"ATTE.TIOX Is called to the iollowing ine of BAR P-AINS at R ?, '111ER & CO3 Dress Goods at Cost. 5c. Piques at 25c. per yd. Good 'ALnen Towelk at 100. 12ae, 1 c.and ..te IThe best 12.e-. Linen Band kePchiefs in the Sitkte. Millincry at Cost. lh fine line of Boots Shoes cv r shown in New. berry. 1'. c. k!:n r .". J \ S. .. U. PAr,m 4 J: ne c9, 21-1f. pe II I ' ii P ; I , (A t !Ztewar1t', Ond C"'rner. L\VE JST RECEIVED and OFFEf O 1 S LE, At Lo%eit Cash Prices., A 1.u;e.d vestuek of A'I'N. UND SLiE IR GOOPS P;es Good,: Gr-.naines, Japanese, Le no., Po lins, Pi.'n Notins: iovs coiry, Guin:, CoAllaret brandt of( C.ieo at . Choice lot of S.Oei, warrantod. Parasols, of all colors and sizes. ( :.'vr a:. s m:- 14 PAM:. Cassimeras, Linen, Cottoiades, lao STAON:r.Y. Penq in':, Paper, EnveTonns, PenciP. CUTLERY. Pocect Knives, Kuives and Forks, Razors S. HAkhiARF. 11e. Nails. 11tchets, Hanmer;, Locks Bells, I. k., Axes, (oITe Mills, Suc l'ns, Tea Kettles, Frying Pans, Smoodhin Irens. Factory Threa by Wholesale and Retail, Lime, Kerosen., Coiree, Sugar, Molasses, Yeast Powders, Cornentrated Lye. I Wagon Hainess, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, ColarO;, Tracc Chins, Hames, Leather. Tubz, uc ets, Ch.ns, Measre;, Brooms, Combs, Brushes. Will duplicare any bill this side of Charles ton. P. W. CI1(1. R. S. CIICK. Apr. 24, 17-0. Let us Have Peace, BUT KW Fill! WUICII you can by calling and buying some FULTON MARKET BEEF and fine PICKLED 'SALMON, and SUGAR CURED HAMS. Also, on Consignment, TEN BALES OF HAY. At HARDY SOLOMON'S, Next to Messrs. McFall & Pool, on the May 22, 21-tf. Fifth Avenue. WATCHES, 0I002 AND JERIELEIT I WOULD respectfully in fou n the citize'ns of Newberry and surrounding Counties, that I have just opened at my JEWELRY STORE, a fine assortmrent of WTHES, CLOCKS, JEWE LRY, SPECTACLES, SILTER AND PLATED WARE, Masoniic, Odd Fellow and Temperance BADGES, Of all kinds and prices. HAIR JEWELRIY of all descriotions made to order. Call and examine my stock as I consider it no trouble to show. All goods warranted as represented. Ail work in my line done with neatness and despatch. JOHN F. SPECK, 1 Ar. 7, NEWBERIRY, S. C. 200 WHIT QUITS At $1.25. NEW WHEAT. "Don't grind your seed corn," neither your Seed Whcat, but be sure to grind all of your Wheat excepting the seed. And if ground at Blease & Co.'s Mills the value will be enhanced one hundred pcr cent. Those wishing to grind cert:dn days or nights will please nmake it known at the Milks IIENR~Y I. U3LEASE & CO. ANNOUNCEMENT. The friends of ALLEY ABElINATHY. respecifeily announue him as a candidate for Gouaty Commissioner at the ensuing election in October next. MANY FRIENDS. JuneC 26, 2"-- f. TAX NOTICE. In conformity with "An Act to provide for a General License Law," I assed at the l:st sessian- of the Legislatuwe, I am now readly to receive payment for the second quar:er of the fiscal year. 1522. D. R. PILFER, Co. Treas. .Tane 2t- of_ --NEWBERRY HERILD 'JOR PRIXTING A OFFICE. 