The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 20, 1871, Image 2

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A? JE WISERK E . I Jdeday'El, DeemW F9, 18 A Painful Ncssity, one which will wurk tomatuat advan tw. is til, theit foorom and after tihe tir,t daiv if Jan-uary, 1872, we shall dem:&and1 the cash for all aivertising, 'egat or other vi-e, except in :he ca'.c of contracr advertisirg with rmer ch:ts of rhe towII. Nor whli any bhcrip:iVns be received hereaf-er, Or noticed, uniess paid for in ad N.r wl job work be delivered without the Ca:.h. We hope that tlis notice wil- be bonic in :;mid, and advertisers or those havittg jo'> v:or, will come prepared to pay for their favor. We cainnot live, or conduct a decent tuinecs<, on BOOKS FLt.L OF Ct:AI'GES. AND GrfD PROMISES TO PAY, NO MATTEI HOW GoOD OR ABLE TO PAY-AT SOME TITE WHZN IT SUITS CONVENIENCE-Obr patronis mav be. Hall Sheet N:xt WeAk. In accordantce with timie.hotiored iasage, :n order to giVe the eIIoyeeS of th ofFice a little taste of Christmas, a ha4f sheet only., and for the belefit (f much of our advert i,itag patrons who( de ,.;re to cote before the pUbliC, w ill he is.sed from ti*s olic ntext week. Merchats ail ot ier having aniy thing to say, will gratify us if they brirng i such favors e.riy. Dcaui, of Coi. Azhmore. A dispatch frmn N.\emphi gives the in hign,e thl-it C.. ). 1). A,hmore killed his~e 6f by blot iig oti brain., at iri-, Mi.isippi, on the Gti inst. (ol. A<tnore was. a nat;ve of Greenvillv C :nty, in this State, and sfrveal in tIae I. i..;,ture three cntlsecutive terns, was :.h ted Conir1ir0iler G-eral four year', n: was afterwards alevted' to Conless - tea tielars are ivea as t he ata t. .e suicit al act. Be Not SUrprised. N , Mr. cUni'ln, even thagh tlie cra O e "f the Ka Klhx ere a; great as you su ->s, or as crea,nt as you nw siem tn v.a them ta be, they sink itt i.sig eitica irt a wi th e cimes vt; mn who have dt.r"vel the S: ate. The adiedai rl'rs of S Cth Caro na tare pIii!ty of high trenta, and :%h,vr_cive the traltor's d->tm. Youu ha1v::7 tiled in the mnire the iwllor of Sout Gi olina. A uatlt-Je once Loored, ,::s. by u, beIen reridered vile atl des picale. Put yourself rn his laoc, and ou will no loiger be surprittl that a tatI'(o Caroiniani shou!d call you a "rul ture." The Galled ,Tades Wiace. Thle t'omnritte eon the Judiciary of the Hotuse repoarted favomrably upona the bill "to declare tie 'ase of certaina n aords a mtt5I..--meanor," with the recommenda tion that it doc pass. Verily, somne of the porty are getting th:in-skinnaed, for the truth is b.eginningi to touch them. Or perhaps they are prepairing fur deeper depths of meanness, and fear that the vo ulary of Eng!ish tony contain uglier names than have yet beent found anad ap plied to themD. Feor ways that are mean, and tricks that are vain, they beat the heathen Chainee. Let the bili pass, and a lively time will be the consequence ; there is no g'Jestionr but that the imnagina t:on will supplly the dlemanda. The Columabia Uiatun crows lustily over the "awful" disclosures of the wit ness Gunn, btut it seetns to us that one of( the mort important dlisclosures hie htas imade is that he is a hailed n itness. The precious innocent wenat to Washington city, without any business in the world e:cept to see the city ; while there, however, he saw Col. Akermnan and had long interview nith hima. Anad r ght bere .we final a miost reamarka. a e ins4tce of di.sinterested benevolence. Whe the witness left Akerman, hais e rk presented hira wath 200 deollars. >5 gu.stions were askedl, andl the poor moi;'eenlt didn:'t know for what pairpeose mroney was given to limn, unless it u sto pay his expenses to Cartersvil'e, Youri Gur.n, Mr. Unjien, 5innmate of eedi: peeoor mnaterial, andl eithaer b:te"or wenat