The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 20, 1871, Image 4

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The.Farmer Feedeth All. Mv Tord rides through the p;aee gate, My lady sweeps along in state, The sa;- thinks long on many a thing, ,;W 4e inaiden muses on marrying; The sai'or plows the to.uninug s'ea, The hunter kil!s lie ; iod red deer, And tlo solier wars witholif a tear ; But to fall to each whltel'r befall, The farnier he Lint feed L;Ieml all. V, Staitirhbaynmereth cl-rry red the sword, # ;riest' preacheti pure the holy word, 'Dame Ahce workeilr.. iding well, Clerk Richard Lles (f love can fell, The tapfrife z11 her foaining beer, D*n Fisher fisheth in the mere And courtesies rtle' strit lid shine, "While.pye~e b-ing the Gascom wiine, Man buirds his castles ftr and high. Where'eir river ru:imeth by, Great eitues rise it every hand. Great churches show the i,uilder's hand, Great arches, mounrtlt:ain4 and toaers, Fair palaces aid pleaing bower. ; G:,eat work is done, be it here or there, itntwelf ni-n worketh every where, ..ptt work or rest, whate'er befall, The fartner he mist feed the:n ail. SOLUBLE PAOE1FIC GUANO {UCE..9 GAS1i, WITH USUAL AU ANCE FOU TIME. La aaPE r NCE IN TliE1 USE OF TIII: .G&no for ti:e pis six years in tii State .;r Cuton andl Corn, ha. so fir establi.ihe rts eh.acter for etcel!encv ts to render com nient wrideessarv. LjlI:at-feprdAnCe with i the e.tablished polie of the c'ATPuaV to f*rni1isl he best Con efi&rat4d 'Fertil z r at the lowest cost t, cwntsumerM,ai. (tuani is put into. marke this seasen at the above reded price whioh the Comp*nr is enabled to do b; roo -of itI large facitities atd the reduce; cost of niantilieture. ' 'Thie sippli" litt into market this seasoi are, as heretofore. prepared iider the per sonal sinteience of Dr. St. Juliai Ravenel, Chemiisi of th. C-mipany at Charlestwn, S. C , hene,% platers maly res a!1sired thI t itZ QW .T1Y and C!'d P; HTioN-ipre ilte!.n as th.1. h,-e lol'Ore soNi. .t the pri-ent low price evvr: acre plinte-d e:mi se u.-rhill wi 1h , polrniis of G it. it acOS co t t exe.-edill; the prs*nt ralie (if So polmds or* cotim whiileu. ;perietwe lu Aown tlal und favorabcle condui:ue!ns of 5ea'uon ;andu ein i tion lthe crop i increA-ed I tI .ilelThet from (woio thmre'ohl the itiral cap.icil of the soil. liene, umite Io emiiren: eould its'pi eto f'..il10cnpn:eo rtagen.tiav. Ap.piv to A . Aent Paifie. t'neaino C 'InI tnyt, NoCCE-.1-t JLV mi Nm - Lad 2 Adam Wharf, Ch-idnis-toni. S. C. .NO. S. REESIC & Cf , G gi-lizS Nov .l,48-3m. PAIMH/ 6130N 001 mN COMPOUND Acid Phosphate of Lime 't0E COM POSTING WI'TII COITO'~ SI'.ED. Price $25 Cash, with Usnal Advaes for Timie. .