a T -V . 1 I. 14 - -"'" t -- - * .1. . - 6 - - a 4 "' . .x c' :t' t-i --' t" 't --- . . 4' 'hA-. . NeO - - n i' *1 *...-.''.. 1. . .-s - -. -" Ges:a Mtn -'C* - -.r i f1 - - 2 t ), 'O - --0' s(1 & - -K ~ - d - - d -. -. I Ni Ae peruc fe 1m ee ont -:t eoear.: d ni s:: 4 .:de i ' - 0- i :.1" 1 . an .p.et-....: r.. Dec. 8. Lo-t. n 11 -sta)e or 4~w.1 ropeCS. D. MOWVER. )R.E.C. JONES, SURGEON DENTIST, M . Y,c c . tcr\.'t!I * n t &:t.N:e .~ Ce: r. :t iv ro! denta. s a n., :: i- . -: e ite.! a m r -e-~'i . Vedt e s a'....or in my profeso: i .ie : ac 'prova - : i:n : 'i-ar. id I r. s:-e: : -e .i .!--v b. rmy ienir ao.o. tHo .tUi os ow Re-kiit ';*r in. O a ~. C~~ OlC-~ iipk store'i.bv~e. (whc y I..'- M - rt. E a n ih i ti n-- wih--: m eie o sprmaor .. , or i. a!W ans aoutr m nt!i. :e, ap2:me. MeMa 1)dl'y ca ::aI:v *..-mnt -t M Tr-e .:y.cet-v .r at: rnc hit an sce -u prac'iee. tt th ah: nin >n,eqeer ofsl-bs*ayb ai.l re -i- uttedner aeofitr: :. p. PIrFE. Prinf'T d Y:o'. F. wE.BE, 1.: D,'t. it'. r J ;'t, t ppei t). il:'.d :1t:d for c!?t 1v I). MowER' Apr. 6. 1 1-f. FRUIT TREES, SMAL. FRJITS Ornantental Trees anil aits, fi)E i.G.\D AND FlED SE?iS. t A ilen1iid stock of t'- ch'oicest rarieties. A! Tes we, pake-i: to emrv Fafely to an3 p*rt of :he 1 ::it:d tttes. SM l .: ri ElTS tl f ! L.L PI. t T of an: k;:i i . by. t ' i-. ' .. .ini. to Ani 'on: otte- itteG ie tates. EDW' J. EVAN- & Co.. \nrraru n:,. 'i d=m, n. p -; .:m. Y uh. t'A. COMPOUND T l r rt '.ci'on'~ ir i"- )o me: d i to rs. .mit tt:ifrom Bl '2 [I) BOA m x n... o ,.Ii ::1!t' ,t" -"rt. . ;d l :t S n:.: :rm,nt::eo , ni.v. a ceri.tR p:tre - tive of G-I!LL sa: }''" V :I:. The"a-b;iot tt: :.t . Cli .N :1 o l'Q1 1 tion oflue!din -orediocnt'e h: y Co onyh-rel i. O :.' th '. : r it ti ih,rk , 1to renf"rr this t'e ic Pc:ou T x I ' pf!.ittabtt. 1: i-t::eom po"', dnt :he bert 1':: rrt'le T,ides k::o w:: ; J:e eIlt $--ofe MET. .I.~ S. F.* FANT, . 871 TV-Birh. ~ ~NFt.WBERRY, S.. C.r 31 . S' T : E T!.: o tIt. orw , dr.L.e r. . p!y 1. s'1;0 This o k, g.i,viO. p . ami Tot com.cny,i o r;-r. to mee.t n.:: of enerw bi We ( flonn coUi:MOi and al p-npo Fal andem co:'.: r: I-:e o!a'eions ei r'i .h sei :i mas: puretse an.,soiu~t *oere:t~ B a , nk*Ui)bll% Advce 'nu An con:nm,tofC tac he ort ar.hou--e recei. By spechil inerst and ~~ i,..e ceriS -:e' for ty~he aap I.-..~'rmp:x u : io:, ent the colection'.ino of saais ad liquiatio ofcaiu agiVnt .L . R2AT:n. her Cmmissiond StrwhGots. STRA W 05 cTS AND LAQES'RATS ORAKEO HOOAS, FOR AALTE0RM M3.ERS Ofe :he la,r thrt,e p't:ro Ut :.\ r.; . 1'. T i:n non<, at ileritn'a he .tl, ou:'r e for N se rry. W tio c oil4 will tbe renr R.w.~ S.a&ii~ I. stiG10, l.t:rn E ? t., J lt I-, 18.1. .h y "i.'~ !i--::.d Pe in.t i ,i SOIIih farolina Railroad. Ct n , .l *!t er 1 lyt 1:., 1.7 ' :,l], . ! 