The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, April 05, 1871, Supplement to Newberry Herald., Image 5

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up Ic ment to NewberrHerald NEWBERiW . S. C.- EDNSDA P PRIL-5 1871. - LAWS OF THE STATE* Actavad Join eolutions passed by the Geiieral isaemby of scuth Carolina, Session of 187O..'r1. [-F FIC I A L.] AN ACT 'iO CETR THE TOWN OF YoREKLLS. * Sacr oee 1. Bet enacted by the Senate and House o-ef28 natirvs of the Sate of South Carolina, ioiW-mt and stting in General Assembly, and by the'auhrity of the same : That from and after the-assage of this Act, all citizens of this State having.reside.I sixty days in the Town of York ville;sha bedeemed;, and are bereby declared to be a body po:itic and corp:-rate, and the said --towm shal ' b e -called and kaowu by the name of 'Yorkvile, and its corporats limits shall extend Gne milein each direction from the Court House 'i aton. SEc. 2. That the said town shall be governed by an Intendant and -four Wardens, who shall be citizens of the' United States, anid shall ba've been residents of the said town for sixty days, immediately preceding their election, who 'shall. be elected on the second- Monday of Jandary in every year, fifteen days public notice thereof being previously given; and that all male inhabitanta of the age of twenty-one yeers, citi zeus of the State, and who shall have resided in - the said town for sixty days immediately preced ing-the election;-shall be entitled to vote for said Intendant and Wardens. 2z;:3. That the election for Intendant and Wardens of, the said town shall be held in the '0ourt- House, or some- other convenient public pace in the said town, 'from nine o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afterr.oon; and wheu the poils shall be closed, the Managers shall "-forthwith count the votes and proclaim the - election, and give notice in writing to the per sons elected. The Intendant and Wardens shall appoins' three Managers to hold the ensuing and any subsequent election. Whenover there shall-xot be an Intendant and Wardens, or Intendant and Warden, from any cause U^tever, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Cdtrt for York County to order such election f6rthwith, and appoint three Managers for. the same." The Managers- in each case shbal, before they open the' polls for said election, take an oath airlyaAnd impartially to eonduct the same. And th&xendant- and -Wardcns before entering upon the'dutis of their respective offices, shall take the oath prescribed by the Constitution of this Siate,and- aso the following oath, to wit: "As Intendait or Warden of the Town ot Yorkville, I wi -equally and impartially, to the best of my abiliy, 6xercise the trust reposed in me, and will use- my best endeavora to preserve the peace and carry into -effect, according to law, the purposes fe-which I have been elected: So help me God." The-id Intendant and War~dens shall ho!d their offices from the time of their election until the second Monday in January ensning, and until . their successors shall be elected and qualified. Sc4. That in case a vacancy should occur in the office of Intendant or any of the Wardens, by death, riesignation, removal, or otherwise, orin Case of a tie in said election, an election to fil such vacancy shali be held by the appoiutment of the Intendant and Wardens. or Ward-en, as the case may be, or the Clerk of the Court of York County, if there shoud be no Intendant or Ward ens, ten day's notice thereoi being previously given; and in case of the ti-kness or temporary absence of the Intendant, the Wardens, forming a Concil,- shall ba empowered to act in his stead during the time. Szo. 5. That the latendant and W4,rdens duly elected and qual.fied shall, during their term of ervice, tnd respectively, De vested wit ill te ~Jurisdiuon and- oers:ierEtofore -anted to.Migistrates~ in d ate. AnId 'the1 I?tend.ant hal and mXay. afunnft as he mayI deem necessary, s'nimman the Warden:s to meet - iuT Conci, any two of v.h'o, with the In - -enda.nt, may contituts a quorum to transact businesa; and. they shall be known by the msme of the Town Council of Yorkville; and they and their successors hereatter to be elected may have a common seal, which shall be affixed to all the oriinances. And the said Town Council shall have authority to appoint, from time to t;me, as they may see fit, such and eo many proper perisons to act as marshals or con stables of said town as the said Town Council may deem n.cessary and expedient for the pre s'ervation of the peace, good order anid police ,thereof, which persoi:s so app:>inted shall, within the corporate limits of esid town, Litve the power, privileges and emoluments, and be subject to all the obligations, pe'nalies and regulations provided by law for the office of constable, and shall be liable to be removed at the pleasure of said Coun cei. And the said Town Council shall have power to establish or to anthoriza the establishment of the .market house in sai i town. And the said Towar Council shall have mui power and authority under their corporate seal, to make all such rules, baplaws and ordinances respecting the streets, roads, markot house, and the business there of,. and :the police system of said town, as shallkappear to them necessary and proper for Tbe. security, welfare end convenience, and for preserving health, order and good government f ~ within- the same. And the said Town Council * ~ my impose floes for cences against their by-laws and ordinances, and appropriate the same to the public use of said town: and the said Cesnnashall have the same power which Trial Justies now have to compel the attendance of witnesses, and requiring them to give evidence 'upon the trial before them of any person for a violation of any of their by-taws or ordinances; bnt no fine above the sum of twenty dollars shall a ~ be collected by the said Council. except by