The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, January 04, 1871, Image 2

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dodn3day, January 8, 18I1. A Happy New Year. The bright dawning of the new year, I which, after the cold and ugly weather of the past few weeks, seemed almost like the bursting of spring time, may be taken as an augury of hope.that the year 1871 %%ill be brighter and happier than - that which has just been folded in the past. We irdulge in this natural and innocent hope, ard heartily, earnestly wish onr numterous renders a happy, glad new year. Although we have pass ed through sorro:vs and tt ibulations, which have tried our people sort ly, yet have we cause for r,ejoicing, now while { Making a retro<pect, that while we have pased through them all, nith here and there a sear, to tell the tale, we h:ive been spared thus far, and through a kind and mereiful Providlence are brought to the threshold of another year, and under circumstances indeed favorable. We have cause then for rej-iicing and for thankfulness, that the good God, our kind Father, "hath cared for us", in sup plying our mainy w:ants so liberally, that the earth hath been made to yield its in crease abundantly, and that the general health has been so remarkably goo.l. We hope for a continuance of the Dhine blessing. And as a people whose God is the Lord we should lift lp our voices in praise and our hearts in thankfulness to the source of all happiness and goodnes-. and strive with all earnestness to be a better people, and more deserving of His mereiful favors. The y-ear isi ju-t in its dawning,its new sun smiles brightly, and we feel like making a clear record ehi.:h may tell a happy story at its close, on a leaf as bright as the sun which now shines. A happy, glad year to you dear reader, may the sun of righteousness anal peace smile or you, anet all t or under takings he erov. ne-i with abunrd nt sue Cea3. New Vol:me. With this issue we conmmence a new volume, and we beg perm'ssion to utter felicitations that the new year and the new volume finds us, patrons and pub. lishers, on our legs and kicking,with our accustomed tenacity,to life, and sti'l mu tually and kindly endeavm;ing to do our parts one toward the other. We thank you, dear reader, yeung and old, worran and man, for your sustaining help and kind countenance during the past year, and that our nuterous short-comings, if they have been noticed at all, have in no instance been brought to our charge. To the dear ladies, especially, do ae f.-el grateful. in that they have borne with us so long, in the face of so many transgres sions. We are penitent, but cannot helpa having a little fun now and then. In the beginning of this volun'e we do not feel like riakinmg profuse and extravagant pr~o feasions of what we in:tend to do, but wea ;.romise to do all in our po.Ter, as far as means and al-ilities permit, to make the Herald as acceptable in 1871 as in the past, and more so if possible. The kind -and flattering ecooniums paid us by ma ny are highly appreciated, as also the -very lhberal patronage bestowed, as well the promptness w ith which our calls have been almost invaiably answered. We indulge the hope that you may alla continue to stand by us, and that many mmore names may be added to our list of subscribers for 1871. T he mtore subscri bers we haive reader, the better not oiilya for us but for you, foir w ithm an increased li.t, we will be enabled to add imnp:ove mie:uts to the papecr which will add to its interest, and ye-ur pleasure, and every subscriber can help us to attainm an end so desirable, by getting us a nlew name each. W ill you try to d.o so? Our club mates are libe-ral, besides we offer in cenjunctim, w. ithm the Ilild Se veral v:,iuah!e Agricultural ar.d lite: ary papers, and fa.shion books, at redlucedl rate's. A single copy of Iterald is , 3 rO 6 copies.------- - -----12 Y>t 13i and one extra to ge?ter mup or ch:b. 2.3 0.; 22" " "ai.d copy of Rueral C.,ro!iaaian be-ide. 4O 'O Make up youtr clubs an:d send in namaes sa early as po-eible. V.k's Fleral Guide. Wte are p'e:&%ed to reemive froim Mr. J-is. Vick, R..cheeter, N. Y., hais beauti ful annual Floral Guile for 1871, and we wish that all our rea.lers hal one als', for it is not only beautifully pi inited anda enmbellished with reparesentat ions *,f flow era an,d vegetahles, buat it gives vah:-able inforn.atian as to their culture and growth, such,r:umai as every onec may receive with lasure1 and profit. Two elegant fro:i-pieces. highly coloremi, of the different varieties of Petunmias, haun.lsome enoaugh to f:ame, mecet the eye ait turnmzi the cover. Trhat every one may a copy of this beautiful Gumide. Mr. Y:ek wiil und it to the address of any oe who wil ~:o-ios him ten cents, miGt ne halff its eu.t $:-.'' to Mr. Jan:es Yick, l eb::r, . Y., wvith ten cents, - 'he- h:mnd-.ime-t bes't. ad (iceapes. Iitr any inteligent Som-hernu f7armear ca re r.d from subrenbzting to a maagaz:e -s o epeci:diy devoted to his int e;-<, is beyoand ousr Com prehenasiona. condme. e i I h th>b the pht - ert andj editors wi:5 a degree of abili:y hecre, k.for- unpar..dlele.d in the an aim ofiSute'rn Jagrieitural lite-ratare, It has alre ady g:vean t. fis spirei.iy thea develoapmena aof N'-hern'a i agriculture, a prondioencea- in the eyes of the world wh,iebjhas ne-ser abithert bween accordedJ it. and isa thams d-aiza- our t armer-s a serv:ce whieh they c: a never fut:y appreciate. Thi number alone cant:a;ns imao-r:mu nmany times the value uf the sublscr-iption price. ('alonel A.iki n :aa:-d (-'mane Jac-q-.en, of .:u:h C.mro'ia ; a r. WN. 1 WA imes, el: .iiip;. D)r. C. Li ilant--r. iif No'r;h Car aina: Mr. P T. G;rave-s. af ..! :: : M r W. X.. Ila:nt. oif Floride : Mr. D). Z. Eaas. Jr . af VMary, land ;Mr. iiivet:-C m:n::e. of itamb~ay. anid a score of othier :ale agrieu!!ural write-r' and phaner-s, enr-ch i:< .