LOVE. BY :FANNY DowN1NG. 7.agie wishes unexprcst Stran,e fan,cies-sv,!ct unre: That's love. Much~ msing-sudden sighs Bright bluA.hes-dowileast eYes That's love. Verse making-sointle Night slepes-lttlefo,d That's lo-ve. Faint whispers-ansvers lo--v Head throbbing-heart a;,low T;Iat's love. liands captured-stolen kiss l1f s'Irinking-trembling bliss That's love. R-y hours swiftly whirled Too happy for this world That's love. Fierce quarrel-frantic fears Wild anguish-bitter tears's love. Free foriveness-full redress Eestatic happiess That's love. Life together-death apart Two bodies-one heart That's love. %ew hearen under sky We wedded-you and I That*s love. A BLACK Bjr.AsT.-H1agar Simmons, i very mild looking aunty of the old school, had her husband-John Simmons -arrested y,sterday and carried before Justice Leefv, for marrying Binah L,ek w*e,a sprmce looking junior, "unbe kna.r'. to her." Sue set forth in be! -o"laivt that she had been living with Lh John "for more dan dese many year -4always on good term-laffing and in wid each udder-and hed his fi (elity in high esteem." The first know. ledge she had of his perfidy a mes. sage fr->m her cou!,in, that he had iar -ried on a certain night, and that she was so indignant at his conduct that she would- not attend the weliding. What surprised her, as well as created a dout in her mind was, that John came home re1:ularly to h1s bed and board, as though nt'ning had happened, at least so irmpor. tant an event. Pressed by a wouan's inquisitiveness, she deter.Min.d to put the question to her liege lord, in secret, and was overwhelmed with grief, when he announced he was "tired of living such . jife and had got married." "Tirad-ofliving such a life, John! wb,jn you been wid me dese many YFars, 'knowledging me as your wife ald de fader of nv seven chilun. T ). drt now? eh ! I'll h-ive you teck up;" ald piRh did, and John il no ?.oubt atone for bis crime in Columbz.a, aftzr the 1 nextitwn of tbe court.-C,ourier 5th inst. Th14'A:TE TBo.AS ~. W A RNG.-It is ';iri tree regret tb' at wye annaunce the ddeceas,"b this fl ost estimable citi zzen' add e Mr. Waring wa Norzgely si oadiienltia'Jy connected, lie hhas abeen Y. ken r.way in the very lVp'-rne "of useful life, all the duties of "w'fnhO b ts di .tharged with singular fihty C whjich procured him the "eWn M co'sideration of the entire '-counen . Nr. Waring was well known it :yar as the cashier of the Bank of teduta- When this bank ceased its '"aln s,'is vailuable services were imad!4r .ely claimed as cashier of tie So'ah *f arolina Loan and Trust Comn 5pn. Of'the highest integrity, an;d of or ~idnancial ability, ho was equally *4*~ .ied in all the relations of lhre, and .eath. is a matter of common loss and S ersal regret.-Charleston Courier. An alligator's mouth isn't the pleas antest place in the world for one's head, yet a Louisiana woman tells of her ex perience in that frightful position. Pass ing throug~h the bushes near her horne the terriiled woman was seizedl by a monster concealed in the bushes, and af t'er a vigorous struggle was drawn into the watcr by her powerful enemy. liere the alligator relinquished her lacer:,ted arm, and caught her head between his mia'sive jawvs. This might be considered the end of the struggle when the strength of the beast's j:aws is remembered. But the woman still resolutely fought her amphibious