AGAINST THE TIDE. Agrinst the tidemh :nge !gainst the tid. No slightest wave but drifts me back to shore ; Though wtrai:nin' every nerre, I still ddde, With strength ail spent, jist where I wa-, before. Why could I not have stayed upnr:- the shiore, To pick up shining pebbleq in the sun, I nwing TIACTS of LAND, vir.: TRUCT NO. I-Containing "JI( nere, more or less, on which is my cT n.-, a 4-rge, newly fitted-up house, cotnining nine rooms, pantries, Closets, &c., and all necessary out-builtigs, Al:,o, a good -SORE-HOUSS. which is one of' the be,U stands in all this seeiian of' country, at which I have r.'np a rood There is also a pubbc '.00 and BLACKSMITIl F,1OP, which has a good run of cuQtom. nil in fil operation. There is some fine Bot tom Land, well ditched aiid in a high state of cultivation-. TRACT NO. 2-Containing 100 tacret, more or le s, and adjoiainE, Tract No1. On this is a hrge al pro 3ruIs ME!. CH{AT, OORN and SAW 111LL., ail in good running order and duing a good buzi new, also a good Gin ffonu,e and (in, ru: by water, wi:h Seriw anio e nete-az y buildings. On thi. tra. t is some very v: iable Bottoni, well di:ched and int a hi: state of cultivation. This is a very valua. ble tract. TRA T NO. 2-Containing IS( acres, more or less, adjoining tracts No. I and 2, about sixty acres of this is in original fo-est, and some fine cultivating laud, wel nater ed. and very accessile, iying between the two public road;. TRM'T NO. 4-Con:aitnn 8:: acres, ttractLNo. 1. On this is a sat, known ,as the old Rod Mil, ,omne !resh cleared land ott thi, nu in a high state of cultivatin, enry of water, and a sp!endid an c ilahorers houses. . ACT NO. 5-C-ontaining 7j aere., .as he Moates place, and adju,iing tract No. 1. There is a Dwell og and other out-buildings, and splendid spring of wa ter. TRACT NO. U-Cor.taining '262 acres, nI joining tracts Ns. I and 5. on whlic!. arte a borer. itot;es and stab!es. On this trae: i. some Miue Nottomi Land, well ditched, and in a high state of cultivation TRACT NO. 7-Conttitting 73 a :re, known :4 th (;ipscn place, on which is a rood frame dweiling, with necessary o:i buildings, and a good sprivg of t.ever ina wAWT, and sotle fiue euivtin z lan-r TRACT N0. S-Containing :'19 zwres, kiaown arthe Kinard or Gary Litd, or, which is a D elling, with necessary out buildings. Tihis is onec of the be-st farmting tracts of laud iu all thieathi O* Jl.o11 a. Poen by Wm. Morri. .1.50 1 The Ea i P'ara.,e, n Poimi 'ny Wn. Morri. , Pats 1, 2 ant! 3. in 2 vo.0 each) .2.25 S ceimens of the British P'orts, with BSio grapit'ical n;iI Criticai Noticesi. and an naa on Englih Poetry, by Tho.. Prose ~ Witeirs of Germniy, byt Frederic it. lledlg, revised awl enarged...5.00 Lngfellowt's Poet nd Poutry of Eu .r rope, a new .l-tion. en!J(ed... ...600) The Plavus of- Phi:lip Ma-sing *,' with C.ri: ical:n~nli Extplaorory No:es, by Wmn. G.fford............................3 /J Cannn'. D)omestic Medicine, or Poor Mani's Friendi. now and revise:!I eli Ii:on.5.50 Gnun'-. Newv Faily P'hy-ielan; or, Hioume lUook otflHealtih, with '.uppleme.ntary tre.tise, on Anatoimy. Phiysiio.rv