-re wi:h their experi, ence and teachmin:r-, andt :rnb h to its in:;e1i gent readers an :amoant arileformnation which ib truir a.aoni;.in;.t Tusm- rI:.a G i z::C)( pu.i:4h- I by G1. S. Ne,e1mb a CI , -at C'eean 1, 4bo St ..o per annm. Dt)eda t lPin onr. Joarnahm end Li-crm:tur. I: Isa hamndsome Ministerial Changes in M tha:ist Church The Rev. 0. A. Li trbv, of the .\lth lst Station Church of Newberry, which e ha; so faithfully and acceptably served b fur the pa-t two years, left here on Fi i- a u lay laat fir his new app'ointnett in the t ,a n of G: Cenville, to which eharge, and peol-le generally, n e kindly and atfec tionately com:men'I luan. In partinig n ith Mr. Darby, this enttir,: commrrunity enter- c Lain regret, and the church over which C bie presid-s' feel that they have lost a good minister, and one who labored diii- e ;ently for the building tip of the spirit u1l iutere-ts cvn:iLd to his care. Ia to the new field to which he has gnne we fa trust he may tind active cu !ahorers, and " fu strong help, and that he nay do a good work the present year. et 1 he Circuit also feels a loss in the re moral of their spiritual leader, the Rev. A A. J. Cauthen, who, during the labors of? J the year just ch,sed,proved hirnsrIf a man k :nltogether just as they de,ired. 3,1r. Cauthen gocs to Lou tsdesville, a fine country an-1 guo.l peo'ple, aid we fe. at certain that his record for 1871 ,ill beF favorable to the Church. The Conference. :o doubt, in their sstem of iini.terial changes are gov Crned by wise lnw%, at least we take this :1 for granted, but still we must condemnt a g :ourse which so often brings such great p nconveniences, such a de:d of trouble fi 1nd expense, and is the c-au.e of bietk. s ing so rudely, ties of Closest and teiider ast sympathy and christian affection. It is an a",t.minable plan. Where minister a and pa >ple are acceptable to ea'.6k other, p where a good woik is guit: on, ati where there is no c.,l f.r cha:;:-, there shoguli be none, at least for a longer pe hi riod of time th:tn i, now allon ed. We have seen some of the, trouble, m in-I sorrow, if not a f-w of these itine in rant Methodist mnini,tcere. ^n.1 our svm k pathies are strongly exercised. The Rev. J. A. Mood, who supplies the place on the Statinn, preached fir th" irst time before his congre;ation on ca Sabbath, and won :heir earnest at- tb tention by an ( 1"ective, forcible and elo. or :uent sermon on that. consoling text i round in the v ch. of St. Peter, 7th verse, "Ca-ti:g all your care np-,n I1inn ; for hne tr :areth for you." Mr. Mood's ,tyle i., w happily f.i:cib!e, clognent and touchin'g. in and his discourse on Sund v was miarkel :y much ability and thought. We a isl dim in his new field, as well as the ac )thers ten:tioned, a year full of gracious- n less an:i good a orks. R.-v. A P. Avail, who supplies the 3ircuit, has not yet arrived. n In Memoriam. he The Faculty of Washington College It the sanction and uitht the assist of mece of the family of Gen. Lee, will, at gi in early day, have is.sued in elegant style t -rom the press of the University Pub- I i.,bing Comipany, 4 Uonad Street, N. Y., Smemiorial 'olumne as a votive tribute :n 1k amemory of the illusttiious Lee.. This volume 'till contain~ 1. A Biographical Sketch of Gen Lee, to he end of rthe late War, bly Charfes Mar-hall, uis Aid-de-Caump arid Military 2. An aiccounrt of Gen. L. c's Lite at Wash- Ti ngton-r College, andl of hi- history siinec tihe i-ar: also of his D)eath an-I Fun.erail Obse-h luie<, by meimbers of the Faceulty of Wah,- ai: .igton College. 3. Incidents~ and Reminiicences, illustra, :ive of Geni L, c's P'eisinal Chariacte-r. byv a :tonfederate ChIapl.ain, residjenit at Lexing ton 4. Euil-gi'-<. Edito-ir1 and othier Notics, -i: eclee:edi and arraniged tunier the direction of t thei Faculty of W~a-hinigtmon College.. 5 Potrtraits ai lliustratiin<, selectedu lby h 'Nlls. Lei-, caoprisimig: Three piirtraits of~ wi h-n. ILee-in c:rriier life'; ats aminfedecr.tie Ln--raf; arnd, in rec-ent y!-:rs. Piortrait of NIrs. Lee-: I-n:rivings of St-rforil Hiuuse, ft the Le-e Memorial Ch.ipel andi Fomb, and ni )f Washington Cullege as drapd in mohurn- A '. he procee !s from the sale of this vol-. umne still be devoted to the fundI for the ni areetion of a tomb and couaestrian mon. a< urrent over the remains of Genu. Luee a' W'ashingitoni Coull-ge. Henrce those whitP purchase a copy of the booik, -sill, at the s:i nek timoe t *:at they contr ibute thiei r quota in p.laci:-g an end uriing mtemnrto sr over the grave of te nobile dead, se-cure of r bieit iful brochuore, w herein shall1 be . i iniscribied the graces, the vir tues andi the chairacter of the nmn of gentle brlood, heroie actiotn, anid graci-ins mien. a: It inc-s cttnommuca tions, aipplica a lirns for a:;enei s, &c., should b - ad m tIressed to the publishers. 0 TE~ TcLF.CTIc MAGAZNE-Thuis well knownl period:cai makes a specialI appeal toi Sutremr readers, and presenzts its ehaims to e ,ur pa:tronage.- Pr, villus to tihe I.tte wvar fillyg )it-hliift ecircul.nio,n 01 thtis mttgainle wva: an rd in the $ in:h,i and p,recisely the tea:uares vhiich citotmendeld it tii us thten it still ret.ins. t is a thourongb ly excel lent mnagazi ne : it is *nthe ly non-p:aitian , non-sec:ijonal, aind non~i ;eearian, aind it seldoim co-itains a min that an lbe ofTe-n-ive to :he mo'st sensitive of' -eaders. With the .