-THIS atrtice i<c p)repared under .the superin tendence of Dr. S r. JU L IEN R A VEN EL ex pre,ssly for comwpostinmg with cuttonl seed. It wis introJulced by thi, Comip;ny two years'ago, and its us.e h as fully :itres:ed its va1hE 200 inv250 pounds of' this artiete per acre; properly ciompocited with the same weight of co-ton sea fur'nisbes thle plant With a FER lLlzElR ot- the highest excel lence at the smallest cost. A compost pie. pared with this article, as by printed diree tions furnished, contains all the elements of fertility that can enter into a first-clatss FERL TILIZER, while its economy must commend its-liberal use to planters. For supplies and printed directions for corn posting apply to J. N. ROBSON, AGENT PACIFIC GUANO COMlPANY, - -o. 68 East Bay and Nos. I and 2 Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. S. C. *JNO. S. REESE & CO., Gene!n Agents. Nov. 29, 48-3ta. To Planters. Oyster Shell Lime, The most valuable reniovato-r of l.and known. 300.000 bushils of Shell Lime for sale, delivered on any of the~ navizable rivers of South C.arolina and Georeia, ait 13 cet pecr bushel, or five do!!ars per toin. Bag extra. (Signed) BOWEN & MEIRCER, Limte Burners, No. 65 8. Gay 5:., GROCE RIES AND) Iading recenuly purchased in thc bes: trkets in the Srne;c, i th Cash and with Great - Care, A arge'stdcTso ilF..iV :andu F.UJILY GRtO (CEWES, embracing every airic;e in.,ually fdndtid ur hin, wet respectfuIlly invite out fri.ends and the publie genier.dl:y, to FKAMINE THEM Before they mike their purc:ases; as we arc determined to Sell as Low for Cash As such article.s e.mi he sold in. th is or. an other -interior m trloet. We are offering our ,BAGGING and IRON TIES, Of superior quality at yg~aY.R3EDUCED) RATES, And will keep consctantly on band a supply of the same. We atlso keep on hand ALL TUIE TIM1E, Se$eral oTthe bcst and Most Popular FER* TILIZERS Known to the public, which we propoce tt sel as lowv as any or* equa vahLte. n e wit s.lso purchase all kinds of PRODUCE at the IIHGH EST MARIKET PRICES, A n.d sell any kind of produce or goods cou *Mued to us on the In st reaso:iab:e terms andi to the best :dvantange. Uar goods are now .rriving, and we ibavc :ae ch al rranugemIents as will enab!e ui' t( :epleniTb oar stock from:i time to timte :ts we maay tinid necessary, on the must advanta grous terms. We sehall endecavour to merit the confidence, a.nd hopue to receive the p.ltronagte which hI: betfore chil car:erizt d otru un. ns e tion itht MOOdin pub: te. WHOLESALE PHARMACEUTIST NEWBER] I RE.1Pi-'TF['LLY comnntnra to the conf& ions, which are manufactured uler his os11 may be rehied upon for their purity and e: Fants T4 Compocd of the best amipesfrioe Tones 1knor FANTSELrXiR OF A mo,t palatable Cordial, particularly recornm as rc.,ide ;n !ow, damp siru.itions, where the at Fant's formpend Syrp of S2r This preparation wil purify the blood an1 ei Dr FANTS S00' An Invaiable lmiedy for Ch04drc:i stiff-ring tions Sencrally. My %tock of DRUGS, MED1ICINES A.c fre,!i, large and comorjlete, all of whkh I A!:o a large and wei .elected variety of PMFU1iY ANI Both Foreign and Amerkcau. WINES AND LIQUORS ot purest Prescriptions Carefully CorA the Day a Dec. 6, 49-tf. LTTE cowTOols LIFE iNSURA P'RINCIIPAL OFFI W. it. JTOiNS701.............. W. S. HUL..... ................ GE0. S ( EA .................. J. BU 1 . ... ...... ......... J 'E l i "CA GREEN, M. D ........... W . J 31AGU, . ....................... U F. mc'.kY....... .... ....... ED GEFi'I LD ". H., PER"Urf me to ivite vonr artention to tie c it k4 purely a OIME COMIPANY, ch irired -500.000 Organ:ized he, a ittlc inire th.n i -5,00 ocs, insuring ab1;out SS,090000, And Its reserve it j:nple-ha vin::aout $200 of a: (Conio:: ica iy mnaged. De,h ing to b pr,y repre<ente-1 thr,uih me ple.iurc to c nissionmany activegentlel agents for the Company. .\ rcasunable portio tiel would repay you. To i llustrate-Premiuma will aVeratge about 1thi, (20 pereens.) will be $30. The Comupa,v has now seine fea'tures particr and one of tnele is, its LO W P'REMiUJM 1A 1 At age 25 ye:ars, annual paLyment on S1.0 ""30" " neso hsConpany, andL bty the~ utmo<t efo,rt Any gentleman or lady, nho will nmke an a address, GENER!AL A Nov. 22, 47-t r. Have on hand and arc Conzstantly Receiving, SUPPLIJESF liARDWI*ARE, CUTLERY, IBagging, Ties, WOODE-WARE, Ete., Ekc. GROCER1IES, consistin.; in part of Bacon. Lard, IclCaned Gos H AR DWA RE. co;nsisting: in part of1 Nails. lUorsen] and u Shoe.' H. Y. Nails. - llngs.Lo hcs l kn Ka eirins. Sueas Kives and Fork's, PWtcket Kives. Fire Dcgs. Shovls nd JUnes. n 100PieceNh SteeleIrn Printsre. 50R i ecens.ns New and.Desiande 10 icNwStyle Moai Paids. D. MOWER. No > -,4- rf CTORI T6M BITTERS ENTI HELY VEGET AllE. F01 TiE CUIZE OF syspepsia, Agne and Fe;er i1IOUS Disases, Gene ra! DebiLi y, and al Impurity of the Bloed. It excites bealtly appete. invi--orartes hef ic-N es-,ive Or--anls, i- Ith-void! ()f al1 thot eiulpoikon--FiiJ 0hA, w:I inmpar-s a n:.t necable, v;r,, :1ind cordal eler ip thte Ston:ach. I; exlihnae o i.i ri, eliere , pawin, un- isin t, wmd, I ilI kli. -aiiC 4 in all d, bl,itire-: ~rad irre l ies of - eaen;rs It wi irove a pi ...ire pn-ventive n :41 MALARIAL CONT-.IflNATION. VIOTTE & TARRANT, Manufcturers and Sole Proprietors, " E WSEfR!r--, 3. C. Mar. 15, ]1- tf. PURE GYPSUM! CONTAlNING NENKTY-NINE A N 1) OVU;,LE M IT. W.irrnmed Iee row all iip.rities. 'repared in this city, and for .zle at the -r. e i-c of IFTAEEN DOit LARS PER TON, CAS1 by Jo01N H1. IOi,ME ,, Cmmmiiion Rercha, Charleston, S. C. Sapt. 27, .39--iruo. Mapes' 8Sperphosphaie of Line. WE have ?I lot of the abore va1l,uh!e ai1 popular FERTILIZER cn h:nd ai:d for sule 1chap. Ih is si-h-jdid for Turips. &e Lon:.,.CE & w1IEEI.:R. Auz. 9,:::12-if. r- BUSHEL GREENVILLE MEAL - Bush. GRAST. For L;le hv D. M0 \-ER. Apyr.26, 17-tf. M0 TTE & WHOLESALE AND CH NEwBEa WVOULD call the attcntion of vell selected stock of DRUGS, MEDIC1IE CHENL ogzether withI a large anid well selected -PE RFUY lair, Teoth, Nali, Flesh and Sha LAM~PS, WICKS, A.onits for the CELEBRATED) NON-EXPLOSIVE Thich needs no Chimneyt, and gzive a he market. at LESS COST. Our Stock hatvin.: been bou.gbt at Cl 'ier the saeat LOW PICES. both Price Lists sent by mali on applicat it rl:Takful for thlir pr' ious patronap romn our friends and the public. Preseriotions Carei r. WA RD :310TTE. Sep. 20, 8-t f. rove all things-holcd ftast that which igood. NOT a new faingle thing gotten p on the cheap oider ins a sort of ztch penny, andi heraldedl to the rorld1 as sometching great before it is been tried andt pronvd: but the time Stove that has been before the inblc for the last six ycurs, and as wo'n .for itself a repartinn vhica