and iIv.eiw-, &C c ,&c., with niulnero,us ii Ilutra'ilitin.................. ......... S0') 4 Sanishi Pic:re~s: lI)rawn wLi:b Peni and Penciil, with I li1nsr-itions,. by lire~ and othiers............................00 Swik-. Pictures; l)rawii with Pe~n ami) Pen ei* ilustrations. liy E:. Whymir.....4.00 Pitoraloarnev' t he IIoly Land: or cenes in k.dasiin :, L t T. S....3 2.3 Te Cie Illiitry of Engati, by A. U,,: et.,.wah 20) coitoed etchi'gs and -200 wood e::ts.... ..........6.0 Ti Cl~ omie Iiiery of Rtomi, by A. !Beck- 4 et. ilutratedi ty John LLrih......3 751 Oitt tr:itnnert Sachowus of New Testa ni-at Truat s, by L.yman Abb.>tt, iIllus Ca(, o''k, hi~ Life, Voyages:mnd it ovis,, by Vi m . G. Kmngston.. . 200 LIe in th:- tpn Air. ad Other Pipers,. by Theoliire Wt.inthropj............ ..i.00 Thec Modi'erni Phymate, Ganes, Sports 4 andc Diversions for P! is of all .:be-c c..pikl hv Rc- J. G- Wood, lih sI~ ix igi nal Im zeil. Noivelul & Ci.. .in.m..... 4.00 [a,he-. byv Cha:rleI iEmgsley, ilustrated.2 00 Seoi, Serie- of Camneiis, from E-n;rlih 11 i-tory, hiv dhe author of "The IIeir of Redeliffe''.........---------- 1.50 Pioneer,: an Fmndirs. or R:'eent Work er- in die .iisi'n ild, by Miss Yonge 2.00 c;7Per.ncus resi..jiin: in the country will plase hear in min-l tlhat by'n-ding their or dern to us for anyv book- publlishiedi in Anmer i. thtey will hie'charuged on lIy the pirice of' the book. We pay for the postage or exprcss. Aridress] FO1GARTIE:s BOOK DEPOSITORY. Nct. S)3 ~ i; s m.i: (in tile bien.]), C!l LiLSTh >, SOU-TI CAIt(LlN[A. Apri '. 17-ty. A. P. PIFER, M. A., : : : Principal. Miiss FANNIE LEAVELL :: Assistant. Prof. F. WERBER, : : Msice! Dep't. I Thi 'ebool wzi re-enme its exe-rciss on. 5. P.j; D z,%-i, Esq., Sec. B'd.r UiiL. 5. F.\Ahi, P're-'t.0 I. T. SCOTT, COTTON BROKER, 11 T'dvs ('uttol to orde on1 f'l ViUPaill te'illS. C akes liber'al ad1vancs on C'ttn (cond::ned to GeoC. II. Walte'r i Co.. Ch iaroni, .-. C.. or to the h.0t I!ocse' ini Ne b..rry, S. C., Ja ii K1t :;uGo NEWBERRY HOTEL danf !F. Pob.., is niow mah-1r iti mai n -ant of Mr. S I;. 1Clen, whoi wijl Ipare' teithir - tne nor me~ ius to .' it a fit elisl i i. T.-me ma,JC.rm ! o XOTTE'S V,ERP i I G 0R IT 0R I .\ND )yspeptic Remedy., Fol: TIH RE.:!.EP ANI) CURE OF .cute and Chronic Diens.--s of the Liver, jaundice. Cll Stone, Heart-Burn, anI all Dirders result ing A:om )eranger in of the LIVER. it is a pl .a nt laixative. movingz inl :-'t!iJy n.d suruly, lit ihu ::n: :'ld iswndrui d1plted to e:ses (I I fabitual Constipa ion, Torpidity of the Livr. It eures iek an-id Nervous flead-ache. Colic, 'latulene, And i. an effective rendy n affections of the MDNEYS AND BLDDER. ,OTTE & TARRANT, SOLE FROPi"!ETty"S, PEwaERRY, S. C. .!ir.2V, 13-rf. a1l 12nd Vlintfer 1:m119rWation 1.871. EIBBONS Aillinery and Slraw Goods. kRMSTROMG, CATOR & 00., IMPORTEkta A:D Jn"R15 OP a t,Tr!wmh,.n, I Trie l ibo. WNAT SILKS, SAIIN ud YLYiS, li, XA!, Crw:% fy riW , Fltrers.,a s O R N AI E N T S, TRAW BONNETS AND LAIES' HATS, -rtMV.1) AND irnixxi.m SHAKER HOODS, &C. 237 and 239 BALTIMORE STREST, BALUMORE, MD. Wr-r the N.r-t St(ck to Ie foand in thi roun ry. and! UnWqualed i choice v.