ANlT4 ffYR0PIfOS -tALISAYA BARK, THIS Preparation combines he virtues o abeadpermanent form.-i Such a combination bas long been a desid g"t hae been unable to bear these r'i Titense bitterness of the Calisaya and tt Aid thereby counteracting in a great meast consummation so desirable, Physiciaus may fieae remedies have been in no way compro to the stomach, and invigorating to the svst -m. es of Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration, Lo FANT'S COMI Karsaparilla, QIu THIS preparation will purify the Blood, a fases, via: Rheumatism, Scrofula, Erysipela and Swellings of the Bones, Tetter, Pimples Eruptions, Neuralgic Affections, and will als eliminating it from the System. DR. S. F. FAN' FLUID EXTRA.1 FOR Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, I: -gidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, St biseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, I gut * strength. Dr. FAINT'S L) OPERATES chiefly on the intestinal canal eeretions and excretions. It is by no mean and improving the whole assimilative procee tngement of the Digestive Functions, in Ob: the Mesenteric Glands, and other viscera of icularly of the vena porta, in diseases of thi getic action upon the organs and functions in most forms of Indigestion, in obstinate Cc of the Prima Vite and Heart Burn, in Jaundi neous Diseases, in Chronic Cough and Ashc Prepared only by DR. Fj June 14, 24-"71- tf. TONIC BITTERS. -Jompounded of the best ante-period C tonies, thus rendering it suitable for all diseases arising from miasmatic -intences, such as Neuralgia, Chill a Fever, General Debility and Bil liousness. S. F. FANT. Mar. 1, 9-tf. Pure Wines, Liquors and Brandies. The purest and best Brandies, Liq Uors and Wines, for medicinal pur poses eaa always be found at the Drug Store of DR. S. F. FANT. An Elegant Assortment OF FRES11 PERFUMERIES and TOILET AR TICLES. At DR. S. F. FANT'S. $99,099 TO_BI TI-E SOUTVI ~ AND IMMIGR2 el the sapices of the "Son:h C trolin:: a SEIES OF CONCERI's, t the A con Otober14t, 1871, for the purpose of elC di selected by the AOUND SYRUP ik's Delight, &c o: id conseqently will cure the following dis R, Ulcerations of the Throat and Lungs, Pain: in the Face, Old Sores, and all Cutaneou obviate the evil effects of Mercury, I "S COMPOUND JT OF BUCHU, lamiation or Ulceration of the Bladder oi one in the BI idder, Calculus, Gravel and al rantee this preprirition to be of Officina ER REGULATOR, and abdominal viscera, augmenting all thi s merely purgative, but :tlterative, changing s. Hence it is of great use in obstinate de, tructions and Enlargements of the Liver the abdomen, in irregular circulation, par - Bladder and of the Uterus. From its ener just named, it proves eminently efficaciou; stiveness and Bil;ious Affections, in aciliti 'e and Gall Stones, in some species of Cuta ia from Indigestion. kNT, Newberry, S. C. DR. S. F FANT, Druggist and Apothecary, Store formerly kept by Messrs. Mayer & Mar tin, and next to Messrs. Chick & Co., NEWBERRY, S. C. Takes pleasure in inviting his friend. and the public to call on him there. His stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals. Is large, fresh and complete. Phy.icians recipes compounded care fully. FGIvMAvA LTION ASSOCIATIOi ~tete A.gricultur.:1.and Mechanical Society, .ext'emny of -Music, Charleston, S. C., comt raising a fund to enable emigrants to sett] ses of Northern and European farmers an< their transporttion thither and support fo General Wade H.tmpton, lion. B. F. Perry [.rgod, Hion. Armistead Burt, lHon. .Tame~ >Simps.on, Andrew Simonds, Esq., Hon. 0 J. B. Oampbell. s of the Series of Co .certs to Commence o1 Music, Charleston, S. C., on which day th sslon, and no more, at $5 each. Se ite of Title to Academy of Music, will b blic, New York. [N GIFTS. co..t to build $230,000, having an annaa :ores aind Halls; the building being abou and Market streets, in the centre of the cit: and most valuable property in Charleston ...............................S250,00 ................................100,00 .................................25.00 .................................10,001 ..................................5,00 $1,000......................... 25,00 2 503...........................12.581 S100.........................35,00 5 5so .......................12,50 r 2.5..........................12,50 1 10...........................12,501 ...............,.............50,o ICK, GARY & CQ., AN D IMMIGRATION ASNOCIAIN: -al 31. C. Butler, Chadwick, Esq., - Charleston, S. " *1 M1. W!. Gary.S Sewberry, S. (C. ?EEVISOES 07 DRAWING: Colonel B. H . Rutledge, of South Caroline Hion. Roger A. Pryor,- of New York. .POTIIECARIE S, .loh.on Row, EC. H., S. C. ntion of the public to theil 3TELD STOCK of . 5, [NTS, OILS and DYE STUFFS: e selection of SFANCY BO00S, 1 NAIL BRUSHES, ICS, COLOGNES, &C., &C and Liquors, II T8BAICCJ. to offer special inducementi ihasing in quantities. Quali. >RITCRS LT MW e::M WOOL CARDING AT Goodgiog .Pa0tory, THE Subcribers iake pleasure in inform ing tteir numerous friends and patrons in the County of Ne;b6rry and elsewhere, that ti-ey are'pfepafet wIth every new and perfect appliance in their Carding Factory to turr. out .utisfactory work. Our" Batter Machine for Mixing is perfect and complete In all respects. Wool left with Mr, Simmns, at the New berry Depot, will be hauled to our Factorv and returned in an expeditious manner. -And anr orders or directions committed to him will be satiSfe:torily attended to. Should our customers prefer vi!iting the Factory they will find stables and lots for their stock, and every accommodation will be shown then. R. S. & J. W. GOODGION. June 7, 23--3m. Notice to Contractors. THE undersigned will receive sealed pro posals for the building of a Male Academy, in the Town of Ne%berry, until the 15th inst. Contractors to furnish all materials. Plans and specifications can be seen at the store of S. P. Boozer & Go. L. J. JONES, J. M. BAXTER, Building Committee. r S. P. BOOZER. Newberry,. C., June '7, 1871-23--2t. COW PEAS9 MEAL ?GIRIST, For sale by MAYES & MARTIN. !'une '7, 23-tf. SoMETHING NEW, HAVING too large a stock on hand, for dull times, I well sell any kind of CRY GOODS, Notions, etc., At LOWEST rRICES, and then deduct FIVE CENTS from every DOLLAR'S WORTH BOUGHT. C.F.JACKSON, Main Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. June '7, 23-tf. S. FURMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND TRIAL JUSTICE. OFFICE ON LAW RANGE. May 3, 18-ly. GLENN SPRINGS, Spartanburg Co., S. C. This Delightful Watering Place will be Open for VIsitors, June 1, 1871. rIBEING sitteMd in the Northern part of the State, in a section remarkai>le for do lightful climate, beauty and healthfulness, . together with, the virtues of the wateor, e make it one of the most delightful Water I ing Places to be found. r The Medicinal qualities of this water are not excelled, and are a sovereign remedy for all Female Diseases, all diseases of long standing. Diseases of the Liver, Bow els, Stomach, Kidneys and Bladder, Erup tidons of the Skin, Scrofuls, Dyspepsia, Drop asy, Rheumatism, Syphilis, &c., &c.