The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, April 05, 1871, Supplement to Newberry Herald., Image 6

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- a QAll x.0. A; -j -ALIhoinra t ad ithn i -tao'po* 46~ A T4ef0p d0ailhOU -t p ~em 61 #yen 9w atredstoo ' yWym 9~~~~~~t V4 I a fhf M$t'at iet b tif, Whq shi06j be sworn InI and in*fested *Kth" ilh-ij v'vq:*'reand oU646ijlo all i6a'atieesindi ii4bll tiibta 0onaD,iiio Iiow' d okr stibjA61o C by ia*, '1 additoh, td thb dutlois'ri ibltt - s Pbofally. obb ferkod a'd Impbeed up6tijb'em b: - te Tpw, 0ub4th 'rovided, That thdir"Jurisdko tionsha bb~ufled it ieimits 6f,tho Old( Ip6w6r :to eataifilob" 4-guar'dL hoitoe ind'to pro bajbe'b'iod(nabefsuMfble ykile6 -and i-egula Misefdr- keeping -'&-d governing tho.sauieo,an( tritil, edohb guaWd" house khall be establitihed tity s'ai obtitlbrzedto uso a robin in thi ofriniotn Jail of'Darlington COunty for tho. contino .meoot of all ViO'sobs wlhd,-msy be subjoot to'b4 oinitted for violation of any ordinance of thi Aowp, passed-it odufortulty to the provisions ol this Aot;'hnl hb vMd Town Vouncil may, by,or, dinanhoo, o4 th4"e'id( Intendant and Wardens ft ero,any qneb oranore of thenm, allthorlXd an( require:tMY Marhl U the town, or, any Cot%t blo, sOie61&ly'appoIut41 for that purpatio, to or rbs%0r, comoit taid itard hoaao or jail of Dar - ibi*4oWyOout1typ6v4 he oaso May bW, Wtraltdra naex -e9d twdf"t-four louru,- ay person 61 orsons Who, withlin ho corporate. - lts of va town, maf b',obRiked-4n a brooh -of the pioe n* riqtous or disorddrly conduct, open oboooni t,,publio'drautkon'nois,-or iti any conduct grossI; ideoent oi sogoah to the lUTxons of *thesHak townj, or antof them; and it shall 'U the'duty o the Marshals to Arroest and 6otat6 all tuch of'and or s requird tb s Odo so, who salft'l iae pow or t6 call to their seistaal the posidpW aclas, i by abbe, to aid in nakiatg suoh arrusts, and uloi toilu.o atf the -Towh Mrshai to perfori sue - dpty If r6qnlrod, they shall severally bo subjeo' -ilonh bnes and penaltlis as the T Vn Otoal mowe; ~tablisand al -prson :bd iworieonre "shall pay the costs and exponnes inWident to ilie iprNonmient, 'whieh- -maid coite and exponabi phall ba ollrcte0 in the saeno nianner As pro,de -1byMtilo Act toi the dollootton of flnee imnposed f0i - uol'dh .ofordJnatoos: Proulded,-That solirsd pr(onmen -ah al.not oxempt tho party from ih petqn tt of any fAi11o Counol thay imtpose oi t'fo ofenpo fr' loh'ho may kes boot tonm cmitted. * this8o; '14, Thatn said Town "Uoucil ma, bhao th~seo anye tober ute ftaxesm. alols% aesn rqr a.o rear,and playeown or hoa, Cofan - kind wheoatoevr,t e d for th purpos o a< 7, r~~~asnid tontlt.adiur hueo alo nxo. 15.9lI Tatxlthfinesr which~ all herofte titperoWo witns o~rao"lmt of 1h saidtw,sa lbepi ownl rn bo's of~Sen ah bsao tofn. pe * t~tii . 1riQ That o hr dsody Towndt Con abl;oha *ypwl'rn, bao allnusnon wihn cdt.ercoss: radto ii' sna abioa to hapit a'Dar of tHesit the Maid tos n, -rtand o pats aul sOdno fend ray boe noesaryd t6 dfo t ho dnhall ad pow or tf all toathdi antitaou timpos iesad oati Supod be,toa inombo kio tg sbaid ests, for negoe Lalo fhe aTorshatl''o mpoerrmeha - xd th - rnto tenal seerllry he suaje ' ine and ofFenaallv the bow ouo xadtabhoritynt reittiresthe owne orsonrS shall oa tof oats antlld towne t kiopt tote iibbisaomn oto makeh said oop angd exese sideal e lle in then o said ot oinr eos prhen'th byamob bAl feronto ooton ofdjine ny oe pub strooet of the sai th on il thy dnt of to * 8s. 4 Tst'tesaid Town C eo iounclk aall ba 'tepoessry to boid the tero and -tersar nepreoftenti' pucly,tructid -toe o'tniiae aind rhsege t be usd fow 00ttuel~~ and oroe o dretailig,'itualine, parth< uchrboort 'Iwnits ft.eepo saidton steea olean, or to akof tkopi ere saidtwn "weoikt hatVe tenhd e saidTown Couno lih' ratoause t,aid tret to o a oeanrd, o ' su ofsaidAk ton, ande to' kpnrpai jr,ande ra quay boc noer ori owner to duyths aod poe xpnthrof :sPoidad hoaw,at t oevfier, amad poxlt t.rot s ooe,ning tead roat for kneg in ofudting onigr ihah tsid6wslks,r shal e That a tioheeby au'd ridt&b poed,'aa T8x 'o. itlie f i on'0ouhall v allm poe aowd utorbotto rite the wnerous owfir ci atc prton lsin tissae frown tmo toe thop soe iggion'inof saodrl,them bons lerof all'oiltorato rubaish ndtra alsoato ait nd keepiood msopan aietumka iy6aot of 'aid afinl-anrls whor tI forte spall,frnt on the interei anydo the ublia sredetspio of the tw, ina' theordgetb ofli sai'n\ Tofwth l0oa, th b saide poaion shall it ter of liabi 'Pnsrto$lef Tht o bereiat p a and rete4 hbytlts the said Toir ehoit-e aond for' the~nl to refuonal te taid dar in other waymthr by wn te pstIon sfan streu clen,or 1.Thaant keepdIn and'Wrd oulsdi wshli b durif teftrAdof-eofiTo wn xmp ol -' msre d&ust.sEgo& Town oncileale, orhi ouei smoetlk ater be mieiao in their, and oil qnake suonnr oarn o toeir te'6sooM anf exponn6 tfherof:1pt ~nde 'exodirne drat o teifttifor aid~n haid tees al mak8ing thn posttioitn'elongitig tiow ho' shpoaion,an be1it to 1hei