The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, January 24, 1872, Image 1

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is PrLlds"IED4 EVERY WEDNE:SDAY 10ATNING, A '\' ; r? "Y C. Ii. Edit* 1n orie: OrS. A eT at exprration of t !me fur wihi sN ~7- The X alu: expiI of sub- Vo V, i EVEP~~Y WEDNEWEDNESDAY MORX NG, JANUAR 24. 172.-i> No.r 4..~*~*; ~pe qiir Sodi'. By h~ p &B, . ~~wkv,~ ' ., -n poe cent 9na0 e Nier of meeti.::wi. hi etari and trta ~~herhef insertions:will be keptiin tilluf-rtIid. Trms Ca-ha. C2 Pua - C . -- ra HAIR JEWEL!,"): r. made to order. Dec 27 5,: THOMAS DUCKETT, Capt D- P. GOGGANS. --Aia:t TUE Sixth ..:r:. : h b .will commenee . r 1872. RGso - Classical, .U;:u - .. 0 English Gram:' w: . y - t: rrimary ............... : o 1upi7s wli ;- ein: of admission to t Ce1n Board cin 1' Princuipal, or i tt per m tii . -:n J. R. THOMPS0Ni.D.%S. (Gradu itc of lhe m::na C eg of Iv .- * :: - r.* .) Office over r c in! Stre. My patien t recei ; :h it . If ! the iatest improvmnt-w: in th po uinn. Special attention :'iv nto c.,rrcectivn of Ir recularities in Chibirenti Tonth. The patroynamge o: te 1thlie i, rec ieetfitfly soliciteti. r r vr : r Sep. 27, 30-ff. GEO. S. !Ir-AC. I''KER, Door, 50sas,- a:d %,! : n ?Fac 1,0 CLlA.L',F( Ns, S. C. -- r This is v -: . . .-. there is i: try orders. Ftorv iand W V- t.o Sep. ;, : - y 0 -~ 00 a ni( -- - ') ! 9 i 0 C9'R SThese -serr~ - . . a and are a prevc:- Ch( -s ar-1 Cever. .Al yiell to :L. :o . 1 ey Axe an antidote to c.~:~ ~ and? I~: Will sve d Ka sic an ; BITTER - * 0? . COTSe ...n 7D t.E T-E DR. L. B. BATES, Having located at Mr. Sim Ilrowzi', thc C'ad1.well leilgborhood. repctfully < his m-ol'essional . vice" to the citize of the conunnui:v. Jml.:1 1-1m1* D. W. OWENS, W HEEL-WRIGHT MAKES AND IEPAIRS BUGIES, WAGONS, &c., Sop On Main Stlee:, niar D.,1po, :i < Corner of road le.ilin:: to Hlelena. ..A1 work wma:l to lie doie in gmt , i 4 is a trb.. .:: Im Irn . W. OWENS. Wi!!!ms!On*-'male C(.4ri(%j Wid1.I.M'l IyN, S. G. V; .S l I E. L.\N u!:l , .\ ih. i. e i h%'e b a 'alcop o on:te t: TN!E 1pigseso,6782. niloe I.Th FAll Se:s-io.,q openill.g d.11 b - .s:ii.o* ui:h the ('o:.e:,ce:.ent E:xi i it I !X NC h~r oid c- . 0 1 th (fI* Bn ioardh i I ou.b ;:shave the fil; b I: * i tfile E.E1 TEl) MI N Ei- SPRING 1'Ward, ineh:dinlg f:.xl, wa;inlg anld 1 L: . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .87 To uinl ('!eeGoilrse. . 15 4)'ti oGee.......j ''I . h.. .. ....... I . .i .tt .t a . . ..i. . . . I N'e artr wcho L-.. . ... 1 PaisreceiVved at anyl ti:.w, andl char.p, (o m ilme they re:11ain. Se.i for a Circii!ar. Jan. , !; .) , 'It T'Ui i*;'i in : :1"I is! F!citch, L:min, Greek, .'