IS PUBISHEDADVE RTISINC RATES. EVERY WEDNESDALY MOTFNIN , -4 pf f A 4 - - si ror each su seque r insertion. ou ie At Ne ewberry C. H1., rcJin adverti sements t D E~ D A~ M I-NI-G* N o tic es of m eeting s, obitu aries and trib u s t By Thos, P. & R. H. Greneker 6 *****"l"l *"** Edlitorsa Icolumn 20 cnts T E RS, $ PEAd.v..rt.sements-t marked wth the um Invariablynd ce. .. and charged accordingly. - ti T he r is f npped at the expiration of -- tisepec : t lintra ct s n a e rat ,0 The;,, znmrk-denotes expiration of ub W E NE DA -H' J~ Pa.r~u tVIIi.W EDNESDAY MORNING, M ARCH 20, 18N 12.n assa Not1. oniptionesnansat. aE to - -d- --- Zif 20 . IAIR JEWELRY of all descript:1011S made to order. Dec 27 52 tf . R. THOMPSON, 0. 0. S. R Gradute of the l-c Pvrm j:vla allege of Office nver McFall & P.ol's Store. My patient, receive the btiet of all the Latst -inprovement iit tht pr.fssIon. Special ateli.jn ,) ve t L1 c 0ctio1 of Ir rezlarities in Chireti's T. The patronogne of 'he pubhe is rsCipec:f,! souici. T.-rm-; very w->dcrate. Sep. 27, 30-t. GEO. S. HACIER, Door, Sash, anid Bli!d ac ory, CIIA RLESTON, S. C. -r Thi. is a.s I.jr-ge A : rjsp.-:-X a Factor%* t"ere is il [;I(. South. IVe I i 0 Nortiern w,t-'. to try orders. SE\'D FORPir. q S :ri -s Kostelomn- :,v eo Secp. r,:6 - 40,0u BRu At the Brick Yard ie-.: 43 * - -- *~ - x - - -. * * - -- - ' - 1 . * r N .4 - T - - ! h Tr'ITI N in N-: I , e ks, f:-t)m I .ird: next, for ONLY $126! !T.h f l Scn r ,b a t ! i .is : 7. Ai,' R. V1E . Tv .:,DI. /J I / s P. . A., : : Principnl. iss FAN I::: LEAVELL,: : Assistant. :of. F. WEMER, : Musical Dni T x e f ihe Jm! ov x.A .ILI \. ( U! 1 -2 2s - . T -,7 . V . CA. Lynch Law in San Francisco !j IT in 1856. 1;Y A CA.IVonNi. l'oNNAD. sI On the i-ih of Ma I50, at about t! f,ur o'eiock I-. M., tie sharp and si startling report of a pistol was hieard at the c6rner of Mo:tg)nery and Wshilg S Val siretS, :an rancisco, and at the i sane timc a st:wart, r mst ilau was at stcn to f:ill near the cnrb-stoce. 11y- t sanders kihDly raised the fallen, woun- br dod ma, and hore him into the wciee of a, the P0ce ExNprcss Ct. The assassin wai ';ak-n i;;to) custody an removed tIk the hwk.un. Tc parties 3f thi,[ b!U.oodV affair re"Prc S laed the extremnes of Lite society of t San FraWcico at that tinv. Janecs King t of Wiian, ho hal len Sht down in a bi thrngrd vtreet in b;oad day light, was e the 'i, amd prcpri.tor of the: San tU :ancico ! zity l1ulIetin, and was an P hncrable,I inctelligen, ighl mindcd, wor tiiy ci z.-i, whi> ha,d chosen the pro i t' w lich he was devoting his cn. ergies, for the av,wed purpose of oiml batinG the great evils that then aliliOted a that com:u:1ity, :U;1I to bring tu lu.n i,limnc.cct thte \'.e caracters who in. cl j WI-Wciey in the early history of Cal. ijornia. lie wielded a huld acnd vigorous pn, and held vici"'us Ien up to the t Socon of the voild in their true cbare. ac tr. iiis course c:dil dmWn upon his t hea:i die vrath arti ind!ignation of the cis a-z.:ss.ileJ, acid his hMe was repeatcJlY sI in pIl firm their viq!lencne. i Th% a5sassin, Jamis P. Casey, had h heen an i:atu of sig Sicng prison, in ::w Yurk, anId was a prfssional ballt I box stoi"er, gamii'ier, street fighter, and q' a lit reircscntative of the class ,of roughs L so wel known icc the early d:ys of S.n 0! Frncisco. Ile had44 been the su'ject of I citicism;t in the 1iuIl-tin of that day, it 3a1u-l soughl revec ge by striking down th ie i.repc icr as le was lcaviIng his lFIe to g tq his home. The assault, crea- c: tei n intec,.c xcitement , - thious.a ank, of pco! gcthred abuIt the A:c! oqo, ad t!e i-f4cited pOplce u the:t:ed dre ~venl:imce upon the an- a thcr of he mi:n. Te jail was viited Li by throng of ecXvitei prsons. and ffc. tl,; rifits ut.ide to rec-ctte tie pri,oncer ul I um the pssession of the authorities. The nnitary were cled out ti Irevent tI. id i it m i tude f m demlitudcii.,h ihe pri.