The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, June 14, 1871, Image 2

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A 'B2d. S. g f e-idiy, Jane14I8 . Ve acknowledge an invitation to at en.d Ae-tiuaJcelcbration of the Clari, opic S,ciety, of the Unirersity of South Carolina, which i. . to tnke place on'Wednesday Evening, June 28th inst. The Town of Newberry. Newberry is a wide awake and regular go-head place. It does more business and better business than any place in the 0p-cointry, never failing to satisfy the deminds of the public in every particular. Laurensville Ilerald. Goverror Scott, of South Carolina, testified before the Ku Klux Committee, en the 6th. He said he knew of no Ku _Xlur in his part of the State, but be ied such organization did exist in some counties, their obiject being to in timidate voters in 1872. Study Self-Control. The Lynchburg News gives utterance to the following: "Let every Southern man bear in mind that the object of the Ku Klux bill is, by provoking South em violence, to keep out the Presiden ial v*te of the South in 1872. If Grant caa find a pretext, he will do it, and the whole aim of the Sonth should be not to give Iim a pretext. Let everybody study self-control." Anadeson Awska. - On the question of subscribing $~A 04o to the capital stock of the Atlanta and Richmond Air Line Coni pany, on the condition of a location near the town, the citiz_ns of Anderson took a vote which resulted in a most gratify ing manner, two hundred and one vote being cast for and not one against. This is as it should be, and shows that the citiz.ns of that town are progressive and wide awake to their interests. rChatng the Xsa and Brother. Under the above caption the Ch-irles tin ourier says: Not. a sir.-.e black skin can be foundl among the Executive officers of the new territorial government at Washington. Although largely in the majority, Gen. Grant has entirely ignored their claims, and great is the indignation thereat. It is very odd that the medicine pre - scribed for the South in invariably re j-cted asa home specific. The Southein people may be proud, violent, even cruel, -but they cannot be charged with being mean enough to cheat a nigger. Bpartanburg Female Cotlege. With great pleasure we call attention to the advvertisemecnt from thxe princi * pals of this deserving institution, in our - paper this week. This College occupies a high place in the public regard, and -* with reason, it being under the direction * of gentlemen of well-known worth and efficieney, and who have labored earnest *y and successfully in making it one of - - the best Female Colleges i;r the country. The course of instruction is -liberal and comaprehensive, and the rates charged quite moderate, while the location is the -healthiest and best in the whole State. Spartanburg is a delightful town, not only in.point of health, but as to its so ciety, and wve know that parents cannot do better-if they send their daughters from home-than to entrust them to the care of the Rev. Samuel B3. Jones, and the Rev. Samuel Lander, joint proprie tors. ipavilion Hotel.l We copy the following jastly deserved eetmplimentary notice of the Pavilion Hotel, from the Charleston Coutihr: "This popular house, (and deservedly se) announces through its head-Mirs. H. L Butterfield, in the Courier to-day, that the price of board has been reduced. The Pavilion has ever enjoyed a iw ide r.pread reputation, not second to any other uell-kept aind excellent h:ouse, as its numerously filled -register fi om day tody'cari attest. It is ndmirab!y sit usted in one of ttie most eligible portions of the city-corner of Meeting and hIinsel Streets-wath verandahs runuinmg its en tire front length, fromi which an uninter rupted view can be had. In the charac ter of its Surpcrintendent. a well-knoawn - host-Mr. RI. Hamil!ton-oilic:is and corps of employees, it is not excei!ed,; while its table is never behind in layinig before its patrons the r.ubstantials an.d delicacies of this and atijoining markets. We know that our friends here and else where will bear us out in the stttemnent we make in refer en.ce to the old .%i! ies." A New Domestic Cookery Baok. Theresa C. Brown's Modern Domestic Cookery: -being a coliection of receipts suitable for all classes of housewives, together with many valuzble house hold hints. The above is the title of a very useful snd neatly printed book of 360 pages. relaxzsg to the m'ysteries and art of cook :ng, by Miss There'.-4 C. Brown, of An -serson, S. C., a copy of which the talent e-d authoress has kindly sent us. In this fast age too little attention is paid to the preparation of the food we eat, and unpalatable, indigestible dishes are served up, which entail not only dis appoinitme:,ts and unhappiness in the f;uilly, but unhealthiness. In some cases this is the result of carLlessness and in dliftre::ce, in others -through ignorance. yn .it.her the diflculty may be avoided by good books en cookery, cr.refully pre piared by practical, experienced persons inr all the seorets of the kitchen and pan try. The wvork before us wvill ser ve the purpose doge dial, as it is a .!omplete book of referenac, and we re commend it heartily to our lady r caders. We do not know the price of the book, and therefore advi.e any one desiring a copy to send to 11i>s blhown and make the inquiry. The IRZSE IionD promises to give in its w xt isa-ue a sp.endid full-page illustration of Kada McMhbonat the h:ad et his aimy The Laurens 'dailroad We copy from the Laurensville Herald the follo'ing editoial and order in re lation to the above named road, as of general intere:- to our readers : "We publi.,h in this issue an :orderof the Court consurntuatil.g the sa:of;the Laurens Railroad to, the -treedNille and ,olutLia Railroad COnpany. Itappears in the ternis indicatil in the order, that the Ass'bnee hat not only looked tothe Jaymlenti of the pureiase mnoney, but has ail.,o obligated the .