The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 13, 1871, NEWBERRY HERALD-SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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/iEWBERRYT I-IERAPP LEMEINIT. NEWBERRY, S. 0. Wodnesday, December 13, 18YL The correspondept of the New York Herald, who has given to that paper a truthful view of matters in the up country, savs: BNrwNq Two EVILS.-The sup pression of the Ku Klux organization is an eveat not to be regretted. While t owed its orgin to the mal-adminis tration of the State officials, it is un doubtedly responsible for many at r0cious outra1res. Could it have been r,ossble to have confined it to its original mission, it would have greatly benefited South Carolina. In two or three of the Counties. its bold and de terinined, though utterly lawless, ac tion against criminals compelled Gov. Scott to remove some of .the scoundrelly officials he had pre v1ously foisted upon the people, and apooint honest and impartial men. Its equally lawless opposition to the negro militia averted a bloody strug gie berween the whites and blacks. This much is said in favor of the Ku Klux without any feeling or jot of svmpathy for them. The famous fi-ilance Committee of San Francisco was au equally lawless combination of men, but who will deny that it benefi t.ed California immensely? Unfor tanately, there were elements among tho Ku Klux which took advantage ofits existence to gratify their own :rivat aniiosities, and they killed and.ot meu at will and pleasure. 1'da it been left undisturbed for twele months longer, it would have probably become intolerable to every honest man ; then the better clisses wnuld have risen and crushed it. Whether it would not have been best to have let the Ku Klux run their course until society stifled them to death by the mere force of opinion, is a question I sull not discuss. Certainly the .Uited States would have been bene mied by such a course; for 1 tell you, 'U zili seriousness, believing that I write the solemn truth, that the whole sale arrests making in these Counties, the almost Russian despotism inagu rated in this State, and the knowledge tiat the present movement places her more utterly in the power ot irrant uegroes and thieving polit i adventurers, are filling the hearts Lf the white people of South Carolina with a bitter, relentless hatred of the (Governmnent itself, more fatal to the Union than all the Ku Klux dens ever organized could possibly have been. Gems. Man-A bubble on the ocean's roling waves. icasure-A gleam of sunshine 1pssjng soon away. Love-A morning stream whose memory glides the day. Faith-An anchor dropped be vond the vale of death. Ciharity-A stream meandering 'om the bount of love. Bible-A guide to realms of en:d ess joys above. Thmall vices indulged, are little th:ieves that let in greator ones. Want of prudence is too fro qu"'ntly the want of virtue. lie who pelts every barking dog m'et pick up a great many etones, .F'>w are wise enough to distin gnhi between shadowv and sub PapeincelC is one of the~ oldest and best teachers, but her cbarges are ruin:ousiy high. The New York lb rald says; (Governor Scott, of South Caro lina, has stopped all further issue of State bonds." No, the people stpped it. Scott would have boon goin ahead uratil now if his ras elity had not been published. We should give as we ,recieve cheerfully, quickly, and without bestitation-for there is no grace ina benefit that sticks to t.he WE ArE NOW O'EN[NG A GREAT VAIUFTYOF FANCYAICLES-DESKS, WORX BOXES, WRI fING CASES, PORT FOLIOS, &c., &c. School Books and all kinds of School Stationery ! Fogartie's Book Deposiory. NEW CATALOGE-No. 1s. TRAVELS IN THE AIR.