The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, April 05, 1871, Image 4

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WHO WILL CARE? Who will care ? When v,e lie beneath the daisies, Underneath the churchyard mold, And the long grass o'er our faces Lsys its fingers damp and ccld; When we sleep from caie and sorrow, And the ills of early life Sleep, to know no sad to-morrow. With its bitterness of 'trife Who will care? Who will care? Who will come to weep above us, Lying, oh ! so white and still, Underneath the skies of summer, When all nature's pulses thrill To a new life, glad and tender, Full of beauty rich and sweet, And the world is clad in splendor That ti e years shall e'er repet Who will care? Who will care? When Queen Autumn's flowers blossom, And she stoops in pity down, With a white lower for our bosom, Taken from her royal crown? Who will come to kneel in pi'y By our long and narrow bed, When the wild winds sing their ditty In the grasses o'er our head Who will care? Who will care? When the Springtime's glad smile lingers On the meadows far and wide, And she drops, from rosy fingers, Bloom and leaf on every side; Who will come, with tender yearning, To the graves of those they miss ? Who will sigh for our returning To their presence and their kiss Wbo will care ? Who will care? Who will think of white hands lying On a still and silent breast, Never more to know of sighing, Evermore to know of rest ? Who will care? No one can tell us; But if rest and peace befall, Will it matter if they miss us, Or they miss us not at all? Not at all. Gov Holden Found Guilty on Six Articles He is Removed from Office and Disqualified. RALm.H, March 22.-The high court of impeachment, sitting for the trial of W. W. Holden, Governor of Nor th Car olina, voted to-day on the eight articles of impeachment preferred by the House, with the following result : A two-third vote was requisite to convict. Forty nine members were present. Not guilty on the first article-ayes 30, nays 19. Not guilty on the second articles-aves 82 ,nays 17. Guilty on the third article -ayes 37, nays 12. Guilty on the fourth article-ayes 33, nays 16. Guilty on the fifth article-ayes 40, nays 9. Guilty on the sixth article-ayes 41, nays 8. Guilty on the seventh article ayes 36, nays 13. Guilty on the eighth article-ayes 36, nays 13. An order was then passed removing Governor Holden from office, and disqualifying him from holding any office of honor or profit in the State. On this order the vote stood 86 affirmatives, 13 negative. All the Senators were present except one. The completion of the Senate is thirty-six Conservatives and fourteen Republicans. One Republican was absenl, Mr. Fly, of Northampton. We caninot vouch for the truth of the following story in tbe American Journal of Chemistry, but it is too good to be lost: When the stereoscope was invented, the Abbe Moigno took the instrument to Arago, and tried to interest him in it; but Arago unluckily had a defect of vision that made him see double, so that looking into the stereocope he saw only a medley of four pictures. The Abbe then went to Savart, but he was qnite as incapable of appreciating the thing, for he had but one eye. Becquerel was next visited, but be was nearly blind, and consequently ctred but little for the new optical toy. The Abbe, not di+ couraged, called next upon Pouillet, of the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers. Hie was a good deal interested in the description of the apparatus, but unfortunately he squinted, and therefore could see nothing in it but a blurred mixture of images. Lastly, Boit was tried, but Boit was an earnest advocate of the corpuscular theory of light, and until he could be assured that the new contrivance <did not contradict that the ory, he would not see anyting in it. Under the circumstances, the wonder is the stereoscope ever got fairly into France. A DScIDED SNUB.