-riety aid cheap e,. comrisig the L.ttt :iropear. noveltie. Ord:r. slicited, and prouipt attetion given. Aug. 16. 33-3m. DR. H. BAR WVH(LESALE. AND HUlAHL D UGGST, -No. 131 MIEETING 'SIREA.T, CHARLESTON, S. C. VyS,1-tf. ____ R. A. P COTTON ""%'EILLER AND ?RODUCE~ BROKER, Central Wharf, Charlestoni, S. C. Chareton-Hon. C. L. Lownder'. Pres't Blank a:k of Chtarte-m. Cu .R.HOLMES, COTTON FACTOR JHISSION M Ei RCHA N T, ACCOMM(?DAT(.ON WHARF. C HLA R L E ST ON. S. C. SPARTANBURG JiIne ali( MTacll HIA',ING receniti obtiniel ain omht of ew an iproved machinpery, we re pre red to BUI LA amd REP;TA i R all cla-es of ~arriages, Buiggies & Wagons. Ha;vin;Z f.d hrad :d ex perienced worIk i-n, and 'giod ma:erial, we will allow no e Xt ci us. Orw.rk ii done undeiir the supervision t an1 experieneii'j 'decha nie. TIhese wishin. :no purcase anthi r. in :tr line, wil do well to call a:.d see our 3" All work warranted for two years, FO)WLER1, FOSTER& & C4)., SP'A RTANT'RI C. Hi., S. C. July -2, 2S-::mn. in Ware! Tin Ware!! TIN WARE!!! ?LUMBING, ROOF-. ING, GUTTERING, (d all work in tis line put upn to order il re:alv for saile at (Al I'LINA MANE .\CT' ld. 'idl at citi er houe, Colatm ia or Ne wherry. HENRY H1. BLEASE, Mir. 22, 12- tf. P'roprietor. >istrict Court of the United States. For ttue i:.rict of South Carolina --In Bankruptcy. >tbe maner of Fredlerick Schlegelmilch, 11 tnkrupt-i%trict of South C,roina. T1Ils is toJ giv-- Uotiec that oin :the 22 my of August, 1871, a warr ant of Jank mtcy was issued out of the fiis-.rict. (Court fthe Un ited States, for the District of ifuch C.aroina, aigaist the Estate of Freui ik gebleelmnilchm, of Gilbert Hollow, in 4'e Cout of Lnxiniton, in sai I D)istriet, ljudge a runkrpt on his petition. Thait then paym tnent of1 anyi debts anid the li ry of any propeir ty belonging to such *rupt. to him. or for his ns.', aind the -ansfer ofI any ptrpery byv him, are tot nt and to choosei 4' (or O'me, A\ign4c.4 :ite i ltankruptcyv for1 .id itriet, on' elock, '*. L. lE. .l,l-N, U. S. Marshal as Mesenger. 1y A. P. Pin:in, Dep. Mess. NOTICE IS * reby' gise that an~ ~' applica: on wil e nim.!e to4 :he G enerail Asembily, of the ate of Carolina, at its : appirochin eniont. for' a renew:at o the 'harter of the -The Truiteos of the P'resbyterian Chburch ' .nyrnia," ini Nr.wh.rry Co:rt. A 'gust I'1 17-:3-Smn. HEINITSH'S KINA CHILL CURE. New Remedy. New Principle. No Poison. A NEW DI('ISO\'AM ANI) A 50fElUF.(;N ISPI iFIC. Por. TijE Cutiy oP Ir.termittent Fever, 1:imittent Fever. Chil! Fever. Dumbf %ue. Pei'dicl lesdache or Bilious learfachr and ti!On. Fevir,: and all 1)*-'es origiLating in itiniary Dac ru,igement or l,iv.:r DI)--rder. C(used by I rmpiriv of t;ieod and .ialfria r \iasmatic t in prrrnt"-~ ti:is new mi-icinle--KINA (1.'l, CU1 P-F."-t( the public.:,r.d particntarly to th--!lict d. :,: a curt frr all fo-r1m, of (hiU-* and Fev-r. n:wl it' symp:ttic ui.ors-. it must be a:vd. th::t. inai-ont a' thepp di4ordcer hav- their :ri in an imnre .