The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, April 12, 1871, Image 4

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IF WE KNEW. If we knew the woe ard heartache U aiting forfus down.the road, jour lips.could taste the wormwood, If onr backs could feel the load, ; o.-Uwe w*aste the day in wishing For a time that ne'er can be; Would we wait in such impatience For our ships -.o come from sea? if we knew the 1 -by fir.gers Prescd against the window pane, Would be cold and stiff to-morrow Never trouble us aga:n Would the bright eyes of our darling Catch the frown upon our brow; Would the print of rosy fingers Vex us then as they do now ? Ah, these little ice-cold fingers, Ilow they point out memories back To the hasty words and actioni Strewn along our backward track I How these little bands remind us, As ;n snowy grace they lie, Not to scatter thorns--but roses For our reaping by-and-by! StranLewe never:prize the music Till the sa eet-voiced bird has flown; Strange that we should slight the violots Till the lovely flowers are gone; Strange that summer i-kies and sunshine Never seem one-half so fair As when winter's snowy pinions Shake their ..aite down in the air. Lips from which the seal of silence None but God can roll away, Never blossomed in such be-uty As adorns the mouth to-day ; And sweet words that freight our memory, With their beautiful perfume, Come to us in sweeter accent., Through the portals of the tomb. Let us gather up the sunbeams Lying all around our path ; Let us keep the wheat and roses, Casting out the thorns and chaff; Let us find our sweetest comfort In the blessings of to-Jay, With a patiit hand removing All the briars from our way. We copy the following notice given by the property owners of New Orleans, as bearing on this vexed question : NEw OLMNS, March 18, 1871. "The undersigned property-owners and tax-payers of the City of New Or leans, satisfied that t;,- State Legisla ture has, at its last session. ,;ceeded its power in the loans, endorsement and other obligations and grants authorizea on the part of the State, the total aouat of which is limited, by the recent ilmend ment to the constitution, to $5,000,000, (incurred already) as shown by the an eied afticial statement of the auditor, tak: Chis early opportunity of notifying bankers, brokers and dealers in securi ties, in this country and Europe, that they consider all such loans, endorse asets and pledges as null and of no value; that they will sustain the au 1'S:rtfes in resistig e'heir issue, and if jig'd, wiill, by every 1egal means, en deavor to pre'cnt thie paya)fte of any interest or principat or of any tan levied for. that purn'ose. They only reesoize e Stato debt proper, amountisig to $55,2,7843 40, as shown in de .accom anying exhibit of the se&tor, -endtthey .eas the 'accruing:-dett' "nth the JUga legislation pr'es.ously r.ferred to." ~L&51al -or OFFICES.At a mii of the 'Waihalla Hook and Ladde,r<G'fii -pany, on Tuesday evening,. 28th -in4tan, at Ansel's Ilall, the following omeers -we* elected tosere for the easmag iPresident-Wo.- Korber. Vice--President--T'hos. P. Ji# Directo'-s-1st, Jnn. Dale; 2nd, H. B. Schroder ; 3rd, M. F. Ansel:; &t', J. B. Watson. Secretary--S. S. Smneltser. Trreasurer-A. Breneck~e, Hall-Keeper-J..lE.:Oste. dorfE. Axemen-HIenry Stucke, Jaco'o Schro der..-hco wee C.eur4e, Wnort'rts.-.ii the debate in the Sen ate, en the Kui K~lux questien) last Tues 4ay, Arnes, bayonet Senator from Mis sissippi stated that over 800 Republioans est been murdered in Louisiana with da the last sixty days. Pool said ihat from 30,000 to 35,000 white men voted the Republican ticket in North Carolina last fall. But the ntotornon. Morton capped the climax of falsehoods biy stating that 50,000 murders had bee ootamitted in the South since t'ne war What a sad spectale is presented to th country when such astounding false hoods are gravely uttered in the Senat -a body once honored by the presenc of Webster, Macon, Clay. Calhoun, Ran dolph and Bertijen !