The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, January 04, 1871, Image 1

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r LS IS PUBLr8anBD EVERY WEDNESDAY SIOl!NIN G, At Newberry . IL., By Thos. F. & R.1:1. Gronekor, Editors and Proprierors. TNEEsiI $NALkkV Invariably In Advarice. _.__ . _- }__ ._._ -_ . -. N1C7 :7..u.1" 1 Na Q.rn fo r y r to e ed a t th e ex p ;ration o fl t t th Q'" The Mmark donote expiration of sb- r orr{p n" V o l. V Y, - AdAC IIU I itv Itim en .lts nper at o r bd e ces oif meett~ings,j~ bi ktaisadtiue > c sllocal o steppd t hecx!rtln t ~ ~ ,W E D N E S D A Yj~ M 1~ OR N IN G , J A IN I A R1 Y 1 iq~ vt,IIOrt vuc0t naoert _____ _ __ _ _ _ _ _1. From the New York Ledger. Sn sY I.vANUs Co 1, Jia. Charles Falconor was young for ho responsible a place. Though only ,hree.and-twenty, he was cashier in a wholesalo house, and large suns of money passe.d dnnily through his hands. His Father had been a cashier before him, and it was believed that honesty ran in the blood. From carliest boy hood Charles had been noted for the promptness and tithfulness with which he had discharged all duties devolving upon him, and when it was found that he was trying to support a widowed mo ther, and to help his only sister to complete the courso of academic etudios upon which she had enter ed, his friends secured for him the position of which we have spoken. .And so far as the young man's na tivo qualities were concerned, lie had not been over-rated. But Charles Falconer was young and ambitious. Moving cont.inual ly in the glare of great wealth, he often found himself' wishing that ho was rich. And with the glare of wealth was the continuous din of speculation. At first Charles thought it b)oked like gambling. Ie saw men risk their thousands upon the haz'ard of a single tele gram ; he saw ~ortunes staked up on the events of the time as yet unborn ; and he saw men grow suddenly rieb upon the lucky tirn ing of a die. At first, we say, it looked to him liko gambling ; but lie saw that those whom ho honored and rc spected often engaged in the busi ness, and he came to look upon it m1"ro leniently. At length he be (cam11 awari11o thtat him ow., o.,, .,y t-ra occasionally ventured large sums where the promise was flat Iering-doing it,of course, through a con fidei t.ial agent-and lie learn - ed, furthermore, that they were very fortunate. One day a friend came into the store, Ilushled anl jubilant. II.e had made fifteen thousand dollars at a single leap of the Grand Trunk stock ; and lie had done all upon the investment of five thous tand dollars. A friendly broker had advised him that Grand Trunk was going to jump. The stock was then at twenty. lie gave the broker five thousand dollars, and told him to go in. The broker took up one thousand shares, av ing downi five dollars per shanre, the rest to b)0 paid within ten days. On tho very nuext (lay the stock went pp to thirty, then to thirty five, and at this fi gur- the friend sold. Charle.s thought how granid it would be if lie could make fift een tousand( (dollars as easily as that. alto start wit,h ? lHe wenat out. upon the street and talked with w itha other (ashliers who lhon