1 r, f2i, ca -me aiention of our c! m C"/ a nd:211 thoFe in jo wns o'n to our PAM PH LET, JOB AND CARD PRINTING. OUR PRESSES 'Comprise the mo9t dezirable to IV.e found in ny COUNTRY JOB and Newspaper Office, And we :ie other material, elibracing a large varie:y of Plain and Fancy Type, S'IT LE FoR THE PRINTTNG OF Blanks. Chee.ks, Cirenlars, Warrants, Programmes, Post Bills, Tickets, Labels, Etc., Etc. BUSINESS CIRCULARS PirAted in desirable sty le.,esdes Bal aIld 'Noddil[ IlDYiaiolls CATALOGUES, School and Town Reports, CONCER T, AUCTION and POST BILLS OF ALL KINDS, BILL HEADINGS Neatly printed at this officee, upon ruled pa per of any size. THE NEWBERRY HERALD ATIS ISSUED WEEKLY, AT$3IN AVNE Five Copies...............12 50 And one to getter up of Club. TRANSIENT ADVERTISE3fENTS. $1.50 for each square of one inch space, for first insertion, and $1 for su'osequent, for o:wle0onth or less. For a. on.ger time proportionately less. Liberal contracts made for the year. M.dy 1, 1 .t f, Private Boarding. A fe;y entk-nea can find BOARD B] THE MONTH with 3!a;, ., ! -if k. W. T. SnIM1ONS. U WE ARE NOW SUP. PLIED -For the izprii;q and1 Summor, w*--h. sv,-h 1 i rock of Gentlemen'sand Youth's CLOTHING, 3 only could have been purchased WITH MONEY!!! And can fit out in iny stye of make or va riety of material CNE TO TWO THOUS AND Meun 0I. ar Stoc k of Frin Good-, Boof Shoes, Hats, Sirts, Chi vat lruni.!, \ai.e-:c oe., beides th large as. 0;Ient o tling bove" ntied, we TO BE DISTRIBUTED Al over tl-e countrv. -,nd to So deiL Si. TO THOSE IN NEED I z:e: hi tin r lin , and befoe the as F(rt:11ent i.- broken, it is: best to APPLY EARLY At onr !:b: Empoiium AND GET What yo, want. W arrant ood. znar atee lox t>ic;. awd feel sa t- 1 :l can be SrITEo "or THE CASH! I COPP ORN, 00RN, OR J:st ceeived a fine lot of White CORN, CHEAP FOR CASH. :1A.CO]1\, FLOUR, SUGAR and COFFEE., Also, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES. All of above Goods will be so!d at BAR GAINS, as we dor't intend to be UNDER OL D. $ IE TON &O All persons in search of BARGAINS are resoectf:lly solicited to call aid examine SING,LETON?S STOCK before purchasing. P. S CO TT. G-ents' Oloth,ing JAND FURNISHINC COODS. Spring and Summer Styles, 1872. -1ress Suits. Stylish Bpsiness Suis, Hlats !:ttest styles. A superior line of Shirts, warranted of best material and workman shipi. Fashionable Scarfs and Neck Ties. Fine Cloths and Cassimueres in the Piece or by the Pattern, &c. Persons desiritig to purchase to advan tage would find it to their interest to favor me with a call.P.ST. Mar. 2(', 12-tf.P.STT REMEMBER N AT HA N'S AR GOOD8 STOR5 NEWBERRY, S. C. May 22, 21-2m. WHY WILL YOU RUIN~ YOUR EYESIGHT BY USING COMMON GLASSES, When you can purchase LAZARUS & MORRIS' cELEB3nATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, The Best in the World. They are recommended forrTuRITY OF Mi TERIAL, BRILLIANCY OF FINIsH and their STRENGTIIENING POWERS, in WhiCh they excel all otihers. They last many years with out change. For sale in this loc'ility only by JOHN F. SPECK, NEWBERRY, S. C. Wholesale Depot, 10 COUJRTLANDT ST., NEW YORK. Manufaictories: HARTFORD, CONN., and SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. C. IN.-.---Ve nlever Silpply or employ Pedlfs. May22, '72-21-tf. "WHER E TO SPEND TilE Sl!MMER !" GLENN'S SPRING HOTEL, SPA RT ANBU~RG, S. 'C. THIS celebrated WVATERING PLACEC will be open for visitors the 10th day of June. The medicinal uualities of this EV ter are not excelled. and fronm the numerous wonderful cores that have been effected by the use of this Water, I am satisfied that this is the place for all whose condition can be improved by the salubrious character of any Water. ROOMS large and pleasant. Good and attentive servants. TABLE supplied wi. the best the market affords. Faney Ba ll during the summer. Ten Pin A9ey, Bil liar-d aad Bagatelle Tables, for the amnuse ment of guest.s. Charges-per day, .