-Phonix. Pars'in Cain, one of the most influen tial leaders of his race in the State, join In the desertion of the colored auxillia riea from the Radical e-imp. "Intelli enee," he declares in the Missionary Reord, at Charleston, "will rule the world. Curse and brand it as you may therN is a power in intellect and integrity that nothing can overcome, and the only question is whether the ignorant anc corrupt shall still have preferment, anc the people quietly submit to be ruled by stupidity." Good for Dad,1y Cain-his head i straight, if his hair is not. BctRNED TO DEATt.-We regret to leart that a little daughter of Mr. Welsh, o this County, was burned to death las week. The child, as we understand was playing in a sedge field, when fire was commtunicamted to it. T[he flame: spread w.ith such rapidty that the chil< was unable to make its escape. [Keowee Courier. Pleasanton decides that persons whos gross income duxing 1S70, estimtates i currency, w as less than $2,000, are nt required to make i.ncome returns, no need make a Sinal showving, if their gros income did not exceed that sum. The Air--line Rbtilroad. near Greenville,i moon to be graded. The Mountaineer say that the contracts provide for the comple don of said 'work prior to Junary of uex yearThe Samter News also states t TasrrPerronneau is aurthorized to cori uract for grading the whole line of road frot Samter to the North-estern connection. L. E, Bigger, a carpes-bag mnerchante Clarendon, was taken from his store by party of disguised men on Wednesday lasi carried to a wood, bucked, gagdand tie to a tree, and his house hurn e. U~nder pets alty of death lie was made to quit the conn try. lie was of the mneanest stripe, and th papers state that he richly merited what h received, Hie is the same individual wb tried to get a S12,000 imaginary claim onut the Legislature, A new Blaptist Church is to be erected o a piece of ground near the Newberry Col lege. Wathalha, donated by~ Mr. Biemaan, say the Conrier The following is a complete list of e-~ ConfWderate othcers in the present House of Repreaentatives, with their rank. There are seventeen in all-tifte"n are ienocrats, and the last t*o (Whiteley and l:iy! ) are Republicans: P. M. B. Young, 4eorgi., itnjoir-geieral: Joseph ILe%it, Ketutcky, titigndierageneral; D. M. tuloosc, Georgia, brigadier-general; .1. M. Waddell, Noith Carolina, briga. diur-general; J. M. L-ach. North Caro lita, colonel; R. T. IV. Duke, Virginia, colonel ; E. M. Braxton, Virginia, major; A. T. Meityre, Georgi-i, colonel ; Wil. liam P. Price, Georgia, captain ; W. A. Hand:y, Alabama, captain ; Jo.seph II. Sloqs, Alabama, z;;j ,r; Elward Cros! land, Keiucky, colonel; E. I. Golladay, Tennessee, colonel ; R. P. Gldwell, Ter nessee, colonel ; R 11. Wisitely, Georgia, ujor ' Charles Hays, Alabama, captain. LAND AND Imxr.tAros AssocrAfbo. -The Charleston News says: Gen. V. C. Butler, Mr. John Chadwick and Gen. M. W. Gary, have entered into an ass ciation for the purpose of introducing immigrants into South Carolina, arid have matured a plan of operations which wiP, it is believed, insure the success of their operations. Land owners are requestid to place their snrplus lanl- in the hands of the association to he sold to intending immigrants. For selling the land the association will ch:rre a reasonable com mission. The gentlemen now associated together in the good cause need no reconimends,ion in S.>uth Carolina. and their names and reputAtion will doubtless give to their umvlertaking that public confidence whi,b is one of the m)st es sential cle'lieits of success. The Atlanta Era is sure there are diamonds in northeastern Georgia, and that the search for them will be highly remunerative. A gentleman of Atlanta states that Humboldt, many years ago, expressed the opinion that dia monds existed northeast Georgia. This opinion was formed from what Ie knew of the configura tion and geology ofthe country, for he never was there. A coin pany is already organized to com mence diamond hunting near Gainesville, Hall County. A SENSIBLE "CHARITY."