off half cackedl. Crow am: r, displays the cond'ition :hau': Thec fi nieai disclosutres show a degree oif guilt l:ehot padlia eta, and :hat the State odicials dld be~ arrested, thaatjuis:iee may noat be :.::ed byV their suddena diizht from the State. ceer ofl.ppu li.e..ismt won' t save the )esc~al *t 'e fu:are: for that cry ha<c lost i:S elearmu w::the negroes,. who. tare now sterving~ fur Sa f food, umi :are haf a..kked aifter year< dibor spn in r,a:owing a hcaif-vegr:an: e.v.aitineg for the fauhitmnt of prmni-:es e, butt never inatndedt to be fultilled , by ths viliainous dlemnagogues. T here has been a deep~ laid plan to phmdner tieState, he savs, and the Goivernior and Trea<rer are cessories in every fruudaulent ac,and thait the people should ho!d them strictiv account:.ble. That the Goevernaor's mw.nage is the meest rcrimnonious document gir.ce reconstrucion,a ad that itn It everv' Ic'y i< arraigneud bat himself. And nore of the samre sonnd' :rgument. Wheni lDaddy a'a:in thus speaks, the time mu hee at lan.! wt:'n r:al~nity wil be forced to succumbi to~ !:onuest ad fair alaiing itn our State G-ver. :1:nt. Another Ea-n Barned. Theai Spartanhmeae Spartan Says that aot . aya maorning at abttout '2 o'clck, * i cenose, sitated ona the -:eYo k Caounty, bei>nginag to) Our t.,wr: and its etttire conitects destroeyeda. Thaere .r 5aboat fifteen:l5 h-e ,f ttn in thle 1'e. iTh bu ilding as brok:a open, apposped,.c and th. ifirest:artedl con tthe -. o*was evidoc:] the wmkt oaf ar state tha:t afe iCr : ter e proof, se ' iih.t te ,e n a::n utn :e:eprrtrs, we are iOr:ntei. Mr. Theome.on's lees i s reareeert fre*rem the congrees "O(ut r ( -Cmott." lfthe ntmbi-r af ei.. Unitea States Court-Trials. Tr a>.D i E v:w:(. - Th t'tim'ony of Gunnrii and, other witnesses is tuo, vuo1m1i ius fur us to do anythin! znre tham to ivee in fe.v wordsle, th.l lhstane' f what thev s:ii. ThI i:,per plrol ting to bet a ca!"-t!tio )y-lal .s of tile Khan, :%- swo to by I hum, 6y ot 1.ined thinig ernI:.(;Iu:I :.aid! Ihat he b:ad beeln ,,n var 1 ius ra i :w ha.i at temiid sev eral:neengsof thie Kianl, h.,:!I ill tVi Haye' Mitebels' thc pri :' the ir:c, but.' did' not knowwhtehe: am her of he i'lan or lot. Knw J. Vv. .-cry, but did not OwItir he was :a wmPlr of Ah Khi or lo,t. HI nc'.er been pa:miled anyv :no,i-v nrikiing dico u e, but h:.i:- -t:!!dec l J110 qi.diars i l W -ingo fill h-enn 1i' . .\kerI:I,'s cer k. i:li m, ide- e, iV 1ht mn do v a Wl ; nupip-, it was to ptay hA expevns - to C-ti :c tr. vilv, GA. o' M >to g"W Wa itn to te C.'. Aierllal, ta di., do.,r butjut wi ent-s th ee lnh: city. Th truth ik. G;:':Il is a preei6,>us ra,eal, ami miakts a rev -it. Thec next witnes,,Chrle W. Fs<r sate th hllie was a memberlth Nlhm, ,ie in ec' i 1 ber i :,t. II a11.! b on vuiai-, r::id, nd w prve:o it tle %h.i ip lLin h of .s2ea n re . iS-lid hIt Suverl N:Us aNd Iiarn h:a in bunit. StlVil onneh: :10nthoretsiied that 1l.e a, a iw-:n:hvr .f tie K 0 : te - n W era import fthe hrp:i to: t ak 'a p-01 position to theki.ical p::'tY, protei"n tIf one another, and of n idw=aml N-:mWe frienids. It a- rm.;nored thant hel i - )!erlz intend-d to ri.,c. j.ined the KWi Klx tha! in rasu there was danger he iight be ready. Amlny Thuis ( colored) hired near York, daw thuod ho tjim i'.i:111<, vaptainl of the mIlIA Oiany, af r he was hurl-, --did n,t,. know wi>hon:im--, i;o. R";losiiams, the wiJow of Jit Willi-n, tif What ine or tvaenien, disui, etvinme to thil house Ci S.kced Willio ams fir gmi s. i !ave them two, and th:t the cvmnany h:nt the batw-L They then took ovi:iis tm, butilome sta:vduehi d aftercthed th ne.n She saw Willams nIO Mr aliv saw him next di; halig to a pMi Lrvv, dend. Gaisdoln Sele (Colotd) the : nih,lnnighiht Mareb 70b.)u, val!ek of ted bly - 1:sty of* sised men, %%fho knocked im: ab)-it :indi pj,A a1 pi.stol in h:is fac'., bult di-I not inj pl:e him11 .e vith x- 1 h 1 ed very lw to him,. anil booked at hmni wvith h:i horl i. I-N not g" to .see the bod of Jim \vil 1ins, but heard t dLe.x,. day thnt if, t%a, Thue Trosec!.tionl in) the caseL of thev L'itedSa.s again.