TAHE H ERAL9vI RA. ISAd.et sedieis itasertet at PUiB rat SE $ -p"r sgitare-.a n a -for(IJrst lisetion,. i EVERY WEDNESDAY MORXVn; tiemet s enAper At Newberry C. 11., ep it 6(s By Thoi. P. & R. H. Gronokeo Editors and Proprietors. n ti of d ann VsaMS, $e? 9R fe ein esintl. o Tnvarlably in Advance.. b t n g..,t 07- Th nor Is stoptped sit fli expiration of-- - time for wii it Is p eixd. piaino u- Oi CEN S AtON I G'ITM i./, 8 LN .3 .nt ba'.. TIN,nperIs toppd si tie c~pIrtIonIEDN SDA MiO?INti(J, SIPT1IEMiER 4, 18l. No. (. ~ onowiat WEatDNEaSdDAYajMORNa For the 11cralid. MOUNT PLEASAN-r, S. C., September 1st, 1871. MEssits. Emrrons : As it may bo of interest to o 1 r up-country friends to know what is doing in this locality in the way of efforts to develope our resources, I pro 'pose to jot down to you an account of a 'visit to tile plantation of %.eossrs.IKlox& Whclock,on Iiob. caw Crock, a tributary of' the Wando River. This place formlerly owned and very successfitlly culltivated by 1on. Cihas. Macboth, a former Mayor of' Clarleston, lies about three or four miles fioin Mount Pleasant, on the Mathews Ferry itditd; was purchased by tihe pres. bit di1trs 1iediately after the war. They very soon set about the task of transfcormation. which has culminated in the result now shown-a model plantation. TIhis is due to their energy, will and work, as well as ',he largo capital at their COMllanI1d, in which last particular 0111 people do not share, unfortunately, the results of' the A leiving them without ieans k.d Attempt improvements, and in thost casos un11able even to endeav bor to cultiv.ite their lands without 1elp from the means of' others. A pproaching the old homestead, in which resiles the Selior part ner*, throulh an avenuio of' giant sycalores, w b 0 0 in terlaci n1g branches, at this season, f'ormr1 a ver(lant and pleasant canopy and thrning to the left you arrivo at the large building, occupied on the lower floori as the Conmissar.y Department, lheiro the laborers are nightly settled with by the obliging clerk in charge, Mr. J. . Fraser, ill money or stores, at the option of tle receiver, the thriong of orderly recipients, passing in and out, as each squad completes the business. The Junil1ior partner has his resi dence above, and from his vin. dows and piazza ani extensive view of' the whitening cotton fields is obtained, now beginning to be trav:rseul by the busy "pickerS." On the right of the homestead stands tile now cotton house, 25 x 40 feet., of' two stories, and con nected by a gallery 25 feet long, on the right with the two and a half story gin house and grist llill, with its cupola containing ithe huge 1ell to wari the haborers to their work. 'I'his buildin' is 30 x 50 feet, and contains in ti lower portion, live I'Meucith(ill I a )I'C)I' fivo"McCrth", Ginls For prepar-* ing sea island cotton, and t wo gills for short cotton, o ic i (ouble 'cylindrier., Brom'. li:itolit. IHop. pers from the floor above supply thes gins-4, and the seed is deposit ed by an clevator. Ai ,Jn zersol's Imuprovedl Lever' Press,"' packs the slhirt at apile, and the pancking IIx. i.di''os for lonIg cotton dro in prox Im'i)ty to the gills whliih pre~paro thait quality, and1( the cottoin Iinns a1( nd mating r'oom adjoin. T he gri'ut mill Caln furin ish 200 bushels grist and meal peor day; the motivo p)owef is conmun)icated to all tile tinachlinlery in this build ing by an ir'on shafitc->nected with the engItto of3~0 hor'so power', ait tachied to the saw mil1 somle 50 01' I60 feet to the righlt. This building is of twvo stoirie.', toarly 