-The last slave in New Jersey, a colored woman, called "Charity," died last Sunday in the ninety-fifth year of her age. She did not wish to be. come a free woman when the op portunity was given to all her race to acquire liberty. Charity pre ferred to have somebody, better able than herself, to supply her waIts, and hugged the chains that guarz2tel" her food and clothing in all contit;eneies. Afflictions are s1.lutary'. To yield its best fruits, tho soul, like the soil, must be harrowed. Love is like honesty-muich talked about, b'ut little understood. Every period of life hias its peculiar prejudices. Whoever saw old age that did not applatid the past and condemn the present tir-ie ? SPdLu NOTItRE No o'aie need ask me for any mor e CREDIT DURING THIS YEAR. I am determined to do a CASH BUSINESS. I have tried the CREDIT SYSTEM for more than 25 YEARS and find it DON'T PAY. & All orders .sent ,to me must be accompanied with the CASH. 99tr I take no promises for TO MORROW. A. M. WICKER. Jan. 18, 3-Sin. WMa J LAKE, Insurance, NEWBERRY, S. C. AG.ENT FORt THE Piedmont & Arlington Life Insurance Company. Assets over : : : S 2,000,000 Annual Income : :: 1,300.000 Insures against death from all causos. WM. J. L AKE, Newberry, S. C. Feb.. 22, S-t. REMOYAL SM1YES & MRTIN Haing removed from their old stand, to their Vt mmodious New Brick Store, call attention to their increased facilitis for the transaction of business, and inv a eall from their friends and customers. qTheir stock consists of ali grades of GR00CERIE S PROVISIONS, BAGGIM, ROPE, TIES, &c., &c. MAYES & MARTIN. Noe. 23, 47-tf. ATTENTION LNTERS. SI WOULD call attention to the fact of my having a large and comnmo dious WAREHOUSE, and till be pleased to store Cotton, Guanos~ and Eother Merchandize On as reasonable terms as any one. W. .H. WEBB. EOiTTE'S " VICTORIA TONIC BITTERS ENTIRELY VET0ABLE. FOR TIE CURE OF . Dyspepsia, Agne nd Fever, Billious Diseases, Gene ral Debility, and ail Impurity of the Blood. It excites healthy appetite invigorates the Digestive Orgnns, i6 de-roi. of all that dreadful poi.on-F!jsi1 Oil, and inap-rta a most agreeable, w-trainjg. antd cordial effeet to the Stomnch. It exlilarutes zhe spirits. relieves pain, aid is in ,t wond,. I tally effi in all d biliiet and irr-gul:arides of Femnles It will prove a pow4itive preventive in all MALARIAL CONTAMIN ATION. MOTTE & TARRANT,! Xmanufactrers and Sole Proprietors, NEWBERRY, S. C. Mar. 15, 11-tf. Sewing Machines. HEREAFTER these valuable macline!t, SO 1eCe:;SrV '0 the comfort of erery fanly, wil be kept for sale at the Bookstore. Warranted to give satisfaction. Call and examine. Subscriptions received to all the Lad:es' - Magazines, viz: Godey. Frank Leslie, Dem oreet, Peterson, Lady's Friend, Die 3foden welt, iand others. Subscribe at once CAI Any hok that may be wanted by aUy r person, if not on hand, will be procured and sold at Publisher's prices. At the Book tore, Newberry. JOHN A. CIIAPMAN. Jan. 4, 1--tf. W. L. GOUDINE, FASHIONABLE TAILOR SCOURER, &c., Jai FROM CHARLESTON. Respectfully announces that he is prepared to cut and fit gentlemen's suits to their entire satisfaction. Hay ng had a large experience in the tail orig business, and being constantly .pplied with the latest New York Fashions, he feels no hesitancy in ask- AGENI ng for patronage. Work promptly delivered. Terms moderate. To making sack coat..................s$4 00 T To cut and make pants................ 2.50 ro cut and make vest.................. 1.50 To cut and make walking coat......... 5 00 CELTI To cut and make fine black frock coat.. 8 00 ro cut snit of c:otbes.................. 