-rtt of the (nood with im).r -r Ie tunItctioral de lngeet of the Liver azr! Spleen. it ir- nl' W,imrry irp:rtaoc that dm- atten tfill !0houl(I . i,vten *to the cantdi tion el'the- imj%, rintit 4rgalt.-. :nd t u'e 'rich a tredicilie ais C6Mri1- til,, e4enidail properties of Attrative :ni iln>d-pi trifyin pirincipl-i. With ont such :.; ': ijcine urid r-h rrentment you will Nail in citrin (Chilk and Fe-ver. The "K INA (1'11 1 LLI 'T " is the great anti dote; a vegetoble conpounido po,4eting extraor dinary deobstruet.t 2td put ifyi!g powers. c;eanp ing the btluoi. renhoving all ob-truetious of bi e from the lirer and promoting its proper dis char,e. The "T INA CHIfLL CURIE' ix the natural an tidote which neutralizeft the poi.on by it-, purify ir.g iL irce, and thius repetdisea-o and reArorts to heitb. The remedy is entirely new and orig itial! w ith the prc-prietor. and fn:m known re-ults uiider :s owl. pe' s8tia! ibservaton. put. it frth as a Chill (ure. it Wil" instaiity che4-- tMe Chills or Ague In aty pers<.n-4 wh:, have sufeired tor any le:Igth -f tini.. anti by eutitinuit1 its u-e accurd ig to the directions. a perruiient cure may be effeeted and the: .enera health res.tiored. D,-bility tul Nit Sweat Loes of Appel i!e And .sten-th --will bwe imntviatelv r:-.tred by the useof th., KINA Ci!1.L CUE. ai.d a-, a preventive dur ing the sickly seasou, it will be found an iuvIluab:e Family A1edicino. The *IhlNA CILL (TU RE it a new remedy. em bracing new princ.ples. Combiuaing new powers, upon a new theory. Vegi-table in it- colupolie"t Coutituenti. safe in its :dministratinu. 2nd posi tive in itF efect, the propriitor and inventor puta it forth u a cure f-r ChillA anud Fevers. and all kindred diLeaves. after a ivriea of experi:uets toI Nu:c*ful in reAults as to stamp it at vue as the iureka-und to :'.4 arbitramn::t o' tLe world, it stands or fulli upou iti own meriti. Discovered a.u:I Compounded by E. H. H.UNITSH, Pharmacilst, Columbia. S. C. For Sale by 210TT. & T. IIANT. Druggists. Newberry. S. C. Sept. 2'A 3-m. GERMAN Invaltzabla in Tea:hin.. ind -niner Com1 p!aint- of Cidr. Cnre.s COLIC, And, other Ti-ens.s, i%eident to the period Un like the "oothing Svrupt." now so waai zev ed, thi I RIP.\L coCt n. NO ANODYNE, Or other Durirug. IL i corpnPrid of he very bemt. ria!, aind shibl bo fmn(l in every N,ir,iry. The best phsi Dr. H. BAER, CHIAiRLESTO)N, S. C. g Fonr saile by MoTTE~ & TrA.RRANT, New berry,. C.(Mr Et, 1 9--f. CEO. S. HACKER, D)oor, Sahs], an~d !iad Factory, CHIARLESTON, S. (. Ti-is as LAhr e tal comptile:e a F1 actory i-s there i in theOr Sorthn. We keep nro Northern work to fill couin try ordrers. Addre~ GEtO. S. Ii At NIt, P. 0. Boxt 17(, Charlresit. S. t. Fue:.ry a nrd Weiarrom-, Kinng S:reet, op po (itr .inon -It., oii linre of Ci ty Jirilay. PAUL R. LALANE1. E. F. LIoCMELItRE. PAUL B. L.ILAiE & 00., AUC TION, General Commission ANDt WilOLESALE~ (;ROCERS. 171 EAST BAY. CIARL5ESTON. S. C. V(NSiG N.