The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, October 26, 1870, Image 3

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1870 FAL1 187. CLOTHING. WIWIHT & COPPOCK Flare now in ?rore their FALL and WI:N TER STOCK of 3ens', Youth' and Boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Complete in every line as usual, carefully selectd utter the most favorable circum stances. Our t,ock: is I:,rger, and inclides a greater varictv, than ever before, among which are several entirelv new and very pretty style4 o' goods. We car,not enume. rate, but a few minutes exanination will convince a::yote that we keep the largest and most h:adsonC Stock in N'ewberrr, and that we are not to be UNDEi:SOI) br any retail Clothing House, North or South. NOTICE. We kee a table of assorted Clothing, which will be sold at cost or less, among whic are inyar rare bargains. Rt.petfully, WR11IIT & COPPOCS. Boots and Shoes. Tine Cathand sewed dress Boots, Shoes & Gaiters '. .. " Dble sole w. P " - . Seal skin - ---..-. Kip hand P.d ' " " c feavy Ditchers "" -' from 9 to 13 -test Yie Sole Pegged Brogans for Men & Boys. " Kip regged for Vomen. Call at WIi"Hr & COPOCK'S. Oct. 19. 42--tf. TELLEIS & GALLMAN Are happy to infori their custom ers and the publie generally. that they still ^re Dealers in such (-urds as are .enerally used by the publi. Cousis iting,- of Dry Goods, of every variety, usually kept in a first class Dry Guods' Store. together with Notions which will not fail to Eive satisfaction in price and (11t:lity. Also a splendid assortuient of HATS for Met and Boys' wear, which are as nrd as the best. Also a lot of the must approved make of BOOTS & SHOES, fine and Ii,ht. coarse and heayv,which we catn sell cheap enough to suit every body ; and CLOTHING, yery dutral. and as cheap as ever was offered i:n this market. Also, Crockery & Glassware, fromi the' che:pest to the best. W\ood aind WVillow-ware, which has been bought with an eye to tt)pk-ast'. -and last, but no(t least, we GROCERIES, sueh n s Moineas. Sngar, (Coffcclheese. Makr a te., to which we are cou st a nt v nmtkin at aditions. Tmk ful tir liberal pattronage in the past. w.: cordially invite every body to '-ive uw a call and we will do our best to jjse Fellers & Gailman. October 12 41 Lf ThT i\, OtT, 18THl, Freeh\' Aceixcan. French and Ger man Cun&s. w.3 n woe boxes Fresh Leyer 'in .;-ses. Tumblers and Gob Lemon, 0:tr, Winaa, Novelty, (nme tinnew. '%ugar awl M.ashroomn G.rackers, I.m 1-ann 'Aearoni, that superior qual7 fr wichI am n,o'ed for keeping. L. J. MiARSHALLt. HEDE & DAVIS, ~AND AnDC.n'IS WTARI', CHARLESTON, S. C. HARDY SOLOMON, wnoIs.u,5~E AND RETAIL ~G R 0 C E R, AD DEALF.IN roreign and D)omestic Liquors, M NSTRIEET, R t;efl v calls the attentin of visitors to (olon'iaL t?o his choice and large stock 0.f&mtily Groceries and P'rovisions, there bein' nio~ar:ael in th;is line that lie cannot supply. The verV bes anid pIrest Winos andLi eors are consi:iantly kept on hand. iLi Anieton of which isa solicited. IHARDY SUL"MON. NOTICE. We~' will aiTer for sile at publiC auction, at Newberry C. II., on S.tles-day next, 7th N\ovemtber, the tracet otf ian.1 belonging to the Eccte of~ William Lyles, deec'd., con tainiig b&out il10 acres, sit atedC' in New ber-vry -t, on Br'oad and! Enoree~ Rivers; ~abo;t ,ncr are in cultivation, siaty o0 -which 1 is na bomion landl, the :emainuder o! the tr ict s we!! tmberod, a good portlon of whe i origcinarl fo,rest, also) a good dwellinge house, gin house, and other out The puirchraser will be required to pay One third of the purch:ve nioney in casha, anid give a amr:ta~ge of the0 promises to se cure the, Gan:- A. )i N. i. F. L YL ES, GRAND FALL OPENING AT THE fM!OUS DRY OODS ESTABLSHIENT OF