foud hard tried their hand at thle goldena gamio. Heo heard that hits old1 A chum, Phil. Uret, had won a for - tunoi, and( ho wvent to see him. "Jiowv did you (do it, Phil ?'" "I bought just in theo nick of time." "IIow much ?" "I put out ton thousand dollars on Dublin and Erio, and1 mnado a cool fifty thousand by tho opera tion." "But whero did you get the ten thousand ?" "I borrowed it." "You borrowved ten thousand ?" "WVhew I You're si mplo1, Char. Joy. But you can keep a secret ?" "Yes." "Tfhen you can borrow irs I(1did." ilowv ?" 5'ro you not cashier in a big houseo?" From that Li me Charles Falcon. cr's feet were wand(ering firom the only safe anid reliable paith. And yet lie could no', at first so far' overcome the better part of him self as to go upon the street with his employers' money. lHe dragged himself (downr to another plan. lie learned that others had made mnoney at the gaming table. If ho could only get enough to make one suaccossfiul speculatiomn ho wvould ask no m)oreO. Charles Falc > ) nthe leap -and ho lost I +t not inuch in bulk; but mn 11 him, for it was all he had. Wht next? ~:ist w~;in back what ho ha- I o o more. Ahi I most, fatal of al t)11ins'ls which the (lemon of 9tw;gaming table whispers into ,ten' of' his vic tim I lie wlhtpirely fices his loss, and g;ain ?tdom therefrom, may save bi if ; but h who thinks to win what he hath lost is in tho 'Gne'8 trap, body and soul I For the sQ with which to win back hlo'es Charles Fal coner borroivfr1omn the funds of the house. jreally regarded it as borro w ing first ; because to the amotnt,ifty or a hundred dollars lie Oct keep cavh in hand without tir with his books. But by and h0 was forced to withhold tp, fromt deposit than he should (1ono. About tl timo Nod Phillips ar rived from eutta. Captain d win P1hilli 'shough only six and twenty, i doummand of one of the finest 01!s that sailed out. Of Now Yorl4. [is father had been a shtip-ma:It<before himi ; and his grandikth rd been that dough ty Captain iner Phillips whos sur1passi n . siananship stood Bain bridge in 3u< good stead at ''ri poli. And at ti thi:; very self-sam< tme, too, ar I' alconer ha como ht1ondon a visit from thi academy. "'he h a d graduate, so111e ttlmlo efotre, and was nol employed a teacher. She wa younger thtlCharles; and ove her fimale 'en(ls called her 1,11nc some ; 1111(1, .1over, they did with!lout eniy", which plainly sho' ed that sld i ust have had a stronl hold upon teir gool.will and e t :ui. C'apti iied Phillips had en ried a n"ayl it i him Laura's prou iso that sb< would some day I his wife ;:nld as soon as ho col leave his 'Sip ho called upon he :ati tho oli love hind not grov 'lim 1111' (nor mo; and it was Vel soo(n arran;ged that she should m Ko tack to the academy : any 111or One do: Laura spoke to Edwai of tier brt'hther Charles. She w Ili'(resse :lbouit himl. '-smdithing ails him," she sai "Ile is (hanged." '"I ha-:e nut-ieed," remarked Ph lips, "t1,.tit he does 1 t smile as I 11se( to in the tther times; but thongit, it imiglit he his business "N o, no,"' pursu:ied Laitura. has <snme utpont him reentu ly. I is suiffeing. Last nigh t I hen thtm .roainug in Is steep, and( ar*io' :ad