The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, October 05, 1870, Image 1

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~ - --# - -.- --4 Vol. VI WEDNESDAY MORNNG, OTOBER 5, 1870 No. 4 TI EE R A L 0 " IB.X5I'UJLK.81iLJ)" B ,'r:Y WEha)\i:DAY MONING, '-At kdwberry C. 114 Eyotor yott Eropriolore. Invariably in Advauoo. ri1 'f.l. paper is stopped at the expiration o lite for wlhicq it Is pidki. i7' TIhe y; tl..rk denoto oxpiratiou of sub oription. How to Troat Slander. e;ver.yorfli-ar ; but go, bt: SVll'"relyiu" strengtht, \V'hnt matter"s i.t that malice said "'ve fouid it outt at lcngtlh Y' yqund out---'oaud what ? ttu honest nati I opeit as the light; To search as keenl; as you erin, You'll only fimd--all right. Yes, blot him black with slander's ink, Ifie stattds as fiir as nowt You servo him better than yott thinl, And kinder tian you know. Wiait ! is it not so:ue credit them, That he pro% oos your >laio ? 7fhis tncrcly, wo ith all better men, is quite a sort of fame. ''hrough good report, and ill report, The good mantt goes his wtay, N'or condescendi to pay his court To what the vile ma:ty say, .Al ! be the seanil ti what you will, A n- whi-per whiat you please, You do laat 1l'. his glory still By witiitling up ai breeze. 'T'lis li; IN. Sp u-k becll. .om ;es i, II' vlt won't held your tongue; Nuo.ty p.tya yout I'r your b>lamne, Nor e:ares to prove it wrong Bit. i' vot will so kindly ad Atad prop at good maln's peace, Why, nailly one is hall' afiaid nt- ill report shouldh cease. Look y<' -two children playing there With hat! i'ors in h:anid, To lw"ep t! Shnittle in the ailr ,tlust sn'iLw' it ats they standm; It flags a allli; il' both should stop To lool; audmiring on ; And I" iue's shit ecock would drop, Wjitimat a pro anl con The Massacre at Tiont--Sin --iFuller Details of the hor ri1ble Baimharities of the Chi nose Mob. We have alremttly pulblishdtl the ptiniit;tl (nets cotinected with the inhuman uit;rstsace on the 21st of' Juine iv i ('itiuese mtoh111, at Tient sin. of the irenchi Consul, a numtt ber of ot.her I' rcench subajects, in eluding sVveral prievst s, and the Sisters cf ('hi:1-ily .taelaced to the ' renchd hao.wait:atf the city-. The dnStambdtrd. pubiiesV a pi It ter, wrait teni froma (heeloo, 00, ini~~l wichl the baarblu-it.ies r% atticua,l on te fat1al day of the Mi. l-'otl:,mrca, 31 . Thioniunassini, ani attach'le of II the icousilate l his11 11 wvife, :iutl I woi ( 'athlii piests, to ive d-adsa'~ ofi htheSat. i:r fire tlh us. iatabite uad t hechutrch. of I hae ( at heclic tiub:s'.on, antd bonii lt'. Ih mo~laib :uul soldiers sur-. r'otua'lit ihe hspsital ofthe~ I-'rench0 ftis trs ol C harcityx. . lav intg set Iire~ toa: ailoriion iof the butibling.1~ they enteredvi the gates andi dra'g godi al h'' Sister'sof Chctauty, out in to the si rca' . Th lere hey Mtrpe it hem niiae, exp)osed( them'i to the themc ' toi i o ' dragged ot4, 11teir heat (s,'13 al i libeatel 'cut 1 thom to) pieces' :u1(1 diivided( lW prions of b.) No I'At-opean witnossed0( theCste outrag on2' )i it hant llIL~ SavO the poor' victimnas, who, in presene()ltO of eai h ) t' r,imasd Iatroughi the tcrrible ordefal, aui pei''shied wi'th-l lyi) siI Pprat, ini thiatO xtrm hotarI 011 .of isery' at tormnet. saLvO their' .confidenice i n Ia meriful Gcod, whvl~ose behe ns ts they.') have ena Oav or'ed to faalfill amiioingst ai barbariiotus people, at thea pert'il of' their liv~es. CIhi nese 'spect attor' of' the bloody s'Cen reb0it ie oth hei hor'rors' perpe-ie 'ataed oat the' innocatenit iadie(s that ~'isuperiioreLss of t.ho hostpitai, it, is related, wVas (ont in t~winf whlU yet aliivo. G od al one anad the Sis toe's knhow whItat they enadtuird of agonay anid bilai y siuflerintgs. Thir maodesty oiutraged, their purity defiled, thir ii poor, frail framos tora aistundiler, I. hIr ~l' ood sciattorod, and their lives diestro(yed by s[av flaesW iON a whos mudt'oous rage in flicted all thiose anid other outirages aidsit a sceno of' hiorrior t Iat alonoe would bo tearriblo to enc'ounitor'. One staa'f hour11 suiedcca to ext in guzishi tihose niole maruit3'yrs of chiari ty. Tir biib toar of' love am aongst .thlt poor) of Tient,tin for six years wats i tus (crowneda in bi tternaess and eartlyl~ shiamiie by thao very poplef whomti they hatd succori'd, Iad l'ed, :ni ehlte, ad tendedOi in e hour1 o'tf silicness andt p)osLi No. sooner1 haad (lie mob anid the sohliers' gltt Li thiart t.hirst for' 'isttors tan t.bey buarnt the 01ntiro0 hadti beeta rec'eiv~ed inito the orp1han-l nage, attachied to) hth'e hosiital, 1)er ished1 i t he lthuncs. T) mtilahitedi mem of t. lie dlead Sisters wore' tharowna inito te bur'ninig rutinsa, :uand thus, to)gctherd with the little c-hibh-uean 1 hey werue chiar'itably nur-. turing, was the holocaust com 1)eted.