foe, andl, incredible to say, reached the bank, and with the aid of neighbors escaped the mons'.er. IIer wouuds were frightful, the maiks made by the teeth of the alligator presen tn the appearance of incisions with a stei! instrumnent. A Western p>litical stump speaker de molishes his opponent in this wise: "Build a wor m fence around winter's supply of summerr weather ; the clo'uds from the sky n ith a tea spoon; break a hurricane to a harness; ground sluice an earthquake ; barke hell ini an ice house ; lasso an avalanche ; put a diaper on tue crater of an active voleano; have all the stars in a nail keg ; hang the ocean on a grape vine to dry ; put the sky to soak in a gourd; unbuckle the belt of eternity ; and paste 'to let' on the sun and moon ; but never for a mno went, sir, delude yourself with the iden tat any ticket of your party can beat The New York Day Boouk suggsts that some sharp "Departure" lawyer write a book on the validity of fraud, te he published in the New York World, the Couirier-Journa!, and other like pa pers, for the benefit of those who declart that the so-cailed 14th and 15thi amend merits were fraudulently adopted, bul accept them as valid. It pertinenti.s asks if thuse fraudulent amendments imposed by "usurpation and f'rce, ought to he looked upon as sacred, an~ ,eneratedi by the American people, the same as the glorious work of our fathers Who will write the volume on the va lidity of f:auds ? NEw Issra.-siglass hais bee: discovered near the thriving Germia: settien ent, Walhafla, in Pickens County and the mines are being worked with: profit of from four to ten dollars a da' per hand. A difficuity~ occurred at Crose K'eys. Uni.e County. oa the night of the 21st u!t. oc tw-ea two young men. named .1oseph SmitI and Wes.ley Bobjo, during wvhichi the hate was so severely stab'bed in the liver, rhat b now lies in a precarious condition. The at fair occurred at a serenade. A Colombia man sold a watch for one hur dred do,llars in goti, four pounds of salt, si: mackerel, three pounds of soap. a har, a pa per ot carpet tacks, and an ounce of sulphur H1. T. Srewore's new hotel for women wi cost S3.000,000 when eoanpleted. The larges The French have the lbcst poll dre-sers and the mo.t bild-headed men of any people in the world. The Americans have the best dni-,s and the most bad teeth in the world. The E-ngiish have the best, corn ic:,r, a',l ue most cun- cf nyv ipeop!e ini the v,.rii. The Germn-!-s iiave the heok, by Th'eresa C. Browa. of An.dersont, S C., 5'1, and 1.75 The Sonubern Gardener. otr Shor't and Simple Dire;ittns ror thIe Cultur'e of Yegetab'es and Fenits at the South, by Doctor Tienri' W. tvent'. . - - - - ....50 Topics of the Times, by .lamnes Patron. $2: Suburban Sketches, by WA. D). Amotnr myt Books, bv .1 Russe;l Lowell, $2: Society and Solitnu.e by iEmeirsint.200 Th[le Mlamoth. Cave of K'entioeky. :rt IIhistorical and Descr'iptiv'e Natrra.tye, by WA. Stumap Firwo.iL. M. 1>., with rist-Sketches ofthe Spring- and Mlount Itins of V itinia.wti th illhitra 'ioust andl maps, by Pollard. Biounid, $2.50; Wainderin"' Reci!kections oif a Some'what Busy Lfe, by-1 le Ket!---..-----.... 200 from the French Count I) F ll.iux . .2 00 Thme Letters of L.:oly. tlary Wartiy M.,ntat gue'.Jdie h le '. ulak'e........ ..2. 00 The Life and Let'ters oit hluah Mlilier, by' l'eter bUavne, M1. A , 2 t'ls ........