1 r g: on Trains at St:tthn, there" iie n&tF RE60.I, --nd n';!eting to pukr chne Ticket.%s, nIII be ehniged the ln'o due ee. x e Rn"r. 11it all iaweniger+ get in on at Sr-ition where Ticket4 re N T S\LD, w i be ebar:ed Only the A;:enC. Rate by the o ' ir. .1 fF1 AL I.R . Tyi.Fnr , Vice-it:,hien.t. . T ". sw .s, Geetra! Ticket . e n: GREAT FAIR i0o T OIO Ili:0 U. .R st, 1879. CH AR LtESTON,S.C. J- +itt li.er.l Premi l . 1 .red in h. r, r': ti : o .\ rlic,: re .1:, Mc I .! C .\ i . f iI jfl F'orm. Ju:!y 6, 27-:;m Citizens' Savings Bank. Or SOl'TII t'AR . IN.. . II .tT NEW I 'Rii. C. H , S. C. Dcpontti:s of :5e and (~wardh. le i Ve r. I::teres .\i ed r th R.A ite of. n their c et. en r A. t m o,1 n c '. - 'er it,i;i r t - podir , an -i x peIS r ent, chipo:de, d Wr COeI. ' ii.\ it , Prey ient. gl epe I i.ta!vCH N P. 'Tia t. I \v nce Presdn t ii M.r s E.n EG, ('ashn t iea zr. ni' m. dperi cont rer-r ,' w. AR. 1.C RK F.i GINS,F,& P &PE Wad e tm -n ;'c ' ui n.i~tC O? c~ W i im M .i ir: i i !mo.qt ~v: F.01 ote W. l Mc ter, Ct. ubbia. JlCCC-' ;n : P.Thma .Ce:mb Coti. G 1 Eli Gr I ::,~~.i pri won. eo G.C TC.itSo: Newer 1. r .i W. G .\C pt'n r ty. e boerry. br .i H.~ R : :: t 'hmia1 r b- on,'* M Chnis .-ioe C~VLE,Wios Orphuut fad 'o. th m there~Ic deoi their Chereon. Pln- M PrfBcoa menA, n Tr -te wi..hiig tocdaw nte retoT thei a.nd uhi ty rente" t h for usin o r~ the p - 1oses ; oae t ein to T t ."uap" one sums CU for thei"rn n ar ini~ ca 'o ah by teiro lea trpr rehi acemn-Ah , a n at t am im~-. b.G ij.-: tonii raw iKen nede.. ri A pr. E, 1.1-.C. G\-t' anet aeel b.ireh'n~cn GOCI.V Thiso' c elraed tin nny e seentoapoh r:m . GeoriiSit pa:tern t to G: Prie., - -ip r a rr ' i~eok n w.,;'s paen to:o, t-CCi Fted--rr-pre CC >C.-e r :e c :'o- am : red . :Sr ice 275. Pa I.!vs V'Eto R - HierSO A .rc 7. 1I i01:,.E and R ET.ialL DR UG-6IrST, t )ll,7.imt .\ :trke t.-t.,) I CHARLESTON, S. C. I. t i . e ei lb OL H'I~A:l_ A11F4K a~ OLD CAiR7iLlA BITTERS ' th., .: . T .' c 'P.t" in ti"th l'anies , I:.t' J"' r1:m :ri.- , .\ tr1?ellce og , en s tI I 10TF!.0: rter all r,itei -- !.sv t-- A ""tr hfi e'i n t:crc n" Ole N- - t4r. -sour S.i.e- Who have prrarihed a"u :t it.cir prie. The OLD CAINALINA BITTERN Wi;t be tound invaluab;lo for Want of A preti:;, t'hilif and Fever, and Dy.-p}ep-ia. We do not ofT'r our 13ITT!l;.: as a ctre Ior al dis -e, it il an Aromatic Tonie, thev have .: erl:11. For s:itlrt ! N 'ad aid Grocers everc nt here. 1'li':cii1Il I -o , 090J111vi, Vili1-MAl1 & CL., Im :r of ' t'oi ce Dr:'- and C'h,i-nic'al., Ich1. 14, i -1ly. t a 'lr ,',1, . S- - T'11 lE Sr i -IlmR: ha: con.tant1y OT -I '1n;d?-t f.:l wo-1:,rc. ent o:t:e,1 aNo' s p oved . f . ., t t t:-, he"ides c(,tlin, (d h:il own 7make, all Of T.!.ic'bthe is prep-"tredt, -~ ito f7ur'i'l at very' re:sonn.M elt rates, bith: nr 'n11r, n ?