CoToN IN G:.a)at AND TEN :Assa:.-T lie Cu::bus (Ga.) Suit of the 21;th instant, says: .A sirt trip in th(Ountr l:as enabled us to realIze the extent of the disa ster which has recently ov':rta:en the Ca non of Georgi,:a an ..abama, m:ore espeCilly where it h:ad hen manatred. By this diac-:er th e tire cropl that bloonI-, sI: dZIIIy is lost. In ma!ny p tvC-s the pant presents the appear:ance of bi)n. dead. and all. or nearyi : a!!. the b,lls open, Tla::y prematurely. This is terrible on tho-e wa' hou.tIhlIt tititzers on a credit to be paid out of the pro duct. In many nstances nlot enou:.h v:il be male at pre-ent priUcS for the stale, to foot bill for fertiiiz;I'r. Fe%w men troughi - out the wha-le section, we arC sat 'ed, en foot expn.e bills for cultivation at a price below timity' cents The con mrcial edi tor of the Me-:phis A r21P, wr iting on tihe 20hinst ant. a : Th~e e tiuin of thlc cotto?? crops; are i.-ss favorablc than they weea we.:k: 5sinee. C.ontinued heavy ranrs are doin g cotton fields injury, til!ing them with gras, and rotting the maturing bo!ls. Sev eral planters from the valley lands South of us are gloomy over the Irospect. The hill crops have s+stain.i much less injury, and dry weather from this out may vet at,rl a great a yield as the pick;ng capacity can get out.. Crtors IN TE SCArE. -- T he Lni'vnnilie T';:tc".', of the 2Gth in. St.nt. say::" Coton anii CCrn in this county - are lookiing as wil as thoe crop s J.ave for many years. We have exainLl a : 1n-cr of cotton fields. and are please-I to not(Ie that. eeueraliy, t''. cotton stalks have i lar er inlm.. 4r of sound bo)Is than we ever :- sa-in thi;s State. We, hover:-. regret t ;ate that the cateriillar has :ad& its a^P peairae, and ml nebh appreh Csi'n Ifllt about it. At present. 1'0 r..isbiet has been done by these h:atilers, but the fact that they avepercetibly increased in numn brers d1uring the patst week, give :round fbr alarm. So far as we have jeard. t hey have rot made their pperaceon more than two The Ch:irendonl ress, on the ..5th instan) t. says: A pretry fair estimate can now he maleo as regards the crops. Ft~rota observation anri reports gathiered f romi vai~os potin of the country it is believed that the provisiea crop is muceh better tihan that of last year. Cotton will not yieldi as wvell as last year, the seat son being rather against it-t he .-a too. is ma!:;mng its appearance in many aaes. and. the wor-m is vet to be dr-eaded. Mtrs. C*aroldi a Wollinz, wlhil crossing E!ysian iEl d.-, iloboken, encountered a ruffian, who after killing her child by dashinge it agatinst a tre6 out-raed Mr-s. Well y10.rnos:. . Y. AUgust 2G. There has been a ter-rifle storm here. Five persons were killed by one stroke of lightning. Reports of fires e-aulseL: b- the lightning arc coming in fr-om all quarters. t.-The edi:tor of the .\thecns (8a W thuaan, syvs that he tried the i61 lowinmg recu:.e, ami it orove-d su:ccessful. Our rea ice-s wid do well to preserve it: "CIeani cut the bottomn of the hoof toro zhiy-hl uip the leg so as to bring the bc,otto of the hoof upoward, ho.ding it frirm in a ho.rizonital piosition, and porin, say a taYi;u:dbe weli prepared iili their e~ r,. t'heir families and themelve -r ,.. 2deals maltrcat * -to think for I erc w.. Present at thle le1ta I) - - -- a a . i ' on luedy- , anid that a'i' s- - -. t'' - < c e Cirpenter - -::o dar ma (ol.' of the bestsucech, e eI heard itis~ Ccutry. No ii .i-i zur, but on the contrary e utent nirloy prevuircd. huivar i rerese-ts aFreei - a nf ra euir, befre im - ced ithd , boies. G le ' catont steel h) r-lt (utlo n Gin. T"se K ae in 1n1y be, '-e: at work ir, iir Wae i the ".:e. Pilee G per I omh Georgia p:.:t r: Cctoin Gin Iali's patent Co: ton (in ieders--pre, venIt anyr1 ha:rdi subs:.:"iN rltt'rint the .in pror"ctin,z the =aw: froll i:.j:irv and the litn fro t Pr ic' !..l ; er :-a 1to size of gin I:ins ' Co1 Pr I Pice("." Peab)odt'.ntoo A.