~....4 00 Friendin. . otinei, a. Series of it adings and Dis course thereon, by Arthr ,lelp', a new edition, comptlete in 2 liv the sate itautthotr-!ealmt'ai, a Story ..2.00 ( 'sirmir 31l trmond, 'a Nov......... Essays W\rian iu the Inte;.dls o1' Buri pease~ bear in tmit.I that by' send in:: Itir or ters to us fir any' tioks puidhied itt Ain'' ica they will be charged ontly tie price of cb. book. We pay for the postage or express. Address FOGARtTIES B0O!K DE?3SITORY. No. 200' KING; Si Ilfi'.ET , (in thte benid), ICIL \RLF.ST'(N', SOl'H CAl!L' INA. A Xpril 6, 17-17. CUNS. CUNS. CUNS. Douh!e and Single lBarrel GnC. I ltre.cload m.~ andti Gutns, of Eng|ish, French & Gecrmtan mannilactmte, AT ALL PRICES. Singl Guns at "p2.50. -4 00, %.00. 48 00, $12.00 to 520 each. lDouble Guns fronm 57, to $200 each. Pistols. Pistols. Pistols. Smith & Wessoni, (tilt's, Alen's. Slarp's. and a!i the popiiub.rir.d aippro kind ~is. AM MUNITiON FOR CUNS, PISTOLS & RIFLES. SPORTSMAN'S COODS OF CREAT VARETY. BST QUOALITY AND AT LOWEST PRICES (cuntry 31erchantts and Snortsmnen arc in slected stock ot t' albove Good, , whUicii we import irec .t aid by trn>m the tmanutfai:ut priers as low as any re'poneible house in Oirders by', mail filled ptromiptly, and sent byt expies, C. II. D. P'OULTNET, Ti1MlLE~ & (a., 200 W. Baltimore Street, BALT1IORE, MID. A pr. 5, l4-1y. Special and Particuiar. A L.L person- :eleb:ed to mte are reqert-jt ed to ak imm 'redIho n~i p ayet. By d i; o at oee~ they' wi'l save costs. 3L. FQOT. TO RENT. C. F. JACKSOU1 TaRGE, InExi-rFi~L AND C:IEA' DRY GOODS, Are no r deF R .\A LE. A:n! al! 'T.4 TE ul be !' i Z":-t)F !;.l:A.A'N.--:as the L:oek n -.I at v INS 3 -11 . i 1 T S Mai:: : r..t, t. LtAIA., S. C. Apr. 7 CUL'S ES TON [i1. ~. 3 T i r L 0l e byo. P. P.yi STre.m at ;Itrics wih rd. 1ofi rll a ofc D or, itash a nii ia' a j.a - 1 U) J LA I ~ aaa nIIi:1.a the jarices of c:lh, will be sent frev :Hid post id, oi application to P. P' TOAL~ Hye . tre. a-. r c . dJuly 12. 2S-1y. . 7 - tul.g , conle!t h:di a T: Alfr ll e-ien a (- . UI W '.C- Ih It Ja, m Iai 'spaci,n ..hre ai..p r t o I l (h1o oor y l' w M:,ke :;l! I -- tpir \\' on l, amcu fo an ai d ost \i rk ea i th er* a lp 1:iv' al , 'tl o1 THE undensv(he u iahn it o, ). Ici - inio a 1WI .m ui:bu b 1.ri .c. .. .... . " I w bo 11t i):IdI....... ..) ilciothercirQs .t. V:on 4 Mr A C ti n !i. A thai t : akedi a hare o hi s fr (... Noronk . H :e :i!! ;J uipe. -tW ? TEENF. E. G!R'B PAT. H. DUCKETT. CAN ho 4,o,nd 11 & Carolina n I'u:a:a 'fTin a:d S:o e Sh.op, witi a cam plete sock o: iUTS, PISTOLS & TEPAL iaa hisa linae, n:;al w'a:; ;.1;E I R Camia, l'i-a .a.a C,~ u,:rs, &c. By doa:i goraal woark at nauaalera e parice 1?IiaI-iang paaaeta::l tom uin ess.aa , 1 hai:e to aeceave a la,ib ra p:Gron a. P'.tT. 1.. D)UCXETT. Mar. 1, -tf WM.J LAKE, Insuaranace Agent, INEWVBER RY, S. C. Piedmonit & Arlington Lif Insurance Company'. \Asetsa ove :i :: : *:.Ii0 luasures :aarinst althfa ia an NcVab.rry., S. C. Fea b. 2.t, S-tf. ~t ATTORNEYS.AT L.W NEWBERRY, S. C. r (-pa~rtarl!ip ina thea pr.aci( tic * of I i .. bui'idig o s "NewU h err ORLEANS SYRUP, On hand atnd for sale by MATES & AIITLX. -ec 1 - 1, -- -. --.