ddnesday, Octobor 4, 1871 LaUrens Especially. Mr. Joseph Crews is out in a card, which, among other things preparat toproving himself an unjustly tradu< individual and a political martyr, he sa, that the continued false and iijrit reports circulated against his fair fai and name, particularly in Laurens cot ty, have not been lust sight of by hi and tbat.a.Iquidk as time will perm he will upset. the quiet now reigning -Warsaw, and that his enemies shall ha the share they are justly entitled to. And J. Adam Crews has comnenc Auit against S. D. Garlington of Laure for property forcily taken from him the night of the 26th Oct. last. Simil suits are to be commenced against oth parties it is said. A Merited Compliment. We have been informed that Dr. Pere Porcher, of Charleston, is invit by the Chief of the Health Departme of New York to go and unite with h in concerting measures with a view to t next probable approach of cholera, a fcT otier purposes connected with I ginie and health police of the city. This is a decerved compliment to of South Carolina's :nost accomnplis! sons. Dr. Porcher's enlarged scienti literary and practical %ttainnients, gra as they are by a style and demnea most simple, suave and unobtrusi have ga)ned for him universal respc bence, having seen his name quotee Europeanjournals as an eminent ant Tivy in the domain of materia medica, are not surprised tl.t he ghould m with profound respect and courtcsier home. "Newberry District Survivors' Associati, The survivors of the late war ass, bled in the New IHiall, at 11 o'clock, W., on Monday last, and on motion meeting was organized by calling Jai F. J. Caldwell, E-q.. to the chair, and questing Mr. Samuel T. 3tcCaughrin act as Secretary. After the registration of members election for officers was held, wher Y Pope.was elected President, Col. TI J. Lipscomb, 1st V. P., Capt. D. A. Di ert, 2d V. P., Mr. Frank Moon, 3d V. James D. Epps, 4th V. P., Samuel McCaughrin, Secretary, and J. J. G man, Treasurer. A committee consisting of John Watts, James F. J. Caldwell and Geo Johnstone, was appointed to dri.ft Constitution and By-Laws. The fo!lowing gentlemen were appoi ed delegates to the State Survivors' sociation : Maj. Jno. K. G. Nance, 4 T. J. Lipscomb, James F. J. Caldw Esq., Y. J. Pope, E..q., and Thoma: Moormian, Esq. The following gen meti were appointed alternates, viz : ( Win. Lester, Capt. D. A. Dickert, Dr. S. Whaley, Capt. John W. Watts: Geo. Johnstone, Eeq. The next meet was appointed for 1st Monday of Nov< ber next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The S tetary was directed to leave lists for enrollment of new members at the D: Stores of Dr. S. F. Fant, Messrs. Mc - & Tarrant and Dr. WV. F. Pratt. journed. We bare been pained to learn the cause of absence from September term of Court of SoHitor. Mr. McGowan is quite a sufferer f the ofects of the old bullet in his body, and recently threatened with hemorrhage' f the 1I1 which wotid have made it imprudent for: to venture out. .Mr. McGowian is a punctual eer, whose heart is always in his work, and well know his embarrassment in the trying Tau La 'sFRIEND 7R OctoBER. Ii -The Philadelphia "'Age" says of th is rr sine:-"One of its specialties, is the air neatness, and, if we may so describe dressiness that surroun:ds it. Nothing ab is is either careless or .iovenly. Each at her reminds us of a lady coming down the morning meal in a tidly wrapper. a snowy collar and cuffs: cool herself and freshing to otherst. The purblishrers. ini respect, have struck a popular vein. and the same time. trustingr not entirely to pearanee, maintaiu a high etand ard of li afy and ar tistie excellence." We may: that the October number is a good specin of the characteristics the "Age" refers Its principle engravings are really fine. Its stories admirable. The pattern illue tions and the work-table have a pract vr.lue for the ladies, and the Elitorial Dekp ment has always its own reculiar in:er< Price $3 50 a year. Founr co)p.es, 36. I eopies (and one gratisi, SS. "The Lad Friend" and the "Satturdayv Evening Po $4. Published by Deacon & Peterson, P adelphia. Single copies for sale by all N< Dealers, and by the Pub!ishers, price ets. Tax A.otu.--Now that the year Is draw to~ a close the true value of this remnarkable se~ becomes the more apparent. and when hoi with the handsome Christmas number whici promised, will make one of the richest and n charmir. g volumes it is possible to possess. It as have been all the preceding issues in illur. tien. the number for October thirly eclipsesra brth as regards que.ntity and quality, the jests being more varied and more fully descri than has been usual which is an agreeable: tare. The literary department is up to the st dard and is SlIed with amusing and enterta in articles. The general get up still exhibits same care and maintains the samte characte1 etarted with-as being the mo,.t per feet and, peb publication issued fromt any pres. sebscription is but *2.50 ,er anuum and the p uhber, are James Sutton &Co.. 23 L iberty str New York. The YoVssa Fots:s' Ricla for Septemtt pb.eby Mr. Lewis of the WVestern Rura SIbif ful of nice things for young peo The College World pronounces it "the most ierta1aing paper in exa.tence for youg reot Cash prises are ofrred for best contrbutzozrs yeag fSAta. 