To be Raffled! During the next 10 or N5 davs, from tim< to time, $1,000.00 worth of Watches an( Jewelry, fashionable and good. Persons wiuuing prizes may seloct fron the stock ar.y -rticle equalir:g the mote value of the prize won. In a lot of $loo.u' with 20 chances at $5.o0 each, there w ill b S prizes for the S highest numbers thrown viz: 1 of $30.00, ;Z2000, $15.0, :12.! $10.00, A5 0o, $5.00, $3.00. In a lot of $50.00, at $25 1 e, *) elances, there will Ibe 5 priz, viz $I2.0o, ';10.00, x8.j'l, '45.o01. Cash must be paid when chances are ta ken, and parties designated to throw in ;th absence of the persons taking a chance when the raffle comes off. Apply to Messrs. 31tte & Tarrant. Nor. 29, 48-2t. NEW STOCK OF WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY, THE subscribIer having purchamed the Good Will, Tools, Material, &c., from Mr. E. S. Bailey, who has been for so nmLN years e:gaged in business in this place. would respectfully s-ty to the citizens od this and surroundiug Gotnnties, that he will, in a few dvs, open in the roon now occu pied by Mr. .1. A. Chapman, with Books, a -ood stock of WATCH ES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and Silver and Plated-Ware, All of which he will sell at REASONABLE RATES. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry REFEAIRE ID In a worlinmnlike niatiner, and with diz patch. P'ersons having either for rep tir will please leave the samie with Mr. BailoY, who will take charge of all jobs for ne un til I open businesq. JOHIN F. SP_ECk Nov. 29, 48-tf. Notice. I woild respectfully say to my friend2. and foriir custoiers, that on account (4 iipaired4 siht, I have been cotmoelled to disconrtinu, buinss tHving sold ozit to Cyipt. J1. F. FSpeek, would rcspec,fu.'y so licit for him a contfiuce o1 the patron:ge I have received for so many years in this place. E. S. BAILEY. Nov. 29, 4S-tf. Bread and Cake BAKERY. Boarding and Lodging. HAVING secured the services of a first clAss BAKERt I am now prepared to supply mRyeaustomsers with good fresh bread andi' cakes at all times. I amtt alto prepared to take perm:iuert and day h.o.rders, andi I urnishi medis at my. Restauranit day and night. Fish, Oyster.:, Game, kc., will be supplied .during the seatson. KATE SHODAIR. NOTICE. The subaseriber having iivena ip h.i loii wi-s, w ould request ali persaons havi:'g wrk in his hands to take it away. His h:ouset and lot and firnitunre, will be sold to ani early putrchaser att bargain. If atot sold .oon, will be olfered fot ren:t for -the next year. E. S. 1BAILE;Y. Nov. :Li, 48-t f. THOMAS DZTCKETT, - - . Principal. Capt. D- 2. GOGGANS, - - Assisant. TIHE Sixth Antiiid &asiona of this Sch:ool -will .cuomec onQiC Mo nday til. .J.inniary 8th, .1 S72. It.ates of tuiition' as hd1l0ii': -Classicil Alg.ira, Geometry, &e..50 0' 'Engliah Grammao:,r a: d Ge ographyi. .. 