-hiuary ;unuber, ji,t a vceived, the ECLEC2flU en:ers upion a niew tI olumie .mda a iiC'V year, aind iti a vry goodu m itmtiber for stibesoi"ers 1o eomntence withl. tcmna:inis a btearutitul ste el enigravirig c.d le-d a. -The Fiotren tine Poet." a n has uo le-ss itan wen:y diffe-r-n t arti-ces- rm:o.g which are 'I-nerie;im IIlumor, the Pr-eent C' ndjition of liin:t, llultv-r's Life of L,oil P'a!mters.ion, [lie rn.u~tI 'sr..wn. Bli'ci C>tjillo. The F-ji fe ~lands in 18S.S, 1&(U and 1870. Sk e he, o q, hie War, Pms, tynidal oa liuginat:on in sc1ience, Military Garnius,. Alfred de Maissetr, iermnai Coinst-ancy, thre-e or four choice au >ioem<-, a -erial -:or. air" m.mi other ex-. -eilent p .pers, be-side,s the Editor's depatr. n-ts lih" El!.ECT'C it bi-hed lby E. R. 'elton. 10'S Fultoni St , New Ym, k. Piire C5 >e-r itetv : sm;:le copi:e.4 ets. Mberal t-rms mre offered t a:t, and geners ill of clubs i-TT:ts' Mlrsic.iL MoNTnt.T for ,January ni in- arrive. ail is. as ustul,-i himfu: of rood" uie ITere :are ph nty of good vtoice- and C. :tur.d sinatr-, an !tnot a few instrumnenital vri- ;1rmer a:ui-,:i: the reade,l~rs of the I lera hI. A'e jr--ret, re think we d' i-real servic- hv~ m lirte:ir4 themt no tihe aibove-nameitd lmU,iC.u w abtit-iin. In tihe Decembn--r numbher there. ire -wen-y paiges of v-ocal maraic, both sacre,! d ic.I ,eeUlar. ad sixteen p-.-es 'if in''rnmnen .a! mu:iie, fae cou:ten:s aure: ijss Me G(od, i siht Mamm:ra. Sonig and (iorus, by Wilt 'n %. iltys-. Frar is 1)-ad.- and Mothier's smo 'our. S-img and Chorus, b,y Cli . E. Pratt. stay- !l'nme with Me o-ight, Tomi. -og mdi. Chotris. by IE Tcker. You could nott relp hust love Ib--r Ilild -y Wi m.i Dues.-Ier. tu cee N'ro: tiher's .urd->n fo'- us 'A! "(eredin lea:er WI!I ordler it fr yu, or tile puh i--her. lend yun :1 cipy if you i:f i-endl him 30 h ye-rs. i'rice. 23 au yea 1.5 fo si t nonbs th THE EE I LAP - fa mile and :t.-ra y ipper well de<t-rvmtt Of paturinante, andI JaeC 'it :e moO-t i-re-t'i; 'if i:s e is, i !ishI ed by .\. 1 !":101 W :n'riucioni M..Chica ito. :.a:.r-:3p-r annum.- We re-r omend it-ie~ Ev-- Lat mp to our re. der. ii p 'per wh-Ieb w-i:1 .e them gcreat sati mi.m.' u I-hliei tirem iums are 'ff:red hee LOCAL. A enOICE brand of chewing t.ibacco car : found at the d:ug store of Dr. S. F. F.ant, sample of which has been kindly furnihed by the considerate proprietor. Try it to tcco chewers. MINISTERIAL CHANGE.-The 1cv. Jacob awkins, who served Luther Chapel with eat effieiency during the past year has ac, pied a call to Frog Level, and Colony iurehcs. The Rev. Henry S. Wingard has :,epteid the pastorate of Luther Chapel and tered upon his ministerial labors. A VERY desirab!c house and lot in this wn is offered for rent, anl in view of the et th :t a Male .\ci.'n:y is to be built so -ar it, atl its e t:cit and- :l convetit:eces r a bart:ing hon -c fir nu pi?s so appanrnt. is a rare chuancr for soine tin.. on4,:essiun 1terpri,e to raike a zod th!ng out of it We refer with pha'nre to the card of Mr B. Eikins, who propost s to purchase aIl nds of grain and pro!uce and forward them Newberry or other points as desired. 31r. lkins is a prompt, reliable man of business, id beside he has facilities and conveniences 'r the tr.n action of this kind of business, hieh makc it to th;e advantage of those antingarticles in his reach to send their or :rs to him. STEEL E-,Gl.%IVNG or GE-.. LEE.-We :kiow!edge ,he receipt of this elegant en aving from the house of the Soithern ress, Baltimore, Md. It is dtcidedly the nest liker.ess of our lamented chieftain and arttiman) that we have ever seen, and a copy it shottlid adorn every household in the >uthern land. The Southern Press, a first ass paper, end the engraving is furnished :the low price of $4. Address Southern 'ess, BaLltimore, Md. SAL.E-AY.-The crowd in town on Mor. ty last was the largest, and by all odds the ghest colored, we have seen for many onths past, and we are ghld to say that the most quiet and order prevailed, consider g the great number which filled thestreets. e presume that the large majority of acks were hcrc ini qaest of homes and work r the ensuing year, and from what we learn ey are anxious for empihloynment, but i i eany c.:ses are asking such pricesas farmers nnot reasonably pay and suece,sfully run eir firms. There is no fixed plan or rule scale for thi- question of labor, and every an is try ilng to work out the prob-lem to his en sttisfaction, every man is for hinelf. e have no advice to offer, but do say that who enploys the most labor and p.tys hig iges, un!ess it turns out better than it his the pa-t, will sucectd no better '.hanl the st year. The sales by Sheriff, of land, are as fol ws: One tract of 430 acres, $2,500; 50 res, :56; 104 acres, $1225; 62 acres, three ,les from the Court House, 5675. Nr.w iA.: AcAns:s.-It h -s been deter ined, we brelieve, to erect a new building a M.le Acatleiny, in the town of New rry, and nio better or wiser thing can be me. We trust that the accomplishment so greatly desired an end may not be early distant, that our towinimay boast of Ae.olemny sneh as its position and popu tion enltidles it tot. Such a want has long en felt, andI now that *he idea is enter ined, we hope soon 1o see it carried out. the mleanitimie temiporiry aceotnunoda ,ns h tre been ptrocured so that a school :y be ope.ned without delaty, arid the .ser 'ees of an accotmplishied and highly go-dhi -d gIentean secutred to take char;e of it uis geitlemiau, 31r. Ilardin, comles tO its gly recommnended,. both as a teachier id a mian of gr eat n:oral worth, and we nnot but feel gratihieid at the btich presents it-elf for this ' ear. Let' ou r tizs end ll t heiI enceouragemtenit andi is ,tane tey ciii, bioth to the biuiingiit of e new Academyii, anid to Mr. Hlardlin a: d 5 schiooi. The 8eitool, we are inflormned, ill be openetd ont thle 16th of this m.i:nthi. FEMAL.E AcADEIYM.