* Arrangements will be made to ac>mnmno eate a large number of guests, and best of Music will be in attendance to enliven the SBall Room. Fancy Balls will be given du Iring the season. A Livery Stable will also be kept at .moderate charges. tTen Pin Alley, Billiard Saloon and Cro r quet, for the amusement of the guests. cHARGES. ) $2.50 per day ; $3t) to $45 per month, ac )rdin toroms. Cottages to rent, $25 to S$50 per sea son. t h -' SStages direct from JonesvilLER.te o May *', 21-1m. Proprietor. IJUT ARIVE. A fine lot of Gentkmen's Calf hand-sewed GAITERS, Oxfords and Boots. Also, a fine stoek of La dics' fine kid Polish Boots, Lasting Po'liSh BakS., andl fine kid FANCY SMIPPERS. All of which e offer LOW FOR CASH. Abrams & Metts. May 24, 21-tf. ATJ. TO BAND. OUR BEAUTIFUL, ATTRACtIVE AND extraordinary CHEAP STOCK oF 'DRY GOODS Is in store and moving, making room daily for NEW ARRIVALS, IWhich we will continue to receive all through the season. OUR SAMPLE BUREAU Is a success, and we are now distr:butirg Goods over the entire State through its agency. The most careless observer cannot but see the great advantages to be deri-ved from dealing with a live house, like ours, where everything is kept moving by system and order-where no extra profits are tacked on to pay idle hands. Of course, we can and do SELL GOODS CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE IN THIS SECTION. A posi tive proof is, that we sell more Goods than all the rest added together. That is the proof. The people know where to buy cheapest, and let the stranger follow the great public. In baying, let them follow those who know R . C. SH IV ER & CO. A pr. 12, 15-1i. COLUMBIA, S. C. TWO ROOMS In Dr. Thompson's House, suitable for armal tamily, for rent low, By D. MOWE-.. To Seh l Trstr s inNewbtrry Conty. TftR attertin of the difrrent School Trustees in this Cotilty is esIecfak diiected to the important of-der 6T the .Stat Super; intendynt of Education, J. F: Jillson at iAch'ed below, by which it will be seen that they are required and dl-ecied to hold meetings in their respective Townships, ofr the 24th of June inst. A careful pesual is reqnested; JESSE G. SMITH, School Com'r, V. C. NOTICE TO SCHOOL COMbMiS1NESS OFrICF or STAT: Srr'v oF EncATiON, COrLUMA, R. C., May 24, 1M7. To taeh of the County School Commis sioner's: You are hereby requiested to instruct thc Boardi of School Trustees of the several School Districts in your Coumnty to call meet ings of the legal voters of their respective School District on Saturday, June, 24, 1871, at 12 o'clock M., iiotice of the time and place of such imeeting to be given by the Clerk of the Board cf Tru;tees by posting written or printed notices in rhree (3) puti lic pl.ices of the Svhiool District at least ten (Wn) days before said meeting. Your spe cial attention is insvtted to di fidlowiig ex tracts frui "An Act to astiend ali Act en titled ani Act to estabtish and maintain a system of free common school.4 for the State of South Carolina," approved March 6th, 1871 : SEc. XXIX. The County Treasurer shall pay over all moneys by him received, which shall have been assessed by virtue of the vote of any District meeting as hereinafter provided for, in the County in which such district is situated, on the order of the Clerk of ihe Board of Trastees of said Dis trict, countersigied by the Coanty School Commissioner, to be used for the purpose