+ Such, a .talo of horrors, would suftlco but more still romains to be told. Mr. N. Protopopofl, a Russian merchant, with ~ his with, to whom he had only been mar ricd two days, woro mlet in the town of Tiont-sin .by the same inl furiated mob and soldiery, and at tacked with spears and swords. Mr. Protopopoff fell almost itmne diately, and was cruelly murdered. his wife, who was on a spirited horse, fled for her lifb, but bcitng rep)ulsed from the road, turned hack and attemptOd to leap an open sewor in the town. She foil with her horse, but extricated herself, hid for a few minutes in tho sewer, until she was dragged out atid killed by the mob. Tho bodies of these two Russians were thrown into the sewer, and after wards recovered by their friends. They. had boon stripped nulked, and had been subjected to most barbarous usage. . A French merchlant, M. Chal mnaison, hearinig that the Sisters of Chiarity were being attacked, tried to get near the hospital to defeml them, but he was caught, in the street and backed to pieces. Ilis wife, on hearing of her husband's doath,- fled to the house of' a itni tive Christian, and reinaned there till night., when, disguised in a Chinese dress, she ventured to her house, thinking to see the body of her dead husband. A fter a fruitless search sho endeavored to get back to the Chineso house, but being discovered by some of Chung 1Low's trained troops (the Chung How rifles), she was killed by them in the street. A bout fifty Cantonese men, who were suspected of being on inti mate terms with tle Europeans, were nnr(ered during tle excite. ment, ; and even towards the end of the lay sone mlise'rean.s were .plrowling about the foreign settle mcnt. One of' them was taken with a loaded pistol, and ho con fessed ( hat, he had been sent to kill solie of tlie Europeans in the cus tom service. What, the French anuthorities will d1o is wran1ped in the fututre. The (out d oc hellchouaard, the l"rench Charge d'Alairs it P'kin, by last atccoulnts, is detained at tho if in prial capital. Somne report that, tle Chinese Enp, eror' will not allow him to leave l'ekin, as they leelaio they hi'tve no power to proc(('t him fromn I being mulrlered, eit her (i the road or at T('ientsin, by ti samo a-sssiis who have already killed so nuiny of hip coml ttriots. Whether the French Ch:tre d'A 'ifaires is dlet aillte'd for t)1 hIei' motives it is lfli'tiult to state. I'ossilily his 'ep( artn-l' is feared lest lie shou'l ke imnetdiato steps th' a rle'i ition (he the fearfuiI blow inflicted on Firenceh prestige in ('lhina, ani that by keeping him at Pekin, time iuty he gained to soften dow it le painful imprcssiolis caused by t he lat e iassacrO. A short time will brinig the French A dmniral to the scene of' thle catas trophie, and uinless t ho most sumil mary and( complete humiliation lbe imposed on 011 t Chinese Govern ment, French inifluience will have ceased0( iin Clinua f romt the 21st of' June, when so much of her' inino con t blood was shed( by her tri umiiphant Cenmies. There was tio available fore at. Tionmt.-sin for' tho (defoec of' British P~proerty or life'. Chung .1low~ had1 booni requstedt 5 four 1 consecentivoe dlays previously by tihe British C~onisul to t a k o prtecatiioinar'y mieasu res to aver't, the outbreak,. or1 af1r priolliotecOtion, ahd lie ntever even voucehsafe~d ',o answer to theso imi por'tanit olicial re4quiisitionis made1( to him as the chief authority of' TliontL-sin. Upon Chunig 'iIfowv (loub tless rests the responisibhili ty and1( blame of1 the whole)1 of this muiirderous1 inisurr'ectioni, aind it is to be hoped t hat ('ondign punish menit will he inflicted oni him foar his (colnivane at tihe slaughiteof s4) manlhy innhocenit, personsi1. The horror of' the out11rage is oin ly equaled by the treachery of the Chinese Govor'nmen t, aiid sooner1 or lator', the Emperor himself will havo to answer the .indignant forces of' Franeo, and it is t.o be hoped of' England, also, for the gr'oss br'each' of hum ni it y thIiat hias no pairallol in mnodern times. H Iui iosPE'eTi .itIn ll'TENs.