Pratt's Astral Oil. The undersigned, having been appoin agent for the ale of this ee!ebrated Oil, forms the citizens of Newberry that it Se obtained at his store ony. Jan. 31, 5-tf S. F. FANT Seed Potatoes. 150 BARRELS of the fol!owin- tbr: Irish Potatoes, specially selected for pl 1 Jug: . EARLY RO,:E, EARLY GOODRICII, PINK EYE, PEACH BLOW, JACKSON WHITE For sale at P. CANTWELL'-, Main street, Colutbia, S. C, Jan 31, 5-St. GEORGE JOHNSTONE, ATTORNEY AT LAV . NEWBERRY, S. C. OFFICE ON LAW RANGE. Jan. 24, 4-6m. On Consignment. 1,000 Bushels Seed Oats. 300 Prince Edward's Island. ,Prime lot, for sale low by W. 11. WEBB & SON. Jan. 24, 4-tf. Bagging and Ties. Large lot Bagging and Ties, on hand a f1~r sale at reduced pricee, by W. if. WEBB & SON. Jon. 24, 4-tf. - Olive Soap. 50 Boxes Gertn Olive So4p. for sale i usually low. W. II- WEll & NV1N Jan. 24, 4-tf. FLOUR. 100 Bbl%. various grades Flour, on b.i and arriving. Also, Gzuanot. W. iL W Ei & SON. Jan. 24, 4-tf. POTATOES. 100 BARRELS of Plming Potao61, all the approved varieties, just rceeived ut for sale at the Warehouse of W. If. WEB3 & SON. Jan. 31, 5-tf. LARGE lot of LAlD. 8LT, sUG.A. -SYRUPS, &c. W. I. WEi;li & SON. Jan. 24, 4-tf. FRESH GARDEN, FLOWEI TREE AND SHiRUiI. EVE.tREE: FRvIT AND IEItB SEE1s. PRE!-A] Y MAIL. A coi.iEF ANi) jitD CIOUS ASSORTMENT, 25 S41TTS NITHER CLASS. $1.00. Tl1.E sl cL4SSEs. (50 PACiETS) F(r 5 ALSO. AN nuIMENSE SToClK 0. o-N TEAR GRAFTE Fi-T Tas. Ma FRUITS.FRUIT STOCKSX.Yr N FUu:r ORNAMENVAL and EVE.:GitEEN EE, LINGS. BULBs. ROSES. V!NE-s. 1101> AND BoRER 1r.ANs., &c . &C., l most complete assortment in Amerie Prepaid by mail. Price, Cattalo#a to any address, also trade lists, grazti Seeds oa Comnission. Agnts Wan B. M. WATSON. Old ('lany Nu series and Seed Warehouise.lyawioati Mass. Established 1842. Jan. 31, 5-2tno. THE STATE OF ' MUTII (CAMR LANA, C(CNTY QF UN!ON-CPU WT C COMMON PLEAS.-Thos. M. Like. Clerk of said Court for Newherry 4e::nt Plaintif, aga inst John L. (G.:non and M.a I. Cannon htis wife, lhlen:dt-L nmo:2i for Relief- [Comnpiint serve i f iym nir stock% 11ene1rai chan.i , to:zehor Will I; ;l : ti . 1 , T 1 l 0 .11occ 1Z1ion m11 res..t::;y:n ititroduee and1 recomn cie El;-:i io :;e ei:*z-,-:. of Newbevrry, andl ii ch iniio rQ' goicnirally, as vo n;_ m, woti r ileil co:tidelice. .1.A l0t rol*'I 4I(d It the 5:1 1e ti:ie ret:rn tl.iiNs fOr t] C.aly hoNsph e.,teeIn :.: t bhrge 1.,owed oniil m ile p;ls. I o~ L A MN tiT UL _T, ' A) Jan (10M IN. -IN D. + A ci d Phospiate Of LsI Me e Pric= ;25 Cash, wi.h Usual AdIva::ce Time. Tol[S kri! i mpe or uler !te suz!eri tteinc of )r. S T. JIE TN I:AV EN EL e t.. itwas intro hiced by ti Cotapainy tv r-ears ::cl.:ienl i:s use ha-; ftaily :it'esi-di v:IluIC. 200 to 2.50 poutndIs of thits article pi r- aCre, pIropery coItipoted with thle sat weight ot ci 'ton 'eeli, furn ushes :hC pbinIt wvi:h aiFEl1 i'!L!