ofioo tothir etd Townsouni onal fai towe o bod,'thefuillie 'f abr to. uio funed of aI *ororatxin An'e iuinro timare to e aso0 -detd.ion'anye4urer baon of te oo oSati Th6ai't for awifdlation1ay or le amoutyn~1 uxom ofie, hous doloprsa or thepaet of the Wn,ointes,adth lyiman tor'Ma bltol i,t e id ndpotront hal yt 9 es~elIb~ an,o~df That ontepin,o pri pbt v h bnadat of the sai Ton sootIll hdtnd orth dmhpfoio thnesai -da iaVon * , Usc.18.'Ta ts andat mf Wardes iete month atr h erelation0 teincrtrmton of 6111 posassiet"llon nd the eatoare anrdb r Qie'n 'al bbsouthdaan apr ounat r~ \o t (sf dd ii (4600)dd . '* '' 'F' Th fo1re g& (vd en etdt ti Whtin i thoe to for fs' oro d1ii Mt 04toyhAs,6 ~ hieff~ (pioriipathtil (6 The 6 iur~oI Lby te nte tii Q h ) aio~, Ab iba I t *rhlittaie.sdroitl I In b Id~ ~riW6 O*& sobs P. V.Yd4ttitOZO e$ 4tt tAN b To INOpiPohkT Tfi sA-A N HOQIg 3 At D LbbF UoMPA?4V OF C#OEhd$ToWt foti Eoi oAILNA. 'E i ni If'eet - !ouse oj Ifepreeni(dtoes qfithe f#ge'og 84dh Caud i olin 4f Aie a'Anqbt ly4ea by th'e audhorty cof 114e admi; : hat1Vi.1b6ant I, S Fatoshicft A AsUotn, hiirav antd thoir aeavciatoa and successors Ic oniti be, awd they - arohc?robj, eo'ul,titted a body oiprate 4d oll I tioi4nder the na-o t ad l af oattandelJoolI ,* and [Ladder Company, with a capital stcotbk d'l > aal not exceedc the saum,ot dyo thousand dollar, -with the right to sue and be fted, to plead and be U implead , i any Court oi oompton t juriedi tion, to have and to use a eommoii deal, awi he .sam to alter atilli and ploa-t'ro; a tid th6y anid enjoy all,othgr rights, privitogos and immihn ites thacaro now, or may b ho eafter, sooirod by,law to likcc iucorporatecl bodies. tio2. This Act shali be doemed a publo Act, and shall eontiuo in ore for the t,oru of four tqpn years. ofMrhA SApproved irt day ofMrc .D., 1871. fN 4 to ia ind AND A.eND il oHAUTER OF Oi4RTaIN nI.LQGLOU5 AssooIATIoMiI Iii4nEToFoBlI naANtan, Slo-td N 1. Be il enj(oled by the Senate and Iionue Itf veetatrooe or the Sbate qf Southr Catropna, nolw met ai slucig in General Assembly, and by -fcthe authorit' of tp same, hle the chartr ioor perating tho.Truees of Fairyw hurmh, in the County of Greenaville, passed December 19, 1848, be, u the samde is hereby renewed i Dr. David . Anderson, Thomas 0. charrion, David .. o PdeO, UM. L, opkins. and yu D. Nesbi, and their 1ucesstr in meo , for the term o years from the passage of this Aet. r-a. 2. That the charogi' .hrotoforo granted to Sthe Protetapt Iptoopal. Ohurh, in GreenviIle, be, and the same is hereby, rieweg and extend r ed for the pero of fourteen year from the pas. jsagof this Atwit all rights, powere atD. pri. ogo thieorsesore granted t.o said churqh, 8So. 3. That alt ActA done,- or aulorised to be don, by the oert s of said hurches, ince thie expiration of teir former charer, be, and the aem arc hereby, doelared vfu lg .and binding nh al responts and to all intents. Appro.yd the 7th day of Marh A. D., 1871. AN AOr '. t Noen onAr saTAiN n.iJ oU' IN UTITUTIotNH. r' Snrro 1. Ike Iu enacted by the Senaho and )iouse a of Rtepr:eeentatives qf the (state qf l.buth Carolina, now mar and .estiing'inc Gener<d Assembly, and bli e thce a.uthority of thie same, That, from and after the passago of this Act, all porsops wl,p now are or Swho hercafter shall or may become nnmlbera o1 the eaid 8e0t9ty, shall be, ned they.are hereby, in tcorporatedl, and are hereby declared to be 5 body politio and corporate by the nalne'and style a of the Mount Pl.easant Blaptist Phui'ch, auid by a the said. pamo shall have a 4eieessio'n of oilicer t and memberut and have a oqtnmon osal. & Saw. 2. That the. said gorporation shall htave Ipower to'bjut'ellase, i ove and possess real and personal prepo'rtf, riua to soil the eatne, and r by its corporate nainae to:si aticn be sited In any I oitrt, and to muako such'rules aid by-laws, no0 repunat to law, as may be thougigt necessary and expedlenL . r Soc. 3. That from and immediately .sfter.the passage of this Act, mall persons who n.ow are, er who horeafter shall of stay become, members of the Ilopoweli. Baptis.t. Church, shall be, and they aro.,hereby, inicorporated noder ,the, name and style,of the Hope#oll Diaptiset Church of Laurent gounty, and. by ,the said name shail have succes. sors of oilosors and ;iiembore, and here and tasoa common seat. Sito. 4. The.qai scorporation shall have powel to purchase, reoolye a,nd posess,any,real or per 1sonal estate pot, eopooding im value thae anm.of twenty th91,andAollafs, or to sell the s.ame, ancl byi icopzts Ltnameto soand be sued in any Court ati tt,adt make seoch rules and by-laws, nots repugnant to law, as may be though' nocssary and espedient. 