went to his~ (100r. ] was talinig in1 a sor't of feveri; (dlii' ri -and1( ho talked of I( and( gain, anid of salvation and onl the subjhect?" "'Yes ;but, he kisses mec and pu mel :aay, and( says' it is no0thingl El ward promised that lie wvou tr'y his hand1( at solving t he m32 tery'. And 111straighItway Caiptaini Ph tips~ enitered'( uponi the wvork. Il susil)cionis w c r' 0 veriy readi th row n uiponi the right track, al be watcthed tihe falling man wiu 'ireat care and circumsp~jection. It was Iato at night,and Char' F"alconter w~as ailono in tho cour ing-roomn. iIe wats pale and wn atnd about his lips and eyes ha lines were dr'awn-ion of desj r'ation. lHo took a pa'kalgo bankc notes from the slk and he it ini his hand. I t2ras a lar Vi palockage, and it repr'Oonted( thlol an ds of' dllars. T.lhi4money w not his ; but hie hiad resolved usc It. "Tis is the last l' o sauid, as| puti thec notes in to hkubreast pIOC et and buttoned up) coat. is miy only hopo. lj hisils n - But it will n 4tI fil. Lm mu tst have a tu rn in<1 >oit. t le tunoe cannuot, alw1ays -'own. If hav,~e wvon laist nlighI *i T had hi mfontey enough to go' f'oIlo Pe the gamie. I have e (1gh to-nig ---mor'o than I shaI 1)ed. 1 sh:~ not stake it all ; bu .will go pr paved( for' the wvorst 'The wsvo No!' no!t I will not. r.y ta. shall be the I will win back what I havo (I will toy with the fatt nover againi" lie went the gaining house, and engaged in play. HIis opponenit wvas a man who i often seen upon the stt roikel' lamei Barnes-bu io had never before seen "I have -night," said I3arnc9, wit , "to lose my pile or wil 'aletlt. If I lose I shall ily. Let us play coolly The gam n. At timesI Charles w v'r quito so muchas S Ito .had separated into t wo par-I cels, one o hoped not to, touch, hol reserve. 1Ut! he came t gth. It was long past v'ben his last dollar w 10 table--theI last of fir staked that f night-ai lie arose andI swallo,ve brandy, anld staggre he hail. It was ember night, but the I d not subdue the f'evo d in Charles Falcouer a stopped up- 1 on the s and looked up 1 at the s t '"rhis he said, with - his hatn on his bosol. , "Thle co hall not look u npon m od be nerciIul a to thos nd ! Ned will b I care for will take i o place." 1. 1i And alked swiftly ', v away, lot again until 1 s be had IPty, forsaken o n pitr, i 'hich the wa- tl I- ters of ed swiftly and ;, it darkly tl e. "Ti ng," he said. A g "My b orno far out ti s- and at tI Juast vas laid upon d r. his si rned and saew o n- Edwa fu >c "Co come home Ii Id with t to r, "No me. You 1do w ,n not ka -on speak !" -y "I k At Al p 'e. "Ye o g;aming hall l r(d this e hi as "Tli hat I am rul- . ined (. "I 1 that but for a pW sweet watched over p. il- you, 'e been lost. le Your to :ave you ; I andl I it." l It "1 eni Ie "N ost, five thious I mlonlo let m1o go) I" sIh soon1 are you not chl of "K 1 can~ su1r..a vivo. *p- "S won to-nlighit, inst@ ten' ts "I (d back to my ~." emp >unt the m1n. ha h(l 0y I hdrauwn, and s. noCv oked( for help thi iln a ard. Such 11 Ii- had c11 ry hieart. of onI ly " you lost be. LIr for th. " 8fand dollars." "~h oth his hands 1V and he spoke.a es ley. Laura tl it beg Ihave wa':tch mn, ed as aL