-We atre pleased to tice that the l' u,ttes of this flourishing cademy have reelected Profes-or A. P. 1'ifer its princeipal. No better appointmnent couild ive been made, Mr. INfer having shown mnselfrin every sense fully qualified to till !ceptably so import.mtc a position. The >ung ladies under his charge during the ist year testf to h is tibility as a teacher, id their respect andI admiration for hisarmi >he qualities of heal an.I heart. Ii proof e may n-ennioi! the presentation of a htandl me testimnonial made by rhemn ar the elese the last session, arid which wa, received the professor with his usual modest grati ide. Mi,s F.mnic L.vell, a most estim-uhl' >ung lady andi effieiet rtecher. we arc alad so to addht, is stl in charge as assistaunt; hiue i'rof. F'. Werbier, in the mu,heal depart ent, will give unbouindedl sati.,action. It gratifying to say that thiejem ale .Academy in a most proisperous condition, thanks to sadlm:r.ble corps of inIstrue:ors. The Schoo! is now open, harving comomen dl its session on huesdcay', and1( parents andI aardians will do well to send their charges at once that they nmay commence at ic begirnninug. For termne, &c., see ud :5tieent. SCRAPS.-F.-eryv wise man and woman id goodl child will turn over a new letif in (it l.fe b.ook, now itn the biegintririg of is new year, and strive to keep it as clean :pis.,ible. A Chicago saloon bears the modest name SLamb's R'st." A chegne,mte-A wife. Many daring f!ows Lereebouts are taking in their che les. Whtat's the difference between the North rid the South l'ole? All the difference in le world What is that which mu-t play before it tirks, and which; we nwd in this communi -? A ti:e-ertgine. /A good sign iSo many of our patrons came iand settled their dues on Moridayu la.t. that e htail it as a good sign of a pirosperous year. Jn'e all. .::n:a Claus, thec good, diff;sed great jo,y ts conmmuinity on Christm-is eve, rot ita:din; the bi:ti cold. Thte little boys d girls. generall. mu-t have beh:ived well inng the year for the ohf veteran dispensed pre-ents prodip:ly . We like the iriti tioni. W'i-li older folks had such a friend. The man who won'd not rok at us on Motnday tite street. becaus-e lie twed $3 for .,ubscrip mu. did himne:f inji:stice. the lost by it. lI td -looked he wouhll have S -en a :.mtite. thiat woul d vte warmed his trizern bra:t. lie would have en'r happier gitidfitd he paid the atmout. There ao need of tih:egar in that mI:tz.s house, you t. and h is pickies are tnade- sharp by whrittlinrg emr do~wn at both etndi to a point. We het also at he quarre:ld aith his ui.' as soon as lie re ru.d home. .\in't yt-u ashuamed of yourself'? LooK in at the large audditions thtat LOVE stE. & Wtwt:LI:rt are tidirt: to their al adV immrtnse stock of goods. anid ::t such mrres, that till 1',ill fund it to their in:erest to !: it and t.ike a loo,k beforo maiking their THE U.Vi r. Ar TI: tiet.t.-.r,, dcar rader;, your devl has returnel from a t. ur I t'f otbsetvation i.:lou,-d.2ty;i on the s:l. iaad daring my p:olonugcd . ,ence, the very-deuce ha< b,e: to ptcv up htC. I in told, and the re's het n ai sra-iu str .teg.e camp :i;i, wi:b all sorts ot' sit:pri - ll, re prisals. coup d't:s, hor-C conih.Uts. c : that thi:teein t:-anil Iren 11unnted upon p:ile liorses wi)thl.,k ianiLIe aid t:'i', Fc:Iret all the d:tr!es da: 1 in Liurens, :ini s cofi-led with the milit.tvy at Ileleila and put r them to rout. TIat a royal i; :n:al tiger wiS c roaming aroundl and devil etl severtl, tin1 a great ny.nv other %torie;, s::lrtling an I unetinalhe: but ai I tracel them to n here OWhYvtwcre to-t in a li:t. ( p:t thet dtow'1 a; t 1;hri-::iin; c1tards t->r tUf;eculi:y of the 1! ansi,pci:-g. uli a I a: pe'Ir.itd to appe::r b:fore yiou :iin, I sntu! take m. re-n:c alter i hndl h ,v, withI ha: rn hutnd, wvi-tetl . ot!, m~ t !--:Irdv, thli' . t' h CU c :i:. -t o I. se' . a in lb t :ioig the hot v.'.: (f your var:attis -lwh'e-, ;Y.p: -;pei;tu g. :t:n c a; te fo }tur't:am .,f, inerry:;undl.!i r, i':.:llit<t i 1t:d ri,::l r o v. Ye-., kitti r. .-,. i, tt:d litil(, bi.itnig how" aut! en' of (I ror you aii, a, ye i.ite lue e.i.tcii v to iitnk! it in diring ih: net. t:c ide twiu:c! opteif f r the 1-irs1 lt.t}y ot' :l week, Aunino l)omini 1871 ! Itt he certain to take it str.dlght. as wioatit !te-i:ation, tcrg:vers.itim, abbrevia tion or reservatol, I again wyi-h you full, complete and Imng spiritul, php ital, tno ral, inen al, no.tieri.l. social, d.mes tic and penin ity heclt:. weal h. strenrgthi :111 I teau ty :Ii:oughout the great to-day. Arid as ye s who, statiding upoin the threshi!.! of a tiew y cycle, have, through :he tub::rance cf a ge% ni:t na:nre, trai:gressed tht n;met,iand iound:: r af decorum,. and trnicd upon tiluiddin du- t miaim<, or utider weighty hur(ens and corrod- t ing cares well-nigh halien into the -slough of il lc-pair." essay to be:lt ih: in ists at'l r:WlowS i vide that ye mo ty e ist a f:urtive glance into : the opening v:eta, make a high re-t!ve an-1 a r honteric effort for a he-oic tlie in the ii'te c which is lef:. that yourt charities and synpa- t thics nity enlarge and enter un inivterse ,1 thoi.ih, where a iiving,instant. ever-prC-Cnt. positive, tatngih!c fai-h, shall di cover for yo,ui ihuminatetd walks, and golden truths And beaities in the social arid d-r>ies:ie worlds, until fiom cycle to cycle ye retch i -h my teiupenetriai where te 'ilvery vesral sheds an id. inig ra liance upon ete ' calie', which is ever fiied fiom a 1 loiwiig fouin:ain of trtlh,purity ant gl.tine-s i;efure I in.tke myi k .liocopie resumne, c permuit tmit to di-miiss twvo itrin"- -the "tiger" t I hli,ve not been atble to trace tnp to his lair, but icound several who had iteen i't::ing 1: him very cx-euively. The t!inIrteent it,us <aud nien, proveil,, he thirieun poor c:ip tivt s. .1l.out the Ight, &e , and lie sudilen mtilitary hi"air.a to iV inthia, in the watches i: the ihth, this is s:il to htve r::.u1e ! ruin a noril or two wh icht fell Irom :he lips of my vecrable f.;it.l Cii.trly I'. who, I the jikt-wa.;o-:hi i.