%E!: of~ the. hi::he.t exeC paIred ni ith this ri.c!e. as by* plrted dire ti ty th' ' cr anli mnerinto aI til'ct-ci s F i liera , e o -i''l pl. 'er .' icl1 Cil e For -:r.g I ni rinted diri.etions for cot .'mi' T lfj GIAN() C"MI.\NY, No t, E . I ' li i i NIo'. 1 :utd 2 A thni Whir'. Chark- stoin, S. C. JNt I . RETFsE & Cti. Getner: .\.:cnts. N v. '. dIS-:3m. tk A GODS Stewart's Corner FA' LL & WLNTER GOOD ( S' ELEC'T C21 IRA( TNR. LF . It i 'Lai m.\ .i il Fa'ORYI) ~ Y \llIN. byV the who' li'N 1 .1 P IITLA&. c ICYTII E. T.\!f . NI.\IL ' 5'TATrioNii:Y. INK. P'EN We1 hipe to) saitisfy itn uality a prie. Se p 27, 30--tf' TIli' SI'ihCIl IllE.! hats constantly 0' hi ow. de,a!o wich1 he is prep:n to Mri h at*, *iery' teasonable' rates, wi prmup' 'es .1 d espaitch.etfr'e ailod n O:hlv :e l'entiI fre fch :1.i1hd a te .rt r er day. -- Tha:.hfu l '. for p;r:a ,th n o :'r 1 : i - i t ih p r-'d. to rtem A. C. CllA'M A N Newbe ~rry S. C"., J::d :l. Land to Rent. I ill Ii , ;n t n t N :urday, the I".'th day~ e:i br:a r . enth Jr:i . . - Ihe hg NV 4Y4k re t >e IN ofZ V -RI.,A -o -. WlLe XJ 1 & CO. ., ' 151 Ea!t Piy. h: . C. . F >r- furthef r iw*,w ..ato q1i:1:1hies - . . . . Ws;...cro . N. C , An:- ist 21-:t,1 1. Frthe 1large,t prIAue-iol ('r Coz:on to the aere 1. LOi h P . C.u :-s.I % Fj:I m n.1. I- . For :whre:pro .-J1ti 1 "f , %V a h o th ae rv, 1 .(w!I I h . . 1 FI--% : -;.:;z- 1: heaboVe r u:or oced with the: ,e ul' 11- : ln etlzrno e W; Ftr lzu .o o I S 'ALMIGTo~. . C. ::ent at -I Chrlt:. or O iTE E .is C LiMlI Lce .III.C:e.,ter, I. CElI.IZ~t er t,ro.-xv. I. I-: I Co TY I;.- tC. e- U To l'.vLLP . .11rm *. F.,q.,IL Set ary of:ILlt e- th 1: . th C rli a -.I Ch.trh>t:c IL .L C : .Son ra tise Ib Steven 1 Ci:r'' n n1 ed pound of Crolia: Fe tibz .r. Th1.e iti in dric, 15. P be.,Led.. n i: Sn :h 15: o 1y an,i pbIn!L.- I :he a:r !y butI2owin to0 Cte si:enIt Ln:i ::LI,I;j th 1cst ~r. Jun . Fir.,It work lingIL It w: 2 run:LroiL L i 1:i a.. halfI thove L I rnb. II &2ic e 1' n .:: !I the ' 1i l l thw toI IL rvI: 111 I I I:.,- : I a s:a Il w!t a)C hIoe 1with aII sw.-p~ 1 1.1 I-- L ide. : * hoed caehIII IItime,L - w i I . - I:: ':oII five .tie Ls. lI I'o::VnLIe-. : ' -v I" VI 1s t'ein...................51 2. 1 ' .........410 3.1 l'i..k..n:.....................41:1 1:>:)..................................1ti T..... t:............... .... ......... .2 .I!' \':N & C L 1.iT IN. I c-r:Li'y I weigh.. -d the L e:LIn Ii(cked in theL < I-o .: 1 II571 . W .j jAi.'l A r *y r. *-'o -.::a . ItVE' : - . :E TILL. w.-I I . .x .I,.. i: Um o Io C I. . I ' : L ' 71\'. I. - h -. .- a ' o ! rtI Fertilir, aIt. F . - .b Ir ift Do!Iar1 -.. .. . .. . -.. . -r, * : th in Lr., ::t7 p r ec:i. .e. : -i.od : u ae M.o. k.)m. 1I C. S1 . IMANUFACTORY, 31i . JUIIN Di(V LI-. 01 I. 1 :P :e .!: o fi ,-I L .21 II LL-n Es I . o ir I ha... .Lale il rfcoya I1l1 . -' SII ;e rI..'- atI 1:: 1* I\Lah::i Istyle,Iall; ILk 110: . : I- Iba'- I 12 IS L cc be .... W .u2 :..