.adtmiirti. D;mo eei gi, :and! Surveyin in t!:e, 12 %eks, tromi ist .'va nev, for ONLY $126! I -n to n nah-iical, prat:i1.:d. tho : i.G vernmen ur, parital. C i :at delight ;nt. Seet-ry,z bea nu . :Plvase .11 i .te, I.' I J Wti. D. M1ciLL .1 TV1i',\ li .h1.:;, 1'i~...; 5rrevard, N. ANp.'.ug C .0 T1*711-7 n se.;Atn Openls M: N DA3 .i.k.N. 3,I . Thle cour.,e ol, :trci i,fr.:s Ouiww!h pr!t-i, or wnyt d ot U'niver-ity slidiv, ()r Vor bui! ne.u- 1ife. The, Virgiiii h ryLnN h receentiv cofredu i Shlmlm 11 Aenn.d I'i l;lE 0 !"SiL.t.I '!!,c u i FA0. . W, Pdneipal. ' i4 . '..t 3.. ., ll CiC : f r: nscal D. TlE Exarcihes of th abovo tho l (T L .d o frA: Ii .50 to .. p r .: : Z .Z . , E Iee. 7,Z T- 1 TT. No. 20 Hayne Street ad Hor1bocks Wha: (CL[ARLESTON, S. e. C'7 This iuG thIarge-t and mons't pk Facto4rv oft the kind ini the Siuthernl S:it :4'di ail nr:11ile in thi.s o lineei e firuzin b-: Mr. P'. P. TO.ALE at pr.iees whieh da e:-:n4peiCitin - A pampt w4~ih fiul and4 d't:ijled I iif 44! s..ze. of iDer4, r.:s'he. un-! Uliind., ni he Ii ci4 of eachtl. wvill bei isent free and go -paid, otn rpple:1ion toi P. P.TOALE, .Jtuly 12, 2S-1v. 100 Pieces New Styl Prints. 50 Pieces Poplins. Mohair Plaids. Corded Alpacca. New and Desirabl Styles at G F0C' From tlie New I ork Wurid. The So-Called KLt-Klux Tri Ials. OINIONS OF N o T R. IN PA PF' F~ ~ T11F RA 1) 1.a: t ii u.i 'T.\intI; els ItEi taTN toe \P.s.sT(I THlE orPNo sNs oF 'i.M . .14AINI SON .\N D 11MSEL,F, EY. T'VE F.ND OF THE KU-K,'.(' TIRI.\LS. Tne Kii-.lux trials at Columbia, S.C.. are- at lIAst ait .au1 eUd. They have bena disgr*1a ce to civiliza tion.:u il it is. pcIer hI s becn se the aeevitati ' cv that te couinltyiv ftcls this that tile prosen-i1:1"hVe beenl storl1wd. insli d'; l lor' Pf cit l piur-pose s, they have iw arsed a lInn-lid dlis g *,u~tfr their : titor rather than tha1.t Venu0S !atLe f0lr the Suth wIhIich .is b.esirer, 1ad. asthig Ihlus fiailedi of"tleirt pin!posc. h1ve t in inue"!. In tihe niext theal wi iu e ardly 'a ii 'av -01's m1"y be force to pa1liate. and(I h s a o lo "ze ' 6o r th ie g ross; o . utra ie s uipon l"'w, justice and dleceniCy. whiebh have mnarked their MoUrVSC. Fai'tli ths inivirnVI the ob Jcto a paOf ' 11:1 il- iryU apta fo ite Republican nominee in the ap i iee1 . these tria lkz c h ve t their IlSeS. et is ip<h!oe to-reView I k, inem w jih , ut a e eIn i a ih. asome horror-of*one Of* the w.or:-t form-Is of* le-q)ot;,Ism- LhIa'. whilcb, itself undier thle Jorils of a w. To all out ward upl irce -cverythjilg wVas regu llar ; thle law wa .i pa bongre; a in dictet,11s were foUNdI byl a Fed erII GUra J;I theI CuseQd WTr allowd counsel there ver wit nSe and udge ii01and pleas andI vev ets. and atll tlt ou the p4ra PherNal!ia1 and1 in"cidents of' a due aMin rto of' 0justic(e ; and to tiakiy there wvere divers cout'es .sions of g uilt inl open courlt. as if' even out of' the mouith of* thle pris oner at tie