suit in the Court of Common Plieae: Prorided, That no fine shall exceed fity dollias; and, also, that noth ing herein contained shall authorize the said Council to make any by-laws or ordinances incon sistent with, or repugnant to, the laws of this State; and all the l'S..laws, rules and ordinances the said Council may make shali, at all times, be subject to revisal or repeal by the General Assem bly o: this State. * &c. 6. That the said I.ntendanL and Wardens shall have full power to abate and remove all nui sances in the said town; and it shall be their duty to keep alvoads, ways and streets within the cr porate limits of the said town, open and in good repair, and for thr.t purpose they are invested with all the powers heretofore ?ranted to Commission ereofgaads; and shall have full power to classify an&arrange the inhabitants of said town liable to street, road or other public duty therein, and to 41force the performances of such duty, under such ')ehaltaes as are now, or shall hereafter be, pre ~s8cribed by law: Procided, That the said Town CountSi may compound with persons liable to per form such dxty upon such terms, and on tbe pay ment of su;-h sums as may be establishiel by l:s or ordinances: And P'rovid, also., That the indi viduals who compose the said Town Council shall be exempt from the performancee of road and polico duty, and the inhabitants of said town are hereby exempted from road and police duty without the corporate limits of said town. SEc. 7. That the power to grant or refaso licenses for billiard tables, to keep- tavern, or to retail spirituous liquors within the limits of said corporation be, anid the same is hereby vested in the Town 'Council of Yorkville, and the said Council may "rant licenses to retail spirituous liquors to such persons, and in such quantities, at such rates, and upon such terms .and conditions, as the said Coneil may deem nt nd ropr;and the said Intendant and War - dens shall have the full and only power to im pose a tax on all shows and exhibitions for 'gaip or reward, within the limits. And all money paid for lice.s for reailing spirituons liquors, keeping tavern,and billiard tables, and the taz on all shows for gainor reward, within the said limits, shall be appropriated to the public use within said corporation. SEC. 8. That the said Town Council of Yorkville shall have power and authority to require all per sons owning a lot or lots in said town, to make and keep in good repair sid.waiks in front of said lot or lots, whenever the same shall. front . or adjoin any of the public streets of said town, if, in the judgment of the Council, such sidewalks shall be necessary, the width whereof and the manner of their oonstruction to be designated and regulated by the Town Council; and for default or refusal to make and keep in repair such sidewalks, the Town Council may cause the same to be made or put in repair, and require the owner to pay the price of making or repairing: Provided, That such contract for making or repairing be let to the low est bidder. SEc. 9. That the said Town Council of Yorkville shall have power to arrest and commit to .jail, for a space of time not exceeding twelve hours, and to fine not exceeding twenty dollars, any person or persons who shall be guilty of disorderly con duct in said town, to the annoyance of citizens thereof; and it shall be the duty of the Marshal of the town to make such arrest, and to call to his assistance the posfs comitatus, if necessary; and upon failure to perform such duty he shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for each and every offence. SEc. 10. That the said Town Conncil of York ville shall have power to grant licenses to parties within the limits of said town, and the parties to whom said licenses'are granted shall pay a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars. They shall also have power to impose and collect an an nual tax upon the assessed property of said town: Procided, No tax shall be levied in any one year to exceed the rate of twenty cents on each hundred dollars of such assessed prop erty, and that the money so raeud shall be ap plied to the use of the said town. That said Town Council shall have the power to enforce the pay ment of all taxes levied by the said Town Council, to the same exteut,and in the same manner, as is now, or hereafter shall be, provided by law for the collection of general State taxes. SEc. 11. That the said Town Council of York ville shall have power to regulate sales at auction within the limits of said town,and to grant licenses tosuctioneers: Pr-vided, That nothing herein oontained shall extend to sales by a Sheriff, Clerk of the Court, Judge of Probate, Coroner, execu tor or administrator, assignee in bankruptcy, or by any other person out of the 'order, decree of any Court, Trial Justices or any other inferior Court. SEo. 12. That this Act shall be deemed a public Act, and shall continue of force fur fourteen years, and till the end (f the Qneral Assembly then next following, and all Acts of incorporation or amendmends thereof repugnalt hereto are here by repealed. Approved March 2, 1871. AN ACT TO nENEW AND AXIEND TRE cHARTER or TnE TOWN OF XT. PLEABANT. SEcToN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatices of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in General Aasembly, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act all citizens of this State hav ing resided sixty days in the town of Mt. Plea eant, shall be deemed,and are hereby, declared to be a body politic and corporate, and the said town shall be ca-led and known by the name of Mt. Pleasant, and its corporate limits shall be and remain as at present lixed by la'w. SEc. 2. That ;he said town shall be governed by an Intendant and seven Wardens, who shall be citizens of the United States, and shall have been residerit of the sal tow'nl for sixty days imme !liat~ely preceding their election, who