1 00 April 5.1 A [ARGE ARRIVAL Of the=Most Approved J AndF Which we will sell on the most ATISFACTORY TERMS. r! We invite an examination of thet b oth as to character and price. R. MOORMAN & Co. eb-f.22, Wagon Making. Repairing, &c. THlE undersigned has opened a shop. halt a mile from Helena, (on G. & C. R. R.,) t Judge Lake'a place, where he is prepared o Shoe Horses, Lay Plows, Make and Re air Wagon.e, and do any kind of Wood Work, either A,zricultural, Mill or Domesatic Work. He, will also repair Gotton Gi:as. hoeing a Ilor-:e............... - 1 2" [aying a Plow (o wz,er furnishing iron,) 40 " "(he furnishing iron,)... 4.5Sre 2 Ho:se Wagoni witha body. .......11 nn " " witm.out body...0.00 , comp All other work in proportion. 'and e All that is asked ia a share of his friends' warra patron age. Call and aee. respe STEPHEN F. E. GRUBER. Det Mar. 1, 'j-tf. MACQlUEEN & RIECKE,NI WHOLESALE PROVISION & PRODUCE A.P DEALERS. ro lave constantly on hand and receiving Bacon. Dry Salted Meats, Pork, TE Lard, nleef, Flour, Sugar, henir Molasses, &c. JAN Purchasers are requested to examine their Tat stek at of5' extra 21 and 23 VENDUE RANGE, i CHARLESTON, S. C.""I Feb. 22, S-6m. aga Stereoscopes, '."o ALBUMS, entra cIrBOMOS. - 'Zt~ FRAMES. advai E. & H. T. ANTHONY & co., 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORE, Invite the attention of tbe Trade to their ex tensive assorment of the above goods,_ of - their own publication, manutactureC ands im- D portationi. Also. PHOtO LANTERN SLIDES, and GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 BROADWAY, NEW YoRK, Opposite Metropolitan flotel, IXPORTERs ANDP MANUFACTURE8 of PIOTOGRAPIIICMATERIALS Mar. 15, 11-3m. SALOON. fRc B. M. BLEASE is with Messrs. Ward & fron Pierson, and will be glad to see all of his!, and old friends.ron Best brands of Ales, Wines, Brandies, paret Whiskies, Gin, &c., on band. Fancy Dria ink th &c., at all times. tm Feb. 22, 8--tf. Ja STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, NEWBERRY COUNTY. By James G. Leahy, Probate Judge. Whiereas, Joel W. Andersona hath made H suit to me to grant him Letters of Adminis. SulpI traion, de bionia non of the Estate and ef pany fects John N. Floyd, deceased. Web These are therefore to cite and admonish! Fan: all and singular, the kindred and creditors popu 'of the said deceased, to be and appear be- ple s fore me, in the Court of Probate, tobe held, at Newberry Court House, on the 12th day of April next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew I I? cause, if any they have, why the said ad- No-. ministration should not be granted. Given will I under my hand thais 29th day of March, popn Anno Domini, 1871. o laI JAMES C. LEAHIY, r. .7. K. c. Apr.. 5,4-_1, De TB H OF THIS POPULAR S BEEN REDUCED FOR I TO MEET TIE NECES-SIT EANTIN- OOA AND HAS BEEN F!' F.Jifty Dollars per Ton of E---Fifty-five Dollars per Ton ayable Ist November, 1871, 7t WM. C. DUKJ A G E N T C H A R L E S T C . MOORMAN & CO.. Agen 11, 2-3in. AAC SULZBACHER, T SIGN OF MAMMOTH CLOCK. (Under Columbia Hotel,) '-'LUM1BIA, S. G., I FRARRANT'D ... TO GIVE ATED SATISFT'N and dealer in TC II ES no CLOCKS, Stve fELRY, SILVER WAIE, ik ANCYARTI1LE~ icg' o A N C Y A R T I ~Zj L E (,)rde CUTILERY, PIPES. THE~ erything usually kept in a first Tailor elass- Jewelry Store. m>trke rders promptly antd satisfaceto-- LoeAc tended to. Cirei 7 t J. I. THllMPSd g~as URGEON DENTlST, t~ IP. - 1Dec BU uecessor to Dr. W . B McKeliar.) Ceover McFall & Pool's store, on M ain the old business left unfinished will he etd on the terms as before arratnged. ervthing done in the best m:anner axnd ned. The patronage e the public is 'vllr solicited. 8. 48-tf. ~ ~ IFR, I. A., : : : 1%.L21. If c ANIE LEAVELL, :: Assistant- tosl .W RBER, : Msical Dap't. Fin, Enext session of this SCHOOL, w11 and d on TUESDAY, THE TuIRD (:id) OF hn .ARY, 1S71. teI i-Fromi $10) to SeO per half session P inths. Music and .