ETIWAN SOLUBLE: A: SULPHUR] MANUFACTt ETIW.A.ST CH A RLE s'I &JLIIJf1 " lUlIN D SE The now well-known E UA N O i phases of South Carolina. Thetse 'hosphates .o be grond to powder, and made Soluble by .pration the larget Sulphric Acid Chamber ssanactdre at the lowest rates, the highest g er she proportion ofhSoluble PhoSphate which feqaired per aere. In order to m:ake the Fertii s iaat quantities are added. With these views ETIWAN Wparranted to ecntain from 15 to 20 PER CE OF LIME. and from 2 to 2 per cent. of AM TIAN GUANO and Pc oiASH, to adapt it to e $0per son, and interest 7 per cent. per annu DISSOLV bf high grade, suitable for Manufacturers or I i WIer, and specially adapted for compost. As 0 dissolve the Phophate, this will be found a i aterlal. The grade furni will be made except in eases of protracted illn' as. N. B. The Tuition fees ist be pai'd 'n advance. For particulars apply to COFJ. S. FA IR, Prest Bnrard Trustees,-oir IS.n 4 P.- IfoUZER, Eqi., Sec. IREDIT V. CASH 1 e want every one to read this! That ON and AFTEl he first day of January next, no goods will be sold in our house Except for Cash. ,. have tried 'he eredit biusiness for aiz rar; and find that it WILL NOT PAY, D pleace don't a,k us to credit you for a w '!at', or until ni-%t neel, or until you :l cotton, as we will Positively Refuse You. 'he CASH we must have. LOVELAGE & WHbEELER. dec 28 51 tf Wm. H. Tutt, AUGUSTA, GA. Mav in store and offers for sale at EL REMELY l.sw prices 100 Kegs 1i C ')da, 100 Cases" " " in papera 100 Ounces Morphine, 1000 " Quinino, 1 Case Turkey Opium, 1000 Gal's Linseed Oil, 40.000 lbs Pure White Lead, 500 Boxes Window Glns-, 25 BbIls. Spir't Turpentine, 100 Cases Hostetter's Bitters. 100 " Plantation 500 " Golden E""gle " 100 Cases Wolf's Scheiaam Schnapps, 150 Gross Parlor Matches, 100 lbs Chloroform, 2 Cases E. 1. Rhubarb Root, 10 Gross Wright's I'1s, 500 " Tutt's Liver" 10 " Davis' Pain Killer, 25 " Wine Mttles, 6's, 10 Gross Porous 'laaters, 5 Ceroons Nutmegs, AND FANCY ((OT)S f every description, to which the attention f the trade is invited. Dec 28, 52-2m. THE SING-ERT NEW FAMILY SEWING MACII4E, is ow offered for sale on easy terms, at the tate Agency, No. 197 King St. Charleston, Silk, Thread, Needles and Machine Find ogs. of the best quality. Stitching done to rder. General repairing executed. 'HE NEW MANUFACTUR[NG MACIIINE, -POR 'ailors and Boot Fitters, is tit' best In the aarket. Local and Traveling Agents wanted. Circulars and Samples on application. THE SINGER . sewing Machine Agency!' 197 KING STREET, C HA RL EST ON, S. C. P. W. & R. S. CIIICK, Agents, NEWBERRtY, S. C. Dc. 7, 19-'70-1y. ~EW MEN AND A NEW PLAN! W~E are now ready] to sell Groceries, at he lowest rates, by the BULK, and to fur iph lamilics with any quantities desired. We intend to kcep constantly on hand, he leading articles of trade, such as - JORN, BACON SIDES, SHOULDE RS, HA MS, [BAR!), (in bble. and Cans,) E'LOUR, MEAL, SHOES, and CROKERY-WARE, nd all articles usually found in a Grocery stor. We intend to sell as GHIEAP as the IEA PEST. LEAVELL & SPEARMAN. Cl. Leavell will be at the store, and will |ut, nRAW L.A ;GE sAMPLEs, and buy C')T EON. Jan. 4, 1-tf. FURNITURE. I AVE a large stoc:k of FURNITURE hand, and am constantly receiving sup. >dies fronm the best Manufacto,ies in Boston, ridgeport, New Jersey, and New York, nd will sell as cheap as any house in the outh,adding freight. MARBLE YARD. I will also 'urnish marble for Tombs, lead-stones and Monuments, and I can fin. sh work in as good style as any other es ablihment, North or South, and as cheap s any, adding freight. I f'eel grateful to he people for the kindness shown to my ither and myself, and hope to merit its on tuance. ROB'T Y. LEAYELL. Jan. 4, 1-tf. WE have now an elegant stock of Which w.e will SELL LOW. ur terms from this date are O.ASIH, Iherefore our prices will ~rreSpond with the timnes. ABRAMS & METTS 111 0 F THE F OF THIS POPULi IAS BEN REDU ED FO To