100 feet long, the machine ry is of' the mlosit impr)loved sty'le, andi the Immense cir'culart saw canI be wor'ked to cut its 7,000 feet of lumber in ai day. in the uipper' story is the carpe)nter andl wheel wri ghlt shop, where the wood workc for the place and for' con tracts is pireparud. The pr'opr'ic tor's had a lar'go con tract foir malk ing boxes for shipping vegetables to Northern markiets ibls eenm,i. Te growinig andl shipping of ear' ly vegetables is a foaturoe which is extendinag in this locality--but of ti,more anon. In the rear of tile gin house is another "cotton house" of 1 3 sto *rios, 25 x 40 feet, and near by is the blacksmit,h shop, wvher'o all the work of r'epair'ing wag~ons and1( ploughs for the plantation arnd the noighboirhood is (lone. 'rhe barn anld stables, a little distanco from Mir. Whcolock's resi dence beyond tile wagon sheds1, piresent con von iences and arrange ments making it a model, at least in our State. Tho length is 60 feet, built on the side of a risinlg ground, fur'nishin g an enclosed basement, into which the offal fr'om the stables above is thrown through trap doors, this is com bined with salt, mud, swam p muck and leaves carted thither', and 30 or 40 porcines kept therein to ear'n their "bread" by their r'ooting pr'o chivities, and thus aid in compost. ing the whole mass. The arrango. monts for the r'acks and maingors are of' the most convenient or'deir, and water will be introduced into the building, so that the stock can he watered and their food, mixed on the spot from t.oo f'eed room a.tt ached. At tive coimfeivetment of the aveiue 11 the eiurchi bu1t by the present ownerm, wilih will accom. mnodato about 200 pei-soni1 id which scrviccs are h11d on th Sabbath, and diring the week uisedi as a school house, und0 a lady teacher, who endeavors to "teach the young idea how to shoot." of about 100 juveniles of' the "nowly enfranchised." As my "yarn" is getting too long I must stop and Contiituo the sketch of this aidmirably arran'red establishment aid its adiuincts in lly lext, if you- are stlfflicitly in. teres.ed in the det ails alrlady giv enl to allow mlly doing so. Your11s truly, KA 11PA. A Prompt Man of Business. The following -business-scene' from 'Neverl too Lato to Mend' is searccly oxcellbd by anything from the pen of' Dickens 'MeaIdows found Mr. Clinton at Peel's. "Mr. Clinton, 1. want a man of' intelligence to beI at nily servico for tw0nty-four hours. 1 give you the first olrer, Sir.1 'MIr. Clinton replied that Ileally le had so many irons in the fire, th.ta twen ty-foui hou rs 'Meadows put a fifty-pounlld note onl the table. "Vill all 3our1- irons iron you outt fifty pouinds as flat as (hat ?, "IWhy, hei ?' "No, nor five. Conme, Sitr, sharip is the word. Can yoi be my ser vant for twenty-four hours for' fif ty pounds? yes 01 no !" "Whiy, this is dramatic-yes !' "It is hal.past, two. Between this and fot o'clock I must buy a few hundred acres in A ustralia a fair' bargain."'. "iiih)[1 I WVell, that can be done. I know an old fellow that h1s land in every pitirt f tile glob;' "Th-akce ie to him.' 