B:u- proceeded a tc:Ii i onv to tile propriety of is i iLJ a:A the existence( of his crime. |Lookitng. benecath thl.e S:Uface 1 horviole travesty 'if j:Istic Up w ears. iln the firit pla''(, in the eve of Congress itself there Up apeared no0 0originial n uecessity for* this KU-K!ux Act. The Forty 1irst CON'ri,ess (a!me to ani (nd on tIie 4th of M are, 1871, oii wa, succeded )by the Forty-second. whieb speed(ily eff"c',ed :i organ- I MiztiQ11 and( It'Mi IeaT y hv the it b to wIjoun. MWrd to ti.s efflIt w ; sclt to Mr. Gr:'nt, wiho ort1 w'h uIrge(l the two houses nott al ur,.n ilt lie cim l' call their - attentimn to somei le".1slmton !Iwvy w''rd"s the cloise of the mnonth, the' dicaited. IL w;as the Kut-Kiux Bill. At ir t the H[ouse wvas strondvi' -inl the Selnate signsl of jinsubori iiatIi appeared''(l; but ii theO end th;e Bili w"as passed!. -if to vi.ndiceate th. >se in~Leber w'hio ~hadI OhjerIted that m> such legisla tifU'i''on warn'e'ry no ~ti the :yItu'!. ' tk ng t i fr an a - rance5 tait e iht the ly pro w-'i'' b begalt Leo oerate hii ,e law The '~ hlecion ilef i on'' ihe-t of Ui '>ber, and on~ th 1t the iflSut ('oLina1 prunao 9 fie i( d -too or ti tue fo th a 'ge in 'r' nt t rceve"o C tie;b t' tw sn v r ited' tha a opotuit shoulb ping mle of his hahi4. I. lie :gro swore- p(,i:t-b Iankd- that lh:bd hevcn flged givng at thle d". Inaid of his mploer, th 1h1 vvit and hour. The phanltrime ately put on the s:-tan i'mlr ,t* ill who swore poit-bbwk hat at the time namled thevir erolplayer wasi. oil, withl them1 illn a !i<tn liel. As a matter of' course the oflicer at onco released the planter, w ;o then askel him if the case wa over. Cert.aiulV, be replied, you caunot be tro)u bled avai. To WhiCh the T)lanter rc!pullded I van h a ve you proved gu iy of (I m111r1dei 101r live dollars. I did Whip that necgro. and. I.-y o"her hnilds SWO mIIV 0oli, as. thy wnidI for t lie s:me III4meV t Ntf i e thev had seel y i ut a IlalS thr''at. I t is on record thant tle o41Lte ' liITue Oil lreinen testim ny, and Vvt it is on thii; Lind ()f twvienee ihat, these K(I-luix tr.i:1S have b'eenc m!iedlw d,lkars pvtr lay ami expells's ws 1 1l pay 11ent, Made out of the Ulitedl tates Treasury to tie witleiches in the iF-ederal Courts at Culum bia, aind all accounts colclir ihat the town swarued with blar.ks. readly oif (lcurse to testify to order. Sauibsidiary to these ulia11\ witue -;c'ri W(vI SCUM1.11-I v"I I lt I II! il'I. the purials of I thcir vi!Ia'es - ,IQatureS who) a\swe' r1l i ihe S1ut hb t'o the .."Jumimers" ofi our. large I Northorn iisdune.dos ,-d. bleur-eyed, filthy wrecks of' bunuaulitv, only too bappy to do rsay or S wear aniythjing 1i?l eurn or present pay. As reqired. tlbse AlSce1e IuwIS appeared beluo the uegro graud juries or aced . wit witlesste46 iu court, ur ea!Ije