shadiow a im r'd to w it not. I, >e- 1kn d1 do to-nigh t, (ol of and > hto! p me. I Id (i( < onee, and lie go an n other timlos N is-lhe amellster, and fect as' all1 riofessioni are coml to kno wo yvfl3our' t, mo) my help, andl be for' hav~e it safe. k- 13 i lis very m10- e. It me) also another *, ao tho ich you lost X) ik nig hat was won nss >r- for the other two 1 tho you to bor- lvt ht r'o amply able. yu d Yo lien you canI. l:t 3d IIu Remnember' i;e. lit yo ows nothing ill of 'ill sparo hier Sor 'e, all boy ; hot us ' deh)pt t,! go Ito c:ar I. t . . like a ~ 1o,, t ract I child found after long and weary wandetritg, (hirles Falconer took I the arm of his brother and walked back toward his home. h'Itey found Laura tip wailing for them. "It is our own Charley, safo and I well," said Edward. I 1 She knew what, e mteant-she t knew it from the eloquent light of V his own eye, as well as from th- C eves of her dear brother, which t were so red with weeping, and sho y embraced and kissed therm both, p and blessed God. o On tho following day, with the " money which Phillips had seen rod c tor him, Charlos Falconor went to I the caunting.houso and called the p menhers of the firm--thero were Ii )nly two of t hem-into the private h fhce; and there he told them the li tVhlole story, om itting not o1e sin- ?" le thing that bore cither for or tgaifnst himself . "A dt hiui:, he concluded, "as by t I miracle, my life is saved, and I it Lm able to restore to you every fui lollar that is your due. Aye, anil w nore- am saved from the dread- :1 ul pit, which has engulphed so wt nany; fbr, having once gained fit :nowledge of its fearfi11 burnings, SO e sure I will never tempt its T:a-- fit arean flames again. 1 cnn scquare inl p all my accounts and balance to y books in less than all hotur ; th ud though I leave your service pl nder a cloud, I trust you will not oc ealr I nnecessarily upon me. w% But tho merchants did not hiur- do y about discharging their youthi- W it treasurer. They considered the t i tatter calmly, and were of the au pinion that a brand pluked from els e burning, charred and tempered ithe fiery furnace, was safer falr hu mn new and untried material. lie lid then, again, they knew that t< IC youth was of true metal. A 11d wti ey kept him in his place, ai ema tI not, even take the p)reCaultti ea; advising him with regard to the lie ture ; for they evidently felt hat len s own bitter experienceo, to a na- No re liko his, would furnish all the ttol ar'nintg lie could possily need. hiul Totebing the final settlement and I weent Charles a n d Edward satc uillips, we eani o,dy say- that the twh!l ter made but one voyage after her 4 mm riage, n pon ret urlting Irom ny i tinh he, amdlii brother-inl1.w% 81im mt inito busines5 together as im- her rters of (hinese wt"ares. 'I'hey is b; ospered and were hlessed. is t woi Marriage Maxims. Jow A good wife is the greautest .thily blessinig. ILut A man11 is whlat his wifb makes n. |tog it is thei~ m'ot her who mlouilal. (.: ibarateri and (lestiny of' t he " dIake a mnatter'of mior- - dazrry in yotur ownl religion. ando dariry inito a different, blood and a ldarry inito at famiily whiebi you A e long known~ I. IN .r ~ever* tailk at (one alnother, ei- to r alone orP iln comny.111 ~ever' bth maifeltIst, anger e. lthe ( ever speaik loud to ont' anothI- !dij uinless thle house is on lire., ever refleet oni a past actti have elh was (done withI a goodt mo-( ull(o ,andtlw ith the best, j udgmen t jor* Si lhe time. 