-Greeley, in his Tribune, does not comment very kindly spont the maiden speech of the first black Representative of S,>uth Carolina. Hie says: "Mr. Elliott, one of South Carolina's Sew Representatives, asserted on Tues day that the Ku Klux dicturbers of the South are the very class of men whom it is proposed to relieve of their political disabilities.' In the absence of proof. probabilhties are entitled to weight, and Mr. E.'s naked assertion does not suffice to prove that the midnight riders arid raiders in mnasks and multiform dis guises, by whom the South is now dis turbed, are the ex colonels, ex-legislators and ex-magistrates of the o1ld slave-hold ing regime, who are alone excluded from office by existing di.rabilities. If Mr. E. had asserted1 that pears arid water welons are generally stolen by clergymen and deacons fifty to eighty years old, his mistake could not be more obvious than h is now." A correspondent of the Scientific American writes that he has seen a steam boiler advertised which saves 3:3 per cent. of fuel ; a valve which saves 15 par cent.; a governor which saves 10 per eent.; a cut ofy wvhich saves 10 per cent.; a fire grate which saves 20 per cent.; metal packing and damper regulator which saves 12 per cent., anid a lubricator which will save per cent.-making in all a saving of 101 per cent. Combininig a11 these improvements, an engine would, he thinks, run itself, and produce an ad ditional one per cent, of fuel, which might be used for domestic purposes. In the Baptist Church, Iowa Falls, last Sunday, several candidates were ranged in front of the font, and the au dience were in their most solemn mood, when, upon lifting the trap-door cover ing the font, it was found to be as dry ms a patent office report. A little hole in the left hand lower corner indicated where the water had gone out. The .eremony was postponed. A down-east editor plaintively says that he has original poetry enough to phingle a meeting-house, but, as he has a. meeting-house to shingle, the origi am1- aoetry is useless. MARRiAGE.-Leigh1 1unt Con cludes anl essav on Inarrilue a4 follows:-I-There is no one thinl:,-g more lovely in this lil'e, more fu:' of the divinest couragi t[INi a vouti- naiden from hor past, If -, frotn her happy childhood, when she rambled over every field t1u moor around her home; when a mother anticipated her wants and soothed her little cares, when brothers and sisters grew fron merry playmates to loving, tru fi friendisd; from Chri-tma-, h erings and romps, the summer fes tivals in bower or garden, from the roonis sanctitied by the death of relatives ; fron tie secure back grounds of her childhood, and girl hood, and maidonhood, looks out into the dark and unilh-Uninateod future. -way from all that. and yet unterrified, undaunted, leans her fair cheek upon her lover's breast, and whispers, 'Dear heti I cannot see, but I believe. TheiIL past was beautiful, and the future I can trust-with 'hee MUTuAL A ti).- T1 he race of man kind wouhl perish. did theyV ce-s to aid each otiher. From the time that the mother binds the child's head, till the motuent that some kind assixtant wipes the death damp from the b,row oft he dying,we cAniot exist witLot mutual help. All, therefore, that ut-ed aid, have a righit to ask it of their fllow mortals; no one who holds th- I power of granting, can refuse it without guilt. A man in Chicago was fined twenty-five dollars the other day for "pruriient curiosity." The following is the 'nub' of a yarn which is told about. a big. whiskey guz zling fellow who came home drunk one night and sat down by the ti! e to warm his feet, wbich were regular "worm kil. lers," says the legcd: After dozing sometime, he awoke chilly; the embers were entirely hid from view, and seeing his feet, mistook them fur his little boy, when with a majestic wave of the hand, he said, 'stand aside my little son, and let your poor father warm himself.' The Roman Church was about to in herit the property of the late Cardinal Caracci, (.;ays an Italian corr.,spondent,) when a woman, claiming to be his wife, and the mother of seven of his children, made her appearance, estiblisbed her claim, and secured his large estate. The Southern Baptist Educational Convention will meet at Marion, Ala., April 12. Distinguished speakers are engaged. Schools and colleges through out the South are requested to send dele gates. The Secretary of the Interior estimates that if he pays all of the assista!t censU marshals the extra compensanion au thorized by the new law, it will require at least three quarters of a million of dollars. Three companies of the 7th Cava'ry, arrived in the city yesterday, under corn mand of Major Merrill, and went int. camp near the Charlotte Depot.