'Inl tenI lilinultes the0 0cO in one of tiose dingy narrow :illoys in the city of London that look the abode of decent poverty, and they colid alrord to buy Orosve nor Sqiiara for t heir- stables ; and Mr. Clinton introduiced his friiend to a blear-eyed m1erchnt in a large room palpeed with miaps : tle WindoVs were incrusted, muistir(d and cress might have been grown from thei. Beauty in clean linci collar and wiistbanids woild have shone her-e with intolertablO lustre; bu the blear-eyed netchant did not comec out bright by 'onltrast ; Ile had taken the local color.. You voild see him, andl([ that was all, like a partiidge in a fuirrow ; a snufif-colored man ; coat rusty all bit the collar, and that greasy p)o0r as its color was, his lilnen had thotighi t it worth011 emulng; black. ish nails, cotton wilpe, little bald place on head, bit didii't, shine for the same ireason the windo%wS didn't. Mr[. Clinton appr)loachled thIs 'dh tir-rty . ron,ey,' this ru.st.y coin, in the spiriit, of' flunukeyim. "i,' said lie inV a low revereni tial ttbe, 'tis plty3 is dtisposed to purchitase a fdw liundr1( ed acrtes ini the colonies.' 'ir. Rich! looked tup firom his deQsk ttnd p'ointedh with a swveep dfl his pIvil to the waalls. ''1 here are the maps: the tred crossesS are my land. Tihecy arec numibeed. RIeier' to the maiLrgin of' map and you will find the acr'es andL the tat itude and1( Ion wi tud(e cat cutlatedl to ai fraiction. \'heni y'ou have settled in what part~ of' the world you buy3, come to me1 again; timel is gold.' 'Anud the blent-cyed mierchatt wvrote, and seated, and filed, andi took no0 notice of' hiis cuistomters. They found red( ctrossos in several of' the United States, in Cantadai, in Bor'nco. in tnearly all the colo n iic's, and( ats luck would1( have it. they found 0one small crioss wti L'al y intiles of Baith urst, and the m nargin d oscribed it na five hutn, dredt( acresO. M tr. Meado Ws stopped towar'd th6~ desk. "I have foun,d a small pr'opertLy nleari Bathuirst.' "Bathut,t? wvhere is that ?' "In Austtralia.' "Sui t?' "If' the pico suits. What is the pice, Sir ?' "The b)ooks must toll us that.' 'Mr'. Rich str'etchod ouIt his ar'm aind seized a lairge hedger' and gave it Meadows. "I have but one price for' land, andl that is five per cent, profit on my oiutlay. Book will tell y'ou what it stands me il: add fivo per cent to that, and take the land away or' leave it.' 'With this curt explanation Mr'. Rich resulmedl Ihis woirk. "It 8001ms yout gave five shlillinigs an acroe, Sir,' said Mir. Clinton. 'Five times five htundrledl shillings, o ni e hundroed a n d twenty-fivo poitnds. Intorost at five 1)or cenit. si x pouinds fivo.' "W Yhen did I buy it ?' asked Mr. Rich. 41Oh I' when, did: you buy it, Sir ?' 'Mr. Rih snatched tihe book. a littlo pettishly and gave it to Meadlows. "Yot iluako the calelflation,' I said he the figures are all thcre, Come to m when you have made I 'The lud had been bought t t Nonity-gevenl years at n d Some I mouts aga. Mr. MeaIdows mada I the alcualintill in 14 turn of the 4 litaid, aund nillounced udIt, Rich 1 raing it litidbell.- Anotlet- uffy I figurwe, w it 'ttuap and a bald i head and a peo ctto I-hrough a I curtain. "Jonles, verify that c tIffbLtialn "Peinnyv half-penlny tWo pence: penny hialf- ,penny two pnlce, Mum, IMum1 1Iall-ponny Wron1"f '-There is a half-penny wron' cried Rich to Meadows with i a most injured air. "There is, Sir,' said Meadows, 'but it is on the right sido for- you. I thought I wouh make it even m1loney agailst myself.' "There are oily two ways, wrong and right,' was the reply. 