-: ie. ie75 t'-.o):.' p.,r.-nt b'roa:e.t "r. d socCr8 for tt?eat : d . :! -t ri i r ': rice A;,). And1 all lindo of :r i e.trl impllenent for .aIl low. C. CHAVELEY, 52 E:,ct lay :-t.. :outh of the old I'ost t ttficr. :: !- .m ;!rules On, S. C. ~~:iJ~J2S14 W A19 t h i AT f.A. NG sut*ppie,l nurselves ntith nctv ctrd, ,:'-! refurished o;ur 'actorr ge:e r:di v, wt it ter orrselves th:t 11-i:h our r:cr ron.:! *I;teidC'c . atd pronpt attenl tion 0, opf"r"t ors, we ( n :ife(' si:1fctitor in cve'ryta' e In3.1TTER. tcit) .wh!:ic"h w' noW :I: ' PER'EL'T MIXE s, i in f' !! nopri'r'n. I-)=cts. per ponid is o:n price (oreaiti'-: wool inhlot the wool i. e- VcsIs per poii extra wnher wfit the oil. We hare s.tbles aml !ts for honrrvJ, a:-,l :(e:!t1:o;:;s conven" ilet ,r tho - n:ron:izin_. Mr. A. W .. T ia:no)::., at ll r :m :hoIp, i, o'ir tent for N..h'erry. W1-oi rolls ill be returriei every te "ys. R. S. & J. W. ("'CDGION. Iiurens, S. C., .Juy Is, 1.74. July :0>29-3m. NOTICE. South Carolina Railroad. On and after July 1st, 1870, ar! Passen gera gettin" on Trains at Stationi wher Ticker .AIIJE s.orl), -.n,- neIee"ring to pur. c:a"0 Ticket-, will hr ebhar.:od the Conduct or's Excess R:ate. 1It all Passengers get ," on at S:tion- where Ticket, are NO' StLI), wil, be char;ed only the Aer:t' Rate by the I-ondnctr. AL!'RE.P L. TTiLEr., S. I' ;r.. G-:eral Ticket Aent. FOR SA L OR TO LEASE FOR A TERM of YEARS, MY PLA 'ATIB N on S:di., near Ol T,OWN Depot. MUE,-,A ('!iN, f1.LE.Ii )IEN T s, ke.. a:iy be h:t with the place. Appyen the pl:ve, or to .!0BNSON HAGOOD, lim ELL, S, C. .Jit.. 1, 27-4n-e.o.w." Soih CaroIh la~stitut, NEMB3ER 1st, IS870. Mot liberal Preiums offered in every depairtmnt of Agriculture aind Me. ebaie'U .'.t. PremtiumIr List I.ulished in Pamletii4 For:n. Juty 1', 27-'rm The MOUNTAINEER, GI.' EN IIL LE. S. C. ,9" CENTS wili pay for sIX 2.tTus' 5UBSCIPTION to the abiove Paper, publised every Wednesday. AlVi:ERTISEl:s will find its cxtensive and increa.-in: eirculation a profitable medium of comniuniedon with the public. (G. E. ELF'R Di. Editor ai Propr'r. G. G. W I-:LLa. Assoeiate Editor. 10, 32-tf. Citizens' Savings Bank. oF SOETlI CAROLINA. B3RANCII AT NEWI3ERRY, C. H , S. C, Deposits of .$1 and Upwards Received. Interest .illowed at the Rate of Sevenl peI cenit. per A na:iInn on2 Ce'rtificates of De posit, andi six per cenit, (onpounded WM. MXW.\ IN Pednt. .J4liN 1B. P. \t I R,) -. . c r ie J('!!N P'. TIPl.j \' 5e Pelns TIl'.1.\ E'." C 4G, Casier. G.. TF. 'ITT A1 .-i-t't 4. ber JN. T.PT'.i. ON E. S. C(4!T'4nK. R. .!C1T(P'K. FAIR '.Il, POE & POPE. I' II unidto, ('bi4 a Wi i n!rin,I Go! F.!i:!s W. McMa'str.G'ohrnnbia. A.virg an r.wa b I, ua. "(fi)'r' Jieet. I'. IThoma, Probnila tI 21 fEt.sUn ic. reui, tohenhia. sie or oth uo;. Pant doleoirin. o aaThomiai su. fGrer cldrea. c Mrid Wom(Iene adMor (hoed poi . ca . only , e vtdrwbe r. mel oriDaneoiel aven, Jr. thrlegaton,r fMuecheae habre frde, alek Wporiow or dpantind otIer ma whereeo the il savting. and. driuawc a liderat rae ofaI ie Trus t ih to draw whnrs ne hei: fedsunt thyrqietemfrbsns or~ oter 1ross;Parent dLesr Yos apartoi sm tall sum ifor;ir. chen amt aiItIe Wome an.itd Minrorsd (wose de posits caol be f withdrw te mse e 1or, inc P of. dth by 0hi lal repreat senttivs),wisingto ay sid pofndIIfo rapily acumlate an at the sabmet tm A1.0 14-Gmo.X t~~S TuT0R I[RLlEY R. H. BAER, WHOLESALE and RETAIL DRUGGIST, 131 MEETING STRFET, (Oppo-ite Market St..) CHARLESTON, S. C. I)s'c . t rRADC MARK \ D'IIGHTFUL TONIC. W e :,f!" r:., p-r :re In ofT-r'ngz th< OLD GOA?9Z1NA B1TERS l to the pilhe. Thie are compounded vith L't,rat cz re, Snd r .: t.iL1 7ome .f tf t"fs. Tor.ics itn ti h! A .