61 ('0 per year. and free for msoer of this year to new subscribers fo.r 1: Specimen numbers free. Address it. N. F. L. is. Publisher. thicago. Davonuet's Yotse AX:nucA for October Its uEugl amount of varie d and interesting lite sure for the juvenile branches, with strong ducemtente for those who have the opportui to makeupoclubs for ISTL. which are boutilft repaid by the extraordinary premiums prer by the publisher for the trouble. Yearly. S. Published at 83$ Broad way. N. Y. Daxon.zst's MuSTH LY for October prest itseif'veth more than the usual attractins Fall Fashions and other interestinig and ui household literature. The inducements forci of subscribers off'ered by the publisher art it derfbl. and can only be done by a tirst c!ass 3 aine. Yearly. SS.Q0, with a premium. I ltshed at 833 Broad way. N. Y. Ererybo.ly knows that thre plan and seht::: of the distribution of the Colunr co-operative Building Association isc ducted on the s:rictert principles of tegrity. Thc prizes range from ?!0 ~5ftt, and bonds for their faithfdl -ibno: have been enter-d into. keta are roing Ike hot eskes, ar:d :stribu,:ion will be mur.e Novernber 1 ;.,,&tively, without p ,stponemernt. Pr. W. Wheeler i< the tGenerai .1gent'. arce.25 cents per 1uL -- 1rcentment of te Grand Jury . CwERRY OU (;RkVD -JCIY SUr%H CAROLINA, ilrllrrm. 1871 THE Poot HOUSE ;)ontains 2.3 paupers, well fed, but destitute of clothing, soap and personal comforts, sue as tobacco, in moderate quantitices, which may well be afforded to the poor and shouh )rv be given. The poor house grounds should ed be le: to a teriant who might work the land arid the rick q:arry to a great advantage It is the opin;on of this grand inquest that the l'oor Ifouse may he made a sourcc of in conic rather than expense to the County. There are two hire:ings-)th negro men m, om and Val'ecn. l: is rz-c-rimended that it, Walleei be removed. I:i the first place lie is in not neede, and in the se.ond place he is not a prorr person. It is further recommended that the sorrel horse at the Poor H6use be sold or exthang6d for two good serviceahlc mu:es. The horse is of no u;c, and it is im nsl possible to do without a team. A team might )n be made useful beyond the wants of the Poor a- House itself, in hauling rock from the valuam er ble quarry on the Poor House greunds. This rock quarry has been a source of considera ble income to several adventurers, and If it it worth the working the County should have . the benefit of the profit. F- As a matter of fact it is stated that sine< ed the 6:h of Jane of this year only 13 yarn nt of shirting has been sent to the Poor House This is all the clothing, except 33 yards o shrtin.: sent for buril purposes,- 23, yard he of which wasnozEiused. 1tjisestimatLd,fron "I the hooks of the late Veeper of the Pool 13T House-Mr. Boyd-that 10e per day wil amply feed the panpers-covering in thi Me expense the feeding of the family of the sn ied perintendent and hirelings. That much an' more might be realired from the jndiciou ' working of the rock quary and from the ren :ed of the land. Besides, :he paupers should b ior requir(d. ander the superintendent, to pl: ve,I such indu-strial rrsulits as they iay knoy C. aud be able to do. Thus they will be uefu - and cared for at the same time: The keeper of the Poor House should b "O able to read and write. Vk C COUNTY OFFICFRt: et Jesse C. Sm!th is the only Trial Just,ce i town. In his books this inquest regrets t strite there are irrcgu!arities. tic collecte fines in three different cases in the year 1S7 n which were not paid into the Treasnry asthr m- law dircts. This dcfan't would have bee A. made k-nown at last sitting of tilis inque the I but for the absence of Trial Justice Smith. Jesse C. Smith is the School Commissione for Newberry County. He has not, by hi re- own confession, visited the County School to as the law directs. The Probate Judge shows his office i an proper and commendable condition. 1i books are we', kept, and :he balance of casi to his debir, in atilk. le needs a hook < Ak- Annma Returns, Letter Dook for 4;ardians e Bond Book for G:tirdians, aind a cor Docket. T. The Clerk of the CAr,:-t makes a cle. all- showing on his books, an,l while we cou!. not fully examine his and the SheritT's rt I cords, we believe that they are and have bee correctly kept. rge The County Treasurer offerel his books fr a examination, but we were content to tak such figures as serve our pre-ent purpost nt- To examine his entire offiet would take a is expert several days. If it is desired by th 1. Court after this presentment, the Count Treasurer's office will be fully investigated. elI, There has been paid for taxes bythris Cour S-t ti year 516,497.32-100. It is almos te nedesto add that a part oyofthissn ~ol. has been expended for the public good. Tb R.Treasurer has paid his collections on propt rvouchers, but the applicution of the mone rests with those who received it fror mghis hands. Since the last term of the Com, mtw~o of the County Comm issioncrs have bee eC' in the public jail for crime committed in o the flee. The other fled jiustice. The sh'eri. , a rug Commissioner of the Poor by appointmnen: ~tt has been the only authorized party to drai money from the 'ounty Treasurv and it ap dpears ihat he has applied the amounts draw to the proper purpose. And here this Grand Inquest recomm2end the thait a law be passed, art the next ~nseion c the tire Legislature. making it the durty of th sCounty Commissioners to examine, sem: e.nnally, thre hooks of the "County Tfreai him Iurer," or "Tax Corie-or" as he mitay be calied f-and all County officers. For under the pre' weent system of thre coll"c:ion of taxes, It Cat itU not he doutbted that there is very ample op Iportunity to make and conceal fraud. 