OBITUARY. Dnr:, rear .T-lapa, on the 6'h of SeptcM ber. Mr. NICI4)La4 scot x:., agCd 86 yeirs, 31r. S. as a li31.;y respccted and useful citiz:n. u:t >o:cst man. and an humble chris tian. h vi:irg been. at liC deat:h. a co1istent and wota::" nwher of the .vaungelical Lu theran crch Ior sevemy years. le died iu gre.i: - Poli:1rd ht a.n en:m enCed hi v ile COMMERCIAL. Nw . Yoi:Y. se:.m'ber 12.-('otton fir 1.2+t L hbs: Lct.' :. l:1- (Mdr' 1:;? a 13' - \C: "r. ,pt' a', r 12.-('ttott quiet but ,a _,. 2. b :le+: r-:ci:i1' 7; uaidtu. les l 1. (m IA:.s rc. .lpteniLer 12. -t'ottorquietatid unch,.- :ids..g 17: a1 : Sales 5, bales; recei.,., i: : e. pa.s 1A 9; stoek 01. Livi n' -'.... 'plt r -. -:veninz.-Cotton firmer-uplat.ds . a 9: ('r:eaas 9?_ a ; sales 1'L.0.0b e. Newberry,a Picei"s r,arrentl. Coa s:m:t> ~ ::K L Y. ATi-:S-(reen. per buche!.........1 00 a 150 l.rv. per u.. . ... ......1 n al as Sy-p ryard.......... 33 a 3 !:.. i.l: 1l >)';-.:a:n;. per h........ a peaiii. per lb....... . .a. 25 B. D > -' ;.e: er it b........ 25 a 20 sa*a'.1: re. ;er ib........... a 19 sMe c per lb................ 21 a 22 B1LtE Sfc\l, ner l ib................. a 2, t3I.":"i-per lb ..............-.-----.-.- S a ct r' -: -(" try, per lb......... 25 a 3 tltV.l- ..................... a 25 CIl 1 I( E.N -1 r !,ea1l............... 15 a 3) .!. 'a '-. rvarl..........------- -- 10 a 15 (, .!T'4 i::. -.'-r . .................. . a 1,) ('t l-N . prt l,t. i.. . .......... -- - al 75 (t !: tI.e ... el............ al C\N iJi.i:--~i:l:;w-per lb.. ....... a a.d:,:1a ine. per ib..... 20 a 22 CtY>}:l:- 1.' . l:r 1v .. .. .......... 20 a 3) =ur ' er !1).......... a "": ,lu .'" r r ............. a 40 i'(:rir')N \ \1'\. - -ret . '2 1-) DIE 1Mi-:. , -4 .4 er yid......... 15 a 16 3-.: -. .......... is a 12 34 ' ---- --.. 8a 125 'Eai.(:. per tic.?.................. 20 a 25 rIi t -;:. r l. .... ................7 5 a10 00 (; -N i'-I\\1 -:E, per I0........ ...... a 4: -I:1,N i ll' . per 1 ................... 9 a 10 \Ixa.n.l reinetd. per pound.. a 7 Swedes .......... ............ a 9 l Y::t:....................-----. a 12 ol'op.... .................. a 12 l';uw "eeI...........,........ a 12 t'utw ::re ...............----- - a l a :la - . . . ... . ... a 2. LL per .l ft...12.0 a2 0 per M ft...... 10 a20lii }i r M ft.......15' u200 . i. . .pe p. ... 5n a 75 \\'. rni1 } r aIp .. $(I a 7 n-:) t' . . r g l. .1 00 ul '5 M .\CK1.::2 L- r er . ... - - - - -. 1 ' a0w' . . a . .- . ... ..... . IA a - .\1L'. T. r k^ ..................... a';5'. ()f \T4'. j. - Ud I ...- ---- ' S U 0 ....... ........... I 4l 0 .. . ,. - p.-r . ... .. . .. . - i '0 b .- .... ............ ul 5 i. '-,- .,i. .. .. -- ..- .. a l u :. .. . . . 1 9125 ':i . i"s - -..!: . 1-r ;":- -. .......1 0aIJ l 7 0 PA i N- . ,b - . 1 . ..:. rIb........ 12-. 15 1:1 t pr- 1 ............ - - - - a 12 .\f LT. c- e . ------ --------- 3 09 ., t l. ' ... ......... 5 00 a6 0 u z"- . per lb.......... a 20 - . . .. ......... - a 17 . ..... ......... a 15 S: . .. .. ............. 3 .. ..............-2- 0 .2 50 i .. ......... - . t. a1S 3 ur - . tiue............ al c r T N - :'"n. i:: I ......--....---- -.-.. 1 :0 x2 .0 - - r .................... s1a1 25 S.. . .: i. ........................1 0) a1 50 TA?.. W. 5 .