("i', ih. .s e ldnc of the sperinrirityo or:r i f: Ei:S over ail (,er:, we h.ive cerf:fa':ir from m.,iry of the leading physician in Grut' .tate, wh-o have prescrihed theu in their practice. The OLD CAiOLINA BITTERS Wiil be found irvainablo kr Want of appreti:r, Chill.; anid Fever, and Drspep-:a. We dn not of 'r o:r :TnTEPS as a entrf for all di=a.'i hIt as an Aromatic Ton^c, they hive no eq'id. For s:tle by [>rtists and Grocer- every where. Principal Depot, 80Ol?JCH, W!INiMN & CO., Imr porter of Choice Drr and Chemic:ls, Feh. 1I, 7-ly. C har eston, S. C. Fitks Mtahc BluraI Cass1 - =17 TI ill. ; *R;ER has constantlr or. harid a fltl. ornent of he ahor" appr oved -s, of difiereit patternq, besides cofiin ol his own mrtake, all of .which he is prepared Sfu:rniAh at verr reasonablc rates, nDith ifromrptiless and despr:tch. Person= de irof:s of h-ti ir:; cages pent h raiirn-:d will have them cent free of charge. A I!etarr i.z alAai on hand antid will be fornished at the of rln per day. Thanlful fir prf. p:ronagP, the nb cribetr respoef aly a-1 fo r a coOtiatOi of Sthta:(*, and assures the piublic thait no0 eifort ont his part w ill bec sp ared to render A. C. CUAPMA.N N he --S. C. uly :;!. WALKER, EYANS- & - S EL Jy 1311-f W Twr o onll er on o xtrctth &4rs agrs ..n -ehj fo hldea ndh 30rents the3uT t:s ttembc eth hidrn l.ed orlS TN, eet fro theulpe j, and-tfroh owrjw Aind tMoas.or j.Hdrew t eethhte -u' n.te? of tee lelon to ter adut tor airt awa'r o' ths.l ow I ntice andc icerd~nit; :ly. Chr,~ es vern modete. wMrn: .a 2 in t-tf urgeon; Dtetnti t. 0.Vtt0 O 7:1' 1! 'e l.n t0 0 teet, SrniEAo~RS,o aIch,TOBA C h t&C. 197wr ]Er M a rs ay, wr rCr:s(aHARLE SON,S.C.Y Mar. 3, 1-ly. rg n eti SashY & inds C. Sas7 wihand withou Sass,&n Blinds. At esry arra ert e lbe ae! For Cash! ANDREW C. CHAPMAN, Newbcirry Hotel. J. P. POOL. Proprietor. This oThaei is centrally situa ted, comomo dion;% airy a:;l well aippouIt"I. No pait are stared to m.:ke the gueim~ fee "at 11ome1. CHEAP HARNESS! CHEAP M'CLELLAN SADDLES!! Cheap Tcam I1ames &c.!1 THE under.-gncd are now mnnuftacturing for S!e 11gv llarn"s at : lu.5u per set. "cvr Mc(e;hlban addle, ?7. : a!nd $1r.rt c"h. :'d hn:,d Government Mech-Ilan Sad d les, ?1:f) to '7.is0 each. T:atn larresa, 2, 4 and fi horse sett:, C1IEAI'; :l of best m:alerial and workm .i::Ahip. Tu-tether with the abo,v, a g'n1r:d stoek of 5r:1 : Saddh-, ;i t, ke. &c. (IYE TrR O1)EI;S if you wish a good, substntial and cheap article. CHAPEAU & HEFFRON, 68 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. June 15, 24-:1.m. T!c Great Mzme::1 iseo-&ery! Dr. w A yX2's CrIron:A. VINEGAR BITTERS, Tflisdreds of Thcasanlds g Be..r teo i:x"a.y t tliir s'ouderfuli =. Cur.a:ivo L'.:::t. . = W:AT A Z T-EY ? ZaE TEY ARE NOT A VILE C .FAMCY DRIrdK,! a 1M ade of Poor Rum. WThisltop, Proof Spir ita, and Refuse Liquors. doctorvld,np>c:d, art sw,etee1to p!a:,;On et.ncalled "Tom.--' "' A.",petizers+." " Rt.s:.orery," &c'., that lea-l t.-re tipph-ronutodrutnkennt:::s and r:n, brit are atrne hiirn,ma-io troma the Na:tive Enot.+a-id 1f"rts4of rahit,nia, free from all Alcoholic Stimulant.. T::--..a..