i and sur-reidered thsivw."es a the Lead men of theu E I-Eluh x lauis, or siTred Lemselves to be arraigued at the bar and there peaded guilty and were heavily ientenced to mIoCk fiLU Ud ic1 p)riSonmllent. Idivts. evel, were nlot disdainced h% tLo administra ion for this latter pulpijs', s V.e judge from the repiort of one day proceed!inIIgs, tLat uWim Uo t bins was lext called. and plea' ly He I was a pollor, hal*wI. ed 1"C1low. and couhd u o a-,ieu late intelligiiby. uik iltirwete itUted for' him,l &c. A., f'or wit 1126r:cez. 0oe1 a informe.whose 1estimony was greatly relied on, swore Ihat he0 held 111bH onsu1lta tion with Attornev-61,nal .\l,kr man,1 a:,!1 waus then, p.lid %Q20o. moner I counIed dow1;. A hv moniey counte dwn th'c Ktu i.lux t-i. were3 work ed. The L'xwndIitr a L'?ht'lci t beingz "sreen.: ;ervive" eaiinniot be u ade pb i 1. hut It IS ve iI-km>wnII. that a ar 'sumsl have be~en spelnt, anid whyi or' how c'spen lt i not ihr' such pcr iiba ses of i'lrjury as ju st reltate'd ? Ku Klux b'ecause fired1 to do so. pleaded gi fy) bceanise hci rid. Lvnehl lawe thiere no doubt was a' imes ini Sth Carolina, juht as we have it inc the NorthI e.vercy niow anId then, but. theC Ku.klux trials utterly fa1 i t establish any i hing~. more 1. Thle surrendersi'i, Ptan Ie! ions1 , pleas of i1ly, &c.., mni and' it '''ms~ to be a ity that the' .' imn1 Iuion of beu ing ccnn oit be nevil! . 's d .j a. , on Ain., 'w o IM ra a hu11 t (U weight C:i p'.nd frgin hee. linto l ti.' ne! hia and! hur-i i ix hourl.. !b' ig ne bin 13! ~ mit-. wJ hi~ ci w or I bre t , Pde.L':e h i-s t 'm h An rw i t ti rly' inah>u.: 'asa ac th t .mn.n tim, or Iahrta.r:remn Itee w i ti a eul n te n tIII .n him ~' t :e .Ia:b 0l' vir i: i e V. .l:;: himQ. to i b o l:e : tL o o e ceuIi -n . - A Sha1 Slinner iNailed. w u.\T .M"s.s ST.\ N i :l .:! , .h11N4:N s.Az '' -r'e:u: I:I T!(N .iN TR.\Tx :zN. sil.l .up N r:nwi;:x: :. is s ;' ru1 e.:o. I. N . T he CMin,-inmaa (;az,.tI( uh. h S tlht :.-:hstanIc ot 21 initervieXV ;Is replor*ter hadl witLn Rch!ry tIanlberry, coueceruilg txertaint amaig -ttatement-i conits;ued.A ir the newspa.ipers. iu rogard to hl; experieuce durirg the Ku-K!I1C trials in Soul. L Carvlina, and1 es Wcial with rfcTceuC t) the al Leged disoutsyshownI hinm and I 1 w h Sc :tit[ nclts. bil'. 11au liot ui . a W(e Iw coun rel, * - z n I er -IlbiaI. a n th %-aiafl ,l b 't Iwy i we i taten11 . uit 'hd ot reWd thl, on beinz * hown . 1t1oncea pon o ncel;tl m wh, VV:;A tit -:11i~c v iz-1) L I !)Iat ' I v 1, Isr Iv s [,)',) ( Iy m c1l_ -d . %I - yL - , .i r wc'JlcI; itdt.i* at n. i ti ll, .r 't. - U I hil i 4 i : U.' ni A . x VS. :L r 41 i - b:mia cow amwit: oineiiu~ fromn :It~ciz., wc.tho :y errofes.+ ':Ltiri it !