'Jones, maoke it riglit. Tlhere, that is the price for the next half lbour ; uafter business hours to-day add a (lay's intorest ; and, .1ones, if' lie does not buy, writ your cal- < cnliltion into the book with As, Jupiter- and yonum, shinling. )rilliantly side 1jy side in gay con ,rast, N C)uls, aturo near neighbor, md tho brightest star of all tho 1ernly host, 1n1d Jupitelr, our nagnifient brot.her, who, in spito >W his iumenet". disthiieC, mllnaged. ,a hold the lists witi iizi 10emlinino iival. It was pleasant to Wiatch .heir nightly approach (n tle Cv 030i6l pa11.1thy, until, passting mIth other. (il the 121.h1 of, May, utipitel moved sunward, and W3 M0t uill 'acd her cstward 1ouro80 high Ip atmong the stars. I special initerest., jlust now is at 1ched to th.e phiet Vellum inl the tstrontinmical world, foi' in 1874 mne of her transits take(C.i place, '1he will thle pass, like a tilly, >lack star, aCI'oP1 th1e 11n'S diS mnd aistrolnim.rs of all Ilationp are, nakinl.g preparations to Observe lie rare phenomenon. 'Ib Jn - ;dish Goverinment has appropri-. ted $50,000 For (his piurposv, andI tier nations will not be behind Iand inl their ,f-orts in tihe cau1so. Ilstrumients are beinlg constriucted ild Stations have been elosenl for >bservation. Next ymar some of ho parties will be obliged to start or the inhospitable regions near he arctic aid antaretic circles, vhere tihe work ilist bo done. h'lio last transit took place in '769, and since then grent im wovemeints inl scieico have beell nad which will all be broughit o beatr upon one of' tle great roblems to be solved, that of' the uill's distance, in which iln error S11,000,000 miles is to be (tec ed. The red plhint 3:ws is noW a on1spiculolls ObJect. in tihe Soutih ast in the early evening; though >3 110 means so brilliant, a few niontlis since. .i,ltb planet may 0c traised inl the constellation Vi r o, not Very Far from its principal tar Spica, with whose delicate 1110 tho rIudly planet form1s a >leasing contrast. It can be easily ecognized, tor no othet star but he "lone" Spicit s fliutid in the 'icinity. Mars is an exceedingly litercsting telescopic ob1ject, and wobobly the only planet, whose urfiec is dietuiol ; fht Venulis lefiC8 tile telescope with its bright Css. an11d the other planets are 00 tfr off. Everythinig i'uifid onl .le earth has been diseovered on ,his plan'bt lWit Mle esf1ebec of ife. Eagle-6yed astonoinii-s have napped out its sur-fiee, watched ts snowy poles, noted the green >f its wIters, detected the ruddy !olor of* its soil, admired its morn-i ng and evening twilight liies, ind marked the passage of fu' riouis torims and ioist,ure-lade n clouds >VC1r its surface. Spctroscopie >bservers havc tested the consti 1101tS of' itS mass antId foIlnd Imt. ils, Part be, gases, VaIpoI's aniid an Ltmosph1ere corresponldilng to 01i' ,1le planet Saturn rises lat er il lie evening, and is now foliind inl lhe conistellat ion Sagititarius, aind 'cery near lie M liky Way, on v'ihi the archer rests his benidedl >ow. .Its ruddy light, and soft (lowv make it easily d iscerib lle Lioong the stars. I , is specially' nie0resin wg no0w as a telescoie' >b)jecLt, for its rings aire tun'led Io >r', ratheof', cradli it in Lbheir soil ight w they will not. do Iigini to orii eyes for fif'teen ye'ar?'. T1hi'eo icau11tiful inigs are objects of' in ensO E1uId3f1 t sir-gazers, who vait piittenitry Lo discei-n tf' they tro0 reidily made uip of' myriad mini it0 satellites or' meteors, bound ogether b y~ incomp'fellansi ble R'orec5, and1( W ile cir'clig in tri ple )anids n'rounid the linge plane't, >)ri'Titt1.inrg ghm i)pses of' its suriface o be seen het weeni the tilny, inter tices. Thel now thecory' toat Sa u rn is a sun to his eight satel-. ites, anud t6 the ini-~ind ioons vhbichi form his rinlgs, is gainiiing tround among modern theoiriei. Al ercury', is the only3 othier plan it, wh'ichol will shed a per'cept iblIe ighit un01 the Aulgust sky, and his will he only for' a few eveni Rigs. 110o reachoes his