HOUSE TO RENT. TO LET, the House and Lot formierly oc cupied by DR. 0. . MAYER. For term.s apply to hi, -on, 0. B. .\AYER, Jr. Jan. 17, 3-tf. Dr. GMTTLIEB FISC'S BITTEBS. This preparation of the -eat Scientist, Dr. Gott ieb Fisch, of Germany, Is based on the fact that, as all materials of the body are derived from Food, so al Vital Force, or Health, is derived from the Force stored up In Food. Dr. Pisch's Biwers enables the System to liberate and appropriate these Forces, creates Appetite, cures Dyspepsia, with its result ing Debility and lack of Nervous Energy; so tones the Stomach and Liver as to make Constipation and Biliousnessimpossible; re Inforces the System so it can tide over badresnlts of changing climate, water, &c., and better endure th. demands often unexpec tedly made on Its Force and Energ-y. Ladies in de licate health, aged persons and all emaciated an weak after sickness, will m e- rapidly strengthen by .o,ng this great preparation. Nov. 1, '71-44-ly.e.o.w. Sheriffs Sale. State of South. Carolina--County of Newberrv. BY virtue of sundry executions, to me di T*eed, I will sell before the Court louse -at Newberry, on Saleg-day in February next, lfineteen Hundred and Nine ty-Five (1,995) Acres of Land, more or less, situated in Newberry Cour)ty, being the W. F. Counts' place, conlaiiing THREE IUNDiRED AND SENENTY-FIVE (37.3) ACRES, bounded b3 land1s of T. V. Wicker, and lenry 'Koon. The M. D. Suher place, containing SEVEN IUUNDED AND TWENTY (720) ACI:E~S, *nore or less, and boamded by I bmd. of Lu cirda Brooks, Gen. Ftltmav, and others. And the 1. 31. Suher place, cont.:iing NINE HUNDRZED (9o) ACRErS, nore or less, and ounded by lands of R. -C. Swindler, and Esrate of Beard, levied on,as the property of the defndan;ts, at the suit of Jvaves A. 1,nd, for another, v-. W. F. Goits, Ivy M. Suber M. 1). Su ber. $I).54 Also, FOUr T11ND~RED (40o) -CRES OF LAND, more or less, situated in New berrr County, bounded bay laiids of J. P. Pool, Jacob SchnTpert and othe. 50 And, also, six mules, thirteen 02ad of cattle, thirteen hogs, one ware, wagon, huggy, corn, fodder, cotton, Iltmttiun toolN, household anal kitchen furnirure. Levied on as the propertV of W. S. rhal iners, at the suits of Jesse Dobbits, :id of J. J. Reeder, agaiust the defend.ait, IV. S. Chainers. 51 TEMIS-CASIlT. T. 31. i'A Y-SI,GElR, S. X. -GI, Per 11. A. U.AILY, 1). S. N. C. Jan. .17, .-:3c. Administrator's Notice for Fi nal Discharge, All persons interezated in the e.tate of Flavins J. Glyuph, dee'd., vil t ake notice that I will al ply :o the Prolate Court for. Newberry Couuty, for at linal discharge as .Admrinistrator as aforesraid, otn the 2aath toc.k. Thue saidl $:oek. t belon..g tob thtc n:nrae of .Johnt Hair.ii dei-' A DOLLA11 SAVED 1% .\ tLILAR_ ME! ATTENTION THEN iiZ:s of L T N.1, NEWi1EIEY and ie surromig I mt: rv if y(-I would mak :letioI froml as L,.