directed by the District meeting so held. Said money shall bo assessed and collected at the time, and in the manner that County taxes are assessed and collected ; and if the ] inhabitants of any School District, at their anbual District meeting, shall fail to provide for the raiising of such tax, then the County School Commissioner of the County in which such District is situated, shall be required to withhold from said District that part of the State appropriation derived from the revenue of the State, and to apportion and distribute the same to the other Dis tricts of the County which have complied with the requirements of this Act: Pro vided, That in School Districts where there are less than one hundred children between the ages of six and sixteen, the inhabitants may raise such a sum, per child, as will be sufficient to maintain their schools. SEc. L. The following persons shall be entitled to vote at any District meeting, viz: All persons possessing the qualification of electors, as defined by the Constit.ution of this State, and who shall be resident. of te District at the time of offering to vote at said meeting. SEC. LI. The itihabitants qualified to vote at a school meeting, lawfully assembled, shall have power : 1st. To appoint a Chairman to preside over said meeting. 2d. To adjourn from time to time. 3d. To choose a Clerk, who shall possess the qualification of a voter. 4th. To raise by tax, in addition to the amount apportioned by the State to their use, such further sums of money as they may deem proper for the support of public schools, said sum not to be more than three dollars for every child in the District be tween the ages of six and sixteen, as as certained by the last enumeration ; said sum to be collected by the County Treas urer, and to be held by him, sul.ject to the ot der of the Trustees, coontersigied by the County School Commissioner, such sui.s of money to be used as shall be agreed upon at the meetitng, either for the pay of teach ers' slary or to purchase or lease sites for school. houses ;to build, hire or purchase such school houses ; to keep them itn repair, and furnish the same with necessary fuel and appendages ; or to furnish ack-boards, outline maps and apparatus for illustratling the principles of science, or to discharge, any debts or liabilities lawfully iincurred. 5th. To give such direction and make such provisions as may be deemed necessary, in relation to the prosecution or defence of any suit or proceeditng in which the District may be a party. 6th. To authorize the Board of Trustees to build school houses, or rent the samue; to sell any school house site, or other prop erty belonging to the District, when the same shall no longer be needful for the use of the District. 7th. To alter or repeal -their proceedings, from time to time, as occasion may require, and to do r.ny othe.r buziuess contemplated ini this Act. J. K. JIL LSON, State Supt. Educastion, S. C. June 7, 23-2t. NOTICE. ALL persons who by law are required to make atnnual returns to this Conrt, will take notice that the time for maki:tg snech re turns for the year 1870 will expire on the first day of July next. Citations will iri mediately thereafter issue, directed to such delinquents. JAMES C. LEAHY, Judge of Probate, N. C., S C. May 31, 187i-23-4t. Free Delivery. All eoods SOLD BY US aill be delivered free of Drayage to any one in Town, or any one in 2 miles of the Gourt House, and at' the Depot. Also to any one at Hlelena ; and we guarantee to sell goo