----- - LoOK OL'T FOR YOUR M1EALS * Alston Hotel, PAUL B. LRA1NE & 0., a AUCTEION, General Commission AND) Il~IOLE;SALE G;i:if'El I: i:' .es-Me s lIart & C- . Mc L-v & Ii. Meh,'srs. WVeagua:r M m:'ce. \I r. J -n miti.. F. .J. 1aoberts. Di seeunt I -le: :. lell N :atnal lIatuk. May ::. --40 DR. H. BAR DRUG G IS T, CHJARLEsTONX. S. C. y l, 1-tf. L AR GEiS T M1LLINJMIY 8 Tt 0 K In :h.a au: coata:ry a:nd :'Vrleing da y ::-! -a R. Re .R. b I ; *.U* *T4' [p 5' 97b' ;i'-' ;rx 'h 1. , -- . i 7.b i.: N FLOM ONE T10 TWE'-TY I.S. nit ater re:t!'tim .'* ttt.:tdv imt 1 "'-d 'tyone .!. i r !':w . : . i !! ' I ' i:'- iSa JiJ)' .: IIN; A* C ': 3I : t . - '' 1 - mJ . T'r.A N A ite T I . i : : -- :1.1 m- 'I tI W ,i- V i: T:a; P ..\ Tj : -T . i r T:ii. . F:-;-i I-n e .r. - I le - a C: e 1-113 a' 1. 1 'li%T a ,i i .. .\ c'ta'di' ' 31.xx r ..'. r p'r . :r l-1!.A', la.\'t'i'' .:F a 0 ta:. .at ti t-. a ha.. VAl Nflt Ill.t ;XI.N I AI I I . '- !.it !i I 3 ': ':-. S. '. R I .\: . :t 'Ir \' o T: 4 a : S. I t I \I:!:N..xNl' lF.NZ aie n..\ h>. t'l!'.ta T ;et t.W" '.' ..taa''i :ata vtl.;. I 1 . a .a .it a't. :: lE i.\ syT at r 1,.rt L1eu:et . ni .d!!,i:I1ty exist %vi.j U. md Wre ald . Br,.ei:t dop n hj!. : t m ri!* wi-t-r wil" , N N cure !:t'Al: .i . dIN ite'a: I, Ts''i : r ifaa'iial al lT i ;ti ' i a - la< !I-I i'S \l 'sIf. lX 1: :.\ '.:: ;F. . I'i. f:Tv -:li ll:N Al ' ! N l. -.,er wil; ;'re-.-.:if .ickow---r p:iiz !)rUi: i:n !' %%:!ier. Ii i, bn-t:er :!io Fervich o,.. i u iK:ur as a vtionA . F--%VL: ANPED ASUE-. %z-r . N:*:-!) Ali;j';- em:d for f:ftv e-!.f - iere , wI:-.t re::;vdial ag ut i:- this Norld thi -Ill e-r-Fev"r :a!U \-d : uIld :lother .A:-I:'. ou ,. S:iv;. Typ%oA. Y -.; rah. ,evr .J.0n h-v N A 1) W AY'.; P'! i.t-o a. .l-ip:: ta'Cr:al' :'-r. h.otio:e iat.' lit-icalr-:~ D:e::. .'ll''m 'i, ii ::.A tluin LI' -e I':n'h. 1 th:e: 'a;; :t- \.r- (at' ..t' al de oiti; r e ra' i taic . t' c; 'd.'i fi:.l! wti'ith' !.aitaf '''.- a ia' t Ct' t:: 1 I -: ar Ca're:'al 'a' wh I I ai-'. :;ud tttt h itt- at"e- :.a't' '1p' :. ::0 w e re is ay'ttidt: ist;: .' ~ in 'i :ti on w' h1 u t p.a '-Ib a;'en ar 1 -r':1a--aTer. um.ur, Len:t .rf. TRDiN,. t i , I'o 1et" !a i- to:. +V ''.'itu X ala' 11 'a:'. i-'' . - .t :m t' int'' a . ' if': ''! i a i it:1 t:'rar:d o i cta te 'at a. n- :i th-lan.::i:;10 Vcar fu r - T I ATL ANTIO Avg. I roll The drliner above to Ib-1r f"-. con .ti: ' g :i!! ' it ful i c u l to T :: iu- r. y r of it: sdle, of its im-ri . -b t f,-;, s.nured tha t wN"C 'n:- u fult trid. it 'will be-comel Plla:nte-rs arv request.-.. to sculd I1 Mayes & Martin, A' .;:ts at N.Wbcnv. S. C. F- 1 7 f EN'7T|?LYVEgETABLE. Ay eP ia, Agae and Fe;er, i-0;us D) ees Gene-. r-al iiy, id all Impuri y of the .L... * I . II. :- t a Ub :p ei0 i,in.:rates ,ir :: :i;;o e .- C. I, ai. impatrtsi 5 a . 1 . I .:- w. r si:e, C:s: d n ial ell' S *!:. 1m Ie!:. It ex: ir: O :h 1 . iri ,t -'tI &iites of . . I t w,: : O :L ')rv:-; IVO: , p.rV u Live in .! 3.\i. .!1. LCON T.MlIN.\ T! ,Y. MOTTL & TAR-RANT, YManutcurers ani d PropretDrs, NEW3ER Y, S. C. iar. 1, li- uH GERMVAN in i i l S tm ner um I'in. of C!:thl,h . c -e:s M S ENT EIR Y, Iliik. the. "~'.M in, Syrup.," now sto NO ANODYNE, ()r mn:hor inj::ni:o. 1::u. It. i Ofl1 e of f t i vr N :irgerty. The best ph2ysi ein:: reco mesiit. 4.\NCE.\('Tvi;;i)'.;x Dr. H. BAER, '11 .\!l iE.TOlN. S. C. N i':ry S. ('. ". y:, h -: ' MA INfLLA ROPE. Sultable fr well1 ropes. - 'o t)l' -12y) G;reeni ej? & Coiiunh1ia Railroad. .o::: ji w! it Wunti:iy Mch 1tb. the foulow e "cpted.c n.t., i t NihtTri; n mi : \.ing rrouth ....Char ..t .lCouibiaan Auu. ta fini)rpnd: UP. cl.c:'v e;mia. ..... ........... 