-urchaser to rebuild ii r,ad at an early day. This Road was sold at Golumbia on the 7th of December last, in pursuance of a previous order of sale, by Messrs. Picxottu & Sont, auctioneers, atid charged to John 1'. W harton, agent of John J. l'atterson, as the highest bidder. Protmpt comiphlance with the teltns of sale not. being rendered, the Assignee (as the record will show, we are informed), re ported the sale, imade by him, to the Court, and asked f>r rules against John P. Wharton and John J. Patterson, which were granted. Returns to the rule were made by Wharton and Patter son ; but before bearing of thetm could be ha.d by the Cour t, the order now pub li,hcd was agreed upon as a suitable at - rangetient ot the tiatter in controversy. The G: eeto ie ad (Coumlia R. U.. Coin pany, no %oit, n as the tru-: bidder at the day of .ie. The bmo:,t important feature in the or der, after secuting the payment of the purchase tmon1ev, is that clause which pla,es the reconstr uction, at an early day, (f the l"dml to good ru'ning order, under the contrl of the people of Lau rens County--*! they se fit to insist on their tights in the premises. What will they do I Will they continue to com plain and do nothing moe ? It may bv, the AssiQjnee, when lie ob ligated the Grenville and Columbia Rai1road 2o. to rebuild the Lau ens Rail road, lad in vi:w the .roba.ility, at some time of gri-ater financial prosperity, of making thIs Road a part of a granl line !f Railroads leading f:om Asneville by Greenvill.', Lauren.ville and Newberry, directly to Port Royal. The waits of our people require it. No line of Jil toad nouid enhance so greatly the in terests of .o iany of the citizens of the itLate. The topography of the country from Ashevillt along the line indicated i the most suitabli: for a elicaply constructed iand proftably arrangod R-iroad tha, -anl be built in the Southern States. Besides, it may uitimately turn out, that this line will be our only means of com munication with the sea board ; for if the Air Line lailioad be conileted, it being much uearer from Greenville to Colum i bia by way of Spartanhnrg than by the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, the IattEr %ill cease to be profitable above Aiston ; and as a consequence, mubt go down. .S.District Cu -S.Ga. District. In the matter of the Llurens Rail Road Co.-Bazkrupt. I: anpearinz to the s:aisfaction of the I Court, that the Grceniile and Columbia Railroad company is williig to assume and be reponible for t.e bid of John P. Wharton, for the Lau:ens Railroad. and other property sol thet en ith amountit.g to one hundred and four thousanid live hundred dollars, of which forty two thousand dollars were to be piad in cash on tihe day of sale, to wit : on the 7th day of Decetmber laxst, and the balanice in'three equal annual instal men ts, w ithl interest thereon payable atnually, at the rate of 7 per cent. per annutn, to be se cured by a mnortgage of the entire prop erty, sold in decordance with the termts of the order of sale heretofore passed b) this Court upon the modtlicatious and conditions herrir.after set forth. On motion of .\essrs. Porter &, Attorneys forAs:,inee, and by consent Greenville & Columbia Railroad Gomn pany ordared that the Greenville & Columbia Rail road Comipany be made a party to this proceed(ing and be substituted -as the purchaser of the Laturens Railroad instead of the said John P. Wharton, who is hereby cuit ofi from all rights, and rotered frotn all re sf.onsibility as a bidder for said Railroad, and other property belonging thereto; in consideration where"f the saxid Grecen ville amd Columbia R:iroId Comxpan) shall be re<;uired to pay and satisfy all orders frotm the Court requiring James M. Baxter, Assignee, to disbursea,nd pay out the assets of the Laurenis Railroad 1Gowtpaxny now in Bankruptcy, promptly as such orders may be passed, until thte entire sum of forty-two thoutstt.d dollars, with the interest thereon at 7 per cent. per annum, fom the 7th dayv of Deemt ber l )Chalb absorbed, and shall se cure the reiinitg sum: of sixty-two thonsand five hmidred dollars, in accor dance with the terms of the order of sale, heretofore set fox th, under- which said saie was in-ade. It is further or-dered that the Green yille and Golumibia Railroaxd Comnpanyv be,.:lowed to take jimmediate possessionl of said Laurens Railroad, and be required at once te commence the work of re pairing th0 swa. looking to its early' res toration to good ru.nning order. It is furthter ordetred that upon the payment of forty-two thousand 'loihums, and upotn securting the balance as hxerm'1 provided, all the tight antd title of any pron whomstoever to the I.iiurens5 R,i road and all the propel ty 5eid thecrewith, stall be vested in the G3reentle and Col umi:- iM:lroad Comxpany. ~Signed ) GCEO S IRY A N. U. S. Jidge, Distriet So. Ca. Miarch 17th. 1871. SI consent-D. Hi. Chamaberlain, A ttor nev for CG. & C. Ra:ilroad Co. True Cor.v--Danicl Hlrlbeck, C. D). C. U. S. fo'r South Carolina. T - Y' FaIxD FoR JUL. 1871 -A ve seaonbl picture is the tine steel vernteAine ouiss. Tho Clored anod there is a pleasant shere scene 1 three maidens sit:ing on a rock delihtfully at ease, with the sea for a batckgrottnd. The mu-ic is a halhad, "C ome, Love, to Me." The ii tustratis of dress and fancy work~ are pro fuse and very inviting. lint the stories aire espeilly welcome in hot weather, when above all thie one wvaots to be entertained. Amn da \. Dotuglas -ommuenices one of her popular serials-" A Ltttle Money" Price $250 a year (which also includes a largte steel engravinxg). Four copies :md one gra.t is). SS. "Te Lady's F-riend" an d the "Sat nrday Evenitig Post'' (and one engraving), I 4. Pubhilhd by Deacon & Peterson, P'hila dephia. Singlie copies for sale by all News dealers, and by the publishers, price 2.3 cents. ITHE JCLY NCMBER of '-Peterson's Maga zine" is ou our table, and is unusually good, even for this unrivatied Monthly. The prin cipal embellishment is a spirited steel en graving., "A bead of the Field," illus.trating an old-fashioned love s'or-. The fashion plate is on steel, amI richlyecolored. "Peter son," be it kaown, is celebrated for the sur passing style and beauty of his Paris fash ion-plates. The stories are all original, and by our very best writers. It gives more for the money than any o:her. No hidy of taste ought to be without "Peterson." Now is the time