- - a-ap:: 1nW.: LTp- .L We1 ha:-1 .-ILlo:esek :Sd A DOLL-AR SATEO DOLLAR MADE! ATTENTION THEN Citizen of LAURENS, NEWBERRY and the surrounding countrv, it' yon woub, m:ke relectiou'rom as LARGF ani VARIE) and CIEA P an assortrment of ffods as were ever brought 'to Newberry, call it the Cormer Sture Under the Hotel. 1v stoek is fu wland em brace, ;hnst verp hing which can be caled for, cither ill DRY GOODS, W1I ITE GOODS, HEAVY GOODS, BLANKETS, NOTIONS, CLOTHIN (r SH O ES. HA TS, CROCKERY, Grainite% ile 11miesputisat Factery prives. AND Wx? 0 C1711REY'" A fi:',l ass;oronint, and, will soA i t im a!% LOW ai ihey can be boug!:t i.: Culuiubia or I J--. ni.-jto GiVE U.1E .IGIXNS FoRi Cli,511. Come r a:1l try :1-h lore ou bly else The Hjide-t PriCe Paid for COTTO N. M. FOOT. Oet. -25, 4:1-T M1 FAL STtHK! IN STORE IN., INW CM N N 1 beautiful FALL s'To':K of FOIlEIN an d DM.-:T IC DRY GOODS, WhIlchl ::lVC bCel Slected with especial : arf, n:d which we eel : i will give in lii'lld satisfactioi, hoth in styles and I be foun i CHOICE and CHEAP, .1:a consists of I <2nbaz1ieS. Polinsh. Silks, Tnriins. H.[asiery, I fandkehiefs. Fane Ioods. N tions. Pe~rfumery, SIIAWLS & CLJQAKS, Fo:- the ladies; and for the gentlemnen AS MERfES, Ul OA D)(CLOTI IS, JEANS, SHIRTS, Hats, Shoes and Boots. IN GROCERIES St-( A lS. (COFFE ES. BA( ON. (CO!N. B.\( GUI :l0 TTES. &c. -ve mone by) geCYIv tting cheap) goo'ds M. BARRE & SON. HaLve oni hand and are Conslaau/ly llecci1ing, SU:PIEhS OF IiARDW'ARE, CU/TLERY, Bagging, Ties, WO00DEN. ARE, Etc., Etc. U iOElNI E, consIistinug in paert of icn. La:rd., W1heat and1( (or Flur . i R Iice. Sugar~3. Coice. I S~tarch. Soap. Te2. Me1'o3, ('annued (G od. Corn. Oat.l. 1 lay ll i.ilD !E o ssig i at Illrs and2( Muli' Shoes. !1. S. Nails. Kniives and2( Forks. PIcket Kn2ives. Fils. (" iTee MIills. B rus-hes.all1kindsu1 Fie Do .s, :pades. Shuin l*s, ior.)12: Wagz'u TUires. Tlubs. Jugs and - u. 2: J-r+ GROCERIES AND Haiving recently purchascd in the best markts in the 6t.-tes, with Cash and with Great Care, A Iarge stock of HFAVY :nd FAMILY GRO CEtiF,,, embr.nwing vvery :iele usinally founi in our liae. w" r-zpectfilly invite our friends and the public -cvrally, to EXAMINE THEM Before they nake their purchaiem; as we a1Tre deterniined to Sell as Low for Cash As such article, c:n he soal in this or anv other interior tarket. We re offering our B. 'ING and 11ON TIES, Of stip-rior qpvality at Ani wi!l kep constaintly on han a ,upply of the same. We aliq keep oil b.md141 ALL TIIE IlE,2 Suycral of tho boat and Most Popular FER TILIZERS Known to tLe publie. which we propo e to sell ai low as aiy of equal VLLC. WC w:i al..) purch.,e all kinds of PRODUCE at the lluGH EST MARKET PR ICES, And .ll any kind of produce or good< Con1 i t ;s on the m,sz reaso:i.:e tern, and to the l t iv:ta-ze. Or gool, :1re now arrivin. nn:1. We have made Suvh arr:tliretn:S is vil vtbe uI Uo repcitih our stork fhr1111 m iN tifile is we iny fiid necess:ry, on the zuo:t adVanta geonus tern. WC sh:dl enaleaor to mlrit tIe confidene,. and hopet to receive the patrolge whieb h1s hecreto.'6re vh:tro.