1 a m \ Newbeirr ....... ... .. .. . 15 a m -- r it C. u it o n . .. . . . . .. ... .. .. . . . . 5 . i ii T I:'DTi~T. Ag. -- S li' t .. .....n: ... ... ... ... 4 r5 a til -- i i l C s uri ............... .........1 rrv a m -- bbe ill.. . .................A iN .15 a - Newhery................... .574y m -- I .\ -o. ........... . . . 2 i5 p i .rive C ouba .... ........!.'35 Op mi 1.'T. :.mTra. Generaii Af)cket .\.get.(1) South arolxin~ $io:ivirm compann'. 1. )LU..... . . . , in .81 .N m t .ft.UN AY ihe 1thtin ant pi-i.e 0.. I Tra iii po tii a wil arrie andi L v 'b imb i . ti . .. ........... . >74 1. .\ rri :2UUj o'hrleiton 11t........................ wup: Gil KC P!tur .Fot -:GH .4A.ND~~ ^ i''.0130 -rro.I Tuii . Im: .y excepted..) Le: 1we Li II' 'iumbia at........................7.50 p \rIve '1 at kCl. t... id ...............A.45 mi Ar ive:. I um iaat ..~;. U .? r.... i ..... ... k.t , esay ;n .aturd a-; nbrg ad .i A .,1. Lol'.'. i'- re d nt Jun- CuiuIt..JIuM.v ~1 - har'in1e, Coi: :in& .t1 u .R N 'E: N I .NTs(FC c o I'. iL . .4 .~ 6 . . .4 0 .71. --.a e.n-sa . . ....: 25 A 1 * P I.:v (un i...... 92.) A. M . 1 00P 1. Chalte.... ...l A. M. 12.5- 5 TINE CHARLESP17 HIE FORI Freight and Passengers, To a:nd from BALTUIOtV, PIllL A EL 'i.A, NEW Y slliK, DoST'IN, a:1l all the New Englind 31aufae. tur-imll Cities THREE TIBES A WEEK. TUI$1DAY$. fIIUlSiYS and $ATUIiA '. Fare from Newberry, - - - THE SOUTH CAROLINk RaILROAD CO.. And cAnnectin:t 1:ouk West, inl al"-lice wiit the FIeet t hireen -ir-rt-f las steamsthip to tle iboe.- invite atteiti-to ti the 1,tuick Time -mil It-;rair Di-pitel :rded to the bit i- pUb!ic inl the Cottoa Stares at the PORT OF CHARLESTON. 4 ftTerinz Ieiri.-s - ai a it 11S--a Transor)i ti-n for 21it and Pas'engers nit egiied in excellence .ni cntlaPcity at any other Port. s. VI. PI' :Ns. Gen. 'zssevger and Ticket .\ . . w:. ltilroad. ED. 1. CARWl:LL,Gen. Freight A t.. S. c. H. ii. Apr. 12. 15-tf UR. J. R. THOIMPSUN, SURGEON DENTIST, (Successor to Dr. W B. MeKcl!ar.) Wfice over McFll & Pool's store, on 31u0 Street. All tiv ola hmsine.,-s left unfinikhed wil lie conpleted on tiv terns as berore arran .red ain. everytht done inI the biet manner and warr:mtl. The ptrmrouage the pulic is respec:tuliy sio!!cited. Dec. S. 48-tf. THE COTTON STATES Life insurance ComPany, PIZ LNCIPA L 0OFFICE AT 3LiCON. GE01%UTA. The i,!*i-ness of ti< :trie,:lr Sotlthern antd Ifolme C.>:npan1y i, collfi-ced I;y hw to le-;iti I i lasuranW. allone. I'olei.. iSsuted o all Zthe approved mut It [1.-.6-4 i:sue- pel itc stock rates, 25 per coot. tod r the . a ti- r.t ,but i: lor advi1-se it-; pktr.oni: to insure onl thle !tock pl;1, it hintg vry expVL i v e 11 Ith' iott It is knw, hibt ividi.ids in. good Mtuatl CornlpanV will avterale abtI: 65 pe vct., lecia!iy it tie Sui'nih and W es:. ;shere inv-*.t,-*,nts;bring, g,ood re,1inl-. .::) P eT Ct t. ol pru:'i:s on the Iild tily :anong all tie one -third loin onprm msgvnww desred-interet- charged ozly upon lir-t loall. Where all cash is paid po-icies will l1 comel Self-Slnetainin;;. thait ik 1);y out, :11!i have .5t per ce-it. atd l to th-ir faces, !!