few Stoves haive, anud we?l cr. itles it to the unme it bea:urs, fHE LEADER. Many mnafseturers have offered ha subsicriber the exclus.ive aale of heir Stovea, hot he bay in every in tancee declirned, for the very best eason, that noseO of their Stoves o,es up to thi- in his e--tia ion. ery heavey yet un' surplus ion ,JI bout i.Well proportiomned, ncoc ti a ving at courractedi hody andt ex anded top to dive it at fahise ippenr lce like tonuny of the catch* peinies onw otferoed to the piublic. IThe housuznds that are u,inu: this S:ove -a an testify to its superiority. .\ variety of other cooking Stoves I~ ltvays on hand. ait HEATING STOVES in varey cry cheap. TIN WORK if all kinds done qju:c:, good a.nd hetap. TIN WARE i )f almost endiless vairiety, of the est trnatoi al, very low. Earth Closets f the latest style and most approved atternis, for sale low by \W T. WRIfdIT. SAND RETAIL AND CHEMIST, IY, S. C., 11Ce of the conirlity hii popul ir prepara Vheri ion i gru.t c;*rC, aWd which Lv. ie Bitters. n to the Medicai Proifession. nded to person, of weak hahit, and to suel rVon- sys:e:n is, more or les6, reluxed. Maai!, u ' ight, A. minate m'reary from the yz!em. TING SYRUP, com Teching, Indiges:Pn, and Bowel AfTec AND CHEMICALS, g-virantee to*,e GCemically IE OI1LET ARTICLES, qualities for Medicinal purpos. pounded at any Hour of dL Mght. TCE COMPANY, CE, MACON, GA. ............................P rezilent. .................... ..Vice President. ............................ Secretary. .... .............Guner.l Acenit. ...............13dical Extminer. ........ . nt:den: of . men iea. ........................ ....A ctuary. A(ENCY FOR -3. C. :tinml of this Co-npany to yonr p.'ronage. by the S nite of Gaiirgia, with a ltrg CRpital wo y !ao, it la., already issued nearly aid !i io-ses -1:N0.000. -Cts to I10 of li:bilities, ar.d Its bt:s'n?ss at the S:te of S)ah Carolina, it would aere te aI n l.l.a es as both local an-1 traveling Lof rtime devu:d to its Interests, I tim satia $150 each policy. The comnmissions upon harly desirah'e, for bthi agents~ anid lutsnrers, .. as follows: 00.........................81566 .................. ....... 1739 ............ ............2483 ........ ........ ..........7.91 ................ .........i63 17 iforenl!y cordial with all who seek antd prae-. o this Crnpany. :herefore. to co-operate hnr'-, attl whi;e so ltintg, to prew thte busi tin your part-, to; eccure gol, I risks. ency, either local or travecinitg, will plon se .W. ABN EY, "ENT EDGEF1 IELD . H , S. (. GROCERIES, B.icot-, L rd, Stugar, C offee, Molasses, \~iegrt, .'dckere: :d .me, a sop. pi 0f Ham!some Shelf Grceres, Ane las O.u.ster,icles Sof bli andu~ Swtiuiv Craelirs, ::ce is, Freh lc heiox< fom tr a.b.:ni Sho.Sarb Inee G.rren a::d Subek Tea.l pteiaes LOWANRDY,H FLOUR, t-t P!oinares: icks, toM itprcha s, AtM JCOBSN UMER'S Proiviiond M~uuerh eats NEW\BERRY C. H.. bg leave to catll the attenttiont of their frindsi :?nd patt.otis, ho:h tin Newherry andt Lrrn,as welil as other Couuties, to this fact, and! 