-t Roher t Ibar e: 111tclitc l for conspiraey, clused fd.s day, 1:0h. The Cen.iony o tih lI itese exan ind,' I b w o-SIf V Ite sami ec g, eer aI orhate, ttIde:ing o show a di:Uril hd slate uf"llcietV, PrOVIng the fWEt of rn. iosraids, if seve:ralt act.. of violence, I and the deit. by hanging, of JIn \\il. liarnis-,lut n1"thing" plrAvinl. theexstnc Iof any con41:sirne to prevnt th-C efree ex ercie of the suffrageIc, tand1 no:th'n provwi insgoat epioner~'.I Ias presen atlli the hang' inIlg of 221~ W iltil.e aci 11,11t ofas. rdeath- ist' prove,anthat is2:I L!. Ct W'e dn eda fternoI5'l 1) "ih ai thele'ne n tee upon.t te- Ix;-finaeti of towitneses Wednesdayiv tst 101, anddur l.a John A. M tcre h, weq. ud ie ;apete anI1 he. A'Is;ek of lite eIlryigVa d 'st rnedstate o s1oiy , ; lt r retunains fl he manyf -erons andy someI r tstIf trae Jitnk Wi!!inm< saidr11 hers:as gindite or th clspral u. "l lm hc"si William Lhl lly,"th j:iayt bfreIhLI Mr. k1e." t) ven ra her u;itnsse i hain then W:Il-is a-nkie thlfei2nn to) the fact t. there owereC tiltraofl atil " -IraiI as-tely re 0 e: i-- h nx - ce : 1lu. i I - prver inot thte n-ji.t of Ithe ~ 1 rr:nx-un as far1t las tuh eic know of any,organizrtio , wn, no olitia, nors 1 any. th t do w-t h lcto,u a et-I ineo elf roeci0an to pre-l1j;: :. ven IJh-' W 111SI il no abe, ofro:n :e1r-1 1 irynei int ee,io i O ht to sweep1.1 th. count frn tle rCl-Op.IiLe pro11eu do WIdrod3 e te.stIiOnyi Ut)re-I~ the e!- e', thel d fnc deeI e t o leiI oier -kedlI for time to :nake.l soe prepIa r-n I TheII court accorigly i Ij 'urned ii rh grn- jurLy mm eturns., Iof true SI l : h oll owinlt. te i:Ce2 joi tI resolu tie oP t en h i :-rC passedil :4i1 11 C l M.I I0- -Fo the0 Gerl Aso-n.Il 1let.ta a r4eltf-' mI! i e her i', JCin -re:ti. reguI,i::ll the lSiat Tr 21 eaue to prepar an~ exh iit r ho1d1 and . Itocks'- theI ' tate of S-.ut Cro 'lil anIreen helm toth the Sue Tre-u urer, in the-.- co il or the Secretary of . Staeil ouedS th-oNo. 70 o th cod of roceure .\ln Act to rgulate the mhanner of keep ing and di:b:i;,sing P,ntis by certain oflicers." 1iorsE.--Mr. W*iIk:, ('hairmnn of the - JUdiCi:lry C .tii - h ,i elfaivora ble relorts '4n bil.,L inl lelition t se',lhng or .:ving sp;ri ouis liquor., Vo h t i-tual d : r .:to re poad %; .iel tII eAal:ha br f.g- . riv ntural :a t i ic I v'.ain:g to InIi ring -; .nd u favoable r.:port.i m :fi : hl :,j4' i::w-nd an .\I -,, regu l the !Vt., of Sher i! .s %:.91 f!"hor olc to provide Io s:i jrrs in .\r. WVilk;it - tr-e dlt u t e "r .. or Jhe ., io,: :o o'! : i Ty i'r.. : ua : O w ,i I. .. . , * bil Win rt&t :: L. he sufrdo-;p. Xf pub noys, asiread and pa"Med. Th e to' j>iot re,initioi aind . bill were pC 1.'si : J.,ilt rei inti.m t chIn.e the n" of .ani 1 Ib>an, Co!U, I u111 ',;s I iD til and Simnoll !).-g'an, 1t , Sa llno:.1 l"rr, GO:l" W. FMrr :1111. imo F'arr ; ,S U) prI%qa mrtdn Ams I Afrom i n i tr secnrities or evi-I onve:s o i-h-htepdn ; to rm ide com pI:sa:gtiln foru jurors in l!'court of Tr Iil4 duake, ak fir the mpliz:al:on I the ,n l I thiir di.cretTi,)l, I.% benl not de o (n::,ivd by I i:her ifthe .artims Th' e x e ::in. cius. o. a -ill "to n ld 11 Art regulAing the O. of shuril and tither ollilvs In hiin naund, and for other puiae, Asi st:iekeni out. A Xoment with cur Exchanges. IV o- oox0 comipt:k us to dleelmne pi!b 11shing the Ion-- pros peciu- es of the innavy eCllent pubilinifion; 0on our exchlange list. Antd we unake thIi-; unnoumimnt that the( pb l ~ m bt- az,iire I it noi' >t throwi.: env w:ant if alrmeiation, or indifRence. We shal comba'e11 , andI (b ke pleaNt'nur4 i, g1 the ama: mois:hiv imme' oryll 'aa zine. wece:hryrr:e but mus:t in ( 3 A i .,IV 8 1 m i l At U Tll(t. lir,;. dO:leI1i)to h h 4 1i Ih W Nilv Cirl. Ill 114 Nl -y, I . ugh .5 iS5 1 wa" N. IY r ri per . illml. r r ntillb r Jit-t i rec ' iv )!O. A : :ywijimict n; the 1f0mil1 ire!. , 'll w\hi, nchsh ol l m n p!l.ce i.i ever., 11 AmOiCa1 SMt J O Wor ueemr, pron n;. oh Sill rc4 SacIC;-6G. V C E judx :w!' (; mn. 