J. H. & M. L. INARD. :E C'(DMENCE the FALL SEASON by opening to an admuirin ' BLIC OUR New and Elegantly-arranged DRY GOODS IIOUSE. Our Iriends need no special invitation, THEY don't go anywhere else: but the great masses must be informed wti: to buy to the best advantage. We assert, without fear of con tradiction, that OUR HOUSE IS THE ONE At which all parties will get ENTIRE SATISFACTION and FULL VALUE for their money. We have the nEsT arranged Show Rooms in the Cirr. Every portion of the large space is as LIGHT as Dar; buyers can sEE what they are purchasing, and we gnaranteo the PRICES RIGIlT. To say that our stock is LARGE, or YERT large, or IMENSE, would NOT convey HALF an an idea of the extent and vdriety that each of the TWELVE IELL'STOCKED DEPARTMENTS CONTAIN :o: OUR C.ARPET STOCK ALONE is worth as much as any ordinary Dry Goods store keeps altogether. The Handsome French Plate Glass Front Will indicate to strangers and visitors to our City wIIER TO STor AN Uct from the LARGEST, BEST SELECTED AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS THAT CAN bE Found in this City. Each Department is auperintended by Gentlemen of long business experience, and we have made special arrangements with a COMPETENT Upholsterer, to have Carpets, Oil Gloths Winlow Shades and Cornices cut to fit, and laid down or put up, so that the cus. tomer will have nothing to do but to make the selection, and we will do the rest, and do it lIGIIT. Private Residences, IIottls and Churches furnished on the most libetal terms and with despatch. FLOOR OIL CLOTIS cut ANY Sie. J. H. & M. L. KINARD. Oct. 19, 42- tf. E. E. JACKSON,I'DRY GOODS! ANDDR GOU APOTHECARY, COLUMBIA, S. C. TITE undcrsigned is in receipt of his oit and cang rtite5, FALL AND WINTER PATENT MEDICINES, G'O ODS AND And is prepared to exhibit to purchasers as NAIL BRU HES, Bie an assortment s any other ]ferehaut NAIL BRUSHES, in the City, and at the CO-MBS, ETC. Oct. 12, 41-3m. ATH PuchseFrm'im C L M I,C.COLUMBIA, S. C. The subscriber respectfully calls attention to his extensive assortment of Superior Oc.1,4-f STOVES, of all patterns, and his very kirge tock of housekeepi,g articles, all of which wz he is prepared to f .i U Ui~l Offer at Reasonable Prices. Among which can be found every variety CO U BA S.C of Stove, ft om the largest Cook Range to the smallest and neatest Henter for parlor and office. Together with the latest and-: - most improved family eaesadCooking StoTes, A EA SU U L And the COTTON PLANT with extension top improved. Besides these he. is we'l fornishied with beautiful 1A RBLE 3IANTLE5. Elegant TOILETj WARE, cheaper than U RF L T R ever before offered. And JIOUSE-FURNISIIUNG GOODS in all desirabe and handy articles, known to the O trade, and which no lady keeping house can see without desiring to possess. A b.e.intiful lot of FA3HILY SCA LES. CL T IG H S And every article in the Tin line. And last, but not least, thme Universal DGT' Wringer anid Doty's Washer, one of the most complete labor saving ainilites nowGOS manufctured, of all sizes and prices. Don't FRIHN fil to look at them. Visitors to Columbia are reapectfully in- NWI OE vitd to call and examine nmy large and handsome assortment. A. PA LMiERI. TeLretadBs TUErtr nundeerinrBii nceito.i tioL, T ND~VLSS INTEL,RG, ind tis prmaret maexi to urdecihoutera Te aasrtest say oftrnhe Mcandtnls BoltingCloths,Smut Mchines,n thea CLOTS and aETIS teve fee.Wt Saws, il Irons,SugrReae,madritona fgiiive hin aocal wr-hop,yoe CARRIGE BULDING And exatemined hat ouCsta epitce that ithwll be unsyurasdatget C. & F. J CS ONFL , [\DA UBERAN LETH ELIN, C olumbia, CS.hi C.'os Se. 12, 41-tf. Houskeeing nd urnihin AGRCUTUAL IMLEMNT, ILIA BAL STNLEY WHOLESALENND GETA'L At th Nig of he GLDENPAD NCO,TABL