4') II .Irimtarv ........ .......... . ...~ iii0 Pupila nil be ch argedl from thec tim ofC -adimissioni to ti:e endi of S-ssioni. Board e1in be obtained either wiith i1w Trincil,I or in the neighborhood, at .$1 .iii per mon th. Nov 29, 48-'71-1y. 1871, FALL & WINTER. 1871 OF WIUGHIT & GUPP8CK, NO. 2 MO L L' )I N I10W, Is now suprlied with a full and elegati as sorirent of CLOTHING AND GENTS F UR* NISHLING GOODS. Emibracing all D)ESIRABLE~ STYLES AND' FABRI[CS Either for 3Men, Days or Youths. SUiTS of all kinds, romn coin iOn to su perfine, AND AT ALL GRADEls IN I*11ICES. Hlats and Caps, &c., &e., And all at MODERATE PRICES. Boots and Shoes. FeCalfhand sewed drers Boots, Shoes & Gaiters S ""D'ble sole w.P" Seal rskin....."... Heavy Di:tchiers ''"" -from 9 to 18 Best b'ole Sote Pea eJ lIroganis for .Mlen & Boys. Call at Wlull : CU1t''S Sep. 27. 39-tf. TO ADVERTISERS. A LL persons who contemnp'n:e making e m tractsa with newgapelirs fur thc iui,crtiou Advertisemnii:s should send to for a (rCilar, or ene1i2:e 5 c-nt; for thir One I inndredl Page i'.i ninieTt. c,mraiing Lists of 3.000 Newsapers' .in. CAsIl, WTIT USUAL A) VANCE FOR TIME. EXPERIENCE IN TIlE USE OF TII4 (u;lno for the pISt six years inl this ztate, Ior Cotton and Gorn, hIs so ftr established its character for etee!enee as to render coin mlent unn1ecessar-Y. InI accord-11nce. -i , : a !!h. policy of the CoIpaVy to furns the beSt Con centrated Fertiz.-r at the lowest Cot eonsumner:z, th". (; no ;z pt iito mar:ivt thliz Scasoll at thI, ablove rclducede", I ! ih tiw C : i enabled to (Io by re.nof its iar-te !C-:Jes .id lie reduwre 'Lost oV i:o:e :e Tle u[-plis j,It in!o market tils seazon are., as liertoiore, prepared undcr the p-r Sonl. sul-dutei;lence of* Dr. St. Ju:in RaveilC, Chemtist of the C-1mp:my at Chize.t.m. S. C, ie c. r :-itrs iy rcst aissui th:t its g' A tLTY' aid COM I'l tol.rf. So'. At C' pre:ent low price evry acre planted cn bet tcrtilied with 2oo poinds of' Gl',11'o at a cost not exceeding the prescet vulte o' 8 1j.aimils of cotol, while expelionvo h:as titt uIdt un i favorable svni:s.- o m *eason a:,d cliiva tionl the crol I:% inIrLe by L[h14-Chati.ol fm two to 1t. I the tO:nrt! cap. co:ld er f:I to Co idi"m" l s" .L'' No t'. ,.- m P). S.22FIC ~ C GE. 00 .I'tS. .1 N & T,Jiu COMP-ND Acid Plosphate Of Lima, rOlt c)I NV;rit U w ()-11TTON SEED. Prica 5 Casli, w,h 'Uzaal Adv=- for T im.e. THIS article i prepre' unIer -:n -uperin temilence of' Dr. S '. JULIEX LAVENEL ex prc.iha per t.n Bigi e xtrat. Lime B -r, No. G: S. C-ty !t.. INov. :, -:im. .ikhiore, . 