-BY JAMES Glaisher, F. R. S., Camille, Flammarion, W. DeFonville, and Gaston Tissandler. Edited by James Glaisher, with -ne hun dred and twenty-five illustrations-a sec ond edition, giving an account of tho uQe of the balloon during the siege of Paris $10.00 Second Series of Froude's Short Studies on Great Subjects....................2 50 The Elements of Intellectual Science abridged from "The Human Intellect," by Noth Porter. Muskingum Legends. with other Sketches and papers, decriptive of the Young Men of Germany and the ()ld Boys of America, by Stephen Powers..........1.75 The Transformations-(or Metamorpho ses,) of Insects, being an Adaptation for English readers of M. Emile Ilan chard's "Metamorphoses, Moems et In stincts des Insects," and a compilation from the works of Newport, Darwin, Muller, &c., &c.. by P. Martin Duncan, F. R. S., Professor of Geology in King's College, London, profusely illustrated..7.50 Eleventh-Volume Edition, ofThackery's Works, demy. 8vo. This edition will contain Thackeray's own drawings and all the other illustrations in the Twen tv-second Volume Edition. "Vanity fair" is now ready, and the other vol umes will soon be ready-eloth, 3.25: half calf............... .............5.00 The Speaker's Commentary-The Holy Bible according to the aathorized ver sion, (A. D. 1611,) with anExplanitory and Critical Commentary, and a Re vision of the Translation, by Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church, edited by F. C. Cook, M. A , Canon of Exeter, volume 1, part 1, Gonesis-Exodus. "From the fulness, fairness, thorongliness, and candor with wnich all difficult questions are discussed, this Bible Commentary is sure to be satisfactory to the scholar; while the plain, direct and devout man ner in which the meaning of the Sacred Text is explained, thoroughly adapts it for the widest popular use, whether in the closet, in the family, or in the Sunday School..................... 500 Systematic Theology, by Charles Hodge, D. D., Professor it the Theological Seminary, Princeston, N. J., vol.1....4.50 Castillian Days, by John Hav, author of "Pike County Balladi," &c...........2.00 Hood's Works; complete in 4 volumes, comprising prose and verse-Whimsi calities, W hims, &c.: Hood's Own and Poems; Up the Rhine................6.00 Burton's Aaitomy of Melaneholy, Libra ry Edition, 3 vols., morocco, cloth. 4.25 Isaac Disreli, line Library Edition, edit ed, with notes, by his son, vis: Curios ities of Literature, 4 vols., 87: Ameni ties of Literature, Svols., 63.50; Calam Ities and Quarrels of Authors, 2 vols., $3.53; The Literary Character.........2.95 ilman's History of the Jews, from the earliest period down to modern times, 3 vols., S5.25; Milman's History of Latin Christianity, 8 vols............14.00 Thornwell-The Collected Writings of James Henry Thornwell, D. D., LL. D., edited by John B. Adger. D. D., Pre fessor of Ecclesiastical History In the Theological Seminary at Columbia, So. Ca. Vols. land 2; per vol...........4.00 Howe's History of the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina, vol. 1......400 Memoir of Doctor Channing. with Ex,. tracts from his Correspondence and Manuscripts, 2 vols...................3.50 The Vagabonds, by J. J. Trowbridge, with Illustrations by Darley.......... 9.25 The Recovery of Jerusalem, a Narrative of Exploration and Discovery in the city and in the Holy Land, with an in troduction by Dean Stanley; Maps and Illustrations..........................3.50 Morris' New Poem. the Life and Death of Jason, a Poem by Wm. Morris.....1.50 The Earthly Paradise, a Poem by Win. Morris, Parts 1, 2 and 3. in 2vols. each.2.95 Speimens of the British Poets, with Bio graphical and Critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry, by Thos. Campbell, a new edition..... .......25 Prose Writers of Germany, by Frededec H. Hedge, revised and enlarged...5.00 Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Eu rope, a new edition, enlarged.... ..6.00 l!Persons residing in the country will please bear in mind that by sending their or ders to us for any books published in A mer ica, they will be charged on!y the price of the book. We pay for the postage or express. A ddress FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. No. 260 KING STRI EE ', (in the bend), ClIA RLIESTON, So E TII CAltOIlNA. A pril 26, 17-1y. Bricks,Bricks,Bricks! GOOD BRICKS! 