--2ol umbhia Union, 27th. A LAARRaifiA Of the Most Approved Which we will sell on the most SATISFACTORY TERMS. We invite an examnination of them, both as to characeter and price. R. MOORMA4N & 00. F'eb 8-tf. 22, THE CELEBRAtTED ZES PHO8PIIATE We have a large lot of this highly approved FFRITILIZER, which we will sell on the most -ecommodatinig terms. (Call on R. .hiOORMAN & CO.-with whom it is stored--for partculars.& il . . I Feb. 22. 8-tf. Wagon Making, Repairing, &c. TilE undersigned has oponed a shop. hi di a mile from He-lena, (on G. & C. R. R ,) at Judge Lake's place, where he is prepare<: to Shoe Uorse-s, Lay Plows, Make and R. oair Wagons, and do any kind of Wood Work, either Agricultural, \Mill or Domestic Work. HIe will also repair Cotton Gins. Shoeing a Horse.................. 1.2" Laying a Plow ( furnishing iron.) 40 " "(he furnishing iron,)... 45 2 Hloise Wagon with body. I a " wtl.out body...1ooo All orher work in proportion. All that is asked is a share of his friends' ('all and ceo. STEt'HIEN F. E. GRUBER. Mar. 1, t#-tf. . STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA NEwnE~RRY Cot'NTY. By James C. Loahy, P'robaite Judg". WIIERasaw Johtn S. Renuwick hath made suit to mte to grant him Letters of Admnis tration,- with will annexed, of the Estrate and effets of Maryv Toland, dleeased. These are therefore to cite and admuonish all and singulair, the. kindred and creditors of the said de-ceased, to tbe and appear be fore me, in the Court of Probate, to be hold at Newberry Court House, on the 5th dav ofA ril'ne.t, after publicationr hereot, at 1 le'elock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said aid ministration should not be grinted. Given under my hand this ?2d day of Marc-h Ano Dominii, 1871. JA MES C. LE AHY, r. J. s. c. Mar. 29, 1.3-2t. MACQUEEN & RIECKE, WHOLESALE PROVISION & PRODUCE DE ALERS. Have constantly on band and receiving IBacon, Dry Salted Meats, rork, Lai d, Beef, Flour, Sugar, Molasses, &c. Purchasers are requested to examin~e their stock at 21 and 23 YENDUE RANGE, TIHE ATLANTIC! iiM [HAI E. The und erig;.ed in offering the .buve F Fertilizar o) Lh Pl.ttr of Lwbery. fuel Con ident that ils quality i.k fully equal to he bv.-t ,tilers now manufactured. This bein-.: the first year of its sale, ,f its 1.r,-:!bu f; ! assu:red th%t gli t *tl'., fu lLed. it Will become he favurite fertill:;r in the South. Plnters are requ-stvd to send in heir orulrs as pronptly as possib!e. Mayes & Martin, Alents at Newbcrry. S. C. Fle 15 7 tf T1I-E SINxTGER! NEW FAMILY SEWVIXG MACHINE, iq im olTered for sale on e:isv termi, at the tat Agency, No. 1u7 Kiug St. Charleston, . C. Silk, Thread, Needles and Machine Find gs, of the best quality. Stitching done to rder. General repairina executed. mHE NEW MANUFACTURING MACHINE, -rol. railors and Boot Fitters, is the best in the nairket. Local and Traveling Agent- Wanted. Circulars and Samples on application. THE SINGER Sewing Machine Agency! 197 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. P. W. & I. S. (11C1, Agents, NEWERR'Y, S. C. Dec. 7, 49-'70-13 BUGGIES! BUGGIES!! t RIeduced Prices, .And atG(reat largains, IE e.d fur ;oon, as we are detn rmnend o il. Fine Top B'r!ies for $-!5O. Double Seat Ulw1u Biuggies, (a very prett. md desirable article for familyv use, can be :anged in a minuute to a Single Seat,) at le low price oft$175. Opn Single seat IBaggies at from *15a o 15. The saime goality and styles of work annot be. bou2ht ini any market South for ihe same mRoney. ALSO We keep a lot of ready madle wheels on an of we!!i cea,onedI and good muaterial i the fotiowinug qulities, D)oubh. XX, Sin le X, No. 1, and No. 2. at Low Prices. Our factory is neatr the depot, Newberry, J. TAYLOR & CO. SALOON. B. MA. BLEASE is with Messrs. Ward & ieron, a nd il be glad to see all of his LI riends. I1"-z bra:als of Alee, Winoo'., Brandies, ':.iii.. , Gin, ke., on hand. Fancy Drin,kt, &c at ai! time'. l'n 2,S-t. MX//A4 Two Dollars per 4 Pages Reading Matter.; 0 Pages Advertisements. VALKER, EVANS & COGS WELL, D. WYATT A!KEN, (CII.lR'LESTO2T. S. C. July 13, 29-tf. NIK E R SON IIOUES E,": Columbia, S. C., Thia peasantiv located hIlte u urpssed by ny lou:e in th'e .Suth for comfort andi he:ulthy ncalit, is now opten to Tfr:veie'rs and there teking accommodationt. Famniles can be fur tiThedwith niCe. airy r omn on re-oa ieI erme. "A cal i' slicited.'' .My omnibue will e at the different der' is Jan 1 tARAII L. WItcGIIT. PAVILION I10TEL. Charleston. S. C. 30RD PER DAY - - - * O0 MRs. HI L. BUTTERFIELD, Proprictress. i. HA~MIL TO, Superintendent. 