\ NTS SOLICITED. REF.:eErsi.M--Crs. IIart & Co .. MicLrvv & Rtice, .iie'srs. Wag.or & Mlonrees. Mir. J1. Com, rntin-. F. J. Iobertr, Discount ('lerk. People's National Ban k. May 3.8~-tn. COTTON GINS. Brown' G ~Qeorgia Pattern Cotton Gina , are simple, durable, well tma-de of good nia terials, very light. runnring, a:iri unsurpasssedr in the~ quintity of the ataple produced. Price $4 per saw, rdelivereid any or . R. de pot int this State where tho freighrt does not exceed that of two rilroadrs. G;ullett's Pate': Steel Brush Ctotton Gins. yhe: couton fromr these (Gin~s communands the hiighrest market price where orinuatry care* is tke-t: in the prepara:tion. .\t the Cotton St.ates lair, held at Au'gus.ti, Ga., la.,t year, here were ten is in c)mpetitio)n, and the preimi was ;aw::rdedn to the G uliett Gin. Pric,i 35 andl S5.50 pe.r saw. Cotton Prees of various patterns. Horse Powers. iaindh-y's P'ortauble Steam Engines. Btrinlv's Kenrnekv Ploughs. C G;RAVELEY, 52 East Bay St., South of the Post ftlee, Crarlestoo, S. C. Aug. 2,31-2m. Du~e West Female College. TIillRTEF.NTH year will open Oct. 2d, itir clo:.e mbhile of nrext Jrly. P'at prosperity mott enlcouragri,g. 1.n :ati on plea.ifnt arnrd he althyv. Facuhy :l inid compk~,ite. Eight ri teacrs. ('ourse of Srr ct o thorugh G-overrrnenlt, thatt if a wel-l orde'red f:uuliv. EFp~e for tire yar, (2 sian., 441 tee-) fol tr btoard, (ieh:dist fuel anidwah inge ud.":i i ll literary stitlies, i. eluding' Itin... .. .. .. .. ..81 4.5rI French,\ Mu itt raing, Pinitin:g, ke., at ve-ry resona-i r e. J. I. IuUNNERt, Duer West, Abbevi!!e- Co., S. G. Se 6 :-. Kinsman & Howe/i, ~actors anzd Commissio?. Merch ants. L,iberal/Advances made o.6 7otton ana' Navalz Stores C/areston, S. C. . F. JACKSON'S! LARGE, BEU.~TIFL AND CHEAP. TOCK of '-RING and .Ml. DRY GOODS, A LSO, ,re now ready FON SALE. And ai CUS. I)MIER will hC sU!N UF BARI;AINS as hie Stock will be sobi at VERY SM.LL PROFiTS. :o 1121131'iG. .i. 1:e, COL 1BI.A, S. C. Apr.:, i II P. P.TALE, Manufactrer amid Daler, c. 20 Hayns S%ret and Horibeck's Wharf, CII.A:LES'TON, S. C. 127 Ti6s is thie large .r R.RR.. RADI;tS RE.DY RELIEF1 CIVZE; TlIE WORIST PA.INS IN FioxM ONE ''O TWENTY MIUTES. NOT ONE HOUR alter readina this advertisement need any one Sl-FF-:l> WIlI PAIN l:ii)W.iY' ItI- Y 1:1-LIEF Is A CURE Fil I. I. ] A I AIX. It wa- the irst and is THE ONLY PAIN REMEDY that instantly itops the mo*t exerut isting pains. allvs n tI:nimi:ns. and cure-: CongestionA. whether of the Lung. Stornch. Bowels. or other glatnd,!e or orunn-. by onv application. IN F:o.- 'NF. To TN.. TY 3INUTES. no nirr how vole or excruciating the pain the 1:T1 E.IA IV' led-ridaten. Infiri. Crippled. Nervoiu'. Neuralgic, or pro-trated with disease may :mu?er. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WI LVl, A FF!,IP I.NSTANl EASE. INFI.A.M Il ItN <>F TilE KI PN EYS. IN FL.AM3..\ l it >N if TIl II F. .DPElT. INFLAMIMAT:t tN OF( Till-: THWE:. (rNF. THO E BtW I.N S S,l,E TI!I',(A'. DI FFIC'LT BtEATiIIN6.* l'ALI'lATI)N OF Tll1 HFALT HYSTElI,C. CW)UP. DII'TtiEItlA. C'ATARR1H. INFLUENZ%i. JIEAI)ACI1F. TOOTBACHE. NI-IIALGIA. RHEUMATISM. COTl) HIL.8. A(UI. ('1ILLS. The n:1idcatinn of rL. Ready Ileief to the part a or ,arts where the pain or dMiculty exist will af- 0 ford ease and com:rt. Pmenty drops in halfa tumbler of water w11 in a "-w momentx cure t'RANIP,;;. SP.SMS. Sot'ItSTM l'1I. IIF,A:TIIUIRN. Sit'l lEAD>ACIl.. DI'l:INNI-A. DYS.NT.1Y. 0 4 .I-tI NE. 