-aicte lv ui l .o'(and to ervice n t her. y.U, ,1I T Lowieh wIa tur IULTh 1it Cl i itxVI V IU Cnt. x-rt teis Ia d *I1r y.M w. , : ,h n uwt the :A'oo ir , rofeiona u t~I. cy1I;Qi6.tLO AvUbili I' illo ,Uigt. n ftnd t b y :! . der , th tor .Lu: tans f yd-at yo Lne .i% an xto, slak." 14o Su i be uber 23.ll wasi.tuo t he ve - Ci t i.he~ ~ ex-ttrn --venera)l's4 de art.ure. ~ iiu h Geura 01 auiIdp ta comute vue:o hee to S U t d i o t h' ; I vand t the aLl LyI Ou te 6 111 h ir lupith> Of s thlv: was aItt S!l a dedred, tt".ugh pup viing Columbia wx s o urne egs!<;nsius thatl re uthot the t lu-lilu 4j u}end n, touvihi 1he jur I'; - I in1 of t :ourt, "f thev unlited St:tc, over theui eiee and~- the consitutio ;ity of ih o f <'ongress ca*: J the yreane acts of 871. aw1it i -.v (A' brin iin e si l s in; bet-l" wr he Suprc:,nec curt o:- th 'm-i .EIid Sxte: , and Ja*i t - e h e1: a ..n e. IA r c i and dist rt t i 1 h al. .lled to the p , out i the trial by jury fI onie ca-e,an whai&teve- ruet ther exiberienlce wh ile: at ( olu: bia vas in thei Lijdg I:nen. w'as :' n t.:'d out. be I:r& ,-.h i.juiry ?-a hI: inl the cau.e ju3r4r in tihe 4.nited States. C'uirt in >outh IL ar.Pinza atre slected~ by the ('!bhetorM 43: , nited 'tatesl in-. ternli r e:ci:n. and bat. the' juryx wich sat ii Ih (ase :oVe re -roe.cs an.d t w'c whi! (P. 10 i ew'c h,e f. a-4m a to the inunner t:he In ih I:; . 3o ;he :'ut a i'. n the evilh-nee of th *ac- bed, P'rof. S ii a , uu :; i X. (LCege. wd!i bLhow wha vi*anif is cold *-o mou o 1 .huL batra of thu c-oun try. A bote of' li'qor. puruort ing to) be .and so for benLr.L l b1ugh f1 i? th defendan-t. wais t. t..... ;g.:.. .-1.:orr rl is :pser: ly .:.rut m :r is i i ob;rli, n i .:. a :,.:. . e 14 2 bra . --. s h r i e n t.n Snrimen al Elem ent's of Agriculiture. . ll i:.lil on!l w II(bl el()Vor . a,1. LI Yrin ic:h in- )u r be,l in culture m-i be :edu t ni l by ap licatir u i tLne fom of bout .Ise m lM; tw Li s o ' h i . in .- c ltur e Ir be "l be k,te by op 4,,catiu nu chanrmo i,pote d, c2i of tilb. a:Les. or in oys needs i in g also. 4t. h' N oi :hu2! ennU2 be s.e rVCed in.a h :igh .i:-: : o Ir Vil unI11"!V the h-ve anil the'ra ,- ae,n t iv ted in the2 e,mr-e gfr i:::ln. >.2 th'2,.2.1 12 i u l2s':n S: in Sv r 0. . ! nV aL 1 .:u n Vu ; d ai . 2I t e n Itia i: of l,ver : i the r . .i, iLe :: i Ii at .ree|| erp. 1r b t i-i ap. j:caion o inLhe 'i ai:n:I manmes ae inre:'o 21.n .'e w.d in neeit prom y Cth. !oimere i a o vccu) IrePpvvud by L. o - 9 i l jS \- I ili 91h. A!! grain -rr b nlb ,!,arv se -j everc!u dyst Ij!Lre the inw In wat uron byric,. 12. TLe aveppilig oas e.ii ijing of :1in to he ind -m slock effu-L .b1t 11. : V nolg 2ad can! bvit25 utt 13. T ie. 1v iiiing1 f' %v u L liI :I(e ec y J 2 ?ci r vudile by iuaL i1 isl I', hbteettanwarr II2. TUe tpig rginin oflir :0 in to1b1re the sl, t t. ! I. Te ilainui or wi wet is to tir" vh:eI y !imo and aw'IN". th5m pr li n ie o;d b ratte te ir . n y roi; i g t tee -o ar17 Yli!t de 'A;i .Ii n.