---------. 123a iS Ty :1.l.: ; ' "'r : .. .. .. 1 ::I ..... ..... 6 a 7 . .. . .:..- .,'. p,-r gal 4 5: 2S 0 - . er ;p .!...... uf3 5:. W iE . .T. p..-r u-b .:. ...............1 75 aS2 00 SOU-Tan SE CURIYIES, 1I h :i.4 1:u,ToN. S. C.. C'.ce: WM . AC. kAUFZA.N, Bro ':r.N. 215 Broad Street. sa.PTE'dPR 9, 1870. -'. -.r: ot aroal:4n, old. - a ge m mv:,--- 73 d. re at'd s:ock, ex int a do. I re l.a a I. -' (Q-:Coumb4ia. s. i. 6 .-. :, a : .th. :-S.a :C ar 1";re a a.u H: :I d M e -- a s.-: ( her:aw Nord .:-s -en.E a- : 5-'-- rj-.d~ 5 a o ; I-.I an '. o :a 5 o G i * . - :: -~ . - - or. - --. : o: . ., aa ud 4i,tra - u'4 < roa-a .!ioho e e.. --a: S-a' -4. u-.. Yk Sig(ht, j off par; , 1 .. -iaCU"-Ni MN U .B -m o4 ..--.' .' . - - - - --------- -rh. ak f4 ii'.'r . ... ------ 1 .4~a I .14 a. - It:n.k or~ !!':a1 : - - -- ------'1 a - Pia.-'- :4 . .'4- a 4r o-- a - - - -- uarl01. 1 - m-na re4a a- - ......... . a - - - 14 4 Ot4 h c-v:ab'e. . *94a t1il m:r..4i 1b :a redeemed at - L. J...rNF.S .. . .: 1- ~. 4r 'o s e4 a be ve. at F(4v' Prc freight a d de,i a S. P. L200ziR &0 GO' Here's Your MIule. - r .1ir 14'4n the iame tar - n bor : a:; o:hoer stor:n Ii. ,.,T..,. a Tato Spoonsi, T -i,Ne 'dIes, Paper 1' ' P-" .- Kn.ives, Pceket 1 -,-. a.ile.s:and.i, Gjarpet - a he,Shirt Fronts, auad Awl-heads, La Tab.. ove .ao' juln boi'ht at a HE AY dis.count o'1 ('114IN.\L C4T and will be 0.ld :acco1rdin;t4y. They. are selinga rapidly so co:nesoa:. L.I. MAI.5HA.L. a 7.n- :e i:eca-se L. I. Fros F andi Fresh N, __wi THE (OREII STORE UND)E:t TICE UOTE -L, Prepared for FALL TRADE, WITU FRES I AND STAPLE 0OODS At Reduced Prices. -:0: 14. FOOT RE.I'IECTFUL .LY informs hi: custoters ti the pubiic generally, tbat hu has now 11 sture, and to w hich he is ctnnautly add :g, a cbuice and stock of DRY GOODS GROCERIES5 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Vbieb were purchased at a decline, and which will L.e sold LOW FOR CASH. Call in at the corner and try me. M. FOOT. p. 171 1 Co7-t ,Ify".1 1& \f,a t, Sf.1FF1LL, COLUMBIA, S. C. VxHEAD AS USUAL. rUA FALL STOCK OF LOTIING, HATS, AND (ENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, NOW IN STORE. e Lrger, and Best Stock E HAVE EVER~ OFFE~RED TO THlE PUEBLIC. \hl> PY'd!Y H.\T; of every deaerip Tj:E N . \') LN, UA L, .'. A p:irior siJ i1:T, nee be'fore offered iin ILk et, made to order withot estra The~ :rpst linti of French and Em:2ili h L T!18 and V E'TINGS ever offered. With .I i>lElt facili: ies in our nmi shop, we re d..orit.ed( that our Custow Depart ATS iand (CL(TLIIXNG at whiolesale. ,x. & W. t'. SWA FIIELD, Columbia CIlthinIg House. The undersigned has on 11and 200 Bushels CORN, lity damaged) at $1.35 er' bushel. HI. C. WISKEMAN. Sep 14, 3'7-it. NERSINE COLLEGE. E~XERCISES in this Institution . ill be re''metd on the ]st A- MWNDAY ojj I)(TOBER, and Scontinue until the 2d Wednes Sday of .luly. Corse of. .udv cxtensLive and thorough. Expeses for the Collegiia'C year about ynet hun :dred and ciahtyv dollars. (andidtes for admision r-hould he Prn wit at the opening of the Session, but wil :,e admitted at any timne. Perso~ wishIig more particular infor R. C. GRIER, P. D., President, Sep. 