-it is onte-third more than the origiisal sum in Ampllo prov,i,in aga:t forfiture of poliiis ini th expre(itCSed termts oh the con trter. The rot:nitty " wi'. a .s putrchase i:s We Oute the~ pteiople of thle Stiate the samne financtialt 5':-nrit y as N,irther'n (;omtpanies thec accumuitla:ingt p:-emzians of the insnried, l.Lrs annutaltlyihave hithtlerto beeni lost to) the active circubt ion if thte Sombtl int liy Ini benftsjc dried fromt the itestmten', mi:tth. he tiw-ie Co:tpaites in Nothr ren est.te tatd stcuit ies, out people c-ant nteve one own l,ite entterprtie an tt (tis kt ep ou monetiy and thte profits at htome. W3t. P.. .I0IN-TtN ............ ....PriHent. (;E. !. 'lieA R.................Sceay .l.\3I 1E 3;-.At G . E EN..''elical Th (itton te Com ttip.ttny is ti (ior.Li I ih t o itrests of ottr peopie. Tii :te his ably re.pretuedt-i in the gent iral mang~temetc. byv Sot!h '.:arolin.a lhrtee tor L AV.\XL & AiUN ;Y, Geneiral Agentts for Norib & Sith (7t:-oli ta. M. W. Ann:v. 'd. 1)., of E2hefie.ld. Of the Most Approved SAT IS FACTORY TE1DIS. Wein vite a: exmt n itn of thteir. B. 3M00101N & CO. Felb S-itf. 22, NOi'fHIEASTERIX RAILRO.AD. SUltitNTENDNT'S FI[CE, ('HA L1L;tToN, August 4, IS7I. ON andr after Suntdtay next, thie 13h iimtnt, the Afternoon Exptress Traini will arrive at 2:3' P. M. Da;wnt l. enger Train on ('hcrnw and A. .L , ant Ipass wyv sr:t too it C one~ hor earlier thain tt ptrnt. $. S. 5(OLiUMO~N S. Syrups and Sugars. Ji1t receiVe-d a beautifal lo;t of N. 0. Syrups anid Siun'rs. For sale low at W. H. WEBB'S. D.c. 14. .i-tf. I XWULI) coi :.tteittito toth faict ofE my h:. intta r m1tte ntil citon Cotton, Guanos and, other Merchandize On as~ rtea--itnable. terms as anty one. W. H. WEBB. Money Canaaoo Buy It! TT ! STIIT IS P ZI --c The DiamoOn Ga'ses, J. E. SBENBER & CO,, N. Y., Wich aIel w of.ral to Ire pio L,ou:Lcel by :l11the eik-:ated Opticians of the W:d to Le the MOST PERFECT, \,'ural. Artifcia l elp to the Lunmn eye ever ti T- hey ars ornund uer their own :iupervi.-1 I L l %hich th-ey : r-. construete4 bt hiiL-i: lite c-):e( ,r ct:tre ofthe I-i.s di ctly it 1*nt of th'. (y. iu r0duci1;.':1 an distr et C i-i . ;it i i .he t :atulr:. balthy sigh. .t m Cd p v tiI;r tIl it >ieasanAt :-!io - Uchl :,-; ta ein n varein;ofsght.dizmes&c .ecuiarto al ' ,t hel ii U:-e. They are Younte. in the Finest 'Ifa.ncr. n frmiu:L. of the bec-:t quelity. of al! materiaa. n uted f'UI tI:'t purItoe. of Their FHnish and Durabil!ty CANN NOT BF, SU'!U'A MELD. CA cr,N.-Ncne genu, e unle-s bearTng their ru4de itarik .-tumip-d t;n Lvery f:-ame. J. W. M1ONTCOMERY, tv Jewe!er alld I)pticiaun, is, swe agent for NEWBERRY'. S. C., ro-n wiom they can only be (.bt:inevd . These god aIre IOt eupl-Hd to I'et!Cr. at anly pr.ce. 1 (let 5 0-ly Russet, Upper .-a and Whano )I 11 I z'l tiIf r? l t D. MIOWER, F 01 THE SINcE~R: ss ,tt A ec,No i . 0retn Silk Thrad,Needes n-1 1acine ind ng,o h betq:iyC tthn oet >re ee:1rp:rnSxctd 'II 1.i Fi uN .ClNE -F1e alrs nd oo Fter,i t:eb tin te C' naret Loa n rreIn ,,.:n Waned I THE \411. SINfGE V '1Iri n.ofllh.sewn MiachinettCItl dAgey t 44r CliCll. L eS~TON. L':It C. 1P.1 W.\ & R. i'. IifK. A. HNI I TURGESNETST NEWl il ( S. C. l rom ar now pen :0dta mpe Eae oese:: l oki a n fe o int- o, prve1mnr I-. URlGE31lOVED.lsSE ,WEKL 1.NE i-\s :B! I: W. A N( ED :b It . er erl be alie c tiv e ze:4: ex Iu ?.:rge andin:pLove il in every ri .ec .1V 1 Wi:d edev' -e: ' otl abw.