0 89., 5. That Patrick Small., LewIs Smalle. James T. Dolan, John .Alexander, R1ooet 0hl. * olm, Joseph Idenop6tor and 0rosag Aillison, to, 0 gother with all who are new, or$ horoafierW shall or may become members of the udid Enhiae Baptist 9hurolh, .of Orply anwillo, shall be', and Sthey are hereby, declared tol40. a body corporate, aI by the name and style of the Heoond Elubaw Bap. A1 tist Church, and by thi. said name s'hall hr.Vq 0 suoogslon of oiUcere a,od members, and have'o 0ecommon seal. I SEc. 8. That. the said corporation .shall hay< power to, purchae, receIve and pgssees any rca e or personal estate not exceeding in value the sun 'a of ten thousand dollars, or to dispose.of the tam' ii by its corporate nemo, to sue and be sued, plead and be imploaded in any Court of law or equity i: t this State, and tp make such rules and by-lawrs ~ taot repugniant to the. lawe of the land, as ody bi 0 thought noeesary and expedient. pes~o. 7, That 8amuel Marshall, Antinm MlKeover iSaninol T. JelOntP, Laaarus. Smart, Abner Giib it son, Cornelius lNell and all persons who now are r or who .shall or heresiter may beoomo memberi of the said Soe,ety,'ehaallje~, anid they are hereby lincorporated agd4oelared ebody corporate, 0 by theo tnm .antd style of the W!aoedonia Biaptial Church, of barlington, and by that said narni mshall have succeson of ofil'o9is and member, Sandi hiave a.oonniion; sala. * .e8. Naa. the sak4 corporath on l 'it tp9woIr $4 puirch~ reooiv .ami.possess any rca or personal hse .o rthe purposo of this Act, nol a exceeding i vou tho sum of Afty thousand dol. o lars, or to sell the eamo, and by its corporat< -name to e,ue and be sued In any aourb in tihi 4 State, and to make Suoli rnltis iud by-lege, not ro ugpnnait to the law~s of tfle land, as 'mayb ~th6tabi tzooseary and oipdidient. 0aid OooIt a. bil hays tll the power and he anCeso to''alt thi 6 liabilitioe 'idl etIoins of the Act, to regnatb -the r oti O( o''prtb e'd far d.e ~ tabsloi 8g~ 9~ 'ihat9ceoeing Acts shaiho ishto 4 aib1I6 4t.a*oain fe for a torn Sof Aett-f R5 ~ * e;$4 ,by tai reAd,atweb4 A6t#p6fnt 01 a h aalt6 fttu~all an ltddam cu g, na L lt 't ~0 Od O lkt31 6'tri, %d b 4~the 'stboribereai . 464% f dee'dllrsi l i tE. 8. Thatwti the sItd~ SdFthree 1indr6d thousand dollars hall hav ben 'subpok , ed the iuanner befdre spEeflfd?, the' ubb A 'alalI -; n; ,'$ ( doeUrit W i lAy t, a diws(by the nate and site of LhWulfald~14 h b~itifidoga Haill R6ad Coliab', sh~l: tizijeAnd .lc as mia bo debienated'b ti oflm)as'alonelts frd named for Wrihall' 6if.'4. That th6 'laid Oompany 'hall 'ha power,and they are hereby authorized, to :on. stIiTot 60je or mor6'branbes fioni th eaid roid tododiVIth- oth6r roads in this State, MAfith oint.or Dointe, as they iay deem mhot and pkoper, aid Fiaid . npany shll' have power to catiaolidate 6idito.,vitl any other Company or corporation having !iko powere. Sao. 5. Tlifat6i the purposo of organising the baid $dnpa'jhithbi powers conferred by M cha'rter of tho didntillo and Columbia Rail"Roaa oL%ay b'i ""Oomolmisioners at Groo'neill 6hah be* a id t'eb aro he'roby, conferred ott the 0omtnissioners heroin appointod at WalhaIl6; And all the powors, rights and privileges - gritnted 4 the said charter'atd Its amendments to the Groeen villo -*d 00l"dnibla lail Road Odnpany shall 6;,' And 'they 'are' hereby, grantc iftd thq '6g . ind Oh'ttiDnooga Rail Roid Company, and oubjeo .6 liko rostrictiobs as 419 thoiein 'ntalhadC" oxo,el as' to the capital the' "ni fi'eessa'to authorize' oganiz 'tien, andth ato 6t oharos, and exoept so' far as may be adc6sfaiy to' confori to: the speoial 0-ovi sions of thiW:A;t; Provided, hoever, That ethink heril 'donttiled ahahl be ao construed as to 3id the1 Slate to' saboribe stock to sid' copA*y,' or iWke any AjNmprlations to enable the said co-in pay to 'bulid the bald road, or in any wnlitd4ilq loan ~the.'ei0dt of the State thereto. SO. 0. That in tfA event any vacancy nh'otitl dob 6.*V .i1the' boimissioners herein appointed at WalallA rom doath, refusal to erv', or other %i!o, the 'nator and Houae of Roprosentatives (at tho tl6e being), frm the towh iof Oconee, Shall ba,"and thb# are hereby, authorized and em; powered to supplythe same by appointment. 'Sc.' 7.'Thaf'the chartr hereby granted shall continue to endure for tho termn.of thirty-six yoar4 from the dato hereof;' and this Act shall be taken and deomed to be a public Act, and all Acts and parts of Ants.inconaistont With this Act be, and the same are hereby, repeatod; Proided, That said company shall commonco the building of the said road within two years, and have the same completed within six years. Approved March 7th, A. D., 1871. AN aOT TO INCOnPodNTE THE CONTINRNTAL. TELE H narros 1. BIe it mnacted by the Rena'e and House of liepreentatie.s of the M(ale of Southu :aroltna, noto e and' sitting in G'eneral Assembly, and bym the dulh/ortly gf the sqame, That WrrL.~tr anri. HA LT,, E-TRAN A. IfAU, and CIHAR1.Ea THSUnMAN, and all those who shall become 8tockchoders in the Com-. pany hereby incorporated, shall be a body politia and,corporate, by the name of the Continental Telegraph Company, and by that name shall have perpetual snccession, and may have and use a common seal, and may suo or beo suodi, in any Cotirt of ompetent jurisdiotion. SEc~. 