T RE. IBO Oct. 12, 41-3m. ENGLISHA &il AOERN E ajue.nlOsHTS Gos eerly,rp tIY~ ADN Y~ Sion TR U MALIE, S. WCS,RU. Oct.N G1 WN, 4 &-3 . MAE alkid o a,mncvu in this maret mdEoKrSihotexr pIrs tec a ils Cats tpst no i to es h aTh I a e lin of French annF s Eoltingan lo s of mainst approlar OTH C VESTNG eve ofed With Sawso, ill foros he a Pas, adiioaehcliiemn utwrkhp,w ThRIEs BLIGiow nw thoghu AN WIESa,ehendta LQOr CLS DEpaT. th Suh.n~dnocflnen.nstl of TSan LSON.G tworae wo,Timing tio Maeianls,wrk W. A W. C.H SA ED 5911 RUBER 'e sillER BELut.E oflmi iohr os Lim.e, iment. aser,Paits,Oil,-Fenc HEAD QUARTERS, DRY GOODS EXT! October 3d, 1870. WE take- th's moth ofifomn our pattrns. rin ;:nl the public tget'nrIlly. that We have just received ouir FALL ..NI) WINTER STO'K of Domestic, Staple and Fan cy Dry Goods, To-which all are requested to report at these headquarters forthwith with the CASH. as we are prepared to show you sotnethintg of importauce and interest to all. In connection with the above we hereby return our many thanks for past liberal fa ors. and a'sk a contiuna tion of the s:aue. aid you aity rest as sured of one thing. that we still sdhere to the ONE-PRICE CASII SYSTEM. MCFALL & POOL. IF you want Domestio Goods of all grades and of the best brands, call at McFALL & POOL'S. IF vou want Dress Goods of best and newest styles, iu Elack and Cul ored Silks. JapIan:ce iiks. plaiu and plaids. call at pIcFALL & POOL'S. IF von want Scotch Plaids, Rob Roy Plaids, in all colors and styles. call at McFALL & POOL'S. IF vou want Hosiery or Gloves, in all the best makes and qualities. call at 1cFALL & POOL'S. IF y>u want Notions. Fancy Goods. Embroideries. Fauey Trimmings, and many of them new, call at dcFALL & POOL'S. IF you want a nice set of Furs and Muffs for your sweethearts, wives. daughters, mothers, or any other man. call at McFALL & POOL'S. IF you want Cloaks or Shawls. in all styles and qualities, call at McFALL & POOL'S. IF you want anything that is usual ly kept in a first class Dry Goods House, call at McFALL & POOL'S. IF? you want to get your moucy back, or its equivalent, in the best styles and qualities, comae up with thec cash, at McFALL & POOL'S. WE would also inform the public that we are agents .fpr Ward's(NK Y.) celhrtd..Shirts, anDd we guarantee a. fit every4ime.' fc?ALL & POOL. Oct. 5, 40-tf. P. W.1 & R. g, tIK, 'At Stewart's Corner.) Are receiving daily a large stock of FA LL nd WINTER GOODS, bought tor CASH. which they offer to SELL LOW FOR CASH. Consisting of a large and varied assorL meut of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods of latest stre. Notions of many and choice descriptions. Large lot of Men and Boys Fall and Wink t Cassimeres. - Large lot of Men and Boys Uats, at very smal profir. Heavy stock of ~Brown anid Eleached Homespuns and Striped Plaid Osnahurga. Good stock of Boots and Shoes for Men and Bays. Nice lot ot Ladica', Misses and G;hildr~n's Shoes, of Moore, Larrabe & Co., warranted. Whang and Sole Leather. 'Tea, abunidant and good. Several fine se'ts of Iadies Fure. Factory Yarn, by the wholesale and ret Fine lot of Cutlery, and Hard ware genc Saddles, Harness, BridIles, Whips, &e. Guns and Pistols. Srar, Coffee, Molasses. Plain and Fancy Soaps, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda ad Starch. Large lot of Hloes, Shovels, Spades, Scythe Bundes and Nails. Toncco and Wooden Ware. Stationery, Ink, Peins, Pencils, &c. Kerosine and Turpentine. LDIE. They propose to sell goods to the satis faction. of all who will patronize them, At Low Rates and short Profits For Cash. Call and examnine their Stock and judge for vourselves. They are al'o Agents for Jacob B. Rit tr's c'elebrated i-nprovedi old Anchor B-and Bolting Cloth, and Singers