\ l:G E and YA AIED) :-d 'll E.A 'i nas,;o*tmit mno goods ais were evi v row:ht 'o New5crry, call11 at 1he Cor.l tore Under the Hotel. MY fzock is full ed embrace.: ;1,lmost very-hin:; which can Ie cAcd for, either DRY GOODS, VITE GOODS, HEAVY GOODS, BLANKETS. NOTIONS, 'LOTII IN G, SIlO ES. IATS, CROCKERY. Granlite% ilte TIiveplins at Factory price.s. A N 1) f-i*l asscrainen. and1 wriil sell t1e11) a.4 MW as ihev can be bought iL CU:mibi-i or sc%hcre. J-OU;i4e to IVE UARG.IU S F0 (1SH. Comne:11nd Try : biefort. -ontl 1vi 'lie Iigh11 .'4 Price Paid for COTTON. M. FOOT. Oet. 25, 4:,-tf. NE GOODS! j1EAP G00*11!! .AT tewart's Corner. 'ALL & W7iTER G00DS Of SE LECT CHARACL1T 1)t. co NsISriNi; oF irnaited BOOTS mlI NJU0E. \irranted lot of lmadies lnd Miises 1ll1-E-. of ."I,rv &k L:urabee's 11mke. 11 AI'S. for 3Iun :11nd Bovs. LEAT. -!I . SA l)I LES. %IAR CUTILER Y a n d II1A I)W.A 1E 2.eralh-. FA('l'01IY Y.ilN. by the while .l andi retail. C8lNS. P'iSTOLS. &c.. &. ASSi-'S. ELI. ST.\lUCII, &\ .YTIillE BLAi~)E. NALS. STATIO NEHrY. INK, P'ENS, ENC'LbS. LIE :ei K EIOSENE. SIN;iE:WS S E WlN G. 31A IlNE>. WXe hope, to s::tisf'y in quality and ice Sep. 27I, 39-tf V ( 'S ~LORAL GUIDE For 1872. TiiE ! irs Ed.~hon of Two liNsm-:n 'IiI:AN copoisyJlst pubilihehd. hii eII l.O=.3, i:id ihlitraited nith oiver Titree 1ildrd Ell.!:I1trvUgs of Flowers aind1 W!O COLOREIO PLATES. tzie arid FlorI at nide in the woh! I f'! *., ien thtrughI direc tionis for 111 enlre oif Fhow'rs andu Vegetables, or A ('brims pris-ni for myv enstomeurs, it fordl .i tiany who app;y by nni, r TIi \ :.\-, ody tie ;uriter thie cot. MAred-, ,JAM ES VICK, din . :, h-t f. U)'I E'T Elti, N. Y. ('0M POUNDI ted Phosphate of Lime, 'Olt CO' IllsTING WIT11 (uO SEED. Tice $25 Cash, with Usual Advance for Time. TIlS article is prepared under the~ cuperin ndece of Dlr. SI'. .JULIEN Il.\V ENEL ex -essly for comiposting withI cotton seed. It wals intro:lcedI by thi, Companiily tvro art aigo. and11 its use h.i< flly amested its itue. 200) to 250 pioundai of thiis airticle per :re, prope: Iy. comip'is:ed wi:h the sameli ith a FE1t 'l Ll%Eli of the highest ecel iee at 'hr 'mali!est coat. A compost pre red with ti< :rtiele. i< hiy printedl diree.. riit ht.m entrint a ist-htst. FEi hibra u.e to pian:ers. Foir su;pplies~ and pri::ied d.iree: Ofns for' Com J. N. ROBSON, No 68. East lii:y:mdn Nos. I andl 2 Art :-nric Whaitf. Chiarleston,i S. C. FOR SEERIFF. r th i ic of herii e en niT le id genetraiil,t binsgali7. 1i eaiV~ tn, rend.: r memlinenitly ale to SIll tii impo~urtatil si.ton. .MANY FIE!NUS. Jan 1it ' Nomnination~ for Sheriff'. hi< ma:ny friends for ine ShieriilaO.v of ,j i'O-n:ty, it the enzm:i e.eior:. We em imu a4e mot i i.eron or hi GROCE R IE S ANIt :iving recently pircha,ed in the bost markets in the Stwres. with Cash and with Great Care, k Irite stoek of H..\VY nl .