--We spea1k f'or old .Lancas3t(er. The lRe form) miov(eent, is oni the high r'oad( to Hiuccess. Firomi mlost, ove ry sectioni we hiear' of theO rapjid gains of' the prt,y3 fromi the color'ed pQpuIlation1. In t Ih e Waxhaws large numbn ers of' the colored meni have already joinued the .Reformii (lubI s, and the cry isi, still they come. The tide has tuirnedl, and all t hant wo nedl no0w is v'igor'ous, actionl to carruy the cuntiy f'or thle Riefor'm candidates by an over whehining maijor'ity. ( La necaster .Led ger. AEPPiOINTlMENTI (IF A LAD)Y CLE.1'a -3N r's. M. al. Blostwick has been atIppointed0 to a $000 lIorkshlip inPii the moiney orderC1 oflice, of' the ( eneoal l'o.riofmie, Vic.A um . Tho Torriblo Disaster in Now Jorsey--Further Particulars. We have stated that ia (listress ing accident occurred on T bursday morning, 8th itstant, at Ton's River, ueatr L.onag Branch, New Jersey. A large picnic >arty, be longing to Centenary Mothodist Church, of' Long Branch, had vis ited the spot. About sixty per sons were standing on a bridge over the river, when it gave way, and they were precipitated into the Water. Eight persons were drowned, all belonging .o Long Branch. . From a detailed account of the disaster we tako the follow '!'om's River is a villago of about 2,500 inhabitants, situated 11pon the banks of the river of that namo, about six miles from its mouch. It has becomo of late quito a summer resort, and a large hotel has been built there. It is also inuch frequented by the peo plo of the neighborhood for pie nicing purpoa es. The depot of the Southl"ern New Jersey Hail Road is on the Opposite side of t he riv er, and is connected with the vil lago by two bridges--one ia wag on and the other a foot bridge on trestles, abuclt ficfen feet a part. This structure was attached to the depot side of the river by wood or iron pins. It is about sixty feet long, and the water be neath it is at least tell foot deep. 110 bridgi hais been built about one year, and its safety has never apparenatly been doubtod. On ''hursday morning at 6.30 o'clock, SOne five hundred m1n, women and children connected with the Snunday School of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Chureh of Loiang Branch, started oin the Cars ihr a pic-nic and clam-bake at Tom's River. On their arrival at the depot they begal to saunter leisurely across the bridge in groups. THE BIDHI1E GIVES WAY, Whenl but few had actually got over, and some 60 'were on the treacher-ous suipport, the pins Oil the depot side suddenly gave way, and the whole affair, with its liv ing freight, swung over towards the village. The loosened end sank enceath the water, while the oth er remauined fast. if both ends had given way tile slaughter would have been frightful. Tho incline plano which the floor of the bridge mado lay at such an anlgel that alout half the endan gered people were enabled to clamber up on the village side. They scram bled up on their hands and knees-an indescribably con tused and terrified mass of hu maunity-some looking out for Ihemselves, without much regard to others, somec pushing down to wards the river to rescue the less helpful. STRUCOLINI FOR LIFE. Meanwhilo thirty persons were struggling in the water, clutching at each other, and at the frag monts of thle bridge. Some were even uinder the bridge. Tihose o1 the mullltitud(o who were oin the (lep)ot sido0 could Only stand there ill plamful help)le"sness ; thoso onI thle othler'51 sid n managod to save all but eight persons. ACTs (iF IIEROISM. As is usual ini such cases, ther'e wvere stik ing instances of' hlero ismi. Peter ILowland, a c'arpen tr, hadl alr'eady saived hisn11ephewli, ai boy of' 11, when he saw 31 iss . Styles strutggling in the wate't. At on1ce, bliund to all other sights, hueedlless of the almost 'crtaiin dleathI from despeiratoe clutching hanllds that awaited him if lie plunged amid that malss of' frantlie huma)inity, he dashied into the w-a ter'. '1The sight, of heir there, gasp. ing for breathI, waus uinentdural; for' she wuas his heart's delight,I she wiore his~ ring upo her 10 hand -ho0 had been hut yesterday look ig at her wedlinig garments, in wvhieb she wa'is so) soon1 to standl( upl prou)ldly by his1 side. "TIhley were beaut tifulI in t.hei r livcs, and ini death not divided ;"' for ho had seizedI and was hlear-ing her safely to the shore, when Mr's. Sidney Throckmorton, in her' despairinlg agony, seized himl by thle arma, and so 'hampered hi'mi thait all thr)iee san11k toget her, alt houghi he wlas an) excollent swimlmer. TH'E wou WOI.0- aIEsUJS(1TAION. Pr'ob)ably not mfor'e hain a quina' ter' of tho0so who f'eli into the wa telr were men ; the rest were wo meni, boys and girls. Mlny of' t hose w hlo wer'e r'es.c1led( had to beI I'ubbed0( and tr'eated ini the walys usuially adopted ill enl5so of' driow'n i in)g befer'o they recover'ed their brleath. On1e girl of' f'ourt een, wuho wuas r'aked1 up1 fromi the bottom of' the riv'er, was conlsidlered( quite 'esuscitated 1h01. A healthy Texan