400,000 BIRICKS FORJ SALE At the Thick Yard OF Eit H. CHRITI'TAN. STATE OF SOFT11 (CA11011NA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRIY-IN PROBATE COURT. ExParte John C. Wilson as Adm'r, &c. Petition for Sale of Personal rroperty. Pursuant to an order of the Probate Judge, I %ill sell on Wednesday, the 20th inst., at the residence of Thomas R. Wilson, dec'd., all the personal property of said dec'd., consisting of One horse, Cows, and calves, One wagon, One buggy, Agricultural inplen-mts, Corn, Cotton, Cotton seed, &c., Household and Kitcher. Furnirure, etc. Ternis of sale-eash. No property to be removed until paid for. [Signied] T. 31. PAYSING ER, Dec. 6, 49-3t. S. N. C. SI'ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY. IN PROBATE COURT. By order of the Judge of Proba.e, for New berry County, dated 5th Decemher, 1871, 1 will sell, at the late residence of Thaddeus S. Boinest, deceased, In said County, On Wednesday the 20th day of December, instant, the personal estate of said deceased, consist ing of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Sheep, Hog1. Cotton, Corn, Fodder, Plantation Tools, 11ousehold and Kitchen Furniture, &c. TERMR OF SALE CASIT. 'll0S. M. PAYSINGER, Sheriff N. C. Dec. 6 49-3t. In the Common Pleas-Newberrv. Silas Jobnstoue, Com'r. vs. Spence F. Beard, et: at. Bill for Partition, &o. By order of the Court of Comminon lles for Newberry County. I %%ill sell. on the first .iou day in January next, all that'Trot of Land sit nate in Newberry Couuy. on waters of sunnon's Creek, containing onte hiunidved and nine vcres, more or less. bounded bv lands of Sophia Neel, Abram Moore. 3Mrs. Grithb. and others. Terms of sale-Cash. Dec 6 49 4 TIMS. 31. LAKE, Referee. THE STATE OF SOUTH CARO LINA, COUNTY ()F NEWBERRY-COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-Albert J. Haiti wanger, William lIabliwanger, and John M. Proctor, as Copartners in trade, tuder the name and firm of A. J. Haltiwanger and Co:npany, Plaintifrs, against .oseph Maner Lawton, otherwise called J. Maner Liwton, Defendant--'opy Suninons-For Money Demand.-[Complaint Served.]-To Jo seph Maner Lawton, Defendant in this ac tion: You are hereby summoned unil re quired to answer the complaint in this ac tion, of which a copy is herewith servod upon you, and to serve a copy of your an swer on the subscribers at their office, at Newberry Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service of this ummous on you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to ans%er this complaint with in the time aforesaid, the plaintif will take judgment ngainit you for the sum of one hundred and ininety three dollars and sev enrty cents, with interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, from the twenty-first day of November, one thousand eight hun dred and seventy-one, an(d costs. Dated, 21st day of November, 1871. FAIR, P(IPE & POPE I'laintifl's Attorneys. To the Derendant .JtiEPi[ MANm l-AW TON: rake notice thiatthze summunr. in tjhis ae tou, of which the foregoinr is a copy. n r,fie in the OfBee of the Clerk of thne Court of Com mon Pleas, at Newberry Court hiouse, in thme Cour.ty of Newberry, in the state of $outh ('aro lie, on the 20th dav of Novembelar. A . 1). 1571. B'AIt. PU l'E & l'PP, Newberny <'. H.. s. C. 28th dlay of November 1871. N ov. 29, 48--Gt. Columbia Ph<nuix publish ince a week for six weeks. and send bill to F.. P. & 1'. Administrator's Notice for Fi nal Discharge. I do here-by give notice to all whom it mayv concern, that I i!! make a 6niul st on the Estates of' J. -J. andl A. W. EEl)lt, .Jr, dee'd., ont the '.;d da- oif Decembner next, in the P'robaxte Gourt for Newberry Go unty, and apply for a final dis charge as Administrator of' said Estates. Nov. 22, 4'7-St. NOTICE. I would respectfully refiuest all who are in any wise indebted to me to please settle the same, at least by the FIRST oF JIANU A RY NENT, as I desire to be in Charleston as early after that time as I can. TIHOS. F. H ARMON. Nov. 1.5, 46-7t. LIME, EXECUITOR'S SALE, BY authority of the will of ISAAC EL. LAR, dee'd., we will sell at his late resi dence, On Tuesday, the 19th Day of December Next, All the Real and Personal Property belong ing to said Estate, (not otherwise disposed of by will). The retal Estate will be sold in three separate tracts, viz: The Old Place-Contzaining 148 4-10 Acres. More or less, adjoiting lands of A. Welch, W. .. Wilber, Jas. A. Welch, other lands or Estate of I. Keller, and Estate of J. .J. loan. The Sloan Tract-Contaiinn 137 7-10 Aeres. More or less, ndjoining lands of Jas. A. Welch. W. M. Kinard, Estate of J. .1. Sloan and other lands of Estate of I. Keller. The Glasseek Tract-Contathing 122 A res. More or less, ndjoinin!g lands of W. E. E-. dy, Mrs. Gampbell, W. M. Kinard, aid others. Horses, Mules. Cattle, Corn, Focder, Cotton, Cotton Seed, A Large Lot of FLOUR, One Road Wagon, i Carriage and IIarness, Plantation Tools, etc. TFR.s or S.