'Fow;-, . P' ;t m il ahpbr I onll-e<. n%idhl ;.till Cli-vat ion, beAde...: sornit, 'WIn rwel written a r es that .ihoiiI be re:"I bQevrly me.Neie C,qpivs WiNl ! ' Ient free, b. The 1 lbilb3 e , N. P. Dad I : Mon VwII .T l il- lite-l fash.Iion n.nd f.l y work lI;q1ine': ". T. T .ylor, importer of ladice 1ash.0as, 'U1 Czowi St., New York. W ppr annum. Ats re::ul: ys the .wSan in its i oin is Ile 3 ldenweir d"M every niler g'ive'., U1" a Viillely and gIllanitiTy of* new i:neb s aW to 1perf'ctly bewihitevr lie int .gina lion of nan, but piritly lI upruhensible ato 11h. h:lies. TIe l' LP. h joarn:d o' M pi-, .\rt ON Literatwe. pub;ikhve by Whil-, Sitl I& l'rry, 2J8 a: 30 Wash ing:nm t 'e% 11o - :en'. ' . il co104) ers ,C year 1014)(.Ic 141' "1)coe numbe '4~V r i ihl i t ere'L st'LIIin:;. 1hC I"ides a4 'ret varh'C'iety ofii u Iefulasl4'l' ash en-" mu1i and'EI a f)ul' pa:n lik n 1 o~! ''f C ')ni;l. 4)'44 '1- 2211of thernwtusrbesuo aIsip' of n'nper' drcw Ine n:ore :outu resent 1he 4lucky lll dag41). As1'( th p1ub-c gp;on pr4L:ii is 'n!y 444(l a y':r: in advanc'e, thi4' p.: I tfodse paerfr Lo ya In (LO b.,ides.~ I.emi A'hiress L."ine, W in &(l Smith 4LiXve;>n4) (b thor1ity n "'' c'ience 'inii n. 4'4:1ie pbi- -h-41 enti cnien. rinErp4'n wta LOCAL. Avert;s:na .etus. N. 4 Wuth .t .. Bid uori-. MT'-.. are duly auiithoried to cuitrjct t ,rIdve; u-vrnet at ourcontret rates. Al wr si, i, tiat City are rqut-ted to leave their ta- I u, with thi11ou16 .' i'nt -rs.- \t D)r. WV. F. 'ratt', Dru.:, orv C.n he found eV:tnUt ToP!et !ett-, :.d !1.1r rtics, suitabiC fur Chiri..mais .n ! . :zw YWr'prK ns ad-'i e d ol'3it o1 Mr. J. C. irdin, wid O:'J.nie on the 2:-1 )f*Jn,ary nexT. 'a ,Its:t- gitrd.iam wi please be-ar this in Ta' y 1ut.:.ueni.-ry-ing to do busi IIas wo:but ad.vei1-ing i- hke winikih at: a iany gI iT:4gh -. pair ,f'green goggle; ,.a u.: y kow whia you ure duing, but n: od v ece does. I i:'v Fota:r, I whi:e or 'earch of ,iujith!e i ents fur wif-, d.m i:;r, stler, or sweet :-:;rt, it an 1legant a-sornnnt of fncy 11lr setts, choice perf"u'es anid Siweet soapz. an h f!1nd at the Dr1u7 Store of lDrs. lotte & Tarrant. 51-2r. DoNT DRINK IT.-I, is s:,id that a cup of "a runtaini V14atile OHl, Chlorophyl, wn-, in.g, t:umin, theine, ex;r::e:i ano henteaihmen,Sulp-hur, popoa ho id of po:sim, oxyde of roi. eWmona:e, lphae and ilhosph,re of Fr., va: l.::t of nagijesin, mnagnese and -ilien. At :and bllw c-a:t-mupilinae Dtr". C.Nlt deall W l'oo!s :Sure, hidIts, and geo a I Ck?.-.sT3.%R-SomC of the pretrinsit ar.d i-0test U ite coIceitS, suit,ic for Ilolidty rcisents, and which wv!! nor tnx the pocket ieavily. becnuze they are chaoip, can be found it ;ie store of .r. A. 1). .ovelvce. L.,k in -1hilren, mamr as and pap: , you'll surely -te oicth ing 1rettv and nice. Mtte's Vict!:ia T'oni.c litters wil kepl f-T hils.48 - .Vm. C. Be,- & C0 nrlaens hre ir, :1111 by Mr. W. II. Vebli at Newihvrry. -(nii. of tIef. Eliwan Gtnmo. thw 1.ikatn i of which aire of the. higliest gr:ll. We tdlvise otir fe;ra 1%riendl t read ,hei(-e: i.,m in inantherc0!mr), wh'1b ;givvs the it andi :lptuion to if.:-reat eriips of Th-re is no ri.:ke iour Fa-.. hig o-. e a. :! hA! )1t. 'o L'1oof call :mil I lce!'a i & P'ool. 2:. Twi -: W:o>ii.-- I-e gCeer. i,g:o t:,Msc Vul. C. l)::;s Co., of thw ol a uIl j:e cek hi, Vmr our re!: W i Wh : new vard, io %.