171. THF. COLI.ECTION OF TAxEs. ag- Among the great evils to which the peopl Iof South Carolina are subuj,-cede, is the onet out ous expense of collectintg the taxes. For m-rmerly, when property paid a just tatxatiuon a single personr coleted the taxces. Now re heni property Is taxed fair beyond a remuo his neraive viner, a whole corps of assesors at witth an auditoir and trteasturer are rneeuded r.iha it shiouM cost a county 100lX t'n 900tf udto colet tire taxes-and no po,s;hle sum :men a way t) verify the expe'nditures-whe1 any i. good men wo!d :r'adly do tIre worl -a- for a salary of $1500-is it not a cor>mentar: cl uponu the -ystemn tuit has been maude to rol the honest labhorer of his toil, and the honres man of his earning? It was once a man s's pride to own property in S-mth Carolinas t"now it is a burden. Once it was a pride tr .ut owe a!!e'giance to the laws of South Corolina 25 n ow~ it is becoming to be a digrace. IEE COAING, this gra:ud inqued' ot I>rovidence to work the end. ra- COUNTY JAIL. ub- This in quest says the County Jail is ahuso beeiney inseenre. That whrile the jail is inse au- cure tihe sheriff takes pains to ke:ep the pris iig oners cleanuly andt welt tel. Tis is becomini -it ini a keeper of' a publice prison. That th s-isher iff is not carefunl enongh about the keep u-ing from escape of' the prisoners can not hb e-doui:ed. ShouJld any- man escape from s.puh'ic jii? If hre can. surely: humaunit: I is sympathizes with the fugitive. But 'agamn pIe- humnityi in irs sober moments, demarnd k." th.t th.ecriuminal shall be kept securely unti 67~ the. Lanw necides whether hie shald go uinr ii y2. the world free and umnorbiddetn, or suiffer thi "penalty of the L;:.w. Thberefore this G;ria Ingn-:st says let the .sheriff pass with a warn ainI,.. tha.t lhe is not only the keeper of animal in in the -l'ape of mien. wsho have offended th< Law b ut hrthat he is, as a goa!er of the offend t,d ers, a keeper oft :he L.sw an! a Gt: rdianr o the peace of It distr:c. lis offi:e i< so hrg! nt and I o saec'd that no other wi!!--when thn t .ir i:: e :m:ne is not presen :-s:ourld q.ies ut :ion his. on- ROADS AND niRIDGES. Ib- isamatter of great inuterest thait ih Roads and liridges are not in order. Exep the high way to Laurens C. H., called "B!ael tne ' Jack Rlod," the highway known :us th bia ";alms Road" to "Caldwell's.'' and thi o-highway itnown :: the '"A-hrord's ferr i-~road. all tlie road. in this C'anay ate. sir po' h'l eneughl. 'The bridges are in man: .irnnes in had~ oruder. ad it has been re portedi to thi. ingnest that one accident. r tserto::s charae:er, has occurred from the in h,seecnrity of a trifling struemire, that wenW . hiar"ly h::vec been ont of order if a prorper at: *.-rey by t.een in mower to have it -ena ire:: m._ one I Frae byh MOTTE & TALiAY- . Tlis brings ts to the I-al and mo t iinpor tant natter of our 1'resentment, TIE COUNTY cO:XttSSONEr. At the last term of the tourt for this Coun ty, two of the three of the Board of County Commissioners were convicted of crime in office; the other fled justice. An election was held on the S:b day of August, to fill the vacancies. It was a quiet, peaceable and lawful clection tine. Mr. J. N. Martin and Mr. Wmn. TIster were elected by a very large niajority. Under the pre6ent law of the SUATe, it is required th. a board of "Sta.te Canva-:ers" sil pats upon all clcction. I The election returns in thkiiisstance were daly fomulrrcI. The following com-munication explans the necessity of its appearance in this presentient: MR. FORE3MAN A\D GINTLE3tEN OF TnE GnaND JUtY: In obedience to your reqest I herewith send vc.n, In hrief, the material facts relative to mv late eneervors to procture commissions for our recently-elected County Commission, ers, Messrs. Martin andi Lester. Acting members of the law-flrm of Moor man & Schumpert, and representing the Commissioners elect, I went to Columbia on I Wednesday, the 8th Inst., and found that the Ioard of State Canvassers had failed to pass upon the returns of the election lately held in our County for County Commissioners, which had been duly forwarded. I urged upon the Secretary of State, the Chairman of said Board, the great Importance of commis stoning the Commissioners at once; tbat it was necessary that the Board of County Commissioners should be organized, in order to complete the Board of Jury Commission ers for the County, and have the petit Jurors drawn for the ensuing term of the Court; and that the general interests of the County demtinded it. After no little effort, the See retary of State succeeded in securing the presence of three others of the Board of State Canvawsers in the City-:he Comp. General, A an.l I. General, and State Auditor-who, with himself, constituted