'ifor to themi a fll and well a, orLed siock of t'EAW yrROCEFRIES, BAGGINCr, R1OPE, TIES. NAITLS. IRO(N. .YA RNS. SHEfLF GROCERIES, All of which thev will dispose of at REA 8NBLE RATF.S FOR CASil. COPELAND & WEST. et. 2:, 4:h-2m. Tobacco and Cigars. AS the reve:i: la01.w prohibi7 wag'on ped h-front retaili::g anyv more Tobuacco though~ the~ coutntry: we haveui inade. ar rl:ietsti'Iu to furnuish P:anttet. andl oth.-rs ---it a No. ! artiele of good \". gina To-( baco, li less tigures than they have been; etie. it tirti wagonst. Weu ha:ve a splenr Loi~'EL.\CE . Wi!EELE wiv 1'. in-*f THESE STC )II AND RET i. EMISTS, RY, S. C., the public to t.heir large a:> [ICALS, YE STUFFS, &c. stock of MERY, ring Brushes, Sponges, &c., &c. "DIXIE LAMP," nore brilliant light than na:y L:nnp ~OS-E F'IGUBmS. v:e arepr-:r WVIIOLESA LE AND I)Im T.\I!L. a:. and all orders entrusted t a :r we solicit a conJtinu:mee~ ofth( uly IcL. udd -.Ai *y. *~r A E S13 U wu W . T . Gla :,O',E,Itz i:t fir ;, L L7 % A S E 3A -15 :!.-TS s . f ',L. !!wCan !be h;:d of t-le Lou: 1 t y( u 10:1, !e,(l -t. C.i"', e.x.:ninw, Ue t Tr I A , -6. 10 l AE AMPET ATI "y siaqp!y following thel r-tin b idl fot cur .\g;.nt at N:wb;.rry. Mr. V. H1. It willIn b :plied oi a credit u;:til t by pain SOT mor. pe2r tont. with itere: A pril. O(e o D is.olved B3,onet C>o:o:st''d of~ Frilizer (s per.i direct.iu::$). to.d wil new oKecAredi tu the public. WV. C. BEE' ~l)R t6. WV. EW- (all or send for a Circular. Oct. 18, 42-Gm. S AB L /j|P t .o- pi cre... IPuor :: l ind w . :i., - t ... ..;.:...... :. 11 ol n; a !.; c:'er-x M n w 7;:: . 1. will 'n e n rv.i -.; ;9. lje ;.-ab-r cn ar -en e:..f Emru :..-is, is he:.etera ther v. a . . I1: -\1101:1. ;, o i :iti ~n r I SA ;0. n 14111 tflr.-d for the discovery of a P:- L b pronw-mived them) pewrfe. r;i :UNI nder %.i h the priv; vit,,o to t C.R'0INA .ANUFAC L,L~.\!I i A 4 1r NEE. 1;F1 I %' . Anything- ina at cat er houa-e. 110-.11gily s.ati-fAed, tirea buy where you YETFRTILIZER iii beentestd rithorou._V. we of.rer ic wilu iure a, .nudsme return at LY &'L FIOIN' COT (own#Vt,: in circular., which' eau be had WeUbb. hE, first f Apri r n a. teC I provQ~ tethstZ::d bes rtice &l OGnea Agents cir nd Suprilhosphtatt Comay. ll. W: ErBB. ae frut Newbrry. wiHEDot 1851.l mucwoToi I rcv teelerp~t a bs atclO & ;O,GnrlA~is A ci i (L~t~). poshae Cu:un. t II. W3. ! Ai.tre &c.. &c ber hnred -*i ___-_:__ -- b -::t Goo a.. - l ubtn i -rE 18... 51.rgsNrt aoln;n t e:t yas.:d r E ".I3. k I.NES,-y rde ery - .ud-, werk c (hpe bv u ir a h alfre I'.,i.. ~r 5 ct. H, ~~ '1. 41---1 . * '. t:r:.. $tirII~aI, Nwel a t it :~u~,r e raae in I,e U itc l 'utl il c I y o Itaelmnre t 0 v::rI I. Ad ii . SuetlntirI 1 ~ C~ohiue;a 1 - c zd:r ~ byrade,: R. R.. LBWHS REAM RI EEF I FROI ONE TO 'VWE'Y MIrUftS. HCT ONE HOUR rfter reztd o 1,;s -;dveri.-en,ej;t i.eed any one SFF.H I I l%V i 'AIN ADWAY'S IWAiY 1ELIEF 16 A (Y E FuR EVEIl:Y PAj X. It wa,4 the fi:,t P1 and is ; . THE GNLY PAIN EEMFDY tit irstaniy steps 01he i,o:. excruciating pasi. 14ys 1i'fl.IIIimattien. :it d cures Congetfon. hliethr of the Luizgt. Sttm;ch. Jlowel,, corvter lb:ids tirore..Ionup'eto, IN FROM ()XU To Tl .NTY 31NUTES. to .tter hw vio, ett or excruciating the.