shall be elected on the third Wednesday in April, in the present year, and thereafter on the same day in every second .sear, as hereafter provided, ten days' public notice being previously giveu, and that all male inhabitants of the age of twenty one years, c.itizeins of the Stare, and who shall have resided in the said town for sixty days im mediately preceding the election shall be entitled to vote for said Intendant and Wardens. SEC. 3. That 'the eleCtion for Intendant and Wardens of the said town. ehall be held in the Court House, or some other convenient public place in the said town, from aix o'clock in the morning untd six o'clock in the afternoon, arnd when the DOl!s shall be closed the Managers shall for thwith count the votes and proclaim the election, and give notice, in writing, to the per sone elected. The Intendant and Wardens shall appoint three Managers to hold the ensuing and subsequent elections. Whenever there shall not e an Intendant and Wardens, or Intendant and Warden, from any cause whatever, it shall be the duty of the Clerk of tho Court for Charleston County to order such election forthwith, and ap point three Managers for same. The Managers, in each cae, shall, before they open the polls for said election, take an oath fairly and impartially to conduct the same, and that the Intendant and Wardens, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, shall take the oath presaibed by the Constitution of this State, and, also, ibe following oath, to wit: "As Intendant or Warden, of the town of Mt. Pleasant, I will equally and impartially, to the best of my ability, exercise the trust reposed in me, and will use my best en deavors to preserve the peace and carry into eff:ct, according to law, the purposes for which I have been elected: So help me God." The said Intendant and Wardens shall holl their oflices from the time of their election. until the third Wednesday in April in every second year after their election, and until their succes sors shall be elected and qualified. -. Szc. -4. That, in case a vacancy shall occur in the offce of the Intendant or any of the War dens, by death, resignation, re.moval, or other wise, or in case of a tin in said election, an elec tion to fill such vacancy shall be held, by the ap pointment of the Intendant and Wardens, or Warden, as the ease miy be, or- the Clerk of the Court of Charleston County, if there shall be no Intendant or Wardens, ten days' public notice thereof being previously given; and in ease of the sickness or temporary absence of the Intendant, the Wardens, forming a Council, shall be empow ered to elect one of their numbcr to act in his stead during the time. SEc. 5. That the Intendant and Wardens, duly elected and qualified, shall, during their term of service, severally and respectively, be vested with all the jurisdiction and powers of Trial Justices, or other inferior Courts, within the limits ef the said town, and the said Intendant shall, and may, as often as he may deem necessary, summons the Wardens to meet ip Co'ducil, any two of whom, with the Intendant, may constitute a quorum I to transact business, and they shall be known by the name of the Town Council of Mt. Pleasant, and they and their successors hereafter to be elected may have' a coJmmon se:,l, which shall be aflised to all the ordinances. And the said Town Council shall have authority to appoint, from time to time, as they may sec fit, such and so many proper per ons to act as Marshals and Constables of said town as the Tovn Council may deem necessary and expedient for the preservation of the peace, good order and police thereof, which persons so appointed, eha)i, within the corporate lim its of said town; have the powr and privi leges and emoluments, and be subject to all be obligations, penalties and regulations pro vided by law for the office of Constable, and shall be liable to be removed at the pleasure of esid Council; and the said Town Council shall have power to establish or' authorize the estab lishment of the market house in -said town; and thes said Town Council shall have full pjwer and -u:hr.t,a n ,. th ennoprate sal,toi make all such-ruies, by-laws and ordienacs respectig thb4 roads,-streets and market house,xnd th businea thereof,aud the police system of said town, as shall appear to them necessary and proper for the security, welfare and convenience, and for pre perving health, order and good government with in the same. And the said Town Council may im pose fines for offences against their by-laws and ordinances, and appropriate the same to the nub lic use of said town; and the said Council shall have the same power which Trial Justices or other inferior Courts now have to compel the attend ance of witnesses, and require them to give evi dence upon the trial before them of any person for a violatio;i of any of their by-laws or ordi nance, but no fine above the sum of twenty dol lars shall be collected by said Council, except by suit in the Court of Common Pleas: And, provid ed, also, That no fine shall exceed fifty dollars; and, also, that nothing herein contained shall au thorize the said Council to make any by-laws or ordinances inconsistant with, or repagnant to,the laws of this State; and all the by-laws, rnles and ordinances the said Town Council shall make shall, at all times, be subject to revis, and repeal by the General Assembly of this Stae. SEc. 6. That- the said Intendant and Wardens shall have full power to abate and remove nui sances in the said town, and it shall.also be their duty to keep all the roads, streots and ways with in the corporate limits of the said town open and in good repair, and for that purp sse they are in vested with all the powers heretofore granted to County Commissioners, and shall have fdli pewer to classify and arrange the inhabitants of said town liable to street, road and other public duty therein, and to force the performance of such duty under