%r.-: -The person-il proportY will be sold for Cash. The hind, o, -hal WaSh, te b:laleC ott a erelit of one var, with interest from dnte. Tho prelne r to ive bowd and mortgaae, (with the righLt to foreclose without snit) of the preini!es to secure ihe purchase tmoney. R". IT. WRIGIT, 1 Ex'ors JOHN T. PETERSON, j Nov. 22, 47-4t. TIIE STATE OF OUTHICAlO LINA. COUNTY OF NE\ BERRY- oLIRT o(F COMMON PLEAS-.times N. Lipscomb, Plaintiff, against .Joeph Mmt.r Lawion, Du fenda:-Copy Summons-for moneY de. mrand.-(Complamt served )-To Jo,eph 1sa ner Lawton, Defendant in this action: You are hereby sunimoned and required to an swer the complaint in this actiou, of which it copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your an.wer on the subscri bers at the4r offiec, at Newhcrry Court Ilote, South Carolina, within twenly days after the !ervice of this sumtons.on you, exclusive of the day of seryice. If you fail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of thirteen hundred and twenty-five dollars, with inter est at the rate of seven per cent per annum, from th.e twenty-first day of November, onc thousaid eight hundred and seventy-oae, and coCts. Dated, 21st day of Nrvember, 1871. FA IRH, Po PE & POPE, I'hintiff's Attorneys. To the Defordant J 3E1Pt MANI- LAW To N: Take. notice that the -unirnoxs in this :ie tion, of which the foregoing is a copy. was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Ci mnoO Pleas. at Newberry Court lJouse. in the County ofNewbeorry, in the State o; Soutti 'aio lius. on the 28tU dav of November. A. 1). 1871. FAt. l'PI & POPE1', l'i:titfs Attorneys. Nin berry C. I.. . C. 28th day of Novembeor. 147L- Nor. 29. .18-t ,oiumoiliaeoix pubish~t 'once a week for six weeks. and sLe bill to F., -P. & P. Til I- STATE OF SOUTIT CAi10 LINA. COUN tY oF NF.W IlElRY-CoUIRT OF CO M MON PLEAS--Albe-rt J1. llattiwant ger, Plaintiff iagainist .losephil M:mer Latwton, Defndant-Co,py Summt toot<-for mnoney dec mand -Complaint se-rv-eu I-o to.i,eh Ma nr La:wton , D efe-ndant int this ation : You are hereby summoned andl ri quired to an swr the cotmplaitnt in this action, of which a COPY is herewith .,erved up~on you. :md to serve a copy of your answer on the stntscri bers at their office, at Newherry Court llouse, South Carolina, within twenty datys after the st-vice of this summoas on you, exclutsve of the day of 5eriice. If yott fail to answer this comph:tnt withint the tinme aforesaid, the paiititf wi!l takeC judgment :u,.ainst you for th;e sum of one hundred arnd six dollars atnd forty cents, with interest at the rate of seven per cent. per an ntm, from the twenty-seventh day of No vember, one thoQusantd eight hutndredI and seventy-one, andI costs. Dated, 27th day of November, 1S7L FAIlR, Ph P1E & POP1E, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the D)efendant J SEPIR MANEli LaW-. TON: Take notice that the Summons iu this ac tion. of which tie f. regoing is a copy. was fiuced in the Office ofthe Cleerk or the Co-urt of Corn mon Pleas. at Newberry Court liouse, in the County of Newberry. in the State of South Caro lin, on the28th day of November. A. D. 1871. FAlkt. PoPE & POP'E. hPlaiuitiff's Attorneys. Ne-wherry C. IL .. . P 2th dayi of November, 1. N OV. 29. 