pioneer has rec~eiv'ed inito his manly frame)), at vaiious I imesO, 175 shots, has hadI niear'ly all his logs and ribs and scull f'ructured, heen) scalped b)y iniansfll), raLise)d twvent.y c'hildreCn, and lo>is of crops, and is toulgh, and eiwhty now. Tho Decline of War. I St 'The admirable erttainty with whici the matchiine'y of war de stroys hulmat litf, its continuoui rs advanceo toward perfection as at)fn arlt, whilo it overwholmns us with Ib itS present horrors shows Us through the murky smoko of' bat te the silver lining beyond, and of the shining shores of perpetual peaco awaiting thecivilized world. Surely the bloody testimony now in progress, of the folly and crime of' destroying huuau lite by whole Lu armios, without a Shadow of ex hi cuso in the beginning or a grainh of recompense in the onil, is not l to be lost on the obscure millions who are thus mado the victims of 1hi the sanguinary lust of emperors lio amd kingrs--intelligent as these su masses become, and clear-sighte'l in respect to their individual rights, and in respect to the ab- bi swrd pretense of' crowned bigots and imperial despots to rule andt ruin. Induod, no confliut could lhave had a happior origin, or have , boon characterizel by moro ap-, i 1))plpihate CirCulllistaule's, if its pur pose wero, Is we trust it is, in the or'der of Providence, to matko his- an torical a groat lesson to mankind, "' warning the nations against the do- - signs of selfish rulers, and illustra- cc ting by its 'onsequeunces, whieh are likely to consist, chiefly of the ash- .o1 es of tho dead, the most inconeiv- a ahle human lisery, and most moat- do, snroless htiluman sihamie. As tt bh Now (.rloans 'I'ines says, it is no w hero pretended that Franco or Prussia roquired this war. It had h its sourco in tho evil minds of sol lish and ambitious rulers, whose C hjCCts wore personal to them- -o elv's, marshalling hundreds of st housands of' young and vigorous Ou nc to the fiolds of slaughtor that. they tay, on the one hand, )I- o pottuato an individual dynasty, and " a, the other achieve personal an 'amo. The first lesson to be m leaned from the bloody annals ies in the fact that the great powers have doe'lared there shall be no dismemberment on the oe pt ibi:id, or igg'randizouont of' torri Lory on tho other, to either na ion, as a consequence of victory ph jr defbat. This leads us to an as Je 41uratnec of pleasing progres in re 1)ect to f'uture wars. it. will leaVe p lyrants wit.hout adequate protoxts or hostilities, and reduce interna ional conflicts, if they still come, 0 the loral paucity of gladiatots. 1311t. after an exhibition of strile, pal o nredless and so sal guiIary", may there not. arise aimong th e ending powers of EIurope, a sense >f responsibility h,igher and grand nr than that of fixing consinluel- ;I -es ? May not humanity so fir WC cinldicnte its natutre and its Godh is to inspire t hem with an impulse 'ather to direct the prevention of Of* wars than to deity belligerents Lhe rewards of' merit, when over ? It. nay he w-2lt to say to those .jor You m)' ight, but we, the Con iervatives of Eturopean in teglril tv ind of the geerat peace. deiny ou0t 0 ot'e coniseqjuenies thtan mn I- t lual bl0odshod."' Biut, it, wol ac issutred ly be het t er' to say :" Fig hat riot lat llt."' 11ow simltpIle and( how .rantd ai spec tche mighit l o imadIe(0 o electrify ie world anid inspio lehigh t w herever Ite sensitive ar t of manli lthrtis ini resose~ 0 emattiolls of' ioy, or I.hroljs in iylmeanis of ani intebrnational c'on-L venitiona of powers or 81taites, tmole o0 inst itunto at codte of solemn 1 laws,er .0 be enfaoced in ad,justintg all dtis )IitesH I)eoo i ntattils, presceitb ng forover t ihlooudy, and, iniI a ta tresenlt, ptrfectioui of' e0nstuctive art, nd adlincment,Of miitar W(ienc(e, desperate rocourso to W~illhelmishiohi. Ito looks t hirtypr ear's older than he0 id ini11 18(65. (Jo Ie is tbloated iad b)illiouts. Ilit y)es took tir'ed, faint and express' onltess, andi his miov'ieents aro dtow and1( mtechanicaul. Ito retires R ate and1( rises earlIy. HIis wi ndowrtA is tigh tedl long afteri midnightl,of tnd at half palst 4 ini the1 mornling. Jo dresses in plain black. Hfe hc alkhs much .0 the schiool childrena, ralt *thlo gathea' airound to 500 himi. sli A Woo to TOuti: C2orN'ry CoxMim:rF. ll -We suggest tihat thec 'xecutivoi Go eti ntitteecs of' the Uio iOte 1iformii party in the No lifl'en. coumnties put thiemtslves in com-~ cot nunlic ition at onIce with the E'xecutive jali 30mint tees of' the Radienl party, for t he st ourpose of astcertniting whethier the lit- ret eur will agree to the