We wi send the Ne ktr l " J.urna and National A..rienu4'xta ll. i ll" lier:ld bwth for aone 'ar: I," "% Addres T. F- A .\4.T 1L.' ' -. . A . EvrySauray Iz. June1-,N -1t WANTE.D, 0 N .. T T TfI STOE EX TfA MWICESC. SUMMER GOODS : ry i . & ull. upplodtr to FALL SUPPLJES. A. HARRIS. Byie S;: e ia e,io. u, e sItckre FRESH FISH Every Sa turday, :nt mnotice to the 19int*trion i. given. Remember this. L. c . MeIRSIfLL. Bet Ink amt ht J. B yOW u wat, a I aE iEbmin n ti New t L : '- New re t at is If yo u a t. T4VC 44D AS h ERSOMFIC The~ C.pons oi n he ',. r- hind s toi 'om: 'n . w i redeme at ther] Na:ona ": eds of chr ot:e an d ; Matktrr Au, ta G' r., and a t t ir ice i,',a: et to ta.tin b the Sttsof Nort A ria, out Garl or Gorgia, ad ert mort ed a d e inm e if th od r:ri tie ad ~: Soth'i o C aro in z ar:id air a Compa. A ii to th \ ebrest I f at ii ul rs of.I, th rr ire tw gla t name ise urte an dw ~coeniencei f thisar Coa raeticie in, 21theGI. ado! Mrg Con!softhec .titte, Colamiadtumaand ' roved (cr,thebolers ofi IOte hofrlts and .j Souh Crnd Cohnbia andi Au:itaB Rarkoad NBond a reatlyin-l Ite t otik Ofu n them , ihout de l, ad tre ceivt thei tainres o:. tile fis of Julyrt -ir or er ofuedb the ar in of pr o . Treaisr e:e.C.fodA i.ird R.v Co.~ J '..m 15,t ar-t! rt : C ri:a I.ii:' Cho?p.rothe Cumbria and AugRR. .'11 Comip:ny. A w i receto moey ontcc' deposit ors n,f trenw as ca r noi c, and pa at te ronteiengtrcetum Gor pr oie the n :ds m indc sson a hit posict:will be iveny the Cu1adompny at itsag ~orle in .olmbi or Charlotte.Clii Ard giversta sbtatiral~ bas ofnrdi af tvery oneil of dollars~ o beod allitsv iaili ,is anyro ide North bors Southe Charoin, and will gua r ta prmt r iato and 'um:lnd to ite, wth~a dnest aridh re ofIV eitpr iucetmt pe r nnum. rv a 1v order of the Board of Direetors. C..II . MAS N O resuer Juneasur, C2 C.ad t11 o Mat1telTOSH' adrAug us . Mar 2:i 2~. .C,My2,s. Bar11 aondt Bill ird Ronom.o T..coit r u ndrene d aouncal to : nei fred a::d patrons tharte theigh erblshentr was aneven fe:tr appsni oined it haoe retl g i ve a supptailbs ofpu re it of okiers Iotuil of Il9.ttBtershi, Ui ut:1tl[oil uf ., -tr 'h'l'r. \It: 1. ht h\ } i\t. a I/ flitl:tll t u ': : t ,l ,'1 , , , l I I1 L th 1 l t 11,1 1 1 u tit Itt t 4it.~ I w ilYll r n the uii.: t'ndar ne.' ' t . at Newt tw y i ' l . '.Il ~t~ ( i t .t .\\ itle ti in t e,. ti chy l1enry tulina' ii.lt'i hav ha.1' -sue thaeI relto il " u ith w \ fI . 11r1 t t''tit l l i ' i th ualge ttg re. Sniigley. niowt it' he iI'%t p e,au of Wrighat & t, l t' ao le , tI \ iii t l ' -- i o f th e I t n tI t N e in' 't . .t N . ol ile t'rv W t ti,ire . A: a! th : t i tl e 'tt iitelr esi it ii w lnr Geoisetl.t l it,hat"y ha, % h:eo t r:tidicot tit btor Ium 1, tlre,tit ,n o t i1' th11e ud l:ment 1i the caeo t I lit Iinik ofu i Nn herrv- S. ', G+herge 1vit timlit. lid :st i' the suit ite iuk N , ewerry S. ., vs. (George \. I:iit th :: l il t iIi t l s v i l A'so he i no itck havn"e and lot now t 1:g til .iite n S: ,it' le: iil tg itro t Court ile to the :.t. 1: hr . \td bounded by ta ' t; t'r 1 ett y it' N. tI ohnson at the tlit t, ite Ih; e tf Newb . v s. e r 1) snt. ah T. M. Pl'SN;G El. S. N. C. Collego Land in the Town of' Newberry. -'an t - &n It t . II.t b rs, E 'ors, vs. John I' Iinm iii:id l Trus'tee of c Newiberry Col ll'riaii to thet order of thle Court in the aIv I tied ease, I will sell on the first M usday ini Jly next, adt Newberry C. H., the flitling trai t i' l.nd, to wit: I.uT No. I. Co::tain:ing 9 i34-100 acres, on wimch i<"a ine de !li::. and all necessary imp irovemnt s. l.ot N o. 2. "i 5 acres. I.ot N o. 1. " 5 " I.ot No. 4. h)n t ieh the College now tanls, 11 i-100 acres. Lot No. 5. containing 4 70-100 acres. Lot No. s. " 4 Ne1r0 acres. Lot No. 7. 