such penalties as are now or shall hereafter be presribed by law: Provided, That- the said Town Council may compound with any persons liable to perform such duty, upon such terms, and on the payment of such sams as m ay be establish ed by laws or ordinances: And, prooided, also, That the individuals who compose the said Town Council shall be exempt from the performance of road or public duty, and the inhabitants of said town are hereby exempt from road and public duty without the corporate limits of said town: Pro rided,JurUter, That the sum so fixed shall not ex ceed two (S2) dollars per annum. SEc. 7. That the power to grant or refuse licenses for billiard tables, to keep tavern, or to re tail spirituons liquors within the limits of the said corporation, be, and the same is hereby, vested in the Town Council of Mount Pleasant, and the said Council may grant licenses to retail spirituous liquors to such persons, and in sauch quantities, at such rates, and upon such terms and con ditions, as the said Town Council may see fit and proper :-.And the said Intendant and Wardens shall have the full and only power to impose a tax on all shows, or exhibitions for gain or reward within the limits, and all the money paid for li censes for retailing epirituops liquors, keeping tavern and billiard tablcs,.and the tax on all shows for gain or reward within said limits, shall be ap propriated to the public use of said corporation. SEc. 8. That the said 'own Council of Mount Pleasant shall have power and authority to require all persons owning a lot or lots in said town, to build a lawful fence, and keep in good repair side. walks in front of said lot or lots, whenever thS same shall front or adjoin any of the public streets of said town, if, in the judgment of the Council, such sidewalks shall be necessary. the width there of and the manner of their construction to be de. signated and regulated by the Town Connil; and for default or refusal to keep in repair such sido walks, the Town Council may cause the same to be put in repair, and requiro the owner to pay the price of making or repairing: Provided, That such contract for repairing the same be let to the lowest bidder. i SEc. 9. That the said Town Council of Mount Pleasant shall have power to arrest and commit to Jail, for a space of time not exceeding twelve hours, and line not exceeding twenty dollars, any person or perdons who shall be guilty of disorder ly conduct in said town, to the annoyance of the citizens thereof ; a-vd it elhall be the duty of the Ma.rehal of the tosyn to make such arrests, and to call to his assietance the posse comit at us, if neces: sary, and upon failure to, perform such duty he shall be fined in a sum nrot exceeding twelve dol lars. SEc. 10. That the said Town-4Council of Mount Pleasant shall have power to grant or refuse license to parties withia the limiits of said town; and the parties to whom such licenses are granted shall be subject to such regulatio.ns as may by Ordinance be established. They shall also have power to impose and collect an annual tax upon the assessed property of said town : Provided, no tax shall be imposed in any one year to exceed the rate of ten cents on each hundred dollars of such assessed- property, and that the money so raised ahall be applied to the use of said town. The said Town Council shall have the power to enforce the payment of all taxes levied by the said Town Council to the same extent and in the same manner as is now or hereafter sha.ll be pro vided by law for the collection of the general State taxes. SEc. 11. That the said Town Council of Mount Pleasant shall have power to regulats sales at auction within the limits of said town, and to grant licenses to auctioneers: P'ro?vided, Nothing herein contained shall extend to the sales by a sheriff, Clerk of Court, Judge of Probate, Executor or Ad ministrator, Assignee in Bankruptcy, or by any Iother person out of the order, decree of any Court, Trial Justice or other inferior Court. SEc. 12. That alU Acts and parts of Acts incon sistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved 28th day of February, A. D).18'71. AN ACT TO INCORPonATU AND nE-cHAETEa OEZTAIN nELIGIOUs INSTITUTIONs. SEcT ION 1. Be il enazcted by the SenLate and Hfouse of Re-presentatives of the State of Soudh Carolina, now met and silting in Gener-al Asse&>ly, amd by the autority of the sante', That so much of the Act passed on the nineteenth day of December, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty-nine, as incorporatcd "The Orangebnrg Presbyterian Church Society," be revived and con tinued of force for the period of twenty-or.e years. SEc. 2. That Walnut Grove Beptiet Church, in Ithe County ot Abbeville, in South Carolina, be. Iand the same is hereby re-chartered for the term of twetnty-one years, with the esan4e rights, pow-i ere and privileges as those heretofore allowed by law. - SEc. U. That all act3 done or authorized to be done by the oificers of said Church siuce the ex piration of its f,armer che.rte~r, be-, and the same Iare h::rchy d-:clared valid and biniding in all re epccts and to a:i intents. Sxe. -1. Whereas RaJ:T Kxox, Joas C. FNG~E, EEKIEL H IUNNIcUTT, and .Jous L. WmtLsoN, as trustees of the Ne w Hope i3aptiet Church, in Oco nec County, have l>raye d to be incorporated: Thberf ore, from, and imratdiately after,the passage of this Act, all those persons who now are, or who, Ihereafter, may become members of the said so ciety, shall be, and they are hereby, incorporated, and are hereb>y declared to be a body corporate, in deed and in law, by the name and style of the New Hope Baptist Church, Oconee Cou~nty, and by the said name shall have perpetual succession of odicers and members, and a common seal, with power to chacge, alter .and make new the same as often -as the 'said corporation shall judge ex pedient. SEc. 5..That the said corporation shall be ca pable, inlawa to