-terizied our:uins rela tiuns withi the trtadi-.g pUlic;. H Ai01I & -p. 27, 39-tf. 18, FALL & WINTER.I8l r L ([IIXl lIO SE OF WIUT & CUPPOCK NO. 2 MOLLIII N ItW, Is now supplietd witi a fill and elcnt a - so rreLvt of CLOTiLTN( AND) .GENTS FU ii NISlf1N(. GODS, Embi r.icing all DESIlRABiL STrYLE*S AND) FAIURICS. Eitherr for Mt'n, Bovs or You:hq. SI iTS of aill kindik, frm commhlon to ?u perfinec, AND AT A LL (mil DES IN PIttrES. TND)ERWEAR, SHIR~TS, (if. VTS, &c., Hats arnd Caps, &c.,.&. Andi al at M()DE!!ATlE P!'!t'E Boots and Shoes. Fine Calfhand se-wed dieos lioots. Shoes~ & Gaiters .l-ble soie w. I' .kin........... hip hanid P'-'i lIenvy Di,tchiers from 9 to 13 tiest i)'ile Sol-eI Id aotans~ for MrnI & 1i0yd. Sep. 27, 39.-tf. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. EXPEPIENI'E IN TIlE USE OF TilS I uano1 for the pas six years i ttIhi S:ste, for Coitton and I oiri, hat:i> fi ar es thi.-itt-d its charater for et eellnce .is to rendehr coim Ilenilt li:nI*ees:tr v. In accon'..ace with the e.tstablish,ed p*oicey of' tie Cotumpuniy t) frish thle best Cion eenitrted' Fertil zr at. th:e lowest co'it 10 Son$tunirs, thi5 on.liio ilpt into :nirket Swhich ihie CtopIny lis enabiilledl to doi by reasont 01 its largei teitities .unti the reduced ST.h et ppli e pt int are, as heretofore, prepairedI urndr the per R1venies, Chlemist of tihe Caiittay at Chtarles.ton, S. C , henlct, platnters mayzi re-It assured thit its qUA L.ITY andti ClO.\IPO SIT IN is the samte is li;O.tlhere lofore sohli. Alti thetprsentl low pirice cevr ac phlantedl can be ferl iil ~'iwith 0 pounids of Guairol' at a cotiI nost ceed.ic; thie presirit iahie oif 8.1 poiti ofh cotton, wihile e'xper itine has shonwn thatt undier fhviorablie condtiiions o lea.:l andu eniva; tiln the crop is ineedC' by tile apphie:tioni frotm two t) thr eefolt the naturail calpi:ei l of ite soil. Hience', lulr no li iitioniili r'nthlt its applicationl fail t o comlpeniSate for the outhay. Apply to J. N. RI)HSON, Agent Pacific Gui:ano Coimpanly, N'o rtS Bav and NoA. I and1 2 Atlantne W hrf, Charlceton, S. C. JTNO. S. REESE & CO., Genoeral Agents. Niov. 29, 48-Smn. MILLINERY! 3(YYU[ RYf 1!7 MY stack of the above goods'is NOW COMPLETE. Conmtingit of tiioct ll of thet NOVELTJES OF THlE SEASON, Atnd at seniwi:t LOWER PRICES Give tue a call and see for yourV selves. Ut D. MOWER'S. A pr. 5, I1-tIf. Nomuilutionl for Sheriff. J1. Edl. l'tron is rei;---: ully ttu:siu Important to COTTON 1'O'0 FI!) A SPECIAL 1'.i,i'Tl.1Zi1, prepare,' Gompmy., Baltimore, for the cottun roe Fertiizers sold in the South. -It hIs been used by several hilidred ga for :cur seasons, wit;i the toiIo-singI It increa Ithe crop !ro-n 73 to -'m i1 ThI cro-- p ik I:o) a fl*.