MEET THE NEC PLANTING- C C AND HAS BEE .SH---Fifty Dollars per Ton 'IME---Fifty-five Dollars per Payable 1st November, 187 WM. C. DU: CHARLES R. MOORMAN & CO.,. Jan. 11, 2-3m. IOTTE I DRUGGISTS & A No. 1, Mol NEWBERRN Respectfully invite the attei ,ARGE and WELL SELE( )RUXGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICAL PA] Also, a choic< PERFUMERY ANE IIAIR, TEIJITIl ANI OMBS, SOAPS, COSMET: Pure Wines SEIARIS AN iGj We are in a position > Physicians and others pure y of Goods guaranteed and I Dec. 14, 50-tf. :NSUR ANTC .iverpool & London and Glol Eqtritable Life Associ epsetinlg a Capital for Life and These Companies lhavc feaitureit ped OFFICE LA Dec. 7, 49-3m. IILLINElRY, MILLINERY. Additions received almost daily, of I1 the NEW STYLE H ATS, suita )le for the season, and sold very low yD. MOWER. Nov. 2.3, 47-tf.. BARGAINS EVERY DEPARTMENT s well filled with the choicest d most desirable GOODS. Remember the place, at D. MOWER'S. Nov. 23, 47-tf. ETIWANS. HAVING reliHinished the Agency of the a1phurie Acid and Suzper-Phosphate Comn My of Charleston, S. C, and Caxpt. W. Hi. Vebb having been appointed inl my place. ~arers and Planters who use those justly opular Etiwan Fertilizers, will find an anm e supply by calling on C.,pt. Webb. G. T. SCoTT, Newbery, Dec. 33, 1870. I have now on band eighty Tons of Eti wan o..2, and twen:ty Tons of the No. 1,- and il keep constantly sipplied- vith these opular fertillizers. 'azimers will do well o lay in what they want at.once. W. H. WEBB. Dec. -1., 5-n.... ERTILI.ZE RI, " a ll _ __ AI ND St% ter sm; -a tai ra\ IC R- FERTILIZER Gi R Tll8 80NASO OF 1871, " ESSITIES OF TIIE )MMMTU;NITY, .N FIXED AT fac of 2,000 lbs. at factory. Ton of 2,000 lbs. at Factory, 1. u-ithout Interest. r KES & 00., 9TS, l T O N, S. C. gents at Newberry, S. C. TARRANT, POTHECARIES, lohon Row , C. H., S. C. tion of the public to their 'TED STOCK of [NTS, OILS and -w DYE STUFFS. > selectieo of I FANCY COODS, I NAIL BRUSHES, [CS, COLOGNES, &C., &C. *' and Liquors, Ju 3J TOBACCO. toh to offer special inducements " asing in gntanltitics. Quali- a R ICES LOW. SWf ~E A.G- EN T, J SR Y, S. C.' FOlt TIlE Si le Fire Insurance Company, av Volt TlIE A ation, of New York, ' Fire Insurance of ome $30,000,000. T m1iar to themuseh-es. and are safo. N ANO STOVES, TIiRE, &t., Cheap as the Cheapest, ~ GOOD AS TIIE BEST.B THlE subs riber wou:ld inlform his friends 1i aid the public genterally, thiat he Will fur. H' nih them: with a:ll articles in his line of the best quiality at the h LOWEST PRICES. c Roofing anld Guttering, As well as a l: ter JDB WORK, Will b,e done in: the bes4t and mtost approved so styles at the lowest rates. el Call and examine goods and prices and W~ satis'fy vonrselves.e ~W. T. WRIGHT. A pr. in, -tf. 01 R. lIOOIRMN & CIO., Are Now Receiving t A CO31P'LETE STOCK OF Plantation and F A MILY tGROCFER IE S Which have been selected and 5( BOUGHT WITHIGREAT CARK, - and think they can make it the interest of 4' parties desiring sueh Goods, to examine _ their stock before they make their purchases. They are prepared to purchase all kinds of produce at market rates, and also to make advances on eotton, when parties preftr to Fi ship to other markets. E. Sep. 2936 tf. di: 300 lbs. Bluestone, For sale by D. MOWER-. , i, & 11 8. tJIItK S Ct Stewart's Corner.) kre r.eeiving daily a large stock of FALL I WINTER GoODS, bought for CASH , i-h thev offer to SELL LOW FOR CASIl. :onsistitng of a large and varied assort nt of b itdies' Dress and Fancy Goods of latest le. Kotiona of many and choice descriptioni. ( f"rge lot of Men and Boys Fall and Win Cassimeres. C arge lot of Men and Boys Hats, at very ft all profit. Icavy stock of Rroan and Bleached mtespmns and Striped Plaid Osnalbnrg. iond stock of ioots and Shoes for Men I Ilovs. Nice lot of Ladiers, Mises and ildren's Shoes, of Moore, Larrabe & Co., rranted. hang and Sole Leather. rea, abundant and good. teveral fine sets of ladies Furs. fEactory Yarn, by the wholesale and. re E'ine lot of Cutlery, and Hardware gene Iv. addles, Ilarnes=, Bridles, Whips, &c. ,uns and Pistol". ; .ar, Coff,-e, Molasses. Plain and Fancy So-tpe, Pepper, Spice, ger, Soda and Starch. arge lot of floes, Shovels, Spades,Scythe toles and Nailt. rotacco and Wooden Ware. itatiotery, Ink, Pen', Pencils, &t. Kerosine and Turpentino. LIME. rhey propose to sell goods so she satis tion of all who will patronize them, Low Rates and ahort Profits For CasV:. Call tnd examine their Stock and fudge vourselves. 