'State et. each one stive~ to yield of. tri(ct. Ist to the wishes of the othier. broth et, self-ahnegat ion lie thle daily r'eseni anid effort of each. 3 lie very nearest approach to O('rat. estic fll iiy oin earth, is the Th!,en nal cultivation of' an abolute a stil I fishniess. jt.ial :,ver' Iind( huilt, unhless it iS per. Ih-'prv y celltaiii that a fauIt, has been old Jr mittedl ; and even the i I preIudo ini ortl thi a k iss, and lovingly. he1l)in velr alow a r'equlest, to be re- I lemii ublo excuIse. fr'omi I tver mako a remark at, thle ('asey, 1150 of' thme other; it, is: mnar. tdid a timio,i ver par't f'or a day wiithoumt this St g wordls to t hinik of dulring imy b~ absenice. Besitden, it liay be roll is you wd il not meet again in winiter row coimes sooni enoullgh withou(t se a uliency ; it doles a mian no 1 gtotd ci.. ry zirounda a lighitniner-rodI to at- I Nhlto Squaws-An Essay h Bill Wilkins, a U(oy. A .squaw ix an Ill ilt \1c llt. 0he iH generally the wifi of a h ligi nian. She does ill tle hit 1ork. She corni, hlls, l atto(M, whiiisky, Iahie', arl' otht egtaFbles, or her h wigl. 'b Iarr"ies wood, imI es tle i l-e, C('00 be Victuals, and hla cks his bol hilo her big Ingin sits in thi arlor and readsi his ne wsp:aipe, r loafs at a grocery and talk bo:la" to other loafers. \Vhen h( )t>les home l ate at night, drun110k c whips his squaw becaise sup L is not ready. A squaw wor-k kce a horse, and gets a lickin' f, r pains. But I suppose sh( es it; Cls- why dloe3 she put I ith it ? But I know\: a ood:any s, nong white people. 'Tihey do t! e work it home, hake ii w\ash g or sew' ing, and ,;lupl(;rt t la mily, i(lel ing (the big- Imiiu hile he is very busy dlrink:ing d g;ambling, or fising. Tbe hite $(lunwr generally has a1 l,us II of y(nig ones. Anid tihey on learn to (reat. her :is I .i~r ther treats her. Sihe lrl!!(.s the kitchen, w\'hile her dglI. rs gadi ahout the streets or sit at, \\window\ a cl look at (h to 3 ut the white si n- q u a e) t want them to wor, She Lilts tlheiin o be ladies. I'h-v l't go to ch)ool, they dout, irk. '.liy mave no m001e\, ilt 'y will dr ':'. well :1ul aft blile thiey t11rn1 oit io tl e -1i,' 0 than ladies. Iiknow i little s<.i( aw\ X-bms(e siiand is a gentlenmtl. lIe ,:ys 1eVer did wo"(rk, ouch never will -i. lie has no mnoney, but he ! : about the streets w\it h a and gloves. I1e says lie get Into hoin(yess. By ( lit mn(':ills getting somlehody to I h the money to live oi -- w\" and then he h orrow'"s fi.e b'sof'somlebodywhc lodo1n't k to\. I. his wtifi' takes in \\:shii, does all the work. Su m., S t w1( 'vOod. SIhe has Iwo 1u >are you g nu 11 lit I hIo.y I saw\ tho voo d. She s:ys Johm 5 't tlying so hiS r-:i i that hle ha:' uno time to h.I t I think Iis cxi\h F R0 hall, An s y 1 \'ii 'nlky, oni eel I'\ ,' ' d1l1 ':!' k ; it- Il:kts i im w\) il t r"i!ii Ie seayse is cit;, .s;; :z eh It. back to is a .is ii. P Ir i youl. t td .:l ' her people wiri i_ Im a --i: I V iJngins.. that it wil t. W~(oor.r Ih):'Iwnt.xri- I I' l1-: l1:5 iui i I l;. .Th .