-ted-.y u t . it, , , . Is rnrcp, th'15 in-mnz :.w i: eril, w.1t, r to i n: m S" I'podued,sri 1: b t 1-r .Vs o c : Iti ni :c ,, )Ivo :9m!e,W I: t!II;:IEa r1-e fr H lne ii o tePtruvi I.NiNEin ERRY ni6l also bel fil:ved by WM. F. N.NT' AC .. W. 3I : . k : m . r 'u hlUK !'.TINT C , A.:ts a I S UPE R-PHO)S1P Thto (f kst Sup1r-Pfsph (n ri i, of fN Ur.. aar uHS . 1 04.'1 M NI.('.L .31A C I -ER d --Ll . L -Lill A AdZltur_at or A1brbent OS1\11 an d uu. JI NINETEEN YEARS ( I:itrodunced in 1852. QUICK ACTION AND PERitA slinony of hlundreds of Well-k riety' of (.rop andJ sol E*e KINSMNAN No. 128 EAST BA LoivELMA-: & WIll-I-:LEC. . g.1t'. Ne' -ir - L' 3> I ~ A. J. I. T aT br.z1r th:m f a n .r tbs en in t i.i tiOiu .t;ilmtm,f *toets its cit tmri sing ev" JrJ. t7iAP&RENT Cas, Passnt wail. Ve I 1 LAGEANDTFI st c S'ii tomi' cit o r ti iistL I Stirt, )rssig ~'Wt~r Ou Ft i' . Imae thitw REPOSITOR Cotton PlantenT 1:.) B !V:.jTEiS '.\ TEN j'. h i e. th'. cliim to be Of the hi.bes: grade . ers in N(.:h aind .olth. Carolina an- Ge -es:dtv : or cent.; it r-*.in .: ii al'. case. * - ut at or.. 1it i 'th be T i - '' it oli -i- e.1:::) i t ne ' l qwtne i (0I0d t: )ef!a f e the get. Ordi fir 17pper Fou It (arc-l.1, or -J 1U L0Vti'. t. IN N ..1 i17T! VP I~ .A I C 50 it'rNT k!-!* AN! \1 -. C, 1). N.) S.L:t. S:!r (':.k... N :r-:, ' A1.. : .ctury op,-- fi:e iwype'i ;t. :2 timi:s. 'F PRACTICAL EX?ERENCE.' i i e . 99. 1859. KENT IFROVrYEV7 7 T SE 5IL. iown Manlters in Its Favor 'o Cery I bntuia. E.Areic Adverst e .mons. e, pa,-yabR%e 1Iov. ',L.t, 1871. S 1 : Sl' 1 ti CAROLINA, T, CHARLESTON, S. C. berry, S. C. Jain , -., W --7 --e-x N : -: r- - -- aure at $45 Canshi $51 Time~ (with e-m-set it. .\ No. 1 artice. cCAUGHRIN & CO., .tns h'or .\'ev:ljerry :iid ]laurens~ -L . w a .. .L. ;C e ' u "'T.' WF [ .sTV,A ED.AYN A riv\le )tockI 1.1 iL\NT2f PANK) in n-.~it d .: .tt: .-a: o L.ei ta. ltu: iL iiI t I. .)N.. .\N! T DAD: * .it.. iiL L T:-t.\ E .>iLt. ti t ?e T.\ N ni. f' iilTi- i:fl'. AuN i d ,i '' N I) . . .IM I ii I. i .t El \'t.ia iE A .caso:, . by the inC,g nrlly. r'o fo thi y iu t of,lh i!! a'i < a:e amoni eti' h:o he:a'iu pit ub te p.tig rte oreeasn 31&CilT t-ES 201 ':lt S Tm .y < F>:D r.. t I10, Si FI A F\IY A b nvieo OGC) pi!E **Eli I: L S. The t' sot en < *ce.. ri s. ne. tet - wih a ..rety f oh--rF.n.:h.h:a i t ei, a . Di: .10 ' !0 1 inlui:> . .3E% STIThNEPY II1 E. R. STOKES HAS jner uiwneJ, in the new and haum somet fmilifi:.- immeitEOV 0o1Ppoite 11h4 )' PNe-ix i1lice, oo Main Street, a CUMP43e stock of Dr-. STATIONER Y, Conpri-ing Letter, Cap and Note Psper, of all sizes, qixuhtics and of every descripu-o; F!:t P'apers of'( i1. 