-"tjGREATBLOOD PUELFIER and LIFB GIVING PRIN CIPLE, sa per",ect lteauvatur r.i,l lnvigorator of thie System, carryinr ot u poisonous.matter, :-nd rc=toriug the hloo-.1to a healthy condition. .No p""roon can take these Eiters, accordir.g to rhro("t i~ne, and remain Ion-, un We:.. $10 G wi'.1 be given for an ineurable case, pro vinethe bones are not dere nt. m .."". ~-::!. Such Dis ses nrae ca":i- btn,, Vitiated Blood,wtauih is en-ray"pr1-sa by decrangemtent of the Dipeostive Organa. '1 h"y iuvi:."orat,: th' S'o-n.tch.anel stimivlate the t,irpidl liver and bowels, which render themn ofn "u"tu-ie'!i ii y" in clea ntin4 the bloe-l of a i , nparting new life and vigor to the whii,l'systrrm. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Ileadache, y tin in t:ie bnouldors, C;oughs, Tightnesi o' the t'.t., Dizzine.v Go%r Stomach, Bad Taste in tthe Mout h. Biulions A ttar'ia, Palpitation of the Ieart, Cupionis Di"char es of Urine, Pain in the re;ions of t!-e Kidneys, and a hundred other p-inful symptoms wich are thme offsprings of Dvspeppeia, are curod byv these Bitters. 'Cle:,nse tha Viti::te'l j'.a0-l whenever you find its impurit ics b3uratinr t itrou:lh the skin inPin pleo', Eruptions, or Sores: eteanse it wher. itis fol n ou elnswiltl o whn :e thesyte of o many. thusands, aroo eecuall ad roedLqr. dc'rl p~ For tol drueis ad aul tecnar alrtof eahbottl, prnedi frou anualcoho Etnriu,Gran ,~ F:yrnch,GaeianiLh. ,t. WAE R~~4z, c32 &no 34~ C ~oommece St-ee,Y Proprietor.iR. th MicDONAo aD &h Cond n li.ndroTl'its andL uneal.Arns Vs )I r..:ber - nia. and t and34 om-a me'ise atact,-. -yppi.o ri i: oL B Ys ALLiet n DBO ITer-N Dea A 'cs,luns.e lod Jly o6, Kid-6m. '111vdrth i Jn~st rived raf tF oridlir. r aib~es hihra.rt oThe nmicabele prpeties or this art'l of af:e mo,tp~ thooug int eifie and pgr:e:i kno twl'ed dye C pn wo etr.: manuf.iean .or Inistrpar, for it in funli c oi tha thes grt nted of the tib- Mofth 1, iluis atlacst avai'.nblio ; then thie r' ansorile whhn h, antahuFed oizer . C*and thoe Vin:t' fTl an,e t u, -i it i smplrtl d huri::d eteiruintein in the and l eriptions o rectandi lihe bhooh inu-e and devatate the f'ats In, tFArm, an therhor theM~ G,nrdenr. tP ytm fs an'L C.Thosads,aENHOLM,al roud ech ottmpindion fourcant,aes Jri'.er an-- Fr c,adSaih . L .~R 2&3 omee tet G U D N., SCOURL ER,NI &C., ispretored to cutst and fit gera ntl. fio. nvig ad a$ large e.rp feel noX heity inL DaGsTSn for Jultronage-6.Wokpo tyde lverecdl. Terms odraofte ao To: mak- ing s a co iati................ '4 0 Tu.t a mo jtay pants...-........ 2.00c Tos: ct and make.walkiis coat......... 5t0 T cu ndTmak Tin b lac.rc ca~!t..80 iTot ui t.ofat tcloth............. 1.00h Goeds IIIuto ased at Lowest old thri. ;t ietionte of. aood in the JEELRY toNt D FAN oY G .(IDSLE, A ouhl cafll s, ea attntion to~ riithe ftowing anticler,ntich willb hl art stoiin lo pritco Gte oald tind thle rmn i WAT CH :rdo Fin e GDEW eles, AmerCan and Frenc Clocks,' Sttue .Tle Set, Pocetf Bos a uia SJOAAG R,LZ&CH, I cn be fund nto to Messrs.r Sih Christin's, whre ' w llhare, ehampo rii mte aitern Hayir~~ thr ale~ bVw Y -kialin.b TTel it Wis TansKEnAskr" Greenville & Columbia Railroad.! VENL1AL SUtEI1NTENDFNT'S OFFICE, COLtXBZA, S. C., August 10, 1S70 CHlAN('E of Schedule for "ttnday Train: LP T'RALN. Leave Columbia............................... 8.00 a. an. .A. o........................... 9.30 a m. Frog .evel............. ..10.40 a. in. " Newberry............................11.05 a. . in. Arrive at 1!eleu................. ..15l a. mn. DOWN Tra.UN. Leave TIe!ena............................. 2.45 p. n, Newberry ....................... 2.;,5 p. n. Fr ; lxn eT....................... 3.15 p. In. " A l-t.n......................... 4.15 p. M . Arrive at Clura1 ia.................. 6.0u p. M. J1+llN U. 3MO13, Gen'l Sup't.;ust 17, ":3-:t:f Greenville & Columbia Railroad. GENERAI. S'ER1NTEND-NT'S OFFICE., (ot. .nrA. S. C.. July 25. 