- It ih. t Person< dieirous of h.t in, ecise sent by a raiiro:ld wii b Ave them swtent Aee of charge. A l1."rs1 is alwm ,av. on L..td :ti a ill be r:iis'ed at: the r-ite o! 1 ;ev daty. Than!:d for IA p i.- 'tng.. tt.e sub -riber rt e t1n v . - for a co:-tirati0n1 of the sanni and as,rmres thejn pubic thab 'n : or on is part v. iii be spamred to rentder the utmosI0t saitisf action. A . ('.flHAPM.A - - --. n Tw:o D;llars ter Ann. J 64 Pages Readin Matter. 303 Pages Advertisements.I WALKER, EVNS & COGS ELL, AND D. WYATT AI.EN,~ ign to our(2Pidrea's Teeth We:r A r.-n e,titd 2n i errict the 17 M re or .i a T- : : nr cren n.I -o reZahreC or str?inesr d front teeth. c bien be :-* ,.roto: *i frt regi-set, tha: - V dn i-a-:a to~ eA t2 ,: n~antion: of '~ -nar be .: Ir. t- *rnt nineth noticedi - .. a to preven: their coining irrep:!ar. e p-ri j .an Ie frm t)hwe'r ja, un Mh Mohr, or j c it.b wh:ch they -ut IIurK of the-- b!ong to thecir adult or no)n P :. Mt:tvy pere-: ny thev were an aware ofthi:t.i Now ticePt and act :ecording'ly. '.ar"s ver.e modera te. ii. B'seHo?P. C. WCLB'PW. J. H. P7EfE.. KENR~Y BtSCHOFF &CO. AND DEALERS X N WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, TOBACCO, &C. 19'7 East Bay, CHAR LESTONJ,S.C. Mar. 3, '3--Iy Sash & Blinds. T.:h ibe:- takerF ple-asure in announe. 11 mz ortrucmmunity tum, havin.g made ri a:l nece..ry arran:gemnents, he will be able . Sash with and without' Glass, and Blinds, At ery Mluderate lates ! For (an-h! ANDRE.W C. CHAP'MAN, T Oct. 741tif. Nrebrry C. H.,S.C. T Xewerryote J. P. POOL, Proprietor. This Hotel is centratvm situred, c'mmro o:;, airy and w--i anmoin- d. No~ pi:: -ne mpged to r..e the gt:t icel "a: om.9 recnvile :i o]rmma is a1arod. ufNRAL SU1l.:lNTi.Ni-.NT' 1 f i1CE. COLUMBA. S. I .. Auuat 1W. 1t70. CIANG. of Schedu.e for Suduay Traia: L1 'ilN. eave Cohmbia . . . a. A. - A .O ........ ......... ......... ') a. im .M . " Fro.g l.evel.....--- ....10.4A1 a. mn. Newberry........ ................... 110.' a in. rrive at llu.t-a -.-----.---.- .- .- . a.-- 11-15 a- M. DOWN TRAIN. cave 11 t ............................. ?.4: p. m . P N. :wrry. ...................... -2 . p. In. .. A I , . ............ ............ 4. 15 p.in. rrive ut 10lut hia .................- 6.0k P. i. JW11 N 11. JI1;1:, (;cu'1 Sup't. A ugu+t li. 31 - if. ircenviile & Columbia Railroad. N1i11::AI. ScI-INT1''f\l: T" -) '(i; -r.1 MA .. . ( I.. .luly -2.. 1,4 1). ( nud nnehr le N.\ D.\ Y. Augtlnt 1. the 1011w h Sr-tl!u!e vlll be run dailI. -undayr ex l,te1d.conectitl. % ith Night Trainr .u Soutith a" uln 1:1:.ll. up :rtd dwown. alo with Trains uing South ou Charlotte. Columbia and Au u U P. .eave C,olubnia ...... -.-:-a - - - - .. A ."t. . . ....A........... ..- ---- a n -- e)I... "ew ..rr .......... . ..1.