>n, ad thew:est exciLe. m crW revailed thr-Quut the succveed hgcing on in I mees, a Oew l ca i*.:is ;s m Qn a Ti t pcie ;iad t "it ie ini st,lc fr the fcrimatiini f n rs t,; a :-.t f s an evff: p reccss :. wrings f mwiey,' by thei S et cf thsewh had; c!iKi : efnq it -ich s bc ib Li a s-- iind t fh h -t without violence or bloodshed. iey had chosen to exhibit their pow. and numerical force, th-it there ght be no reasonible excuse for re itanee. They hoped to accomplish eir object peacably if they could, but ould do it forcibly if they mst. The sheriff repaired to the cell of Ca. v ald informed him that the Coan irtee had made a demand f)r him. *d that 'he should be compelled surrender him. The prisoner up aided the sheriff fir his cowardice, d declared he would not be tak,n the Gnnmttee, and threatened to il any oi- wio should att-:npt his re )Vl Crom the pris.n. After a parley a half an hour, and an a-+:urance tfiom e Com:nittee that he should be kindly ited, and receive a fair trial, selecting S own c)unselI and witnesses, he finally iusenttl to go peaceably with his cap rs. lie wa accordingly hand-cullf:d, 5ed out to tile Co:ninttoe, who placed n in a close carriage a:iI consveyed m to their lieadlqarters, guarded by eir entire armed force. Tle Connittee returned to the jail d demanded the person of a prisoner the name of Charles Cora, who was arged with the murder of General lbaidson, the U. S. Marshal for the istrict of California. lie hal been once ied, with a disagreeient of the jury d it was generally beheved a second ial wou!-, as a sal result in an acq-ittal. be sheri surrendered him without re -taice, and lie %vas likewise taken to e rooms of the Committee and con ied in one of their cells. The armed foice of the Committee as then discharged, except those re iired fir gu-ard and patrol duty. On ie fo!lhwing day the trial of the pris Wers was Ulndertaken, they being per itted to select their own counsel, and stimmon ali the witnesses they deemed ,ential to the establihment of their in cence. a patient hearing of the se, they were coijicted of trirler, il the penaily of death dvi-ided upon. Mr. King liingered inl pa... atid 'tugui-h til Tuesdjay, the 2uth and died. ie as billied on Frity, and was followed the grave by an ilinense cottcourse people who mourned his untimely id, and the manner of his taking c:T. While the -last ad rites were being lettnized over the martyrd King, a iereit sceCe was bei.g enacted at e Cmnititee rooms. The verdict of ath having Vee rendered, preparations Cre mal' ! r its pronpt execution, d w!nde tie ::unliniig Was o~i: t-wa: ~Cle C(AllAer). to tile si-l on a1Ju.ic of a flItner: dI-rgo, the mu1"r :rers ;asy and Cmpa ae su-,pend t 1( ck I1o : ill ipp-,;r %%indow of in tepC a ttee hQl!ing, ina the lire. :e t* iut !s!bain thirty thousand a Oito rs. Thus it :is the e~ssnce and -pinit of the -. vi ndie-te i.- i . its onutward vi:u!.iti.