(h retis f ro ti'r'ku he ' ~tai of jeli - I rson 4 ire. To , [t''n wit n- x um (cxHey, wh ho 1911 xel' A Senatoir from thle Third I )i. h Next comfei his younog-ri' Cr, D)r. N. I. Casey, lo Ib.p- . tat ive from1 Puhliiki 11d .c-an e'qully st0-inifg l)io andl( an, excellont(t hentlemi. y'ounger bruother.i, lbheg genil Ihernoni Coun iity. A 0( !n 1' er., turns ly ( api am I >ai vighit, a ltIehxw of t lie gen.ll Iilnamled, ias Ithe intlig te h lvi oerautI htti 'C 'rese tti of s1(uchuleasani memory,190 tremnenous wor,k in li trt ate wvithm l)emoc.rats, andi it hat xwheni the legyis.lative caled ini Spiniglel, this t h ,ii an (addit ional dIozei or () the tribe wil puti in ani (Ip '1ay3s ar'e Ien;;thi g iii; y It Was Powder. tiecet ly at youngt t IIISl , l 11l11 i - ,l to oVei' 1 tinanti(y f pa p)er, carnic, Indn Other1 }rintinl- 111:. l t'rial in a job 1-nt iI! o I.llt"e u t :u.kt t et"re t1, :an I.' r,t . i+c, , ('t, r hlicover,'d1 a qlantity sI If 11h:tt ' h:td t hr.e 111 app a r e utf p1u.ilr " .-That Inc ky like powd j).r-, al,d I ShoUh,lc!ll't ive a tit aI)i shed11M'.2L' i! it i wa <ouder," aid ihe yountig 11n11; I've a goodi n;ind to try it it is h powder ? Bhut, pshaw, conle tc L thlintk, what cild ot o wder be (Io , ing ini at printing hliivtt? N,,, I - !tIsS it's bhick 'a:1. 'I'hat' ninrc' ' all Iikrily. Sand is useI to dry;" i1k ; yes, it miust be s-and. Ibit( then-rc's at bi!r I"t of it ; almost). a he. No)w, if' it shubc th ha-en 14o be low"ler I (c n|d iInal.c a slpecu!a;i. :1 ; selfliin it. I-c-a hi:uid 2:1 of' it. I ii : :'.;k'et to uike nl' ex pe. i' u l:if I 3-(t4, 4 i:c: I caug t (' a n:dl fui , carr"ied it f c, i'. nlc t wenty or thir-ty se s ,nl depccsiled it pI n (In fl uro . lie tl ('11 tolok a 1,eie of p'aper' :iran lviglightecd it, tossed it, tipon t 1t' bcik ilsis hi Th 11:11he m i> -1 br1ig htly f11 : 1 f ir 'eilia 10 n Inn h, :m S ha It ain'( pow der. af' ler :tli. 1 t't r' n 1111. .i u m,; lut6 ; I never't ibnd anthiing th:at t1wot; hI shuc-k.." '{hr pl, 1 1N (ihis timw :al Itl"-t.d 1i u. m2t d :ta singh- sp :1l-; fallin i'r ti h i'ittdor.:IU 1 1t1ewa a suddcn t2a 'h. IThere h di l,h n : Il1n 1-i tivri ah,11: ihr ilc c ,. e a c br1ight, I ) sp :- lin. oilao ,l: lu t'cl lO11 the flor1" liket' i-l ht in!, :Il wart thie dbcr': hocriSont, aw:l in at , :c1 m r0 was a i-liict . 'if( lotidlI. Th.l' e u ld t lV s i f, I i tainintihe p -we,l . 1 hurlrt! I b rugh the roun, and tI lle c"' i :and paperst were srattc'red ii Yu r"1,lis co ll .usi4 n il Vr; r , i' c' 1;,n T it roomi was fille< uith S nul:t" 4 the youiti' Iuau was 'ad 122441 1 ItI i Ii("k, t 1 2),2 1 "to 111I'I nul n rl . A numiber ol' I, er'Scn4 r2 i - t " r(d in Sre w?"hal was th ' ::5ttc i it, n" -', :an kd hhn ) lciul w 1 a. "t thc t' i t r. 21 ('24 .4 : 1 tI eM wr""(c"l :thuut hilln. mnd hca.. 1- - -i b . rai : it -1Cf t , t d r:cl)'t': il'', Ic21)'12 (Ijl td j:' Ani Ex'.tr,lonlinl:i'y ''h(Oiy b 1 ;i inu ishedcc .tw,"h r.t In I , ir. t;1'I..; Ih:-'1, -2 Icrc,f' s 1 " 'I (2 u'n1: nuun'es, wh- ar\lhe 2j Iht Two