--- -- -- - Irrive Abh eville ........--- - . -- -- - . .ndero... .............-- - 4.:a P in .- t reen ile... ..n------ + p i D:r, l;ieu'1 Sup t Aug . 3. 31-tf. South Carolina Railroad Company, .ENERAL suiTS OFFICE. MAY 16. 1S70. TI11" folPowin V ched ule for Passenger Trains rill be b.erve. in ti Itl date: DAY ENGEE TRAM eaving Columbia at...... ... ...... 7.45 a. in. trriviug at Columbia a..............- 4.1.) p.m. ttT XPrrS T1:ALS. ,aring (olu-itfa at.................. 7.51 p in. Lr:ivitg at (olumAbia at.............. 6 00 a. m. TIAE CAMDEN TRA IN-TRT wF.r%LY. :3ct:day. Wedit:i.>as and Saturlaps.? rrive at (','::mbia 11 m a. M. Leave l "A p. n rrive at liittvile in time to conuect with hrut;h nail trainA 'outh. JI. T. VEAliEf..Genera!1 rupt. June 1.5. 24-tf. 'har"]lotte, Columbella S Au:1,ta R. I;. ;ENFRAi. F1;IG!( lIT .\ND TrCiFT E'Fl.'i(E, ('. t.U....A, ..S.eptember 1. 1 70. Till- folloenig; I'a,etner Schedule will c. in otifect on this ioad ;In and aler SZ\1 .\Y ct. 2;th instant: GoING 3oRTAA. ,ave .1ug:'t. at .. ...................... c.f,( a in. --( oATmbii. S.C(.. at............. 5 m. " i r ia- erro. at........................ .. 7 a. i . (" he,ter. at .... ............... 4.1,1 p. n. rrive at i hurlottr. N. i ... ...... 1 p. m. Making col:nections with Trains of North Car lina load ior ail point. North and East. ,cave ('l'ariote. N. C.. at .............. Q 20 a. in. Cheer, at ...........................11.15 p. tn. i r at .................13 S p. m. (' ulutn. -. C. at ................... p mi arrive ut .tuL'ta . .. . .. 0 p. n+. )IAki:";r cin-v connections with Traii,s of ('en ral ir.d (heorl-i;) linilrAd . for 5:Vuntaiuh. and Il p."iA.t- in Horida. M:.con. )1umt.t-. Io.nb (num'ry. 31obile. New O rie '%. S.-"t!a. (hattan,o; a. '1emph1)Ii-. Na. hvi'le. L.oui-vil!e. Cincinnati. It 1.oui4. Atll point- -.utb and West. P:'::ce Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains hrough Tlcketts aold. and ltaggage checked to i1l pri cip iI points. . -:0..-nge.-a by thi route O)tY.A Nolt?. aye oboice o T HuAE-: DIFPeR ENT A.0cESA. C. RO(Cl* NI lT. tuperinteniden.t. E. Rt. D)ensi.T, Gen. Freight andT!cket Agt. Snummer Schedule. SPARTUNEWG .AND l'N1fON R. R. On andr afte~r .\ondluv. the 217'b inASant. there ill be Daiy P:.-enger Trarint r.ver Althel. t An 3ronday.A. WeA.IAnesdays. Fridaysr :nd SrATir iys. the Downit TraAins will le::vo Spartanb~urg ..tAthour.e.at5:3A A. M.. and arrive at AIrton Returningl. tente A Iston at 12 1 M., and reach tr:rAttu?g (CAurAthA.-:e at 5r:3' P M. On Tue-dA: ys. thAe DoAwnl Tris will lea.ve .par nt t:rg (C. u rAA:ue at 73 A A. 31.. and arrive at Aton: at 1 P. M1 It..tnrninr. lei:ve .t.n -at 2:1:1'P. 31., and chi Mpartiunbuirg Cbte r1r nie 0 7. P'. M. OnI Thrln.l'. the~ DAwn rr:AinA will leavec pat;atiburg Cer.hnsne at 3:4 .A. 31., anid ar te at AlAton at 4:.t .