\odern Lantguatges to ~ tiuction riven ir. all the brtanch<.s cano taugt in Fer'ile S'Tboo!s of the the sat itgrade. ps from a distance can obitaint hoard we udprivate families at about $15 per htatd h. of the pil will he charged from the date of ge x e, and no reduction will be made I hi iin eases of protracted Sc B.The Tuiition fees must be paid ini rrticulars apply to Jan COL. S, FAIR, Prest Boand Trustees, or S. P. BOOZER, Esq., Sec. . E. C. JONES, --~ abov, SURGEON DENTIST, NEWBERRY, S. C. to th oms over Mr. Mower's store, and infie of ierald otlice.fin ke pleasure ini informing my friends the he public generally, that my den:atl itare now open, and tha~t I ant pre I o execute all work in my profession they most approved mnn~~zer. ti determined to devote my entire fi and energy to miy profession, whet j12 2 tf- the f P1 ETIWANS their IG reliqtished the Agency of the ric Acid and Super-Phosphate Comn ofCharleston, S. C., and Capt. W. HI. thaving been appointed in my place. Fe er and Planters who use those justly - .. a Etiwatn Fertilizers,. will fittd an ant pply b calling on Capt. We'.h. G. T. SCOTT. berry, Dec. 13, 18'0. O ae now on band eighty Tons of Etiwan :,aid twenty Tons of the No. 1, and ( eep constantl~y supplied with these -r fertilliers. Farmers will do well in what they wart at one. Li I T Z E fice T '1/1 Ta' col -sti du4 arorl FEKTILIZER co bko it 'H8S 0 N 0F p187 T- M* T.T1T Lr TY LED A' 2,000 Ibi at Factory. of 2,000 lb:. at Factory, ithout Interest. tM anti NS & C00., )N, S. C. ts at Newberry., S. C. an -E SIN G -E Rmr 281 an 1T e4 ev FAUTLY SEW(-VG MACHU U , is S rered-for stle on easy terms, .tt the gency, No. 197 Kiag St. Cuarl estw, - Tfiread, Needles and M:chinc Fir d 'the best qtality. Stitching do;ne to General rep-irin! executed. EW AN%FACTURINGrMACl %? and Boot Fittees, is the best in the'ij I and Traveling Agents Wanted. lars and Samples on application. THE SINGER 'in Mach:ne Agency !Io 197 x.TNG STREET. II AR L EST ON. S. C. W. & R. S. CHICK, Agents, 7, 49-70-17. ~ de1GESI BIJGGIESI ~educed Pi ices, And at Great Bargains, led for son, as *e are determined _ Top Buggies for $250. ble Seat (Jpen Buggies, (a very pretty ~sirale artie'e for f;:mity use, can be 'd in a min'ute to a Single Seat,) at. V rice of tl75. n Single Seat Buggies at from $150 same goal:ity and styles of work a] tbe bough:t in an y mnarket South for wi ne moey. Itel ;eep a1 lot of ready adne wheel< on pa f well seasoned and good material f:ioiing goai:lities, Doubsle XX, Sin No I, an No., at low Prices coyi nar rh depot, Newberry, TAYLOR & CO. 2, -m C' 'he unersigned ini offering the. .Fertilizer 1 e Planters of Newberry. feel con that its quality is fully equal to 'est Fertilizers no0w man ufactured. IS being the first year of its sale, cannot furnish any testimonials merits; but ft.el assured that Cc once fully tried, it will become La avorite fertilizer in the South. in tuters are requested to sen din1 Ba orders as promiptly as possible.I Mayes & Martin, Agrents at Newberry, S. C. b 15 7ff tf 15 Barrels genuine - LEANS SYRUP) n hand and for sale by AYES & MARTIN. DR. TUTT'S XPECTORANT FOR Coughs, Colds, &C. or the Speedy Relief AND PERMANENT CURE OF ONSUMPTION,3 BRONCHITIS, STHMA COLDS AND ALL DISASAMS O3 TIER ings, Chest, or Throat! EIE EXPECTORANT is composed exclu.4ve ly of Herbal and Mucilaginous products. ich meate the very Subslance of the Lngs, .g them to throw off the acrid matter which lects in the Bronchial Tubas, and at the same e f,rms a sootbing coating. relieving the irri- f Ion whicli produces the cough.a objct to be ,btained is th cleanse the or- a , falimpuritim- ; to ne-urbab anoi Areng!then hen it has become Impaired a:td enfeebled by w-e: to revew and invixorate the cisculation [he blod. tid stengihen the nervous orgaui ion. The EXPECTOIANT oiei this to an0 .ishing degree. It is active but mi!d and F genial, imparting tuixctimizal energy and uat- 1j I stregi h. It bffords Qxyzen to vitalizq th- V od, and