1S70. (N and rfler I('N1)A Y. August 1. the follow irg Schedule will be run da, lv. Sundays ex cIted. connectin: with Nirht rrains ~n South (atulina i:oad. up and down. al-o with Trains g,in, Sout: on Charlotte, Columbia and Augur ta 1;u,lruad: UP. .cave C(nmbia.......................... 8.15 a an Alston ......................... 9.3S a m * Newberry.......................11.03 a m Arrive A}bleyilie......................... 300 p in " c Andersot. ................... 4.3 a p in S Greecvil.... ............ 5.00 p m .ei e reer.i tt... .... ............... 7.00 a m .c A.:cvi.. e.... ................ a m " ' ew 'rry..................1".47 p m ". n. .... ............... ...... ....:30p 17 Arrive Cuht'i-................. . 45 p an ..I+tlli lt 1. hnl ,-(sn'1 sup t. Aug. 3.S1-'. South C..rol'.nt Ra7lroad Company, GENl. SUI'T'S OFFICE. 1AY 15, 1870. TilE following 'cbedule for Passenger Trains will be observed froma this date: DAY PASSEC& TR.Lt T.cvin g Columbia at................- .. . . 7.46 a. M. Arriving at Columbia at............... 4.1" p.m. M1G HT EXPRESS TQAi. Lavirng Columbia at ................. 7.5"p. M. Arriving at Columbia at.............. 6 00 X. M. TIlE CAXDEI TRtAt?-TRIt WEEKLY. 1Monday', WedneQdays and Saturda3 .1 Arrive at Columbia 1i.m a. in. Leave 1.o p.m. Arrive at lhingville in time to connect with through mail train South. June 15. 24-tf.lI. T. PEAKE, General Scp't. Charlotte, ('olulmbla & Au;nsta R. R. ,ENElIs, F!:!I+; lIT .\ND TICK ET OFFICE, 'oLtanra, S C., December 23. 14 9. TI E following i'asenger Schedule will gn in toeffect on this R:oad on and after SUNDAY uext. 26th instant: GOING :onTf. Leave Au.~u'ta. at ......... .............. 4 00 a tn. '- ':.:mbia. S. ('.. at.......... 9.35 a. M. " W :nn-buro. at .......................11.40 a. M. . be--ter. s ..... ............... 1.40 p. m. Arrive at charlotte. N. C ..... 4.1 p. m. Making connections with Trains of North Car oliua Road for all point: North and East. OIG (O tTH. Leave Charlotte. N. C., at..................10 15 a. M. " Chester, at............................. 1.25 p. n. " W innsboro. at...................... 2.57 p. in. Columbia. S. C. at.................... 4.52 p. m. Arrive at .\ugus'ta.............. ............ 9.42 p. n. Making clo-e connections with Trains of Cen tral and Georgia Railronds. for Savannah. and ;JI pointg in Florida. Macon, Columbus. Mort. g'.,merv, Mobile. New o)rleans. Selma. Chattanoo da. lletnplhi". Nashville. Loui=ville. Cincinnati. St Louis. all points south and West. Palace Sleeping 'ars on all Night Trains. Through Tickets ,-old. and Baggage checked to all prit,cipal points. g- Put engers by this route oro NoRnTR. have choice o. THI REE DiPPEP.ENT toUTES. C. (It' KNI4 IlT. Superintendent. E. R. l>OnaY, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agt. Mar. 30. 13-tf. Summer Schedule. SPAUT.NBUR1G AND UNION R. R. Oa and after Mondar. the 27th instant. there w ill hi. 1:tiy Poa-enger Trains over this Rtond. Snr 'dond?avs. We.tinesdays. Fridays and S>ztur 1:'es. the tu.wtn Trans will leave Spartanburg (outh,u,e at 5:3) A. M., andi arrive at Ateton 11 A. Ii. lR-.-uring. leave Aieton at 12 M.. and reach S;ir.i..hurg (iourtems~e at 5:3 P. M. tfn Tue.tys)v. the" T>owni Trains will leave Spar tanoure t',urthou'e at 7:3' A. M.. and arrive at .Th.n at 1 P. M . lleltuina. leave .At.'tnn at 2:35 1. 