100 Pieces Newi Style IPrints. 50 Pieces Popin23. INew and Desirable Styles at LOw .iiVC8 BY D. MOER Nov. 22, :7-uf. vr' n D; nE -ARD FALERL TRADE. WE beig ii'are to inform oit prns uinr1 TE~ rQTOK of s a'ALE and FA N(T [< nowi tompet in toi i* Tre-ns. E:n hcne al the toett re.etyesi:' qudticw Presh by:Fnor Cash. rn itave, Swi. ob.eo t he L.\Gl'.s , ima andFINET TELE T<> v Go in c F .aLLf e & D 3xLa UA-.: ,i!.s CooedSl Q o: IN STORE DRY GOODS Wi . h lu 15re Awe' sft't d $.5:,. Vh ,e ea% , A ' CHOICE and C31EAP, And con;is of (C:;ico:s. De3:6n:s. Scosta N1 Phi - Ap:: I:L3n1s."I11~~j3'5 Piu.~ NE: L::I mreis.I , Ribe. j's l'ovktt Cutrir . simnsL & cmK8 ~ . CiE A N:. S viT IN GRNOCEMS Wo have dhwL B17 A CO . C-%-~i R i ,3- goliu BA(ON. PON Can a:and ioet and L.: coi!ed. a sa3ve1 moneLsy by) geiig e w3:[e s.h fro:m M. BARRE & SiN. Ipt. 6,: f s-. I L A ATiTENTION THEN Citize.;; of LA.RENS, N.W]lEiRY ad ihe surro.idiag cou:.!rv, if you S ould make e1 e55sion153 fro IU11 i L A RGE aLnd VAIElD1 and Cli'EAlP .sn3 iAs.:o31tn n: of goo531ia a33 Wvre ever Under the Hotel. My Fbeci is f'd! and einbhrace' ia 3't everythiog whieu cua? be called f.or, e.i'ler DRY GOODS, WITE GOODS, HIEAVY (;0ODB, IBLANKET1S, NOTIONS, UJ ATAj 6CROCUER . A full11 assortmnen:, and31s 31:il) sel'l them1'3!3 n LOW~ as ther can be! bo'!ght id .:l:.~: or c.1ewhe5re. Camne :n:d? 63ry .e befoure you le.y - who1~ e. The Highest Price Paid for COTTON. M. FOOT. ('ct. '2.\ 4 -sf. 9 4 ON C IT * o Possessing powerful invigorating____ These U.itterfl aro invaluable in They purify the system, and will cura Ilemittent and Intermittent kevera, and are a preventive of Chills and Fever. All yield to their powerful eflicacy. Are an antidote to change of Water and lJiet. to the wasted frame, and correct all Will save days of suffering to the eick, and The grand ranacea for allie ills of life. BITTEZRS gE SEUR2i In Young or Old,MSarried RCiE or Single, these Bitters are un equalled and have often been the means of sav'ing life. N v. ", '71-45-17. Tobacco and Cigerz. A.S 'he reven .- .m Pr:h w::" thiroughi the e .3311 ry: we%. have ii:. r:'ingementCfl to 'uris' P:11r, :.'ot3r nith1.13 a No ~ . 1 nib (5.,-" . 3r 1 T" baccso, at ! .-s .p s ;a o t:i .t a 31 .1 I. tl.1-:1..1.....3i Nov. 1, f-J Stoys, Steves! Sto'es! THm 1..rgtzv and Onpein sormtiri S U VF.S th o h:t- se'v-r h.uu j.rW:!:t Te h' Sube1:nuk-, it nning A 6bcc. ;m to !), fwAd Ohe celefbrwf: Corttn Plant, itoj)%Vet:d. 'le M-e1 of i 6 ov b:V, be.n enILM1r9.d. Zd .i::Wdisa t thw hod of all UEIr Vooking Zvt Hko. ibe old Cotvon P41ant.zit a rc-luved :;it; te Gr-tv Jucket, M-ignolia, QuIcof1 S.