Nitrogen to assimi ate the matter equalizes the "nervous Influence," Iducing qaiet and composure. TO CONSUMPTIVES s invaluable, as it immediately relieves the 5cult bneathiug aud harassiug cough whichI .nds that disease. FOR ASTHMA is a specific-one dose often relieving t. dis ising choking, and producing calm and pteas . repose. ---0 FOR CROUP mother should ever be without a bottle ofthe PECTORANT in the house. We have nume s certificates of its having relieved. almost in tly. the little su&rer, when death appeared ost inevitable. OTHERS BE ADVISED! Keep it on 17and! Is dread disease requires prompt action; as soon he hourse, hollow cough i b eard, apply the iedy. and it is easily subdued; BUT DELAY IS DANGEROUS! : The properties of the EXPECTORANT demulcent. nutritive, balsamic, soothing, and ding. It braced the e,ervou- -.yatexa and pro es pleasut and refredbing sleep. EXHTLRATES AND RELIEVES GLOO9 INESS AND DEPRESSION. 'ontaloing all !'ese gnalities in a convenient I concentraved frn it has proven to bet he ost Valuable Lung Balsam !r offered to su&rers from Pulmonary dis 'repared by WM. H. TUTT & LAND, AUGUSTA, GA. 4d by Druggists everywhere.. ;ov. 23.47--6m. WE have now an elegant ock of 9oTg 8HO88, &C. Which we will SELL LOW. ur terms fromn this date are lerefore our prices will rrespond with the times. BRAMS & METTSs yrups and Sugars. Just received a beautiful 1: of K. 0. Syrups and Sugars. For sale low at W. H. WEBB'S. ec. 14. 50-tf'. THE CELEB3RATED We have a large lot of this highly - )roved FFRTILIZER. which we I sell on the most accomimodatinig ms. Call on R. NIOOR.3AN & ).-with whom it is stored-for rticulars. P. W. & B, 8, CHM.* Feb. 22, 8-tf. A. A. KILLIAN, )tractor and Builder, laing locsted in the town of Newberry, repared to make CONTRACTS and do kinds of HOUSE CARPENTERING other JOBS in this liie at REASON LE PRICES, and in an EXPEDIT[OUS SATISFACTORY mannier. Work taken own or country and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 'eb. 22, 8-3m. OOtMIN&80HliUPERT, AT TORNEYS AT L AW, NEWBERRY, S. C. --:0: The undersigned have formed a -partnership mn the practice of theI w, and can be foud at their office the building of the "Newberry nk," front room, up stairs.c TU*OMAS S. 3IOORMAN, a VSBORNE L SCIIUMPERT. a ?eb. 22, S-tf. [AILiLA ROPE, Suitable for well ropes. K For sale by D. MOWER. 1 00 lbs. Bluestone, I For sale by D. MOWER. Money Cannot Buy It! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS! The Diamond Glasses, . E SPENCER & C0., N. Y., Which are now oferd tothe public. are pro nounced by the celebrased Opticians of the World to be the MOST PERFECT, atural, Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own superviion, ramn minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together. nd derive their name. "Diamond," on account f their hardiness ai.d brilliancy. The Scientidc Principle W which they are constructed brings the core C r centre of the lens directly in front of the eye. raducin a clear and distinct vision. as in the atural, lenithy sight. and preventing all un Jeamnt mensations. such as glimmering and mavering ofsight, dizziness, &c., peculiar to all tesin use. They are Xounted in the Finest Manner, n frames of the best quality, of all materials U*ed for that purpose. Their Finish and Durability CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Caxrro,.--one genuine unless bearing their rade mark stamped on every frame. J. W. MONTCOMERY, Jeweler and Optician, Is sole agent for I NEWBERM7T, S. C., rom whom they can only be obtained. These goods are not supplied to Pedlers, at any price. Oct 6,40-ly. WILLIAM GLAZE. JUST received a large assortment o. VATMHES.-Gold and Silver Ilnting. ;Ielll Winding, Open Face, or Swiss, Eug ih and American manufacture. CLOCKS.-French Parlor, of Black Ma-. >le, Gilt Ormula, Rosewood and Walnut. SPE(;TACLES.-Gold, Silver and Steel, >f all descriptions; Eye Classes with Gold, lubber and Tortoise Shell Frame. TH.MBLES.