>n. hus w:as jiistice mieted ont toderin arits, and an on ag.:il Ortitui! y ..n.d..u..wa...i..n.....he.di.. -it%ran h e C. W. Dudley and his Card. When a man courts notoriety with hIs pen, by airing himself or his opinions in the newspapers, he must expect criti cism; nor should he complain if the crit icisma takes the form of censure. The writer of the "Cari" in question, is open to cri:icismi, because he risiakes facts and by so doing niisrepresents our pe( pie ; he is open to censure, for h- strikes in the house of his friends, naligns hi own people, and mrakes apologies for their enemies. To sustain thee charges let us examine his positions lie says: "It must. be admitted that our conquerors were generous; not a shout frorn a victot ious soldier insulted the miafortuns of a brave but un;ortu nate army, &c. We had supposed that the utter disregard by the E:it-.d S:at-s, Government of the termNs of surrender was not an act of generosity, nor indeed (if C*iflomoni j ustice, that the lawless pil lage and arson perpetrated in inyy in stances by the Unittd States troops, was not ealeu:ited te evoke sentimerits of gratitude from our people. ie says fur ther, that : fte-r '"tile diin of war was toe," the Northern people, "from their private resour,es," furnished food, &. I,) wh-at extetnt ? whei ? ard where ? it is trut, that the United States Uovernient, by Ciepatig our slave,:, created an ir 1rnwunse armny of paupers in the midst of the imiloverishirm: incident to dias. trous war. These were the "nai.,n\ w:rds4," as they were termed, :nod had a right to expect food at the hands of the Government whii had imade the n "hoineless and housekss." Accordingly rations were fo,- awhile issued to indigent blacks and pauper whites, who l;ad ne ver borne arms ag:iinst the Government. This is 'he extent of the charity, so far as we are ade-ed. But the Colonel finis fault with the term ".chool nar:n," "'s apn!ed to the ivcates of soci-d c(eualiLy and iniscegenation, who swarm etj imoii us afici the war, aind thinks their mis.sion noble and heav Veri-sent. IlIe evi-n thinks that we should have invited theCse people to the hoepi tali ties of a Southern fireside." We have tiken a dilfereIit view. Those who have collie ainiong us from the North zinee the war beve no claim upon our hospitalities;they have not even uispired our respevt. Their So.i ves, it f nv, have not been of the purest, iior the . ork whi:i they hav :coirlished the salit:in-. \ sivak in the azgregate of colirsI, -in al. lw 'txe u ts. But the Colonel I:ys at our own doors all the eviis which have bd:t!en us in the way of partsrn he.;i,itrun, a::! the corruption which exists in what were once rithgt "ih phes." e has re:d history in vain who exi.eLs a -nt-p,,rtd people to kiss the rod Lit: sditc' ite nhe. I).,uh tless we havre co m - mited ruiaiy errors. Our knees arc not Inatur:,I isupple. liut we- hlo:tus'y think tMit p b of the- l i'Vlt111 inipiri' A TE:m:Ss: Joy:.-On the strength of the excitement lately occasioned by the announicepent that Confederate cot Lori bond!3 and ".hi--plasters" might ;oon have an increased mariketable value, in enterpri-ing shoemaker at Nashville, renn,.ssee, caused anl advertisement to )e inserted in the Banner to tle effect .hat he was preparld to give seventy-five ents "in the dollar" for old, and fifty -ents for new issue of Confederate mn1 iey. The offer proved so tempting that he street in front of his store was crowd d to excess on the following morning. J)d mien an ol women from every part >f the surrounding country wer e on hand 'Vith carp-t-bgs and valises. containing rper represerting thousands of dollars. Ihe first mi:ani who entered the store had i parcel of $200,000, arnd his utter aston shmnent may ie better imaginei than de ;cribed when the audacious Crispin drew hje pile to)ward hin, and paid over to the )",ner one half the amount in notes or )reciseiv the same value and issue. For he reason that few men like to allow thiem-elves