*nh Samrim S.11ith hud rho 1r- Coz ich thpubic are inv4ded to 0.dl u:d c A LRO. A 1trgv:- astrument .f livlag StotK, e.t siviniv of fivev sizes of BOx S!4jv,, threesips P.orlor Climlix, for wood no f cold; thu Fu: lin Ger,for cod; Frakiij Stoves, feir ww; P-.rhaw A ir-tlgh iAtoves, nu-I i vri-ty of or Tie- ub!ovo Stove-1 ar1 mu1,1fw:aul by A lLbef wh)oh irIothe(rs for the SuurheruiL tra. A L90, Au X'cniive aiior ient of Orit. M,i,rha Mal:-! Picce, !'Jo, IUvar&b and Gre i: A It.110, The l:srges ai:ortueunt of Plumblig Y,-,t. iiai rv;- brou4b 1 Thief Umarket, cu,, iv i .f l :t rp , W:tJ1 st,aimis, Sliver P .e i:,h andl bib'j Cocki, aud 1;!tLh Tub I a C.,per Bath Tb0:, ai u vAr1eiy of Calve: izu.! Icou Aiuk uJ E-21Itu Drdu Iipo. ALaO, A 6tie n;nrtmient of itrue:h, Wod utl \Wjj!iw Ware; a h1irgi si-fortment of Finin S.uint,d, P14-anish and Ja;>agulrAd Tim Wark AL40, '.aWir, %.,rk dusir iu the most apr,mve i - .: Ti and Tr<- vr,; wok rhamde to urdw I ifm. b(1..: d Gu;;et1i!g doM" tu order. A, PALMER, THY . ..rined h r.1urved from th10 a :ca isv.ith Ca la g liC(i.tL -- v :t~s:-tid smeik f LadfIifs no-i (entled* c,ea~ ~ v!A .Ilm sd-'lu' W&b er-..:!y , ectud for th i ular t, - o 1j,- V!J LOW FOR CASH, bi- "Walers will do wl lo era;m ;-tt &. C:,.' e Baumg ih ese. Nov. I, 44-n !SAAC3 SULZBACHER, W.ii.1EER .NI JEYWELER C4sLUM!!A. S. C IH.s on barn1 f.-r the FA LL TR.AWE one of the hand'somest. larg.-:-r land biei --L:-'cs us ood'l a ver befoI, sown in Catimbis. Pa'ricn.r :a:temina is, e.led oi a disp1y SiLm and P'LTED-W.lRE,V Whicbah Cannot ha srp.ue,w in any other es t.bisaent, and) a1'-o toa .hI rge aL'-ttieml 01 SL OCK S, Or every variety and pricf. The celebr.tted P ERPEC'T ED LSPECT/C LES, Made by LAzrus & Mori, ar-e offered .ira; tu,-* ::a.uranjce th:tt thb:y are te bs m.ade. For auytb;ux is I:he above buer., wiil Clumbi.?, cali un IAAC SUL7.BIA(HF.R. Ur.dar Coumbi~sa UusA. s3ALOON, N-'r-b of thea PuaiL 'I M t!eneu .atten ied 'o wit c- rity. af1ec the IhR{US. MEICWNE*. (1i ! 1 (O he but at E. E. i A CK S OWNS, \v, j:ii. *u' E. JUC i.t LOHNEC SEEER, S ro);ed1 g-eityV, b. key-g or b'ot,. ~ oheitedi ad Istutfctioii STRAU SS U er thie Co ibi Hotel, Thoe Bet and th OrLL,t . K A N dS. C .ue L:Y Gklb .'-L -;, - :VU L- '. " -Xi is. . ~ !Al 1_) y r. viv .: Lk'A >i b .E A~~~ L CU~R ?ARPET D0 'D'. ) . W d I u ],a il\'Y t D Sli 'O. , --r.!I?sIr Tk; A WOSAG ANDS RWALL. al :: -, kl Oy4I T"M! j) AT LO0W FIGURES. G. DIEROS, ('OI.UMIA. S. C. 31mAT lED UCT10N PRICE OF SHOES, wr A:T A:R:TAL (\\iN;; to the FA LLi.PI ,I SilOEI S at the Factoerie.-. the u krnd r~I*, yis h :id to ..-1his:iAu Ro BHATS ANU CA19O. CUSIAt .IyJ E H. C. h top~.(UVckis t i o t ete'il W d wa i the markeL, congri-ig:lha dur;e, At l.i and fashio Pb. J.LI~ MEIGTANL,Y 'IABIA se toG. T bcapso & CRoR COLB iA, S. C. G. (c,. 