A WIFE'S APPEAL. Come, rouse thee, dearest,-'tis not well To let the spirit brood Thus darkly o'er the cares tbiat swell Life's current to a flood; As brooks, and torrents, rivers, all, Increase the gulf in which they fall, Such thoughts, by gathering up the rills Of lesser griefg, spread real ii.!; And with their gloomy shades conceal The landmarks hope would else reveal. Come, rouse thee now-I know thy mi!nd, And would its streng'h awaken: rrond, gifted, noble, ardtnt, kind Strange thou should'st be thus shaken! But rouse afresh each eaergy And be what Heaven intended thee; Throw from thoughts this wearying weight, And prove thy spirit firmly great, I would not see thee bend below The angry storms of earthly woe. Full well I know the generous soul Which warms thee into life; Each spring wh:h can its powers control Familiar to thy wife; For deem'st thou she could stoop to bind The eagle-like ambition nursed From childhood in her heart bad first Consumed with its Promethean flame The shrine, than sank her so to shame. Then rouse thee, dearest! from the dream, That falters now thy powers; Shake of this gloom-Hope sheds a beam, ,To gird each cloud which lowers; And though at present seems so far The goal, the guiding star. With peaceful ray would light thee on, Until its utmost bounds be won: That quenchless ray thoul't ever prove, In fond, undying wedded love ! Decoration . of Confederate Graves. The memorial services in honor of the - Confederate dead, whose remains are deposited in our ceme teries, took place on Friday last, in accordance with previous an nouncement.. Nearly every place of business in the town was closed, and the people generally partici pated in the services. At six o'clock, a large audience of ladies and gentlemen assembled in the Baptist Church, when the exer cises of the occasion were opened with an earnest and appropriate prayer by Rev. Mr. Harper, of the Methodist Church, after which the ladies proceeded to decorate the graves in the adjoining church yard. Wreaths, garlands and flowdfs were thickly strewn above the lifeless remains of brave men, whose once happy homes were in our midst, and whose gallantry and devotion to their native State was illustrated on the battle-field. The graves of strangers and un known soldiers were beautifully decorated by the pupils of Mrs. Murray's School. When these touching ceremonies had been coa ciuuded, the crowd slowly and sol emnly retired, and proceeded to the P res by te rian churebyard, where like offices of friendship and reverence for t h e soldier-dead were appropriately performed. As the sun went down with gold en lustre in the western horizon, the people returned to their homes, meditating upon the past and its memories, and preserving tender recollections of neighbors a n d friends whose lives were freely given as a sacrificial offering in defence.of a cause once dear to their bearts. (An .terson Intelligencer. A Remarkhla Xan. The Marquis of Camden, who died a fortnight ago, was grand-son of the first Marquis, who may be fairly regarded as one of the most remarkable men in his own country. That nobleman held the patent place of Teller of the Exchequer, an absolute sinecure with some $60,000 a year. When he had held it some years, he came to the conclusion that the existence of sneh a place was an absolute fraud upon the nation and re signed it. -His act was the more credi table in that he was by no means a rich man. A parallel case was that of the late Lord Tauton, long known as Mr. Labouchere. At the outset of railway enter prise, his father was fiercely preju. = 1::;V' :F Tj ME;I Hair, Tooth, Nail, Flesh and Shaving Briishes, Sponges,&c.,&c., LAMPS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, &c. Agents for the CELEBRATED NON-EXPLOSIVE CDIXIE LAMP," Which needs no Chimney, and gives a more brilliant light than any Lamp in the market, at LESS COST. Our Stock having been bought at CLOSE FIGURES, we are prepared to offer the same at LOW PRICES, both -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Price Lists sent by mail on application, and all orders entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. Thankful