appointment of' ai(' omit commiliittee, coiinijg of two't mem-ii ers from1 each party, for every electionl Irec'int, w hich cointiaitteeo shalsl remain a-ich the ballot-htoxes from the op)ening in f the piolls until thie Vote is finaltly can'l 1ha1 aed. This, wiuhouit intei:feting into ny way withi the mtanagersa or cotluts'mms inners of' electionsa, wouthl Qpako it i-ali' ossibtle for any one to perp;etrate a fr'auid upon the votera of the0 State. It'. insier, the chaitnan of' the State Sei xcrcutive Committee, anthoritizes the .aga sihhication of' the stat-me'nt that It: out hinks this proptosition fiir and just, nndu; nat a'e presutme that there will be no ditli. Ibi nity in mai~king Ithe arrangemtent. Thl We shalt bo glttd to hear thle resutlt of ret he con fei'ence between the several comn- ini n ifttuon.-Cttnelnertn Naes hof raddling the Sadclo -A La- I dy's Exporionco in tho Mountalus. A idy dercribes her horseback p to to the Yosemito Valley as r lows: "liad any one told im 3 fore I started that I should be s )n riding my horse as'ride iito i] o Yosemite, Whatever the ties il blood bet,wceu us, all i'iciilly in- i eourse between that person and 0 yselt' would have been tenporari- t suspended. W hon ono,more von- t res(omlo than wise, suggesteil a t Ii's saddle forl me, I curdled s to with the remark-"May I in- 'i iro it' you take me tor a untural t l?" I tdeided that the comu- a ed forces of the universo sh,uld o t entice or compel me to do t el Violence to every womian lIy 1 tiunet. But I cai to it.-- e ctremity ot physical torturo it ought mu to it. I. shifted lly (o sitiou voluntarily, and retained n 0 noaw. O An experienced rider may keep m r seat goi ng over the rough p mun(t in trails, but, oveun so, a iu le-saddle is mereiless to your o rse. lie needs his full poise t d stren gth for every step. You i ed not keep your foot tirm in V uIr stirrup-your weight of no- M ssity fulls oil oue side-your b rse'st back becomes sore, his its struiul, ald ten to o1e Ie b Is with you, or quietly lies I wI. if you are not anl expe- f need rider, let. 1mo charge you al lleanis tako a geitlm'lins I sitiou onl your saddle. It may 1 0o1 barra'isin1)g-you w 'ill dou i- L s experience the sensation of 0 iv icted shop-lif'ters every time 1 u meet anybody; but ratbor ll1'o the pangs of' lortilietlion at ui those of lisstIltiou. I amd1 t vilncea, had I rectained m1y sido i sition, I should have required Iye ba11skets ih' 11y rema)in11s, d never knowil what killed - >ASIIoXAl.E YEUDINU IN WASH- t rroN.-The Washiigtoun corres- ' ndent of the Now York /ferald, t iting under date of the 7th iu. S Alt, says: It A. fashtionable wedd(ing took t ice here this evening at St. i1 hu's kpiscopal Chureb, oppositei a Atayetto Square, Oil l-street.- tt 1r happy coutple wero M rs. K ir- ii Smlit h,'widow of' (eneral K irby tith , brotheri' of the rtebel gene. of' that name, am Ma jor (te- t l A. 13. Eaton, of the War )e- i rtment. One hundred invita 114 Iad been issued to the elite " Wa'tshing"ton), and at 8 o'clock o s evening the chireb presentted array of beauty, la-;hiot and Lilt I remarkable for this season, cn everyboly is out of townl. Zong those present, were Secre y Ri:obeson, Acting Secretary Stato J. C. 1;Ihiu f't [)aiis and " y, General liuphireys, Major neral Motiigomlery Meigs, Ma General Townsem , G1en1eratl ArdI', WV. WV. Corcoran, or.Y 'mer, Commodore Alen, Co. 4 Leo, and1( a great numb1 lerI of' ies and0 goentlemeni (list iniguiishi - lock thle happylut coupjle alighited 11', aui ceeed by3 the N orth I ii'e, while thet organ:li pt'eld th lie wed',ding, ('bor'us fromn ni on a platf formii tha:t hadi~ bteen '01ed by' thle allar, and the ree , h'v. Mr. .l. Yaullghanl Lew'~*is, do his a~1ppeal'lrnce in his clei- a r'obes. Th le i'erem' llony I was e' -formled ac'ord(lingit to theiiS simle bt I imopiressivye forms oif thle Ei, - in pjle wer'e warml11y ('onigr'atuila- A hy3 thieir fr,ieni Is. Th le 'oule in >('et'ded to the0 eidencltie of Mr's. t< mm uodor'e M ori'is. mv I. stylishl y'oing lndy enmioi to the principal hiotteli. She a I etedl tmnleh aittentLion both for O" extrava~'ganie of' dre'ss and ing ai huge~ dlose of laudanumliIY, I leainug a let ter't' be h fhrwi~ardi Lt) an illicit lover of' hers in wv York. So inlte'nt wals shl on1 i1mittingt suiide 11111 sh1e hit off I swaillo(we 'a porltion11 of' thle evo her' of' the poison'. She hardly r'ecov'er. A Ln ralttle-'nake ha( 1 s been kiilled 13aden11(m Cuty, N. '. , which I thirty' two iratties a unud a but1- v' .So says' (lhe papers, and they Ii loNa Kosou, Septembetr I, vi' Lond'on, d1 teimber 20.