\MIY GAM I - r1<1md inl oiu le. we'tful!y iuvite our rriendis :md the pulblic :eIIer.:y, to EXA? Mf\E TIIE Bfore ther m:ake their purch:tses: as wo are deterined it) Sell as Low for Cash A. such art icle. c in he .,okd i tiis or z;imy other intt-rior im.ikit. We ,re offTring our B114,ING ;nd IRON TIES, Of upterir ( ulity at VERY iEDLCED RI ATES, f And wi'l kcp con-tzintly on hand a "pply of the sa M. We aldo keep on band ALL T.IE TIME, Suveral of tbc bcst and Most Popular FER TILIZERS Knovn to the pillic, whici we jri:-o-: to sell .as 1ow as any o Oq il .u. WI Ii NE LM.'- K .E T2, IES, And -ili any hind of pro.nee or ::iId co -igtned to !s on the m:int reasu.I.:ble tern:., aInd[ to theet- dv:uu-: I Mr 'iooll are now an Ivi;1z, :andi we have tn -t! ii-b arraw:Imltl111s :1 wV :l n: e -., to repienii our stoc!i fron timvto rime as we* nII.V filld n.ces.sarv, ol ti advat1a grensi! termnz. W :-Iall eneavor to rwrit hecmfidence. -nd h(p to receive the pitr,v:w::e which has heriviof6re charaterv,z,-d our bjusiness reha ti'ls thi n. pubh . Svp. 27, 339-ff. 8T, FALL & WINTER 187L 11l (LOR"Hx(i 11014:~ OF WRrIIT & cPpPK NO. 2 M1.L)11()N EOW, tIalow zupplieil a fU i le;a.; so 1 1n.eIt of CLOTiING AND W.ENTFS FUH NISlH NU i ODS. Embrai;cing all D)ESIRABLE1 STYLE AN FABl1WCS. J:hher*~ fir Meni, lloys or Youth.s. i-C TS of all isids, :o:it conniuont to sIt UND ElGTE.U], SIi ITS, CR .tVTS, 2c.. Hlah and Vaps, &c., &c., Andi all at M:ODERATE~ PRI?'EtS. Boots and Shoes. Pht'.nCl fhand swe~d i ess liuots. t'hoes & Gafters ---'llerOte W.. ..i Seakit.--.--.--.--.--.-.-. Ieaivv l):lthers -- - fromo 9 to l3 l',est tfisle sole P'e:ged ltrogans lfor .\1 & Biys. Sep. 27. 30t-t f. SOLUBLEL PACiFIC GUANO. \ A NEi- F(II TIME. EXPE1lFlNtIE IN Tilt: ESE I)F TIIIS its charatcter for eteCellce .i to rendeir cotm 111tine t nneceSa.i*. Int remotdanc th ..I till ei'tahi hed police' of thme Comapany to urni:' :he ben~ Coit nich~I the (,o;inanymt ih enuh- to doi by reason a! its h i: d lhe redueed co-:t of manuature. The i n t mrheCt thits -seasonl are, as here tfre, preparerd undm,er I he per sol t upriitenden ce of l)r. St. Jul!iar 1!tiveni!, Cheihtt o)f the C;ompanytt at 1-sIred tiat its QL'A LiTY atid C( .\lP - 81.TION is prec.l iiel t t:oe ais thait huere tofite sol. At the pr-eseti low price evety acre plmttd be fertilizid wiith 2l00 poiunds of G:t.l0 atI. a con t e xcIei:ig the presetnt value 0 o pti:nds of cotto:, whiile esperiei(-nee hiaw. shown t under.ili faivorabhle conid2ons of se-asona andi. eolhiva tion the eropi is incrtSeat by the iupphtea iti fromt two to thireelold thoc natural c.apacity of th i:sioil UJnee, untder to condition! could its app*ltion fail to comipenstle lor the Q~Ilty. A !PplY to J. N. ROBU(JN, .JNI. S. I!EF.:S : & I ., (G.nerail AgentS. L.INA,C' IU Nil OF NElCi!-CUUi1T C. . Elizabieth F. Wii:n:in. Adeli::e A. D.d :n L:o nee E*ii. ii iiti her huL li: tI:d. ,t Georg W.t hitn ir i . NWit-mi m-i h, CArna . Whim mw.t Aier Witmanth o th li.D, ei: :t( . MIi.\-'r :id an m ti aion,~wt he i ut ire the eidth.tiof c- nthe Cit pl Cin, Pn-is for th t:'i Io: 0 'caro..lialithin ltwer.ty) iCCy tiern the ervie -s oftthiSummc::ion ou,c teefre ofe thle o tr 01e (Aervice. las.f \If on; faiu nn :mwi nt eber compint within ~te tm foretl :'oi. thtrain:i 'in theo willhapp:y it the Coulrt for the reiif demid Dhited, 9:b -tembetI)-iir. 1S7 L JI N ES .IJONES, i)-C. 7, ,~2-l P 1iiffs! .