Girls Killod by a Ruf flan. roast eVening w%O heardl nome additional particulars of the Iate tratgely alt Wichita, in which two n'tmen 1 were1 brutally murde,re(d by tiht notorious r"utilan atl1 tnur. <Itr'', .1 in ('urr3, wthiei, if* t-n', are horriile. It, seems t hat one of t he girls, I(ida ,Ma1y, ha:! bee II living with this Curry lor somer time, but he having tired of her, 'esolved to get rid of htet', and malde pretenc'o of hing jetlous of her, and ab useid her :hamnefully. At last, one night, 11 cnmo in drunk to the ho,so whero so was staying, in oipany With alnother It gil. As ho i bred tho (oor lie 'rew his revolver, ant toll ll a IIat heo was going to kill her.-- 1 She t-hrew herself upon her knees : I heggeI him not to, that she 'v:t- not lit to ihe. Bit Il te',.; t"-,N il his owarJ y heart, nll)u his rnflian hand woild n,t I e '1( stayed by' the pleading ofl' a weak, d!etineceless womi n. His is -e-oh.' - W t 1i t he coolness of :an im -ar nte ti'Il, t he m lled tho trit rel. :It c the soul of't te wrotee(1 girl went IiI r'l:i'ed into tlht IPresem-e -I ill ts mnaker. Bill this did not satiatte the M Iiir,iterous ap11cIriIt of this fiem! u ". huan shaie. Ill th pe rscl'w'n 'I I he girl Villa he saw allot he !("if; ',It"ss lla?IIl. ~ h 1. i i i k l vit im. o e 1i1r s .'lhe w, f114 0 elll a ('rt :114 st ay fite m nrdert)u lllll 'u r , after' salisfy'ing; hiln,l t'! hatt his violiint was dead,l tii((1l ,t tll! O tilla, w"h) Was stricken with urrr, :tnihl :( 1-d d--n yol!, I guess Ill kill I ,(Il to(,, w hile I'In at it '," anI ( Inil na the act1 ion to hin wori,, r elieri'ately shot her dei. iit, tite citizens of Wichita i .olilI tolerato the )reseneo of t lit it a notorious 11rc1erer and stu flian, is si1gular, but to h man- itt er i Wiieli ho treated he Iwo l iet1imns of his hellish reven:e, i 'l', iows a grt'ateri' dlegi'reel (I'! (' b'e'i- t' i , tlle g;oud( n^' l, of 111 Lh I izilns of that p!;ace tthat it is n t nl,O 'ut we weri.e ((,Ih1 by ((nn who r; :li:i '-I to e posted, t hat the o Ii''s ii I1h( t1w(o gills wl' e0 t1im11 Ht (":I -w1(',"reniloti sll sly into a t thole, the it iiI, ev("i a collitl.-l en- fI r; t h'nu-eu l?dli'in. \ -: - h l s I tll, l'a - t- ao no '' Sli i lIbety baeV. til i.. ' I irife. 'j'ey It) noiht,i (Vtantl for ler tihliiir l andh.:? :.uil. 111(n oup to11 theiri hu0n " more. o A 11 iotason as l'ii the Ii l', bo n inVthe h (r 1 -'5i44 tx al elety,f 40i0(y h rl t be into pre.t the Liien' Ohe goes t her uban.- th rdi Silist fuiniis h eye lani o' ::t i* in life, ve 'ito a i'i ,-O'ii I] g w ihi i hr he c mi'.us wi- hes I lint " t t ri , lt' hius of li ti ho proas i-io lt h's 1over1sf hateeres a- lt gneI ;ihe fniiature,~ tnd aeel the V *.h wUit h i s~ ill ('iil -es11 h (e o i 11.r' 'ln i ll b i l 'f. t e i jggs hul rgi, if' hj)1) P ' i sIlS gh i 1 gtr f uit ig ti.;a wisef'~ lI a-ertlvaline with1)11accuracylji , the or m1 hothoi :11(1i'o'sie:lhop' iisd i'i0ipubb4ie bof'oe liempi e i'hw. a s,' a " ti no an th Terms Cash. Meddling with the Cook. ITushantds otught "to koep oct ol the kitchen.' A husband who, didl not, writefi thus of the conse ltteltcca ' i Ind fitlt O1no time ngc ni'tb 1taria Ann's cusitartl