2. Such corp,oraiion is authorized to.l struot lines or telegraph alonig, upon, aerose, over, under and beido of thsp Greenville and Columbia Rail lioad, and any of thq public roads and high waye, and under and across any of the watere within jho limits of this State, or so much or ec mlhany ofcithller of the foregoing as nmay be deemed expedient, by establishui(g.-suitablo ofnces and the erection of the necessary cords or wires .and fr. tures, iyoludling posta, pier's or ahuttat for sus taining' the cords or wvires of such lines: Pronvided, The same shall not be0 sh construoted as to inco'in mode the public use of said,roids or highways, or ijuriously interrupt. thoe 'nayigation of said wators; and also to eonetruo,. & line ,or lines of telegraph, anid to establish'oic~es, and ercot sugh necessary cords or, wiresi and fixturos, including thme posts, piers or abutnment.., as anid for the purposes aforesaid,- andlkeep, hold and maintai the necosarf eficooe upon, through o'r over any otheor land,'eubject to''The right of the owner om ownb2rs thereof to lull oSnponsatlemi for the same, to 'be agreed upon by said'owner or owners and the said corporation, or to be fixed or goetormlned as ihereoinafter p)rovide,i;'an'd th4 said corporatior may, in like ma5nner, ad with like pdwver, 'con aftrudt, lines of telegraph to such plae or placm without this State AS the Board of Dliroctore n oleot. SEc. 8., Suoh corporation 'asall huave full powo to piurobase, lease, regolvo, h9gd 'and ,opvoy roa estate, or any interest therein, and inay,.ln addi tion thereto, une such real eh4to, or any interos therein, as may he necessary for the convenioni transaction of the business, and for effootuall. carrying oni the operations. of EAid corporation; and 'nsy appoint~ such'- Directors, officers anid Iagents,'and make such prudential rules, rogula tions and by-laws 'as may ho necessary in tIu transaction of its business, not inconsistent wil the Constitution of th~is State or of the Unitec States. SIc. 4. If any owvner' or owners of any Jani taksmu or nspd, or likely to bo taken or neof, b; said corporation, shall consider himself aggrieved ef fiklely so to bo,or danlaged thereby,or shall refus' ~to accopt the, compensation offered by said cor po ration thorefor, it, shall be the duty of the Cironii Court, to be held in the equnty within which salt - lgnds are, en the application of such owner o: owners, or of such corporstion, by petitIon, ing the facts in i'elation thereto, .and op snol notice to the opposite ,par ty as such.Court shah prescribe, to appoint three disinterested persona as copn,missioners, who salsvrlytk n subcrio a oah,befiore apy persom authoris tadminister oaths, faithfully and impjrtially t< perform 'the dutlos required of this Aol; and I shall be the diuty of said conmissionere, or a ma I'jority of them, to marke a jhet and equitable ras sssement or appraisenn of All the losses o: damage sustained, or whieh .sli kely to be aums t,ingl, by reason of' any land, or interet therlym tskog .or .used,:.or ,likely to '-be taken or used, 'fcr siald eficeo, linop,'poste, piers or aibutnieuit, aitid tlhe erootioa and operation of said telograph, fh; amid ettph assossment or appraisal shal,:in a'by proper 4O9e or oases, determie the am4ual reg 0 oto6istiO.n to be psatdby such company fo e e , or, in lieu thereof, a sum in gross as thyesotappnsation for allowing the fixture belong, in(si suopaociatlop 'perma cotinnoe 'Qqsame to be repaired, improvo4 sad re. *&4'or removed, frot, 6hme to time, as' eto ~eotpovatiori shall require,.spl)oat'es)of whiet said a4sessmentor apprs)hement shealt boredatied 46'oriting atpd siged by said Oottminssionere, or a 'tid1jh5sf ie1, one op~y of whicht aafl be de lif#Ed to'thetpasty alleged to be Aieiid, 61' lkels se.tbe, and 'this ottist to tife Peasident of said odheiudo6o demiand,''in 'oaa6 any dalnise ehll be adjn&ged to the pe*son alleged 'to' be int j nae orammaA.d o 116.1rates to ixa the cornora ,', ,I t of thi' - o a 6e a o ris W avoi oiM I UTY r.0 ibt,t iboverindi hklk C Atisi*thi eoise sdOkJu o *i d i ot i ' -Olti e 4Yei,h'kholdt owti b* , T o .0t.ibn po*iia, 6eU'lt ' ytj ' iieprivUk,id'naboheet I -dho A~katlinfror an'y la9, lieret- or .to t*ogoapioi hn'hganied i tjror r fts tqhe aws of this p oheny i haJ ure ahld, ean,d or dmortgaged or couvoyed, or 6f a'tj other cbrorstl6, o 6rcciprtleo;'i,d Wed, *hoicovir; Teiat ,no -ch prchA6, sa'i , ease' or coniyance, byany corporationshallb i iiduntil the writtea cense of th older or lokder , of a hijor'itj of the popital stock. alill i boe ow obtained. Pi h e.hdok aed'rbed for miy be Isued at suc pt o ubs ori d, and upon such tormi orf ayint o;r brboan the oldo oratbolde 6f a mj,ority of he stock ato such time sal, d.I i6rlpl.11, excedpt that thea first 6.0bedriptl4fi'lmri;e, terizs of. paymeint or oliakigo. shiall be fixed byI tle persone first above bAied aud any corpora. tidnor crprtilo ns ii bubsoHb for, -purohso, hold, sol o convoy the capital stock of this acot poration,'as, ofteij, viud to as groat an extent, Ai o rpora'b on or corpo.atldu6 DaY do6m Id viiamblo. Ic. 8. 