1'.nmy, Do0ble-Cap, 31, dium, Royal, ,uper-ltovtl, and Imperial -Cs. wbich wi;! ie ok! in any quactity, or incinufurn:-d iio lh;Im% l'.iks of any -ine. and ruled to :ay p:arn, andl boud in aky style, at hort lo:ice. EN V I01,01ES j rn en1less variety-all sizes, colors and qn H -RLANK BOOKS Of every variesy, Memoraidum and Pam8 ai 1oki, Pocket loiotks, Itnvoice and L,tter IW s. Receipt Book,. Note Bookq. ARCIlIE's and OiAUGHTSMEN wfi find a complete stock of materials for their use. )r:wing Paper, in Athes and rt,ll-l lristol Boards, 'ostaiI Paper and Board., () I Paper, l'encilk. Water COlors, in cakes and boxes. Brushea, Ciayons. Drawing Pens. SCHOOL STATIONERY of etry description; :t great variety of amn venint: and useful articies for both Teaclrs and Pupil6. Photograh .\ibum1, Writing Dobki. Pcwt * t'ios, .a, with boxci, and a coummlos variety of FANCY ARTICLES. r .Ine, a most elegant stock of Gold Pms and Pencil C.Les, sumperbly-out4 RuAwer Goods. g. INKS. .'I.lack, IlIue, Violet and Car4iue, .aWift and 'opyins; Mucilage; Chss xrid Da. glimmon Men and Boadi: VidliVs4i6d W9d din- Cards, and everything usually kept th a Fir-t Class Stationery Hem-1e, WVicn the .subscriber intends this shall be. ie! will still condnct his BINDERY and BLANK IOOK MANI'FACTORY and l'A PERIs:LIG sr'.\MLIsIMENT, whieh h-n;A beii in succes-ful operttion for over -vth r s ir in this State, and to which he will continn to devote his own personal at ttinion. Ili, stock will ie k. pr tip fall and compieri an1 is. prices will bee found alwa reasoible, and he hopes to have a share of patronage. E ' R. STOI:ES, Main Street, Nov. 15. 4(;-ttf (po-itc Pl-muix Offico. %CLOTHING OT SE OF CHILDS & WILEY, 'OLUMBIA, S. C., ARE daily receiving the. FINET READY-MADE GENTLEMEN'S GA RMENTS that have ever been of fered in this market. No Custom. made can surpass them in' inish or style or eqjual them lit price. HA TS. We keep the best. The Star and True Fit - SHIRTS W\e kee~p constantly oni hand, and wifl take orders for half dozen er inere, :mid WARRANT A FIT.. tve- Sep :2i, 30-">m. .U LOOK lE TO E. YOUR I NT E RE ST, hi G~ H EST t Ii :m' i:t. NiY ine of WATClIES is now fall and .1omplet', :mdli the puhtic mnay de'pend os af gettiua;:lhe b,est at cte lowet.t posisible fig iii.mar'-, a.i mny rue.h:mee am -umch -hat I dee7 O. e-prto fann any tn -t.r n- Ih-:eal in -lore aunstantly arvn hi a alil the nneti' ,tyles of t.aties' Sets. in D)is 'i.-v-il. (oril. Cameo, E:rn.aenn, G;old, Jet, &c.: leant dei:uns in Uih-ine, Bracelets, h larmsi, Li-ket-r, &c. ; the latest and most bi-an'if.? aittern<~ in solid Silver and heav te::i Wa:;L*-e Moods. suitel! for brida!, o Ib- iing in, allrnhes, b.y the best wrk UISAAC SULZBACHER, COj '{LIUMI.\, 8. C., -' .II ?, -f'3* Colu-nhia NoelUueoo. or.! * ~ - . I will sellall my stock of DRY GOODS and N OT IO N S, at "greatly reduced prices, from this date, as both ~money and room are Swanted for a. large Xsto2k of Spring Goods. :r~Ggeat bargaii~ #ill be Ce F. JACKSONa COLUMBIA, s. C. Get the Best. (Vf'TON FOD is) mmply thme best Tey tilzizer sold in the S.;he.rni SIates. Ca c c W M. F. NANC~E, Agent for Upper S. C.,