\ttorneys. FEWILL STOC11 IN STORE A h1aanitiil FA., Si':K of FOuIGN aHdiuEf:- an IEP Sl1 t & C1 00P 8, Wrich hace n.e - ni ;hvf, 1e..cil ae, Sho6b esb anl --iB.d nl gIn ;.. s ts " n.Ia: i u,n PI 'I hi :ek will be 1111m:RTI CHOiE and CHEAP, Calicors. DTliies,. Scotch Plad , .\ly: -as, % UcE %11h1!,z:in. opti n. 1 ilk I. La-ts . h ei ad' )s. o1- b s. Niaw lrIi-c c ivier. ulan dr i Fowv odS. N; ion. efu ev fro l il '. JO' A I RC.0 A110 LT, Hat Soes Sansd Boot, W v Th E. -.4 0 .A. GRON. IR IE. GRCgEin, TIES, Sep t. f. . Whaen in h(itad a.nd are G GR . CIE R IS, Baggng,Bis,. hen. L., :rd. JH C SEEr.GEfS, .!ea!, Caned.. os AN I' IAN Crn. Oats.Em I v. (I 111.1 n. iplls . r inkg o o 'Il ie -in..i a i Locks. a Ken tw t l.- eo .tM1:~ nanw-Pan. .! . i fi: 'l nini rnd FoZ)h-rk c 4 o:srann ~ j-'il ra s . r o ce M ill o, catnr oi i:':1.: Eggi Beaers Ino ad it Irns i. De pmies. Sh-vnls, Fok. C * p ' A" WEare o'Tering this excellent in: tvrest -it 7 p).r c.,nt. por -mnnon. frc WV gru:mant!--. itC to be whwt we r A, J. 10 .Tan.1P. -m T.' tt"-b 'The Best an 3 CI Rs' V\ We are nlow prepared to ex:4:ii oneloo!"' AT ASTONI,TT-SH I c -; J. . & M. WVE wo,I,l c.,rI:e.df th e f e pul, I)Y GOok-4. wiebd we arm bAILY RE verv LOET L Our stock u:mbraces a fuil andI co:maiiv ID T ]= S S Co)n,iitn.: ofl*41ks. Poplin;,. Alvnaa,, Met DU. CAR U.'eresectull rolii aX c U sA! , n i.; \i' ET w n dcilf: PR tfooiI . h Oct. 15,*,- - LARGE AND FINE SToCC or CARRIAGES W. !H. GREENF ELB'S REPSITORY. fraon the. pi-d, sc.~~. e:l. Conetl ! ; e to a li.;.:b I.s'::?;.t troti: u.n:gy. F. .0rown t l t ', Rockn ;--, l'i' . 'i ri an a ws\eo u-m N::. T thebae l .h;: ,a ,n : b-m: rh I :to r . -. i z -oin t a I t ry h:' li s Der. ~,'5 :'::i PRE'E OF SHOES W!iGLS.\LEa R:'T.\! L. OWING i~oto t o F.L i !* oft B03lTS ANI SJA'ES, At arr.::tly IIEI)UCEDi PR!~CE~S. The Stoek is the nwst extensive at best in the mLarket , comprrisingz all th HATS AND AP J. MEIGHAN, Successoor to G. 3. Th'lompono & Co.. ('OLDii!JL\. S. ('. c. : . - -:im. M.AH. BERRY, COLU eiA,S. C., iespee.i ly cals t.i h e t aot:eIo0 of t! it:.sof New'oberry n upp Coni0 his iad ext:ie assortinent of FURNIT URE, ..n,hracir;7 o.ooIIe te selIs IcGr P'AR111LiR, IING and iE R oN. From~f:o the j- s el.o:e tin:ih to ..8 SPO Nr 1' N.\TTiEij?S an Pflo I LO WS :'.nd :- m EKNT.\ L ITEEL Ae i.e p!'- 's:Ito. .nal CG wn::J woier ;t iu ain. an.l e ma0.p. LI s. 11211 cv1 untre- ut~3 Cah-*m - ti -prscn it A. Y),. I I V'A:i iu umref at. .45 Ca. 1 5 Tim( e (ih n i the Cheapest ltren itDvN,1.rice - - -- Itel, PLPTC\, S. NG LOW PRICE . .\ND S MALL PIO'l'TS." L. KINARD, C., dooir Smitb Co'm niiii Hotevl. lie to the larn an c:iaMI ref!y selected Stcvk ti EIVING anld CIPENI.N(, and %%ill sell at 01' n r-.noftemoI poua stle of ' fl W MOS 011091M'qVC-O GOODS., illowa, kc. W e h1:ve a1 f7l lint of -..Id i DPARTMENT -I Shade. is. S'hadel Fi:t itres. &c ,&c. :aatee to p!ese- :he of all, both as .