to subscribe, for the July number begins a new volrmie, and subscriptions will be taken, if desired, for six months, at half price, so that the subscription may end with the year. Address Chas. J. Peterson, 3fl6 Genea New - It :s. B.ywen wants a new trial. The wheat crop in California is immense. The Circuit Court began its session at An dert-on. oil Monday last. Mrs. Laura Fair, the murderess, is to be hbng on .the 26th of July. AUlantahiripe tomatoes; they bring ten dailars a linJthe. There are still aOnt two hundred and fifty Seminole Indians in Florida. The King of the Sandwich Istands tecps a I hotel a 1looWnit. A recent brench of promise !ad to the production o7 !ove le:ttrs by tie Ldy. A severe storn occurred at Galveston, rexas, oni the 31, doiig great damage. No lives Were lost, it i- ruiored that tie Agrienitural itruenti re-ports the grohwing ettoln ec; at a million and a qnarter bales les-; tilan the last. Latest oflicial advices report the number of Ildia's inassacred at Font rant to lave been eighty. Ihere are at preL*ant nieteen zoalogic:il grrdens in Gerniany, of a value of over s:x million thalers. It has raied so hIarl at 'Milwaukic for four months, that it is said all the children born there are web-footed. The office of Archbishop of Paris, is not a sincenre. Every incumbent -has died a vio lent death. Som time since we stated that John IlrowI's fhaly. now in California, were in des:i:ute circumllstances. They deny it. Wowe'n in Brooklyn get eight cents apiece for maln-; g:rmncts. atid are able to inake but thre'e a dav. A colored ge..tleman in Texas went into a blacksmLith sihop with his coat tail full of powder. lie caine out through the roof. There is said to be a steady influx of China men to Louisiana, inported as plantation hands. The orzanization of the New I1ampshire lIouce has been completed by the elee:ion of Demecrat< by two majority. Soutl Carolina has sent 7.018 colored per sons to Lonuisiana. "DiZtaucc lenls enchant nent to the view." The Democrats of New Hamp,hire nre con fident of carrying the organz-ition of the Iloui.:e and electiug Weston Governor. Von MolItke is engaged in reorganizing thr Geriain itrmy on the regular pe:ace footing of 700,000 men- This is i:carlv twice its former strength. Tie wheat harvest in San Francisco, has commence !, and the yield is better than was expected, being an average of a half crop in the State. Hienry Ward Beecher, in a recent lecture, said: "If a iewspaper writer be faithfnl to his trusr, honest, fearless and independent, he niust make enemies., and powerful ones.' Frederick Hallom, a nice youn:- man of .Jersey City, h-is come to grief by committing a horrible crime. It is ai.igned as a reason that he parted his hair in the middle. "During the late war," says an exchange, "4Frauce prodiucd no Marshal Murat, and] yet she are cavalry horses enough to have prodneed a marshal neigh." The latest invention in advertisinZ is thait o. a Hartford patent medicine man, who lin sheared his dog, and painted on the animal the name of the universal cure. Thbe City Hall. at Fall River, Miss., was strutek by liat ing yesterday, setting the hailoing on fire. A man who had taken :helter under a tree in the vicinity was killed. The .apane-e have but one newspaper, which comes out but once a month, in the shape of a stitched pamphle, ofone hundre pages. It has been established a little more than a % ear. Two lit:le children were buried alive, bv the falling in of the wall of a c.e in Wick ford, R. I., the other day.- Their mother,a Mrs. Burnell, who was sick, died from the shock, and tire father has become inane. It is sItted that tire grand total of the Com nmunist force's amoutnteil to 190,425 men, ol whom 162,561 an.swered to their names when the mnusrer-rofl was mnade up. Of these num leers, 96,000 belonged to the rarebting legion, anid 94,000 were reserved for garriso-n daty. poetical epic on Gen. Jackson has. been written by a Western bard1. Aeou pIe of-lines read thus':. "Wheirn you see their eyes glisten, then, my men, IGre!. Were the last dying words of A. Jackson. Eqetire." A most terrib'e andI singulir acciJ.ent has occurred at a colonial town caIled Tictoria, in South Africa. A water t-p(ut bui-rst six miles rebove the village. and the waiter ruish Iing cdown thrrou::h a rav-ine washed half the town away, andI drowned over one bnrurdrced of the inh!abitanrts, men, womenr aud clii dretn. THE YEAR 01r BATTLES.-A his*ory of thec great war betweter france and Germany, its ari5 in, causes'. hristory, biogr-aphy of its leaders, condition aend preparation of tire two cun:iries, battles and resnis, b)y L. B. Biroekett, M. I)., Aa:hor of "igtory of thre Civil War ine America"--(amp, Battle-Fie!d and Hospitau'' - Woman's Work itt the Civil War- &c., & c. Tree New Yor-k Tribunie of A pril 15th says: "In pi-eparitng thre history of thre Prrussian IWar from its comrmenceement to its c'-ose, the author of tis volume hras not himited himself to a coempihatieon of events from differrent aurthorities, but has aimed at re producing tire arbrundant matter furnished by eve witnesses at the scene of action in a com p' and well digested narrative. He has made a careful study of tihe movements of the twogreat ar-rmies, and thecir positions in the principal battles of tire wvar, and has suc ceeded in-givin;: considerable vitality to heis descriptionr of tire-detr:ils. A good deal of valuibe inormation is given inr tire pie. limnary ebnf rs which tire devoted tn an explanatiofte c.tuses of the wvar, tn tire military, naval, and Sirantcial positions of tire two comitrres, aind to biographical sketches of tire prominerrt military mrea, arid c'ivilirans, w bo hrave figured int tire progress of thre con test. No siogle votume ihas been isseued since the bre:eking out of hostihitiles wich presents a more compjlete arid imrelligible survey of the whole course of tire its historial an tecedentse, its riatifold political reirtions, rnd tire distinguidled pe-rsonarges whro harve occuepied the foregrouind of tire gr-and nration al gtilte. 