-Wist :tid ii-ier :t Ibis port:,O if tei:r-irii.: arnd1 who m al wamys gemmit. off somti.thig lidicitonl, re cherebe or p,r.titie:il. 's the e.ase riu :y be, vet who is far rotived fIiro iu eoaning llrin itI i te remis I overdeun svral oI ithe i mtilitary t:lkiin eb nit the j .ke. They wete t aig:i tied at :Ie '"i'lea," and sai tlihat it was "ob.,'i-' that m.eentn:n mui !,",t h nre:ca l le to uni+helteted itia !ion fir gen:tii,ett :nian inlinlent' 1Jight. c-eeeh;ly a;:-m1,te wtrec iivti 1 Il, :ad a:l witeiut propte. accom mucdati,n i St Luke's re-il! looked CrtarmJ:r !t sici ty. lie Ctiireh was tastily ire-;-ed i grt i ILealts aln. simp white lowers. I lie iesigns v, re ii:i (Il.- atil h:rtuiois,:nuli elt hie poeUy 'f ret.i<ni to the beiat:ifully. mtpresive se yices of it- day. The vt.cali t.tioii by the chiir w:t very veer antid proli ie,-i-tere was a certitin tacili ti:letnv, ra .idity, emphasis and pi:!ho; in it qui:e in piriig. While the sermo:is iv Mr. Mile;, lppropriate t7 the dty, aere loieai, b;il!iitt 1Id ft-a.ant as uit:autit. A tl'rendI said to cne ye.terday that a. lt' Ad year neiit out on the ist d:av of the 'tontih, atil the list aiy of the week, he ipti a s aso the ye:ir by c:o,nug h I inan:ial tieciturn on the lebit sil.-, it leati. ic foiuid .iself cin the street :1!oti' r.-6 laced to hiis la,t halfrd liar andl at "dun" v.ishi th:ic povery ws ai pheni itoiinun Thie greatiest iior,--h,:. is; I I ver' sdv, i P'rof. Aintri:ti. lie i-; aL bor est. of ;li. tir-.t varer; l'ctures ex( c.ihiedr.a i:). th linfrin-f . ities of horse-lesh, ait:tl tills all ahitl:.coe-. ic inid cubeb<hs. ho:sE andin I bril Cs in ai jrc'uth lIe hetst :0i0 triuI.or~ aiii JIosh Bilbnrgs on tIh' 'hoct 11( is a horreinan, i cn r:er, Ii k i l'arof. .:i:rim Well, as the .,totaug of rui.sinis, lin.t the ~ule l. g is burnied, arid ne have tin it 3reece anld Ceen Iurker'," a:ad the ehictlatti-n autI reap)ed the siirrows ofu the ui<lt, !et us abwrs her'eaf:er "uash the ironi -hile it is hot1! Lc-n1ani, it. 31 -ITic intetiselv iciN Wven 'her lhas prt dw:etd fr'gh!f! :nat:!iiy :itmin lie (;earun woundedh'. hue '-enp'anr ilt5 Constuirtinicpl -, D)ecimber 2J.-.\ deLt tr.i icin of the ini le;t etence ofI the~ l.un ibi.a~ Pinc'ip:diies hi::s beeni attuounic,d h:cic anti A Ihi b.i, h en ihrto::i ino the N.>rthe'rn prt (if I':iru< Man itoif the Germnt Cobliers ope'nly de Schcre tem ives tired til'the wVar. ITirate htmrne.l inis:ci-it-. inindn'Itt forty wereC foiia! p.:rt;y b ,ke.t and ini aIh lib:e con'!lI' :en TIhe Idar-hill 11Twis-. Frl:klin PI.. w--*s oni rue 31):hi. Fav tivs wereC icst, iinlcm:uu iny person ft:llh- iij:Iredl by thi:! Thei hustie, in wich cl Iury ('.iy bon near A hlutal. Il:tnover Ctunity, ij,Sts de strotyed biy tire yes-.d;ty. i'rim wa< li--Il it ai wurmnde - in thiree picues cli the iiht iof the d7th,* i .\ Il. dip du.-nlee :.wlt reudi:::e lte tre.tty of 54 [-wi n-iw iSe wi!t~l pr1 th:y bce shoi ;y :umtritted laito the 1. -:0n- C.:urado a::d New .Mbxico. Scurin'i.ts Lu.tsTi:.ri. 2lONTitS 114 '.zri:. 'I.i .hutn:try rnun:h:-r ofl whichi is re'c eil,d is th: h:tlomesoti ad e-tll t- in-ir -tinug wtontll crn oir lIIt ccf exuc:m:es. The railer will reco!ti-t clhat it coimeus in plaec of Itiver-idec, which'l im:tnizine was mriuce'd in to thai< at thie clo.: of thi- ve:ir. M.ake voin cruom h appy by ,nbuibi-'it lutr it. 'I hei sriubriton I:-Ce is only I $3 :i yein. pbhlishieal lie t-h' . Seribuer & Co., 05 1 iro.dway, N. Y. ( 'aitirrhc fret, or ind ,ix:y ("-nl< arid get D)r. S:itte's C'atarr-h !teimedy. - 00i rue-.vird is of- - fcredc byv the pcrouprietor fori a t':tte oif Catalirhi wIthib he c:innirot cureit. Sohl v tiruggis's. Jan. 4,1-lit. eg:r ('1 jlF,. I,M' I?\' ]s PUP]? nishingt us new al:-ents f'.r futel, foc'ce, fton we ceC p.csesse : l'r:s ftrrun w!:.chi comi mierce. wi:u5 drivenui duiring thei hont monithls hc tlhir trrib'e fevers aie vri-cle aill the year with tiimuit now. Mfany loc:alities in t South 'nil \\est ke-pt ten:mitless lby their d es tertious ia :masl tie nocw fi lintg tip withI pop nIaItionis tnuder te protectrion of .\yer's Acne Cre. Their tifi:t ig Cliills andI Fever arc ': eff'ectll ly (etreal byc thais rema.dy that thea dieI'e '(c!un::r tilrn<s emti irationa n,idet (cr idest:oy.s th' 'crtier if hei v.-Otre ny'. rmt itS infecteld disrics.-"G.izette."' in-tpenilelce. Mo0. .1ant. 4. 1-lI. :Otl,. ti--i,:tai iemedvi. hoerc;1niru' i t ta.. .arice wich i'l the . ' idi in- d i,binl bet bhi intt cirrer-ltat enti- -:nil h:e,tin-s m--v hei to n' idly' <htTuse-thu i the in:.cIrf prttnancd tcn tic -ehi tc:t1. is c:i I t is wt,e- thin tha: ic a- ilnliluman. Supporti ftotr h.-tr' :t-rehit tr-- -: iipc t it -..air forut dvtppsi. l'ineusis man ne--:-.Im.rvosdt'i - cjrtere-' ti tend f eni': :: I''e :tic: niillionH. Ithe ;t;-d e-If-et. of theCI'f p -10raio ca-til hav' I -ta to aiCi- co p-r:tve ,ew. lhere i th abi;:h-t :nltho~riv for -: in tha lict -hiculdi nct bce hhd nielr a tt huhei; tat wihuatver it,Xe-a-tt ii hrid he' 'h:.c -d a< a cit cmn a hill. whe. re all muen cm t. ke cr'anie:f it. t ir nya-n ' rh cipl thnt lthei. ii ha wete-rmu hl- il en-. :a'i 1! at ,ihe spon:::.tu tttoa11n w i'itt ld h ro;;n 'e'. Th..-n a---iorpr beds tf -ickt.e.s if tI.e it :.:-u t.t ' a t sprc.i thec truth wO:0 re;.:li fto til -ocied h- a io-i rait.t amnd corre cte-aned w'i. 'Ipp., prit r.;atime t :ll:tint it'. i f Iii pa' i -::i i s beenci p:rotected- :c itt liii'h ctb. - c. :id iti eeb!e h:n e been -t r.