$220: per week, $13.00; per mionth, $35,030. Cottages to rent at 825.00 and 50.00 per season. Hacks daily from Jonesville, after the 25th June. W. D. FOWLAER, June in. '--' Pronrietor. PAVILION HOTEL. Char!eston. S. (I. G. T. ALFORD & CO., Proprietors. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. N SPRING ST0tK OF CHOICE, CHEAP, And well selected D-DRY GOODS, AT C. F. JACKSON'S, COLUMBIA, S. C. My goods are all seasonable, and selected W.0h gieat care from thr. best stocks in the Northern markets and will be SOLD LOW i'R than ever b47fore. Vi.tors to Golumbia n oIll< well to examine my stock before prehasing elsewhere. Orders promptly attended to C. F. JACKSON. Mar. 27, 1"-t -43. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, &C. Just received a full line of Ladies' and Gcnt'i GOLD WATCHES, Diamond Rings, Pins, in various styles, Bracelets, Chains, &c. I am going to sell the goods. WILLIAM GLAZE, Mar. 13, 11-tf Columbia, S. 0. GUNS. Of the best English makerz, Dreech and Muzzle Loading. Parior Rifles; Ball and Shot Cartridges for Parlor Rifles. WILLIAM GLAZE, Mar. 13, 11-tf Columbia, S. C. SPRING MILLINERY. Mrs. Ann Whaley respectfully informs the Ladies that she has just received a pretty stock of Fresh and Eiegaut Spring Goods, to which she invites their attention. April 10, 15-tf. Free Delivery. All goods SOLD BY US will be delivered free of Drayage to any one in Town, or any or.e in 2 miles of the Court House, and at the Depot.. Also to any one at He!ea ; and we guarantee to sell goods as cheap as any other house. LOVELACE & WUEELER. May 31, 22-tf. MILITARY GOODS. I ha-e'now in store a large and elegant assortment of MILITARY GOODS, em bracing Hats, Caps, Epaulettes, Swords, Belts, Buckles, Sasb,s, AButtons, Plumes, &c. Cempais furnished on reasonable terms. WILLIAM GLAZE, Mar. 13, 11-tf Columbia, S. G. Free Transportation. WE are prepared to grind from one to one hundred and fifty bushels Corn per day, and will furnish free transportation of their grain to and from our mill for our patrons free of charge. WEBB, JONES & PARKER. Apr. 17, 16-tf. Fant's Liver Regulator. One of the best preparations now before the public. Hundreds of testimonials can be shown of its efficacy. Prepared after the most approved formula, especially for this climate, and sold by Feb. 7, 6--tf.' DR. S. F. FANT. NEW BUSINESS. T HE subscribers respectfully inform the citizens of Newberry and surroun ding coun try, that they have entered into a partner ship in the Tanning and Mill Business, The manufacture of Harness and Saddles, Ar.d the sale of Buggies, Carriages, and Saddle and Harness Hardware, Wholesale and Retail. Strict attention will be paid to business, and a flne stock constantly kept on hand. An examination of our stock is solicited.. WEBB, JONE & PARR W. H. WEBB. J L. J. JONES. jW. C. PARKEE. Apr. 3, 14-if. Laurensville Herald please copy. LAURENS CO., S. C., May 14, 1872. THANKING our patrons for generous patronage extended to us in the past, we again announce that we are prepared to do all work entrusted to us promptly and well. Terms for Roll Carding, 12je. per lb., (oil included.) Making Iear.s, 30 to 35c. per yard. Cassimere, 60 to 65c. per yard. Blankets, $2.00 to $2.25, the customer find ing the wool. Other work as heretofore. We give the highest market rates for Wool in exchange