\. M1. l.eturrtin.. yeae .\ll.,n at 9:3 .\ M . and -ch Sparranburg Courthoue at 2:40 P. M1 IHv AlAh i -he.Aiie. personsi comfin. down the +rv.vl taouA l'ur-dat scau Uc'Ame tAp the iartalbur' l.id the sAmeA day. wit hout deter- - on' ot e wtay, t.d pet.r-OAn gong diwAn Ati td n tAIlhur-days can got :brough to Cumbrhia itheA.ut C deienin it .AAton. Pern.eus g i.x w ii r r rn l'l-urE..yA canl gio up the 1eevi Ae I:t's A hRle e.meA drA.1 . it bout drten.tion< 'An ew-.. at.di p:.iti.- ciu:i':up f:OA om otum in AAA:'t. d:y. .or tit. rt :1. wil notI be deti::ed .\4ton. TIIA iM.\2- P. . JTh:r. July G.27--tf. P1zesideait 3. & U. kR. Ri. COLU MBIA, S. C. ROBERT JOYNER, PRU'PR?IETOR. P. H.iMILTON JOTNE R, G.EEK, lhATES, i-ep. 8'h, 1 iA.' Where to Stop. ILLIAMS' HOTE?L. Formerly IIarvey hlouse, SPiRTA NiBURG. C. H., S. C. iNTIXEITAL HOTEL.; LA URE .S (. H., 8. C. J. T. HI. Williams, Proprietor. MY friends and the traveling pub!ic are re werfuly informed that the abovc nlAmed A ITELA are now undenr my control: anid icy maty re4t assured thatt the reputattion of e two houses will be fuly kept up. The nom. are cotortably furnished and the abes will be supplied with the best of ev 7thing. May 11, 19-ti. W. L. GOURDINE, ASHIONABLE TAILOR SCOURER, &c., FROM CHARLESTON. Re'spectfully an1nounlces that hIe plrepared to cut aind fit gentle en's ii tls to thenir entire satis onf. IHaving haAl a1 large expe) 'nee in tho tailoring uies ro-en ntnlpplied with ie latest New-4 York F-ash ions. he esno hes.iancy in asking' for aroe. Work promptly de vee.Terms mnode.rate.4 ) making sack coat..............4 00 > cut and mike pasnts........... 2.00 3 t and make ve-:.- ............. 1.50 3 cut .iand malke wa!king cont.....5 00 > cut and raake fine black frock coat.. 8 00O r A cut Suit ot' C10thiIA...............1 00 April 1:3 Barber Shop. T can be found next to 31*sr.. Smith & ~ hrstian s. where I will shave. Thanmpoo. 'o acut gentemns hair. neatly and cheap:y. May II. I1L-tf. wo tit rPS A8,.r D:GEST;ON i CR EPS A p.....: il --~ CFEATLz--- - N. 1. T .i tn ril o er , Internal Ie' r uc hi~s d"'cirl'd that arlt' de:er can -,lli f I&- arti"le n'ihnllt a p..ciaiI licens.e. For a de in \etrI,crrr t,: DR1. JAM,.IIT:i, rlg: ndaohtic Liart h :i l y. 4 1 C- fI F:>i Grca 1' ieiilCa1 DISC3jer1 ! lI Dr. WA =- '3 C11LFO '.iA if pVIEGAR BITTERS, 4 lUt dreds of Thousands :UQi t 00 I3ue,h stiicieltd tht r a odaer ca sel i WS AT .r 'FhEY? c1 r IS 0 r:FA,:'NTAVTE Ci .1 Wpor'S CAIrW 7 C S - 1NEAR BITER, - its nd 1ofuse Lior ja" oread icid, : il " pi ,C,ti,it:!:t"Jts. T,2v" :.',"t~tE ATfBLOOD -uRIFIERaniLIFEGIVLNG PRIN CIPLE, a perf,"t itr w.tor and 1:ivigorator id re' tring t!:e i::,:cl to a l, :t condition. N.) p"rw.n can ta': V! -.