t4 reillain the only victims of tui a hiue, the Iiun was contintued for several days, much to tihe aiiseminilt Sh. su w hio ad been in the secret from Ll first, ml UIch to the disgut of cer tain sharp (res a hu had been so far nii led as to have attempted a "corner" in the n:rket. Tlw -CA'aC13:8 -The f,Hllow1irr is : suunnti - f the chdns againist Great BP;-itain >rI'l los es by tihe Confederate cruisr; wl;h% were Ii!td by the Ameri car Coall ni.ioners to tihe Geneva Confe. rence uinder the WaAhiigton Treaty: By t' e Abibiua........... 6,547,609 86 ,Y t ihe B oso ............ . 4f)) oil By tire Chick:iaaga....... ..95, 654 85 By tie Floridi..... .. , ,6 34 By tie Geor-i.i.............. . -.3,976 5o BY the Nisvi Ib'............ 6 ,536 7i, y ite R-tribiion........ .2t,:;:i4 5. II V thle .N11ie............. . 5 , 5 4r OnfI By t!le Sliv.--IodI i.......... , I) I)y tire Sunit'. -- ......... . 1 1, 5 83 By lire Taldbb ee........ 5711,9.55 55 Total..... ........... $17,9oo,6:;J 47 Furlosses from increa.rd Iar premiiiiii........... 1,121),7'15 15 $1 ,i2 1,4:!18 61 The above et:braces the direct claims only. The indireet claimis include losses sustai-ed by the sale of 774,)00 tons to foreign owners; figures estimated at W)5,000,000;and, finialh., the conseqien. tial da1ages, by the pro!-->ngation of tire var, owing to the moral and other aid cinded Iy Englan- to the Confede. ratos durg its co.tirVanCe. no-Fiatio J,stice D.avis fur the Pres idency, by the L ibor Refrri Conven ii, ; cor:nuus to be ser i"uAiy di,eussed bV memlberiers of both political parties rer. a;;l so *ir from there bing any 1tienpt to d icred:i and beli ttl it even Rnane whiWistration eubicans, as t: tedI in a par: Ii: dispatIch sent hence, eieral RepurrWinn. Sena1torrs arr nd mem rot on y a~ miret r'2 h hatt t w1 n d i comie propubr a ti. The Political Out-look i n South Carolina, as Review ed by Rev. R. H. Cain. If the present movement among the clansmen of the different parties means anything, there is a serious shufiing in the camps. The organization of various orders indicates a solidification of the ,trenigth of Republic.'s In the State. The calls fur conventions of the Repub!i cans, and the renewal of fealty atnong the Democracy-the policy of concilia tio, which is the de-ared policy fur the future among them as toward the colnred element-shows which way the ni iid i., hlowing. ih dde-spread discorttent ailolg Republicans with the prese.t ad minti:itrtion, and the enormous outlay of moneys to meet the requirements of Government. which necessitates addition a! taxation, calls loudly on the people to consider their best interes!s in the com ing caimpaign, whether there should be any change nade in their present law makers aind those who direct the affairs of State. There are so~me facts which carinot be ii,taken by the most care!ess observer-namely, that extravagn.Irjce has been the ruin of the finances of this S;ate. The needless expenditures for military organizations, for ta-ntninhl hun111dred of needless officers in the Stat, which were created to make a good sutt place for some hangers-on to the Rep lb lican party, who could not render any practical good to the country, for the paytnent of hundreds of attachs!s to the General Assetnlly, who ale but a bur den to the tax-payers, by the needles. expenditures for comniittee roo ums,wiiies, brandies and whii-key, for every rooI, for cleiks to committees, aid a thousai.d and one other needless extravagances. A'l these things the people shou:d in quire into. The contest %%ill dvubtle, be betweet R. K. Scott, F. J. Mses, J. L. Ori, Reu. hen Toni soo, Judge Melton, Atterney General 1). I. Chami,erlain, 1). T. C,,,. bin or J. L. _Nagle. These are the most pruninernt iuw.