3!., and reach Sptartsanburg Chmurthe-use~ at 7. P. 31. ,n Thrdas the I ,own Tlraine will leave Spartanb.urg Courthonse at 3:45 A. M., and ar rive at Aleton at 8:35 A. 31. l:eturning. liyae Alston at 9:3Vt A. 3!, and spar;aubuarg Courthou4e at 2:40 P. 31 iSv thi.'5t Scdule. persons comnin: down the ire-nvit!e l1adI on4 luesdlays can) come up the Mrazrtanr: Ioad the same day. without deten ti-m on the- way. aid persons going down this rond on llhur-tays can go throughi to Columbia withotut detention at Alstoni. Persons going udown~r this rond on Thunr.e.aya can go up the tG rei-tvil!e Roadn the .emze :lny. ithtout detenution Io 1he war. antd pitrtie, comting up from Colum, bia :irneC day, for ti. rool. will not be detained .luty G. 27-tf. P'resideut .'. & U. it. tE. COLUMBIA, S. C. ROBERT JOYNER, PR1?OPRIETOR. P. H.AdiLTON J0TNER, CLERK, RATES, tf Boh.rd. pe Day................$ (M Supp'.r, lirkfast and Lodgitng..2 Itt Where to Stop. W ILLI AMS' HOTEL, Formerly IInrvey House, S?aTA NBURG. C. Et, 8. 0. CONTIXENTAL HOTEL, LA URENS C. H., S. C. J1. T. II. Williams. Proprietor. MY friends anrd the traveling public are re .'pce'fully informed that the above named IIOTI-:Ls are now under my control; and they may rest assured that the reputation of the two houses will be fully kept up. The ROOmsl are comfortably furnished and t.he Tables will be supplied with the best of er ery thing. Maiy 11, 19--tf. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR MEALS AT THlE ALSTOX hOTEL. BREII?STGOING [lP AXD Dec 22 50-3m PAVILION HOTEL. Chiarleston, S. C. BOARD PER DAY, $3.00. MRS. H. L. BUTT.ER FIELD, Proprie.tress. .R.TTAY\iTTON. P. P. TOALE, CHARLESTON, S. C. 7Esr;est %nd mo-t complete M}anutactcry of Doors.Ssahes. lhinds. .Mou ding , &c.. in the Southern States. PPISTEI) IICI LIST DEFIE3 )IPETITll\, ' SEND FOR ONE. . SENT FREE ON A PPLICATION. ; April G, 1S70-14-ly. ~ r~GREAf DYS PaPS!A & INDIG ESTION cyt. ''t11 S 3! 5 ER 1? ' PETlTF .. CREATE___ '."D CVEiV 'HERE. 1I)ip oPRInrRS a V/HOLESALE DRUos N. B. The Commissioner of Internal Rev enue has decidd that any dealer can sel! this article without a special licen=e. For sale in Xewherry by DR. JAMES McINTOS H, Druggist and.apothecary. March 3a l y. Full Benefit of Re duction to Patrons. ANTE BELLUM PRICES. FALL IN DRY GOOBS J.1 &. M. L.KIRif COLUMBIA, S. C. TIlE ree"-t r,,; in FcM. and the calicoa war betwee~n tho'e New York princes or the rival honees of Stewart and Claflin, have had such an influence on the price of Dry Goods that we are enabled to sell to suit the tumble. It is a bad wind that blows nobody good and we are determnined that ouer enomers sh,dll have t he*ne'ft of it. Eihr co *e to us or send vonr orders. J. HI. & M. L. KIMARD'S D)ry Goods llouae, C'olumubia. Mar. 16, 11l-tf. DR. SHALLENBE~RCER'S Fever and Age A NT ID OT E Always Stops the Chills. This Mzedicine has been before the rub lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circum stances, and is the only Medicine thatwU1 CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Agute, because it is a perfect Anti dote to MIalaria. Sold by all Drugists. nov 241ly WILLIAM GLAZE, [LA~TE% GLA7.E & RADCLIFFE,] WflI~LD respectfully- inforrm the citizens of Columbiea aond the country generally that he has resumeed his aiol busine'ss, that of WATCil, CLE)CK and .IEWELRtY, where a full stock of all goods kept in a first-class est:ehlishmiert cane be found, Hie will use his hest endeavors to give satiefauctmon to all. Ie h;opes to receive a share oif patrona::e. He will keep first class workmuen, and all work entrusted to him will be warranted. Mar. 9, 10-6m. NICKERSON HOUSE.. CO0L U MB IA, 8OUTH 1GARDLINA. This pleasantly located HIOTEL, unaur passed by any House in the South for comn fort and healthy locality, is open to Trav ellers and others seeking BOARD for the Summer. Families can be accommuodated with nice, airy rooms, on reasonable terms, "A call is solicited." Mv Omnibus will be found at the differ ent dIepots-passenzers carried to and from the