49-tt -lumnia iPhactiiX 1htthM once a weeck for six w-eL.. i .it . mea ti o E. F . ' p. A GREAT OFF1 '* Only $3 for $11 In Value Or. for $4. S18 in value. Or, for $5, $26 in Value!! The heauitifil ad artistie Chromo "Isi't SHF PETTY?" highly finished, mo;iWted, and varnished. Size, 13:17 (after Lilli. H. Spencer, retail price $8, will be sent by mail, securely dolne ip, post-free, as a pre imiill to every 83 ve-arlv subscriber to DEMR MEST' MT1TiLY, acknowledged ite tost bea.:ifull aId ueful Parlor Maga. zine in Amtere:. "ISN'T S. PRETTY?" it a. beautiCtul Chromio and splendid Parlor PicUlm-, anid a vt unile work of art. WoRTH 1ot1 ITiAN DWUi-: Ti: cost r MusCRlP TIN, and114, together v.iih I EMOREST'S .ONTHtLY atid, anl opportuiiity for the invvstmen-,: of ;:: tu-h as rnav never occur ; or, il liee of -,a't Site Pretty ?" for N.1 alddit,inal, 1li11wATHA'S W0ooti (after .eoitme Thoipsoi), size, 152 price, -,15, %%ill be sent pr.-free; or both Chroinos anld D4:>oIsr's MoNTH;LY, for one year, for -<. 11iAWATHIA'S WoolG isan equially spleiil % ork of srt, a large and leatuiitul Chro:vo, and WOrH FOVR TIMIS TUB PuICE CH.ARGE:. Iluitbands, Fathers, Broters, and Lov,-rs, do not Mnil to sub scribe for DE.M(1lREST'S MAGAZINE, and pre:ent it with a teatil Chrorno. It will miake eyes sparkle with deligh' and satis factiot, :nd prove a monthl.y :minind.-r of your -oodl ta.t aid kind feelitg. 4ddress x. Jr.:st4 D%:s:'i:.T, 83s Broadway. New York. Copies of the latc:,t numbe... of tht 3lagazive 25 ceits Cecn, post-free. Nov. 2t), 48-3t. THE BLST IX)YS' AND Gi.LS' MONTHLY MAGAZlNE. D1MOREST"S YOUNG AMERICA. Aiway. spr.rkling- with Interesting Stories, Poens, 51ti,1c, Ni-:ziec, Traveis. Games and other Pleasine Fe:iruic, all PIUFUSELY lLLUSfR:iTEl), end calculat4ed to amuse, intrurct, and v tvevat,, the tastes of the young. and make tleir lives useful, truthful and hta ppy. SinAe eopwes, 10 cts. post-fiee. Yearly, Si, or wi:i a choice of the following beautiful ind vainable prentrim to each subscribe; fo 50 e!s. extro: a firie ParlorChromo, worth 5, otr two i:eresting -Juvenile liool.s, bound it eltHli and imilt, worth -1 75. post-free; or a fite pearlisandled two-vule Poctet Knife and a pallet of best Pain:s, pos-Iee; or a ve:y powerful bras.,-no,nred, double-cylin der', iv-;Y-tppd, alj.,table blicio-cope, worth *.2. po:rage 24 ets.: or a good Stereo scope witt a serivs of views, posire 18 ets., ele.ant Phoogriph Albur for holding 50 pictures, postage 16 es.; a;d valaable pre nitmis for clubi. Adress W. Jennings Dtnmoie-t, 838 Broadway, New York. Nov. 209. 4S-'r. DON"T SUIHSClUBE For Any Paper until % ou see a copy of "FOR EVERYBODY," The best Family Paper in America. The Finest Engravinms, Tiae best Original Stories. The most caref.ily selected matter, 't he cheapest and linest printed pper EVER ISSUET). And offi-ring the Largest and Finest PRESEN T'ATION ClUROM to every Subscriber. Pub liWhed tooititly at ONE D-LAIR ANi) FIFTY CENrS a year: and the Chronto could not be purchased for that anount. We return to the OLD FASII!ON PLAN of Yearly Subscriptionas. hecause we can thts spend the atmoutit usually paid 10 News Agents. in ad ditig to the quality ad elegauce i f our paper. It COSTs T.tESUBSCMUR16rS.8 and they gets more valuable paper. ()ther publisher sav we can't afford it. We say ive do afford it. at.d sh:-il continue to. until we have the large.t subscript ion last in the coun try. Then we sharl ttop alnd increase our price fr the paperal-ate. Send tea cetts for sanple copy. before you sub2cribe lor any other laper. Atidress 26 .A en t.. .uffalo, N. Y. AGF.NTrS WANTED--Ladies preferred--in every city. towna :at vanage tat tue United States and 4 anadIas. andat liberai termts are offered. Sub ,cribers received at this ,ffice where "For Every bolty" catn be Seen. Nov. S, 45-tf. The State oif South ('ar-linin-County of Newherr.-I n ('onuton Pleas. Ex Parrte W. II. Whaidock. Petition to en force .ilechanitae's Lien. Ex rarte Jerry Evazas. Ptition to enforco Mech:antie's Lien. lDY 'order tof tis Court, passed in the for whom rte butIbling~s described in the Orit pteririons was erectetd, and on whicl; Williamt IH. Whidlok andt .Jerry Evans hold tmtehatnies lienst, is reapiired to artwer saidi petitions oat or befote thte next teran of this Court. All othecrs, the creditoars of thte said James W. IIay watr , are requaired alIso to take notice bereof, antd to esatldish their claimsa, if niy, af~ ainast said bunildinag, or the samet wum ae barred. TIltaS. M. L AKEE, ecc r s Nor. S, 45--t. Phonix copy six weeks, weekly. TO RENT. A tdesirtblo STuU C on M .ina S:rep. Eor