300 lbs. Bluestone, For sale by ~ D. NOWER. o:.23 47-tE OF THIS POPUI IlAS BEE~N RERDUCED F( TO MEET THE NI PLANTING- C ANDT UAS BI CAS---Fifly Dollars per To TfIME---Fify-five Dollars pet P1ayable 1st November, 18 WM. C. DTJ A G E C HE A R L E R. MOORMAN & CO., Jan. 1 1, 2-:1m. ISAAC SULZBACHER, SIGN OF MAMMOTH CLOCK. (Under Columbia Hotel,) COLUMBIA, S. C., GEW F0 T TI TUE -TO GI NEB ATEP sISHT'l and dealur in ATC HES CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, F A N C Y A R T I c L E S, CUTLERT, PIPES, .nd everythiing usually kept in a first class Jewelry Store. All orders promxptly anid satisfacto rily att"nded to. Feb 157 tf mR. J. w. THodPSUN SURGiEON~ DENTIST, (Successor' to Dr W . B. McKellar) Office over Mc(Fall & P ool's store, on Maitx Street. All the old busine,s~ left unfini-hed will hi completed on the terms as before arranged and everythint. done in the best marnner and warrnted. The patronage othe public 1h respctfully solicited. Dc. 8, 48-tf. AcA?mUY. A. P. PIFEE, M. A.,. Principal 3Miss FANNIE LEAVELL, : : Assis?ant Prof. F. W RBER, : : Musical Dept TlE next se',ion of thi~ St'IluxL wi' TIuir in--Fromx $ In to 92O per half sei..ot of 5 iont hs. M u.i and M odern L:tngmig'. ex ra. I n<ttion tiven ii. al1l thei branebt" iunally iraught in Fem'ale Schol oIflth hig!xPsi grade. P'.pils from a dli.tanc(e e-in obtain hn-rd in good' private fanxxlies it about $1-> per. inonth. Pupils will be ch irged from thme date of 'trace, and no red Ierion will be m:xIe .exept in cases of protraxcted illn--as. N B. The Tuit ion fees mus't be paid in dvace. For particulars apple to COL. S. FAIR, Prx'-'t lh)ard TFrui.vees, or S. P. B'00%Eli, Ese1, sec. Jan. 4, 1--t I. DR. E. C. JONES SURGEON DENTIST, NEWP>ER RY, S. C. Rooms over Mr. Mower's store, and in 'ront of' H.rl ol1ice. I take phasuire in in foring~ my friends ind ithe puthi! generally, thei my den n! -oms are nto en,t and i that I am pre Saredl to execuite all work in my profession mx th- most approved tnmner. am deternmined to der 'e nmy entire iie and ene.rgy to my profession. Jan. 12 2 tf. COLUMP,IA HOTEL. COttMm.A. s. C. T HE PROPIRIETOR takes pl(essure in on' nonneing that this. e.lganly furni%hed stablihment is now open for the accom nioda:ion of gue-ts. The table will always >e supplied with every delictacy of the seus on-both from New York .ind Chadestin ~Irkt, arnd no effor'ts will be spared :o tive perfect .satisfaction, in every respect, to Jaan. 1\O. GORMAN. MANILLA ROPE Suitable for well ropes. For sale by Dn mOWR. ERTIL IZERH9 Mil2R, OFFICE IEEE[ Iin I *RIE AR FERTILIZER )R THlSAS0N 01 1, CFSSITIES OF THE 0 I Z *N isT Y, EN FIXED AT ft of 2,03 Ibi. at Factery. Tn of 2,000 Ibs, at Facory, 71. without Interest. KES & 00., N T S , 3 T O N, S. C. Arents at Newborry, S. C. Greenvie & Columbia Railroad. Co'trV1A. S. C.. March 1. 1871. On -nd after Wednesday. March 1. the follow Irg Schedule will be run daily. Sundays ex cepted. coinectin.. with Night Trains on South Carolina Road. up and down. also with Train going South on Charlotte. Colombia and Augus ta Railroad: UP'. Leave Columbia..................7.00 a m .Alt......... ........... 9.10 a M Newberry.... ............11.15 a ru " Cokebury.......... .......300 p m Belton............. ......5.00 p m Greenville...................... 6.30 p M DoWN. Leave Greenville....................... 6.15 a m Belton......................... 805 a M Cbkesbury................ 10 07 a m Abbeville.... ................. .15 a m New erry....................... 1.5D p m Alston. ........ ........... 4 05 p m Arrive Columbia........................55 p M I'lWS. DODAMEAD. Gen'l Supt. W. T. BARTL.TT, Geieral l'icket Agent. South Carolina Rallroail Company, I COLUMBIA. S. C.. .January 19. 1871. ON and after SUNDA Y. the 22d instant. P'as aenger Trainit upon this load will arrive and leave as follows: Ta sIN No. 1. Leave Charleston at ..................... 821 a in A rr ive at Colum bia at ... ............... 440 : m Leave Columbia it....................2 15 y, i A rrive at Cha:rle'.ton at................. 750 p in L.eave Camd..n. Sunidays excepted, at... 9 5. a mn Arrive att ing:ville at ......... ...... 