a quorum. These were all duly summoned to attend a meeting of the Board in the office of the Sec. of State, at 6 o'clock P. M.. on the 8'h inst. The C:mp. Gencra!, and the A. 1. General refused t I do so: the former alleging as his ob1jection, that Ku Kl.ux iniluence caused the ex-Com's. to resign; the latter, not stating his ohjee, tion, but affirn:ing that hc wouil do so in writing if necessary. It V-as impossible to secure the attendance of the o:her metmbers of the Board, as they were absent frm the State, as I was in formed. Thus the action of the Comp. Gen, eral, and A. and I General, made further ef fort useiess, and I returned home. I fcl it my duty to say that Goy. Scott, the Sec. of State, and 31n. Montgomery Moses, rendered me great assistance in the I remain, gentlemen, Your obd't. servant, 0. L. SCR-MPERT. It is the opinion of this Grand inquest that the Solicitor of this Circuit shall arraign such person or persons as may hnve failed to pass upon the electIon for County Com missioners of Newberry Connty, held on the S-h of Anri-t, 1871, b'y such legal proceed ings as :hall meet the c:ee, that he or they mayn be made amendable to the people of the State of South Carolina, in Justiee and fa th, represented by the jurors who sign this resentment. We'ithoutt a Board of County Comiision e-s there can be no County governtnent: no Petit Jurors can be drawn, that canses Imay be tried to relieve the Jail of its numer, ouis prisoners, fed and kept at the expense of the County; no jarors that cauces moay be tried, the result of which will loose thousands of dollars locked up in the hands of the Sheriff of the Court; no authority to have roads worked; no authority to have bridges built: in short, we are to suiffer as a people, all im,aginable ills, because, forsooth,we hap pened not to elect Commissioners who be longed to "the party in power. " Again this -Grand Inque.st says solemnly to the Solicitor of this Circuit, that it is his du'y to take the proper le.:al proceedimirs ag:,imst such pe-r on or persons as htave causedi the ills -afore'aid-by the failure to comrmission the latily lawfii!ly elected Commissioners for Nebrr ounty-to be suftfered by the people oft Newberry County, of whom the sub-cribers, complrising the Grand Jury of the County and State aforesaid, are the rep resentative hodly. W M. WN. IIOI'SEA L, Foreman. his DR~ED. X RtUTIIERFORD, mark. h is liENRY X GARMANY, mark. h is SAMPSON X P'RATT, ma:rk. JAMES Y. ilIRtIS, W. P. IIAP2R.)N, W. A. CLINE, .DWIN C. .10NES, .lOR~DA N P. PO OL, JOUN H. LIVINGSTtrN, ..B. F E:L L.Et:s. The late Game of Base Ball. "W T s!OCilNG. " VS. "MllTI'ALS." Ii. I) l' A ltIctl. c 7 2 1t 2 (Lilt'l:D. p 5 3 1 4 ll:i'lY.1itib 6 3 9 0 FE.:Y.3d b 6 2 1 0 lt(tFFMAN. r f 3 5 1 0 .1A('KsoN. cf 2 6 1 0 lllLL,ss 0 3 1 0 BLTLEHl'f 85 8 1 1 ItIK.dbu 2 3 ..47 27 27 10 "M-TUALS." iR 0 t'O A Mt0'tl, gq 1 4 0 a lJi.l-:Y.f 2 a 1' 4 .rf 2 4 1 ti Mt I..\tit lt!.N. cf 3 2 0 I' '-3tItli.2d b 1 4 1') 1 lNNls. p 2 3 n 0 Hill. c .3 2 2 5 H;i't 1-.3d b 3 1 1 0 17 7 27 10 Score by Iunings-1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 White Stocking. 8 8 6 4 0 3 12 1 5-47 Mtutuais, 3 2 1 tt u 3 4 0 4-17 Fl Uniches-White Stocking. S-Mutuals. 9. 'a".etd Batls-llich 2. l!ey r5. H ill 7. I mpire-Mr. Gteorg. S. itarkter. t o rambia. Time of Gtame-2 hours and 15 mtinutes. Sta.te of South (aroin1)a-Co;unty of . re E.3. Reid. Petitio,ner, arainst Geo. \V edad31 art ha E. Rtei-i >l efenidanits. Ptiton for. Partition of Latnd, R..ndteanswer of \V . T. WiVight.,Goa eiinthe- above sta.ed can-. te:er e with th(vidence of Jamens 3I:afett and I lenry l :loee,al on muotitn fl GereJh iton. Pttioneir' A tioin0ey, concturredl in by W. T.\Vrigt Gurdiani as afores:iid, itiis ord'red. 'Iha the said tract of land, sitnated about womiles from it towni of Newberry, coin liing one lhundred iand eight acres arnd sixv-nine one hundreths, (118 69-100; are. inure or less, and hounding andu but-. Itimjj unont lands of B. d Buzh,ardt. E. II. Chritian atnd .I. U Smith. James Hevnry. James Mitfer:- and JIas. A. t.rotwell. hte sold by'-o.M Paynngr. heitf of Newherry Co,o$ales-djrth 6-h of November next, -at Newbterry C. ii. durn the usuazl hours ft sale, upon the fotloin g terms and condi tions, to-wir f: te hlf the purchrse money cash. the b:;lance -en ac ceoit ot twelve mionths. with in,tere.- tfrom iy ot -a!e. with b>ond -'d mort;tage to Secutre Ithe.t cutit porti in. The l.urceer tv hm-v prwe iege of pn intg the whole iuu cash. au-i to paty fur *ilu;. taltr'. & e. J1 U\ E i C. L.EA tIY. r.~ hyN ) ?alSo, LOCAL. special notices in tjis local d p:lrtment irc chirged( for at the rate of 25 cts. per line. .-e Cata logue of Fogartle's Book Depository. tend the card of Messrs. Wilcox, Gibbs & Co , farmers. See card of Graham & 1'utler, Cotton Fac tors and Comnsissioti Merchants, Augusta, Ga. KIss.AN & tlowert..--We inv;te sttention to enrd of thi, well known ',*atorage and comni. tionj house. Liberal advorces are made on cotton. Tex wvill he no service at St. Luke's Church uext ,u-diy, Mr. M'es having ac cepted n iivitation to s--rve Trinity Church, Coinmbia, during the Rector's absence at the Convention. GooQcN's Fac-rouY.