-The fechn1g in China al ist foreigiiers Ia in)tenw't, andil '-shi o bulrsts of' v'i ione onII I t heiat of' (he ives is ferd Wade, Sei'retary Si'dh Legation, still reminiied ait Pek in. rc uless tho Marndariiis ir,:lic.'ted he0 TliOnt-Sini massacro wr'o oecented il en (ho 81st or' hAst n "Who wtA it that likented a hu a11a111 being's stoimiacoh to Nolih'a aek, and say it -took inl all thing r fubget. how it was said, but it a.e a good )icturo of muau's om ivorous C'apatity." ,It is the tate lr. .iek j1is you refi'r to. llo has aid a great numttber of ( qi(et, sensi le things in his day. iis words, n the it,statnce you alludo to, were I amd worse than Noah's Ark-o( ouire I mean in ily (pacity for tkin:; in aituinals. I will suiltpose hat I have reac'he'I the a!lotted e't of umn-all's exiAtence---thlce .ru'.' atntl teu--tit I have boon lessed wit i good dig'stiou, aml bat I have devoured three meals day. Settinlg aside the fi rest' f ve'getables I havo destroyed, he palloramua of my iauital von ul fftio11 would take the re-tglhl xliitiol ieriod of two hlou's to uroll. 'lTh'ro I shouhI statal at no end like the Ark with open ionLh, while overy livinig creature I' the a,ir, tho earth, or the sea, multl mII,ve Slowly ()Iu iu sot"itilm roeessi,I, d1isapplearinI w it h in ty,;tll dltvoninitLi jaws. Thell wki-lht I tuy indIividlual 1orli'i,hmnut in] is would ho (inlethi;ng awfutl a vile in ste'lin1:g moniitey m1ight r aeh ?10.000t) ; and in tue-hLr,e -ago;n loads it would IumbeOr per ap s f'roml city. to one hUtotredt.. ot content wit i the tlesh of birds. :1st :4, iihus, I'I)tilos, ald ilsects. Inuist se.ize t1u)o thlioir bones, aind edr( upoit their skins." I'ruoi'Ssional politicians have Lat ied Ilis iii regard to the now erlan ('onti'doration, to be call .l the Nord l)eutc'he ,1111111 11 1 te ibrimiik to be I'resideit. A ('toln I has been called at Lieatlquarters, md the lblhet anud Wtlrtelburg overnmenll 1t sare builiy eoutl 1'errin I regard to the political future. lerr LIatser, a National Liberal eptyiv, is guing to stumpll thu orth Germiatii States. It is pro ,sed thal. "aoktorit shall be do lai'ed a.t the samo(. timo neutral uId the capital of the uew coiied. rationt. 'tlhus it will hold to.vards 1e netw (onItdil-dra' I(h111 p111-110 t ion thtW 1ashingtonuandtihe I.)i>. -i(et of Colu binaii tiL. to (fb) U IliIltd titles. 'Illls is 1he fi',t direct ep towards whbat Ias lol!4g been (ream of liel'maln palriuts----llol surely' tierman uI tnio n, but Uermuan1 nion of alLied lIepiilitics. 'By the puiblication Lt' the will of 10 1111mdered ll Injunill .Nathans. app)aatrn t hatt Washilgtou .Na ian't, the So) sus pectetl of the i'urder, gets '75,Ot)t c'Olltitionaally i his teadilg a lift of regularity ot sobriety and mrryi r a .11e ro0w wife, while the other cbil ro1n got, 75,000 ap1ieee absoluu111oly. his fict seems to have revived to ine OX te ( h(+ suspicions aai list 'atshingtoi Nat hans ; but, as the ill olsrwhlero st('alks of himl a1s I loved sOn, it, is probable tatt he 1hmlgenble'wit oth)ing Ort iiuis lthall beinlg at ratt.h rl "'Fast"' a)ung u):n, als t he sonS of wtealt.hyv ew Yorkers are apt to be. A W.AllNi m -St eel hair pinls :ive ('ome1 into use inl "'fixing lip" 1m JLrgL <punlilcit.y of liltific'il loI'ili'lIt, forI thle hie:ir, n1ow w01rI f' )alies, andit theiy are' pring'i1 to .3 a dang1erous15IiIIII :ntic. A young1 dy of .\lalmouI aI shoirt, time1 tIC', fe'll anI( dt 10nk (one (of t hese om1 thle dr'eet of it'heIL wounid. A bachelo1111r h'a ( t h e lt a'nd >lrl it to, doitor fisome mli fni. Thle dtl 4 itjut.Irell toZ (1( fia'se. O ind trote aOI prescription. ati, wII hieh1' the bacetlor t escr:1 iunsr's ac dt ,'1 " aeven '-e i' oI silk, w "it hI 'a w'mn'ii. a ad Ihat evning amcl)las -re 1of1 -----H wer w'iverlt i31'd for l'eIfor taxes'l if t hejonter n is iistll one-s .3ixt i of t he unl', and miorel is, yet e a evrised.1) ibdth(i'' ny t 1 U(' frllfor)ii iaxte hi ' Reformt1'h of ('t' arvat io ( 0. [n tornon i4mocrt' at. llr:ei 1n0ih ('ai-oIlina,: 'Itci'n ihs Sresby Ivity moring,tho:bl~ inay Thed >jct ofl his meti ing11 war 1318.r LtNOt.v AND S,t tn.-The ne1Oe's of the h ot7t,h havo been taught by their now masters (tho c"arpet-bag;rers) to believe thuat the '"Mttartyred President" made tho late watr on th South to eman ei1ate them fi)r their own good. We htave, inl thet folltOWinl. letter frvom Mr..Linco ln, thu p)roof that thiis ia fa lseuood. It appears inl a. fatr, Siill of hi. lottor to Mr. A. Uf. Ste.phh(n1. of (ieoriai, in the 1ecoldl Vtilulllc of the0 c'stittIi io asl history of the latter. it. is :. tullow : !not'tt OWN \y ds ONr.Y. SPINIl'Iilit,o, huu,, )o. 224 I8(j(. :ntm. A. H1. Step.'tens -u MY I4.1u ial: Your ob li';iul; answe' to my short note is jlust re('eivedl, and t'or which p1le:(s' . ekpt my tlhauk-. .fu1Illy apple eiato theo present ,'eril thloel oll tr.y is in, mnd tho of re 1ponUib'ilit"y ou mue. D)o the0 p)t'.. 