4 4:3-100 acres. L.ot No. S. " :3 7-0 acres. TElIZS OF SALE--One half on a credit ntil toe 1st day ot'January, 187l, balance n a credit until st day of January, 1872, with interest on both instna4ents from day o Loe, except the amount of cost, which nESt he pSAid cash, and credited on the Orit nstal:net Parclhaser required to give botd wi-!I at least two sureties, and a mior:p:ge of the premlises. T. f. 1AYSINGER, S. N. C. Ju:te , 2--vt. NOTICE! I have just received from the New York F:an-"'rv. the new stle of VIC TORY "J.1S for putting up Fruits. Fur .ule low. Call it A. HARRIS'. June q. 2-tf. 11tIs frm Spartabir O. I., S. . Yc,r Furni tur-Hiotel Thorougidy Rrrai-etd-ew Bkdding-New Iadth.5 -!iweingi: Alley, atnd other be; redy for visitos JIune 1st, Board per month $30---per week S10---per day $2. The wa:er is (.hIalyheare, and i. cool and ;dnn tote1it.Has proven efica etotis ini cnrintg Liver Goumiplaint, Dyspepsia, Kidnity I)'ise G;rave-l, Diropsy, Diarrheca, (.utaneouis .\ e,Tions, thil1 and Fever, Gene rolI D)eb.i!iv, :i.d itnanyt other ills of a kin dro-d na:tire. T .e taible will be provided with thet best the co::ntry afiords; and eve. ry'atT ention ;:Veen to visitors, calculated to :;i.ke their stay picasant. Camtss -ro RENT. Ri. C. OLIVER, ProprIetor, r'partan:burg C. H., S. C. JuneS8 2"-2:3 CHEAP HARNESS! CHEAP M'CLELLAN SADDLES!!! cheap Team Hamess, &cI!! TIlE undersirn'ed are now nnnfacturing for sale Imrry Jiarn- ati.i *1 t.50 per set. New M.ceG!cU:i: ddles, 87, SiS and 10.100 each. :d hand1 Government McClelbini Sad diles, 81i tO or 87.(t0 each. Team Harness, 2, 4 anid G horse sets, GiIEAP); all of best miaterial tand workma:nshtip. Together with the above, a genieral stock of fine Harness, Sauddles, fits, ke. &e. GIVE US YOUR (hl)ERS if you wishm a good, substautial .and cheapa article. CMAPEAU & HEF!FRON, ts Meeting Streer, Charleston, S. C. June 1->, %4-um. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! For sale by the pound and always onl hand. IC E LE3MONADE, and cooling. refreshing aid pleasant drinks at any hour of the day at .A. ML WICIiFR'S 1Baltim ore Corner. Mar 25. 21-tf Sea Moss Farine. The best material known for making Blane Mange. Cu.stards, Pudding, &c F'or sale at ' McINTOSH'S 3Ia.r. 23r 12-tf Drug House. Commissioner's NotU. THlE County Cominisoret:s will meet at Newberry C. N., on the 1s6 Tuesdy of July next, at which time they propose to bind out four children, three boys and one girl, (tall colored.) Persons in want of appren tices, will do well to attend. Notice is hereby given that after the 14th inst. rio more rations or supplies will be fuxrnished to paupers who do not reside at the poor hou,e. The Commnissioners wi sell to the high. cst bidder one desk and one paper case. Notice is hereby given to Mr; W. H. We bb, that if he does not, forthwith, com plete the stone wall running from his store iu the direction of the street in front of the jail, the Commnissioners will proceed again:st olin at law. juy order of the Board C. C. N. C. J9HN COA TE, Clerk. . , -- 'i Jane,.. . a - , i U NION FERTILIZER. ;t:-in: 11 Tl'Il AND EXTERMI-ATION Wo'tIlui AN) INSECTS IJLRIOUS TO VEGETATION. .1n< received, a few tuns of the above Ih" r,"mnrlkab,lc properties or this article, n:t'r :o't thoro:;:h scienti5c and pr.ctical t . t,,t),, ,n tl in,i" it:1 v established and ac ,n~nl i, e Con:pany who control its iuun,t.cre and sale is prepared for its INTRO1.t:TION TO THIS MARKET, in full confidence that the great need of the tiller of the soil is at last available ; that we offer an article which, as a Fertilizer, is sreond to none in quality, arid, further, that it is sure death and extermination to the "CtTTON WOIRM," "CURCULI," APPLE 'OT!l, I'OTATO ILG, TOUBACCO WORM, 110P LOUSE, ARMY WORM, and all de-eriptions of insect and vernicular life which infest and devastate the l'lanta tion, the Farm, the Orchard or the Garden. l'atcF "15 PFt Tox. PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Commission Merchant, No. 2 Cnion -Wharves. June S, 23-tf. SUBSCRIBE 'TO THE