-The above factory is at its fNuOeFt capacity. and we are in-forrmed that the work is exceflenty done. Patrons are in formed that work left at Xesrs. Mayes & Mar tin's is taken and returned free. See card. J. L. HoNoUR. Insurance and General CoM mission Agent, Charleston. will spare no efforts to effect advantageoUs sales for abippers of cot ton. rice. &c., make quick returns, and liberal advances on consignments. The Indies of Newberry are invited to read the card of Mrs. Sill in this paper, who i is tan appro-ed dress maker. and promises to give satisfaction. S P. ioozza & Co.-Attention is called to the card of the above named firm in to day's paper. The farmer, mechanic and house-keeper will each and all find some thing in them worthy their notice. Every farmer should have a clover-patch, and now is the time to prepare for.one. If you want good clover seed go to the drtg store of Drs. Motte & Tarrant, at onco. be fore the supply is exhausted. 39-3t. S. C. LAxD AXD IMX.ORAvIox AemncIATIMo. -Messrs. Butler. Chadwick, 6ary & Co. have published a card xotitylug subscribers that the drawing has, for good and suficient reatoas, b -en poatponed until the 8th of January. '72. This will also afford au opportunity to those hitherto untble tosecure tickets, to do so. The drawing will positively come off at the time ap pointed. SALE-DT.-There were not so many pe. sons in town on Monday as are somptimcs seen, yet there were enough to make bugi ness quite lively, and the store keepers were kept pretty busy. Sales of property were confined to furniture, one or two o!d mules, etc. No accidents, no flghts, no big drunks, nor anything startling. GIf lorSR BURNT.-W reg-ret to learn, just as we are toing to press, that the gin hon-e, with six bales of cotton, -eonging to Mr,. Swirttenburg, near Jahipa, was burned to the ground on Monday afternoon. The gin was running at the time the fire was discovered, and it is thought the fire was caused by friction. Nice.-Have you seen those tasty, near hats of Messrs. Barre & Son? They are the nartie.t things to put on the top of the head ever seen, and or ,oh: purehased1 them ex press1y for nice fellows. ,mebody in the Herald office wears one. and it is so very be comng. Would that every good looking man in town had one. Pc. Gypsex.-Planters andl F.armers who de-ire a pure article-warrned free from all irnrities-an.d containizg ninery nine andl two-thirds per cent. soluble matter, can obtain the stame at the low pr ice of fif teen dollars per ton, cash. The article is prepared in Charleston, and is for sale by .lohn H. Hloimes, Comamis'ion Maerchaant. Tr.-.. dollar s.aved is a doll.ir made., s'ays 'ir. Foot at the caner. Anid t he meni:i this-that his good:4 are cheap anul ete.ellent, awal p'tch.asers will sare by ali there. A proof of th,e piudding is in chain .g the bagy, there fore wo a nd try him. The friends of' Mr. Wiskem,an niiii findI hims at this etaiishmern, realdy to supply all of' thteirwan:s. CocaT.--This hiono.):stle inettu:i,m still drags out a slo y existence. It still lives, and this is about all. Efforts are making to see where the authority rests for commissioninsg commnnissioners, and the hope still exists in the breasts oif a portion of the Bar thtat a jury muay yet be hada But alas, alas. Int the mneantimle hope deferred maks the heart sick-, andl orph:ms widows :andt all else who look for either help, redress or justice are waiting. The best of medicinal wines and liqnors are kept at the drug store of Motte & Tarrant. 1t. Loox AT IT.-The lig str>ve cut of Mr. Wright's. It speaks for itself though, and is large enough to be seen without any special reference in this co!umn, therefore we will say no more about the stove or stoves kept in the store of that gentleman. We will say. however. that lie is agent for the W:aketieild Eatrth Closet, and that htis stock of tin ware and hoin,ekee~pin-zgi'ls is unimited. Call or him a::d exatnine his large assortment. Drucs, medicines, chemical, perfuimeries, soapas, toile t articles, lamps. & c., all of the best, at Mot:e & T:irrasnt's. 1t DoW'r Accr.Ar.: ;:ot.vi:s tny m:ore in regard to the body found int a trink inst week at the clothing store. The fellow had neither mother ntor father, was never born, nor hadI atny friends, contseqtuntly sympathy is wasted. We feared an uodue symp:athy al interest might bie miifestedl, baut dlid not im1igine thtat it wouild have be en so wide spr-;nI. Our ol fileml nitait he satisfied now tha:t no one "kiased him for his mtother." All .the popular patent medicines of the day are to be found at Motre & Tlarrant's. lt' .\ (AME OF IlAss IIALL.-An in'eresting game of base t:all between the "~White Stock ing.s'' composed of memblers of Msaj. Stew art's cornmand at this place, and the "Mu taal" c!otb, of the Columbia garrNon, took place last fhursday afternoon. nnd resulted in a corsiplete and overtwhelming victoary for the Newberry CIha-47 aigainst 17. The boys from Cobrnhia hail been c:trrying high heals for sotme ini that they had beaten all others in the State. anat it only remained for them to run down their brothers in btue of Newhberry to wear the championship. Thae f,tres dIe clated it could not be, however, and they mect a severe defeat. ilave vou tried Mother NoWec great rem eiy ? In is for sia!e by ~ a'm &. T[arrant. 