25. 43--3:. TQ COLUYB!, S. C. LO Cheapest oud I'D'. Li L F ITS .KINARD, S 0a 'jN N I! i 1 4 i aL L t Ati i.t HU4 MMAhe60.. t wr 6tl -o W.. '.I.C"P e asv Qf ! 1:';%!i.-e 1,; r... AlUT XIT E," :Ue'S-06 EPAR T MET .wT- -u~~~3 llt 7i~ia( It L E R. Mair Rb. M a_ _e._ -- . A -- -- . $I 1u tit e44 d ( 1.! j~r C .r . Ll* U J '; w : r.r.dl; Aliki v~i I :;: il')7. lu.j V. ). .1I tkol in L1I-' SRAt"i COLMai,. .ai S AN ILD G*,OLa.-'.r;A!-.. , iw rooms, uAC, rnWne shar.earn r'r-( rn.1 a w:l wil:.:0, Puracut:i, Th Curv, ?,h 2::p unts, - e- I T.A.14 1U- Dj viL k laud llu - .: ri~ . . c e in rriJL Fu!tu stLark*t d l'.ekl Er, (y ua 1 4.~ Si :a uDrv S hit~ W0se PCickb l Me- :t :ckeolb in (Xis,~ S.aited, T,me uIr ;-' ge Lea ar ,uw d+et d G j4ias c m aer W.Igu.- t A: D Lury o iCe: . L , uub r TCtui: , ?J i 's gen:u i ne :. r G aoo I.--radi, r'niC:Ihrooms,t nur, Fl'e' ebusr, Pai v-AppU , C:terr: et, CUU~A,ca onmwT.& -Crs .d rA, :i' yeNf tOi, l'Oh>:u I) vbl Stai.riif teie F,enen'~ Nutad Put SteHar and Trui. ke be'rpassd nf it h in std ee Gm "WIRN AD LIQUES pu for Moet a Churdon C:mmge. - rwad-n. &cns Clary n ureh Whincy, Jamaica lm nd &Cht. mt tu~ s~ ma e.fe (.I: PDI COLLMUJiA, S. C ierchapnt Tailor, CLOT.ERIING II LOr"u .U TT f; "I- T GOODS, &C I t ,i .l . U. I S'U 011 oF! : . I tolat h1::4 b ii:.uCba!.m n.thie suh.wvribers hia ILRidEAIn:DL 1.T KDofIREA1) C Lf NN ' AX U ,r '.jr thw 'Pir't #-I FUpp'yna COUN P?UJLAR ANE aUW PRsy 4cw., A;vA o(XNvw Twirk. Owr RS TAUL STtKK ' the Cid(CEST "d UEST wk-tustck wo ha,Ve3 0, "lad. tL-.: p!: 0e1fofr;Ing to out < aPS cf th S a.n, : -rd :rtnen will be:. d to or.rin a sOvylesu U. LOV.&COIRTS E,&W. C.- SIT.IffELD, OL. 1, :M . 1 , S. C. A L L t, E A D Y AT THIC P 0! P0.. P, AMn L.OW PRi cED x'i pukne fr -'e 11i at:aic K, UUB oBuSE W.D. LOVE & C0., COLumBIA, S. C. W& are rreppro-0 nshow a rull line of Ful'. and iooe, -ed wi h (xMit ere or t zimf mr r. in now and choice .sv:., - tou;-h. v'. of*!init R1oli- at low priers. ir Stlmen are plite ind ateir-ive. and -.vW p! siure in showine cwtomers 1i Ues f Th,- fitw Wrot goodti. 0:irov to eoIupr "i all the myst dera % .leof Dress Gooj, :-hnjLlR, Chvak?, Ar: .'ong. apes Rou: s folanfnel', c.:er . nr, Gh.vk", per wear,lo 4 u 41ti Vp nd Shirting Go:nttun Cheeklun, ..ip U, Le'tIj'1 .1L T i r , JeIans,~il T bes, :1 n.r II'!. ' 1u white D--e1 'n Shirn:. i ot he es na th ;vr. i" t F/V . r ile . :n: . .ex.g1.:duw Ila.. THEI ri /n frtheEpr SePLY, ' r -. i ;es e o o i s. full~' of G oodsl o ..' ;i . Wis aleo n.IAII l n AL TV.. QAN) on apicatin hv1~ mi 'hi O l u. b. lteb ibn, ,GO i.MA &.et ounit SOHC C.D.LUMB'.'.. C . 3. EIiAEOT. MALNOTHINT, * .iiji .1;tofo Nw T*. Sthea n ow i~cr. cecipt, oftei FuAaLL -I A T 4:-,1 GOODMAN&2S.