Is as cheap mas. any other house. Ma OLTLCE & WUEELER. sTrocx OF CLOT HING5. WIWGHT & COPP911K, * NO: 2 MOLLOIHOX ROW. Our stock of CLOTHING ArND GENTS FUR NISHING G}OODS FOR THIS SEASON, Is now complete, and embraces all DESIRAD}LE STYLES AND FAIBRICS, Either for Men, Boys or Yosths. SUiTS of all kinds, from commnon to su perfine, AND AT A LL GRADES IN P'RICES. UNDERWEAR, SHlIETS, CEAYATS, &c., Hats and Caps, &c., &c, And all at MODERATE PRICES. Boots and Shoes. Fine Calfhanmd sewed dress Boots, Shoes & Gaiters " .'"'D'blewsoe w. p " " - SSeal Skin "."."."."... " KipbhadPg'd " " " "' HeavyDitchers a" " -from 9to18 Best D'DIe Sole Pegged Brogans for Men & Boys. " ip Pegged for Women. Call at WR1I Hr & COFPOCK'S. May 10. 39-tf Special and Particular. ALL persons indebted to me are requer-t ed to make imal 'diate payment. By coing so at once they will rave Losts. Jan. 13. :FtOT. 101R, BARR& AN' HAVE r1re pleastfre of announcing that heir stock of goods for "fiS SPRIid SEASO0 '.4 ode of The Ldrget; Iliandsomest, Most varied And CUdapest' Ind embrace.; in A 6 DRY GOODS AND DRESS PATTERNS, In assortment which cannot f. il to atir. et Lnd please. All of %hich have been seqn t d with unusual care and bought for cash, aid therelor e can be so'd LOW. ,alicoes, Muslins. Puplins. Lenos, Silks, Embroideries. Laces, Ribbons, Trimmnigs. AND NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY. HANDKERCHIEFS. C "ERRIMERY, 8 P, &p, Cassimeres, Linens, Scarfs, Shirts, or gentlemen, fogether with a fine asdort mnent of HATS, SHOES, &c. In addition to this large sto0.d, we iivite t ttention to a choice lot of GRO0CETRIE __di SUCH AS 5ugars, Coffee, Syrups. Bacon, Corn, &c. An examination of stock is respectfully olicited. Satisfaction guaranteed, with >rices low. M. BARRE & SON. Apr. 12, 15-tf. JUST OPENED AT McFALL & PMAL'Sle [le only House in Newberry exclusively devoted to DRY GOODS! And in which rADIES CAN PROCURE WH AT EVER THEY NEED AND OF THE BEST FABRIC. OUR SPRING1 STYLES XRIE BE AUTIFUL. and embrace DRESS GOODS, with trimminngs to match.. CALICOES of neat patterns, 4 SI1K COVERINOS, Ebreideries, Edgings, Tattiugs, Gioves, Hosiery, Ribbons.4 A beautiful assortment of Shower and Baek Curls, af Real Hair, and all grades and colors. And all other things which go to ill a lady's wants. Gentlemen will also find a choice assortment of PIECE GOODS4 . AND UNDER WEAR. Our goods are carefully seleeted. of the best, a.nd will be sold at moderate prices. To SH of Which attention is called, and an examination respectful ly asked.. McFALL & POOL. Mar. 22, 12-t f. CHILDS & WILEY, COLUMBIA, S. C. D'EALERS~5 IN 4 REAYM AlDE (LOTiIN , GENTS' FURNIS[RE GOODS, THE CELEBRIATZID STAR SHIRT, WALKING SUITS, ])ERBY SUITS, Fine Cassimere Pants, (black & fancy). BLACK DRESS SUITS, LINEN SUITS, ats, Canes, Umbrellas. The LARGEST, the BmS and the CHEAPEST in th'e State. May 3, 18--5, A LAR6I ARIVA s Of the Most Approved . Which we will sell on the most SATISFACTORY TERMS. We invite an examination of thea, I both as to character and price.] R. MOORMIAN & CO. Feb.8-tf. 22, 300 lbs. Bluiestonea For safe by - 2'. A MOWER. REMOVALr MAYES:& MiRTINB inving remioded fr60 fiiieir olJ stand, to their k mm4ediedrNew Brith Store, 411 attention to deir inrese%! ftiez >r the tran-action ot busines, and inv a 0i from their friends and customers. Their stock consists of a grades of [6ROCERIESVa 'ROVISIONS, BAGGIA U, ROPE, TIES, &c., &c. pl MAYES & MARTIN. ho Nov. 23, 47-tf. PAT. H. DUCKETT, 'UN AND LOKM111 , .1L