1:. LEBANON. TENN.. MI w 27'h. 1S71. MFsns G. & *. Masnt : In dea'initioans, Wetstr i- incamp:araihy suterior to all 'a:h ers. Tlhi% great volume, (Webstetr's Un"a brigci) in its presenlt formn, i< a libr.iry inl itsrlf: a wtork of' trerence wi'tebi no schob:ir ans affoird to do without. Irs extensive cir cbaionui..t as necessary as theC establishment tot commonn schools. Yours Sincerely. 1t. W. 31cD'N NOLD, Presidecnt Cutmberland U n iversity zg FI> ![( t-SE 'L EA NNG wahing dfishe , tioors, oil c'othns, tablies, eieniing windows, painr, knaives and piolish ini: bras cti tall metais use F.noch Morgan's Sons' Sapolio. it is cheaper andl bt:er ih:mn son p. Glet it fromf your grocer, tr at 211 Washington street, N. Y'. Oct. 4. 40-lm. The books an.d n.countas of the usader-igred can lhe foundt at :'ote& T:irrant' a atTle. In miiv abisenc't e te tenrt'men wi'l recitr' for acounats 'ic .'n.. ' '. It RIUFI'. DES AND CONiRACT-OiS.-We le from our Chatrlestoi exebanes that Mr. 1'. P. Toa!e, the %%-el-known) Manfaciurct of Doors, Sehe-. Blinds, &c , has esahlished a depot at No. 20 1Layne street, where he keeps constantiv on hal not only all articies from his OWT ininntty, but a!so every varicty vi of b:il!er-' har,-.va:ev, *rencl andt American 'M window gLss, blith plain and ornamental, i slate mntnelr, a. in lshort, everythin. re cersary to fii-h h.arAsomily a te idcoce, a te sore. or a ciirch. Sep. G,36-1mn. j - TRUST WVIAT 'T I FE lia- -nctione;d. Tire umxim that the voice of the p.oid is the voice of the di vinity, m -V i:n :ne casei, be open to donht, bo: the to.;iniony of hon-L anid enlighte:.I witnesses extendirg through aN ser's of ye:.r, and to the sanme purport, is worthy of eredence, almits of no ques .0 tion. 'on such tilestioy the repiottion of Ifosteter's Stomach Bitters us an an- e tidote rnd enre for many ailments is based. During the twen:y years that it has been i .jefore the world, innumerale prep-rations intended to compete with it, have gone up like rockets, and come doivn tie e%:tingrish ed sticks. Meanwhile he progress of that incomparable tonic has been swift and steady-alwvy. upward and onward like the eag!e's flight. Its introduction pro diced a rovolu.ion in the:apeutic-, and it proved to be one of those saIutltrv revolu tions that cannot go backward-. To-day fHostter's Di:ters is one of the niot popu lar remi-s in chrigfendhotii, aid coml mands a Ierger salo thnan any other med icinal preparation, domestic or imported, ou this side of tE Aliantic. As a cure For dyspepsia, bilions disorders, nervous af- et feetiunq, genoral debility, and as a pre- P( Teutive of epidemic fevers, it takes pre. : ced%!v-ce of every other reued y. This fict should teach the albilioas countly dealers Al who endeavor to foi.t thivir &[ri , abor tiois on the public in its stead, how fuzi! their suall atteipts to c:,jo!e the comniuni- in tv must ntecessariiV be. Where the gaime 6i.i have *ailed there is no ch;atce for the ''stick:-rs." Oct. 4, 40-1 in. COMMERCIAL. N.wDnnry, S. C.. October 3.-Cotton 17j. ConI3t1A, October 2 -Cotton 173. Nk.w Yox, O-robe 2-7 P. M.-Corton qlirt rand ste;!1ly; s.1'. 15.18 hIls-uplands 191: )rienris 2C'}. G.,b 14, a II!. DALTiXOtE, Oelohvr2 -Cottou firmer and held higher-middlinz 19:Itai. CHARLES-roN, (ctober 2.-Cotton quiet and firin-middling 1S}. LivraRPooi_ ( lctober 2-Eveninig.-Cot-on m Cloned actve--uplrIds 9':; irbans 99. - - ----.- w 0BT P, j. DIED, in Oconee Co., L. C., Mrs. CATUA RIs SLIGH, daughter of G. Neel, deced., on the 18.-h of September,15'1.8j if)y-nery, aged 37 Years. 10 months arif 7 diys. In the death of this good lady, she has left a hus band, eight children and a large circle of c relatives nrid friends to mourn her departure. As a wifu .lie was kiri. nT:d affec-ionatt, ..nd as a mother all that could be as!:ed. She was a mejnh-r of the Lutheran Church for aI number ol years; after moving to Oconee Co , there being no Lutheran Church conv,--nieTit, she joined ite Mevi .,iIt E Chnch. in ier ri illness, though short, she gave evidence of c po-sessina that faith which works by love. purities the heart rnd (ver I ois t-e worl. Mahry this fnifetion he satcentied to hiur-b.nii, chidiren, brothner,: idter and to::il her frie-nds. ELECTION NOTICUE. Anu e:eerion for laitentd,it andi W'arien for the town of New erry, to erefor the ein...irlg fterm, wiil he heldI on the o.th of .:vmbe-'r. r R~v order ot T. M. PAYS!NGEFR, Oct. 4,. 4c-c,t. nit-undantt. .d Ayersire Cattle. I havye i or s Ayershire yeaIrlirn:: hull a:n heij v-e:vs to exch anige Ifo be lcah. L. J. *JNiS. im a A, Fashion:able Dress Maker, R-spectfully inforiu- the i.nl-s ofi N herry, uo-I thre 5Wur-ma~ ironry, dhat she is Iocite,i ir; the lonse immruedit-l ep poite~ the iresidene of l'r. M Fooit, wl:ee she will he harppy Lio ree ive all orderS in hr linii. I.tr"ss- ett amil miade in i:ttest styh's, and any kiiral of Sewing, all promiptly a:ten dl-id Sh hiopes' ty srict atten-in to hmn-ir. ol to n,erit ri sirare of tile patr.ae of th I is- i)f Newbierry. ()ei 4 401m a oif HIAVE now iin store i le large-t, best s l-cied aind chtoapeust stock ofI Ei;:lish ni Amieri Hara Ware, Wo.