'The interest of the work and its practicalI u:ility. are ineased by the copious appropriaute illustrations wichd serve not mnertv for embelli,hmnent, bitt for iniforma. Tine Pubbris!ers say: Where pli.rms of hat tes have been foundi necessry to arope understandintg at thre text, threy have been given. Turat tihe whroIc field of oper,urins -may be taken in at a glanice, we have peut in to tiheok an accunrater and fiuely JeCtedC map of Western Europe. Tire needle gunr. which hras formed an imapo-rant featurre of tire war, is shownr by a diaramec of twenty parts. Tire rttreat battles oft tire wnr arc ii lustrarted by engravings design-ed by tire ar tidt whoa witnessedl the rtrrbe scenres of blood and carnage. liesides ail these, tire book contains portr,rrts of tine leadirng inen rind wormerr of bmebc conies, all entgrav-ed by the best engraver inr Ne w York. It contains fifty-one tine ilustratnrons. Tine work has beenr written inr tire authtor's tinecet sryle, antd will be found eq'rr to any of theC p. culaitr books heeoor yien to tine worl.i by hrim. TE s.T e rk contrains ever 400 pages octravo, ocr good pap -r. The book is purb lished in English undi German at tire same pricec, wich are-Octavo, cloth, $2.00. (ic tavo leather, $2 50. THE~ CATHoLZC ADVOCATE.-Tis is the itie of a very hradsome S parge paper, pub lishred at No 33a Km;:g Street. Chtarleston, S. C , every Sat urdary, by Sihaffer & Co. Tine Advocare is tastefully tmarde up, anrd publikih edi for $3 per anunurm We comntpend it to thre Cathorlics of our com:nanitcy as well as to te general reader whIo may wish to acquaint himnself with the greatn currents of spiritual thought wh-ich f,ay at this epoch. BtiREE's WEEKLY for ,Iute is full of good things. Indeed tire publishers sh'are no pains or expense to make it aceptablre to tire imul titudie of readcrs, little and lig, whlo receive it. We earnestly commen.d it to our readers as a mnagarzine which ouight to be itt the hands of all tire boysa and girls in the land. It is published bry Brirke & Co., Macon. Ga., at $2 per annunm. LA FaxCE ELEGANSTE, is received for June, :mde it is a beautit'ul number. The fashions are rich and extremely tasteful, and of great varicty. Aul of its laidy subscribers are charmed with this magrazine, and it is certaiuly onre of the beet of its kind. For subsetiptions ad:1rese &- T. Tsyior. 391 C:na! f -* - LOCA L. Wool wanted-20,000 pounds-Blakeley & Gibbes, Columbia, S. C. See notice. DEBT.-Debt .is a, horse that Is -always throwing ftv rifr. "ools. rid- him bire backed and~ without abridle. Attention is directed to card 6f fogarIls Book Depository. The es;ta.lisbed suedesi of this-emporium is its own recomMendation, IcE CREAx -Mr:. hodair will accept tlanks of Senior's famlly fPr a deposit made on their table of suirte of bet nice Ice Crcam. . Tuis delicavy is ttruiSlhed Vy Mrs. S., cVery afternoon. Persons eilling on Mjaj. W. F. Nauce, Special Ageut at Newberry for the Butler, Chadwick & Gary Immigration Scheme, will diud it to their advantage, ns he is prepared to give any information relative to it. THE NEWBERRY BAPTIST CIIURCII.-NC are pleased to 'earn that Mr. .hn Stout has accepted the call to -lie pastol:ship of this church, and that be has regularly entere: i upon his ministcrial duties. SiD DEATH.-We learn that on Saturday last Mr. Elijah Tribble, while preparing to leave his lot to do a piece of ploughing, was thrown from a mule, and becoming enta-ngled in the traces, was kicked to death. The un- I fortunate man conld not be extricated until the mule was secured and the bame-string cut. tr reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that C- W . Wiecking, corner ot i King and Society Streets, Charleston, S. C., i is the agent for the celebrated Milwaukie I Lager Beer, which is very highly recom mended for its purity, stiength of body and richness of flavor. We invite. attention to card of Messrs. Paul B. Lalane & Co., Auction, General Commission and Wtolesale Grocers, 171 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. This house so licits consignments, and gives ample refer ence to those who may not be acquainted I with its business qualifications and reliabi'i IV. TnE STArn TroUPu.-We are happy in be ing able to announce that this model min strel troupe will have the honor of making a second appearance in the new Hall, during the ncxt week, and will present aprogramme which, they are flattered in believing, will be as well received as was the last. Due notice will h.e given on what night tlie performance vill tae plae. Again we bespeak for them a house full. Fresh Arrirals of new goods at McFail & flool's. Stock kept fresh by constant addi tlions. WIEAT.-The :fears of our farmers, that the rains of last week would materially in jure the wheat piled for threshiug, we believe were not realizeJ. On every hand the thresh er is now doing its work, and pretty soon new flour will be on the We have heard of no new flour yet coming in, but hope that many days will not elapse ere such is the case, and the go-od housewife once more have home made flour, (bet er far than that imported,) to make op into bread, rolls, and pies and things. JAIL DELITERY.-On Moad-ty la t, about eleven o'clock forenoon, the negro Donglass, convicted of- cow stealing, and who:e term in jaiil is fonr months. previous to a longer stay in the peniteutiary, together with David W ise, convicted of murder, tind condemned to be hung in January nexct, .neither liking their quarters or the future prospects, es caped jail nd attempted togetaway. Being at onice followed they were both captured, af ter a considerable ran, and phei d b..ek -n o safer keeping. WHA-r WAS IT?-Our local stumubled over a big thing !ast week, which was gutardedl by the indefatigtable assistant town marehal. A crowd of spectators were luoking at the amphtibious creature, and speculation ran hitgh. Was it captutred by Town Coutmeil, a.sked one? Is it a KLu Klux? What is it? It hiasn't the marks of a scallaivag or a car, pet oagger, said another. Ding it-don't you see--it's a snapping "turkle", brought from the vasty deep of Blush River, wa the .reply of its cap-or. .Do you want a go>d fitting shirt ? Go to McFall & Pool and have your measure taken. A good f& is warranted. ALL.Is wE.L..