CAN he found at Carolina Manufacturing onspany's Tin and Stoe Shop, with a Com lete stock of rUNS, PISTOLS & MATERIAL tro DU his line, and will REPAIR Guns, Pi4 >1s, all kivds of Locks, uibrellbs, Para- - >1s, Castors, &e. By doing good work at moderate prices, id being.punctual to my business, I hope receive a liberal pat onage. Mar. 1, 9-tf. PAT. 11. DC17- Tm. WE have now .an elegant tock of . MiOD,SHOS Ho Am Which we will SELL LOW. )ur terms from this date are th wil dtio 1herefore our prices will Sl on.espbnd with the tinies. n LBRAMS & METTS. Jan. 4, 1-tf. ESTABLISHED 187. STOCK OF DRY GOODS, C EiLOYES8, H9SIERIY, TLOTHING, &C. A PF'LL LINE-OF w 3-ROCERIES, Sat BOOTS, SHOES, IA T, TR(fNKS, UlMBRELLA S, CLOCKs, DROCKERY, &c.,. On band. and for de * LOW FOR CASH. M. FOOT. Mar ,29-tf. , bi ATTEWION PI ~TERS. 'aci of my having a large and commo- t lious WVAREHIOUSE. and wvill be do >lcased to store r jotton, Guanos anid other Merchandize )n as recasonabe terms as any one. W. a. WEB3. Dec. 14, 50--if. MILLINERY! 0 NOW COMPLETE. 'onsisting of most all of the NDVELTIES )F THE SEASON, nd at somewhat El LOWER PRICES han last year. Give me~a call and see for your- 1 Ilves, at D. MOW~ER'S. A pr. 5, 14-tf. iyrups and Sugars. Just received a beautiful at1 of i NT. 0. Syrups and Sugars. For sale low at W. H. WEBB'S AT THE ALI0I tORNE iO the IARG0 COE FECIONICM Y ol A. M. WICKER, has added a full and compleie ass ut of ,EADING GOOD Mac' as con Sides, Lard, Smoked Hams, Pickled Pork; Flour, Meu and Grist, 1garI of alt gra< &ee, Te, Molwsse, inegat and Dr Frtis, and every desctiptin of Can d;es, fresh Fruits and Nuts, with many other necessaries and NOTIONS. ron can't help being sa.isfed and i !d with all .our heart evold *sb, have enla-r my bu.iness with ,e and expeaa'w-ol collectingwhat v due me. CONZ-AND PAY UP RE CREDI. A. M.-WICKEM B'TY04 ,0 C11NER L pr. 19, f6-30m. ast and rial Notic ILL persons indebted to the old firm RAMS, GRIFFI' & IIARGROVE, e dne notice of this and save any furtL able and expense. We must have < ES. ABRAMS & METTS an. 4, 1-f. MOTTE'S IVER I NUGORITO AN P yspeptie Rermed3 -:0:- - FOR THE RELIEF AND CURE OF Lte and Chronic Disess of the Lii hlunice Gall SWnec, Heart-B=r, all Dizardeiresult h*from rangement of the LIVE It is a pleasant laxatit6. mib bowels geutly and surely, I thout pain ; and is wonderfu ipted to cases of Habitue! Cousti; n, Torpidity of the Liver. It cu :k and Nervous Head-ache, Col itulencq, And is an effective remc afections of th e KIDNEYS AID ILARM4 [OTTE & TARRAN SOLE MEOPEIETORS, NEWBERRY, S, C. lar. 29, 1-f rOVES, TINIARE, & Cheap as the Cheapest 001) AS TilE BIES l'E subs:-riber would inform his frie I the publn: generally,- that he- will. h them- with all article s-in hius line of the LOWEST PRIIES. 00fIng and GRterii well ;as all Otier JOB WORK, 11 be done in the best and most appro les at the lowest rates. Jall and examine goods and prices isfy yourselves. W. Te WRIGHT. ores! Stores!! 2tores! 'in Ware! Tia Ware TIN WA RE!!! LUMBING, Roo] [NG, GUTTERING d all work in' this line put rip to or 3 ready foi safe a- CA ROLIN A M A3 .CTORtY. Call alt eiti er house, .Cob ,or Newberry. HENRY U. ELEASE, ifar. 2.2, 12- tf. Proprietor Blacksmith Shop. At (SMIT H has opened a SHOP t Sdepot, on th:e road to Helena, and1 all kinds of BJlacksmnith work, which pectfitlly schicited. Jan. 25, 4-d TO RENT. A desirable STORE on Main Street. ma, apply to D. MOWEB - -:0: irdwell's Improved Thres er and Cleaner, wheels, will Thresh, Clean and eat, Rye. Oats, &c., in the bess manr ce, inceludinig H{OP'E POWVE R, BE L rdwell's PIli Tirresi and Horse Power, most excelpt macheine. Price. int Bclhs, &c., every thi'ng complete, $200 'ERY MACliME WARUatIE ,be, dideota to' uercha,ts to in. Address W. CARDWELL & C4 RICHMOND, VA. L pr. 19, 16-2m. WM. JI LAKE, naurxance Agen NEWB3ERRY, &. C. AG!N'. FOR TU$ iedmiont & Arflngtt iL insurance Companys isets over :::: 82.000.