'That smaid orpratio may issue bonds for such an amount, as the oflder s sJall AX, six fAj'ority tho same by. mortgkeo' Upou so much othe pront ights, privileges and fanchisos tf id coiporations Wmay 'be r uard In such t1hortgai(o, which m~ortgage'rmky be recorded In tohe, oc oo hthe ategaister of Mone Coi yances In te aCousty of Rich,and, In this State, and th'rp'oi-, d thereafter, It shall beome sao md I A lon upol 41l the property, rights, privileges and,frito4hish, or of aby interest thbrelo, Ad of any Oart theldt, desribed In sain f nortgage. 8t o. 9. A y person who shall wilfully and ma lioloUslyInjure, fuoleat or destroy any of said lines, Poets, Piro or abutaients,. or the materials' or prpbrty belonging thereto, shall, on convio tion thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundr6d dollarl, or imprisoniont in the Pedtentiary at hard labor not exceeding one yoar;or both, in the disoretion of theCourt before which tho conviction shall be had, and,' In addi lion thoreto, shall pay ouch damages as shall be paused by bin or her, to be recovered In a civil action by said corporation. SEO. 10. The Board of Directors, as often as the interests of the Oorporation 6hall require, are hereby authorized to, and shall fit the rate or rates for transmission or delivery of any mossage or messages which may be required to be p &id in advance. BEc. 11. Any person connected with such Tele graph Company, eithier as operator, miesnger, agent, servant or clerk, or In any other eap'acity, who shall Wilfully and maliciously dimelose,divulge or communicate, or permit the sanme to ba done,' the contents, or the nature of the contents of any private metisage- or communicatiou ontritsted to or left with him, hr her, or such corporation, for transmission or delivery,' other th an to the par ty or partion enitied thoreto, or who shall wilfully rofuso or neglect to transmit or deliver the aun,, he or she shall, on conviotion'hofore any Oonrt, lbe adjudged guilty of a iidcercanor, and shall suffer Imprisonment In the county jail or work house where such conviction shall be had, for a term of not mord thanm three months, or shall pay a line not to exceed lIvo hundre d dollars, or both, in the discretion of the ourt. Bic. 12. All Acts or parts of Aets contrary to or inconsistent with tis Act are, for the purposes of this Act, but for no other purpose, hereby repealed. Szo. 13. This Act shall take en'oct, imme diately. Appi'Oved the 7th day of March, A, D., 1871, AN AOr 'TO INoRPOnATE THE TOWM or TIMSIoNR ST'IOtt 1. -Be it enacted by the Senate andt Ilotcee of Repreaentatives of the State of S,outh Carolinaa, nloin nieL and silg in G/eneral AssemblU, and by the athor-iy of the same, That all parsons, citi zone of theoUnited States, who how are or heoe after may bo, inhabitants -'f :tko 'I'own of- T4m muonsvillo, shall be deemed, add are hereby de clared, to b'e a body politie mud corporate, and that said town shall be called -and known by the name Of Tumetuchevillo, anld its limits shall extend one half mile,An the direction of~ thie cardinal pointsa from the depot of the iliingtona and Manohes ter Ilail Aload Comdpany, as a centre, and form a Emb. (' That the said town shall be governed by an Intendant 'and fohr' Wardons, (who shall be cifiv.enh of theo United States, attd shall have boon residoels o s daid town for sixty idays immediately prece ng said election,) who shall be eleted Mt such t me, Mmd at suoh'plaee in said village as the Inton~ ant and Wardens shall designate, ten days' p)ubli4 notice being prevlously given; and that all malo/nhabitabte of the said town, of the ago of twen y-ono, who have resided therein sixty.das imm diately procoding the elcetion, shall be en. titleA to vote for and bo elected as Intendant 'and Watdens, and tho, election shall be held from ei o'clock in the mot'ning until six o'clock in the af to oon, when the polls shall be clossd, and the 31 nagers, shall count the votes and proolaim tlo election, and give notice t.hereof to the per abns elected, and that th'o Intendant and War-' (lens for the time being shall appoint the blana ders to hold the ensuing election, That the In.. orndant and( Wardens, before entering upon heduties of their omoocs, shall take the oath Sprescribed by the Constitution of this State. and also the followinig oath, to-wit: "Mt /Intendant (or Warden) of the Town of Tlimmons Yileo, I will, equally and Impartially, to the best of nay skill and ability, exorcise the trust reposed in me, and will use my best endeavors' to preserve th~e peace, and carry Into effect, according to law, the puirposes of my appointment: So help me God." SEO. 3. That in case a vacancy shall occur in the ofice of Intendant or any of tihe Wardons, by death, resignation, remOval from the State, or frOm any ether cause, an election shall bp held to dill sudh vacancy, and t,he Intendant and Warden, of' Wardens, as the ease may be, shall give ten days' previous notice of such election; and in ease of atokfxess or temporary absence of the Intendant, the Wardens, forming a Council, shall be empow nred tdi elect one of thieir bumber to aet as Intend ant during seh sickness or absence. Site.