purchase, have, hold, receive, en joy, possess and retain to itself, in perpetuity, or for any term of years, any ladds, tenements or hereditamente, or other property, of what nature soever, not exceedmng the sum of ten thousand Coqrztionsal thinki,and by-A& to s nd begdd iad be.impeaded answer and be answered unto, in any Court of law or equity ii this Sta.0, and make such rules and by-laws (not repugnant to the laws of the land) as for the good. government and-management thereof may be thought necessary and expe dient. SEc. 6. That BAIs Hiz, WILEY B. HARBI, WIL I.IAX ISBELL, LIVINGSTON I8BEL, A. SwAx STz PRENs, and their successors in office, be, and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, under the name and style of the Beaver Dam Baptist Church, of Oconee County, with a capital stock not exceeding the sum of five thou sand dollars, with the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded in any Court of com petent jurisdiction, to have and to hold a common seal, and the same to alter at will and pleasure, and with all other rights and privileges that are now secured by law to like incorporated bodies. . SEc. 7. That W. J. PAasELL, Jo. FLETCHE, RICIAED H. HUMBET, HENRY WASHINGTON, JA COB LINDSAY, LouIs KELLEY, ABraAM PETEusoN, and JAcE QUILLIAN, aud all persons who now are, or-who hereafter shall or may becoma members of the said society, shall be, and they are hereby, incorporated and declared a body politic, under the name and style of the Trinity laptiat Church, of Forence. SEc. 8. That the said coroor.- in shall have power to purchase, receive and ,.,sees3 any real or pernonal estate for the purpoxc of this Act, not exceeding in value the sum of t-venty.-ive thou sand dollars, or to sell the same, and by its cor porate name sue and be sued, plead and be im pleaded, in any Court in this State, -and to make auch rules and by-laws (not repugnant to law), as may be thought necessary and expedient, and said society shall have all the powers, and be sub ject to all the liabilities and restrictions of this Act to regulate the formation )f corporations, so far as applic.sble. SEc. 9. Whereas, Oliver Hewett and his associ ates have prayed to be incorporated; therefore, that from and immediately after the passage of this Act, all persona who now are, or who hereaf ter shall or may become members of the said So ciety, shall be, and they ar6 hereby, incorporated and declared to be a body corporate, by the name and style of the Binnaker Camp Meeting Society, and by said name shall have succession of officers and members, and havo a common seal. SEc. 10. That said corporation shall have power to purch-so, receive and possess any real or per sonal estate, not exceeding in value the sum of twenty thousand dollars, or to sell the same, and by its corporate name to sue and be sued. in any Court in this State, and to make such rules and by-laws (not repugnant to law,) as may be thou;ht necessary and expedient. SE,c. 11. That the foregoing Acts are deemed public Acts, and the charters and re-charters con tained in this Act shall continue in force after the ratification of this Act, for the. term of twenty one yeare, and until the next meeting of the GeneralAssembly thereafter. Approved.tho 7trday of March, A. D. 1871. AN ACT TO LXCOnPORATE TILE COLUMBIA, WALTER BOO' AND YE-1ASEE rAIL ROAD COMPANY. SEcTioN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires, t-f the State of South CaroUina, now met and sitting in General Assem bly, and by the authority of the same, That Joux W. BURBRIDGE, Jon T. JzNNINGs, W. ,:. TuOXAS, J. S. GLovE, BcEEL SANDERS, WILLIAM DRFLE, G. D. RICHAUDaoN. EDWARD HOIEs, 0. P. WiL LIAMs, GEORGE F. MCINTYRF, L. J. XADnn.cs, A. F. O'BICIEN, CALEB SAULS, E. P. HOLMES, RoBERT SwALLS, N. B. MYERs, J. J. KLEIN, and their asso ciatos and successors, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the Columbia, Walterboro' and Yemasee Rail Road Company. SEc. 2. That the said company is hereby author ized to construct a rail road from the towh of Branchville, in nearly as direct a line as possible, to the town of Walterboro', and from thence to some point on the Charlcaton and Savannah Rail Road, as near as possible to the town ef Yemasoc, o'n thie said rail road. SEC. 3. That for the purpose of raising the capi tal stock of the said company, it shall be lawful to open books in the town of Walterboro', under the direction of JoHN W. BlURBRIDGE, J. S. GL.OVEn and WILLI.ur DRImFE; at the city of Charleston, under the direction of JosN T. JENNINOs, WILLIAM M. THOMAS and E. P. HoL.XEs; at the city of Co lumbia, under the direction of GEonoE F. McIN ryEE, G. D. RIcHARDsoN end EDWAaD HoI.MEs, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to an amount not exceeding one million five hundred thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, for the purpose of constructing the rail road provided for by this Act. SEc. 4. That the times and places for receiving such subscriptione shall be fixed by the Commis sioners in the town of Walterboro', or a majority of them, and shall be advertised for thirty days in one or more newspapers of this State; and the books for receiving such subscriptions shall be kept open for sixty d ays at each of the places where the same shall be opened. SEc. 5. That on each share of the stock sub scribed, the subscriber shall the Commis sioner receiving such subseiption, the sum of five dollars, who shall deposit, the same in some National Bank, and no subscription shall be valid without such payments; and at the expiration of the time hereby prescribed for keeping open the books, the said Commissioners shall make a re turn of the subscriptions taken by them, and the slIms paid thereon, to the Commissioncra in the town of Walterboro'. SEc."G. That when the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars shall be sueribed in the manner herein prescribed, the said company may meet and organize, at