'HIAT E *cry y11 9y an'aso il Fllesh and Wei;-cht is Seen anld relt. THE GeEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Fv--r% drp of the $aISAI'A iLI.h.\N R' . I l '.N 'T com :nm :ica e . through the I oed. Sweart. Ur.' other fluidi and juice- of the !ay-tn t1he vigor o flilb. for it repairs the wastes otl:-! ide with inew and .umid ma'erial. -croa *-"phili.. Colnsum,-t:orl. Glandular (lis e. "-ithe thsr,at. Ml'uth. !tumnors. Nodes in thiWanf! arid 4ther parts of the system. Sore Eu *char:es t'romn the Ears. and the worst forms of.-kin disje. E.ruption,. Fe ver Sore. Sca!d Iiead. :ii Worra. salt theun. .ryipe T-:-. Acne. 11!ck Spt.. Worts in the Iesh. Fumnors. in th- Womb. and all weikenin, -::d painful dischargs. Night sWeat'. 1,oss ofpruitnan all wa_ltes of the ife p)riici- 3 pie. :re uithin the eurative rmi:ge ofthis wnder 0 lode-ri Chemistry and a few days' use wili pro%c *t any pyeron it:in.g it for either of these torr: ofdi-vase its poltnt piwer to cure them it* t!t p:ti.-t. daily becoming reduct:d ly the wirte.; and de ps tl tha iS c01nt1luali%y r urre. nuceiois in arro-ting these wa>tt. j aind rep:ir,; th samne with new Material naie nrom hie.a,thr blood-ni his the SA.ilAP- r PI\N.lti1 IN will amid dcz; secure-a cure ii. certain: for when oice this re?nedy, cotnmences its work of piriiention. nd succieos ii dirsin i--hin; the l;s of waites. it:. repairs will be rap id. a:Id every 11my the patient will fei him-elf growin' better nti str-iger. the fiod digesting hie'tter.appotite itnuovi:g. and f-sb and weight N.otv doe the 'An!.SAPARTLLTAN :VI T. vE.vr excel aN known remedial ag-nts in the cure ott'broniv. scr fulous. Constitut.ional. and .'kiu d-n ;btit is the only positive cuni tfor XIDNEY AND BLADDER cOMPLA2TS, l'rina:rv'. attd Wtomb dijest.. G ravel. Diabet. D rop'y. $tor-p:tce of Water. Inucontitnence o Frine. '.ri;gbt's !)isense..Abuiiuri;, .;ed in all ca-es u h-re' there are brick -dn,t d.'p sitS, or the water i., rijk, cedyt. miaced with substances : like the white of an ogg. or th:r'nad like white silk, or the're is a moi.t. dlark, huniotns appear ace'.ait whtite hono-tlut ieCJt(it'. ai. wtheni there is a prickir:g. Luening -e:atiotn wh'eu ig wa ui patin in the Small om the i ack amld along the L-ains. DR. RAD WAY'S PEi.,' RFECT .in fI iiE~ kMAlS.,l pert fct'y t:astee. ele'r;tiy cto:ted with iweet gum. purge. rerulate. purify. cleatnse, aund stretee lIttlway'. P'illsi. ori thea t'ure of all dis.or d-':' of the Ntoma3ch. L.iver. lIwelis. Kid nets. Ilndder. Nervous I li'n-es. Ileatsche. 4 oni'at i on,t t co n..". I :dig"" on. Dym.pep "'a, fitions':"-,u. !Ilious Fev-r. tInfLimmation of the' bowel'. Pi es. ami aln l>engLeets of the In:ernal 'ise era. Wa'rran:tedl to effect a positive curt. l'u rely X'egeta bh-. co:t::air.injtno mrcuiry, ,-- e i.v th.' f.tti::;t ym:tons r esultitn; froma l)t-ot der- oft lie Dig..