-4. That' the Intendant and WaNdons, dulf elected and qualified, shall, during their term of servico, haveothe same pokverd which a Trlql Jua. tice now has to compel the attendance of wites. es, and require thom to give evidoee upon the 'trial before them of any~ person tdf thaviolation of atij of tlie by-laws.eo. ordiso6s of the town; that the 1nteiidant siil'as 'often as occentoa may ne quira, summon the Wardens to meet him in< Oonnueil, a majority of whom shall constitute a a q'norum for tile tranmae.tlon of business, and shall I be known by the nameno athe, To.. Couci ofth a oil k*guls lawsid *) los. % fA. ''de taegrepnb ' ' atets . 9tbi Of a'id~E 1p9fl6$ ihuntretil ii l'fid fdf Nald V6'WW of, NOw au 'f I'Maktf#g blth #awi, O dorani #W,nde1oht,tint. "e lAbora tttoy 'hnwy g odti Nd erdbr *e fttib steab WIth 4'repagnapf"to'the lawa 6f the 6iit;iff i-Qll iy-la5aa'dinaces st,aii'at ?alii'tidi$b6 subs iob to i1sfIklbra reperl'bythe a0tsebbj it tho Itmti.'hid -ounet mayaflk At g4i di doffoidefqgclldd'of-fk #d9rdidanss md ap'r'opriate'the salfefot ef, ie 'the.81 lfo itibua bilt nb AMb 4tll Y*cdbd thWdaolar.4 d'd when hnes -ball e:cceed t46^nty ;ollars thoy asbne rea~d5edin a Trial' ttetieo OMirt of the 1611nty of Darlington anti *11iu-thdy are of the bpouint of tw6uty dollare, or undotr. thby inay be ecovered before sfd t intendsnt 'an'da\idegS in ouncil SEo. 5 iat ri said O ouli shall havo-powe iiabate ha'dtnose nusancesithip the limits oQ aid to*d, abdialio to"diasify -i,d 'rangbthei labitants likble to pol Vi6dtty idtegtilro -thet o petforta such duty as o'ca6n inay requtre,'an< .o'the performnancd tliereof, inder thf ia'to penaltlee as aro now of maylireaftor bt stablielied by law .Proo6dd dMhayy, ievetheless, hat thesaid Oittioll shall have power to com ound with persons liable to perform such dut3 ipon suoh torns asb they shall by ordinance estab lob. - Ish . . I . . . . -1 - I - I Szo. 6. That it"shalf be the Otity of the Intend. %nt and -Wardens to keop all streets and'*xyi whiohmay be necessaryfdi- Oublii use within tht limits of said town open an4 in good' repair, at 'or that purposo they aro' horobyinvested witd iil the powers, rights and~ privilegs *ranted b3 Law to the County Commissioners iwithin th1 1m, to of said town, and for ieglect of duty they shal e l(able to the pains and penalties impo'ed' bj Law upon Commissioners of Road6 for like neglect m4they aro hereby innlvidually exempt ftoti tb performanco of road and pollde duty within thg imits of said corporation. Szo. 7. That thesald Intendant and Wardeni 1lall have power to compound with persons liabb a work on thd said streets and ways, and to ro. oasd such orsons is mak'dosire it, upon thW ayment of such sum of money as they may deen fair equivaant therefoi', to be applied by then o tho uso of said corporation. So. 8. That thoe said Councll of the Town oi rillmonaville shelt also be empowerod to retain, osess and'enjoy all such property as they ma) tow be possessod of, or etititled to, or which shall ioreafter be given, bequeathed to, or In any man ter acquired by them, and to sell, alien, or in any way transfer the same, or any part thereof: Pro. )ided, The amount of property so hold, or stol avested, shall in no care exceed twenty thousand lollars. Brc. 9. That the said Council shall also hav< power to impose an annual tax on all the real ant personal property within the corporate limits o 3aid town: Provided, Said tax does not exce lifty cents on the one hundred dollares. Sac. 10. That the Intendant and Wardens of th, said Town of Timnionsvillo shall have power ti regulate sales at auction within the limits of sail rillago, and to grant licenses to auctioneers: Pro Dided, That nothing herein contained shall exten, to sales by or for the Sheriffs, Olerks of Court fudges of 'Probate, Coroners, Executors and Ad ninistrators, Assignees, or by any other person smder the order of any Court, Trial Justice, o )t her inferior Court. Sr:c. 11. Th,at the Intendant and Wardens of said Town of Timmnonsvillo shall have power and authority to require all persons owning a lot oi lots in the said 't'own of keep i repair the sidewalks adjacent to their lots respee tively, and for default in tbis matter shall bavy power and authority to impose a Ilno not exceed lng fifteen dollars. 