-tinence.:willi:n er Ih r:1::in;r 4 mat11r 10 i: 1 . .th p t:: e t :t:m 1o.get the mot rom iem te: Wr:eD ani h Tile C4omak0 T'eon ?tri l I4,( 1to 3:1c4 o r: ]:. j :Iti e e ashcto the pr:i,gea othe cai ..u We4.l have ut -riC.t . Wpie of heAvc * l owttir. i, that ite may 1b 1i ti l e nI 'oil: W''. y 114. One e: ly i ite i: elctnm r of n aert I:e mt. will 14e4 r44e c 1e .~)'f4i1I l 1e W. l114v:sr141:.-h ricee of ten per lcent.~ llW be alie.ed 0on alt 1144. :-ubcr:it:'e-. .1 ulv 12. 2--f. . oltu i.. -. I ' N AT i '>N A L Ii TE L. Colum'oia, S. C. I Ro;bert Jo; ner. P roprietor. 9 P. HamiltonJoyer. Clerk. Ir If >ardi, por Dr)ay.................8:1 (Im Supp:er, lir:'ak are! Lo'ging..2 444 Sep. 4:h, 1I60. PAVILION IlOTEL. I BJARDPER DAY - - - - $2 50 ... .Mas. H1. L. BIF rE!i:FIELD.i, Proprietress. !O(YTS. at?!)warrnted'Itt44. (.,... ..11.,? . I * .44 .4.W t' R E -.. . .., n~ ~~3 toaect,n nCOCOO ereOOM. NY II LLIONS BearTestinzonY to their W'onderful Ctirative Effects. Vinegar Bitters are not a vile Fancy rink, Made of Poor Rum, WhiskeY, roof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doc red. spiced and sweetened to please the taste* Icd " Tonics," "*.ppetizers." "Restorers,' ic.. at lead the tinpler on to drunkenness and ruin, it are a true Medicine. miade from the Native, )-)ts an- He:-bs of California, free from all icoholic stimnuianuts. They are the IEEAT 1LOOD Pt IIFIER and A IFE (1V1NG PILINCIPLE, a perfect M:Ovator and Iuri:orator of the System. carry : o:T all poisonous iatter and restoring the blood a healthy condition. No person can take these :crs according to directions and remain Ion e!l. prov:ded their bones are not destroyed iineral poison or other means, and the vital ,--ans w:Lsted beyond the point of repair. They are a GCntlC Pstr-ative as well 4a Tonic, possessina, also. the peculiar meris t acting as a powerful agent in relieving Conges 2a or Inflaumation cf the Liver, and of all the sceral Orgms. FO t FE.11\.1 LE CO3 PLA INTS, whether* yoin: or cld. married or single, at the dawn of >mauhird or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bit rs ha-e no equal. For Inflammitatory and Chronic Rhea :atisa and G-ont, Dyspepsia or In -.i on, iliions, Iteiittent and :lermitIeC Fevers, Diseases of the lood. J.iver, Kidneys and Bladder, .- iI iters have been most successful. Such iseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, ;rn p-onced by derangenent of C gr..itive Organs. D1YSPEPS! I Oit INDIGESTION. I:h:e. 'n in the Sihoulders. Coughs. Ttgit !.,;of thc Che--.. Dizziness. Sour Eructations of e :mc,Dadl Taste in the 'Month. Bilions :acs. mph.:,onof the lit,In1huumiationof e Lun-. in the regiois of th;e Kidneys, and liundred other .painful symptoms are the off rings of Dys;ep.liL They invi-.orate the Stomach and ttimniate the rpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of Iegqtalled eflicacy in clcansir.gthe blood of all im :ritics. and imparting new life and vigor to the ho6e system'. FO It S HIN DISEASES, Eruptions,Tetter, lt Rhenm. Ulotches, spots. Pimples, Pustule, is. Carbmticles, Ring-Worms, Sca!d Head, Sore ves,Ery,ipe:as. Itch. ScurfN, Discolorationsof the in, li:niurs and Diseases of the Skin, of what ,ur namle or nature. are literally dug np and car -d ont o the system in a short time by the eof - ie litrs. Otc bottle in such cases will con nee the most incredulous of their curativeeffect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whcneveryou find its ipurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, ruptions