for the products of our Mill. B. J. Ramage, Esq., is our Agent at New berry. A. C. FULLER & CO. May 22, 21-tf. UNITED STATES D IS T RI CT COURT--FOR THE D~ISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In Re. Henry UI. Kinard, Bankrupt-in Bankruptcy. In accordance with the order of the Honorable George S. Bryan, U. S. Judge for the District of South Carolina, dated the 5th day of July, A. D. 1872, I hereby give notice to all the creditors of the estate of said Bankrupt, that said creditors arc re q1uired to meet at my office, la the Town of Newberry, at 11 o'clock A. M., on the 25th day of July instant, to consider whether the estate of said Bankrupt : hall be disposed of, settled, and a distribution made thereof among the creditors, of the estate of said Dankrupt, by a Trustee. or Trustees, under the inspection and direction of a committee of creditors. C. C. JA EGER, July 10, 28-St. Registrar. The South Carolinian, Coiumbia Union, and Charleston Courier, will copy once aj weck until the 25th day of July, 1872. DR. H. BAER, WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DR UGGIST, NO. 131 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. May 3, 18-tf. *Nomination for Sheriff. J. Ed. Peterson is respectfully nonminated nv his many friends for the Sheriefaity of this County, at the ensuing election. We! deem him a most suitable person for this :--.o..antofie 2E R RY. F N1 THE CREAT BLOOD- P U RIF1 ERP Poswessing powerfulinvigvrating These Bitters are positively Invaluable in A ThyPuzifY the system, and vil curo I % Pemittent and Intermittent Fevers, Nem i " 1E UV and are a preventie of Chills and Fever. All yield to their powerful eicacy. ~Axe an anAdote to change of Water and Dit. . to the wsted frame, and comrect all Will save daysof smuering to the sick, and The grand Panacea for all the is of life. T RY: 0 NE.. BOTTLE The Standarl F BITTER S U 0? coi4v 2r~, EBAY In Young orOld, Married P or Single, these Bitters are un . equalled and have often been th means of saving life. ov. 8, '71-15-ly. THOMPSON & JONES, DENTAL SURCEONS, (Graduates of the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery.) Office over McFall & Pool's Store. Ou-r patients receive the benefit of all the latest improvements in the profession. Special attention given to correction of Ir regalarities in Children's Teeth. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Terms very moderate. J. 1. THOMPSON, D.D.S. E. C. JONES, D.D.S. Apr. 3, '72-14-tf. GROCERIES AND FE TILIZER. IIaving recently purchased in the best markets in the States, with Cash and with Great Care, A large stock of' HE.AVY and FAMILY GRO CEIES, embracing every art'.cle usually found in our line, we respectfully invite our friends and the public generally. to EXAMINE THEM Before they make their purchases; as we are determined to Sell as Low for Cash As such articles can be sold in this or any other interior market. We are offering our BAGGING and IRON TIES, Of superior quality at VERY REDUCED RATES, And will keep constantly on hand a supply of the same. We also keep on hand ALL THE TIME, Several of the best and Most Popular FER TILIZERS Known to the publie, which we propose to sell as low as any of equal value. We will also purchase all kinds of' PRODUCE at the HIGH EST MARKET PRICES, And sell any kind of produce or goods con signed to us on the most reasonable terms, and to the best advantage. Our goods are