MOTIILY USITOR, Full of Choice leading, 0omicalities, Puzzles, Enirmas, &c., &c. ONLY 50 cer.:s per annum in advance.' Publithedt at Charleston. S. C.. BY F. EtIENE DURBEC. Address as above, with name and resi dence plainly written, or to Messrs. BOINEST & MARTIN, AGENTS MONTHLY ISITOIt. June S. 23--tf. Dr. FANT'S COMPOUND CICllONA BIFfERS. TIIIS preparation is particularly recom mended to persons suffering from Billious ness, Constipation and Dyspepsia arising from Indigestion, also, a certain preven tive of GIIILL and FEVER. The addition of certain ingredients has so completely disguised the taste of this Bark as to render this efficacious TONIC palatable. It iscon; posed of the best Vegetable Tonics known to the Medical profession. Prepared only by S. F. FANT, NEWBERRY, S. C. Apr. 20, lG-tf. ORDINANCE TO raise supplies for the year one-thousand eight hundred and seventy, for the Town of Newberrv: SECIoN I. Be it ordained, by the Inten dant and Wardens in Cnuncil assembled, That there shall be raised and paid into the Treasury of the Town, (for the use thereof in current expenditures,) a tax for the sums herein specified, to be paid on or before the lot1h day of July ensuing, and in the manner following, that is to say: Ten cents on every hundred dollars, of the value of all real estate held on the 1st September, 186~9, except such as may be owned as an agricultural interest. Ten cents on every hundred dollars of all sales of goods, wares and merchandise, on personal duties or otherwise. Ten cenits on every hundred dollars, on all sales ot goods and other property, real and pecrsonial, at auction. Fifty cents on every hundred dollars of all gross incomo and profits, derived and resulting from any source in the use, prac tiee or exercise of any office, faculty or pro. fession, emiploy.nent or occupation, embra cing Dentistry and excepting the Clergy. Fifty cents on every hundred dollars, of all gross income of all Daguerreotypists, Anbrotypists, Photographers or otherwise called in similar arts. Fifty cents on every hundred dollars, of all commissions received by Brokers, Fac tors, Auctioneers, Commission Merchants, dealers in exchange, or other persons deal ing in property, real or personal, on com mission. Fifty cents on every hundred dollars of premiums received by insurance agents. Twenty-five cents (on every hundred. dol lars of all rents, dividends, money at inter est, securities and investments over five hundred dollars.. Fifty eents on every hundred dol'ars of all gross income derived from keeping Ho tel or eating house. FSfty cents on every hundred dollars of all gross receipts of Taverns and Bar Rooms, whether such Diar Rooms be connected with a hotel or not. Fifty cents on every hundred dollars of all sales by drovers and dealers of horses and mules b:-ought to the Town. One dollar on every carriage, buggy, wagon, or other vehicle drawn b.y one horse or nule, for 1870. Two dollars on every carriage, buggy, wagon, or other vehicle drawn by two horses or mules, for 1870. Five dollars on every dray, cart, wagon, buggy, or carriage, ruuning for hire, charge or profit, and drawn by one hor-se or mule, for lS70t. Ten dollars on every .iray, cart, or wa gon, running for lurc, charge or profit, and drawn by two borses or munles, for 1870. Twro dollars and fifty cents on every hun dred dollars, of all sales of goods brough t to Town by any person or persons, non residents. SF.C'rlON 2 If any person or persons shall fail or neglect, to make to the Treasurer of the Town, a full and true re turn of his, her or their, taxable property as embraced in section 1st, under tl'i Ordinance, then, and thereupon the Coun ci shall proceed to assess the amount of said taxable property, and such assessment shall be tdeemed and taken to. be the true return thereof: provided that, any such person or persons, so in default, who shall contest or object to the correctness