1)l0 of the .MS'1th re:liv enterta:iin tear t hat a l,'l)lpubliein a)lmlinis t ratioln woubt. ditrectly or indtircet,y. Intet't'"re' withi theU alavl, or w itlh them abou)tt t've.' ? if' they do. I wish to ainurl 'e vou, ats onOl it l'rieudI, andl :;till, I h11)1), not all en1emyi. that there't is 11') cause for :,ullh !ears-. Theo Souttb woukd he it, lit ltorC da ge IlV 'itl this respectI that it w:' ill the days of Wash;l inl'lto.. I sluppos, liowe'vt'r, thi>: <Itl'4 not m)e"t the vast. Yo,u t hink slavery is rig;ht and ough*1t to bet exteinl('d, wvhik. wu think it i-, irremg and ouhit to he re-i,trict'd. Tha1:t, I s,11uppo , i.4 thet rub. lI c"trtalinly is thet ( Ily' Subta:nti;ll dI l' Iie b.'t ''n' l us. Y'Ours, Very) truly,. A. L,iNCOLN. hon ,ios . o 11 g'o that thi' I i lu111 govMeriuen't. tU1Ndl w1ar to) ut:lke( liim t'rue, he (a1u Shat up him by ,hiOWing himt this Iett'r. l)h.: rIl UI A4 Autl,rt)cale('. ltiot C.--. eelehrity of 1I5-is, aid. inIi'eed, of 11( wholo fashiionmlI' 'world, iy g1.ona folrevur wh'e theru are it) )10itures, ntatiuos. w"inll, ('(lull131e$ andlt beau1ltifull w'c mnen to lav"ish at prine('lv ineolue' upou. Tlho Marqu1is or II'orttr,-d, a. lamuu of (ulity andi foiurtuu, 1:1, been aill Illl)1tortaltlt 1 o)1'a 11:1- f('I! manyl1) yearlls. 110 wai ia PI':,klal! to lihe l ip of Ilis nails. 1,otido n he dletestedl, c!xce)t a1s a )w1( f'troll whec11l'e to draw his itueme. lie texp'ndedti his illtOnso treasures inl profligacy of every iaws'rip)tiol, av when olrmeitted by at mier(bi. Ieh gout whuilht of late y(ur-, ";-aleely lef't him. .llc f'omghlt pi,"tulres like at Im:Ii llman; his t-1a. ts weure all Ov'er I;u-opx!, and their ')rflersi were to pay anly price iot' (w "lt.tever mni,glat he worth hIittIi. Ile bonghat Lho Murillo for g(;0(, (I0, hav"in, at MeV11e'r tuisslu fot it his life. With the Duke1( of' Or it ti lan,at wedoll',e wu n s. lia r'g14t inltl. 'vlon, i- gab s. j.uel i C .444 run :libertines. It ( wa9s414 ht~.t ; and ii was1 oft11 heisame ''blo4,d' wones ln thetr was ar.The agine ,Iam' iis p b h1 10rl I ,.e pu. t atio n.. -4.. of I lhe lalIiky, but11 leO\-eS a (',li Iort 2a io estat11 t4) his heir,( 'alptain unsur4 ipaised (4o1llection)4 of w1ines.'), ph:t1 Ires, vills. anld pa"es A Nonn-a;' liAOl OF' or .l xo.-The. MOIntgomerQ1y Adivtert i.'er saly5 2001 I lhilroadl4 for' three yea2rs. The44 in. teprto 4.41 4 > re) 'c'1iv4 $75 a1 mon1thb, an1 1 the tinr foremonI $10 per' IiUtjil, eneb. 'TIm Ilaborers1' are0 to receiveo $16 per month)I I, in gobt, free board, lodfging4 ami fuel. It 1 is stipulatoi. inl the Con I raeI(t that11 Iho workin;;hourssha1:4 l he ten)hours' per)4 day)---)'ix dalys in t he week ; that t,hele slhall be flve. ('oo0ks' ; 41 hat a sad0.'lnt rpIan 1it y of' r'ie and!211 p' r'k , Ii)'b1, heef' and4( v(ge Iab)les sh1allbh furnished ; I ht ill ('a1s( of 4-i('k noS,4 a labor.4er shall1 re Fre.e return1 to1 14an11 FrlanI(isco4, ny-I. on1 the44 exp(1iraltion of thoII termfl (of ser'Ivico. '4 eSpoe4illy guaran'1I4tee.)'f Tnr,F S1'.m' oh M.uINE I)RYIN(1 ANx) lhI'ININo li'.--A dhispa*t(ch from1 Banigor, Mt.., dateod 3 1st it ., 'l'hoe weacther01 conitinu mca extreme ly dtry, andI( the0 country' all1 about Is4 steltrin1g semvrely from fires. P'a'sngers down on tho Piscat.. at(lIiis hail Road, to- night, repjort builings on fire along tho line of1 the roadl, and1( Ite whole4 neigh h)orhjoods turned out1 fighting the fire. It isl re'ported to-dayl, from u p thme river', that the West. Branch drlivo3 oflIog, conltain ing 20,000,000 foot., which wer'e hung up by tho dIrouight. nro onl fien. ADVERTISI N.1VAT$ dvertrisements inserted atti r$t$I .A pr-sqttinre-one inch'--forfrst lmSQrtio, ttd 1 Aum each wihsquent- insqrtiog., . id cohtanlti ndvcrtilseleietste perenona a . " Notlecs of ncetings, obituaries and trlbuter or resmeer, sane rates p,er square as ordiatf adverlstnments. Sp'eial uotices lu local colditn 20 cd'fs . per hue. AOvrtiements aot tiarked with tto s iar of insertions will be kept 11 till r ,A4 and t,barged accordiugly. tpochnl cottracts 't3udo with'lar o Adter-" Iivrs, witb liberal deductioua du abovo rates Jos PRi,njjy - Done with-Natuess and Dlspatch." Termts Cash. A oUrmTaN LADYTAKEs TO TR$ Saru.