( :nual Income :: 1,300,( Insures againiddath3 from all caut -WM. J. LAEE, ~. ~,~-~* Nenborry, S. C .4 JAVL I (t Se rts aQtt fave instre an elegant toek d SPRIG GOODS, Dreqs GoO4, S.m Crro., .1050 Truimng.. Hosi'erv, tUfdees Bandke~- - Whk oode awon&t ml-3 anii 3 artt 4 V 4 asftit to betoulm oi a4 ainid Dry Goods MOO*% alisor*hiftey:oer LOW FOR C"U, Togeter wti a select az,Jnndome .4 ' sortment of Notioirs, men aij byi *b C as'simetes jediMiti. Lirge lot ol Men atidoy fe at tee saWU profit. Good stock of ffovws Uand.Sh for Me and Boys. Sace lot ot Ladit minas u4 C ohildre' i- of 3jaore, Lanabe A Ov. Warranted, lvb3ngsmnv? qole Lei, - Tea, a1punddnt and goo4. Yamcorv Yarm:jqy the .wholetle Wd re tail. Fine lot of Ctttle y. and arJvateee rallI. the Saddle, Harnes*, Bridles, Wi*w, k. iGuns and Pistols., Algi-,C4offe,M ses Plain and F*mncy4.-s,rqeper, Sokoc ,f7 Giffger, Sodaand Starch. Large lot of Hoes, S ToWeCOraMd WMfftr Water Stationery, Ink rens.Pgucib Ne C erosine and Tarpe*dae, 611 They prope;e to sell goo4s- to the adp ber faction of all who .iili patrowize threat Aur t Low Rates and short Pree FrCash Cnll and ezamine-ther'et ad )ofg* -or yourselves. -bey are alo Agentsfor JaoWB. Ris- - .ter'i celebrated i-proved old Amchor3-ar4 BioTikg Cl6thi and Singera.celebratdF e 1 ly Se-Mj*ASw%, frke%ibevrY Naw1y P. W. CHICM. .90"ano Apt. 12, 15-tf. X EW- A-91IIAL 'er, b . GROCERIES U11 SFERITILIZERS&c --l 1 WE nre in 4 ree-i a fa sl6ek o pa- ROCERI ESand ase ? reS for caih in.the be.t umikeis of *WetwAu ic, whi.h we will,aelf dy LOW FOR *AM We are,also prep*. to secat. 4e lr ders entrusted tv'i'6 tie COMMSSWi: Ar9 We can supptt The Ahtefiand il-otbers with die celebrated - 'Anud aVso wiffi ethei, - ertiiers. - 'We ?,a?e deetiiid to el e od a o, lineEleras they c'ibe sold lathis mar ket - - nds FOR CASE ALI'dN fur- aWe Gund tht e an flxL abr-pa. B. IO9PIMQ& o ABRAMS &WTS T AKE Tlcasure in inftrur na4 h1d. red and the trade genteeily thst they ienr opened an elegat stock of SPELau ud bUMMER B00T& $tflJ &C. Their stfoek of Esdit'e. Sh4e o i ftsthe _celebrated fac;ory of Mihis &S tr-nr ar n beauty of Guish, are s,perior to anymjuug yet ititrodueed to this biket. Ins a few I I datys will be open'ed a fine stecseibn of Misses' &ChidreWlligg, *, to wich they invite:speciaT atteneion? IA1 goods warranted', and sold at a shaort :p.o8t, for cash. . A3lii.)kd 3 EE Mar. 22, f2--t. To Mate- your COTTONK. I- CalIo* WId. A NKCB ear- - JNO. T. PETERBON.. _Mar. 10; l?-f. For i-E ~ TESF A[TIfrN AN COISS! N IW AI NEWBEIRRT, S. (. s Auctio art als *bnt n ool1 pew B#Ih ilotel and P. - - . . A's' y;d pre#ared to recclie~ co.ign *met Fioods, of any and ecvry cilavae ~,ter. sine-.tGresctiflyseirked. T6ey, hos ja stlier,aMde amane to gbqa o tca ne10 merit a reasonabie shs&e of.pebbets patronage- war. J15 11-s. 103' RECEWJE '- Or Consi t selFIM R BACOYN, SU1GAR, 609F E E and SYRUP, Whfch 1ri?i 6e seld tr kr.SH at their' J. E. PTRO 01 Auction & Co Merchmnta. Mse. 1.5, 11-tf I ~ LIME. IFn.a!oe by D. MOWER. 50 BUSHELS 00 GREEN VIJEMMAL B -fush. GRISiT. For sale by D. EOWEE.