8xo. 12. That the power to refuse or grant li cenaes to keep a tavern, or to retaii intoxicatini dlrinks, be, and the smo is hereby, vested in th said Council of the Tiown of Timmonevilki and that they also ho invested with all necessar power, by ordinance or ordinances1 to suppress regulate the sale of intoxicating drinks :Prouir, e'd, That no rule or regulation t.hall be inconsi, tent with the Constitution and laws of the Stat< 8ac. 13. That this Act shall be taken. and decem ed s a public Act in all Courts of Justice, an shall continue in force until repealed. Sa. 14. That do much of Seotion 10 or "An Ac to Incorporate -certain towns and villages, and t< renew and amend certain charlord heretofor, granted," ratifled on the 21st day of Decemubei A. D; 1857, as Incorporates thd village of Timnmoni ville,-is.hereby repealed. Approved the 2iith day of February, 1871. AN AOT TO AMED AN AoT ENTITLED "AN ACT Fo TIlE nTTha ProTEroo OIItlATOnY FIsti." S Ecr1on( &. Be it enacted by the &enate an'd lio vi of. Itpresentatives, Qf the Slate of South CJar'olnc noto mveS itd sitting in Gener-al Assembly, and b the authority qf tha - saine, Tbar an Act entitle "An A46t for thes botter prQtoction of inigrater tIsh* be amended, as folloksi That at no tim during the year shall there be any permanent ol struotions, of any kind or nature wvhatcver, i any of the inland creeks, streams or waters< thIs State to the free migration of fish; and o1 and after the passage of this Act there shall be olose time in all the ceks, streams and inlan Wfaters of this State from the setting 'of the ett each Saturday until tho'risitig of the sun on sc Mohiday, during which time all seinos, nets, wiret or any' plan or dotice for the stoppago or catell ing of fish which obstrut- more 'than twc thirds of any stream, other than a dam fo manufactiti-ig purposes, shall be removed f ror said crooks, streams or waters, and the owner, I: whole or in part of any such obstructIon, plan o: device, shall be liable to a fine of twenty dullar for each and oery offence, one-half to go to thi iflformeor, and the other half to the use of thi County in which such obstruction is found. SEc. 2. That all manufacturing companies o persons who have erected, or may erect, atti4oia dame across th.. inland creeks, streams or waters of this Stale, which prevent. the nmfgratory fisl from ascending the same, Shall, liniedlately afte; the passago of this Act, construct proper flshways over the same; and should such mnannfacturinj companios or persons refuse or fail so to do, the shall be liable to a fine of five thousand dollars recoverable, by tihe County In which such damn hal been or may be erected, In a Uourt of competeni jerlsdiotionm. 8ac. 3. That should any person or persons eaus, to flow into, or be east into, -any of the ereeks streams or inland waters of this State any Iipu rities that are poisonous 'to fish or destructive' t< their spawn, such person or persons shall, upo eobviction- thereof, be punishable with a fine o: not less than five hindred dollars, or Imprison, ment of not less than six months in the eountj Pail; the fine to go onc-half to the informer, abd the other half to t he county; Proofded, That th( fluties assigned, by the Joint isolution of Janu-. Irry 19th, 1870), to the Board of Frish Oommissione ar's, be, and they arc hereby, assigned and trans. forred to the Commnissioner of the Bureau of Ag. ricultural Statistics. SE.o. 4. This Aet tb take effoot on adid after its aasago. - Approved March 9th, A. 1). 1871. IN Aof TO ALTR AND Axt#ND AN A(YI ENT?TLd 9A1 AOl' TO ALTrER A?SIDAMEND 'TIJ enAWR1 Fm h OITT OW ORNEz4vlLLE, AN oTH~'ErlPOjoEs.' APPROVaD KAReN 23, l(S0gg Suorrox 1. .8e i enmacted by/ (te enate ad IIoue if .&epreset,les, qf The BhVse of Sog?& Oai'oltna ota mel and sitting in -General Assembly, and byL te audhority~ of the same, That- from and imme. P-11 -My 7W" fl fi theK or a Alderm 4 olty of .,Go. %.That it . ' t A6. pa& bt*i9b Ubgted by tOf haid gp Of 61 1 the same in th' is n -N the olleotion of taxe$* 8zo.8. Tha*-the any three of the,h ' to' *pd to -no 3t 0,11q" 9t pOrMAsWho 6411 .6 tderly PoUdUotd W 4 All uty Of the:;Isrb 'gMh'#oyAon.; n - Oy#r,Ad Ader.0ion iealt iaghoordng t 0p:I ofty. .n S ao. 4. 'Shat egi).MAygr AP~A'~ said olty shall 11yo .ppw1 $q fnd j.o Widen, aJlght0jg igr use, upon payn4osp*q;.4-Amsge property affet. t,.eby, tht a e sessed by five~ frsodqe( elected by the Qitys094) dy:,.ojners of thee.nype etons g sle'q. -9104 Approved March 9 1871 - JONT RESOLOTINTO N.TOfuofLDF V#o A W*Hol JIILEAoE ORYTI 6AEU QE UmIBf DOARtD OF EDUoTIQ41 0 .T 0 AT4 OAROLINA. - Whereas,- Seotin I of en Aqt rn$itled to establish and malutail.a o f et mon sohoolo fog.thQ 4ttep f fopth i proved r, obru%ry 1(th, 160,,4j!luq&y that membord of tie tate noard4f - ..the State of South Car4lina, talall be IL Vocve a miloage at the ratkof twenty '(0). per mile going to aud r,turpingfron h - ings of the said Stxto Board o ]E0qaao by the State Treabrer,on o p titloate signed by the .aiian andQoalorw the Board aforostid;,phdt wlizeai, 'petitab the said State Board of j.duoM.iop..havb 9QAi'e. - in the city of .Columbla, namely-Oi. th?eii44 seventeogth and eighteentb-days ,of arol4, 38 and on-tho:-fth, sixtly end asyifh'.dag4 of'(1o, bor, 1870; and, wheoab,. drtifioAteq4Mileik*-V perly made out and signed by -the Ohairian n Secretary of the Board were iestod to 14nlmbots.4 attendance at the said meotings of the oai4Boarl of Eduostion; and, whoreas,tho.State. Tro4svror refused to cash thw,said teriQostea pf igeg when prosented to him.for payment, giving, saiflip reason, that no spocifli appropriittooih;4 i - made for that purpose; and, wherea4, propriation of twenty touind dollari for,Akot"o of County School Conmissibners, a. spe'lg in Scotion 4 of an Act entitled "An Aoto6 m propriation and raise.'anypliestfor'the y0 a6 mencing in Ootober, one thousand eiighht,n hutit and sixt.v-eight," approvd Meroh',20,i 1 , remains - in t.he Stati )Wro"py; in .