-,liss Linti .Edwil, who his ,ijust opened heruew, theaitro in New York, has at romantic history, ac(ording to the Brooklyin Uiioin ''.Sbe is at Soltthertir,-" well b6in; and highly oducated. She liyved oin her paternal ostatos noar thib ' mon(,1d, V irginiat, and1( was JL'qutgb 6 1p ji the in0ollesso of I0h l i" '--f Southern lr'istoere'y. D)i't1gt\ imelted in the crucitilo of-th Coy tiedernety, And fisR 01iil thta(t . pluck iIy to - solt-support: FITA6' "., she trie,l literature, and loean'u" . well known in thu intorual. news. pper world -as a song writcr. L'hen she set about w'rttog nuiyo1e 'r ber' songs, and tho ortjostrtl 'Vorlil began to knov ber.' She wrloteC waltsI Ianditi "fatasirs, a'ni in all acqulltited horself wteil. Naxt she took t') the stage, aiid in two vears or so from a brilliant,' bo. it1tint rc:lched ict decroo o' tt:ttaa'.4e4 inl her oVn right. Alit - opp tne t' tcy ha" set, her t'ight pe<"'niharily; l,:lt- it did not arrivo 1titil -lhe h:t+1 i gt. well into the ox. 1 'nse li t ot' her ledger on bchlr' i' ti publie amtlusetient, atd('now she will appeat' in her now cat pactity as tutianager. AN L vE or G. :NLItA Titonl. - tie ollowin anecdote of Goal ''al 1I'Trolit tay be read with il) It'rest. :t a tiltce when be is called 111o1 to piay ant importait part i public al'airs, as; it shows that h0 u" ktol I h 5i list1,in -tuishie<1 for h is priVatte virtue. tha:tn for his talontM :1 t'ounratl :i a soldier. Upon Slie denth of his fat her, sotuo yotas 1go, he belatno ontitlod, under the iwith law ot Slession, to a 'n1uie"ty (f t ho small pattriuoiial en tatu in Brittany. whieh was to bo divided hotwveen himsell' and his Iti,bir. This brother had cloven t'iddren. 'l'he Genteral has nloneo. l.e simpt1) ly rema trked that his. birot hu' nuetdtl tlie prorttty mno0 than ho did, and rolinquished his share of it.. Not long at'terward his brot bor likewise dieil. U1pon I his curitt'reuco the Uonerai ob. s'r''cd that, lavinr no family of his owni, he was the bottot- ablo to. provido for thalit. w hich Prov'idIone h:i'l hiosod uipont himu. Hio .adnptod htis eilt'Ou liephtows and :niert'5. hutd downt his carriago, ro. d ucedh his owin domestic expondi.. ture. :t in assumred, wvith eboorful ne ts, thIt dnrty of. ptrov'iding for tho wvholo of his late brother's fasmily . N ilssonhais ap~peasrod, atnd tho News Y'ork papjers asre eu tusiaustiaj. I'hao 'lnmes says th at the imipros ion shet mainde cannrot be exaggoir I eil---IIl her voice is "'wonder tin l"--thatni it posse a "'volvoty b readth ," Ii (howi) 5 is that for high ?) "ai liixuiriolSus andanie o ver boe fbo mastelied." ThIie TVribune (do (Ihtres her voice ''wsit hout as flaw,' "perfci t iln))i pui ty," "sealinig cm. y*rn he ,igt<" &e. Thre /Ierald thirlIinkstt, iin enitivai'tioni arid dis lini tness 0 he su i iirpasse AS' Jeniny Lind, irual thit Wlorld alflirmis thrat siho hans a noteU atnd ai bhal more (ompas th: i ei it her ind or T1itionai. A\ nd oneC and iallI arc en thtusi:n"tio anbuint. her "'fhi r, swveet faee,' ler (chainIing! .Smlile,'" her "ftair, sweet :1'',"' 'ier "charrrming smio,'' her "h--tr<m-- ey'." atru 'her light soihlen hair, whviieb is the' glory of' te N orth 1orn womern."' [NilIssoun iis 10 bet a suves tha nt is settled. A JB'y Kno la, is 1s OwN (GRAND FK- .rn .--At a school in [Norwich, hero is a hoy w ho is really his, own grand-ftiihr. lion) is it poa 'ibb' ? I he render will asMk. I wvill e'xplinF it, A wiudow, who lad a son, manr-. ridl at. the( Iamo tiinto with her <hingb~i lrr-i-la. Thie latte'r mar tiedi thle hurlsand's fither of bioi mot(1 he'r-i-nav. In ('onibequoneo of' t hat. thle widlow was the fathei's nmrthenr oif her husbandic, that is, hier graniid-miot her. Sho was her son's errait grand.m*irothet'r, (conisequent. ly. he~ wIS a grand-fa ther' of his own, and t ho grand-uancle of her d uyihter-i n.i'a.-T'ran3latedl from thie German, by J. 1?. Mrs ('ary St anrtorn is disgusteod withI the itepu nblican party. Hear' her ; "WVe have petrpetuiatedI t his politienal dynasty of woodien heards, Ionke.ys ai flunkeys quite loung eniouigh. If theire are no greater mern to be foun d t han G rant., his { ainet arid thle last Congress, pray) let thet sex return to thir , acardemuic shadosl~ once more, whileh the D)eborabls, the .ldlahs, t ho 1Nther'~, the Vashtis cormi to the Th le L ynrchbuiirg Republican tells as romntoe story abouit ho0w Errgeniio was once engagecd to youing Wm. C. Rives, a son of' thlt A merican Minister, aind how Mrs. Rtiven, broke it alli off, otherwiso the present Empress would havo b)een putting uip pickics anid at tenidirng to other household duties Ion a farrm in Virginia. Thbe stor'y is piretty, "Major .Bagstock(" Geiurmnui Prieo-s niO intriguln; Aat ho ing of Pria