-a..tiele :ltese e stredt. Cre-at ;-toId h t bee scc m-ai-hedl : :id who s.o ime:i :ss ct - '0 t;--:1 exe::i. Li. Le A's I r Yrispint..-No family circle is com lete wilthut a ,ut.d ritgtr. aud htt is that to e hel.ed . ace. whei. Iot member of the tam ir h:. the :tt - there is cottin^ ca-ier. I;u t' .ce to the !tore of 3e-srs. (it:ck & 4'hick. ,i purtu -1: )one of th-:i,(ww%- in;.er Family5 ri-: Jlabciite;. the best machines ntade. tf :y S I ESS UL4 sOUTH 1:R TEI'::ISE.-Of mrny rew South rn cnterprirer which have bi een utmlertaken inee the war, none have imet with greater or aore deserved success thin the door, sash It! bliltn mantftrtory of Mr. I'. 1'. To.te, in 'h:rite,ton, S. C B y h":rd wo:lk, indomnita" die energyZ mtal Ili-r:tl :t!veriin;;,~ I. Toiile le c--vaidh"rla!etin, tihree ye:al ont tritpped all cump"ti ion ai e-t:tlli-hed a which would o edtit to :tV ci:y in the . uited St:.tes. Jan. 4. l-1m. (!)' S\VEET FOiR t:r c .n-r,"r "!i+, t.n how mnhrl, better to --I,c u:tr !; :-r an:I lirve to enjtty our 'ul:rY. .Iatn. 4. 1-it. Oi !tr 2^1 I of I -re:thr, at the. re-:idencC 1 l r. 'et-t is r-.eiiit::s. h: !;.-v. J. N. t;citi.LL.t.2Al. P'..\'I t.NGs--T'roofErtge. tC .t t. M i . 31 'f 1.rt . 't rrs, of New berry Search the Scriptitres, for in them ye think ye have ete-nal life, an I these are' they which testify of Me." At this he:.utiful festiv: season in the he inni:ng of the ete!e,its:i:aI and secuir ars, as the loty dtonie of the heavens Is li:t ith snperntal glories wnhich reflect it bap'is rid light uiott C:ir!!1h that the angels might r:ver-e the corriulr< tif the spheres upon heir new hmrt, lahnt- t 'te, we do t!lighit Ai t tre;s: "':Ie in: : ! !! , t,"" nd looking :to the ":: t. v i p rt. r; for a ct:o - iatriton aitt ";he i nil lost of earth.'' ni go f rth wth ti, green'i :aes ::t,t flow r, of mttry" tht ac ttav stre-.e th-nr upon he gr::ves of "th" I.l and th:e h n:ttiful who earr t:1;nl.ll:a to return not."' We helievt rlt the veii -vibi ob,Scures he lait: of :; ulah, th: Rver of Life", the )e" :c:ab:c Muut i toins fndt the sainted dead from lie living i. .h: merest g"-sainer, and at the atie titme, a wall of a.l.:nnut, bee:use "our" ire are not .rinh-s<. .I.::z ;. L.iKt- die on the 20.h "uly, S7. in the 53 1 year of his age. We go not forsh to,d:ty to erect a prou.l rn:o-aph ov:r Ili<, -rave; we have a n"tbler ihute to pay-tor lie thiil asleep with the hilde f>r Ii.s dyin-1 pl!:",w. Livin.g we loved ,in, and in den:b i Iis menoty eiba:m.d. "i' en the hIle ang.:h. meet us, A we _-o ti j in ;! it h:iiid, a!n! we t;,i " t.. ied1< rh: greet us lai :ha.,h 1, h. ly ialad ::Il tr - t- hte r -ft ey" beamning hIIl we " - t h ;r |.. arms twoi iig Fo:d'y r :uni A I :'y->ti e? "Y, s.1 " s hs'I kno V.e Sai-d know lh:e rie;n ii, tinu itse. i- there." "I am !, anld the I.ife, he l it be lieeth ill Me, thitlh he were de,:i, et ,bi;l he live." A Fit Nt). COMMERCIAL. L, TEST Ga uoSOF IN (ilA:ll..T' Ni. . .., Curinti'LR wU.K!.Y BY Ban:ar & Broker. No. 25 Broad Strcet. iiic M;;: .I: 30, 1MO. STTF SI:Cll:1rtE--Suutht (urolita, old. -a 3; to cw. -a 70; du. re.;i.t'd stuck, ex itt a Crry KCI-:ITib4-AiuSta. Ga.. Iocds -a : ('Ih: tSonl. S. ('.. Si ck. e1 gr itt. - a 52: o. Fire Lo:t Inods. G3a -; Cuiiubia. S. C.. ati6. - a ,:. It I i.i:o. ii Iax:,s-lur' Ith! e. first morteage. -1 a -: i h:ir!i'sitin a:itn!u Sa:iicn:h. i3i . . ;Char att'. ('iniiiml,ia nit Atitittstc. -- i 85: ('hecraw t.d I)ariingtoni. a - .: (o eenvii;Jie auiui Cohobiiai . st mourt.. S-a -; 'to. $O:te guaranlteu. tj5a-; ortl.easierni.83 a -: astd ICarb-a:on, t niturt.. - a iS; d . $':c e u:ra ntee. t92 -; rtith ('aroli na, - a 73; do). iG .'apatanlb.rg acid niot:. - a . itA i srttcui--('arbtte. Coumbihia acid N..rtea'terte. t'., : .rv ...r:-. ai'1 (Cha: Ie., mt. - at3.; 8..iiit (arinn.iit whoe..hres, --a E.xt'n stra. &c -.ew Yrk Si.'tit. off' par; sod. 110i a 112: Si.i 1- --. ttr r e fAt i:.1 i\ n A K tli .LS. 1l1nik ott lharest..... ...-5s-I ha .k of . 'i e .............- a - t-.t.!. of ' iana.l.-a . .. . .. .. . .. . ..3 3 - h-t:t oh's.rath t';4tttia.--. . .---- ' - i3ii II ri- ost r.. . ... . ..I.. .1 a - it:'-.k of i -mIr ... .. .. .. . .. . : a - ti:k.:'. :' ii . I -. t 11. r.....4a - teI:I; ' It: oft. <. :I :- i. : S': '5 a - -ti;On s r:-. : i .w ir k o i: n-rt r o i- a - :l'e e Itr:n ii of r4: t!--stn .. . :. uo t. k -ti rbi o .. .. - - .t:it'n.i ';e.ti I: 'ii: rn ;;.. lk . Iar'ir 'n . '.- a - tuit : ' Il t -- :t l. ....targ lil...... .... 5 - .xhin: ihnake iin :aebei re :me at ck ti.tek of' tei'.11n h- ....... 'ieha tl e.' !a: ii f h .ittfor . the a 'hanier irr -'eFi.:tiIi. .......... th ae ii: te of:~ tnuth ('rin:tc !lsitechiva!e .t. ahi --u iet. (' ou tr fe b -ile,an hvin, fclties forl te. itih i. 5r;.\it .\NDmlM .!IiPtiN OFlir rht ucribr~ retpeifni tot' toe a:tten-i ion el 'ee.aEmrnd othersc who' AN AIus:drn.u'TO!:nL.e .nrs 4.rd--st .B EINN Jarn 4,'nL('t~ 1-m trenilb p.,r.e Thei'u orh te:tltm oft pithaiis ownerwttr be hetn 4 1-peit.aac r aesC lr li. r .raiffs e Senl Qin:ed' S-nt .ted:iC of the ory,t. 7 awl .ply hrO el ahrI-gr no-Jyii toi doth- at th he ed ofii eah 1e.i ornBoi:it,li Jan 4, 1-2S. 'o Svo nx erop.I' It iLS eilype W1 M. F. NANCE, .\n. A. ?. PIFEi. Pricipal Miss FANMVELL,: Assistant Prof. Z Musical Dp' TII E nezn, of this SCIIOOL. will hr^inr on T11l, TH E THIRD (:;J) U" .l.ANCACIY Tuition-ii to >n I er hal session of 5 moutliS and Modcrn Lu:aed extr:e. I:,2tiueti;n i. all the branies u .t'!y. t.uil'emaule Schlools of the highest ra .',Ppi!s fIt tance can obtain botrl in good pr+lies at about ?15 per ronth. Pupils iirrel from the date of e-etr:ance, sednetiuo will be made except in Qrotracted illne"ss. N B. Th ees 11inst be naid in advance. Fur part7;lc to 'rl . . A Ja.i il Trnaree", or J,an. -4, \M aow)ti t: l ccegant< stock o' we will S LOW. Our tem this date are " Thlcreft prices will corresih the times. - ABR& METTS.IL Jan0. 