14, 37-4t Dne West, . G. HOME AGAIN. --:0: A. D.LOVELACE :EPFlt.':lT.LY informs hi friends and to' pulie p.n.ra!!y that he has returned ome :itd Ie found at his .store, (next .1 A. Uris'), and will serve them happily He as on hand~ a choice stock of FAMILY &ROCFER/ES, CANNED GOODS, &c. To which he is making additions, and ahich he~ will sell cheaply for cash. A call is asked. Sep. 14, 37-tf. 3SHEifF's sALE. as. A. Cal'dwell and others, aro:ie Galdwell and others. BY viru.- of an order to me directedI, to Ion T. Peterson, .Tndge of Probate, I *.iH sl at Newherry (Court Hlouse, on the : Mn a (f.inI: Ietober 2.-\1, within the le 4n :rc*t o!r Land, cotaining sixty-sevenl eret, more or les s:ittd in Newberry 'nnt,:'nd boun"ded by~ ands of Jats. A. dw -,d of W iliam Caldwell, t , I ::d :e E'te of Robert Caldwell, e 'd Te -anme betn: the Real Estate T tb at ot Ila dil be' sold in .na- p: tre., plt 0f wh.icha will he ex i-d Tn.a of 1ax.YI(: .N" =40 n Private Bc arding. (;-t:emen and lacies desirous of obtaiuin; blr,i : he ac"c-,nn,odaited at MR. RL. H. 1aiLULL's. 1.lging may l:e procured for :"/r. y.,lL':t L.ies, Ii it i .l iir. 2r . i ny. gentleie lr aS n.:y appy. Teru s modira Sept. 11 37-tf. NOTICE IS b'rcby riven itt three nontsl a:tor dato, a tpi- ni be nade to the l;a'tk of Newbrr, . C tfir renewal of Certifi cate No.:; ,, i:r "ve::teen (17) shares on its Captit.ii - ': st-di i i th.- ialc of JOSEi>'l CAL VWELtL, dated 1t Uce., 1S57, the ori:a.;il tin, lot o r st eltn. New.-ry,S ., .-t.7, 10 : & .,.vi Co.:tbi:t R. 1. Co., C :l . : ,.. i ,, S . C S, e t i b e r 4 , 1 t . O\ A \ F lA E:TlUSl) -iT-r[a iI TICKET%; to New a hlliatv!ilid, tim:or'e, Wa,:hingtn an :id l'.iehmo:l:.dt Can hle piredi-e at the tow. .oin g StationS or. iii Ro:d, viz: Cic rvill,, And"r-ot. Abb,evii. Cokea,:.r, A~:i:, .11\N H. 11l";:, (.:ili t p't. M. T. L.1Ai:rTLr, GenU:a ie:t . t S,pt 7, :i --tt STRAY COW. CAdE to uny pr,'nit's. 7 miles West of N,i, bI rry, :t t:e 1t6 of Jaly, a dry COW. w ti2h the ,' Oeir eu: have b' the cist of: it i mil Pro'g pr'pet tv. I n ta kett :' ' *,l; iit be sell to payex-ne.- 0 - Sep. 7, . 5 n: fl ' . UJT CAR OLI.N A NEwl1:iaY VCUNTY. By Ju.u T. l'eter.on, Piobate Judge. Vheres, Wi. ) l..rdy, hatii made suit to tue to gra::t hiu L..-:ers of Adtuiuitra tion, of tt" ., -ti atid etlets of Wul. E. Ilrdy, deec.sed. Tieae are twte'ore to cite and adowonish all and !i;uli.r, the kindred and creditors of the s:id d&t-a'ed, to be and appear be tore me, in the ' :rt of Probate, to be 1.eld at Newetvrr Co:,t [louse, on the 1-ttb day of Septenher :text, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clk in the foruoa, to siew cause, if any they have, why the said ad tiiiatratio:: iouhl not lie Given under My b.,d this :;1.,t d.t of August, Au1o Duiii. I 1. JuHN T. i'ETERSON, P. J. N. C. Se p. 7, Manhood: How Lost, How Re stored. Ju,t published a new edi tioi t )r. Calerwell's CCi 11 = ebrated Es.ay on the rudi cal cure !witlout mel:ciie) of Spermator rhe, or Seminal Weakness. involuntary Seminal Los'es, Impotency, alental and Phy sical Inc.tpacity, Inpedimnents to Ularriage, etc.: aso, Consumotion, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgeitce or sexualextrava ;ance. IPrice, in a sealod envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' sucecssful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous u-e of internal medicine or the applic:ttoti of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by nicans of which ev ery suf'eaer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of e.e ry youth and every man in the land. Sent, uncler seal, in a plain evelope, to any address, postpaid ou receipt of six cents, or two post stimps. , Also. D)r. Culverweil's "Miarriage Guide," price 25 cenits. Address the Publishers, CiIAS. J. C. KLINE &CO., 127 ltowery, New York. Sep. 7, 36-y. lost-oflice Box 4,9 TURNIP SEED LAND RETW'S 1870 CROP. Teilow Ruta Baga Turnip Seed. White Rata Baga Turnip Seed. Early White Flat Dutci, Turn'p Seed. Red or Purple Top Turnip Seed. Large Norfolk Turnip Seed. Large G;lobe Turnip Seed. Hanover Turnip Seed. Seven Top Turn'p Seed. Just received aind for sale at HelNTOSIWS DUI HOUSE. July J:3, 28-tf. MlLLIElY, MI1LLINERY, AT D. MOWER'S. REMEMBER' THE PtA E.n 3Mv Spring 31illinery Goods, ichich WTee 1,u~rch,'sedy since the ?cent kavy decline. are no(w beingi rece Consisting of all the late styles of Bonnets, Ribbens and liats, Am~ong which are the Alpine, Prin. ess Suez and A\ugustine. also that uprb new style Sun Hat which will be worn by everybody. A generahin itation is extendeLd to the comnmunity to call an:d exainet anti secure a good style article at a LOW PRICE. A pr. 6, 14-tf. .CAROLINA EMFITRIM (M The Carolina Manufaceturing Comnpn.1 invites the Ladies to their stock of FANCI W.RES. Please call and exalminS them No charge for looking. MERCHANTS Who wish to purchnee Tin Wares at WWHLFA XLE arc invited to call, as price' ire p dow~n at such figures as wtll afford .age' profib PLANTERS A!l of vo'tr wa~un's can be supplied at me di .m ad mookrate prices. To the Retail Trade. Or RTAdL SA MPLES are COMPLETE aud oferd it LIYNG PRILCES. Jobbing Department. trict atttmin pail to roofing, gutter i,reaigof stove making stoe ptp in repairn ri wa'e e STOVES. Our S0c5 ni S:uves arc complete, of th bs a::d i .:x IsO. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to Its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color, S, ewith the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, anc consequently prevent baldness. Frer from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous, and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Pseanc.L &' ANAYTCA Curm si LOWELL, MASS. PRIC. $1.00. For -.e' .... Mh INTOSL. KNOWIN the terrible war raging in Europo had caused a cous:derable DECLINE IN GOODS, Advantare was ta::en of it, and I now have the satiFfactionl of sting t.zat I have just returucd trom tme North with A Large and Complete Stock of STAPLE BRY 888d3S, GROCERIES, SHOES and BOOTS, ALL of whlichl I hall offer at as L OW PR!0E AsB the market..cian!ord. W. H. WEBB. Sep. '7, sG-tr. FRITTES, SMELL FRUlTS, Grnamental Trees and Plants, C01OR6E BD \ FiE!D SEEDS3, &c. A splendid stock of th.e choicest varieties. Sad for D9srijdiv Q(:dtg!uS a!id PrimI aISt. Al1l Trees wW ptc ! sa~ to carr safely to any SMALL FRCITS AND) SMALL PLANTS of all