celebrated Fao'i ly Sewing Machine, for Newberry County. P. W. CHICK. R. S. CHICK. A beautiful and select stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY AND PLATEDWARE, Just received and for sale by E. S. BAILEY. Oct. 5, 40-4t. NEW GOODS .IN THE LINE OF WA TCHES AND JEWELBY. Ladies' and Gent's Gold Watches. a a "Gold and Plated Chains. Gent's Silver Watches. A No. 1. Heavy I8 Kt Plain Gold Rings. Rings with settirgs,and plates for engraving. Gold 4 sets-Brooch and Ear-rings. Gold anLd Plated Brooches. Cold and Plated Ladies' and Gent's Sleeve Buttons-splenidid assortment. Fine assortment of genuin.e Jet Brooches. Gnl and Silver Thimbles. Plated Gasters, Cupe, &c., A., &c. F'or saleu by' E. S. BAILEY. nc I 4-4t HOUSEll & iONE Next to McFall & Pool's. Respectfully inform their friends and patrons that they have just reccited a large lot of FA MILY GR0 CERIE1 From tIh.- Northern [trkets, which they in teitd to sell low FOR CASH. t'unsi=-i;; of R;ice. l,our. Me al. G rist,. lIonts, (a fine brt,ol, ) aJ-on. Lanl. Pickled Pork:. 3Mackerel. 31)lasses. Chees, Cantdles. Soap. Pickles. Soda, Lye, I aisins. - Crackers. all kinds. Canned Oysters.Sardines, and Fruits, etc., etc. Tti.ethcr with Segars, Chewing and Smiking Tobacco. Powder and Shot. Yarns. Kcroaine OIL. etc.. etc. Besides a choice assortment of Con fectioneries. Also, a good assortment of Shoes, Ea, Clothittg, Crockery, Glssware, &.c. We will and are determined to selL Our motto is--Quick sales and short profits." We ask an inspection of stock. Thankful for the very liberal pa tronage bestowed, a continuauce is de sired. with the prouiise tlr'i no pains will be spared to reuder satisfactiou and please the most fastidious. HOUSEALL & JONES. Oct. 5, 40 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEIENT! OUR friknnd+, and the public generally, are invited to call and examine our varied and extensive assortment of FALL AND INTER COODS Just received. We off-r rare inducements to all. Our stock is now complete and will bear comparison with any in the up country. Having bought our goods with the Cash enables us to sell at a greatly reduced price. and we feel confident that the lowness and quality of our goods will ensure their cus tom. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES. We have a fine selection of DRES3 ~go{D, And of very flue fabrie. We have fine :Silks, black' andl colored, Silk Poplios, * Chuene Poplins, Plain Poplins, j and i Tar tao Plaids, Chene Mohair Lustre,- Empress Cloths, lierinos, Wool Delane, B3ombazines, Alpacas, Shawls, Nubias, Flannels, Gloves,. ilosiery, Obiguous, and a fluo hot of Cloaks. An unequaled line of Domestic Good.t Table Linen, Towels, D'Oylayai, Diapers, tIed Ticks, Blankets, &c. We call special attoution to our Ladies' and Misses' Boots, Gaper and Balmioral .Depart ement. Also, Miens and Boys Boots, Shoes and IBalmorals. HATS, IIATS, IIATS. -We offer as fine a selection of Moos and Boya Hiats, as ever was offered to the pub lie, somne new styles, The Caombria, Four in Uand, Central Park, Rhine, &c., &c. We return our sincere thanks to the pub lic in general for past p:rtronage, and hope for a continuation of the same. M. BARRE & SON. Oct. 5, 40-tf. STOITES, TINWIE, &II, Cheap as the Cheapest, GOOD AS TIIE BEST. TIlE subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally, that he will fur nish them with all articles in his line of' the best quality at the LOWEST PRICES. Roofing and Guttering, As well as all other JDB WDRKI, Will be done in the beat and most approved styles at the lowest rates. Call and exatmine goods anud prices and satisfy your.selves. W. T. WRIGHT. Apr. 20, 16-tf'. Any Quantity of From $1.40 to $1.50 per Bushc!. SEED OATS, $1 j bushel. W. H. WEBB. Sept. 