-Our.towu, is as &till as a church mnou,e, and happy as a bby with a new knife. A ll is order and quiet, no rows, no out-break<, no ku klux, no nothing. The Council even makes no war on the little be.ys' Tittle goats, which are allowed to browse antd bob around. With a little stretch of fancy, one might almost think Newherry a se'coud Lake of C-,nmo, shut in by Alpine hills, and all that. $qtuire Miller's little trees even are pu:ring o:it their tiny branches, and are learning to make music of the soft breczzs. AllI is serene. DR. FAST's CAnas, in :nother cokrmn, in rel:ttion to his very popular Liver Regulator, his P'yrophosphocratedl lair of Calisaya Bark, and Bisrmuth and Iron. his Compound Syrup of Sarsapariula aud Q-icen's Delight, and last, but not leist, his compound ex traet of Blucho, each and all of which are ali ready well known for their great excellences, we take much pleasure in calling the atten tion of our readers to. Triese preparations are good. having been tested with' the most beneficial results. Read t.he- advertisements and see what they arc good for. OLRa 13ANK,-The fact that our citizens are soon to eujoy the privileges of banking fa, cilties affords much satisfaction. The or ganization being now effected, It is only neessary to complete certain essential ar rangements, whtich will occupy a few weeks perhaps, when the bank will go into opera tion. The selection of oflicers, too, is a ju dicious one; no mrn better qualified conaid have been found to fill the important po-i tions to which these have been calhled, and we congratulate them on their elevation to oflie, as well as the busittess community. that the intrec.sts of the bank will be cntrtust ed to such good hands. AnlotT- A Fn~E ENGNE.--In answer to the qtesion asked last week-what about a fire engine' we are gratified to learrn that ste'ps have been instituted to procure one, and nc gotiations now being made will likely result in a favorable manner. In a few d:tys it will be ascertained whether the engine now In -riew can be obtained or not. We are pleased to h'ear this; it looks like ou'r citizens are awke, and that so great a necessity is not overlooked, or treated with entire indiffer ece. We think it strange, however, that the action determined on, was deemed, seemingly, of so little importance, that no thing was s::id about ir, so that mention could be made through our paper . The ladies love to go to McFall & Pool's dry goods store, and why? Because they are always sure of finding the best, and handsomest of goods. THE WEATHER ANtD CRuops.-The seasons for most of the growing crops are propitious, and corn particularly looks finer than we, eve.r remember to have seen itat so ea rly a! period. The promise now is that tbe yield will be good, andI shiould July prove season a~.te rer will he bh'sed n ith fail cribs. Vbeat has turtedout Tneh better than was xpected. Oats generally are splendid, a ,reat deal too, we are pleased to say, having Peen sowed. All kinds of garden crops are tonting to do their very best. Too much ain, however, has f'Alen forcotton, say far ners, and the crop will not turn Out good, iut so far as we have seen,the pat is grows ig *igorously and looks healthy and prom ing. Djrr Toun TEArs.-In proof that either lbe good time coming, and long waited for, ias at length come, or something else equally s good, we cite seeing on Saturday last, a riend trigged on- from head to heel in deep 4!#e. We thorght directly of the nursery "Do Miss Nmaev, don'r you cry, Ylnr sweetheart will come hy'm'by%; When he conei. he'll dress in blue, And [hat's a sigu he'll marry you." For generations has this premise been held te:d out, never before has it been realized. 'he man in blie has always been in blessed irospective until now. It' there is a sighing, rving, dying Miss Natcy in this case, we id her dry her tears and look up. The man tas come. "Go for him," clasp him to your teart; be no longer broken hearted, and ne'er 'rom him be parted, but live together and be tappy, forever and a day. A perfect fit in a shirt is a luxury which I gentlemen appreciate. Messrs. McFall Pool, take measures, and send to the New lork factory. Try them. So Tux It-:nA SAIT.-MIany of our read rs no donbt, remember, iong, long ago, cading the first chapier of a tale which >romised to prove of-reat interest. It was -nt,tlcie, we beLikve, the "adventures of 3ha-les" somebody. Irgave a glowing de cription of the hero, his matily proportions. inl invested him with such excellencies of -haracter and attainments, that fLir readers, ,very one, set him up as their bea-i ideal of a ord of creation. Of course Ciarles wa3 in uve. His lady love lived some miles off, ind the intervening sp-ace was crowned by a nountain of considerable proportions. This ;pace was often traverbed by Charles, and hle mountain scaled by his sturdy legs. The :ourse of true love does not always run ;moothly however, as m-iny of our young riends know to their sorrow; and, unfortu lately, one beautiftil Indian summer after loon, anim:ttel to an unuil 11 degree by the liviac em->tion, our I -ro, Charles, in going down the precipitous side of the mountain, tforesaid, lost his footing, as he had his iead, and blippel d,>wn, down, down, and ,vould have fallen to its very base, but that ijagged branch of an old tree caught him by the seat of his beeches. Charles hung muspended in mid air. It was a perilous po ;ition, all will ad:nit. Without regard, iowever, to the thousan Is of sympathizing readers, the publisher stopped there, and wid "to be continued." It was unfeeling. Worse though, week after week elapsed, and ao continuation followed. Young ladies ere in despair; what had beco'ne of Cbarles? kras he hanging on the tree, on that moun ain side still? The Indian Summer passed, and Winter, with its bleak, chilly blasts, set in. What a situation for Charles, and then, too, he had on nothing but a pair of thin linen pants. Hi, love must have taken wings surely. About this tkme a Western ,ditor took up the story, and published the scond and lasst chapter to relieve the wide spread anxiety. Sail he, after remaining in that trying position six week<, until the rain !md dews had rotted his pants, Charles