-h we taie( pleasure ;n ca;i:ng :c:im'ia. 'e prISes of both the Fert ra'lir r:d the Acid 'oospha'e of Lmit are re.':ced, nnd nre sol( im t'ne without interv,,t. Rien the e: d. 'ie house of IbXes & C-). i-e a-; wcl known TIM1 h Wes, ::itfd t!e-l but lit!e recom nend.tton from vs. Txi a EosO l'ntOSPiIATE CO , of Chiar'es oh, as wi!l lbe seen by a; card in anothe-r -olumun, offer thecir Solub,h: o:mi at ~ 15 :tsh, andi -90 crecdit without in:terest, ti;n! hie Disiilved P'i'~ho:hte for composti:, at *::5 andl ,30 as above. The-c ptre-parations irchihly recoinctleid,:mdn are oiTi-rer toi he lantetir with confilent as'urance of hiri suiperior meri:s. Mr. J. lI. .\Iken. eiorail a;;ent, w-ill itmp-i rt. any tinratin. Mot te''s Viiorbii Tloli lIit ters. a .i, h'e-:o-l loutbt. the be-st Constini: iotnal inovat'or ev -r uff.:e-i to the pulic. dS-Gr. h:n ' IT Tucg.-A n overcoat was taken rom a wttgon a few dayis si! Ic, where th;e inetr tre-w it wh ile enttingi : aL of entboin. c'it is re-ttrnd, no muore v.ill lie stid abotu: t, bti if uiot, the- thief shatll bie P-O..ecuredi to he fuitest ex:t-nt. It wv~a ac-etrv tiuk. i::dt bughci we c-.,mot h:nt iidmire the loe.' ge rosity in hiis willi::gne's to .hhield the inie-f boutd .be restore it. we wiild lIke 'o se Ih'n a ailhed. WVe adv'liie him to letave the coait :i:he'r at the s-ore of Messrs. dioo-tm:mn & ~I:ybe, or at 'his I f--e, withiut futrthe: de altl I' l'Ol, iat andii b wcist. Che::p as lirt. 2:. Iz.r::cvitit.:sTs -Theire arc several litt:e :hng- which could be done biy the town tu:horitiee, the: advantages of wI,hi wec :hink umi::ht possibly wairrt thte e::pen-e. W'e allude to the erecioun of severtal lamps --one' t the detpot, atnd one a; etacht of the Zhurce<-, near the Court I louse steps, & ic.. Saidnmp t iatrrie:mte pr-oof, and p!ace-d ipn5:ronl piosts. Also, as It ritzz!cs mnany peCople ;t titmes to lefine lue:::hi, thte naimes of the stree:s, .zaimtedl at (crt4in corners, wouldl serve a 0tioni swit- , wiin- nitu -l. a fuli supp'y it Mite &Tarrat' s l)rng S:(ore. The :ilme o b)uy ::ndi thC at-i to liut them itt the y oun-1is L NOv. 2-. Wnt itr A IIt.iscIN To) r.s A WOM.As - - vomn::.n says n hat abe chooses without being IiuCed for it. Shte can take a nap :e:r idi 'ier whileh her huishi:uiil goes to work. She rant go out liiio the street withotit heing isked to s;tanmd treat at every sailoon. She tim sty it: htome int timue of war, and :et m-rrid aini: if her Itusbihil g::s killed. h le c-an get a divorce from I hei hubaid i the sees one0 shei like, he-t:Ir. S:e e:it get oer In :brud- ini ebrtiall 0 :er, until he wan :he puotlhe noit to iitrutiher Ont1 l.Iccut Bt a 1 :hesec :tivan tages a re b-danted by he g; fue:4 itt ihe- e.initit sinigba, se:tr a bieari, i spiar-king or climbh a tree. 'd!otte's Vie:' ria Tonic l itter.s na-e usedi and :rescrib'ed by P'hysici.mns as the best. 48-L M caic ll.aTu ';HARIMS ---ea verily, andi herefore ue c-.utendI the mno:e we hatve of i he better. Let us haive the brass banid by til meaniui, thtat tbn echoes miay be w.dedl up, mhe shadowi bir-k-n, and s->me of our cares rivrw a:-. L.:ndi a htand'. evervlbody, and ets ttei iititi: we w.;nt miorie tiii:lin on the fonsm at fo :he tritab-me.:thamps L.>ih-l.Nti- :ttd big ri-d:es a--e -ill ight a theb mw.:v , and voe ni- for s'-a-l te partie, anid ten'--r ser(-n::ide W, wher oly iwee-he::rtt.:tu! al tlit:e diigs (in thte liar ieu'nir premio-es.:n tio ble aitled butlii fir. :he ido. in' towtt brk if they- dlesire, as. hiot e's Victoria yoni Uinlcrrs ChouM hie ptin everyv houtse, au l th'ir life-g iing Tmn e Poptie tm -ried by i!. -IS-Gr. rli. har:e o iif- i+teimin:t a manxufaictur -: ::' in,-i a i ca on-re cit. fhe hitrgest mtaut '-ck' -.h-irt in th::t city. ie- roiomsa:t No 2: 1i-ivte -:rye-t .r. tot:er adver:I-ir-ot al.pear. at h.