or Sores; cleanse it when you find it >strictect and sluggisa in the veins; cleanse it hen it is fonl.and yonr feelings will tell you when. cep the blood pure, and the health of the system ilfoll.ow.h PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS urking the systen of so many thousa:%ds are effoctually -st.U :md;ir. removed. LI) BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEUS. .WALXEIt, Proprietor. R. H. McDONALD& 0.. Drngists :md Gen. Agents. San Francisco, a!., ad:0: and 34 Commerce Street, New York. June 2S, 26-"jI1-1v. 8k'R M8tllic Burial Cases, TllE SEBSCREER has constantly ot: onl at toi as-4or:ment of the abIove~ approved 2-C, of diIferent patterns, beside-s coflins 1. is i3 ll own nal of' which he ist prepared -unih at vry reasonable rates, with Peuo r .is of having enses sent by fin wil !mve them sent free of ch;arge. r A Jar'se is always~ on hand and wHll be ri hed :1 the irat of ii0 per day. ThankfulI for pa:st paitroniage, the sub-4 riber r'spii& fli!y asks for a continulation hes:ine, anid a.,tures the public that \' efort is ;:irt n ill be spa red to render e utmosIit sa tidaction. A. C. CUAPMAN New berry' I. C., July :11. ulhu'ORTFJNT N0ICE TO NSiThS~ F~ DR Y GOODS. I l t!;:1 Orders amou~iinting to $20 ;Ad~ tJver De!iiered inl any Part FJLi 0 ' E XPE SS Cll.ARGES. AMLTON EASTERi & SONS, rd--r, th1.-ettrr to mliet the wants of their Ltail 1- etilmer- at1 a d:.-ance. huave established a \.- .'i .:' RI?EA U, :dl n i nn ppicatin. promptly' 'end by 01u! Uliso -m;lles .3rthel Newvest and 'i. i :d i)>i - sit' i r'.. l- .wt' l:.guar :*l:, ::0t mes to sel as low. iif aot ut less i: i:: olur .::-i!d from, the lar::est and most i Iente nI'':u *ctuirets ini Ihe difl i-ent parts of unII ,.. ai'4 in irtinlg the' samie bv Steamers di et' to I ithimore. iurstoct. is tinmes prompt .\ v'. ya ileill only for eaich, andrmake no "*idbr.w re ab'le and wi'Iing to sell our : I' 'IFIT :1:-1 ii rwe gve CritIit. ii n tIid o:' fl 'Inniie&s s;(ecity the kind ofgoods ied W e'4 il--pth be'-t gradles, of every cls p id. irm ti h ot' e-t to the most costly. Hr- inu'Jcomp:lieun l.y the enh will be sent vIt:*td to iln-pect the stocek in our Jobbing i 'iekneI )l>epatmen't. Add ress iiAM;l;LT N. E.\-TEt'i & SONS. lti. . C': and 2.0 West Ba!limuore Street. (Oct. :i. 43i-ly, Baltimore, Md. - THE CELEBRIATED) PIISPHAE: We have' a large lot of this hgl iipri~ove FFIT'IILl%ER. which w 2 --! i l tmost :tC :e ltn?idatinlg -r IiG!o it* NOORMAN & V w:pim It is stored-for ' - COLUN)iB IA IIOTEL. 'l I' R::Il-'.f0I takes pleasure n fnnteingl~ thI:it this t-legantly.feraiihed' , tab.i-hmentI is 1ioW openf for the-aom, whithin of gutn',-. lTe mbie wiki- alwa-vf soip!iedt with evetry deiicacyssf the sea%.- t >';eb1ithi Irom New" Yirk and Charleston. ar ls :iil 1:o efforurts ill be sjsied-tor ve perftk 4t;l'ue: lon, in ev-ery respect, to NI (' E RSON IIL0iSE. Columbia, S. C., yit I 11,e ini the -luth for iomft rand healthy' e:3ty i nw pe to Trave!ers snd..others- . an. tiung necommouda,t:on. Familiss oan be-fuf- - asked tbed wii nice. ::iry riooms en. reasecat le - eomi rm. -*\ call is 'olicited.'" My smnibus wilp' -va's - atihe u:flerent dleli.tS se .11an 1 ~s.\lAH L..WRIOIIT.. - les - -- seto ALONZ() REESE. *ect,t i.\ RBEll. Next door to Pollock's Eraurant: C'olumabi:i. S. C. W 0: --have. Sh'ampO, Trrim and Dye . To Y.t he m :di