1.2 p m l.eave King~vidle. Sundiaysnexcepted. at.. 30 pi m Arrive at Camdeu: at ..................6 pm The above l'rains run in connectioni with Wl mintgton, Columbia and An:uta a i lroiad, con tecting witht Tr:ain-. tior Wltmmzgtmii. North iao lina, no~d with T'rains fir Augusta, G;eti'in Genrgi Raitrat: .nd Centtra Ruiiroad, tur all points Sounth aid W.Wt. Lc: rtC-rl--at ni at ...............7 10 p mn Leave( tiO l i: it.... ...... -. . p in Arrive at (Charleston t....... 6...... . a in TI.ia Frain runs in coninection with. Ip Attuas ta Trainii, making chiie connection with Georgia R 1ailr a-:1 anu cntral t:,iCro,.t .Mining l'rain's. for all pintsI $i.u!t :nl W~e4t. IA. L. TYLL R. 1;e-resident. -. 11. 1'C E~N$. G;eneral ticket Agent. Charlotle, Columbia & Augusta R. R. CoLCI BI A, $ C.. d tnuary 17. 17. ON and af;er NUN1I)A Y. Jasnuary 2. the Pa tenger traits over this R1oad will ruu :.s fillows: GoING No:tT . No). 2. .No. I. * AaRiVE. LEA Vit. ARRIVE. LE'AV. Augusta MiO tpm 8.0O ami Columbia 11.05 pm 1 2. -pm 1251 pm 1.03 pm Winnsboro 1.2.5 am 1.27 am 3.17 pm :.37 pm (he.ter 2.56 amt 3 P. amt 5.17 ymn 5.1.. pm Charlotte 5.30 a m i73 pm GoiNG $oUTit. Nom. 1. N . - AntIVE. LicAVE. AICtRIVE. L.EAYE. Augusta 7 45 pm11 7.3 a mi Clumbia 2 16 tim 2.28 pm 2 13:am 2.28 am W inti-boro 11 55 am 1..5 m 11.55 pmn 11. 8 ;:mt ( heser 1".24 tim 1 23are 1. 7 pm 1:3 pin Cha.rloitte 80) att 5.1 pmt Going Noirth.-Iorb No. 1 and 2 m:ike clo': daily conntteitiions at C hai Jlt f-or Newv York andi all Points\Northt :aid Ea-t. Piassengers leavinig ont 2 on SA TliDA YS. will lay over 12 hours at (Gott:gStnth.-Btoth Nis. 1 and 2 make close daily ceiectmnis at Augutsta with tratms o1' the Georgia indl (Centril Georgia toad::. for all Through Tickets sold. and ila.gage checked to alt prinospa! pointa... .$L(I .Su. E. Ri. D)nRExT. General Ticket A.eenr. Winter Schzinle Spartanbug and Union Ont andu after thei 24-lithi:ant, thle Pas-. setger Tr:nsi nIll go town oni MONDIAYS. WEDNEC[LiAYS irid FRID.\YS; leavinig Retureinig ott TrCESD)AYS. Til'IlSDAYS and;i S.\1UT[)RDAYS, wdi le.ave Ailtn at 9.50i A. Mn., andi arrivye it Spa rt.tiurg ait :t 410 P. M. THOMAS Bi. JETER, IrNioNxvktur, S. C.. P'residentt. Ier . 2i, 4::-:t. WHERE TO STOP. WILLIAM.S' IIOTEL. Fiirmerly ITarvey Hlouse, SPARTANBURG C. H., S. C. CONTINENTAL IIOTEL, L&AURENS, C. H., S. C. .J. Y. II WIL .vs, Proprietor. MY friends and the traveling pnblie are re pecfu:ty infornmed that the abotve named I p>TECL$ are now tunder my co,ntroil; atnd they tmay re-t assuared that the reputation of te two houses will he fully kept up. The Roms atre comlortably furtnishted and the Tfables will be suppiied with the best of ev ery thing. May 11. 19--if. NATIONAL IIOTEL, Colu:nbia, S. C. Rlobert JorHier, Proprietor. P. IIamilton Jloyner, Clerk. RATES: if Board, per Day..............# t0 S;per, Break fast andi Loidging . .. .. 2 0t0 ige Meals............ ......-.1 0 Sep. Sth, 1869. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR MEALS AT THE AlsonHotel, e.rafast Going 1.p and Dinner an1Going Down.ii DR. TUTT'S EXPECTORANT FOR C(ughs, COlds, &c. For the Speedy Relief AND) PER1ANENT CUrE OF CNSU MPTIN, B RO NC II I T IS. AST H M A "a OS, AND ALL DISMAStS OF THE Lungs, Chest, or Throat! IRE EXI'ECTOtANT is composed exc'u Pye ly Of H1erbal and Mucilaginous products. which Perleate the verv Sulslance of the LnD,& cau4ing them to throw -ff the acrid matter which collects in the Broichisi ribes. at at the samiz! tinw f -r-r a sootlin, citing. relieing theirri tti- which pr-dum-i the couzh. The olj-c ti b4 traiied is to cleanse the or gan of all impni ifie- ; to t.uriA anki 4ren::then it when it hai become tipaired ad enfeebled by disen-e: to renew anui !vitr,te the circulation of tht bltod, mi d strengtivi the Ucryous organi zatimi. The EX'ELTORANT durx thii to an aFtoni.iug degre. It is active ,ut mi!d and coil-enil, imparting tui.ti-inl erergy and nat ural stretth. It aff-rds Uxyg-n to v-talizes the blood. and Nitrogen to saitailato the matter It equalizLs the "nirvous influence," producing quiet and somposure. -0 TO CONSUMPTIVES It is itvrluabie. ns it immediately relieves the d:flicult breathing and harassing cough which attends that diease. FOR ASTHMA It is a specifie-one dose often relievlng tne dis tre?tsing chokiig, and producing calm and pl exa ant repose. . FOR CROUP No mother rhould ever be without a bottle of the -.XP'ECTR tANT in the hou.. We have nume rous certificates of its having relieved. almost in stantly. the little sufferer, when death appeared almost inevitable. MOTHERS BE ADVISEDIi Keep it on Hand I This dread diwesse requires prompt action; as soon as the hoarse. hisl:ow cou;h i, heard, apply the remedy, and it is easily subdued; BUT DELAY IS DIGE'OUS! [l The properties of the EXPECTORANT are demulcent. nutr itive, balbamic. awothing, and healing. It braces the iervou4ystem aud pro duces pleasant and refreshing sltep. IT EXHIIR ATES A IO RELTEVES GLOOM INZSS AND DZPRESSI0N. Conti?inz, all thle qu::litie iu a convenient and concentrated form it has pruveu to be I lie Most Valffable Lung Balsam ever offered to suZerers from Pulmonayy di eas". Prepared by WM, H. TUT T & LA nl AUG USTA, GA. eold by Dr:ggists everywhere. Nov. 23. 