pie, anc i'ic to tell her how my mother oattoe cuttr"(1 pie. Maria mulod bie pie af'ter my r(sceipt. It last. q I or than any other pi- we ver hadI. Maria sot it on the ta. lo every day for dinner, ae(d you ce I could not eat it bocaiso I for. of to tell her to Pirt in any eggs, r" sIorten i ng- it was coonomical, it im a fit of'generosit' I stole it '0m the pantry ant gavo it to a norlit tle boy inl t ho neigh borhood. hte boiy's funeral was largely at 'idlcl by his formot' ptl1ty-nator, di'l not. go my1selt. 'Then there wer, tirm buckwheat (Ih'::. I told 1laria Ann any foot ):1h, b:t her making those etkcei, iII she sai : I ha.1 better try it. [ Ici:l. I entiid the batter all it of the pitcdher ono eOning and t the cakes myself. I got the )n1I':tnil the salt ant! watto, an(1d 3ri1el by t,e.o past, put in a libo. I <iauntiry of eggs anIilorte-. - I shortened wil h tallow fromt ast hef' buease I could not tintd y lhird. The hatter (lid not look ht to.l I lit my pipe, nc pon. rccl yea0t-yeast, to ho 5(1ro. I 11 t T'- ten the yeast. I wont I w(ike up the haker and got six lIs w- -t I of yeast. I sot tho c"''tr Iehiittl the itting room tvc :1n11i went to bed. in the 't, i tg I got up ('arly ai(1 pro reI to en,(oy my tritumph ; bu lil,'t. That yeast Was strong gh to raise lto dedol, antl 1110 Ier'' W'as rutnning 1 I over th p't. I scraped it nph and put ttot( anothcr (ish. Then I got re in the kitchon t and put Ot rgrill. The first lot of calcv ok to the griddle. Tho accon.l toed, only more. Maria cant.t ,vn aid asked what was burnt. Shte advisod mo to groaHot I iiihblo. I (lid it. Ono end of ' tri.llo got too ht, anti I pljc(I the thing on my tendor. corn, while trying t turn it t1a(. 'ii:aly the c"ekest woro ly f,t" breakfast, ai Mtaria tlf other Lhings ready. Wo (lown." My cankos didl nothavo right flavor. I took one niouth.. a:u( it. satisfiel m. i lost nv itite at, once. Maria woul.t let. tie int one on hor' piato. I I those entkes may tie reckon..k 4'tI tdhei lo. 'l'h,o; ten wou stayed away~' thrteze dlays after C~Viliinju te fetk of the t terte hasi tol. been a1 pig oni prjii' ses1C sintee. I ('at whait in hbforo mol ntow, anid do nDot at 0,;: u.a sNi.:a0-:n. -Th'e greatest ues andiu ehief' of 5(Oulemmdi-. Sthe tsiihodrer. W,e ha.o o very wher te -thioso who u tp :nitt down. I he sres ti i is. ')ne and erut the o t ho or(I' een k now~'ing wink ls no I per'S, Circuate t rephorts againust bariater ( of a vir'tutous female hont)iorablhe man. lHow many S hav'.e boon1 b)lasttod by a si'. '? IIlow nuoay h.earts hauve br'uisedh by' whispersi. ? llowi ebaitalo d)( eeds havto' been d and chIiltled by) a shruig of hotib Iers ? P res erv'o tna from, ansdereri ; of all the demons~ (enjoy~ the( lighit of' heaves* or, whlo, bty f'also repeent. 1 sielc.i to inijutre hitstneighboer, ehief of' all. Shun the liar ,t let himontaniitinniite y-ou Y. ll is veryj pieseuleo i, Hiti is t ongito moral dhoathi. zi e ta aVIil owe trpog si (congr('ss of' w~omen us:o al 'iCH to) pr'(lfote penee and a ii allianico, tIle (fottLon dhiet in kero I atnd enrefutlly tied utpon a iiptm wIhich t here in a felon tre it in one night's time. s h *w i t,of Vermnillioni coonnl