28, 39-tf. NOTICE. I WT,L sell at Helena. on the thirty-first (:alst) day of October, 18711, at one o'clock, P. M.. precisely. all the personal estate of IIARRY SCAN LON, decea'ed, consisting of Two Chests of fine 4'arpe.iter's Tools, 1 Sil ver Watch, 2 Goats, lot of Lumber, Fiirni ture, Wearing A ppsrel, ke.. F0 R CASH. JAMES U. MEREDITH, Oct. 12, 41-Zt. A dm'r. W. J. H OKE, AND Gents' Furnishing Goods, MAiN STREET, A Few Doors Below Columnbia Hotel, COLUMBIA, S. C. THEWA-S:0: Re~ad and Profil. Thereby NiNOv'TSf} the terri'S war raging h Eurvpe had cs:cd a coniderable DEGLIlE IN GOODS .1lvantage was tiken of it, and I now hav< the satisat"iin of stating that I have jus rcturned Itn t.;v Nurth wit A Large and Complet Stock of STAPLE DRY G9OBS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SHOES and BOOTS, ALL of nl.ieh I sh:ll off.r at as LOW PRICES As the market can affor-. W. H. WEBB. Sep. 7, :3G-t . CAROLINA MhNFi(1JRtNGJO1P'M The Carolina Manufacturing Compan invites the Lacies to their stock of FANICT WARES. Please call and examine them No charge for looking. MERCHANTS Who wish to purchase Tin Wares a, WOLES.ALE are iuvited to call, as price, tre put down at such figures as will auford arge profits. PLANTERS All of your wants can be supplied at me. ilium and moderate prices. To the Retail Trade. Our RETAIL SAMPLES are COMPLETE and offered at LIVING PSICES. Jobbing Department. Strict attention paid to roofing, gutter ig, repairing ot stoves, making stove pip ig, re pairing tin ware, .&c. STOVES. Our Stock of Stoves are complete, of tht bet,an jrtei lw.A. T. COOK, Sup't. A pril 27I, 17-tt Administratrli's Final Notice I will apply to John T. retersonr, Judg< of Probate for Newberry County., on th< 26th day of October, inst., for a firn set tlement, and my discharge as admistratri: of the estate of Caldwell W. McMorries, dec'dJ Persons holiding demnands against said estati mst present them on or before that day or the s will be barred. , ROSA A. McMORRIES, Oct. 5, 40-4t Ad'. ISAAC SULZBACHER, (Under Columbia Hotel,) fCOLUMBIA, S. 0., Has on hand one of the finest assortment: JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, W ATCH IES AND F A NCY A RT I C LES, To which he respectfully cal's attentior H is stock of CLOCKS, Of every rleserip'ion and price, Spectacle of which he miakes a specialty, Guins. Pi, ois, 'a rtridiges, Trappings, Cutlery, TabI and Pocket, is of the fullest and of warran1 ed character. Repairing of all kinds done in a neat an expeditions manner. Goods warranted antd prices cheap. to Colnmbia are invitedl to ea and examine my stock. Orders promptly attended to. I. SULZBA CIE R, S. p. 21, 38-tf Columbtia, S. C. H. C. Wiskemnan. Peruvian Guano. Whitl0ck's Vegetator. Bone Flour. Land Plaster. Corn. Seed Oats. Bagging, etc. Sept 21 38 Survivors' Assoclation--NOice TflE annual convention of "The Surv vors' Assouciationl of the State of South (Ca olina," will he held at. (oinmhia, on th second THIURSD.\Y of .\ovember next during the State Fair. Oration to be delivered by General Johb S. Preston. This Association is organized "for th purpose of collecting and preserving th records relating to te late war, and th for its history, and also for th purpose of asisting our comrades who ar< unable to labor hy reason of wounds re ceived or disease contracted in the service andthe widows and orphans of those wh fell in the discharge of their duty. The "State Association" is composed C the "District Associtions.'' Each Distric Assocition is "entitled to send five delt gates' to the aninnal conventionl. The object in view appeals to the heart ot our people, and it is hoped that ever District will organize an association an send its representatIves. (Signed,) WADE HAMPTON, A. C. .IIsKELL, Sec'y. J'ree't, Oct. 19, 42- tf. I WIL.L have for sal during the "C ton ean, Baging, Rnne and fron Tie: NEWBERRY StiflE RWISE,E iSHOES FOR EVERYBODY NOW RECEIVING AND OPENING HAVING just returned from the gren ma ket, I an prep ired to show a scperioi stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Which will be sold at Short Profts. An examination of this Stock is respect fully solicit. d >efore purchasing elsewhere, MeD. METTSe N. B.