-poin ir L H .I '.M A Ij1(. ei-rit.dii, bintir, 'rippled. vr%e.'rw. NlU;iCu. or prostrated with dbuw lny -ulrer. RADWAV'S READY RELIEF WMI. AFFOlI) 1NSTANT' EA$.. N F.AN .11 A I l(N oF II ': K I DNEYS. lNFLA3IMA ION ,F .E l.LADD'tk. NFLA3IMAT1t1 4WF T11F I:OWELS. So,;E-T N OF tElE LUt(S. (l)I: Tit R4 'A 1. DI FFlWULT ;RE.ATHI;. PA .L'I ATPO (iF I HE HEART: [YSTEl(lCS. C. t'l'. I)TI'-UEltIA. CA ;*ARIIH, INFLUENZ% EADACIIE. TOOTH ACHE. -NEI 'IALG;]A. RHEUMiti.&1 OLD ('ILLS, AGUE CHILLS. 'Ihe appliouti-n of the Ready = 1: r parts where the'pain or dilhcltg. . 6 nd ease vad cem'ort I*wenty drops in half a tambler of water W1I i a fsw montet.; cure RASIPS. SP'A. 2, (W'R STO3MACti. HEAlRTLUlRN. 3.N EA)ACIIE.. DIAIHREA. -DYSENTERY, 0I.l'. WIN D IN IE BOW ELS, aud all 1I ElNA1. 'AIN S. Tra vellers shouId i'wnrf nrry a I ottle of Rad 1-::' Re'Ody lieliefwith them. A few -dropa An -ater will prevent FickIesor pains frim chiange f wntcr. It is better than Freniclf rad a itters as a stimulent. . . FEVER AND AGUR. FEV rI AND AG'E cured t' r fifty cents. here is nw a remedial agent in this world that *ill cnire Fever aud Azitte. gi.d all, other 31als ous. Dilious. Scarlet. Tyfphoid. Teilw.and ether ever-claided by RADWAYS PILLS 1- 4M - RAIWAY'S READY RELIEF. " ,.ceo er bottle. EALTH! BEA Y TriONG AND PURE -RICH 60D-3A CRIEASE OF F.ESH AND WFIGHT-f CLEAR SKIN AND UEAUfWYC.L' P)M rLENION SECUMCED ro A1 L. ' DR. RADW AV$"0 ARSAPARILLAN RESOLVENT [A.1 MAD TIlE MOST AN NISIIING' CUIItS; So QICE. .% RAI 'I) ARE THIE CANGF1;S THE BODY UNDElRGOES, UNDER THE IN FLUENCE (F TlITr4U LY WONDERFUL 31EDIcINE, TICAT. very Day an Increase in Flesh a0d Weight Is Seen and Felt, THE MRAT BLATD PURMMER E.vqrv drop of the_CA(SAPAILLIAN Rr OLVENT communicates through the Blo, weat. Urine. ni.d other fluids and Juices of the rstem the vigor o 1 life. jor it repair the was4e f the body with new and sound material crofnia. Syphilis, Coasumption. GitndAisk di& ise. Ulcers in the throut. %louth. lunors. Nodes the Gntidns and tither parts of the syptem, Sore :ves. Str uniorous dicar:s from the Eurs, and 'ie worst fornis of Skin diseaste, Eruptions, -Fe cr Stres. Scald I [ead. Ring Worm. Salt Rheiim, :ryripelNs. Acne. Black Spots, Wbms'in 0A 'esh, l'unrs. Carcers in the Womb.iand a reikenitng and p;eitui disch:.rges. Night Sweate, .Oe of Spem aid all wrtes of.Z_1e ife princi le. are within the curatIve rarie of this wonder fi Modern Chemistry, and a few days' .Use will rove to any perstoti n-lin. it for -either of the )rnis of eisenze its potei.t p *er to-cre-t-tem. - Ifthe niatiie.t, dajoy becomig reduced byg i.9 ,nst,es ad decompositin that is 'continua ly rotres:sing. succeels in urreting thesu'wstfe&, Id repairs the same with i:ew maLerbri usde r1m healthy t.ood-at.d this the :SAUMrA 'ANILLIAN will aid does secure-a cure is ertuiii; for whi t oce this remedy comme;ees Nwork of pei illention. awd sucefeds -Jln difkn -hing the los of waites, itt. repairs will lie rap d, end evey day the latient will feel. I --If( ruwing Letter :end P-trofger, the food ilfaWting etter. appetite inuroving, vad flesh and weight rierensuing. Not doer the SARSaPARILLtAMN1[ uEnf.4 ')T' excel all knownr remedial ag uta in the eure if' Chironic. iScroftutuus. C:onstitutio::al, and Skin i.eeit but it isi the only poattive cure'for [IDNe.Y AND ELADDE~R COMPLAIMN; 'rinary, ai:d Woneb dhiseaees, Gravel. Diahete'. )ropay. $toppamge of Waiter, Incontinence of' 'riue. Bright's Di.sease. Albuminuria, anid in alN :bes n hiere there are brick-duet deposits. 