47-6m. WILLIAM GLAZE. JUST received a large as;ortment of WATVIHES.-Gold nl Silver Hunting. Stem Winding, Open F ^ce, or Swiss, Eig lish and American ma:nufacture. CLQ'KS.--French Parlor, of Black Ma ble, Gilt. Ormnht, Roewood and Waldnut. sPEI:TAUL.ES.-Gold, Silver aud Steel, of all descri ptions Eye Claiesn with Gold, Rubber andl Tortoise Shell Framie. TlII.MiBLE*.--Gold an i Silver of all d and with .-eluigs of all kidIs of prc-ios stonues ; Brooches, E.r-rinus, Necklace-, Braceele: s an d Aiimes, Gold Cha::te!aine and and L.eontIine; al varieties of' .J.t,, Gi. P5e:rl and mrnia: Je,welry -1 .,n Ornmuent', &-. GENTLE\lEN'S JEWELIRY.-Ve-t and Gu ard Ch:ains, Col lar :tid Shit B :t ton-, slev Button-, Se.d Rh:yg-, B3rojches, Searf Pine, &c. SI'i (NA.--Th!c , Dessecrt, Tea, Sugar. \!u.r,, is . S:tit Spoons and Ladles. FORLK -.Talel, D< ssert and Breakt'aet. K N IVES.---Desert, Fruit, Butter, Fish,. l'. ie,:k.:n. C:he,se K iv es. PiTiIER{S.--Chalices and Com-nnion sets, .c Pitch:ers, Cup.s, Boland ob I ASTl )l..--.:uver and Plared, Frui:t Make-rs, Creamn 'ot, Sal1t aml1 liittr Diahes, W~.iiters. &e. WILLIA.M GLAZE, onhe doo,r No:-th of Scot t, Wdtliamts & G o.'s Batnking iIousec, Muain street. .Carolina National Bank 00L UJIBIA, S. . Capital Stock Paid in, $200,000. Bt)AIID I F DI130 f)lRS: Dr. J1. W. l'arker, It .M. WVallace. .Jlihn S. Wdley, Dr. John T Darby. E.11ope. ic;hard O'.N.ale, Jr. C. D. MwrTox, Atto:niey. W. I;. G;ulick, C .1. Iredell. - a:.hier. Asaista n t Ca,ibier. The capital stick of thui, Bank is now 520l0.f0O, all of wich has been paid in. and confirmed by the (Comptrol ler of the Authority ha also been received for a further increuse to the amnount of$5 .0&e, of which over $20.1): has al Iready bee-n taken. Pt-sons wishing to make an itnvetment should apply withcunt delay The Surplus Fund is now $6.'e0, or thiree per Cent. upon its stock. r'he Caroli a National B:n'c issues certifi cats of depo-it, bearing interest at the rate of sevetn per cent. per anuum. This f.-ature ot its business makes it practica liy A SAVINGS BANK. and attention is called to the faect that the safety of these deposirs. as well all others, are guar anteed by the whole capital of the Bank. No safer mode of temporary inve-stmteet is offered to the publtc :ban this-the deposits being payable on demand or on short notice Deposits of any amount received evher in currency or coin. ad payuble in the -ame Interest will be paid at the end of each six mnonthms. should de possita remain beyoind that length ot'time. (olumias, S. U.. January 2S, 1871. Feb. 1'5-3m. Spring & Summer Importation 1871. Millinery and Straw Goods. ARMUSi R(, CATOR, & CO., IMPORTERS ANtD JOBBERtS OF Bonnet, Trimming 4: Velvet Ribbons, B09.\EI SILEd, SATINS and 'EL VEtS. I133 Blnd.ietts, (rap's, RuchleS, Fhtwers, Featliers, ORNAMENTS, STRA BONETSAND L GI ES' HATS, TAWTEIMM(ED AND UOTRDMED. SHAKER HOODS, &C. 23'7 and 239 B liTIK : R2EET, BAL 5KDR , MD Offer the largest Stock to be found in this Country, and unequalled in choice variety and cheapness compri'.ing the l-.test Euro'. peans novelties. Orders solicited, and prompt attention giv en. Mar. 1, 9-3m. CUSTOM made pegged CALF BOOTS. atid warranted. IFor sale by D). MOWER. Money Cannot Buy Ift! FOR- SIGHT IS PRICELESS!! 'a The Diamond Glasses, MANUTACTURED BY J. K. SPENCER & C0., N. Y., Which are now offerrd totbepublic. are pro nounced by all the celebraed Opticians of the Worid to be the MOST PERFECT, Natural. Artificial he!p to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervisiot., from minute Cryital Pe.-bles. me!ted togetbr. and uerrve their nume. "14amroud," on account of their hardinem ard bril3ancy. The Scientiric Principle On which they are constructed brings the core or centre of the lets directly iu front of the eye. producing a c!ear aid dMtirct vision. as in the ntural, bealthy eight, abd preventing all un pleasnt sensations. such as glimmering and - wavering ofeight, dizzinem, &c., pecul1ar to all otb in use. They are Mosated in the Pineet Manner, In frame of the beat quality, of all oaarials used for that purpos. Thelr Finish and DurabilIty CANNOT BE SURPASSED. (A uTzoN.