The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, January 19, 1870, Image 4

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' . a Q.... Y o . " i f , no a' t t btl#) d ltoot di dhe h to:-hobng -nrtutdlns atbout A mD n c411o iltto a, pritnting ollico 'to b6g ia r, , " B,ocMspo,"" sa[d ho "we bk dthoiwulgt ppers y ry tuci, bt , gor ro al too stingy to, tako no. The 8utitpr NowA. gots off the follow. ing "The"i nbors' o, tlh dying year Septotibty, Novornor and December." A OtnctnnAll cltor has been aught y .not. It was a brunette, And ie ites it. d,I1ln is snid to be overrun 'r1w rats. i oopnanschap ought to be ittfgntp,d of this. FALL OPEMIG AT J1.1 & a IL I I D, COLUMBIA, S. C. We have j'u't receired!, :i i ha vu ren: for exatnination, The Largest ani Most Attra,tvei Stock rhat it ta4 ecer been o' r to exhibit ;'conlsis;ing- of cnrre' g ert" ing;to a FIlS-Li S Dry Goods Estab lishiient, ALSO Ci arpeti1g, Oil Cloths, W'indcow Shadtces, Cornices, &C., &Cc. Our tk 4 so extensive 3til vatried thint tis,iniossib le io etulnerute. We there. fore I:vite our f, irnrui, 1t :1l1 in wnrlt of good unit cheapl ,'ol.., to eni reml see for thernselves. W. y tlin,tee sAlisfte'tion nls to style, gunlity 11w(l pIll e. .. II. & M. 1. KINARD. Utc. 2 . 41tf. ...THE 31-13310THl BOOT, SHIOE ANI HAiT HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 18.8. ALEX I ND EI SM Y TilE, W IiOI.ts,t.K & iIT.t*I. iv Boots, Shoes and Hats, WFestSi ?e 11,ai ired-...('olmbia 1O 1110A., COLUMBIA, S. 0. Oct. 27-1? 3mluo. C. Fs' JACKSON'S- -- DRI' (iOO1)S IIOESE, .Main street, Cuuimn111, S. C. GOOdis S01( at NewI York Pr'ices. A r.x(i Agent for' thle Celebrated Oct. 27 42 3mios. Christmas and New Year PRESENTS. I. SULZBACHER, PItAIA, WATChMAKER AND .JEWELER, ColIumbin lolol lIow, MIIAIN STIlFET, CO)I:M n A, .'. c. ot YT( Ii. l .1((( .J, r Ii1 IY $IL. T '(i,8, I.AN('Y A ITICI.IM etc. ti . i ' . n lurge oprIte t nr 1nlI and PO(CKtE r (UTII,EIIY ;i'iibo K(nl-c of solid steel, siver-gslated--sn,el hinlg ne0W. ApOrIitnen can obatain th very beatI of Ammniu litiot D lixon's IIog skin $hot andu P'owder ( CO I (al nud exanutne. vreyo t)eo. 1540 It'. LCHAPjNAOD, Cor. of Meetilng & WVentworthi St s. AIa~O 20 Ifay no SL., C'harlest on, S. C. CONSTPA NTTrN On handi( the ]EST1 VAltJETY in thin City, which wO offer L~OW FOR~ CASH[. Children's Carriages, Of all Style.S and1( at low Pice. ]IARNESS (of all kinds, ani of JBest. Qualit.y. A(IENOY EOR rTitE Passaic Spring Works. A Lrgo lot, of CJarriago and (Car Springs ahv ays on hand. f$ov. a 48 8m '1~ SUD3S0RUli2L has cnatntly or. a94qooortn ohabovenippioved ; . ~gL ~aIctef ~atterns, t%esides coftina 01 fl1*~F~irkC,'i of wvlhih he Is prepared to h'i lit vety re1a9iiable rates, -wih pi'nptnoss and desiate Pjoas dcelrtus of htavtng ennen sent by wa*6ill11'1 have thoem SCnt free of cebargo. A Hearso is always on hand and wilt be fnhshel~l at the ratoef $f10 pea day. se~bp e0 Jefrty ek for a e nttn to, of thi e, o4 aOsurOs. the .publlo that *] oe ldoI)I ~rtwill beospared to r oder -- the tt e osat etion1. . C. OHlAPNid - 0wSljthe1 holo. k npou, find will nfntiiroii thiewholc i I1om 11dw until nIer .Clihistnas. He0 will tl:o a1unply SNT'PA CL/A U8, and ill tho Iadlies, GOe. tlinen hilnd Children, with tlio followilg articles and miuy. others not herd tacu. French and Amecrln Oandie9, Fruita, in Cans-Pletthec:, P'ino Apptk and Strawb"terry, naso Apples, Oralnpos, Lemons, Ittisins,i s, Currants and Citron. NIl'S-Cocoanut Almonds, Flbert-, Engi:ish Wah lltt, I'ecanl, Ilrlzil Nuts, Chesnnts and I'lnders. Ovsters in one and two lb can.. Lobster, S.lmnni aned Tomlatos:, Sardine. M1ackarel and Codit-h. Pickles in all ized j.1r., Iirandt Penche-s. nd'J olt'r Prezerres and Jellic' of nll Flovours. 