such time and place as maya be designated by a majority of the Commissioners herein named for t'.o town of Walterboro', due , notice having first been given. SEc. 7. That for the purpose of organiziDg and formingthis company, all the powers conferred by file original charter of the 3iortheastern Rail Road Company in the Commissioners therein named, shall be vested in the Commissioners named in this Act, each subscriber being entitled to a vote for each share of stock: Procided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to exempt the said company from the payment of taxes, or to pledge by way of endorsement or otherwise, the credit or the funds of the State of South Carolina in aid of the construction of said road. SEc. S. That said company shall have the fight to build bridges across navigable rivers: P-cerided, They shakput in good ar,d sufficient draws, and shall construct naecessary stations and turnouts, with one-or more tracks to the roadl, with such gauge as shl corre-spond to that of the South Oarolina Rail Road, and may co-operate with such road or reads as may be chartered by the Stats of Snth Caroline, forming but one road, at their dieretion: Procided, That the said road shall be commenced within one year and completed within fve years after the passage of this Act, or the charter thereof eball be forfeited: And procided, frurer, That said road shall be subject to the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to declare the manner by which the lands, or the right of way over thg land'., of persons or corporations may be taken for the construction and uses of railwaZs and other works of internal improve met,''>ratified September 22, A. D. 1868. Anpsoved March 7, 1871. AN Aer so) AUTEoEIZE AND BEQUIRE THE COUNTY ooMmIeoSEBs OF BAENWEIL COUNTY TO ESTAB LIsH A BoAD FBOM BLACEVILLE To ALL-T.NDALE. S EcTIoN 1. Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Rep.esentime of the Stna of South Carouina, nao~p.mmt and gangq *4enraAuseiy, and b , the athority of1e same.Thabtthe County Cozm misionersof BarnwelCounty 1*e,.and. they are hereby, authorized, npower:ed and required-to lay out, make and keep in repair a public road i leading from Bla*villp to Allendale, and:crossing the Big SatkahatchieSwamp, just above the en- t trance of Hercules Creek. Szc. 2.. That said County Commissioners bhall appoint a competent person to survey and lay out said road, and, as soon thereafter as practica ble, cause the same to be constructed. Sac. 3. That in the construction of this road contemplated by the previous Sections of this Act, should there be necessity for the erection of? bridges, the County Commissioners, on the re commendation of the surveyor of said road, shall cause public notice to be given, with the specifi cations required, and award the building of the 8 same to the lowest bidder: Provided, howecer, i Said bidder shall file his bond with the proper I officers, in double the amount of the contract, for ; the faithful carrying out of its provisions. SEC. 4. That the County Commissioners be a further authorized an-i required to order out all persons liable to road duty residing within four I miles of the line of said road as created, (excepticg those living in incorporated towns,) to perform t three days' work in each month on said road until i its completion tn the satisfaction of the County Commissioners, commencing the first month after a the passage of this Act, notic3 to be given by the r County Commissioners in the manner that such I notices have been heretofore given, defaulters to 1; be fined two dollars ($2) for each day's failure to a work as notified, the fines to be collected by the 3 County Commissioners, and paid into the treasury for the use of said County. SEc. 5. That the bridges mentioned in the third Section of this Act be completed daring the first and second months from the commencement of t construction of said road. Approved March 9, 1871. - - t AN Acr To cHAilTE THE YENASEE AND MILEN BAIL ROAD COMPANY, IN THE STATE oF SOUTH CARO LINA. SzcTio 1. I;e it enacted &y the Senate and House e of Representatives, (f the State of South Carolina, now met and silling in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same, That for the purpose of establishing 4 Rail Road Company from Yema- t see, on the Sivanueh and fharleston Rail Road, t to a point at or near Millen, Gedrgia, that a char- t ter, with the rights and privileges incidental to f the same, be, and the same is hereby granted to t and vested in John D. Bates, Francis E. Douner, t Louis D. Sam, Danel Johnson, James A. Dunbar, c Lewis Brum, Emery Washburn, Joun B. Dimr.s, a Kenney L. Jones, TmTmr HURLET, Anson W. Thayer, H. H. MoNTooxEY, Geo. Waterhouse, J. e C. M rayo, J. M. Crofut, H. M. Stewart, H. J. Max- t well, and their associates ; and when a Company shall be formed, in compliance with the conditions r herein prescribed, it shall be khown by the name of the YLmaseeemd Millen Rail Road Company, a and shall have a corporate existence, as a body politic, in perpetuity. SEc.'2. That the capital stock of said Company t shall be five million ($5,000,000) dollars, in shares of twenty-five dollars each; and, in order to raise the said capital stock, it shall be lawful to open books of subscription in such places and at such' times as may 6ie deemed for the best interest of t the corporation, under the direction of the corpo rators-the times and places for receiving such i; subscriptions to be determined by a majority of i the corporator:; but should such a majority fail t to fix ruch times and p'acee, then such times and places may be fixed by any four of the corpora tors hereinbefore named, having given dae notice of the same in any newspaper or newspapers of t the State; and the subscription books shall be 4 kept open fur twenty days from such times and t at such places as said corporators may deter mine; that on each share of stock subscribed the