-nware it Int Tas -g**oods irive heeni selected dir'ctly fom .i :mfactulrerS rind lim:porers on, the mo-i favorahiC termis, rui as we ili.t!a r:i sal - tof themn, ice havtrni makedl themc owni to thie Iow, -st living pies. An ex amic.idon of our stock is desired, arid we giar:nteC pri:es ats lowr as cin he fiirniis:d atuywere mO the Statne, FO R UASI i ON L Neheric, S. C., Oct. -I, 4'i-St. Axes, Nails, Trac~es and Harness. su i-eriot A xe.,a .i 5 eah. 6 loz. good meditm .x-s, it .Ci.ii eachi. - 25 Kes biest cut Nails :;s to -10d. at 60 5ni p"r Ri' fur ord'in sizi. 211( pair No. i res, weight Si lhs. to J tle patirly - I.nu p r pir. -nr~ We voor Traices when you o o 10uy-iv 12 dnz. best !foot H.-uires, mtade to ottr order byv patternS lurnishied us by J1. K. Sebumtipert, E-s. This is thie best mnade ..id est fitting Ilarniess we h.rve ever orferedl. All the aove ait S. 1'. Dot ZER k Ct'. Oct. 4, 4Ct-ht Hlaid dwre store. Ready Made - * -r, riageh andq -ag.m Wheel.:, andi ifo, a largen .tock of 11.1,', ace-', hi"'O, 0. sh,-s Axles, "'i i . I-d Cloh., bi ki-'. Full sets of Th ia-i bet foilsd, mr !i ete good-iI. at Cull i l pricen for vi (ns. A t S.P lR'EiaC' A LIBERAL OFFER p .esrs. W ilox, tEbbs, &co. This coimpniy .tal:es th- Very lifer-i -fo fer to reo.-ive therman- inm "-- I 0 o .ion onal lins *- n for l-n 0 irpm provieid they are p-ai - -im thi non-h. All who faili toi pay thne m.oney, by- thre Nov., will be req--tred to pay~ mi cttoiia 15 cenrts. All who neil themor.-eus of tI' o'r n il! ..ive r:n 8 to1 o!) er a U hir cottron. SPECIAL NOTICE. Newberry Division No. 8. Sons of Temperance. Thc installation of the Officers of this Di ion will take place at the Town Hall ove, ayes & lla rtin's sr)rc this (Tuesday) eve ug, Oct. 'd, at 71 clock p. m. The pitblIc are respectfully solicited to at n d. Mc:%joer, will as,emhie promptly at th ai:onic 1hal at 7 o'clock, P. M. G. M. G'RAUtDEAU, Acting Scc'y. Oct4 Vando Fertilizer Agency. Th, subzcriher informs the planters o ewherry dizirict, and esenhcre, that h is received the agency for the side of th f 4CIo Fertilizer, and will be happy to fil -der.. The collo.tion of all demands due th, unipanty for fer.ilizers heretofore firnishe the late Pev. T. '. Boinest, hare als enk entri-sted to him, p:'Tment of whie! called for. TIOS. W. IOLLOX7AY, Oct. 4, 40-if. Po:naria, S. U. List of Articles on iank lid Invoices Received for fAu SF1111 EI R In Heavy Groceries, Ilacon, Sgisr, Coffiee, Molasses, Vinegar lc%erel and Salt. Shelf Groceries. Ovter,, Pickles, Soda and Sweet Crack s, .1ecaroni, Soda, Stareb, Ginger, Pep r, Soap, Raisis, Nuts, Allspice, Greet dL BLick Teas. CANIY, a large asor:ment good, sweei .d at low pr*ice. Alo, P;iggin-Z. Osiiaburg, Homespuns, Tick y and Calico. Boots and Shoes. FLOUR, Barrels and Ugi. BarLey and Oats. I T ! 1E-' T PR'ICE PAI) F01 fjTON. JACOB SUMMER, NV\u door to W. 11. Webb. P. 8. - I11. :r..! niithi Jacob Soint r. O0t..*4, 40-tt. GRAIIAM. 0. N. BUTTLER. RAAM & BUTLER, COTTON FACTORS AND OM.i!8[OV 31E1irCHANTS oF.iclE NO. U .'iS!l STREET. AUGUT.. GE~ORG;IA. W%i!l Cive their strict attention to the S?o ge and Sae of Cotton and other produce oi VIn k :s-.:pn. Wil f;urnish planters with Groceries. Bag ng. Ties, &c., at market rate::, and will mal< c unn:ai advance:s on Produce c,n:-igned. f.\T E OF SOUTH C.\!ULIL\ NEwm!t::RtY roUNTY. iy James- C. Le . iby, Proba te JIudge. When-:. ichard C. Cairlisie, ha:in mrmh it to mie to ::rant himt Leirers of Ahbninis uion, f. the Estaite and efreets of Si muei Thneae theretou-, to cite aind athnonish indl ,:izlar, the khiredl anid creditors the siduldcoye, to be and alppea:r lbe. re me, mi the Court of Probate to be held Nwb:rry ('o;! lion e, on tihe 1 4th day :t,her next, afa-r pulicattion L.ereo 12 o'clock in the forenoon, to shewi ite, if any they have, why the~ saidh ad tiletrationt shh not he grant.ed. Givtt :er n y l.ind this 3i th day of Septenbe: 'io Do-ti:i, 1871I. irA ': OF SO UH C.A RUL1N.\ Bc J:i!tei (. L,-ahy, Probate~ .Judge. Wn .:s, Richa rd C. Cai li:sie, hath rual it to tme to gra:nt limt [otters of~ Adhinis in, of tme and effects of Georgt Tei'e are therefo)re to cite and admnonisl1 a and sit. n:ir, the kindtred and creditor. im s::id deceited~, to be ndl aippear' be, re e', in the (out of Pirobate, to he bok, N' vbt,rrys t ou rt lIouse, on the 14th davc ietober net,it after publictattosu hereof 1( 'cock in thle forenoon, to shev iu-., if any th'y haive, why the said ud nitration .,bold tnt be grantedi. iver in m hand this t30th day of Septemtbet J.IEiS C. LE A HY, r. J. . c. or Sae--Very Low "E,r,"and one, 70 S.aws doubtle Cyl de of . trown's pa tent. Aklso an "Ini r 0fs 0o1o '.'. All nearlyv new d s ni be ol in gre:i ly rednlieed figures rh;or if dIeiiredh for approved en r-e No~\ttes orn 3 and 4 monnths for the' eater portion ol the putrc'h.tse. (Ie! . 4 40--tf. Chlarlestoni, 5. U. Tat 50r F'oci Tidal Ware ihe.ithe 'ih so had that they woun t e eatlht l.st week, nor lie week pro ,s, tut tiey hatve goI, used to it byV no look f0zr :h:ni Thiursday andi Saturday. rish Potatoes. "reat biga Cab bago [Io ads, and nice ounitain Butter and Ap~ piles. at L. R. MARSIIAILS. Sep. 27, :,1-1t. PROC L:U TION. WHE.FAs a vacaney; now exists in thi tic oi (Croner for the county of New Nw l'iow ye th:at2I un8ERTK. SCOTT .veror: of the :e of South Carolina, by i'rm:.b poe and: authority vested it hv a: act of the~ (ie:er:d i,embly o c 1.1 t':ate', emtiled ".