4, Last inal Notice. ALL peed to the oil firn of b Al2-iAS,& IIICOVE, wil take due cand save any further tu:a tronble aWe iist have our ( i -:s. s1LxMs & METrS. wil .Jai. 4, VE. I :tn BY a rII sell st Newberry Gteurt Ii1nta in Fhruarv next, al tla' pilId whereou J. : C.nph trutah nn J la Five I and rlIt- T 7nti'< Acres, T 'Iore or Iar landes of hlr Term .' P hurcaser to pay cclit rr stamp (gnedJRY KOO\, ill E. G LU"MPI. f.t Jan. -d anc_ MYUR. j" pues fratolie iToaton der a alwdi ' un houe in te dd I wilartlefor Tmb in lhoil-stnt., and I caa lin t:aahishmenIath, ad a,' cheaIp re as anyV, al tel grateful to hab ernrulhove to merit it la coinunn:u (lS2 Itra v:ah:ei Jana. -1 ac !u3 f AcreS ofseri li1e; IN 'hre knlown :as tin- .0 for th 11eMorarieentlyv owneda b-. j the pr Mr. 'A. *heljin is .alhnara- 'I ly ok bly~ .ada!I21g I lose, e:tcil. Da-en le2t waltrden. and11 several in('f1;s buddhiings, al con1aenienft to1'0 thea Ae ich,id at ian e:arly vaiad, day, 2- t(le School of highinre Ae cl PP C ajt L N m a r a a ' A 221 e. I 0Co plainrt f or wat. J. p ar '2'd to pay debts. Jan. Tii UEcut of G;eorge Derie 'k ared to render ina 'ag'a 'I t2mand1i. on or be- w oS lare.L ithary nlext. iel t E,c c. r., N. c. th ree ye proves i ESale."ch heOa r'.ea n e-nhe.t onl! ., 0o2 the F'irst and aappi ona x,at Ncn herra' aprcoperty cou-maex XSEED, &C ' Cure of .1!1the Rlea] Estate anee~'1a onu two v.e.ars, in Surr P.1t 'et froni day of' thaa,ad le purchluasers laifr2 wah a premisets. Pnar- >. fri chia.2er2 tnd p*apers. The al]lyreCcor hui:dsa ILte tac.ts, plats of it ~alMeh aday oflsale. . Try i URMAN,Ex'r inmyour n- 4 X i. For salt ... D* ealers e r'I2 obIate Couart. Propr PRrof Jamea(s G. Jnn. 4, udg, Iwigh,. - R r , 1071, al I deceased, con- \ 1~ the fr's~ s gouds E tc., lEtc. ii a:;. tri h.1n tins* d1ate de-a~jeo o tert2.a e tIa System intere- It-r <to be h 12ude t$ t~e Cala to in Al 5r'e. foar C:ah V STORE, NE N AND A NEW PLAI W w ready to sell Groceries, at the I tes, by the BULK, and to fur ui.h i with any qul:wtities desired. W to keep constantly on hand, the le rticles of trade, such Us CO O'N SII OUILDE RS, HAMS. LAIRIn 1,Is. and Cans.) FLOI MEI A L, SHOES, and CRdERY-WARE, And al f")uni in a Grocery .iore- %d to e I as UIIEA' as the ('(iE.I' . LENV & SPEARIMAN. Col. Leavel be at the store, and will " an, t r~ f,mAMm:'LKS, and buy COT r . Jan. 4, 1-tf. Sewiniachines. III,-1TE;&e v.tluable mnaebines, o ueers-ry tolonmfort of every family, li he kept for at the Bookstore. Varrauted to gitisfateion. Call and zamlino. ,tib;erip'iors ied to all the Lad'e .' ag.znes, viz: 6r. Frank Leslie. Dem reSt, Peterson, I Friend, Die Modenl. elt, and others. scribe at once. Any bok that libe wanted by ar rson, if not on bi will be procured an'd Id at Pubiher'.e. At the Boo!: ote, Nenberry. JE A. CIIAPMAN. Jan. 4, 1-tf. THE COTT( STATES !ff isuran Company, MACON 1ORGIA. [IE , of thlonpany is confinedo law to Life Iisur4a one. i:us P"lricies oil th approved mu I plans. Joe third of the prium on its Policies always he given a loan to all persons may" dere it, thoy increasing the unt of In uratnce I srau:lIer aiou1nt .sh, nor til l n , te required on . ot,, " ,v for tirst year,' loan. ho pri, or diviil wil conistauth of he loanri, beifihe value of th;i of l:Iuralce to to who have only is credit i; ;itcn netc other Conpa ;dv, uoing huines*re. te scarcity of monen'r the Smith, it is ved, asolutelI de'tnds uc h an ar 'tnI'eut. The Compv of course ac all cash, when tht.%,rtv in:uring is or willi"g; to p:% it.ThIere is another r" :n the o 'er.uioti:f this Company .he aItt-nrion of pats seukinlr Imtr - is par:iurarly c-lIkio, viz : a aurren. .Ine. Titre is h. Co1pany doing es here (Carolina i:e) he,it,"s Cotton w lhieb gives a soiendeulcr value. cei cire.imziances ramder it nece.warv IOi4l t bandn his pflev, it will on lv :is1ary foir himt to tIlfor his suirreni I me, whiich wiill be, i itn,st Ca5es, ti II. ) per ett: of 1,ll ri iloeyh! i 3,ra n;it abhsol:ite iiiapo'sible. br Ioz-e an hi i an event. Thi.s is SpIoie Io an e 1'-p rt :o 'munt o!;tmoney paIJdn a, l'to or "fntto he paid kiil they. ,liea ir the cotton Sta:cs eif Insuranlce tiy ther.. e its t,llice is. in thece'ntre of the 1:- " 'ive you( a ;tud surrender va-e ol yotir au ~i;hJri. v' ve i t$on 14th Cntar. ni h n t a3 enan, for the SOf! PoheyI hdrs. noe it ha.s t !1,4 (n 4) tliomedl with I senrt of Pol icy n4~ s bat e si illan iSof tI'.enty-one binodred P'oli.o it-e it nes 90 il per cent of all thea 1)It IJIPo lb th-rs. . .i f e i911 vuh-e "re always good, antd a ras ti my <ifinite puar:aof tlwn'se is thre dhl li hae bten annual" it. paid. Attive atgents wanited to Cacnvass :'1 Southl (JArolna.; A ppl' t LA V.1L & ABNY Agts for North & Southi Caroliiit. Goki::ubia, S. C. callhig aittetijonI to our vt2u.ble preparation, with1 reniewed conttidenee, it having ')re the leople of thec South for over irs, antd its largely increasing sales ';REAT POIPLA~Rrff ye recently muc improved it by tein of a toireign ['C A N D RESTOR A fIVE IlEERP tgether with~ its other well-know.v oved ingredients, and PEURE ItyE w;;hhIS!y arcessIy fir us,. rcnders en SU.ilTEu. BITI-ERS,T lie mnost delighitful T(ONIC. sht ElT/ZER [\NGlOANT and Fi l)YPEl-TIC EL.IXER, : peoPle, nd as a Preventive and h CHILLS A\r NDFEvYR R M.VER FAILs.jle te: Bitters are not otTered as an CUR E-A LL,rt ('Se disese for which it is especi imtended, do HAS No EQ UAL. ncea~ you will never be without ley <l rDruggists, Griocers anid ol310 1sI: & 1)AV5 y etoriand Whtole ale ). uggfsts, Clar!es:on, S. C. Im 1--1a oumt P L. it e ry one to read( this "tls tO: t (N aind A i TIm rapi lhYOf .Janiuary next, no wen * CE' '.'ibe2 sold in ouri house cce for Cash. hr trilthe credhit busiiness for six M ---d at it i I N T P y iv .tik us to credit von for a b netlq w eek, or 'n:1 vo)u I). tv y Refuse You. A -e iuist I.