-12 uhL . Wiliter aL sav:i. or~~~ ,:I'~.:I r '. O10 bod rIilirvd ia!W v " m v:they heal. ofthe iG . o mi- o !ih meathe. 1hLl. A way. 5li.i :imlow plughn per atent Lro a- 112 p etion. c : .h.Slt1 22y stablin. a ndsshedding st; a 112urmyLZ'i; i f w te ao saing 2 of n-ivi'.urth of-the rout. required lau the iw2iim ur te . h 'ev teathe 2i1 . A bush1:1 l of'~i'~Ml2 p!a tr pe 2:e~'j..1iwwnI..~ b rd t over :a elovr w 1 d r22 toi~ 10e per cen Jt h. Theteioicl application11 upl the!l ithegry of tb'eai soil h organ jie1 ('u tsiees. rehi f~ ..:h..tL1 n Throg prearadon o successful and lxurian 2rwth lS:t1!i,). 11.:n int 21rops~ ant be. ii:lYCi. fetilizu mh lat tei cu>rti;m. 1ivr a Lose (ke aiu L wan ,Jinige 21.!Veilt o New' Yrk in rfc charging the jrury in hecasec of J si). V. . n tilb or hi fr rew rdi- at *u: ) i :b 22 .:::' ! 2to (~ the te-,ibu .r of :teei s h e re ea1 "-d tha as a 2ch ./ thei ..sti. 2 W N 121 * 2 (' I L I' m12wstob eainzdwt enuion li 2'i no a tha de t1u? ue th h rt :2. he di 2.ythy weea..s i ta In o th o ; .uthedi frta thei oeenp to- n caln , iig. ie fd cet n !"Osiness and Duty Comlined -A Model Obituary. A isconla40te eiitor41 thu;s be U1>:1,4anS i;s 1h-part ed Spouse -T v x wil died. No m110re Will those !.)>vinl" h ,1m 1pll , Illy bOWs n:1i 1rt I back hair as onlv a Irne wifet C:il. N;i Wi ever those willing teet rep!,ni'lh the coal bod m waler pail. N4) wore will :-he nriqe w.nid ie tem. pdLuoU storims of wiuter. ancl hie linrlf away L uih[ Le tire witb OUL diS#LurbilUg tb !lumubert oth 1 IM-an who doted on ber <o artlessl. . Her Imemlorv is emb:dlled i n yI heart of hearts. I wnvalted to e1- b hahn1 herT body. V bl't 1 1*01m11dtAt I I .I procired of 1.. u , a1 neighbolr (X min;L, a Very pretty !rI1vestone. is wile v:s oi- I slimptivo, anl 1 Id ! e pt it ):n h-:ml Seven(-d Inrs muaticipaliln W! hor deati h. ill, shw rallied , p aWN! his hope,),s wero b.a,tcl NOver shal I foget, tho pIor i miis :1-wh n -Iask d h:'m to I pa;.t with i,.. - ak it. .Ski:l Ievr. t : '1o\ mar v iInever know wh:u it to have y o. r11 s tlLL-ke, Vit'h :nd Iv bursL inl a :th1 of t:.r _!S :T w: in o cI 1451 u - r 1 gravd uon er tmbsme.-To the- ir.e:orv if Tabih. wife o" editor 'ft f*h.- Trenn. Terms .I3 a venir. inivavial.v in a.hane. kind mt10hcr. and exilp!ary wifv. Olil1e Over C.dielu:-ls .>ery. Wp two liiihts oi'ir . Knock hart. Wo sh:dl iuizs thee. motbe. we shall miss thue. Job prililnig so licited.' Thus didJ my lavenalti s-pVieryVQtt lu a-wINy evvu ::s k.acua-A wee-ping? f,r b.1 !vhAibdrell. !B:1% 'o ray ofi l1i t pL.netra&Ied the de 0:dr of my siul. The ul dle"Laker t,o1 his ay ijob print iu, 2)nd tUe Sextol OWedll littLe acemunt L shonld not, haive -tou any v her way. Why hUbMw pWOin tl the Imy-trio! S %j: t o: Cruov idtIIC aw I ISci Iitv ?' a coun lu.)