\A tact concernitig thl: int i,-- andt latibties of torom-Er, "ap. 'ed l: January 27th, is7I, do heoreby nap int atnd constitute WIL!.I.A SAM MElt Pom:tia i, a Ti al J >t ice of said caounty, ill saidl vacnv, and to pe.rfortm' the dii Sof said ofliec o::til :hte L.egishtt:ro shall der' an' el eton t' i Cd '. a:tanec. *In test anony whereof, I haye i c.'u,'d th at r"at 'ital of tih< - f '-4: to be aft \xed, at UChin b a, hi-: '.h .ty of Septemn her,I A.~ D. 1t71, n in thti nin:ysixt yarof the Inde, p idec of the United States oif Ameri:'ca. lb ibt.:lT K. Ni, TT, Tovernor. A DO[[AR S-AVED IS A DOLLAR_ MIDE! ATTENTION' THEN CITIZENS OF iNVITERY, And if vCo1 wruid make electIMon from as LARGN Eand VARED and CHEAP an assort f men (It o10ds as were ever brought to New berry, call at the Corner Store Under the Hotel. My stock is full anid embraces almost everythin- whieb can.be called for, either DRY GOODS, WIITE GOODS, HEAVY GOODS, BLANKETS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CROC-IERY. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Etc., Etc. And I promi.ae to GIYE BARGAINS FOR CA M. FOOT. I am happy to state that I have secured the services of Mr i. C. WISKEM AN as a salesman, and that he will be found always ready and attentive to reeive his friends and the public and attend to their wants. ()ct. 4. 40-tf. GROCERIES A ND F ERTILIZERS Having recent!y purchased in the best markets in the Stetes, with Cash and with Great Care, . kIrze stock of HEAVY .nd FAMILY GRO CElES, embracing every unr:iete uually found in our line, we respec:fully invite our friends and the public geueral.y, to EXAMINE THEM Before they mrke their purchases; as wo are determined to Sell as Low for Cash As such articles can h sold in this or any other interior market. We are offering our BAGiNG and IRON TiES, Of superior quality at - And will keep constantly on hand a supply I of the same. We abo keep ou hand ALL THE TIME, SLiveral of the best and Most Popular FER TILIZERS K nownu to :he pi:h!ie, which we propo-e to se-ll as 'o'v au any of equa! value. We~ wi al-o i.urchte a!l kin:ds of PRODUCE at the IIIGH EST MARKET IPRICES, And srll any ido rdc rgole 6ole Pegged Brogans for Men & SeI. " Kip Pegged for Women. Call at WRIGar & COPPOCK'S. Sep. 27. 89-tf. NEW GOODS! ChEAP GOODS!! Stewart's Corner. FALL & WNTER GOODS Of SELECT CHARACTER. CONSISTING Op Warranted BOOTS and SHOES, ?or voung and old. Warranted lot of Ladics and Misses 1IIOES. of Mre & Larabee's make. IIATS. for Men and Boys. LEATHER, SADDLES, HAR N ESS. BRIDLES. WHIPS. ke. CUTLERY and HARDWARE 7t erally. FACTORY YARN. by the whole G UNS. PISTOLS, &c., &c. COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, MO L S'ASS.. SOAP, PEPPER. SPICE, GIN SER. STARCH, &c. 1HOES. SROVELS, SPADES, SCYTHE BLADES. NAILS. STATIONERY, INK, PENS, PENCILS. LIE and KEROSENE. BOLTING CLOTHS. SINGER'S S E WI NG MA 'HJIN ES. We hope to satisfy in quality and rice. P. W. & R.0 C6 Jf , Sep. 27, 39-tr'. 1. R. THOMPSON, D. D. S. Graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery.) Office over 3MeFall & Pool's Store. My patients receive the benefit of all the aest improvements in the profession. Special attention given to correction of Ir rguiarities in Children's Teeth. Thei patronage of the publhc is respectfully ob~ed. Ternm.s vcry moderate. sep. 27, 39--tf. SALE OF LAND. W ILL he sold on Sle-dayv in December, f not disposed of before that time, all that raet of landI known as the Major Bair place, ow the property of Mrs. R. C. Hlair, sit tited aben't one and a quarter miles from he town of Newberry, containing about 395 Acres, ~fore or lesq. On the place are all necessa y uldn, includin.g dwelling, and agood re! al Aborut.one-fourth ofth Tionrs-One-third cash, balance on time, ec:red by mortgage. For further psrtteu ars ap)ply to A. J1. KILGORE, Agt., Sep. 27, 39-4t. For rts. R. C. Hair. Bound for the West. T H E tubscriber, determining to co West, 'ifrs his P'LANTATION of ONE HUN )RED) and ELEVEN ACRES FOR SALE. Ihe place i.s half woods land, well timbered, ith twe-nty-five acres of bottom land. The 1tivatab'le land is in a high state of tillage, hie land! is well watered, their being three ~reeks runtning through it, with a good mill tat. The above place is situated three niles East of Neaberry C. H. On the iremses is a very fme orchard, &<,. Sep. 27, :;9-at J. S. SLOAN. Smith's Improved Straw Cutters, For ..de by A. J. McCAUGHRIN & CO. Notica i< hereby given that 2 -nonths af er date rn'ik'ation, wili be made to the lank of Nennecrry, S. C., for renewal of ertiicates for 2n shares stock standing in he name of It. 11. Folk, Original Certificate ~o 89, dated A pril 12, 18%4, having been 0,1 or rii1aid. Sept. :,3-ms Strayed or Stolen. A white P'ointer bitch, with liver-colored ars, disappeared trom the premises of he undereigned, ten miles Wesc of New wrry C. II., on Wednesday, the 13th inat. boever returns the dog to the Herald Of, ce, or to the undersigned, will be liberally ewarded. DKNNIS LARK. Sept :7, 39-.St. PURE GYPSUM! CONT.\INING NINETYT-NINE A ND E W-TH l R DS PE R CEN T. (9t9.66 per centt.) ' ,LlLE MATTEI. Wadrranted free/ rom, al! imputrities. Prepared int this city, md for .ade at the low price of FIFTEEN DLLARtS PER TON, CASH by' Comon W-o rrant, t h.aeszon, S. C.