for their previous patronage we solicit a continuance of the same from our friends and the public. Prescriptions Carefuilly Compounded. J. WARD MOTTE. H. P. TARRANT. Sep. 20, 38-tf. M[O T T E 'S NE TATIONERYI10118E, L IVE R INIG6R AT ORI E. R. STOKES HAS just opened, in the ncw and hand Phmnix ofce on Mai steet, a complet Dyspeptic Remedy. * STATIONERY. --:0: FOR TI RELIEF AND CURE OF CmrsgLet,pand NotePpr,o &cute and Chronic Diseases of the Liver, Flat Papers of Cap, Demy, Double-Cap, Me ,Taundice, Gall Stone Heart-Burn, dium, Royal, Super-Royal, and Imperial and all Disordersresult- sizes, which will be sold in any quantity, or ing from manufactured into Blank Books of any site, Derangemlent of the LIVER, and ruled to any pattern, and bound in any _________style, at short notice., It is a pleasant laxative. movingEVLOS :he bowels gently and surely, butInedesvrt-lliz,corsadua ivithout pain ; and is wonderfullyti. tdapted to eases of Habitual Constipa-BLN BOK ion, Torpidity of the Liver. It curesOferyvit,MmoadmadPs sic-k and Nervous Head-ache, Colic,Bok,PceBos,Ivi adLtr Flatulency, and is an effective remedy BosRcitBos oeBos n affections of the RHtCsadDAGSENwl KIDIETS AND BLADDER. ue rwn ae,i hesadrls MOTTE & TARRANT be,Buse,Cao,DrwnPa. SOLE PROPRIETORS, ' SAINR N EWBERRY, S. C. ein n sflatce o ohTahr Mar. 29 13-tf.anPuis In elesas, wait-l oes, conor an couls tiety o VffTItIiT9N~ BITERS BANY ARTIOKS. ____f_every varity e ran u an od Pes ENTIRELY_VEGEooks,PencCaeBks, Ieblne ad Retter B_ _ oods,.eep oks oeBos ~yspeia, AfanddBack l c iolet and ofCatrine, forndeir ~neuand Copying Puaer, inCheets and rolcs, BiHousDisass, ei Brdisto Bad ors Paperi and ads,-i bo ne d Brs evryon,h aing salPepn raDbiit,ndal f evrt desripationagevriy ofRon eien wand sll carutis B rYb T ahdr Blood. B~~~ANK P OKupils.O ndPA Is ecits halttv ppette,ingortes hoga h ni slums,fu oritin Desks or he DgesiveOrgns,is dvi ofallha fotirs, Ceabs with State, and to wchnte aostagreable waruitn. an coriallso,c tent o t elgan stock o kp pfull Pend a theStomch. t exilartes he sirit cl, adsies wl buerb found Rlbbyr elievs pati, nd i mos wouerluly loa,ble, nVi oetoe a sharmi e o fb sonsia pat n Fv r n oyng;. iae;Ceanak inall debility, and al ir stuaite Class STOSationreet,s era .It ilprove af p tihe ,~vn i Wov.ich t ppscintend hi Ohalice. Sal AL RI L00 OT!NAIN He___ wi_til_onuc hi _BNDRYan ~OTT & TAERANTINGESTABLIHMET, whc henaDigerstv Orans, iso devoitors alDta othr yeash n BisSeand Ftoryic,h NotgEabearRYing. nnd codaCfec eto.HARESTON,eetufln Mariu naldblte n reuaiso . R., STOKE.S . C.nStet GOODL RIACK !NAION ~OOGEOOSBHACKER OaFfcurr aThsiePrpretr Door arge and Blrinde Factory, E WBECRISTIA. CHARLSToNorhr wor tfilcoa Oa. 25, 11-f tryorer FOR SRARICLLST CUSTO3M made pegged CALF Address GEO. S. HACKER, P. 0. Box F0Tctandryrrnted "Warerooms, King Street, op. For sale by D). MOWER. psite Cannon St., on line of City Railway. Nov. 2-3 47-tf Se. 6, 3-_. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL i PHARMACEUTIST AND CHEMIST, NEWBERRY, S. C., RESPECTFULLY commends to the confidence of the community his populr prepara tiohs, which are manufactured under his own sbpervision, with great care, and which may be relied upon for their purity and efficacy. Fant's Tonic Bitters, Composed of the best antiperiodic Tonics known to the Medical Profession. FANT'S ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK, A most palatable Cordial, particularly recommended to persons of weak habit, and to such as reside in low, damp situations, where the nervous system is, more or less, relaxed. Fant's Compound Syrnp of Sarsaparilla, Queen's DeUght, &c. This preparation will purify the blood and eliminate mercury from the system. Dr FANT'S SOOTHING SYRUP, An Invaluable Remedy for Children suffering from Teething, Indigestion, and Bowel Affec tions generally. My stock of DRUGS,- MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Are fresh, large and complete, all of which I guarantee to be Chemically PURE. Also a large and well selected variety of PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Both Foreign and American. WINES AND LIQUORS of purest qualities for Medicinal purposes. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at any Hour of the Day and Night. Dec. 6, 49-tf. INSURANCE NOTICE. THE uudersigned have this day entered into co-partnership in the general agency of the Cotton States Life Insurance Company for South C.arolina. Office at Colum bia and Edgefield C. H., S. C. N. W. ABYEY, J. W. PARKER. Having established the office for the above Company in Columbia, we invite at. tention to one or two of the advantages offered to them who may desire to effect insurance on their lives in a safe Home Company: The Board of Managers at a recent meeting, passed unanimously the following reso lution : "Resolved, That in view of the fact that there are unusually large sums paid for Life Insurance, to the Companies of the North and East, which sums, being there invested, contribute to the enrichment of those sections, whilst our own South is greatly in need of cash capital to.prosecute successfully our Agricultural and Mechani cal enterprises ; it is ordered, that for the purpose of retaining these sums in our midst, hereafter a certain proportion of the net cash receipts. from premiums, amount ing to not more than 70 per cent. of the same be invested in such manner as may be in accordaHce with the regulations of the Gompany, in those sections from which the said premiums are attained." (Signed) WM. B. JOHNSON, Pr-s'L GFORGa S. O'BE.R, Sec'y. The Financial strength of the Company places it in high rank. 1.s lal An nual Statement shows that the Company possesses, besides its large Guarantee, $170 for every $100 of its liability. ABNEY & PARKER. State Agents. To carry into effect the foregoing Resolution of the Managers, the Company proposes to establish Boards of Supervisory Trustees in each County and Villsge in the State, who will supervise all investments. Seventy per cent. of all the NET PREMIUM RECEIPTS, from any locality where there is a Board of Trustees, will be returned and invested with its Policy Holders; thereby making the "Cotton States Life," a HOME COMPANY to every Policy Holder. Applications for loans from any locality will be made through its Board of Trustees, whose approval will secure a loan at moderate rates, and for any period, provided the collaterals are acceptable by the Directors at th: Home Office in Macon, Ga. No safer investment of the accumulating assets of a Life Company can be made than with its Poli cy Holders, and the above plan, so liberal and just, is now offered to the people of New berry. The privilege of using a portion of the Company's assets, is extended to every one of its Policy Holders. I therefore propose to establish a Board of Trustees here in Newberry, and at any other polnt in the District where desirable. Mar. 27, 13-tf B. F. LOVELACE, Canvassing Agent. ESTABLISHRED 1851. - - r (OPfpl 5H-l diffr P t r ,Wa Bards Sh n eet h . r *?$&c. hudre Mate-iee. or n WnowFamsmaet rdratsor otc. t$ sl,Nwe StaeE orn. Wee on hnethers Boarck ofhevi, Bo ords, uthof ver af Baltmred J all of which we guarantee will give entire satisfaction to all who want Good ad Substantial ~ Work. The subscribers can refer to gentlemen all ovar this State, Georgia, North Carolina and I Florida, as to the character of their work for the past twenty years. and are The only Practical Mechanics, Bash, Blind and Door Makers, by'Trade, now carrying on the business in this city.' W. P. RUSSELL & CO., East Entd of Hazel Street, HO ieWando Fertilizer Works, and in the im:nediate vicinity of Charleston and Pavilion All work shipped by us is at half price, to-wit: 65c. per100 lbs., over the So. Ca. R. R. Oct.11, '71, 41--17. oD,Sashes Blids &cG R A 1 Invaluable in Teething, and Summer Com plaints of Children. Cures L DIARHX &DYSENTERY, COLIC, And other Diseases, incident to the period of Den tition.L Unlike the "Soothing Syrups," now so widely used, this CORDIAL contains L NO ANODYNE, P. P . FOL4 iiE~ Or other injurioue Drug. Is is composed of - the very -best materials, and should be Sa Manuactuer ?d Deler, found in every Nursery. The best phyui No. 0 HyneStret nd Hribck' Whrf,cians recommend it. CHA RLESTON, S. C. !FC~DB [7 This is the largest and most complete DrH Facory ofthe kindin the Southern States, s and all articles in this line can be furnishe by Mr. P. P. TOarn at prices which defy I CHARLESTON, S. C D~Apamphlet with full and detailed list Cg" For sale by MOTTE &~ TA RR ANT,B.i af all sizes of Doors, Sashes and Blinds, and Newberry, S. C. May 3, 19-tf. ,o the prices of each, will be sent free and post- U paid, on application to S P. P. TOAL1E, . Sl CHARLESTON, S. C. ?SA July 12, 28-1y.9A Russet, Upper ~ DR. H. B3AER, anWhg WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r D RUGG3(3ISTI, Onhandandafor.s.le by NO. 131 MEETING STREET, Apr. 6, 14-tf,- O CHARLESTON, S. C. T-J May 3, 1-_f.r F...aeb. Dn MOWE= 4 R. Re R. ADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS [r FEOX ONE TO TWEUTY XINUZES. NOT.ONE HOUR after reading this advertisement need any one SUFFER WIyH PAIN ADWAY'S READY RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and is TEE ONLY PAIN REMEDY :hat instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inlammations, and cares Congestions, whether of the Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, orotber glands or organs, by one lication. IN F ONE TO MINUTES, o matter how violent or excruciating the pain he RHEUMA11C, Bed-ridden, Infirm, C *led. Nervous. Neuralgio, or prostrated with nay sufr. RADWAY'S READY RETIE WILL AFFORD INbTANr EASE. [NFLA3131ATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. [NFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. EYSTEUICS, CROUP, DIPTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. EEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHM15S. The application of the Ready Re'ief to the part )r parts where the pain or dlflicult exist will af rord ease and comfort. Twenty drops in halfa tumbler of water wMl In a fcw moments cure CR AMPS. SPASMS. SOUR STOMACH HEARTBURN. SICE EEADACHE, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC. WIND IN THE BOWELS, and zl IN FERNAL PAINS. Travellers should always carry a bottle of ad way's Ready Relief with them. A fewdru a water will prevent sickness or paifrom 4e Df water. It is better tham Frei Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty cents. rhere is not a remedial agent in this word that will care Fever and Ague, and all other Mala rious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow,and other Fvers(aided by RADWAY'S PILLS),so quick is RA1)WAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD-IN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAt SEIN AND BEAU1IFUL COM PLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT hAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICr!O RAPID ARPTHE CHANGES THE DY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE CF THIS TRU LY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT ELOOD PUBIFE. Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAN RE SOLVENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and Juieis of the a yrtem the vigor of Ue, for it repairs the waste Df the bowy with new and sound materiaL Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumpon, Glandular die itse. Ulcers in the throat, outh, rumors,,Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system. S Eyes, Strumorous dischar fom the , he worst forms of Skin d , Eruptons rer Sores. Scald Head, Ring Worm. St Erysipelas, Acne. Black Sp Worm in . Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb. and weakening and painfal discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of the life princi ple, are within the curative range of this wonder ;f Modern Chemistry. and a few days' use will p rove to any person using it for either of that orms of disease its potent power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes and decomsitfon that is continually progressing, su s In arrestling these wastes, Lod repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood-and this the SARSAPA PARILLIAN will and does secure-a cure is ertain; for when once this remedy commnaeees ts work of parification, and maceeds- in dints shing the loss of wastes, its repairs wll be ra id, and