of such assessment, may appeal to the Council, to be allowed to substitute instead thereof, the true and full return. SEc'-loN 3. If any person or persons shall, by neglect, refusal or otherwise, seek to evade or delay the payment of his, her or their taxes, as contained in section 1st, un der this Ordinance, such person or persons so in default, n,ay be double taxed, as th. Cuncil in it. thecretion shall determine:, and if after failure to pay the same, withi:, the period of ten days, execution shall issue and lodge with the sheriff of the District, against such person, or persons, so in de fault : provided, however, that any person or persons feeling aggrieved, and for good cause, may appeal to the Council for relief, ;in mitigation of the additional, tai or penamh. SECrzog 4. That all OrdinanCes, and parts of Ordinances, repugnant hereto, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Done and ratified in Council assembled, and -W given-un.der my hand and the seal of -the Town Co'ncil, this the seventh day ~of June, A: D.; one thousand eight hun dred and seventy. TIIOS. M. PAYSINGER, Intendant. W. G. Pxaasos, Clerk of Council. STREET DUTY. ALL persons liable to STREET DUT1Y may procure an exemption by payment of 1, to the Clerk of the Town, on or before the twentieth of June, inst. W. G. PETERSON, Clerk of Council. P. W. &R. S. CHICK (At Stewart's Corner.) HAVE a fall Stock of Goods bonvht for CASH, which they offer to sell LOW FOR CASE. Co:sisti:g of A ige and varied assortment of Ladies' Dress and Fancy Goods of latest style. Notions of many and choice descriptions. Gentlemen's and Boy's Spring and Sum mer Cassimeres. Large lot of Men's and Boy's Hats at very small profit. Heavy stock of Bleached and Lnblcached iomesnuns and Striped Plaids. Good stock of Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys. A nice lot of Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Shoes, of Moore, Larrabee & Co., warranted. Tea, abundant and good. Factory Yarn by the wholesale'and retail equal to any Yarn made in the State. Fine lot of Cutlery, Tools, Locks, and Hardware generally. Saddles, Uarness, Brid!es, Whips, Sc. Guns and Pistols. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses. Plain and ?.nycv Soaps, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda and Starch. Large lot of Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Sevthe Blades and Nails. Tobacco and Segars. Landreth's Seeds of various kinds. Stationery, Ilk. Pens, Pencils, &c. Kerosene and Turpentine. Limte. They propose to sell goods to the satis fiction of all who will patronizc them At Low Rates and short Profits For Cash. Call and examine their Stock and judge for yourselves. They are also Agents for Jacob B. Rit ter's celebrated i:nproved old Anchor 13.and Bolting Cloth. P. W. CHICK. R. S. CHICK. Apr. 20,1 It-tf. TilE 1870 BEIJIJIE Has Worked Wonders IN TilE PRICE OF DRY GOODS. W. T. TARRANT Having just returned trom the Northern markets with a select Spring and Summer Stock of Goods, bought with care and at re duced prices, is now prepared to sell at LOW FIGURES, In all the following lines: * Dress Goods, Of every variety, such as Silks, Grenadines, Poplins, Japanese Cloths, LeHos, B'ert"ges, Delaines, 3luslins, Black and White Alpac cas, and a full assortment of Dress Trim mings. CALICOES, WHITE GOODS, OSNABLRGS, HOMESPUNS, and DRILLS. Another large lot of those splendid ribbed HOSE for 12ic. HOSIERY and Gloves of every variety. A fine Lot of CROCKERY and TABLE CUTLERY. Also, HOOP SKIRTS. JEANS, Cuttonades, Linens, Gassimers, Doe Skins, Broadcloths, together with an elegant lot of HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLO THING, &C. OIL SILK and NURSERY CLOTH. Also a choice stock of G-rooeries, .SaddlCry, Buggy & Wagon Harness: SoL.E, t'PPER, HARNEss AND WILANG LEA ATHER, In great variety, and a general stock of all kinds of Notions, All of which in quality, variety and prices, will enable me to compete with any htouse this side of Mason and Dixon's line. Deeply gratef ul for past liberal patronage, I respectfully solicit an examination of :ny large stock, and guarantee satisfactory prices. W. T. TARRANT. A pr. 6, .t4-tf. In Common Pleas-Newberry, South Cr.ro lina.