-Mis,ionary licord. We ! arn that the 18th, inst., is the day fixed for the arguient of Messrs. Johnson and Sanber2r, onl the -questions that they raised here -in the Ku Klux cases and carried up to the Supren:e Court of the Country. We are informed that the celebrated advocate )avid Dud Icy Field, of New York, has offered hiis semviees to unite with Messrs. Johnson and Siaubery, in the cry important questions at issue. The points that will be riised by these distinguiished lawyers are great and vital as re:pects perscnal libel ty aud federal powers and uiilitary law. It is a iatter that concerns nut oidy Southeri States but the whol country, for civil liberty aid 1abe Corpus w i:1 Ie on :rial. We shall a-i iuth such inteet :ni gre:a cncei i the decisionc uh ieb shi:i be tngle u:i,t Wr debate :m.nJ gi.]'i .t. Aluich hanc u c-on the.nt, and w:e are gratilledt Terms Cash. Good on Butler. A rather amusing story is in cir(uIa ion at the expense of the eminent ge'n- K leman from Massachusetts, commonly alled, "Old Strabismus." At the Pre-i lent's leve the other night, which was lensely crowded, an old lady from -the nterior somewhere, in a fainting cone.i. ion, requested her husband to get her in ice. "Can't be did," responded "hub," in ome irritation ; "there ain't no refrea. nents here." "Don't believe it. Didn't we get plen y at Belknap's the other night!" the cod woman said angrily ; "now go and ret me an ice and sotue lemonade." "I tell you now don't be a fool; there Lin't no refreshmiients, everybody says ;o," grunted the lord end master. - "You are quite nistaken, sir," said he lon. S. S. Cox, wbo happened to he ear, and who never loses an opportuni y to put in al,ke. "Thf- president al vays provides substantially. Thqre is is hurler, whose bu.inesb is to show In. lies to the supper room," and the Hon. itile jester pointed to General Butle:. 'You'l find him a little stuck up aind :ross, but you musn't mind that; tell iin to get you terrapins." This was said so gravely that the two itruggled through the crowd to where 3enleral Butler was talking to some la lies. "I say, master, I am told you are the )utler," said the man. "I'm Geineral Butler," replied Old 3tratpi.smus lilesantly, thinking the tAwo ;ouie country people filled with admiia ion of his greatness. "I don't care whether you are a gelse a butler or not, but my wife wants omne terrapir,s and lemonade." "Sir ?" storted old B. in amazement ind disgust. "Oh ! don't take on airs, old c((k. .;oine now, hurry up those terrapins." "You must be drunk, sir! you mu-t >e drunk !" ''No he ain't," screamed the wife. "Il e's a Good Templar ; he ain't drunk, )ut I guess you are." Roars of laughter greeted this, in which S. S. Cox was forced to join. Gen. Butler reddened in the face, and began puffing his cheeks out in the Most vio erit manner. "I don't understand this extraoidinaiv ,.rhduct. What do you want, sir--nhat, lo you i ant ?" "Terrapins, I tell you." "What do you take me for, you cussed lool ?" roared Benjamin. "You call ne a cussed fool and I'll hit you on the snout," screamed the man. At this juncture an officer of the police seized the befligerent hu,band and l%d rim away amid much laughter. Bu:le, urnring suddeily, s"aw the tmisvhief mra . r. ", ox, didi y.u do thrat?" "WL, I owe terrapinus, anud l'ill~a yOU, nd thiat-I'il pay; you." "I he ' i n-: Yod bovinl awtay. .."iian'-n to ,;', spea~k tnow." . smn zi.?: ''I umua.e to dk.i . , -ri~ * e . - * * . e .. r