-r en'u ani~:. .ov. 1-1m. Theii :iook- :m-il acco:mtt of the und:regnedi .n. m - at ttie:i T .i-: o.-e fir a -- l-- -ce6.- .e tme . ;i r e. m o hi.=:w for 1-7'2, for,t;'.) ::L,i gra: t irou;g1.uut d1t United Nates, -an1 all Civi z.-'A co:n20ie. of :heI Wesern ll:SI phere, 1'b pubi;iv.22.. al !'! ir' 'Janl iary, h, :-. .! :: ,I 2l '!. . oL4,m 'ilt :. *d tl:1.b 1.- , a;. ' rp t- :i !*n.Ioi : -n OHIO-h.s ve ".0 -SA,: O b fo :M)"rect I I. co InII:-- r: -ne. 4 .- o : G!cn,;r. Thev ait1:re, *.M, ni cx:raordin:ary su-nitary f"tft& ,tttr S'orn-,,ebl Pilers. -.hek tCpQ- uonic anud i'er.ative oif mnure lhal: .Ol te Chris. in vrord.!, i-re futly set forth a..1 f., h r l o nt r .Wt pie %4i-- l K umIIK v.ibib lweig tir l th;; !.w.hih l::d h a: hum Hon til. -: .:; Iw . : , ! :.. ( :t id . - :o22o- .m-, th' .2:, he .o : '' th r.o u fu! : 2: o 3 he: h .2.2 l .'. t2:e a.,'2in; 'h . :o .2' or2 1 . i- ,.2 2.2 2,t .'e 2222 22I: :22.2.-:', ". . I., 222.2 .-.!4 22 ,:. :a 0u., :2.i 21:::p. -1r' or ..: 2' a In. by mai' t o any P-r.411 wh'o cr:,:m t nruo: oll. in his Ilih-h ),rhood. Th- !;:;u! Arc suihl ia everry :Ony town andaile a:vl arw extei.vely 1,4ed tI:hgh1oUUt the ewire civiliz--d oorld. rhr H E MAN ODY ITS NA:11- .A.'D lI.\!R.-The bodly is un. ; 0a"'ot:- WV, 01h ia"the Vol. 02.- 1 ! acliel zell2 2222.20 ' . 2as . I!] . ' :.'!n n .o :ra i; :e:ai :swei : h1 in! u lu 'br v.X34,1%) Thik w: :;ous!, ;,t r-p.Ar-l :('r:i';;:' of h - o : ; a td I"h:- losses of he ,bloo; i.u tb s pp,li, d !'rom; food. A:s e r ! - - i . 'vJ' : d fom111 nm k of :Iq .-I !v '. 2.2 hie u : 2 ' t'- ro o!, I o :. 1 1i't .I power s :!ri !i: ::c' :o e up in the foiod. :2:2.cs . ; : . .:en. , 22:i 22tio er-e.e- e:-:g a d,thi:: 1vv.:UI' is- giver: )U ih .: m ;. - al. iorcec, s:ch ,r t.Ce !Ar 1 W. UPw , It, ni:: -"h t a.d the l . .very .!vhh tht we think, every breati, ,bat m.e dm:w, every .AiihWeat mionk or wwatre that we make, vwars away the or. ;iz '1il- to MAN . In a th :mnditionl th1i4 wa:sIte P.vldluts p:p r irn.ate degree o.' .qppIeitc and' ofdieie :igoor. Bit in p er:' et ; h hh it is tint. :v. : r tit::. k oi.l.e t or th1 o1-res oi n ie I et or;:.a::s a rv I:Ut adv 2:2t22to covert2' int nunition, blood tha.t222 02'no:n22:t'f food n hieh'.222 the 2pptit c.r'e 222w 2).22 Fich'1 2.2'. 2.3 2.2 a 22.n .2ad22in: 1'st :t)pe by 22ilrtint oce i icbe t,i: s n el..2 is2 accn::13 ii.he, :: 2 n he c s alre'.,1':12 :h-20 ''c T.- fed Ti: , an.'tO l 2'fn 22ivi 22:: v .i!! 2 o the rest . ' ) 122 .he'reei' on2';I .ui: w e la:i, n'.c' r uin .1:veyo. 2 I':wi brai ::ev er 1 er',.- :22.nd)2 fibr ire 1 crn;: theint,.-20 t2)222 2.o:i-hin:. 122e 22 f 12:iti. ze2d3it:n, 23 bih2u2ness nervous wenkne.2. rh2 umu.~ 322m.' 21ero2uleu do:d- .22:3.d22 chofi const$2ipa. ,ion2. lh::t th 2 worbl1:::-:-22er wi;newhed. 3' 222 2212r'a0eunt2i'ti h2r2, it 2' ' whitenes 2122 le oth. a e"i,cl < ''i2wer2'ke :ona o t23: 2re2t. :I: pre22e2 he' in' :et "2ro.nyout t o .:e22 22'h2: 2222,' 22'2h '2 in 12he !.2. 2 be 222 ndl Che322i2. andlrit ims i.ever jfai l . 2.h",' 2222 u.20k.31)De L:o: a r ingfo te hir F0o cale by a 2ru ,pss.' ''.'222222 222 .22 22(22:02 2'222i FRATT''2)2222'22 ASTRAL.2, C2ILr% -Not th.e 21heace:t.2 h)' 22t 2,2t2-st ):. ist 2.222 Vl: iain r 2'or t:2mi: use2 ever. 22n.:.' 2222.2 122i the 2. onlinary her2 '2 h..noiC Oy< and br3O.ken. end fo.r, Sirculu al.acs; WIn the nFrve connecte wit theW2 2kiu2' 12::.2.' bru222-2,. pIn'2,122. &c22. S 2bt e,-er whe: 2222 p22-ts a 2..N'ew Y 'rk. Gi-rn! .:n thE ove one iAIR.ini: rie-thae u'2e.i'it: 11 <' 22 dy it o ' 22t 2 ha 22:ire. entire 2.at2 by:c i3 n: i)u N ''a t a 2222 Dr ': ts ad Fancy23221 Go).d' 2( tor;21i' 22' a 2ot :. G'22.12 r. N22 22w 2Y2 o.'