-Mayes & Martin and others, vs. The Bank of Newberry, S. C. BY an order of his Honor, T. 0. P. Ver non, Judge of the Court of Gommon Pleas for the Seventh Circuit, passed in the above stated case, dated 20th day of May, 1870, all sueing creditors of the Bank of Newber ry, South Carolina, are enjoined from the further prosecution of their respective suits and they and all other creditors are required to render their demands at the office of the Ua.nk of New berry, S. C., at Newberry, in the State of South Carolina, for payment, on or before the first day of December next, and if not paid when so presented, then to render them within the time specified above before Thos. M. Lake, special referen, to be established before him according to law. TlHOS. M. L AKE, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas. For Newberry County, S. C. May 25, 21--tf. Greenville & Columbia Railroad. G ENER~AL SUPER1NTENDENTS OFFICE, Cozatu,~ S. C., May 24, 1870. ON SUNDAY next, the 29th instant, and until further notice, this Company will run a .Sunday train for Passengers between Columbia and Helena, stopping at all stations, as follows: Leave Columbia at.....................-. v.00 a m Arrive at Helena...................-.. ..1 40 a im RTURNINoG. Leave Hfelena at....................... 20 p mn Arrive at Columbia...............7.00 p mn JTOHN H. MORE, Gien'l Sup't. ,June 1. 22-tf CREAK! AT~ LOUIS_SHODAIR'S Ju,ie 1, 22=-f THRESHING. The undesigned respeetfully informs the citizens of Newberry County that he will start a steam thresher on or about the 15th inst. All persons having wheat and other smail-grains to thresh, will please address me at Newberrv C. H., care B. J. Ramage, Esq. D. R. ELKIN. June 8, 23-1mo. AT TENTION. NOTICE is hereby given that I appoint ALBERT T. COOK, Superintendent of the Stove and Tin department connected- with the Carolina Manufacturing Company Shops. It affords me gi-eat pleasure to present this young man to the public : he is worthy of patronage ; a good workmtan,'energetic and prompt to fulfill all engagments. Our rule is to do good work, with- the best; of ma a,rial,.at moderate prices; H u E S RY H.I BLE3.:SE, Pres't, R. MOOMN & CO., Are Now Receiving A COMPLETE STOCK OF Plantation and FAMILYGROCERIES Which have been selected and BOUGHT WITH GREAT CARE; and th!rk they can make it the interest of parties desiring such Goods, to examine their stock before they make theit purchases. They are prepared to purchase all kinds of produce at market rates, and also to make advances on cotton, when parties prefer to ship to other markets. Sep. 29 38 tf. Upham's Antidote for Tobacco. For sale at McINTOSH'S Drug House. Mar. 23. 12-tf. Flour, Cheap Flour. 100 Bbls of Fam ily Flour on hand, at from $7 to $9 per barrel. For sale by W. H. WEBB. Jan. 12 2 tf. DR. E. C. JONES, SURGEON DENTIST, NEWBERRY, S. C. Rooms over Mr. Mower's store, and in front of Herald office. I take pleasure in informing my friends and the public generally, that my dental rooms are now open, and that I am pre pared to execute all work in my profession in the most approved manner. I an determined to devote my entire time and energy to my profession. Jan. 12 2 tt: STOVES, TINURE, &C., Cheap as the Cheapest, GOOD AS THE BEST. THE subscriber would inform his friends and the public generally, that he will fur nish them with all articles in his line of the best quality at the LOWEST PRICES. Roofinig and Guiterinig, As well as all other 4gB WOBX, Will be done in the best and most approved styles at the lowest rates. Call and examine goods and prices and