every day the patient wil fel himsel growing better rnd stronger, the food digesting etter. appetite Imuroving, and flesh and weighi neresng. Not only does the SAxsaAmLr.Ax Rasor. rx3T eXC al known remedial apnts inthecure >f Chronic, Scrofulous, 'o and Ska' limases; but it is the only poth*ecure for' UDNEY AND ELDD XAJ, Zirinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, )ropsy. Stops of IncontaninnsU .Trine, -Bright' isd in'aR :ases where there are bik-dust depst,or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed wihsubsaces ike the white of an ,or threads like white ilk, or there is a morb, dark, bilious appesr mee, and white bone-dust deposits, and when here is a pricking, burning sensation when pass ug water, and pain in the zsmall of the Back and done the Loins. DR. RAD WAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, >erfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet rum, pug, regulate, pufy, cleanse, and ltrengien. Radway's Pil,for the cure of all hisodrs of the Slomach, Liver, Bowels, EMd ieys, Sladder, Nervous Diseases, Heaees Jonstipation, Costivepess. Indistoni,D~p Ia, Biliousness. BiIu.s Fever, nampmat~o he Bowels. Piles and all Derangements ofthe uternal Viscera.' Warranted to efibt a positive ure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, ainerals. or deleterious drugs. 07 Observe the following smtoos resulting rom Disorders ofthe Digsie ras: Copstipation, Inward Piles, Fless of the sloodlt i1IthJIe, Acidity of the Stomaeh, sanseo, Heartburn, Dlisggst of JjO, 'pIneas or V'eight in the Stomach. Sour ?rMtos og or Futtering at the Pit of the twG wimming of the Head, Hurried and DlSu ~reathing. A few doses of RADWAY'S PTLLS will free lao system from all the above named disorders. Tvice. 25 cents per Boxg. SOLD BY DRUG FISTS. READ "FALQE'AND TRUTE." Sand one ttter-stamp to RADWAY & CO., No.832 War. mn St., New York. Information worth thou. nds will he sent you. July 5, 27-ly. ~reenville & Columbia Railroad. Daily. Sundays excepted, connetigwith i,:ht Trains on South Carolina Railra,u ic down, also with Trains going Northan outh on Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta silroad, and Wilmington, Columbia and Au ista Railroad. *UP. eave Columbia................... 7.00 a a " Alston....................8SAama " Newberry................02 " Cokesbury..............25pa " Belton......................,0y ruiva Greenville................. 54 p DOWN. eave Greenville...,.......... i a a "Belton....................9 a " Cokesbry.................1115 a a " Abbeville.... ..............9.00 a a " Newberry.................2.38p - rDRaoN( BRat NC AND BLUZ RIDGE DTLYW.L DOWN. "av Perrvlle................ . 6.0 am ": P'endvle.................. .5am " Anderson...........8 20 am rrive at B3elton...............9.10 a a Connecting with down train from Greenville. eave Belton at. ...........,.,,.... .00 p a " Anderson --...-- ...... .... 5.00 p a "Pendleton............... .........6.0e p a Perry ville........ ... 6.46 p m rrive at WaIhalla........... ....... 7.20 p m Accommodation Trains will be run on Branch >ads on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. ABnEVXLLE BRANCH. ave Cokesbury tor .Abbeville at..11.15 a is Abbeville for Cokesbury...1.00 p m ANDEasoN BaascH. nve Belton for Anderson at...10.10 a a ' Anderson for Beiton--........ 2.00 p a THOS. DODAMEAD, Gen'l Supt. K[. T. BARTI.ETr, General Ticket Agent. mmner Schedule Spartanbnrg and Unles Bailroad. To Commeonce 29th May, 1S'71. DOWN TRAIN. UP TRAIN. Arrive. Leave. Arrive. Leave. artanburg.... 6.30 6.25 tesvile....... 6.00 6.00 468 4.53 colet .......... 6.08 8.13 4.40 4.46 esie......6.43 648 4.06 4.10 Sie......... 8.20 8.25 2.30 2.35 ih Dam..4 8A.4SA 2.10 2.15 elton.........9.165 S90 140 lea' Ford......... 9. 46 *A 1.1 111 'other....... 10 05 10.10 12.50 12.56 iton.... .... 11.00 12.009 THOS. B. JETER, Presiden& Lay 31, 1871. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. CHE REFEREEE r A weekly paper, published at CHARLTSTON, 8. C. Distributed Gratis in the city Parties living in the country cange e Year by enclosing $1 to defray mic~ RR. pxpenaes, &c.44rs Key3x,QFFIC