-Gold and Silver of all de triptions. L %DIES' JEWELRY.-Gold Rings, plain Lnd with settings of all kindz of precious tones ; Brooches, Ear-rings, Necklaces, 3racelets and Armlets, Gold Chatelaine and d Leontine Chains; all varieties of Jet, iubber, Gold, Pearl and mourning Jewelry ind Ornamnents, &c. GENTLEMEN'S JEWELRY.-Vest and 7uard Chains, Collar and Shirt Butons, ,leeve Buttons, Seal Rings, Brooches, Scart Pins, Ac. BILERWA RE. SPOONS.-Table , Dessert, Tea, Sugar, Iustard, Pup. Salt Spoons and Ladles. FORK-4.-Table, Dvssert and Break;ast. KNIVES.-Desbert, Fruit, Butter, Fish, Pie, Gake and Cheese Knives. PITCHER.-Chalices and Com-nunion s.ets, Ice Pitchers, Cups, Bowls and Gob ets. CASTORS.-Silver and Plated, Fruit ands, Cake Baskets, Pickle Standa, Coffee~ alakers, Cream Pots, Salt and Biuter Dishes, Waiters, &c. WILL xM r LAZE, One door No:-h of Scott, #t dlitams & Co.'5 anking House, Mai street. Nov. 9, 4.5-ti. pring & Summer Importation 1871. Iillinery and Straw Goods. LRMSTONG;ATOR, & CO., IMPORTEES AND JonnEKCS 0F lonnet, Trimming & Velvet Ribbons. lO0DET SILS, SAIlNS and V1EL18~, ~Inds, Netts, Crap s, Ruches, Florwers, Fsathers. ORNAME.\TS, TAW BONNETS AND LADIES' HATS, TRIMXIED AN5D UNTR.iMMED. r SHAKER HOODS, &C' j~ 237 and 239 BALTIXORE STREET. BALTIX0EE, MD' Offecr the l:ergest Stock to be fonnd in this o outry, and once:elled in choice variety n nd chespness, comprising the latest Enro'. t evn novelties. Orders solicited, and prompt attention glv.. n. Mar. 1, 9-3m SOLE, IIAR I Eus s et, Upper a c ani Wliang 2EAITHER, )u hand and for sale by D. MOWER A pr. (3. 14--tf. DIJPOR TANT 50 TICE ONSUMERS OF DRY GOODS. 11 Retail Orders amounting to $20 and Over Delivered in any Part of the Country FREE OF EXPRESS CHARGES. IAMILTON EASTER & SONS, OF BA LTIMtORE, MD., n.order the better to meet the wants of their al tetail Customers at a distance, have established a a S AMPL E B U REA U, ud will upon application, promptly send by Is y mail fulflines of Samples or'the Newest and a most Fashionable Goods, of FRENCH. ENG, JSH and DOMEITIC MANUFACIURE,guar- ea nteing at atimetoasell as low,lif not at less si rices, than any house in the co ntry. bl Bying cur goods from the largest and mocst elebrated msnufacturuss in the different parts of al aurope, and Importing the mne by Steamers di- os et to Baltimore, our stock isat all time rpt al supplled with the novelties of the Lanon and 'are markets. ti As we buy am,d ell only for cash and make no p ad debts, we are able and wilIn to sell our o :oods at raox Tkw To FwTua Pea CzuT, o .uesS PROmr? than if we gaecredit. p Ins sendg era seif h kind ofgoodsp esired. Wehs h f~ga.c every class f goods, from telowest ohmost oostly. ranunaccompanied by the cash will be sent . PROMP-PAYING WHOLEiALE BUYERS1 o re nvited to ineeethe Stock In our Jobbing ad Packg Dea et. Address HAMILT , EASTEE & SONS, 197, 190, ZIl and 13 West Baltimore Street, Oc.26, 48-ly, Battimoe, Md. Frog Level j CUSTOMERS will take notice that have a full supply of that good nahe of AXES on hand, and for sale ow. D). MOWER. Nov. 23, 47--tf. CUSTOM made pegged CALF 300TS. and warranted. For sale by D. MOWER. Ayer's Hair Vigor; For restoring Gray air t, ts natural Vitality and Color. A dressing whic is at o c &remblsv healthy, and. for preserving thi hair. Fad or~ har is sooni to its Wrigial col,' with the gSim aM freshnen of Yok* Thin hair is thiekA ned, falling hair checked, a baldk ess often, though not ahays, can& 7 its use. Nothing can restore the air where the follicles are' destroyei ,r the glands atrophied and. decayetL 3at such as remain can be saved fe, Lsefulness by this applicaion. In*e f fouling the hair with a seii ment, it will keep it clean and ta occasional use will prevent t ha rom turning gray or falling oX nsequently prevent baldness. 