kitrd. set by mi. ee 1aid to any EDWrD J. E.VANS & 00-, Nurserymenl and Seedsmenef. sep. r, 36S-3m. YOEK. PA. NOTICE. I will sell my household ar.d kifcken fair nitnre at private es!e du.ring this month. There are r.everal sets of O ik anid Mahog any parlor, diniing room and chamber, in good condition. B. D- 130Y0 In the District Court of the United States-District of South Carolina. IN RE-W. F. PETERSON, Bankrupt-Ex Parte-T. H. CHAPIPELL4, Asignee. URl7nUANT to an order of the Hon. Gee. S. Bryan, the undersigned will sell 'in the FIR'ST MONDAY OF OCTOBER N EXT, at Newberry Court House, a tract of land containi one hundred anhd twenty-three acree, ho',ndedlhbylands beloneinig to the Estate of G. F. WVells, dec'd., Ja Hil, Sr., and Jno. Warkina, ce:d botging to the Esate of saidA Banktrupt. T. H. CIiAPP'ELL, Assignee. Sep.'7, O6-3t. Kinsman &' Howe/i, Faectors and Commissio? Merch ants. LiberalAdvances macle o cotton and Naval Stores C/harleston, S. C. ep. 7, 36-3m. Barley and Cats. I 00 bush 2ls Prime Barley, 25 " Genu.ine Ranmsdell Norway 4Oats, For stde by CAR WILE & McCAUJGIRIY. PP 14' A. P. p R :, : : : r per i-,so' I indui-1 icment to Take tii fai 'The*igu is nlow c,'eu. it is an imaportant one. greart inttereit. are luvolvet!, vital fssuei at itake, ud eve';.t re a.lly (euivg which it iA i',...-;,Ut tht papl-e should 'know. Our die triot eL ould be awake, and they c:isunot kpep upt With the tlmca witl!w-. a paper. lte b;i.stutl ig - t~ ncruroe w:h it wouLit Le t.lly t ernig;* "wi:ou't :o:ow, we umuet be r riu:rrid In the gi tatig que;iia of td: th1 pr o::.. send r. critice cnd duttcenov t i,ter. Nui Lmhouldt trust to ber say, to L:i, ::b:t, for th lin for toatio i in hto of retch. 1ed for y.:uei7t,a 'ltkourw uk'triat pfr..r, as othera lwo if you er. aurd it. t..t tirast"f all tkey tl:trict p%n 1:er, an: to ;rlt.e it in th rwwh o t.l WI,rope To trdu:o the pri,;+ I'or a' l who subroriLe nitLi.: the pr(ewknt uaat,th. Aud offer it to aiugle sebecribwra at ., for Ihe year. And to clubb of ten at 92, l;e:idts we will give a ye:u 'auborlption to that exe!lent :ogricultura! montL:y, the ir ;11.1 C.;o'I;.iau, t th e getter u;, vic!ut;s of teu, fr.:e 1e :ber, thii tfosr %.1 ;,e kept op:: fbr o mouth ouly. after that 'we wiii det-acd the usu.1 p.rice. Eivery Union r;efo.rm mer. ihou'. take the pa per.cand we umke thde Uiberal c ,r to It racy Le withiu th,:- rexa of thee who now lind it diff. cult to oubfcrii e. We respect'ully se our re'ac t ak to meu this ..~er to thos;e of their frisada who are not taking te pAp.r. Aug. 10,2 Fall aud Winter l orta io 1870. Millinery and Straw GoAIht ;. RMSTRONu, CATOR & CO., lrt o -rane AN JoBBe O! B0net, TrimtmlRit- ; r elvet aeLbbous, BO ET SILS, SATIN3 ad VEU IS, Blods, Netts, Crapts, Ruhs, Floer , k tt RIBBOENT Milier and22 TMraw STa BALSTI EGRE. CA U- O. Bone., Trliag lae-- t Pa IsIan oli. Oe ScIed, A INrmp aduto giLveT - SA ONZO3A. LiS REES, COLUMBIA), C. nT opsuit tihe ot fatidnnios. AOg.e: aa1,cJ e4- prmt?tC.rflg~O Iun coseuec oftetet o r .R Wice,ozt dr of Wiokso & Wicera , o N CGeryLte ar1IpA is dis.vd T'h h is thf acont aintite has. o n linqunto nif demasst the Mr.m, which are properly vouchied and presented, aud all personsa indebied are called upon to ee imm-edhidtelv. TF~ ic)usiuesa will be conducted at the old stand bv Aug 22, 1870, 31 3. !r. W!LSON. NOTICE TO ALL. ALL PERSONS indebtedi to AIE.MS. RIFFIN &~ II.