satisfy yourselves. W. T. WRIGHT. A pr. 20, 1 G--tf. NEWS ITEMS. WRIGIIT & COPPOCK have now in store their SPRING~ STOCK of Mens', Youths' and Boys Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Complete in every line as usual, carefully selected under the most favorable circunm stances. Our stock is larger, and includes a greater variety, than ever before, among which are several entirely new and very pretty styles of goods. We cannot enume rate, but a few minutes examination will convince anyvone that we keep the largest and most handsome stock in Newberry, and that we are not to be UNDERSOLD by any retail Clothing House, North or South. NOTICE. We intend to keep a table of assorted lothing, which will be sold at cost or less, among which are many rare bargains. Respectfully, WRIGHT & COPPOCK. Boots and Shoes. Fine Calf hand sewed dress Boots, Shoes & Gaiters " " "D'ble sole w. p " " " " Seal Skin a - " " """ " Kip hand Pgd 4 [leavy Ditchers "" " " from 9 to 13" Best D'ble -Sole Pegged Brogans for 3.en & Boys. al at WRI'8T &COPPOCK's. Oct 6 30 t. Barber .Shop. I can be fonred next to Messrs. Smith & Christian's, where I will shave, shampoo, and cut gentlemen's hair, neatly and cheaply. May 11, 19--tf. AARON TILMAN. CAROLINA M1NIF1CTFRI II0MP'N The Carolina Manufacturing Company nvi'es the Ladies to their stock of FANCY, WARES. Ples call and examine them. No charge for looking. MERCHANTS Who wish to purchase Tin Wares at WHOLESALE are invited to call, as prices tre put down at such figures as will afford arge profits. PT.ANTERS - All of your wants can be supplied at me iutm and moderate prices. To the Retail Trade. Our RETAIL SAMPLES are COMPLETE, nd offered at LIVING PRICES. Jobbing Department. Strict attention paid to roofing, gutter ng, repairing ot stoves, making stove pip ng, repairing tin ware, &c. STOVES. Our Stock of Stoves are.comtplete, of the, best, and prices low. .April 27, 17-tf. CIITT,REN'S SHOES. WE have just received a sma1n lot of oi jldren's Goat and Kid BO0TEES. ABRAMS, GRTFFIN & HRRGROVE. Oj & N Next to McFall & Pool's. Respectfully inform their friends and patrons that their stock of GROCERIES and FAMLY SUPPLIES is now full and complete, and to which they beg to call at tention. A general fine of f FAMILY GB OCEBIES Always on hand, such as Sug:ars, Coffees, Teas, Rice, Flour, Meal, Grist. Hams. (a fine brand.) Bacon. Lard, Pickled Purk. Mackerel. Molasses. Cheese. Caudlep. Soap, Pickles. Soda. Lye. Raisins. Crackers, all kinds, Canned Oysters. Sardines and Fruits. etc.. etc. Together with Segars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Powder and Shot. Yarns, Kerosine OIL, etc.; etc. Besides a choice ascortm:ent of Confectioneries. Thankful for the very liberal pa tronage bestowed, a continuance is de sired, with the pro:nise that no pains will be spared to render satisfaction and please the most fastidious. HOUSEALL & JONES. Mar. 30, 13-1y. IHRKET DOWi. Great Reduction in Prices. IN consequence of the decline in Cottou, and more especially the large STOCK of GOODS of all kinds that I have on hand. I offer from this day my entire Stock at greatly reduced PRICES. The Stock consisis in part of a full sup ply of GROCERIES, Such as CORN. FLOUR. BACON. LARD. MOLASSES, SYRUJP. COFFEE. SUGAR, TOBACCO. Also a full Stoct of' DRY GOODS Of all descriptions. Notions of all kinds, togethee with a large assortment of HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, GUNS, PISTOLS, POWDER, SHOT, NAILS. CROCKERY. GLASS-WARE, LAMPS, LAMP GLASSES, OiL, . CLOCKS. and many other goods too nnmerous to mention, generally kept in a well assorted Store. A small supply of Dickson's Cotton Seed. M. FOOT. Mar. 16, 11-tf. Henry's Constitution Renovator. For sale at MelNTOSH'S Drug House. Mar. 23. 