'or tita r:eter is thtick,. cloudy, mixed with subsetanucus iLe the white of ane egg, or threads like white ilk, er there is a morimd. dark. bilious app - niCe. and a hitre betme-dust deposits, -4 and - here is a pricking, burning teensaetion wehen pass lig wafer, aned pain in the Small 01 the Back ead long the Loim.. DR. RAD WAY'S RERFECT PURG~ATIVE PILLS, erfectly t::steessc. elegt.tly- coated with wwe'et 'umn. pur;te, rerulhate. jurify.. .cleafsie, . and t.engthen. Ituciway'- P'ilfj, for the cure of tell iisders of the Stomnaci. Liver, B*wels, Ii eys. BLudder. Nervous Di:seases, lle:dache. *Onmstiiaion, C'ostiveness. lIdigestion, Dy.pee in. Biliousiness. Ililions Feer. Jenfinmafionof lie llowel.. Pihes, anre a ll Deranegemnects of'.th6 neternal Viscera. W aerratedn to effct a ppsitive ure. P'urely Vegetable. contaliing nomercury. uinerals. or deleterious drugs. (T Observe the t'olloewfug symptons resrulting, ewom Disorders ot the Dige:-itve 0li anif.' Conrstilention. Inward IPiles, Fullness of the lIo<xd in the hierd. Accnity of the Stomach. iuses, ftetnrt burii. D)isgnst of' Food, Fullness or veight in, the Stomanch. Sour Eructations, Sinek-. ig or Fluttering at the Pit of the' stom,edi, winmming of the IHead, Hlurried and Difficult Ireatineg. A tew doses of RIADWAY'S PILLS will frees lie system from aell ilie above ueamed disorders. 'rice. 25 cents per B10x. -SOLD BY .DRUG RF.AD '"FAL-E AND) TRUE." Send one :fter-s'awnp toe A DWAY & CO,* No 87 3Maid n Laeie. New Yoark. Ianformat ion woeth tho'us nds will be sent you. July 5, 27-ly. MOT T E'S AND - 3yspeptic Remedyj --:0 FOR: THE RELIEF AND CURE OF cute and Charonic Discapes of the Livar. Janadice. G'all Stone -'Heart-turn,' and all Disorders resul:. ing from ierangement.of th e I4VEJj It is at pleaisant laxatijve. mloving" he bowels gently and surely, b,ut rithout pain ; an:d is wonderfully. dapted to cases of IIabitual Constipa on, T1orpidity of the Liver. It e'.res ick :aad Nervous Head-ache. Colic, 'latulecy'. and is an effective remecdy 1 affections o)f the UIIEYS AXD BLADDER, VLOTTE & TARRANT;, SOLE PR(l'i!IETORS, Vando .ertiizer Agency. ' The aneeecriber iformsr the piutfers of ewherry di-trict, and ell.swheLre, that hie ts re'eived the agency for the sale of the "crdo Fertilizecr, anid will be heappy to fil iiers. The colec'tiitti nf all demnudi diue the >mipny for Iertil yzers heetofore feunisthed .ie' hate Reiv. T. S. lJoinest, have al so -en eentr:isted to hinm, laymeenet oif which call. for. THOS. W. IIOLLOWAY, Oct. 4..4i-tr. Pollmatjie S. C. A 1L1 pa:rties inideb:cd to me14 by Ieitle'radumf .\eco'iunt, or' in any oJther 'ay. are retjuested to pay the sa:ue at I) . dOW ER. JANILLA ROPE, Suitable for well ropes. D. MOWER. LARGEST m the tip .. id receivKn. dail) a,dj.