\tGR0VE, are notizied to ali and serie their d ravo:d4 by the 1.5:'H SEi.:MBElt. This rno'ie includes ai!, and we nre in 2tr1ei.t. W.o meaur what ere *ABRui, GIUFFIN & P;ARGR~lOVE. A;m. :4, 1- . Notice to Paupers. From dhis d4te no proision.< shall be is. sid to p:mupers our .iMe of Coun:ty Poor lio, the Poor :lnse is now) inl a tnute bl con&tion fn,r their reerp'ion. Iiy order C. U. (0. M. GEAY. Aug. *,3. 35-:1t. -r.r.-oms. a.-... anor3s. i N. C. HUDGtmB. BROD!E & CO. AND Commission Merchants, Krth A4flnIe Wharf, CHARLESTON, 3. C. LIBERAL ADTiAXCES3 MADL O)N COQNSIG.MENTS. -0 REFER TO ANDREW IONDS, Esecmz, Pres't National B3ank. CHIAm.EsTo, S. C. A pr. 6. '70-14-ly. Dr. FANTS COMPOUND THis preparation is partinaly recom mended to persons stI ering from Billiou! ness, Constipation and Dyspepyia aumiin from Inigereion, also, a certamn preven ive of GH,IILL and FEVER. The addition f certain ingredients has so comnpletely disguised the taste Oh this Bark as to render his eiencciomns TON10 paIltabile. It is corn osed ol'the best Yrged.Ie Tonrics knowvr o the Medicali profe.sion. Prpred onldy by S. F.k FANT, N~F.ERRT,; S. C. p. en, 116... t: : . :i .. .1. . ; i " "n a Such .is i te .* L..~. 1 :1.. : : - of Wi\i we ar, , W hav o: hund a lvt of -I c .: ii. B3ARBE &SOE (Succai,or to Dr. W . D Mca .) C (Vr M(FaiL & P xI': store, on e 9trr . All the , oine.,a en t indui.heid will cmLikIat i the terms as Ueforn arrnrg and evervtLin1L dune in Lhe 'tt m aur a ws:rknted. The paMrnbe t6e public re pectflilr solicited. Dec. 8. 48-If. L0L &iONI2 .xt to LFII l Poo:s. R-r,e.,. in:oru: tbir fricnd.s a: p'atro'i c:. .ck of R WLEi ad y.A!LY : PLIrS is t.w full a: co : pt :, a n d to l. 1b th ey b eg to c.-.!1 A. guccral lLO of FA MILY GB 0 ERIE ..'Way8 cn Landtt, such as SugaM,. Cofftes, 'i'ea3, Rice. iioLr. M.:il, Orist, Iata, (a fine brtnd,) Dacau. Lard. Pickled Pork, L:eke'rAt ?duklse Che?u Candls. Soap, Pichie, Sod:r Ly, Eaijsina, Crackers, :dl kinda, Canned Gysters, Sardinl and Fruits, etc., et Toe4+ber with Segars, Chewing~ and Smo~kintg Tobacco, Powder and Shot, Yarns, Kerosino OUL, ete., ec Besides a choice assorttment of Confectioneries. Thankful for the very liberal y tronnge b:'tewed, a contintuance is d. sired, wit the prois~e tizet to p:ti will be spaired to render sntisfactic and ulease the uma;~ ftidious. HOUJSEALL & JONES. Mar. 30, 1:3-ly. Etiwan Fertilizers, a! W\icox, G ibbes & Co. Mnipulated Guanca, fca CASH ONLY. G. T. SCOTT. Antg. 10,2-. TilE 1870 BlERIN Has Werked Wonders IN Um NICE OF D!M CO W. T. TARRANT a'ring jus~t returued Iroim !"e Nor'a maktsaith a iceiect :'-pring an;d S-'it. Sok of Goods, L.:ThL with care amd at ducd pri.cca, is now pre; to se'l! at LOW FIiUR E8, In all the' following iiies Dres~s Good1s, Of everY witiy'me?lh as Siks Grenal Ppln5, Japanse Cloth", Inot, Beret Deiaine"s, Murins, Blatck and White Alp: cas, anard and Tuiiou it. regular studies per sessio, $udI.W; inel ding music ar:d ute of pi.ano, $122.00 ; in clldig Frea