-Sorae genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped ts every frame. J. W. MONTCOMERY, Jeweler and Optician, is sole agent for NEWBERRY, S. C., From whoto they can o:ly be obtained. These goods are not supplied to Pedler8, at any price. Oct 5,40-ly. SOLE, HARIESS9I Russet, Upper, and Whang L EA .4 THER, On band and for sale by D. MOWEB s Apr. 6, 14-tf. Frog Level CUSTOM ER.S will take notice that I have a full supply of that good make of AXES on hand. and for sale low. D. MOWER. Nov. 23. 47-tf. A Lb parties indebted tome by Mem ornnuui Account, or in any other way, are.refluested to pay the same at once. D. MOWER, Nov. 23. 47-tf. IMPO.RTA4NT SO 72CE CONSUMERS OF DRY GO093. .All Retali Order asountinR to $20 and~ 'Jer elivered in any Part of the Country HAMAlTON EASTER & SONS, OF BALTDIORE, MD., In e.rder the better to meet the warnts nf their lRetail L ustomer- at a di-tat:co, iaave esab!i.bed a and will uron apo'icatinn. p.romtptly send by by mail fuill lin.ev of S-mph-e e.'the Neweet and most F:,lhior.::bte Go'od-. of FRIENC. ENG,. L.1li and Do ll E4'rTI MAN UFACI'URE.guar .ntceing at al lf tmes to sell as low. if not at les y "--- than pny hnuse in the co niry. Jn'ritL our go.d from the lartest and most celebratete,:nntheturers' in the differe:t part. of Furop'e. and imnport th- e,ame by Stenmers di rect to llitore, our stoct Is ata Umes prompt ly snpplied with the novelties of the London and Pais mnarkets. As we huy and sell only for cash, and make no Lad dlebts. wo are able and willirg to sell our goods at VInoM TEN -ro Ftwre.r FeR (xNT. Lesa Paorrr than if we gave- credit. In sen dia-; :brampeespaecify the kind of goods dAired i' e keep the be:t grade' of every class of goods, fronm te lowe-t to tire most costly. orders unaccomapwnied by the cash trdl be sent C. ti. 1). PRi .M Pr-PAYING WHOLE-:ALE BUYERS are invited to in-pect the Stock tu our Jobbiuy and P.ackaie Dep.rtrue't. Adelra li .\.!li.T. N. EASTli & SONS. 19'7. 199. 201 and 2 3 W est Bal timore Street, Oct. 26. 43 -ty, lBaltimore, Md. MONITOR PLOW. THE BEST PLOW1 IN USE! IPJOSSJBLE TO CHOKE. ---:0: IN TIS PLOW TILE FARMERS HAVE THREE INVALU'ABLE IMPLEMENTS AT THE PRICE OF ONE PLOW, ROW OPENER .AND CLTER. W~Xhat Mr. Stringfellow, of Chester, S. C., writes: I bought the firet Monitor Pa.w that came in this section, anad cannot now do without themn. What Mr. F.llis. of Griffin, Geo., says: Meswr. PALMER & TUUPIN.--I received through Mr. Ru-. P. Johnson,of Griffin,oneof your Monitor P1ows, which I regard as a de cidied improvement over any Plaw [ have ever seen or used, and I regard it as rmo%t admira blv adapted to thr- Cultivation of the soil of the South, and most cordially recommend themi to the- Soutbern Pi:anter, as the best Iand cheapest plow yet offered them. JAMES T. ELIS. What Mr. Rabb, of WinnIsboro'. S. C. says: Mresrs. PAI.MEnt & rUnPIN: I hive already spoken in favorable terms of I your Monitror Plow, but I ratust be permirted ;gain to express my high aporeciation of itse merits. I tried it a few days since on a very tough. chammy lot, which I wass :spprehen sive I could rnot plow, iad to ray surprise it, did what no other Plow conhil have done, go ing into it and tearing itup far beyond my expectations. W. S. RABB. Ask the naearest dealer for Catalogue, and to sho0w you the Plow. -CHAS. T. PALMER, 152r Main St., Richmond, Va. The above Plow for u!Ie ~at Factory prices, Ireight added, by S. P. BOOZER & CO. Oct. 5, 40-6ma. OswELL REEDER. ZIMMERMAs1 DAVIS. REEDER & DAVIS, GenralCom issonMertiants, ADGER'S WEARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. 