fell to the bottom. Whethcr lie survived the ad venture or not, or was afterwards matrried, tas not been discovered to this day. This initeresting and exciting story was brought to mind on the occasion of the per rormtanee given by te frou~pe two weeks sgo, and by the tambarine pl.ayer who relia. ted a cacik and bull story of a young m:an ayho had to cross the ocean to see hisi swveet eart, wvhaich, he said, he had read in the Eeratd. The adventures of this hero were so onderful, so marvellons, as to create doubt is to their truth, and to su'astantiate his nar rative, at every seten cen,as unn estionable inthom ity, hec wonld repea?, 'so the Ilertald says." And thtus going on from onte whop pr to another, and so the Hlerald says, and getting his anudience highly intercsted to ~nowv bio his hero would get out of the naze of diffieulties, into which he had beena o strangely brought, concluled by saying, itf you want the rest, just subscribe for the [herald, and read for yonrself.' Appreciating the intense atnxiety which >ur readers feel ona this s'thlject, and folly aware of the morbid enrio4lty which must >c entertained, we will endeanvor shortly to give the complete narrative from beginning to end. It is due to ourselves to say though, :hat no such marvellous story eve appeired a the lierald. The tamborine priayer's im gination is responsible for it. McFall & Pool arc the asuats for S. W. IL. Ward, of New' York, who mnakes a perfect itting shirt. cniaws. A relative beauty-a pretty eon-in. A sure way to stop a woman's mouth kiss it. Stufinag improves the fair as well as the 'owl. Ile thenism-worshipping idlM tidhe: in :rinaolinc. The best way to start a little nursery-get arried. W~hen does r:ain become too fatmiliar to a tidy ? When it begins to patter on the b:ack. We have heard but of one old woman who kissed her cow, but of thtou'ands wvho have i;sed cailves. Reflections should never lhe cast on a plain roung lady for consultinig her looking-glass; or she is fucing her dificulties. "Do you like novels ?" said the charming Emma, to her cousin from aural parts. 'I don't know," teplied she, 'hot I dote on A woman has been arrested in Newark or taking "snoots" tat a m'an. We have ao idea whtat sitoots are, buit thte woman >ught to be ashamed of herself. The Girl of the Period is accused of being oo practical; and yet a glanace at her cihig, ton proves how fond she is of building eas ies in thte (h)sir. "My dear," said a husband to his wife, 'i'm going to start a coffee plantation.'& ILow will you get the'land?" "Oh bother the land, I've always plenty of grotands in my cup." A beautiful toast:-"Woman-pure as a snowflake as falls upon thec cold peaks of the llactian Alps;. beautiful as the houri that bathes herself in the crystal fountaius of the Moslem paradise; graceful as the peri afloat an her shell-skiff over the calm waters of' the ark blue sea; vain, worse than vafa, the warning to' guard the heart when intellect fashes from her baight eye, and the light of the soul Is breathed like musie upon her LONDox, June 12.-The starving people of Teheran, Persia, have eaten fifty children. A despatch from Bombay says a vessel foun :lered near Lockpor't. Eighty ives were lost. Hon. J. C. S. Knowletor, editor of the 'aladinm, is dead. London, June 12.-It is reported that hiers~ has resigned London, JIune 10.-The weather continues -ld. There was a snow storih of an hour MESRS. EIWITOs , The Grand Jury; it their Presentrnent at the late term of the Circuit Court, against the County Comiis sioners, having seen proper to publish my account against the Commissioners, I would ask tostate the following in e:2planation of the sppatently high prees therein 'eharged against the County: Being fully aware of the th9=neial condidon of the County, and that thAe wer elafms, largely ftl excess of the County Taxes to be paid tor the past year, selling as low as 50 per cent , I could not expect to be paid for these goods under fifteen months at the low est calculation, even if then, and as I could not be paid interest, I was compelled to charge such prices as would pay me for the use of my capital. I only charged an amount, if paid In fifteen months, that would be equal to the prices paid by the best men in this County. In some cases I know they willing ly pay 10 per cent. on the cash prices of the goods, and one per cent. per month interest; and in other cases, cash prices at 3 per cent. per month. Now, for fifteen months, de, duct 3 per cent. per month-which is 45 per cent.-from my bill, and I am satisfied no reasonable man will complain of the prices, and as Mr. W. G. Mayes and R. L. 31'Caugh rin were called before the Grand Jury to compare their cash prices wi.h mine, as pub lishe.1 by the Grand Jury, I am authorized by these gentlemen to refer to them as to the correctuess of this statement, and that they are being paid 3 percent. per month, or its equivalent, by the best men in the County, for such articles of merchandise as is charged in my bill. And, furthermore, I will say In conclusion, that I would be glad to receive the cash for tIs bill, at the cash prices on the days they were delivered, without inter est, if the Treasurer of the County will pay it now. R1espectfully, D. MOWER. NEWBERRtY, June 13, 1871. I licreby affirm that I have not paid Mr. D. Mower, on the account passed by the late Board of Commissioners, for Eleven Hun dred and Thirty Dollars, one solitary cent, as will be seen on examination of the same; neither have I paid him for any supplies for 1870. TIIOS. P. SLIDER, County Treasurer. COMMERCIAL. NEWBERRY, S C.. .Tune 13 -Cotton 171. LIvERPOOL. June 12-Evening.-Cotton firm-uplands S a 8; Orleans 8! a 81; sales 20,000 bales. NEw YonX. June 12-7 P. W.-Cotton strorn; sales 4.832 ba!cs-uplanda 201. Gold steady, at 121. AVOU3TA, June 12 -Cotton active and firm, 18, a 19; sales 640 bales; receipts 150. CHARLESTON, June 12 -Cotton firm-mid dling 19; receipts 192 bales; sales 300; stock 7,38.. B1TUY. DIED, in Newberry, on the 31st of May, ult., of Cholera Infantum, the it,fant son of Mr. D. R. and Mrs. SALLIE L PBiyR, aged 1 year and 11 months, VERSAILES, June 10.