1rhev;i .Alys ats, as ever was offered to the pub some new styles, The Canmbria, Four in nd, Central Park, Rhine, &c., &c. We return our sincere thanks to the pnb :in general for pa1st p:ttrotnage-, and hope r a conitination of the same. LI BARRE &SON. Oct. 5, 40--tf. Sewing Machines. HEREAF"TER these valuable machines, necessary to the comfort of every fam,ily, ill be kept for sale at the Bookstore. arranted to give satisfaction. Call and ;nmmne. Sbsriptions received to all the Ladies' ag.:zines, viz: G;odey, Frank Lesli.. Denm 'est, Peterson, Lady's Friend, Die Moden alt, and others. Subscribe at once. Any book that may be wanted by any -rson, if not on hand, will be procured and Id at Publisher's prices. At the Book te, Nea berry. JOHN A. CHAPMAN. Jant. 4, l-tf. NOW RECEIVING BY D. MOWER, )bbls. Family FLOUR. - J. P. Aull's Flour. Flour. Nov. 30J, 48-tf~ NOTICE. I WILL apply to the Judge of Proba~t r Newberry County, on the 9Jth day oh -bruary next, for a final s'ettklement on the tate of Elizabeth Hunter, &e'I-., and my rs harge as adnilnistrator. A-Il persons in bed to said Estate nmust make paytment, d those having demandh are hereby noti d to present the sanme properly attested [EMOYAL MIYES & MARTIN a- i re:nav -I frit tteir ol-I staid, to their ommodious New Brick SteM ,ll attentpn to their.t.Icrea.Sed fatilii ,r the rira4uetiori of buMII.ns; -ud invhie il fron their fei.-t . anf cnstomrs. Thevir stock cunsi.tas of all gr.des of dR{OCERI ES ' \TISIONS, BAGGINd, ROPE, TiES, &c.; 4c. MAYES & MARTIN. Nov. "2, 47-tf. :L ; Iia j;OTE16, Frepared for FALL TRAD]( WITH {RESII AND STAPLE GOOD? 4t Reduced Prices. - :0: T4i FOOT ItESi'ECTFLLt inforns hii customem nd the public generally, that he has new a store, and to which he is constantly add mg, a choice and clegant stock of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOE ,!HATS, Wich were purchased at a -.em4t which will be sold LOW FOR CASh. Call in at the corner and try mu. * -M. -I.O4 OLOTHlING. WIIHJT & 88PP9CK Have now in store their F. LL'aitd Wilb: 'ER STOCK of dens', Youths' and Boyvs ClIAbiEg! and. Furnishing 46681a .omplete in every line as usual.. caefu4y elected under the most favorable ciren taces. Our stock is larger, and icd greater variety, than ever before, ares hich are several entirely new and verg >retty styles of goods. We car.not enneed ate, but a few minutes examination vr ot.viice anyone that we keep the hra. md most handso-ie stock in Newberry,ee hat w.e are not to be UNDER.'OLD by amp etail Clothing House, North or Souik. NOTICE. We keep a tale of assorted Clothing, hich will be sold at cost or less, among thich are many rare 1.argains. Re-pect fully, WRIGiT & 00PPOCL' Boots and Shoes. nir eCalfand sedde, sbnassa Broa. fo eb L Cal a ">nr's &cerrocK-a. Oct. 19,42-t. ATTENTION PLANTERE I WOULD) call attention to the nt of my having a large and comm4' ion WAREHOUSE,. and will beJ ~lasd to store Dotton, Guanos and other Merchandiz6W 3as reasonable terms as any os. W. .H. WEBE. Dec. 14, 50--tf. Executor's otice. A LL personm. having claims agains ihe tate of MO0SES ANDERSON, deeased. re n:oifi.ed to present their demandls, ~p rly attested, at once, aned those dee' ndebted to said Estate are required to snake mediate paymnzt to MARTIN J. TOUNG: MAlLLA ROl1d Statable for well ropes. For sale by D. MOWER: Syrups and Sugars. .Just rcecived a beaditiful ot of 31 O.~ Syrrps and Sugu-s. For sale low At WH WEBB'S2