said subscribers shall pay two dollars to the cor porators, who shall deposit.the sains in some Na tional or State Bank. -When one. hundred thou- ( sand doliars shall have been subscribed, the said corporators, or any four of them, shall give notice, by appigation for at least ten days, of the time3 and place of meeting for organization.c SEc. 3. Whenever the said sum of one hundred thousand dollars shanl have been subscribed, the subscribers, their executors, administrators and assigns, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be incorporated into a Company, and shall have all the rights and privileges conferred upon the Sa vnnabhud Charleston Rail Road Company,ratified 1 December 21st, A. D., 195>3: Provided, however,i That nothing herein contained shall be bo con strued as to .erempt the said Company from the< payment of taxes. SEC. 4. That the said Company shall.have the right to build bridges across navigable rivers: Provided, They shall put in good and sufficienta drawi', and shall construct necessary stations ana turnouts, with one or more tracks to. the road. with such gauge as will correspond with that of f the Savannah and Charleston Bail Road, and may I co-operate with such road or roads as may be chartered by the State of Georgia, forming t but one road, at their discretion: Prorided, That the said road shall be commenced within onec year and completed within fie years after the pas sage of this Act, or the charter thereof shall he forfeited: And provided,farther, That said road shall be subject to the provisions of an Act en- t titled "An Act to declare the manner by which the lands or the right of way over the lands of persons or corporations may be taken for the con-t struction and uses of railways and other works of internal improvements," ratified September 22d,c A. D.~1868. SEC. 5. This Act shall be deemed a public Act,a and continue in force for twenty-one years. Approved March 9, 1871. AN AcT TO PRovIDE Fon THE GOVERNMENT OF THE( SOUTH CARO.INa INSTITUTION Fon THE EDUcATION OF THE DEAF' AND DUMB AND THE BLIND. S ECloN 1. e it enact6d by tire Senate and i Iouse of Represenrtalives of thre State of South Caro'rna, neo' met and sitting in Genreral Assem bly, anrd by the authority of the same, That His Excellency the Governor, the Comptroller-General I and the State Superintendent of Education be, 1 and they are hereby, censtituted a Board to be t known by the name, style and title of the "Board. of Commissioners of the Deaf and Dumb and thea Blind," and are hereby vested with the supervi sion aIid control of the affairs and government of I the South Carolina Institution for '.he Education of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, located at Cedar Spring, Spartanburg County, S. C. The I Governor shall be ez offcio Chairman, and thec State Superintendent of Eaucation Secretary of a the said Board.< SEc. 2. That the said Board of Commissionersc shall meet annually on the first Monday in Novem ber, at the office of the Governor, and at such other times and places as the Chairman of thet Board shall direct. Said Board shall receive no , compneationu for their serrices. SEc. 8. Thlat it shall be the duty of the Secre- I tary of said Board to visit the South Carolina In- ~ stitution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb 4 and the Blind at least twice during each school seiOn thereof, in order to note the condition of the Institution; the effciency and faithfulness of the instructors and officers, and the progress of the pupsils thereof, and to submit to the said Board written reports of.such visits; he shall he allowed actua,1 traveling expenses incurred in making such visits, the same to be.subject to the approval of the other members of the Board, and I to be paid from the funds appropriated for the 4 support of the Institution. ' SEc. 4. That~the said Board of Commissioners hall have power to appoint a Principal and euch teachers and officers of the Institution as they .1 a deem r,quisieand toi fix their salaries; to stablish clations fortha dmission 'of pupil', to thjAnstitution, and:. to irescribe such rules and by-jaws as.they, in their adment, shall deem necessary for the manage aent and good government of the Institution. Szc.5. That all Acts or parta 'Acts inconsie ent with this Act be, andthV=-are hereby, re ealed. SEc. 6. That this Act shall take effectr om its assage. - Approved, March the 7th, A. D. 1871. AN AOr To iscoRPORaTE TE TOWN OF FLOPEncE. SEcrio: . Be i enacted by Me Senate and Rouse f Representatives pf the Sate of South Carolina, ow met and sitting in General AssemLly, aod by te authority of the same, That from and after the assage of tbia Act, all and every person .r per one %;lo shall have ;esidad in the corporate lim Ls of the village of Florenee for .two mouths, are ereby declared to be members of the corporation ereby to be created. SE. 2. That the said persons eball, from and fter the passage of this Act, become a body poli Ic and corporate, and shall be known -and called y the name of the town of Florence, and its cor orate limits shall extend one mils in every direc ion from the corner of Front and Dargan-streets, a said town. SEc. 3. That the said town shall be goveraed by n Intendant and. four Wardens, who shall have esided in the State. for one year, and within the mite of the corporation for sixty-days immediate r preceding their election.. The said Intendant ud Wardens shall be elected on the second londay of the month of April, in each ear, ten days' -notice being preTiouly iven, and shall continue in office .one year, nd until the election and qualification of tbeir accessors; and all male inhabitants of the said own who shall have attained the age of twenty ne years, and resided therein two months im aediately preceding the election, shall be entitled o vote for said Intendant and Wardens. SEc. 4. That the said election -shall be held in ome convenient public place in said town, from ix o'cloca in the morning until six o'clock in the Vening; and when the polls shall be closed the fanagers shall forthwith count the votes lare ths election, giving notice in writing to the ersons elected. The IntenAdant and Wardens, for he time being, shall always appoint, th.Managers o conduct the election, who, before-they open be polls for the said election,.