--SanlFl n 00m1.GINAI, A''Em: IN NW: PAA P-.1" peopl. estimate the ailitv ofeWSI)apis anld the tal e.nlt of the editor by the qa.&tity o (f ori gina maL fitter it con tainms. The Liter.ary Jana truithfulliy say s: 'It iv comar:nVely easy f10r a rh it er 1 V1410, to pour. oit duily cobunos of word, uponl:Oti; and aL si lIT- 't - sujects. IISisl -das mauy flow i.I 'onle weak. wa-4hy, everla';t-ing 116d': his com - of' him Iuage121 ma1y ennab!e him to strin--g ii tther I u o0 )nion:. a:n yet hi.. paper may b ai :mud poordi eicncern. In eeI. he mere wriuing part of ed itinog a paper is but a smiall por-i lion of, the~ work. T~he catro, ,hie time e.rupl1oyed in selectio'g, is a mocre imtan t 1. and the test of a good1 editor is betterLv shown by his .'el'cttions~ thban any ihinzg else ; an the.t. '.;eL all kniow, isi half the bat tIe.-B3tt, a' we. haUve said, an.' edi tar; to) be esteeme and! hi' l abors und' terstoo 44) aI~ ippreced by' the genera!loduct of' his pa1 per1-i t tOlne-:ts teminp1r-t un prosper';ity. To. pre.serve these as to 4)ienpy) *te Ibue andL, attentlionI of any) man.1. I: to ihis he added the. i geuiral upri'sion of the mos~,1t'eiLtor:s have2 u' to ene-uter. tim : to ' wriie at tW By) w.ay of eute.'a:ning the. chit maIs day, the iRev. K. K. lLtdo, of B'(4ton)r, pMthered4 tem into the4. decvoratedi ebtarth and tlud L,bom an outirly~) fiah and originah sto nlaIlhty li?le boys) w vho r.1eentedL 'a"nd41 neaave U e nrst-clasi, jvun. prl'';'.is?ing4 an im'!uminu mOLS m.'' ui.rL' of societ. e confel.'u to a prefure~cLe' fori this; k'indof* .iione r!'s ~ N L 'in --. '4.tion: to Lne Li.t!!. -' l and * th,4 E 'vas i- I it t ~ , - NI m c w..h :i. e : in ..r . trang'e' i:.'re ' to 'z'-t meO n. ith L!.:!ove 4. it-s h on whs 4nbdewr Th Get Caus" of Urhap piress. I rsh ja 1mnt. words, I;l but irerelit :et-i 0f selfi'h WS14:111! iniistive. Somlietimic ,e (111i-O oison the heart that promised to oe heih hv.:tijd curse the start that >'111mised to be bles.Cd. ThIere arC fLailiesA wihiCl possess :very eartily comfl.rt healh. lionley a ocenpatiol. but are niserable from thu jealousy aInd luarre.inw- that prevail within ,bemu. There are mrried couplvi Yho live in daily sorrow. not be ause tihey . are in. Wut, but lw. ase each tiniks tle other un ;illd, ar1bitr-ary and ilconisideraile. Younig ieiople sometimes marry vith their VeS siut al:J thus in tend ot bein.