gireaitest IMastern olongation on t ho 20th1 >f t hit mont,h, and then, and( for' a f'ew day13s bef'oro and( after, thle ~arefuil watcher may', track his iourseX and1( pick him up abouRt an~ 10111 afLtr sunset, closeob hhinid lie suni, anid ha tlf *i cocealed he cat.h his w wilighit, beams. Thew light is we'llI worth the tr'oubhlo, >r' no0 5tar1 c!omparIs in hrilliney, l'ith this swi'ft.ost memb er' of' th' 1olt,r br'othIerhood, Jupiter is now~ soloi planduar,y nionarlOc o th1e daw'n ing day3, and11 hoso wh riso b'S efor'e tiho daiwn 'an eaisily' t.raoo hisi rathi as tho >righ t morning atir'. No observer tan fail to recognizo his solitary splendor', 0)' fail to gazo u ih Laid n ilation upon this giant brotherci f whom we are eo proud, and1 who, with his bolts, moons, vast, bulk, )ower of stirr'ing up the sun inuto )orjod8 of magnetic storrms, sway ng his family of comets, and1( turn ng- vast mot,oor systems out of' boirm cotarsos, is the most intorost ng stud(y thb starry universo af. 'ords, savo only the greoat ?dua uiniiief t Froftl The Aldiie ofNeptei nbcr.] The Art of digg-lbig. (liggling girls constitute a 1ngo' 111mber of' the sex termed, with More gallaitry than justice, iII these days of "womei'l right.," 1,il1, '1h 'ey are consplenlous, oddly einugl, more by the absence of' aln mosilltrou9 vice than bY the presncito (it tly infinitesilil vir. tue, 8ucI ')chnelII YOU meet with everywhere ; they calnnot be litmited peaceably or forcibly ; anld are distilglliihed by a cliss p(reu hat11-y-they giggle. 'le phrase, ie confoss, is somewhat kntrans lateable, for it is an etymIiologiceal Inudity and absoluito.y mnentning. Tess, The art. of' giggliig is inore readily exphaied, for it is pict r eque in its abuptness, scientit ie in development, I'teinitthbig in dle. )ivey, and gracef,ul at the deati. (1iggling, aIccoIdinig to WebtVer, Is a 'kind of' laugh with is rt catches of the voice anIl breath." The b:rmnepq of the definitioni is onily eqjualle'd by its uintllellibib iy. The bette p11n to ulidel. Rtaiud the word and itb action is to persoially eicotuiitei :1 giggler, und she will elaborately, displaY, in all its elegance of, outline and simplicity of detail, the beauty Riid quality of the giggle. Th'e omnliiproseice of' the giggler saves a deal of trotiuble ; so Withouit de lay you pluinge in icdias r. Yo Wish her good day. She smlies. InIquire atter her heallb. An6ther siile. 1lope her parents are well. The smile leng"'thllens. Embihohleiel at your fiavorable rIece)t ion, at t.hough ill d1oiit aS to what hIaIs PRUSed the repeated smiles, yNou cotigh a1 little, and. w it h ai air of' the deepest, interest, ask her opin ion of the latest, drama at. Wal lack's. She smirks in reply. D>oes she admire "H1amlet. ?" A laiit titter is the respoise. .'ercOane nlow you vCntun1re tie perlct Iy truthfiul remark th.A it looks like rain, and that if1 it, rains it, wiill Ibe wet. At once you have evolved oit of tle depthls of lier iine iecoin cioisicss gei n giggle. Watch its Ippearace inl its threo stages of' development, a le Comte, birth, ml*aiY; (1 " ' cay-a d ?te t roscop)e the reLumlt, with y0iur fied t' th benefit of science. The girgle commen'es V't tlie 1 % r~-N* molltli With celtainl twitches inl (he neighiboirhood of that, organ. The lips pat; t !he teeth--mute wiliesses of the lentist's skill are exp1oed to View. 