now arriving, and we have made such arrangements as will enable us to replenish our stock from time to time as we may find neessary, on the most advanta geous terms. We shall endeavor to merit the confidence, and hope to receive the patronage which has heretofore characterized our business rela ions with the trading public. R. MO0RMN& 0O. Sep. 27, 39--tf. BEFORE DECIDING WHERE EDUCATE YOUR DAUGHTERS, Inquiye Into the Mueits WILLIAMSTON, S. C. The FA LL SESSION, 1872, will open on MONDAY, JULY 1st. R.ATES PEa SESSION OF 20 wEEKS. Board, including fuel, washing and lights.. . .. . . .. . .. .. .70 0 Tuition in Reguiar College Course.. 15 00 Instrumental Music.............20 00 Vocal Music, no charge. Prrpils in delheate health derive great benefit from our healthy Llim2ate and Mine ral Water. For a Circular, apply to. REV. SAMUEL LANDER, A. 31., May 15, 20-tf." President. 50 BUSHELS GREENVILLE MEAL - BuSh. GRIST. For sale by D. MOWER. Apr. 26, 17-tf. Blessed is lie Who Gives the~ People Cheap Food. 1,000 lbs. HAMS at 12tc. per lb. Fine lot fresh sugar-cured Bacon Strips. The long expected Smoked Beef Tongues have arrived. HARDY SOLOMON, -Next to Messrs. NcFalI & Pool's on the Junne 124-if..t Fit Aenue. SPRING CLOTHING, HA T D AND FURNISHING G-OODS, AT , & \ C, SAFSu FI[6,1 COLUMBIA, S. C. TiE largest Stock we have ever offered to the public. You are sure to lo.e money if you buy CLOTHING, HATS, SHIRTS, Or anythir-g a Gentleman wears, without first giving us a call. Fronch Cassir8res8 &8 Iths For our Custom Trade. DEALERS SUPPLIED at the LOWEST RATES. Apr. 17, 16-tf. EXCHANGE HOUSE, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE EXCHANGE HOUSE has been re furnished, and is again open for the accom modation of the public. TRAVELERS AND BOARDERS Will find pleasant and comfortable rooins with ALL THE DELICACIES OF TE SEASON. Served up in the best style. MEALS AT ALL HOURS AT THE RESTAURANT. P. HAMILTON JOYNEM, May 8, 10-tf PROPRIETOR. WOOL WANTED. 10,000 pounds washed or unwashed Wool wanted at the store of WEBB, JONES & PARKER. Apr. 17, 16-tf.. Laurensville Herald please copy. WANTED. TWO HUNDRED GORDS TAN BARK WANTED at our Tannery, at Newberr.y, S. C. WEBB, JONES & PARKER. A pr. 17, 10-tf. Laurensville Herald please copy. TO YOUR INTEREST, AND SET THE BEST! MY line of WATCHES is now full and complete, and the public may depend on getting the best at the lowest possible fig ures, as my facilities are suech that I defy competition from any market. al thae ale in tstore and contantly arriving n>ond, Coral, Cameo, Etruscan, Gold, Jet, &c.; elegant designs in Chains, Bracelets, Charms, Lockets, &c.; the latest and most beatifl attrn itold Silverban ,heavy day arnd otber presentations. Repairing in all branches, by the best work men and at reasonable rates. ISAAC SULZBACHER, COLUMBIA, S. C., Jan. 10, 2-tf39 Columbia Hotel Row. Notice. ALL parties liable for taxes un der the General Ordinances of the Town, are hereby notified that the same must be paid during the present week. By order of the Concil. 0. L. SCHUJMPERT, April 23d, '72. Clerk & Treas. JUT RECEVED. 100 Pieces New Style Prints. 50 Pieces Poplins. Mohair Plaids. Corded Alpacca. New and Desirable Styles at Low Prices. BY D. M~OWER. Nov. 22, 47-tf. WANTED, ONE HUNDRED THOU7SAND POUNDS HIDES, for.which the highest market price will be paid at our store. WEBB, JONES & PARER* Apr. 17, 16-Lf. Lourcnaville Hm1e1ald ease.