. . :2. o'22'2 THANKS12o2 TO2, THEk TI:. LY D22 '2;2)2iSO 22R2 222 I J. t 2 in ow' IJout'hh::: 222 fyru r 2li herts o 222 ')2'y i Jnt h.ave2 been2 g t '22b12by.Ic.J witnessi RST S'LI SALEN--(2:'ing like it eve f.rIC A.. .nn 2c2.Physii:222r,p2 nk $3 t'tin tern: of the2' hirt '' pra2ise. &'rc. $.2. cents iW2222r b '.lohn F-.2. .lery. 2ol ;opr'2ter,'222ollege ''it.. w 2- live, . 2,:h o. :d1.222 "2n 2 r'..2 2 -.2 enge rbu (.'.2c. th h rn:'' 2211i22 tt.0 222 2 :::2 - r th'ske grey2 322 2a.22'v2. w b'i-e23 or re. 2', he l' i', hav:tu 22' tonwc2222 "for2 lt:22. ~ '2.24r 22222' 2 ' :C)' :od- eM2 i1 '2'. 2. o'd i22-2.. *!n. 4-., c'.,2 m..e 22n i2 b s22.'-lo 22'2(2 12 2.22 seh(2 222222d liver-. 2,. 2.:21we2l ('2' rr '.2 '~ j2'.2. New Y'ork. 22 cis a- l p u: ( :Ar toIC SALVErs -N2:2ei:1 1:i!dci i ci 22)'e 2.12. )2et. e pr qual. toc .e. F..2r2 L 'e b OnISte h n., a th :iI apri-nt:2 ( iolor Chur. by.2 Rev. 1221)'a2 Le22i'. ''.2. T l.'(ossT 2222 tEsmn to worth :uni charater'2' i or coi oftewr:r '2(r 2'd a 22.2n 22.22 mothri es j0 22: 22:22.2 .m kindne of'22:22 manner, genth-'2! nU;'2,r2of .-222b 2 2, 222222olite2e 12of2( attent ion otwo"Vir'iS Lahe' hts . prove herer raten Ih:en. .4-To. ourcne- rieds -wor hor 22221 tted, w2te n 3 P ap;ines (o2on Wc a'.'n nevIbfro 212Cottond 22t2C. 2,) dul'.. ' 2'.ph:stsi' 1 02ri2a ' 2, I ' 22.. i., inteady-' 2:233d. 2 219222rlean 22 222. m Wau J '. r+'.: am l ofhn CO-M.M"'s.E-RiAtotL.f.l 'u2 "'2'.t. 2 ': . , all.C':22e warrant202 e< - ..'~ 2 .22'2'22,2 1'-'U222 1".'f .Y Callds ! 011ui0s Sticks, Balls, Drops, FRENCH FANCY AN: Ca Iy TA i Bird ih.A -NI:d . LO E 5AR. 'S HOLlii'.iY CANIT. U.:.n i fi ,r Innr ( :e 11 E. ' .Ju rectin-.l at Dec. 20, .51-tf.C READ, READ. raild Fa c(hi's Kfi ue A T L. a IS HALLS FOR THREE WEEKS. (I'I AN) SEE lIS PRESENTS hIISILmas anid I'M Icar, DURHAIM LOVELACE Af.c-ionatey: invites the children, mam mai and ptlaa;, to look at his assortinnt of Plain and Fancy Candies, Beautiful Boxes and other Fancies SUITABLE FOR PRiESENTS, As they are not on!v nice Lzid haidsone, but cheap). .Al gods in FAILY GR OCERY line. A. Da LOYE"ACE, Dec. 20, 531-2t. HAND~SO NE TOILET SETTS, Chr1stmas an3i New Year FOR) SALE CHEAP AT c PRATT'S Drug Store. Shecriff's S:l1o of Personafl F.x Pa:e-Lydia P. W tlon..\dmn'x. BY virtue of ant order of the ( ou~rt of Pro hate, to ne direr:t-d. I will toll at the lte reidenlce of Dt Tli It 1.'1') N WV LSON,.de cc.ised, aill lhe P'r-onail P'rperty, onl t!e 29ith I >eeemb er, 1S71.consistin:: o' rtro Gold W':i'ebet'. )One Wor,(e. One !o.rgy', Corn. F' :hier, Cot;ton Seed,. F.itrmin;r I op'ements. I l-m.o'Ichl :ou! KineI:en Fri:rnre, Unie Sudle. One Gun and Acco)u:remnent-, 4 ite Tleims of Sa'e-C:,b. She -ff's 001-. ) :c. 13, 1871-51-2:. 9~5 LAND TO RENT. I witl reni to the highei"t hiddeAr, at Now. be(rry~ Court Hloui., on the first Miomlay in the Isat ''l' Dr. Tb:.mpsotn Wtil-on, dee'd., ''ontaidn ;rt' S'icr'. wit I wo small hoises. 1h ren lt to be s''c't:ed byn tnot:iu and ap provedi sureties, pav',::lef I,-t Novembder, -f 872. LYDIA l'. WILSoN, Dec. l' '7-51 -4t. A'ldn'a. HIouse and Les for Saie. I will sell on ''ale-. hiy in .Latary nex-, a hionii eit fnor ini t e townl of Ileh-nal:, the 1 improved aind pahl'l in, .to''d wetll of' wate, 0 &ce. 'J.1 E' .'i.FTT, Ex'r. Iec. 21i, 51-2t N'iwherry, IiTat ohzt. id ftetr the 'da:e of pc- of tire arm'to, Iti, oran ot!wr' kindti of tire wto ks, in the fulic uin itt'an f l t t drumliis, ('ixc''pt i-i r .t'. mi:itiry tranintg) or to bl!ow horini wtiuihh. tie ttinrporae im'ftits, exceplt by permitS' rio o~ som,;r of the ('otitell, give-t in wiriting; antd fort '.veryi oT-nee' the de liinen~t shai be lale' it liine tnt ex. e(''ing Tent Dollars, or i:tfpri.,ottioeut int IM: to ;'t'ie inr Sa:cl,et. t - (Ielh"da ofE it-'i r, E.