-a ve. Wmi. H. Tutt, ~i6ES iuRUGIST, AUGUSTA, GA. Ia.; in Store and offers for sale at EX% TiM ELY low prices 1;0 lieg i C Sodia, 1(0 Cases " " in papers, 100 Oa:nces Morphine, 1000 " Quinine, 1 Cise Turkey Opium, 1000 Gal's Linsee( Oil, 49.000 lHs 1'ure White Lead, 500 Ih)xes Window Glas, 25ib- Sp;r't', 10:) Case. HIo"tetter's bitters, 1U0 "" 1'.antanon " 500 " (olden Eagle 100 t.,ses Wolf's Schelidam Schnapps, 150 G:o,s Parlor Matches, 1U0 !bs Chloroform, 2 Ca-es E. 1. Ritubsrb Root, 11) Gro,s Wright's Pills, 500 " Tutt's Liver" 10 " Davis' Pain Killer, 25 " Wine Bottles, 6's, 10 Gross Porous P!asters, 5 Ceroons Nautmegs, AND FANCY GOODS of every description, to which the attntion of the trade is invited. D)c 28, 52-2:n. PACIC GUANO COMPANY'S (Cepital s1.000,000) SOLUBLE PACWC QUANO. TillS GU ANO is now so well known in all the Southern States for its remarkable ef% fects ts an agency for increasing the pro duc:s of labor, as not to require special r comnmenda:ion from us. Its use for Sve years past has established its character. for reliable exeellence. The large fixed-capital investsd by the Company in this trade, affords the .nrest guarantee of the continued excellence of its Guano. .J N. ROBSON. Setllng Aent. Charleston, S. C, .1NO. S. REESE & CO., General Agenty Ii:timorc. Dec 283m. Compound Acid Phosphate of Lime. F(ti CO 111'OSTING W ITIl CO [TON SEED. T,is article is t tn;if t:tured by the Pacific G C. ini:my at Charleston, S. C., under the Sil errit; of I)r. St. Julien Raven uel. W1iit n eonpo,ted With an equal weight of Cottin S ed. i:', results have been found fully tgaal to the le.t .:andard fertilizers. I:s ectuony mu.t commend it to the notico' of p'anters generally. For speeific dircetions for compost'ng and for supplies, anp!y to J. N ROBSON, Selling Ngcnt, Charleston, S. C. Jno. S. REESE & CO., Gt.neraf Agents. Bal tinore. Dec 28 3m SOTH CARc!LINA Guuomon Pleas. Niewberry Couty.' om r.Pe. Wim. D. Hlardy as Adnr. &c., of the estate of Wim. E. Hardy, i'laintiff, vs. Catharine W. Hardy, Thos. B. ITardy, and others, defend.nnts. Complaint for Rel-ef and to Foreclose Mo: tgage. By vir tue of an order in this case I will sell at the lae residence of Wmn. E. Hardy, decea:sed, on the 19th of January next, All the R--al E-tate of said Win. E. Hardy, eot-isting of alout TIWENTY-ONE HUNDRED ACRES, f landi, more or less, in several different ihuts, pilis of whieb 14ill be exhibited on Jav of sile. Thue sal. will take phece at the residenco >f said dieceas'ed, in Newbetrry County, near he junceliti 01 Tyger anid Broad riverp. Termis of sale-One third cnsh, balance it eqil ir.sabinen:ts, for onec and two years, ii!,thibial andi ii.-ae;.t of puirchiaser so cente the credcit portion of samte. Purcha er to pry i>r p.ipers anid 5'am~ps. Any~ :ifirimaion: cone'rn;ing samemy ie ob,t:uined fromi Wm't. D. HIardy on the >renle4e. TIIOS. M. PAYSINGER, S. N. C. Dec. 2';, 187uc 4t IS sTATE OF" SOUTH CAROLINA, NE:wm-:tar co;NTy. Byv -I.inwi. ('. Leathy, P'roba;te Judge. .Wheireaes, Gorale V. ('romcer, hiath inade mii to mte teo gr:uit him Le'tters of Ad aneiei ranoli, of the, Estatte an:d effects of James -romier, dleceaes,d. .These tire therefi>re to cite and admtooish ii ande , r, liel kitdred an td crcditora f the said: dlceaecd, to be aend appear be. pre~ mie, ini thte (;otirt of Prube,obehl t N.'w berry Cour Hou le, to the th d f ..inOary next, ae ulonhereofd,t t 1oeo- nthe fi>renoon, to -ahiei tilt:, if n ;the have, wh4 y the said ad 'astio shonitzl not lie granted. Given tnder tmy htand thiis 2lth day of December, moDotmini, lS7c). -.A1fE. C. L EA IIY, p. J. x. c. COroto :ss; Co.Mratsen. It is dig. Ih to give in a dol,z''n lines the reasonrs whyi arrant's Seitzer Aperient auld lie pr.fierredc ats a correctise and~ erat:v'e to every ot!en meintei in use.. st y, it a!ayi ver;sdy tcen th oels wi tout vhtiee or pain; rdlly, it tonells the <'omeach;:feurhly', is. uat.aes the flow ofb' fifhi.y,. it pro tes hielh byv perspiratiiont ;sixthly,. i re :es the system from untawholesome hu-. rs ; seventtthly. it tramtj:iilzes tile r:erves -- htly, it acts i:pot the bluood as a depu. t;ard his-ly. it fortms one of the moss iciouis coling draitghts that ever passed - $01LD BY ALL DIxUGGISTS. )ee. 'i1, 51-2c. ick's ELra! rhide Fo, I8gg! he First Elhtio,n oft One fiandreda and Fif.. ha,isi,,a citar' eof V[(;R-M ILLUSTItA% J1 :A tA[L,G UE OF >'EEDS A ND FLO L G;UIDE, i,a pubtlishedi and ready tosend -100) palgt", and ain Engraving of almost -y ud.sirabcle I-'oaver andil Veigetabile. It Is 'tn t.- print'ef oin ite tin:l'd p.' per, illus d1 with I fre tHundhred tine. Wood)c En. ainz .uand T wo beutifnl C 0 L O R E ID II ".' rhe imost bea'.utiful and the most ruetive Flo,a G~~uide publi,bied. A G;er I Idezcn lIub -hed, in all o:her respects nti free to :el my customers of 1870, as diy as possible, without happlicarion. .0 to all (otier', who orde.r them for T1EN I S, whIic mi not hailf lie cost. Aiddress c . .1~'~ I VICK, R-iele'.ter, N. Y. Medical Notice. it Iegular Qmirt.rly m,eetIng of the New F' Medlicil .A s cia tion will lie held on w td.i lith tof .hmt. 1871. at the Odd Fel -iiil, lover Cijpr. We's store. A full isc la e-irabb:. as the election of of- * "n:.zd. r uin o imprtance wilL c21 51 tf $.'y Fair Notice. Ipersons ilIdetd to us w ill save cost e1 a t i itecu dais froa li ;. ci,i, . oe t e us. n