Hotel free of charge. May 19d 20 tf WM. A. WRIGHT. COLUMBIA HOTEL COLUMBIA, S. C. --0 T HIE PROPRIETORs take pleasnre in an, nouncing that this elegantly.furnished Establishment is now open for the accom modation of guests. The table will always bet supplied with every delicacy of the sea, son-both from New York and Charleston IMarkets. and no efforts will be spared to give :perfect satisfaction, in every respect, to our pa:trons. WM. GORMAN. H. I7 14U Q A Splendid Offer. IIaving made arrangements with the fol owing first class papers and magazines, we :an club them with the Herald at the very ow prices named, and will hold this unpre edented offer open to all new subscribers rom now until the first of April. We vould advise that clubs be formed in see ions and that each member of a club take different paper, as this will gire a great -ariety of interesting reading to neighbor ;oods. We further ofier to those who will :et tp a club of ten subscribers to the Her Id and any of the papers named, a copy of mIr paper free, or for a club of twenty with he papers named, one copy of the Herald nd a copy of any of the magazines or pa )rs in the list. You;, l.dies and gentle nen with a very little exertion can make tp a club undor ter-rm so advantag!eous. 'ead the list and ter!-: TEntMS oF sUBsCRIPTION. single copies.........................a 3 00 -ivc copies.... .................. 12 50 l'en c)pics, (and one extra.).......... 22 50 Jerald nnd X iX Century............. E 00 Ierald and Rural Carolini.n........ 4 50 Terai! and New Eectic............. G 25 lerald and Lady's Friend............ 4 50 Ierald and Saturday Evening Post... 4 50 Icrald and Southern Cultivator....... 4 50 Ierald and Rural American........... 3 50 [lerald and Stock .Tournal............ 3 25 [Ierald and Evening Lamp............ 4 25 !lerald and River:ide 3lagazine..... 5 00 Ierald and School Day Visitor..... 4 0) herald and Eclectic Magazine...... G 0O [lerald and Peters' Musical Magazine 4 5o IIerald and Demorest's Magazine.... 5 Oo [Terald and Burke's Weekly........ 4 5( [ierald an3 Sout.crn Farm & IHome. 4 5) herald and Bee Journal and Nation al Agriculturist ............. 3 50 PUBLISHERS Newberry Herald. The Newberry Herald clubbed with the Rural American at very low rate. We will club the IERALD with the RURAL AMERICAN at the very low rate of 33 50, for bo'h papers, one year, (1870:) and the Rural American will be sent FREE for the balance of 1869, to all subscribers who send in their names early! Here is a chance to obtain the argest and best Agricultural, Horticultural, and general Family Paper published in the United States, and the HERALD foronlyFIF" rT CENTs more than the regular price of our paper: Such a chauce is rare, and it will he to the interest of our readers to call and sub tcribe soon, so as to secure the Rural Ameri, can for the balance of 180 FREE. Nov 17, 45-Gm Epu 11 Lfe Insuace Ccl, OF VIRGINIA. tt:A4os wny F. P.:Y oxi ?nOtLw Itst"r.: :. TIL: .tr.u.rrY uL: iF?stt.n.ic: co:M PANY OF RIlDCTIOnD VIRGINIA. 1st. It is more LIlBElL\L to the INS. REIIs than any other conpar, and will even:ually becoie PlELY MUTUAL and belong to the INSURERS. 2d. It circulates its money amongst it. patrons, who are the instrers. (oase diuen:y thry are continuilly gertirg tie benefiT. of the rapid aceumatiations of the 'ompanV, the money beitig invested by the Board of Direc'or. among-st the in =urers. Therc!ore the insurers are build mn up an initlunion peculiarly their own andt( condutedi for th'i r henefit srd. The loans of this comipanyt are as~ lIh --ral as other comipamres who declare divi lends at the cud of~ the secoid, third and fourth years, but this Companyv at thre emn of tIhe first andI every year. Tner"by tihe ins"rer saves several years' in rrest ont hiis lostis by insmtittg in 'Ihis Gomipany, and h. niever loseus ihis mioney iit he pays uptfor ONE WiiOLE YE.