- 1.4 balance of fonr thousand eight bundrediand,.t* ty-two ($4,822) dollara and 1forty-one (41) cent. therefore, . Be 'it Resolvedi by the Senate and House ofU.. resentatives of the Stato of South Oa-olit,' ow 3 met and sitting in Genoral Assembly, and by the ) authority of the same: 'SECTION 1. That the aforesaid balance of four thousand eight hundred and twenty-tWo ($4,822) dollare and forty-ono (41) cents r0maining, and unexpended, of the appropriation of twelity thou sand dollars for the pay of County Hohoor Com missioners, fiscal year onding October 81, 2869, - be, and is hereby,-appropriated and -net -apark.t9r the payment of mileage.. certifloc,tes of-mopher' of thu Stato Board of Educa,tton of the State of South Carolina, and the same shall be apglied by' thu State Treasurer for the payment of the ud1e~ LIage certificates aforesaid. 8Sa. 2. That this Joint Resolution shall takpe ef Sfeet from its passage. A pproved March 1, 1871.' - - .JOINT REsoLUTION AT'THoIZIING THE APROETAut OF' STATE TO CoNTIIAoTrwsI THEsBoUFHERN DOMIESTIQ; 0 (AN LIoUT COMPANY FOR TIE ILLUMINATION OF - TIHE' STATE hOUSE AND PUnILlo OFFICES 'i'lEREIN.;. Bie it Besolved by the Senate and House of Rep' rorsent atives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting 'in General Assembly, and by lie authority of the same,'That the Seoretary.of State -be, and ho is hereby, authorized and -contract immediately with the Southern Domest.o.' Gas Light Company for tho construetion and ar llcation or oneo of DOTY*S Gas Generators, for the purpose of illuminating the State Honse and pub'. lie ofiees thereof, the cost thereof not'tb bxceed,. two thousand dollars, and to' be paid upon the -order of saId Scretary of State, out of'*ny pieneys . in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, . Approved the 10th dlay' of March, At D. 1q7 . JOrNT nBSOLUTION To ALL9W J, 31. PI,ODZ-0 it OLARNDoNi COUNI'Y,. TO BEDEIIIk5 INT4I 501 FEITED3 LANDS. liBe if Resolved by the lato and Houise o(tord~ sentatives of'the'State"'of Soutth9,ao~,, a met and sitting in General. Moseibly tdJgt.b Iauthority of tho same,~ Tha t J. '1. .Wnsd Q the County of Clarendon, be, and Is b0tdy eallowed to redeem 'certain lands, formerly6Aq~ by him in said county, consisting of three.bn31y4 and eighty-seven acrotr,more orthaoWW hiela fbecome forfetlod to the Btate by virtue oftlhe Ron itpayment of taxos, and the want of bidcdae At sate of the same, on condition, that ho .shalI, pay o ver to -the County~ Troarer-of 01 ~pdop a onnty all -the taxes, penaltie AId ~oto (o iare due upon the same; after-which, fe ilty Auditor shall expunge the 'said lands froum the forfeited land record of the County of Olarendon. Approved.Mlarchllth, A. D. 1871.'e iJOINT REsoLUTION AUTHoRIZING A 5, TAyJOR anJ gN. -t nY ARThUn AND'oTEEnS, oF"LRZtNG o 4lUNI TO cOi4TINUtE, Fon & TIcIIt OF Two TEARS, .TWQ GATES EREOTED BY edet Acoss T(R4LD#TATI. 3 OAD, IN SAID CdUN4TY,AT? TiIl! Ro.Il4iidn ath 3 TERMINUg OF TIH aln PLANTING LANDS. Bie il R.esoleed by the Senato aih# House of Isep. resentatives of the State of South Oarolng noer m1sot and sitting hI General Assembly, and by.the authority of the same, That A. 11. TAYLOR, Haen AI'TIHUn and others, of tile County of Ze:xIogEop, be, and they are hereby, authorisedI.te ' a OiI9, for a term of two years, two gatda oretodi tIhem across the old State [Road, in -said Oonety.,tthe' beginning,-and terminus of their planting i.nAs. Approved 2d of March,/A. D., 1871, JOINT REsOLOTLQN TO 'PAY WAU. '5iti HUNDRED AND TIZaTY4mldhE OhIAR5 FOUn VENTS.' .' -. . - Be IL Resolttcd by the Senate aua itouse d1e. resetatives of the $&ate of Sotith dato) .(b muet and sitting in General Assemblygog5 ;the' authorIt-y of the same, That th6^sm a f t*d l(un, dred and thirty-three dollar. forty-foet genfts, ho, and the same Is hereby anthorised t9'be paili to WII,I,IAM B3. TiaMuoNe, late Sheriff of Darlingtoin County, tor tho transportation of ,i8eisor fromt Darlington Court flouse to' MfationMi, a.nd. for dioting the said prisoners while on.r9t , ThO same to be paid by the State Treastd ogtijhe or der of the Governor. Approved 9th day of March, A.D., 181-~ JOINT nlEsoLTrIoN DIafRti'lG PART OW A OufiArN TAX TO 113 DEVOTED To TIIE, nEblOWT coURt' HOUsE AND JAIL IN IIANNING.-' Bc It R?esolded by thi Sonat and'Upuge ofJep resentatives of the State of Sout Q Bl MW,u met and sittiug 'lIU d1bflir14A 0 d antheri,y of tho 'eable1 Tia tWa I%b' # which the Oountf Oos 'l *ik tO of Oiarepdon gre authoyri 4U46of6 the fiscal year 1870 shall bney* to't tfoft of a Court Honse and Jail In. Iatiliink: 'P,'f~deal, So much shall be necessary, . - Approved March 7th, A. D. 1871,