-o i: trs, according to ri M :,+;, an i rem::i: to : u ",: iL 1, 100'wi!lbe gicrufor :i::e:: nblccas, pro vtil e bone's axe n+"t de trorel l,y mineral t:1eor o:hcr m^a:ra;, a d the vita! or, ,^h For IrfLd:tmnit, ry and Chron.ic Rhen rastism, and Gout. D-3pepsi3. or mndi e o. Poi Rus. lhrittent. ao pInr F ever':s s"es of the Blocd, ti ;e idneys. and Liaddor. thee Bit .td-s w ete:. it i"ice". uch d. omes -. & rAp z." '' R--Cl r-' ng,em:., t of ew the 'f.1ine, i.!2ie teom t 'Nh.e t and 4 i.-i lr o r carni bfreei from a r tcholc Stimul-at. Ta:--t.w G REAnetTBL o'IOD . CLE-. a.ec Reo.ap r nr-d leandvigorra nd* res,igte i udre Ai ts T h.salothediin N. er.n a ta':e t.o h.:ters, accord in to i'Mtons, l~ andIi rem: i , un welhin t vt.u-ig th'eons a~r n of red . zaineral poisons or. othe meany, andth ial ogansA p s-u .v eyo h n r, of rop'u r. nso pFo rInfio:nt, r tor' an Choi when- i mis and Goueemic tte yopsia. rendi Pe:In .i ot rmittent and Inter t ten Fevrs,Ds-n.so thouinlae Bfeclod Leier,' Kidnrmey,adBadr heBt ease11 dejns ar cu e ad Vitiated Blood wichl i..n e.rachhoy pred y der angunto the Diest'ive OIrans.rnh nt~ain TJ. in-irte the st4 ommac, andt stimlat the t ri. lv rbwes, ahic Geearenr thr ia i:auiiesa.1 Cimpa.ring anew3 liend vior Itlr t.e Caprn W&ar:c of r:nAT, Patni-~ I Ih>roso h iny,a ude te itsimurtis ursun th;r ths. WnPm Th-:s Mndiurfcies be e '.1er tohe Thee iche blood pur and e heall iiesytem w ll PITATE1-i ter knwnOP.MS, t rii ttkn in~e the ytn o soken thsousands, are 1efectall denroy., an d reoved. ei h:t il arud enahhotl ie.rinedi fur languager J.d WAuLF, Sa- t& 34 Commer:ctret N. Y. Soldrub:y t and Gnru~al A Ini. Son Francth norh rmeie.I es not urge, ye arbinseti not osenken the stmc,i efcctly aeiodiin ony doe. and ude all cirum-ays ne s,plid ith e nly deicicn - thea- il.t nd perm.andenol evehry fom i2 ev~er o md Acrue,ca e it:~ in cv: perfect, to P. P. TOALE, Mamam,s. A SIt'!ii. Gifer. ttirvb at:c1V ..n;:,:: fis wih te Co. I: th:m with' d" Ierl a the very p ic :, n : .!, :1 :d:: . ii :ohl ti- unpre C:,:.d offer open to a! ie tu.scribe)rs m now i,:.: the fir: .t April. We nil"1:"!vi' t ch1ib4 be !ort.d in see. : a:d 0hat ech mer:Un:r of a club take it:erent paper, as this rill give a great 1. ofiter.-tirg r''ad;:e, to rwig1bor )"l. e e b:1 r otrr :o :!" -.% ho wi11 .,,p a clb.' of ten ub.-:a 'r t-)zhe Her and any of tie paper v r:: d, a copy of r p:tper free, or for a club fi twe:n:v ttith p.ipers ramerd, one copv of the Herald 1 a copy of an o the n f zhm or pa r- in the rtung l.li.s a:rl gentle r. it:h a very littlt' e'xerticin can 'n:ike a club) ui'er term,; so advatiagcous. Ad the list and :erms: TEEMS OF SUnsC?IPTZON. ig.e copies .......................... 3 00 ve copies e.- .................. 12 50 -n copies. (and one extra.) .-........ 22 50 rald and X!X 'cntary...:.......... 