'I'le t ulincltsp, am, si'lke-like, the t Iongue appe:ir. coiled Ii hi (l"o back ground: .Ncit; (lie hieid is Slielht ly arched al tle eyes sl4;w-ly Lloso. At lle eVes, theile i ge matuires. The eyes close In earnest, lie liostrils dilate,and fo alio giggles play about. the rav iose, like ligitinig about Illoilitainl peak. The lasViIiating 1 face becomes cor't (ru:t e(d wit h1 twinkles, and shows as Imanly lines of beauityN-inl the ljog:-at bihiai ViIl --as an idia10-I'lu)bber I headl striet cell( to an anlglec of -15 d egress. ,\ I th1~is st age. thle giggler' is sulposedi, by herself; to be b)ewiitchinig ; aind so, to hieiglhteiin ihe efl'eet anii thle gen ciral e:iehuaintment, therie thlen is ai reduplicated flutteing of' the wa'nd-illike firn, a. deprsion'i( of the head, and an iniclinationi of iht )llenit, is now" ushiered ii. TheI gi ggles begini to grow' lbeauitf(ully less, a fierce conifli it, ari.ses bet wee Sie cenitrifungal ami t lie eunit ripe fat for'ces, t.he conviolu iions heoumio miore teied; the ;iggles shu'rten. i'loses---and thle gigg;le is over. You bredth Iir eriie fr'eely inow,' and, if' a main of' spirit., :lahumed ait t.he f'nightf'uil conulionsiii wich I inviest, thle gi gglr i' it h ihe air' of miartyr'domn, runi hast ily for' rstor - ativ'es, rouselH lie hiouusc, summion thle doctor. .lieassuiredl by her c'ompost51ire, yott will 1'ev(kO idl mIq(uwel as to the frecquienicy of' ihe at,ttacks, I heir' duriat ion, an'dc po,s"i biilit-y of (cure'. Th'lesi' gracefutl at ('iitions on yoll' Pt, w'ill speed-l ily buinug on a. ietpse ; t iho pet''' 1 fmanie re 1c'o liIminces, andl the 1 giggle goeu through t he sa me s .ages of' dorelopmen1,ii ai ':s heflore, onily wiith gieer i ve(heeneo anid makles perfect. You becomo sc-I i'iously atlarm'ued, your' tout hi ('lit Linistrun iig, youi becg pardl~oni anid t.ri'iCously V tep o eat finally', in hyster'ical oinO))lg, ini wh'lieh y'ou can dlisuniguiish snch despairmng alssertionis s '"I'll dhic I'll dhie !ll (lie a-h;ingh:ing if you dlon' t stop."' You realII' ly have aid nothing moreo than ai few comnmon phiaco re marks, anid t hat t hose should hiave' prioduiced siuch a ca c hi nn atory e 1Yeet, is altLogethei r a mystery. So you' humbly take your leavo, sorely pl)O'e(xoEl at tho enigmatical chuaractoir of' Wo men in general .xnd gigglers i6 Th'le dot ails of t he gigglo can he am.plified at pleiasure. Indood, the porformaunco itself varies with cti'tli condi tionsd, not1ably thle tiliess of thti ningler and the vailue of yonr own timne. Tllv,i' 1 timid gigIor will gigglo perhaps fior-five inuiiltes every houi'; tihe fjif'yi f aitil o1O will gig lo I cir taiy six hld r at diay. , 1ch de t.ils; .hiwl ever, are of i nu111re over lihiNi f,Ourv 1-e11tic writer ( might, palrdondlbi g(loat, but are 0 i too harrowing I be here depicted. it Otherwime the eflfet might be as 11 serious as l'opo iii!t'bes iii i S 1 "Un11pe of ,T Loek ;"h e "Theni lk-ih'dil e living lighillhlli 1 46m her Cl Ait .trt a M. of lIrrot rend tih' altrightvd Not Imidler . thls to pil.yinig flin ai Mre east, Wheni u4 bind141 or whei lip-dog.i toreathp ' Chevir lium."9 Sill tile 1rt1 certain avcvsso- It rie's to ie gigzgle whlich are0 per- o tillent, to tho he lsubje(t , anld har11-ttc lev's I v to 1dill nerves. The handker- 'l eifet-C t, ne-illy rmid usefil and v. whenl silr-:ad o%verI 11h4 Il(T g.iVe- a% I vnpt ivat inlg IT pl vre'io e e I , Ii sine it. isp rft Iy inv isiu1ThlI li-jIs'1t ire prfei vtly 'htx i', to dv. :1 no1e women impowliv-. Th'e arms a arv widvly mir.e(I ab1141u1t, to ex- il pres femlnllinle reACIser . 'Th . yes (Ii r-1 O "ll -firulily ill their rtocItet.