-shall take aaA.oAh Lirly and impartially to conduct the same. And be Intendant and Wardens, before entering upon be duties of their offlces, respectively, take the ath prescribed by the Constitution of. the State, ad the following ~oath, to wit.: "As Intendant or Wardenn) of the Town of Florence, I will qually and impartially, to the best of myabii y, exercise the trust reposed in me, and will use - 2y best endeavors to preserve-the peace, and car y,into effect, according to law, the purpose for rhich I have.becn elected: So help me God.! ,nd if any person, upon being elected Intepdant r Warden, shall refuse to act as such, he shAll Drfeit and pay to said Town Council the sum of wenty dollars, for the use.of said town; Provided ut no person who haa attained the age of sixty, ears shall be compelled to .erve la either of the aid offices, nor shall.any other .person be com eiled to serve more than one year in any term of bree.years. SEc. 5. case any vaeitcy should o4= a the office of Intendant, or any ofthe Warus, ,y death, resignation or otherwise, an election to ill such vacancy shall be held, by the appointment f Intendant or Warden or Wardens, as the case. ay be, ten days' previous notice beiag given; ,ad in case of sickness or temporary absence of he Intendant, the Wardens, forming a Council, hall Le empowered to elect one of their number o act as Intendant during the time. SEc. G. That the Intendant and Wardtpa dly lceAe and qualified shall, durnng their 'ter-na.of ervfce, severally and respectively, be vested witti .1itthe powers of a Trial Justice or other inferior hourt; and the Intendant shall and may, as often .s may be necessary, summon the Wardens to mect in Council, any tw6 of whom shall,. witir the ntendant, or any threo Wardens, constitute a luorami to transact business, and .they shall be nown by the name of the Townt Conced of Flor ne. And they and their successors, hereafter to he elect-ed, may have a common seal, which shall eaflixed to all their ordinances,-may sunand be ned, may plead and be impleaded in any Courtof aw or Equity in this State, and purchase, hold, ossess and enjoy to them and their successors, ai perpetuity, or for any term of years,- any 'state, real or personal, or mixed, and sell, asien, ir convey the same: Prosided, The same shall tot exceed, at any one time, the sum of ttn thou and dollars. And the Intendant and Wardens hall have full power to make and establish all uch rules, by-laws and ordinances respecting the oads, streets, markets and police of said town, s shall appear to them necessary and requisite' or the security. welfare and convenience of said own, or for preserving health, order, peace and ood government within the same; and all the y-Iaws, rules and ordinances the said ConCil say make shall, at all times, be subject to.revis r repeal by the General Assembly of this State. Lnd the said Council may fix and impose fines and. enaities for the violation thereof, and appropri te the same to the public uses of said corpora ion: P'rocided, That no punishment shall exceed lfty dollars, or thirty days' imprisonment. SEc. 7. That the Intendant and Wardens of said own shall.have full and only power to grant or efuso licenses to keep taverns, or retail spiritu aus liquors within the limits of said town, upon uch conditions, and under such circumstances, a to them shall seem right and proper:~Prorided, That in no instance shall the price of a license to ;cep a tavern, or to retail spirituous liquors, be ixed at a lees sum than is established by the laws ir this State; and all moneys paid for licenses, and for fines and forfeitures for retailing spirit ions liquors, keeping tavern and billiard tables rithin the said limaits, without linenses, shall be ,ppropriated to the public uses of said town: P)rorided, That the Intendant and Wardens, duly lected and qualified, shall not have power to ~rant any license to keep taverns or retail spirit ous liquors, to extend beyond the term for which hey have been elected. SEc. 8. That it shall be thne duty of the Intend rat and Wardens to keep all roads, streets and rays within their corporate limits open and ia ood repair. They shall have power to compounad rith all persons liable to work the streets, ways .od roads in said town, upon such terms as they iy or Jinance shall esblish, the moneys so re eived to be applied to the publicuse of said town; ,nd all persons refusing or failing to pay such ommutation shall be liable to such fine, not ex ceding twenty dollars, as the Town Concil may nipose. SEc. 9. The said Town Council shall have power o regulate sales at anetion Within the limits of aid town, and to grant licenses to auctioneers: orcdd Nothing herein cont4ined shall extend a sales by Sheriff, Cl::rk of Court, Judge of Pro ate, Coroner, Executor or Administrato'r, As ignee in B&nkruptcy, or by any of the persons' ut of the order, decree of a':y Court, Trial Jus ice or other inferior Court. SEc. 10. They shall also have power to impose ,n annual tax not exceeding fifty cents on every umndred dollars of the asseseed value of real and ersonal estate lying within the corporate limits f said town, the real and personal estate of hurches and school associations excepted. The aid Concil shall have power to regulate the price if licenses upon all public shows and exhibitions n said town; to erect a powder magazine, and ompel any person holding more than twenty-five ounds of powder to store the same therein, and to cake regulations for the rates of storage thereof, Continned on Secnd Pae.