\R; wheirens, in orter compa-. nies, he htas to retmain an in-urer for ser eral yeasrs, or he loses all the nmoney he ha, r.aid. D)AVlD n. C;L.\RK. President. TfilS. II. WYNNE, Vice-Prer,ident. Genteraul .\A.!-IS 1. L.\NE, Actuary. Di.F. B. WATi INS, Melci ) ~ r Dr. C.1I1. W. DA'VIS, 31dclAd.ies .Jn:gie Jt)llN A. Y31ERED)ITHI, Counsellor mr r:c-r Sick, Injured or D)i-eased I!orses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine or l'oultrv. Thus ev-ery Subscriber has a llorse and Cattle Docto. FRE.. We aire now prepared to offer the AMER! CANt SToCK JoURNAL as a FntEE GIFT for one youtr, to A LL NE.W sVnscalsEns (or re niewals) to tbM Newherry IWEnxLD.who shallP subscribe immediately and pay in advance.. [his is a rare opportunity which the intelli-. gent people of our section will no doubt duly -appreciate. Ilemd itn your subscriptions at. once and secture The STOCK JoUfaxAL free for one year. T. F. & Rl. HI. GRENEKE& Nov 17, 45-6mn EvE:RT F.MTTLT should take at le5tik ONE Generat Newspaper besides their couunir paper, "every time.' It should be TIlE BEST, MOST ENTERT.UINING, MU sT VARIED, and T IlE CliIEA PEST, $3, $3, $3, $3, $3, $3, .3. Thrcc D)ollars pays for one ycar's subscrip-. tion, or S1, S1, S1, Si, S1, 51. - One dollar for four months to the Mobile Weekly Register, The Oldest, Largest, and best known of Southern family journals. lHon. JltilN Ft tlSYTif, Editor-in-Chief. It employs the best talent in the country. Its Stories are the most entertaining. Its Poetry the most brilliant. Its Correspondence is from all important. points. Its Telegraphic Summary is a compleae h istory of? the week. Its~ Commercial IReview and Pifes Current every Merchaat and Pianter needs-it is cor-. rect. its Agricultural Departm'ent is most full Edited br Hn. C. C. LA N(;lON. Its Pofhini'- AL.WAYs DEMI CRATIC and It has been published uninterruptedly for Haif a Century. It has double the circulation of any ,ee in the Southern States. Subscribe for the MOBILE WBEKLT I& - lsTE, 1 year 53.00-d months $1.00. Get your neighbors to join you. Caubs - I four one year 510 00-take it four months trial-send 51.00. Specimen copy free. Address, W. D). MANN, Prop. Register. Mobile, Ala. .Tune 15, 24-tf. A SPLENDID CHANCE TO COM-. B PINE THE Ec,NOMICAL: TillE USEFrL!I TillE ENIERTalNIN(; AND rilE BSEAUTI FUtL:!! We have arranged to furmish the Nsew berry Herald and Demorcst's lilustrated Month ly, the Modei Par-or Magazine of America, for only 55. emj-oe all Mlonthly Magazine contains the es. - entialehof ll te including the utilities of the llueodand llome interests in all its depart ments. The only Rteliable Ftshioms in all their details. The beaunties and utilitika of Literature. Poetry, Sketches. Sto ries. Music, and every branch of en :ertaining and a-eful reading calculated to en liven, and elev te society and make our homes cheerful. attractive. n-'ful. and happy: with a large and ma;gnificent Steel EngravIng. 28 by36 iniches. ent.tled "The P'ic-nic on the Fourt of July.' valued at $1. to each substter as a premm 'I he en"raving is'all done in line and stipple, from the original ptainting by Lely MI. Spencer, and. b,esides the cop..r:ghtr. cost over seven thou sndl dollars. and is acknowledg'ed by artista to be the mnost l>erfect a- d beautiful arge ergraving evern ..--,i in this countrv. Certaintly Slt Will no.-.:mtttber tl:ai comiilues ao) mutch in te .' c --nts ftor mailinig the en . gr in 5. .uny thcruoction.