-The ACCOUNTS of ARRAMf GillFFIN & lA RGROVE will be found it the hands of MeD. Metts, .;ni for a fe days longer for collection, wfan they wi! be turned over to a Magistrate. .ABRS, GRIFFIN & l RGROVE. se-p. %,, S--t f. UNDEC TIE IIOTEL, Prepared for FALL TRADE, WITH FRESH AND STAPLE G-oons At Reduced Prices. - :0: M. FOOT RESPECTFULLY informs his customer and the public generally, that he ha* now in store, and to w hich he is constantly add ing, a choice and elegant stock of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Whbich were purchased at .a decline, and which will be -sold LOW FOR CASH, Call in at the corner and try me. I M. FOOT. Sep. 14, 37-tf. B. NIO IIIIN (L,, Are Now Receiving A COMPLETE STOCK OF' Plantation and P AM/U'lB IOC ERBIE Which have been selected and BOUGHT WITHI GREAT CARE and think they can make it the interest partius desiring such Goods, to exasmin their stock before they make their purchaset They are prepared to purchase all kind of produce at market rates, and also to mak advances on cotton, when parties prefrr tS shIp to other markets. Sep. 29 38 t(. Private Boarding. Gentlemen and ladies desirous of obtainin board, cnn he accommodatedat Ma. R. E MARsHA LL's. Lodging may be procured fc four young ladies, and( boatrd for as man: Sgentlcmen as may app!y. Terms mnoderat< - Sept. 14, 3-f SOLE IIRNER Russet, Uppe and Whang L E.4 TII EJI On hand and for sale by D. MOWERs A pr. 6, 14-tf. HOME AGAIN A. D.LOVELACE RESPECTFU7LLY informs his friends an the public generatlly th:at he has returne home. and can be found at his store, (nes -to A. HTarris'), and will serve them happil as usual. Hie has on hand a chIoice stock of FAMilY ?'RUCERIES, CANNED GOODS, &c. To which he is making additions, an which he will sell cheaply for cash. A call is asked. Sep. 14, 37-ti Notice. t SOUTH CAROLINA RA!LROAD, .CHARLESTON, S. C., October 6, 1870. ON andI after this da'e, THIOUSANJ MILE TICKETS over this Road will be con ined strictly to busintess puri-oses; an Ionly the names of members of miercantil irs will be put on the t'icket.- Familie will not be allowed to travel en themi (hose holding Tickets will of coame be al lowed to use thenm out) (Signedy Yice-President. e. n.B rw-.-ens Geord'Picket Age'nt. DRY DRY GOODS!! OF the very best 1 inds and of sape rior patterns. DRESS GOODS~ A very fine assorturent suitable te the seaso2. - WmTE GOODS, Clhesp fr Cas,h. wOOLEN GOO,m Large assortmen, NOTIONS An Trimmings of every vsriut CLOAKS And ShaWis of tie neWest patto ail fresh fr'orit tIe faetories.- - Ladies eone and see them, at SINGLETON'S.. CLOTHING I CLOTHIN G! CLOTHING ! For the Mifion, aud fpt you in pmra tienlar. at prices that wil AS TONISH Y(U, at SINGLETON'S Ch EAP CASH STORE. I --S BUSTS '' AND SSHO ES 7 FOR ALTL Men's SWoes Boys' Sloes. Ladlies' M oroeeo- Eoots. "Kid Boots. "Calf Boots-. Misses Morocco Boots. SKid Boots-. SCalf Boots. Besides Infant's Shoes of~ eterf de seription. We matke this (waach ef our business a specialty. SINGLETON. ~HATS, HATS, For lien and Boy.', at ~SINGLE TON'S, GROOERIES, BACON, SA LT, S1UGAR, COF FEEI F LOU R MOL1ASSE8, At SINGLETON'SU CROCEERY, TABLE CUTLERY, And many other things too numerous to particularize. may be had at SLNGLETON'S, All of the above FOR CASH, AT Sep.L2 E OP-S.