1 ct 12, n1-am, Ayer's jap Therputatio celent me'ne 4007, S is dertved fkoM#s cfrest Smany of whkbh we& marvous. Inv cases of-Samblous dib seemed wif corrupdion, Ihm1 bepn -- fulos disorders,Mhichwere gravated by th00 r~ 7- iosU --tsnina t they were painfblly afflicting, have been radiWy cured in such great almostavwyMa tion of the country, that the public ScaNGMIN" to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulons Poison is one of the most deir tive enemies of our race. d this unomm ea unfelt tenant of the organism un erun thees ' stitution, and invites the attackofefeebag tat diseases, without exciting a SU-011 of it utyt and th, on somde occasion, rapidly develop into one orotberef ft hideous forms, either on thesurce or dh vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be deposited in the lungs or heart, or in the liver, or itasows s on the ski4 r fbal ul u nFOOM part cc the body Hence the occasional use of abolt of this SsrsapartUa is advisW%e,WhMM.M ative symptoms of disease af, flicted with the following coplA n ftd immediate relief, and, at lent cure, bya* use of this $ARSAPAj=X;J-* St. -Wh ny's Fire, Rose or ZrV*f_%e1aV, T~ Rheum, Scald Head, R"mvorm, *0Z-= , Bore Ears, and other e tions or visible fowro of Serofulous disease. so in the saw cealed forms, asD Disease, Fits, E X the various Ueeous e 5 f - and nerrous systems. Byphilis or Venereal and Xere,4 2 eases are cured by V1t a qw:c1ie I* nw quired for subduing tese o-sl~M&M aM2124 any medicine. But long-contlindedom af medicine will cure the complaint. esswh or Whites, Uterine Ulcera and Diseases, are commonly soon 7elred W& mately cured b its.pu g and effect. Minute ions or*ch cMs in our Almanac, suppli aeusete and Gozet, wen accan%s a traneous mater in the Yi *et1b1 as also Live3 om aIs #'ridt tiono r in ft&a Ofthe and dice when arising, as they often from t rankiing poisons in the bloo. # AJWA PARILLA is a great restoer and vigor of the system. TheS guid and Listless, DeV!DjnjWS I and troubled with Kervous Appm M0 Fears, or any of the affections symptoma et Weakness, will find immediate Meie and =a,' vincing evidence of its restoratrve power qoM PREPARED Blr Dr. X. C. AYM 4 CO.,O.. Practical and AnaZyflaa SOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS XV=X Sep. 7, '70-36-1y. THE liEAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MIS EZY. Just Published, in a Scaled Envelope. - Price six cents. A Locture on the Nature, Treatment sad Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spw% matorrhcea, induced by self abuse, Invol untary Emissions, Impotency,' De bility, and Impediments to M a Men% enlly; Con-smption, Epe,ey, Fin; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c.-By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D., An thor of the' Green Book," &c. The world-renowned author, in.tlis Admi rable Lecture, clearh proves frombis own experience that the awful conseqenees of Self Abuse may h effectually removed with out Med:cines. and without dangerous surgi operations, bougies, ias-trument,71rin, or cordi ifs, pointin:t out a mode o' cure as once certain and effectual by wtich every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may curs him:-elf cheaply,.pri 4ly, and radically. This lecture will pro'g boon to thou<anmds and thousands. Sent under seul, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps, by a dressing the publishers. Also. Dr. Calverwell's "Marriage 'Gald.," price 25 cents. Address the Publi-hers, CIIAS. J C. KLINE &CO., 127 Bowerv, Newv York. Sep. 7, 36-iv. P'ost-Office Box 4,596 THE SUBSCRIBER ha constantly at hand a full assortmnen t of the ab,ove appr'oved cases, of different patterns, besides coffin.s of his own make, all of which he ie prepared to lurnish at very reasona bl4~ bites, with promptness and despatch. Persone desirous of having cases sent by railroad will have themn senit free-of charge. A Hearse is always oihatid'and will be furtished at the rate of $lo petr day.. Thta:kful for past patronage'~'thesub scriber respectrully asks for a eedtinuation of the sanme, and assures the -pub'id that no effort on his part n ill be spa:edge render the utmost satisfaction. A. C. CHII 1' Newberry S. C., July 3l7;~ a Sash & Blinds. The subhscriber takes pleasurhe iInntc ine to thi< community that, havitifmuade all necessary arrangements, he aiR 61 able to furnish . a Sash with and withbut Glass, and BUMs, At Very Moderate Rs!! For-Cash,! :; ANDREWC. CHAPW' Oet.7 41tf. Newberr C. ~. P. P. TOAPTJL, CHARLESTON, 0. L ar"t an d most .ompI~ty Manufactor of Dooraah lilinds. E tdings, &c, in (the Soutbern States. PRIED PRICE LIST DEFE ESW (ON0. 7" SEND FOR ONE.j a g-SENT FREE OX APPLICATf~ April 6, 1870--14-ly. T . BRoDZE. I R. . BU.DGtSs. r.-. 136.R BRODIE .&O. AND Commission INNMiks, North AtlantFc iMuf, CHA R LESTON Z$&C. LIBE RA L ADVABpjgE ON CONSITGY;E1E4TS. -0 REFER TO' ANDREW SIMONDS; -EsqvE, Pres't 1st National.. B~t,, CU.IRLESTON, S. *V