\. Dit, i'd . tti.'u L i fen't:r:l''lo. he :: 'td Treas e T!!ii f-nb'rihe alr i or f'ail~ e 'ETY' heill et lu e.ig t f 'ro i th l ge ir con-ti !p .6 in iot f nhnfro '..De e,E 'or 1. iE. IS.Pop, nthe, Iost bySte no.1. W.lA. C:TnE. DeAt Motte & Tarrant's Intg Store.a S:ien't friom the su'iber's stbio Chturch,. a flir::' yeloe cored. muh-, ff. muue ad ti!. 7 or 8 tCeirs iobl. ThIle was.trackid :or nttles So'uth. IThe Lindr n i'. e s:i.ied better than: hie extiects. Town Lot for sale. Ttt !!E id rie off.:r.; fir pri note 'ac,P oin veri' a-:d t''trm-'I'int, the fli-' iand se icre .:eI i very' v.du ib.u' Ad; Ti isrrxt Notice for Fi. nlDischarge. :, co::terti, that I il: nake a f.n i . Ileillellt ''i the X'.!tte of d1ii I. t tJ w deceasedl, Ott the 2' thi d'ay of .4 im.tiy next, in the PrOoae Court for New~ beorry' 1ounty, and apply forn a finial discharge .ts AI:tnini-. tr'atrix of said estate. Fie 2 .'N L L.\M 'W. FOR Cotton, Corn, Wh, ASH, $50 per 2,000 lbs., IME, $55 per 2,000 lbs., ble Nov. 1st, 1872, With( iotory East e,rd Hasel st.; P AA "1 ~ 1 FOR F, o P. jomrpcsting wrViGi P RI C ASH, $30 per 2,000 lbs., 'IME, $35 per 2.000 lbs., ble Nov. 1st, 1872, With: GJENER1AL A( D)ec. 20l. 51-Sm. OF CHABLE ST( Pr operily apeiating. the nec s lj. illierest Uf the dontb. resoi ved ELRTIIAZER S at a~ price whliich ie rea~ch of every plianter. They offer their -SOLUllLE G LoniatCed I"ermiizer. at 845' cash.< 4t of November next, with a ppro The "DlSSO LV ED PTROSPI ih Co~tton Seed or Stale Ma:an ryC low pice of 25 insh, or 830 highly recomme ~nnded i>y plantel J. D. AIXE; WM. FRAVENETL~L, Pr esid Uhree ve'ry .ti:peri"r Artiewi nre' otTeredl by the Stt ny of Chaleton, S.e, vizA: ETIWAN GI A co'nipW'e mn murE. adaipied to Cotton, ( r:in, and paidI oni or beftore hle of: .\ pril uext, anid ITIZOUT INTEiiST. E TIWAN O:O AX newi : artiee of the samie hi ih grad" oif Solule 1 lit- of C.oti Seed ~ in ne a';mannir. ais t' ensna 1 G raii, at a lower price tb:m .e I.tinan Guna e' 1st of Apr il iwxt, s45 per ton, Dry:h! 1st Noei ETIWAN DISSOL~ A-er.-ging from 1S or -20 pe,r c :at of Di oiived Ilot .u :cr byeor o p.s:im;, to obta;in ~ : .ii 1itne f ha l h ;ight Price 935ne n. it' p *! 'in ior b'>re th~ 1: T AKE NOTICE. th. al the'-o rer;ilizers are of' thi< d. flas helpi for m): e than on y . LAND FOIl SA . E 1 I. ArsS At L etii i' i d tme lurera ntici1el lr FI- - I 1 n Di schrge. wm;rlI1r,i .;:. S -- . .oir t A W .. t eat, Tobacco. at Factory. at Factory, paya ut Interest. ~nes on Ashley River. O D O e of Lime! Cotton Seed. at Factory. at Factory, paya ut Interest. ES .& 00,, WENTS, OIARLESTON, S. C. :%ECOIIA )N, S. C.1, sity of fostering the plant. in the oJutset to .ffer their would place them witnin UANO," a complete Am >r 50oni a credit to the vecd city acetn ,wr . LATE,'' foyr composting -e, is n0w o01-red at the onl eredit, as above. This -s who used it lat yearto bi, General Agent.' ent. 1 L IH ZI R. .huric- .\eid and Superphosphate C.m JANO. T obacco, being the well known1 artil Ii?. dli-olved' itIne Ph;o<phate of Lin.,.. .\:n m!oia and' 1'.staish. Price 355 per ;J per' ton, p:ryable 1la November, 1874. P~ FOOD. 'hiospha.te, comnpounde'd with the -e'.. : oe of thei bestr fe'r:ilizers for Co-con l'riee 904 pert toin, if paid c.n or beforo r, f-72, WITH!ol,T INTEREST. VED BONE. le Phtoephaie, aind thusq eni.biing tha. i: grade at ai savinig of one half' cost and 't of April next, 540~ per son, payabit :ihest grade of Solubio Phsphase, BEE & CO., at J;at F.c,'arlo,ton, S. C. s ?s Sale of Cotton, L Wbb,~ Li..n for ate.:a "arranit to me inued in~ Note ~ .'.-' e.e by Tho.s M L.akfe of Iihe (ourt ofi (CoInor. Pe*ai, for I bleied i.:;.on Se2ven Bailes of Cottonb .'cproprtv yof Ite saiid Sir:ip-on Malone' 'ii r .ael !he $anIO, or tio mutch thereof,, iy bei 1'ersar v to a tisyte amnon. 40aW. iL. Webb), and the costs . n h..v :ae'ruqd, at N w herry C'nurt, -21,11 ih ir'i.a, nr. ;.ulic auctiocn, b .-id'r, .n Fit t Mon:day in T.:. , M . .,41, .)i.1c.