6 00 rald and Rural Carolinian.......... 4 50 _rald and New Eclectic............. 6 25 e:rald and Old (nard...... ........ 5 25 raid and Lady's Friend............ 4 5t erald and Satnrday Evenirg Post. .. 4 5W erald and Southern Cultivator.......4 erald and I:ural American..........3 crald and Stock .lournal......... 3 25 :rald and Evening Lamp..........4 2 erald and River:-ide Mag.azin-. 5 00 erald and School iy Ci:itor..... 4 Oa crald and Eclectic Magazine...... 6 0' crald and Peters' i-Mu-ica, Magazine 4 50 er:l :and Demoret's Magazine..,. 5 09 eraldl and Burke's Weekly........ 4 crald and Southern Farm & Home. 4 g erald and Bee Journal and Nation. al Agrieu!turist............ 3 PUBL!SUEUS Newberry Herald, qualily Life Insurafce' OF VIRGINIA. .,St): wtY V1:I:Y -NE s?orLI) txaraE TIIt" E".LITY L;FE i\t-[::\CF. COX. r.t'i OF r! ain.:o ro ar. lst. It i- tmore LI.AL. to the ISI ERS thatn anv other cour: .t', and g ent utally becom PI;RELY MC-G_LL a :Ion. to the INSrRERJ. . 2d. It circul.tes i:s nores amongst -I tron-, who are the irr"iters. ;on le:y they are cnntir.uallv gettirg thfn "Iefi! of th. rapid acc'u'tui"tion9 of thy omnpanv, the mon:ey hP'n_ intve.ted bf e B1oard of Direc ors amotigst the in. :rer-. Therc!ore ite ir l,rers are build up an in.:itaI=:i, pcculiarly their oir di 'o ct ed f ,. o: th.'ir b''netit. ::d. The ioans of :lia comp:in' are aslib: -a1 ; other comipames who declare dir. 'nis 't the end of the se'coed, third -at' rt"rth yearc. but this Compm:. at the the first ai:. every year. Ther'by sg -ursrt e-s r.'%'everl y.-ar- interest on ans biy iniiri,;:in thi, Compauy, and, ver iA-''s hi- nciney i I.e pays up or 110LF YEA R; wl.er'as, in other e ie ha to ren-.in an inurer for al year, or he l...s a!.! the nouey be rid. - DAVIP I. CL.I.IK. Pre-iie nt. THOS. IT. t N N E, Vice-resident. JOiHN Q. WINN, S.ecr."mr.. Getieral JAFMES P. . LA N etuary. D. C. JII W. of8 JrTMesn &a Judge JOUN A0~E . .' Er'EiTII, &Co 1BR ISTON,AY Tracr B A. l' . rNF rN of Johnso &tl )M. 1. POW Er~ R.Jof; Winso & n F. GD BWON, Su''erintendent Ada L. A R'i ' Y. M lr'S Jorii. &.' 1. A. PEP,Super'nenden Miuoe quEalUy Li I iEr. W noeDr tlN AS C.hALDWAN. Ch .A Mi--r LJa Aent. i D[N.ir.;-..r l:ne R. DOWELLy. --on tWe . B!D AND INR Dr::&t.hlJU JM.u rcUENi'd a A '.,of ' t: o. Rosen Tir to'.:a~r p0 r tr-c' to thiso Ae GeNtS rhrrg A"N'r E'.. W RER ops. 22n 37 ly. ly :urnc Juroft'r. ecid a- few 'e. of th rt:::er:'.. ''lTh r.rkabei roper:i' or is a TI, OTATOn: tU!y eT:Uixhed. HOnld:d the1 Cmnpany Who c duf.llture andisal is rep ardf Fra::ee which,ifc n deaae. e)::d to:e im ('::!,ad, or is ::e dat a:lC tri.'i ca )tu te Fa, 2.theOrhdo JLYOK 0 AT TIIEl LINTOT 110 AND) eCc22?.- "n PAVILION RO Chlarles.ton, S. C. OARD PER DAY, MR. .lf. .L T f' Prol i. Hlix LTTO, saen