-tive i n-gnnu: Coitritoati. In wael P'ile<'. Finesnts of the a. nod ir's the Ilead. Aciulity oi the stomach. I1 N iuea.I .eartb:urn. D ist of Fortd. FinIlies or We,ight in the ,ttenach. So:ur iF.rtneratiotns. sintk nt' or IFluttteringi at tae Pit ofi the~ -tomiach. w-aimingi oft the lihend. I!a rried and Dif5cu:t lereathitng. :tids of' R \DIW\Y$ ' I!LS will free the -a-:em frm :n theC abovte namo.ed i:isordle. Prie. ", cents per lox. % tlD BY Dl'GU( R:EA.l) F. L*F A. N D: TR'I'.;t." Send cre lette'r-slaimt to: llA DWA Y f: Ci. No 8 M:did- s en l,ane. New York. Info1rmuationt worth thous-a ads will be sent you. Jnly: 5. 27--ly. CUTS CALL . CUNS. Sindh Guns att r2.5i0. 44 00, ' 0. -.00 $12.00 to $20 eatch. I >ituble G;uns froti '-7. IC) '2.t0 eachel. Smith & Wesson. ('ilt's, Allen's. Sharp's. and! all the popuhir and approved kinuds. C AiVMiUNiTION FOR CUNS, y~ PISTOLS & RIFLES. SPOR~TSM1IAN'S COODSOF CREAT VAR!ETY. BEST QUALIT'Y AND AT~ LOW/EST P.",.IE$ 'otintry Merchat anti Sptmlen are in vt-d to cull and~ examTilin .nr large' and well sdee 'to'-. of theC :,:v GO'~oods, which we impomr. ect anti tWy frot: thto mntufactu irr- W c ttaitee quali ty egntal to, and:i p iees as~ low asi any responlib!e house itn this~ CO'.ntry. Olrders by mall filled prormptly, and sent hy express, U. it. D. PflULTNEY. TRIBLE & 00'., 200 W. Baltimore Street. BALTIMORE, MD- n 1A pr. 5. 14-17. W. L. G UDIN FASIONABLE TA.ILORh SCOURT ER. &c., FRo CHARLESTON. It!ii -I t:uI ;'1 manneu ls ita theiS prI ar. IntoIl'' cu t' nd ilt,i gill tnen' lul ing h:at a bu:tI r:qai-nee in he ail T oin i uinne.ti. veand.. b(n ontnif Ipp,e't With mk wt:hi lc: . 0')or To makiantI t:iek i cot...........' .. .. . 00 . Iio cut 'tit of clothes.......... .. 1 00 A.pril 3. Free Delivery. -\ eiods Stul.D II'S. wiW be deivet'red fretel of)r:aa' to ;my' onIe in: To,wn. er any m:.' in .;:die- o th C:0 itw and ata andt. we z'imr:e'e to stei! gero Is is cheap as 1 anut (t:h r hi:u-". c L'i.tC:'a: UEEER Money Canno! Buy It! OR SIGHT IS PRICELESS!! ~S The Diamond Glasses, MANUTFACTUMD BY . . SP NCER & 60., N. Y., Which are now offired to the public. are pro iiounced bv all the celebrated Opticians of the World to be the MOST PERFECT, atural, Artificial help to the human eye ever k uown. They a re ;roun d under their own supervision, om minute Crystal Iebbles, melted togetl:er, id derive theJr name. "Diamond," on account ftheir hardiness wnd brilliancy. The &icntt;ic Principle n which they are cor.structed brin.s the core r centre of the lea directly in front of the eye, roducin a cic:ir d dietinct vision. as in tie atur:0, Ie:lthy sight. Pn:d preventing all un ieiant s.esati4ns. -uch as gllimmerlig and o.veringht, dIzzines . &c.. peculiar to all :her rt use. They are Eonted in the Pinest Xanner, 2 frames of the best qual'*v. of all materials u>ed for that purposC. Their Finish and Durability CAN OT DESURPASSED. CA UmN.Non geuin unessbearing their ade mark stamped on every frame. J. W. MONTCOMERY, Jeweler and Optician. is sole ageut for N EW B E IZR Y, S. C., rom whim thi-y can only be obtained. These zood are not supplied to Pedlers. at any price. Oct 5~40-ly. M CgD1710V .7 poo-I GET THE BEST. WEBSTER'S nabfdr d Oiti opar ),000 Words aud Meanings not in other Die tiouaries. 