-The seat of (;o%. ernment shortly goes to Paris. The idea of a convention has been abandoned. Bodies wlll be exhumed and burned bt yond Fort Vanvres. The committee on the re-organizatiot.of the army will fa. vor a compulsory service. De Joinville and D'Aumanle visited Thicrs and other ofi<.ials,.and were received with the ut. most courtesy. Tihiers afterwards re turned the visit. rTe Pr inces, during these visits, fo,rmaly 'declined seats in the Assemly-, and disclaimed any in ten tion of intriguing against the Repub lie. The Officiai Journal assures the people that deposits in the Bank of France were uninjunrel1. Till: Poru.AvroN or Sou CAnOus.rN Senator Robertson. of this State, has forwarded from Washington the staite. ment, arranged-hy counties, of the pope. lation of this State. By tlas, the in crease i ithe la.t ten years, as compared with the census of 1800l, is a litt'e short of 2,000. There are in the State ' f na~ tive white'c. 281,t30 ; of whites, foreign born, 7,768; to)tal numwber of whites, 8,47 There are int the Stite of na~ tive coh,redl, 41 5,284 ; of rolored, foreign horn, 290; total number of colored, 415,. 580O. Tamere are ini the State, of Indians, 122. Chinamenn, 1. Total population, 705,100. Tut ..ixrx Btr.t.- A speciaml Wash. ington despatch of the 29th says: Notnithstanding the fact that the or decr oif the President to the armr. re garding the enforcement of the Kn Klux law, has been distributed more than twoc weeks to the commrarmling oflicers, rnot a1 single case has beeni reported from that source to the War Departinent in iceturn, and Gov. Scott, of S.mth Carolina, has infore the S'cretary of War that neither additional troops nor mrartial law are needed ini that State. DraOF Mtt. TU. S. NicKERtso.-The tinny friends .>f this gentletaan will re gret to kcarn of his death, which occurred in the State of Wiscons~ini, on Truesday inorning, the 6th inast. We glean this inaformoation from the Augusta Constitu yinls, c.fysterday-. Mr. Nickersoni dwelt in C'olumi-ai. both during and since the war, and will he well retnembered as the aflale and generous host of the Nic kerson Ilcuse of this city, which house -tl bears his name.- Phonix. DIE MIODnvEw.T for .June is replete with: designs, patterins and fashion ohites It gives a -:ast amount when the very low price of its subscription is considered.' It is publi.+hed twice a month at only $3 per annum, by S. T. Taylor, Importer of Ladie2s F.tshions, 3931 Canal St., N. Y. Another colored cadet has arris el at WVest Point-Henry Alonz-> Napier, from Tennessee. iIe is about eighteen yenrs of age, and darker thana cadetSuith. A Trip to the Mountains. GREE.\~VILLE & COLU\MBIA R. R., Gotenuut, S. C., J.hme 13, 1871. FOR the accommodatica.of pc:s.n.s who desire to witness the colmencement exer. cises of Ne wherry College and the la 1ing of the Corner Stone, by the Masonic Fiaterni, ty,atWalhalla, during the last wee-k in June, roumnd trip tickets for oue fare wsill be is sued at all stations on this road for Anader son ; sale of tickets to commnence on Satur day, the 24th, and continue unntil Wednes. day the 28th, inclusive ; good to return ot until Monday July 3, inciusive. Commoer.c mnct excreises will begin on Monday,. the 26th; Corner Stone will be laid on Wed nesday, the 2Sth. By this arrangement at opportunity is offered to enjoy the moon. taim air an.d to witr ess an imposing and in teresuing ceremony. THOS. DODA ME AD, Gen'l Sept. 31. T. BARtTLETT~, Gieneral Ticket Agent. June 14, 24-3t. Wool! Wool!! Wool!!! WANTED to buy 20,000 pounds of IWOOL for cash. BL.iEL EY & GlBBEN, THE CUTUN STATS PS Ihe Lif& hIsurance Comoany, libe Wit we PRISCIPAL OIF1CE AT I MACON. GEOB IA.. MACON; C01 nu Sat *M. The business of this stritly Southern and . Home Compani is con'fined by law to legiti- ( nate Life Insu'rane alone. Policies issued on all the approved mu tual plan%. F4 It also issues policies at stock rates, 25 per cent. under the atutual rates, butAL does not advise its patrons to insure on the Bo stock plan, it being very expensive in ,the ch4 long run. It is known that d:videtnds in a TL good Mutual Company will average aboat 6.5 per cent., especially at the Sonth and West. where investments bring good returns. 90 per cent. of profits on the autuas ha business divided annually among all the BC mutual Policy-holders, without excepti.n. .m One-ihird loin on premiums given when desired-interest charred only upon first th loaf,. pu Where all cash is paid policies will be- D( come self-sustaining, that is pas out, and B1 have 50 per cent. added to their faces, that Cd is one-third more than the original sum in- L sured. Ample provision against forfeiture of is I policies in the expressed terms of the con- y tract. The Company will always purchase its to policies at their cash value. We offer the people of the State the same- mi financial security as Northern Companies, Ar the accutmula:ing premiums of the insured, an and in addititn thereto a capital com- ly mencing with $.00.0. Millions of dul lars annually have hitherto been lost to d the active circula.iot of the South in pay- Ia mneut of premiums in Northeru Companies. In benefits derived from the investments a made by these Companies in Northern real estate and securities, our people can never ex share on equal terms. Let us then sustain pr our own Life enterprise and thus ktep our pi money and the profits at home. - OFFICERS AT MAcO, Gror.GA. de io WM. B. J0OHNSTON..............Preidlent- bo WM. S. HOLT.........