'om those deleterious substances nake some preparations dangermis njurious to the hair, the 1FjVr~ nly benefit but not harm it. If nerely for a HAIR DRESSING, othing else can be found SO deirable Jonai'n neither oil nor dye,.i~ does ot soil te cambric, and yet l ong on the hair, giving it a r' glm ustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J, C, Ayer & Co. PuncAL AN ANALYTICAL -EEI LowFiAU MAMS. PIC3 $LOO. For s.4le by u'T rE & TARrANT. Sep. 7, '70-36-ly. THE GREAT M HUMAN MISERY. ust Published, in a Sealed EnyeIope. Pde six cents. k LActure on the Nature, Treatment "ad .dical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or natorrhma, induced by self abm,eeh . intary Emissions, Impotency. Neryom De. >lity, and Impediments to Marriage aei% rally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fils; dental and Physical Incapacity, &t.-By LOBERT J. LVERWELL, X. -R. hor of the 'Green Book,,e. -'U The world-renowned authr, ithb Adu able Lecture, clearb proves how- his oa xperience that the awfat easea.e.m at self Abuse may be elfecrally removed with nt medicines, and witbol dangeroms al operations, bongies, instraments, >r cordials, pointine out a mode of cn at mnee certain and effectual by ibkh,ey luferer, no marter what bis condition may e, may cure himn.elf cheaply, privately, sad adical!y. This lecture wjdl provea.boon to bonsands and thousands. - . Sent uder seal, in a plain envelope. tosny~ tddress, on receipt of six cents, or.WpCt ige stamos, by addressing the puise. Also. Dr. Culverwvell's "Marriage nk', rice 25 cents. ' Address the Publishers, '. CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO., 1.27 Bowery, New T4rid. Sep. 7, 38-ly. P'ost-Office Bo ri8k8 Metll|ic Aini ICul TI1IE SU'BSCRIEBER has constzant'y es and a fuP,assort ment of the above appesild ases, of diffeirn patterns, besides e a I his own make, all) of which hepUisl furnish at very reasonable raee ii roptness and despatch. Persone desirons of having cas esYeby iilroaid will have them sent freee siIarg A Hearse is always on handaad.'wil be trished at the rate of $10 per&g . Thankful for past patronage,. ue- as riber respectfnlly asks for a coinuations the same, and assures the pablio- tks o efort on his pars will be sreto*aedec e utmost satisfction. A. (c.cara Newberry S. C., July 31. . ash & Blink. The subscriber takes pleasure in annoasne ug to thi< community that, having nied I necessary arrangements, he will be-shieb >furnish lash with and withoa# Glass, and Blinds, Lt Verv Moderate Rates!!! For Cash! , ANDREW C. CHIAP AN Oct. 7 41 tf. Newberry C. H'75. Carolina National Bank 09 OOL UM1BIA, S. C. capital Stock Paid in, S200,000. BO)ARD OF DIREC'fORS: L. D. CHtI LDS, PaEst:DEwr. Dr. .J. W. Parker, It.-3. Wallace. .John S. Wiley, Dr. John T. Dar . E. Hlope. .Richard..'N'eale, Jr.. C. D. MELTorN, Attorney C W. B. Gulick, C. J..Iredell. . Cashier. Assistant Cdshiers The capital stock of this Bank 1inos I of which has been padin, a~nd o&ed'. a Comptroller of te Curreney. Authorityba so been received for a further increase to the. non of SS'.0u0s, of which over ~2,O00 has al ady been taken. Persons wishin to make an. vestimn abould api wikhout 4ay. The. arpls Fund is now $6o, re v cent. - mon its stock.-- . : The Carolina Natioa Beisk issues S, tea of depois bearing intereaatltbear vn per cent. per annum. This, feature ofls.' A SA GSANI d attention is called to the fact that. the-saMfi tese dpsts, as well all oe,ge teed by te whole eapital of the ak o safer mode of temporary lnvereanka ige the publie tha this-the depdesg yle on demand or on short notice. -pil. any amount reeed either-iIn.crm >n and payable in the same. I mid at heend of each six ~ph4~d. ostaremain beyond that len~t Colmb, ..,January 2,~.'' BWLL REEDER. . arvenMA' Da REEDER 4 AI General Commission Mirchants, ADGER'S WHARF. CHARLESTON, S. C. Oct. 12, 41-. ALL parties indebted to'ne by Meal ran dum A ccount, orin any other way, ,.rc q. d to inayo thto 0smeat onzct