& M. L. KINARD. On).e Itoor South Coimia;,j IIo;el. JOHN C. DIAL, Imtporter and Deer in Enihb & American Hardware & Cutlery," t Iroa, Steet Nails, Cutings. Xill Stones, Bolt ing C}oths S:nat achinee, Circitlar Saws, Mill Irons, Su.vt ears, Carriage Building and Trimming Materials, ('arpeniter's, Biarksmnith ard Tim!wrs' Tools, 1b.a..eicping <'nal Fi~sliing -J A RDW\A R E, AGRIULTUliAL lMPLEMENTS, Lima, Gemcnt, Flaster. Fir.ts. Oi's, French and American 'WinI>,w Glas:a. Guns, ' Eiflbs. Pistols, Shot L4lts, Pow dcr lads,u Powier, Saxot. &c. W1 ''LE.\!.f. A N!) l:E ra:1.. V - ., :: -- ;m MLADAY ULLTIN. WE Alli NLOW DI )NI.A YIY A N UN ivie ud stock of' -.LF.GA NT iUU~Ks ini ee LL. TlIE NEWV AN!) ST.\ND.l::) P'o '.ANDA) imI i.t' !!\TUG:E. AND THlE- ' I LUG I VIt, the best editio:s in sets. iL. . ESPE('1 \L CalmI 1I.\$ BEEN 1'A{EN Itimake Lhb d ieparm",r attractive'. by, the. I eleclion o1r GOOD IlO'3K. combihiing en * vitternment as wel as in:trction to) th< d oungJ. The I,lI.E F~OLi(t' have hid e. it pecial trenition givenl to their wndts th L cs ont by ihe pun'ishers genrtorilv. I'o - for the younfg of aill nges are among tthe 1m11,t bieatiful publicattiouns af the sea.'on and M PCI LOWER IN PI'iCle than last year itBLES ANI) PITEYIR BOOKS. * X"( 1'm EDil10ONS UF FA MILY AXN) Pt CK 1 I [iIB L.s. We' h are j,r itria; I ii - CLt AtE:'xm.t--. Cutotn- Drmwinz Potm. SCTO OL. STATIONERY f eery descriptioli: s gre:tT varietv (t am. 11Pit s11 , taneiul articles for buth Teaen id 'upils. AL&Q, Photogr4 Albums, Writing Desks, Ibt Itov.: et, te am poux.j., .lal A WAM4"at irty oa FANCY ARTICLES. Alip. :n l(p't Cegant tock of GolW r*i 1<1 I'Clll CA czi, supetM.1 -mounuted BuI.b" oOds. INKSI lm-iak, Die. Violet isd Ctrmine. 1t"ite I Copyin; Mucil.we: Che,- and 11.ciz mmnoi l .iatd B-i.-rd: Vi.itinwilnd Wto, W ng Ci-rd,, aend everythiig unially kept in 4 irst (laas S!,ationery Hcn:c, !ich the sub-crlier innds thi< Miall he. [I, wilt till cIIdt hiis INDYIDVT and 'ANK I.1K MANI'VACTUfRY and 11A, -lllIxAN Es r.\llLiSit.\ ENT. whlen teen ill oper:stitn for iert irty years i; fji, -idnw. and to wich r e I! Con:1mi to devote h,i own pteslsttal at riii. ll i, stock will lb k. pt up fall and ip!te. hilli ces Wil be found alwamIs >aI!)em, :md lie hopes to have u share of troll,ge. E R. ""I"OKEs. Man Straft, . -1&tf (Appli-ite 1'1:(Xmix Omier. ]LOTHING H~OUs HILDS & WILEY, COLUMBIA, ,S. 0., RE daily rceiviing the FINEST "'ADY-MAD1E GENTLEMEN'S ARMENTS thiat have ever beau of. red in this market. No Custom. nde ctan surpass them in finish ots yeor eq ual theim i:l rie e kp theIl best. The Star and True Fit SHIRTS e kee~p' contanitly 'on hand, and w'i Le otrders for halef dosen erroe d WARR1ANT A FIT. Se'p 2,. 39--3tu. [EW JEWELRY. WM1. GLAZE, C(JLt'MBI.A, i'. C, 1i1 or opeingI a fine sele'ctio,n of Ladies' .1 'e-'.'s Ea:,tl