-.............Vice-Preident. GEO. S. OBEA................. ecretary. .JOHN V. BURKE...............General Agent. C. F. McCAY...................................Actuary. W. J. X AGILL......Superintendent of A-rencies: JAMFS MERCER GREEN,. Medical Examiner The Cotton States Company is a Georgia and South Carolina Enterprise, and is a good Company, and is now fully identified with the interests of our people. This State is ably represented in the gen eral management by South Carolina Direc ,tors. LAVAL & ABNEY, General Agents for North & South Carolina. W:.r. J. LAvAL, Offi,e: Co41wbia..S. C. 31. W. Anr.Y, X. D., of Edgefield. J.t. 4, '71, 1-17. Sale of Valuable Real Estate in the Town of Newberry. Mayes & Martin and others,) In Common against Pieas Bank of Newberry, S. C. Newberry,$.C IN obed'ence to an order posed by the ac presidiig Judge of the Seyt-' Circuit at I Chambers, on the 6th May, 1871, in the t above stated case, I will sell at NeWberrv, ct r. C., on the 1st MONDAY in JULY NEXT, pb at 11 (A:CLOCK, A. M., all that lot of land on which the.o Banking House of the Bank al of Newberry, S. C., T Is loca ted, fronting on the Public Sqnnre ot re the Town of Newberry 35 feet, and running g back'-1104 feet 6 iiches, with a uniform . width. Bounded by lots of B. D. Boyd, L,. er J. .Jon:es and J. P. Pool, for CAS:I, pur- pt chaser to pay for staumps and papers'I I will sell at thre samne time and place One large Iron Safe-val One small Iron Sae And Furniture beloniging o to the B3ank of Newbecrry, S. h Rl. L. 51'C'A E'GTIRIN, Jmne I I, 24-3t Receiver. SPARTANBURG Spartaubulrg C. H., S. C. TilE FALL4 SESSION, 1871, will opeu on MONDAY, JUNE 26th, and continue 20 weeks. Ample atir rrrrges fo'r thocrough1 instruc tion are offe-red at the following RATEs PER sEssioN, iN ADlTaMCE: Roard, i.:eludin;; washimt, fuel and lights.....................$75.00 Re;tular Tuition, including Latii. ... 50 Insteunmental Music, Piano, G;uitar, or Organ....................... 22.5(a h. Use ot Jnstrnmr.ent..... .. .... .... .2.50 For fut ther information, adldressg RET. SAMUEL B. JONE.S, a Rmxv. SAIIUEL LANDER, Jrne 1, 24-3m* Joint-Proprietors, a UhNTIL JULY, TIN-WARE, and GLASS-WARE, A t astonishmingly low prices, (NO HIUMBDG.) TOYS of all sorts at even less figures than the above. When you go into MZarsh:all's Store ASK for w-hat you want to bmuy-a man lost part of a large fortune last week by. neglecting this advice. L. R M. Jumne 14, 24-It. Tax Notice for 1871. FOR the informuationi of Tax Paaters I C woald beg lente. to- state that Capt. W. WV Davis, has been appointed Dep.uty Assessor for this County, and n attend the differ- ~ ent preeiers to take returns of P'ERSON. -. AL 'ROI'ERTY. iIe will notify in ad vance as to the place and time of his visit, and if tan; fail to prsen1t themselves the. Rasemts can be made before mec at my office, at New berry C. H. if any mhuuld re Suse er neglect to comply with this requisi- 10 tion the assessments will be made as pre-. ag scribed by l,aw. . n Assesswta t. to co, first of Jul.irlestor S. 3.0CTGOMERY,jng ber June 14, 2-4Ae County Aud,land Plant -r Etiwanm Fe: P A VIL I ON H OQT.upply byceadli Charleston. S. C.Kewberryv, Dec. BJARD PEE DAY - - I have now oni h: Mas H. L. RUTrEP.FIELD:No 2, and twenity will keep constant Rl. H AMILToN, Super popular fertihli:cr: __________________.-o lay in what thec ICE .CREt Dec.U, 50_ tf Can be.had .eVe rPAVnI noon at Mrs. $HOk Cha SA LOON. -R ~A .T~i~e 4. 2 ~f. II. L. BUT laski Lodge Ko. #0.O.L 'IlS L*e 1iyir eAik re%gamsej( Brothers aesiring to iao th tnuAeip ;iN:please leave their bi the tude-sigUed during the e ; -. JUN T. EETERSON, uue 14, 24-It ecretsrt. Newbkry Steam MW C4. mgStokhwde* of tg' ab*e na npan. are notided that"the pegular LMeetig will take place at the Mill urda,''the 24th inst., at 14) o'clock, * JOfLXP. 44. 't., r,ine 14, 24-2. )pecial Book Neti artWs Book 1 1 s ok buers.~l T. eole. of oun4arge yiee ollectoWi seeks, o6nilting EOLOGIGAL.-AFIS)-ELM BOOKS, S. S. LIBRARY BOOKS, AND jUVENILE BOOKS, re be:n.arranged and marked down :ordance with the reduced pric rthern nublia.hers. We offer o ife n'exfsixtf dayIS th r inducenent-of a liberal -discoat ,chases of Book aMoWnt' LLAR and upwar4s. Our TOC. OKS ebisists of alt the liest and tions or STANDARY:AN'EW .OUR JUVMULA MRALPTNMI artienlarly rich fn goo . for We have recently dade rg our stock of BIBEJIS. T,&ne "ly reduced. We are -now., usu-div large variety of, Iericdir Tamitly' Bibles, d the Episcogal Prayer Baek low. prie'. - We are Special Agents for y Sebool Publising -HoUes, nd stpplies of their,pu All varieties of STATI ONARY tortnent -of SC.HOOL.BOOS 7 - Our S!ore isso-arrangediitals Zinin1C the steck -at theit. ee of ea.h book is marked s rehassers erery 'Scility.~ cgPersons re.4ding in -thm mbe bear in mind that b--A-2 rs to us f>r any boO!0s o - t, they wilfbe ~iarge ony ok. We pay-Ir,tbe postag Address . FOGARTIES 300t - No. 260 KING1erREEr, t CHARLESTON, SOT kpril 26, 17-1y - A Rebellions St6ff&... h, like the body pofiti;, e nt by rebellion. -nd vhiok e liver, the bowel*. the nervesi lation, the ..brain,. revolt .3 whole spitem. isi disastrously neify-nd reguslate the derw gn fist,1asnd the -disteb~ adencies will speedilv terative, correctivRI~ ties of. .rra.'s. -s nder it an irre able is a fine sto ation 'is so SOM . June 14, 24 Incre The Directorio ewberrv;,'bavin~ detern e-Carfiral Stoek of the sam. 1e Hunndred~ -Thouand-Dolfe'ui, reby given that subscripios oec will no* he received ,Pa ay wish to secure -sock sho.tM plication. ' . I. MScC11G .Junse 7, 23-=2.--' -'P 'he- National kanM Newberry. Subscribers to the (apital Ste tsional-BainTof eberry are hr led th'st theif subscriptions inus8t na or before.tJie 2fltiJune' inlsStans By ozder of the:B3ard of4litejtoe R. L. Mc ACGUKRN June-7, 2a- lt. PROSPERTY~ TEAX TIlE nr.dersigned3 having parcua' orougly re(itted the Mill for Messrs. Sense & Wheeler, big 4sve form, the publid that we ard pregasd ind CORN and WHIEAT. And'd*1 so be pre-pared, in a short time, CAE 00L. We aL<seep cotan8hKoR*m supply of.. C GRoY5A hich we will sell at~ lowest cisi el~6 ill exchange the s'ine for god a wing standard weight for-eah.f We hope by strict. attentioest me, it a share of public WHl.ELER & June 7, 23-3t*. LU. 3. LALAE. E. Y. L PAUL B. LAL.ANE & ATJC TIO seneral Commd AND WHIOLEAL GRO~j - 171 EAST BAT~ CIIARLESTON, S. C. ONSIGN31ENTS SOLI PRcS.--essrs. Hart & 00. ce, Messrs. Weagner & Monsees. .Mr. mat, F. J7. RIob-rts, Discount Cler* ional Bhank-. -A NS. sished the Agency or the I Super-Phosphate Com. ,S. C., and C~apt. W. H; appointedl in my place.. ers n ho use those justly tilizers will find an am-. ag on Capt. Webb. G. T. SCOTT.. 13, 1870. mdh eighty Tons of Etiwam Tons of the No. 1, and ly supplied with these '. l6:-muers will do- well, wan.t at once. W. H. WEBB. ON HOTEL. eston. S. C. iERFIELD, Proprietress