12-if. Tutt's Golden Eagle Bitters. For sale at MclNTOSH'S Drug House. Rison's Antidote for Drunkenness. For sale -it McINTOSH'S Drug House. Mar. 23, 12-tf. 1870, SUMIR 1870: WE 'beg leave to announce to our friend.s. customers -and the pleasant public generally, that we have just re ceived a choice l>t of handsome and CIEAP ORY OO0D0 Such as PRINTS, POPLINS, JAPANESE, &c A first class stock of Ladies' Con. Gaiters, Last. Bals., goat and kid Bootees, Misses' and Children's Gai ters, Bootees, &c., and a fine lot of pegged work, such as Mens' Gaiters. Bals., Jersey Ties; worn's Bal's., all of which we guarantee. asrWe have on hand a Iot of ' And in order to close them out, will sell them at and below NEW YORK COST. Give us a call and see if we don't mean just what we say. M. BARRE & SOlt June 8, 2.3-tf-. KOSKEOs For sale at McINToSH'S Drug House. Ma 92. 19...+. WAtNIKI FIllT1lZJf11. The experiments ei he past year have contirmed those of fe.ner years, and estab lished beyond all controversy, the great merit of this South Caroriaa Fertilizer. The undersigned are the Agents at'ewbe: ry, and will furni-h any quantity neeeded by the planters of this section. They also bare a great number of small pamph!ets containing testimonials of many of the best planters of this and adjoining States, as to its fertilizing properties, which they will dis:ri9ate gratis. Rt. 3OORMAN & CO. Jan 19 3 tf. MILLIERlY, MILLINERY, AT D. MOWER'S. REMEMBER. THE PLACE. My Spring Millinery Goods, wIich irere .purchlased since the recent heoy decline, are now being received. Counsisting of all the late styles of Bonnets, Ribbons and Hats, t A.ong which are the Alpine, Prin cess. Suez and Augustine, also that ,uperb new style Sun Hat which will be worn by everybody. A general in vitation is exteuded to the community to call and examine and secure a good style article at a LOW PRICE. Apr. 6, 14-tf. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS. Now being received a complete Stock of Dry, Fancy a n d Dress Goods. ALSO, GROCERIES,l B8TS AND SHOES. HLATS, AND IROJKERY-WARE.. -All of which will be sold LOW FOR CASH By D. MOWER. A pr. 6, 14-tf. SOLEt HR Russet, Upper and Whang L E.4 TIl ER, On hand and for s:le by D. MOWER, A pr. 6, 14-tf. Tutt's Vegetable ,Liver Pill, Cures diseases of the Liver and -Sto,tanch. Tutt's Expectorant, A pleasant eure for Coughs, Colds. &c. Tutt's Sarsaparilla, and Queen's Delight. The great Alterative and Blood Purifier. Tutt's Improved Ea.ir Dye, Warranted the best dye in use. These stan dard preparations are for sale by D)ruggists everywhere. Bradfields Female Reg ulator. For sale at' McINTOSIPS Drug House. Mar. 23. 12-tf. Simmons' Liver Invig orator. For sale at McINTOSII'S Drug Housc. Mar. 23. 12-tf. Saw's Cotton Seed Huller. BRODIE & 00. Factors and Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON, S. C. A pr. 6, -7-14-17. 2000 Bushels Corn, On hand and to arrife, 2000 bushels prime white Mfaryland Corn, at $1.50 per bushel, sackc included. W. H. WEBB. Dec. 29 52 if. Mar 30, 13-3m EUREKI 111ff AGAII!! lave just returned with a arge and carefully selected stock of Seasonable Goods, ro which we are Pon stantly Addi, ind having purchased the ame At Very Low PRICESI I ire now prepared to offer to he Ladies bargains, Just hink of it ! 12 yards good Oalico for One Dollar 10 yards Very Best Jalico for One Dolar. Our Dress Goods are the vonder of all beholders, but. iotwithstanding,their beauty s less strange than their re narkable Cheapness!! THE GOOD TIME EIAS OOMEM GOLD IS DOWN,. i are (lOi$t At SINGLETON'S. We Buy Che-p FOR CASH, 1iid Sell For Ith. SINGLETOL CLOTIN{E FOR TH EW:ILLl@W, ~ULL SUITS worth $10;-at. the.i ry low figure of $5. pring and Summer Cothing:of- tiWe IXIOIMilL LOW PR I CES, AT SINGLETON'8!, SOUTHERN~ We make BOOTS and SRE # peciality, and eiiim that we hfal ARLGEST STOK of this fal of STORE IN NEWVAlkki~ Our North Carolina Shoes #e *af aut to be free from all thos- shdy ricks of od aA pet and *e i rn made artides miUaFOR il 86MT# ~V patronize HIOME MANUF&f We also i