-. to il ()14 51 l j j 111jil (11 sho madeny oe.' The hair oI~ i-s dilh',(-Htd, to expres-o (11 1 e tm o deliwac . TIeh talk i.s il"oheinl i V to0 S1i s 1iniy logieal for1ce. An d, t is al at aist. res r't, yofu, prolfessional tior e t hy the O Iti!,ad vpt inl j her ,at will throw herself', with p, thle wilet a/,indon, inl a ebair. orl, bulry hir. in thle llixurioIs s depthis ofl a sofia. 0 1 Thei SYmIlptolms al diaglonlo.-.Zis ve of'tgiggling. m'e nowv tolerably well sI 11)( IsI Il o of upoiItal(i. :kl*bitt i jr dr lin ~psycholm.ival, physiolf- ak g~'ia, andf!t pilologicalr nistey s<11, Pos;sily, il genea i tolei 4t coie. o Somlle Beauilonit, or .larve.y. m *1. I1 l1 8 will, X itS Ih I(iden 1 i deptiis,:iam brin r h ip to the sur- ' Cace thie "openl same" to the Sci ie I mid f e lief'of' te aflieted. In V those dati. IitiMat relatiOn I Sf attr a spi i will Ie da1r1ky F hilited at. Wisea1res will gy or shakw their heads, whisper ee-i trivily" Itnd sulggost tho "mnove- h) me"e .S0 will propouindthle b - theory of' spontanled'ys gultbia'ltion. i1 Othets will bre21i toie liic h word, i!uI1tion." More sens"iblY, 1i 1 fvw will illt to ver-Obral dis- i turb: es' aberOw lration, tullpidity, \ SilIness, hIgiel vimploys the wasto () rO(dICIS of lI fl e s tiOll inl gil"1 0s I instead of' words. nie dollghty phy4iologist will, inl those days, pltblish his "Gefsi' oft Giglig, Is and obstilltely hold to t 1101View A Sht, el .uch 1"monkey.shinles" incol- 't trovertiblY coli r l winl'ti tho- 1. O-y of' developient. I T i o 'r i ho rI'l i A\l R.rE ro sTs A M*-.u -Tlxe 1,411 don1 ('Iort Cirln11ar rebites fit) 1,6ob ble lady. who is young , bIautil , (If)ring l t 1hearmy hill dobate if i nlhu0b 111.sbanmd, who is as proit. was1 just at th o rI, fho andkdelige ht hioldent,, tai upon kmy hinr toebody,tha whoe' aC teegu Swasir ed(1 pal and tphintted80hane ol.s cahleri nh, drovemo 4)lh(l 'hrinig adh"wnto moreheardntof duti. th .nhiy,o wen hen'trelarn noigir wasold Caft Uctthe ots. 'lie Georgin $t4ite Agricul tiral anid Mcchantbal Con ventlorn. 1 1 IS -:, 0.A., AlgiIt 11. 3fi. Oilf-v0a ! Tbc Agricultural onvenon whMh 'ecenttly met i 03'tyilotre ye-4te~rday,.f rui thiy, tell work inig iiiili0'n Atting li dlIf. Nearly n00ide0 ix,* ,e e piresenlt, "uidl C.vi-y1. iun t) in the lfte *'V*e_r I)teIts of,(ivol. t rgiz. (vilei lr l . ohn .l M1ord deliVerek-d a1 most adiriable hWirsS t)it the Subject. ofI* ca till 1141 I lie neeessity orl usillp, muther1 sichool b) oo, q.'< whicbh. I I) Mlr1, Wold4 be of, immen11114 !e Ito tos outh t.'aon iith ile could cl.lilueellr h1alv. of 1* t 6 toll had beenl Mdie onl olit. acre of laild, a.I :also t wo of helrl sIll-gle anres tiv tou clove : hy nal d .5101m worth ofb aIa' 3 Inf 4(1 s l'rli Of, 0'p.a'i Np ew, olr. Ellitl or,tupn hes and )i)iht( iihai thoel as theilprc. araI.t .io :uln i cul (iva io n G o fI l ih' 1r1nwiol th unat) i uil-discus h bodries atre pomlve f the ing her onlward to 8inioow *mhI,h oltitIC8 her to thlit lin) whiti 1h hias alwaysi assrthd-4:if of heing th .'mpil-o State of t i Souoth Canl "quthCaou.b'y , imch 'll hetseli? Wit iiot ith. press Inl this 1 1na n11er lenld lpi p) Iti-l tiowV11rd. (Idlpinig ouili. nsIftIrill resour.1ceTV- ? A'. not our .aoiiI - as Il u lleficent nd paifl1it ii A 1, n! ot omr ppopn it.; h:Ifile ? ( ' 0 tee ihat. I Clinf mpeik 1o.1 hi io avo. ItIn.) il l a not our. fiu-:ni allI pIJ:k ttL'S n ( dis ItI de.irmis < i ft e u!"lfihi? lij . its ( and11 Comp:l-illg, notes wiLti vm-b other, at'd thuis edify).Jlig 61nc Ilu other, and bothl by plrecept 411.1 exani'llile .cm)(1101ng t0 ill $r1M&a terinl pli-*6 o u liy 1 ind in 'IC111:i1 you, M r Ilt'- A I o ria N sny ii CotivellH i