- mated Nvith angels, thiey foolish'limagined they Inight b". they ind outl I afterwardp hat Ihy are only men aid wo neil, with the col.1m)x( w:ork n,dav veakness :111 faults mf their I.. pective Sex. This sham1 lovo asiy gcts sourvd. :ud then each p h the he Ior not ful illinlg tho sen."iiiial prospeeta vitl which th"y CtCred into the Tlake anY C th ,elation.ships o il'o..:1!4 we z4hoald findl thatI 11jr .he greater :n of a o,nr sorrow -i roml the s wa cause. Get mIy to tell you what aivms him Ia most aoance ad lisqniett"de,: nd he w%iil tell you hey C0m:e friom1 want 1f* kiIndoA, v ill tell .)I I hi-it lie c(Ild bt1Wtr 0 her Lhinr if he only !W.t with lore consideration, support, and mcouragemout from the people vith whom he has to do. A. WAR.-3r Twain ler ure*l in Chicago o. A. Ward, U1-l .,01 the fidlowiu" anle(cte: As Avteuus was ole0 travellingr ii the ears, dreadiug to be bored 01i feeliug miser:;ble, a man al roached him. sat dlown. and saii : "iDid you bear that L:4 thing. m11 llorae,G reeley '." "G reetev ? (jor.e-y ?-' said A r ,cmus, "Holace Gr-:.ey? Who is ble ?" The m: was4 quiet about five miniiutes. Prettv soo.n tic said: "Georgt! Ptaicis Train is kick in up a g"ood de:l o a row over -il& think they will pt limI inl a kTsile ?' --Traii ? Trainl ? Ocortre Fran .is ?" said Artemus solemnly. I btvr beard of him." This ignmorance kept the man i et fr fi*teen minutes, then ho --Wliat do von think about Gen 1r%l Grant's ehaies !,)Ir the presi iihec ? Do y think they will ."a11 himi ?'' " "G rnt? Grunt ? han it man," iaid Artemius, "you appeaLr to noiaw nilore stranigers t,Ual aii-y nan I ever saw." TChe inan waus futrius. Het walk. Il up th ear, but at la astcm >ar k am'! said --ouz contoundeild igrnoramnus, ld vou ever hear of Adlamn?" .\rtem ui lookedW' up apid said: --htwaL his other utame?" iua:.T I m1r.1:s.;N.-If a sheet >fpae on which a key has been ahLi be expoQsed for some1 mnutes ai the.'~ uns hinei, atli iithen in jZ an,iI anheou--ly viw--d ml the dark, tho <ey remouvedl. a ledI spectre oft he key will be visible. Let thia >prbe kliH aidhc for ma. n ontha wher no igemds r it, and heua in ar.asbehii1o a plate >f hot m'ta! ii,Ihe spiectre of tho ey wi[l appiaP ThIi is enally tru of oui minds. E'ver mnarn w'e nii-e:. nvr ook w' e read, eve ryw piue or landsc'.aptt we see, :eerv ;en-d or Lonec we hoar leaves ts image ou ourL brainm. These Lrauces, w h,ieh, undebr ordinary cir ustanci es, are ivi ibo, never Ifadet, but i the inti-nas light of prouatueuo; jus&t y t.he spect-ral imgeo th ketatd into sight tan t pli:eg! ion of beat. .lt is hihu. wiuh alh the irdliueneos tu wich:3 w.* are subijected. T. rH:N i M: -.\ my body eng 1111 31. in- 3o.iin u ich his one m.3 wi.ii.h... 0: is frtiind reVer hear cof. .1 *ai of ~; ilet windl ran tak,e lIp aL 1uLian! of seeds$ of '.ef whiuh the hia -:.hndmtn mfl': to .ice , :! light to be to bI i* nt u . nd yet so p<r-. nieu in 3:' tri . Th-3Ie'y know by thie n;i. iTh know that many, ~ .a 0da wi ertuh up the~ c:.tnd b'Cein;e poso by .g .r arig : sek the anti. .1 :.,r any hman skill prevenit .1 pei.tnitial teaLr in value sun.