300 E-.gravigs. 1840 Pages Quarto. Price $12. " lad to add my testimony in its favor. l're:'t Walker of flarvare. " very scholar knows its value. W. 11. lre-ctt. the ITiAtorian. he most complete Dicrionary of the Lac guage. Dr. Dick, ofScotland. he best guide of students of our b.ngua-e. .1ohn G. W hittier. e will transmit Lis name to ;atest posterity. Chancellor Rent. tymological parts surpasses anyfliug by egr H ier laborers. George Bancroft. earin. reation to L-:nguage I'rin.cipia dhots tol'i p. Flihu Burritt xce!s all others in def-inina scientific terns. Pre.-ident Hitchcock. o far as I krow, best dfiniin rhetionary. Horace 3Mann. ake it altogether the surpnssing wirk. Smart, the English O)rthepist. A necessity for every inte.llig.ent family. .tu ent. teacher and profes-iemrJ man. What Li ratry in complete without the best Enghceb Dic iary 040 Pages Octavo. 633 Engravings. Price $.5. The work israly a trem or'a hictirmarv. Just cthin;t for the million.-.\mnerican Education ublihed by G. & c'. .MEI:LA. Springsletd. Mfas-. S'old by all Book-ellers. A New, safe, uitd Equitable 1it;i OF SECCRING TILE senefits of Life isurancoe TO THE MASSES. he Commronwealthi Co-operative Co., 138 Chambers St., New York. Capmtal $100,000. Charter Perpetual. The OBJECT of th is Company is to furrniah > i! healthy. per.,ons a modeI for providing >r their families after death, andc' :-till have ac uzte at a di'tance. have established a SL11PL, E B UR EA U, and will up'on -,prication. promptly send by by meail .' in ,a ot..:-'aph-s ',fte Newest an mo4t hi-mabj.,h:0.1t..,t ofFitENSlH. ENG, !. .i aMl',1RMAtNAC-CR.gusr-. itnt4o,; a a1ltmst eia >.i o tls ltedp, the uany hoEuse in thei,~ i notr. luingii our goodis from the hirgest and a celebriated tm:mufacturers in tbe difl-rent pat IEurnmw. and importing the -sime by Steamers di7 rect to ISa ti moore, (air stck is at alltimes promt ly surppleud with the noveities of the London and 1 t r, markets. As we buy and .eli only for cnsh, and make no bad debts. we are able and wl'?lng to sell aur goods at FP.oM TD 'o Firry.w PEtR CraT, Lm.s Pntorrr than if we gave credit. in ndin it for sumnpIes specify the kind of goods desired. We keep the best grades of every eloes of p>.uds. froto the iowe.-t to tihe most costly. msrde-rs unaccompaniet by the cash wille ea C. ii. 1>. PRo) l'r.-IA ING Wi H)LE.SALE BUYERS are invited to h:specet the Stock ina our Jobbing and Packare DIe .:rtmnent Address IIAMI L r'N. EASTERI & SONS, 191. T9M. 201 and 2.3 West Ba;limore Street, Oct. 26. 43-- y, Baltimore, 3d. T I-IE SIN G-E R NEW~ FAiIY SEWAING MACHINE, is now offeredl for sale on eaiw terms, at the State Agency, No. 1'7 King St. Charleston, Silk, Tread.' Neeles and Machine Find ings. of' the best quality. Stitching done to order. G;enera:l repairing executed. Till. NF.W MANUFACTURING MACHINE, Tailors and-Uoot Fitters, is the best in the marker. Lo,,i and! Traveling Agents Wanted. (irculars u:nd Samples on application. THE SINGER Sewing Machline Agency!/ 107 KTNGi STREET. CIIAR LESTON, S. C. P'. W. J: R. S. CHICK, Agents,