8;iecs-Alpi"ice, Ginger, Clover , Niutnwrs, M-c", Pel" er, a .1irrd. Pepper Saucca, T'ln:o o ,Worce'er. shire .tuce a1l I.01 s.u e, }f..r ..i; .3,, 1Ver:n.em:, (1:ir,. Ilil .'noa Sve rt ed-i k fist str;cs,Sod:r M .id Se,h1, Cl ,e :,.'t: .1" fi ezk Ca1.c re,. ~ "trs 1{,:<i , Fluir. tm l, : .eec and J;t'UE f 0-' l" , 2.1=" 1? n :: r-11,j 0 i . LOOK OUT FOR YOUR MEALS ~~A T griu A XII Chleston S C., Mnafaciner' of Doors, tashes Bfr.Ids. . COMPLIE 1R FAC00ROIY mi the Month% 1111 .t., n,4441 keeping a::wny; On hand n lrI 11n d m1111 't o pl em1 . !l,' ,tosk entock of DOORSU, SASI IES, ilLiN D)S Sash Door4, l:o:e t)rs, 8tntters, Moldlings, &c., &c. turer,, pries N. 1 2 0trict attenton pahl to shipping In Baker & Confectioner, MAI N STREET, NowherIy, P. C. Irl eso' n l i iS h.,i in nvctt r to aooh pe, 1 easney, . i i rn141111'1Nt to cn bake 441 lu e vervihino in h'4i. l4Vine at 44he' 1hortet. posbe 'oic 1su 1h as 4$414 gttiiL1.4 ) 44 i .!l OS If. (ry, c .'!a.<shre with and witour. Go fla 0 ps, (:ang hepid, bestowed,t RltS! 1 llet. '1 191 Nohg (,.H, . (n141t1 this cninnnnity that, hain u41,TINut I)vd neessary lI arrange es, e will be,23le 'Jo 2rn i 'IIEyMUUL Glt nass,tri*It I and Blid,s11044.Ii AtcVery MOvd o eatmRat.,s!!7 Forr 1,as,h0! o fEr loso l '.,ni$0,000 Im I ;N011Pte011TE45n .. r .. . o. . teg l -E I NS O1F4DL[bSofiln t Cash5 tlnco, (27overa TEN tMewLLd. ed orPey i4Tl.or'ler 1807iii, It2,230v, Apivaionds t ohler, The etie pOro,l irsar pretun to the Crinare thus cay Pollees o ,m XALF.SURA CNIO thirten yers, o o oeIi went . Nstt,i the Ci 1 v1 Tof NowAgYorI , ovwerrSEV ENTEN !LiFS o lira GilEG~.PALEt&0. - r JKins ian's~ C~I ()Uttt 10 11hg,uX1i0;'l n0o Su) W1 it lngi poon Af MA ACTUR~Q 1as taitgh, tit lnL Candy man u!notured f'romn lower gradesrthan C]USHEJD .SUGYAII, Will: Mot (tand.otr olimtito and we %varrant our Candy to be manttfhctured purely from CR US1I)ED SUGA . No charge for boxes. A large discount if cash is sett before shipment. KINSMAN BROS., '79 King Street, charle'ston, S . :irRei-stered L.etters and Po.t Otd'-e Money Orders can be sent at our risk. Oct. 21) 40 Gm. Grover & Baker's FBI 1 IR ST P RF,3 IU 1 Uh iis :r. i :tl .%': l l zhu Illlailitw i' : : tv l' t, 't , ir .it P:t ris urq lt' flrAIlr:r tiVt' nui,,X Ht.. 1z r'crl ~SA N'S B ROS., "'' -r Sottt Cu'iitt. ara . . .ti t '.'v cn 1 xsetr i "ar .th r. 4ver. .tUt ukeion,II andl that 11:re i .smO - :iitu :: C nt ' ' . i?r 'i' :,' w t sctd d tl.s op " itt the 'o .:'c he .1 l:ti '><iat. ie =m:. he::. -. It vtfIl :ir :bein. <nrr care litr .t'umet. t t :eriptio . will Troi X Y. .n o - 37 h.s mt-i.e . u.s , h : 1 .st :e. :mtn g, Y - ea.: ddr . 7z DR. SHALLEN,BERCER'S Fever and Ague ANTTT'OTE' AIwns- $topa the Chills. This Mdioino has be^.n b.,foro tho Pub lio fiftcon years, and is stiil, ahead of all othor known remedies. Itdots not purgo, loo not, siken tho ntomaelhC i porfectly . .o.,APY 41oso and uindm- ni otaun atancoa, an is the only Medici410 that wil C U R E' -IVMERD IA E Y and pormianion'y overy form, of Forer and .Aguo, bocan'!9 it is a perfbob Anti.. E!fto to Mlarian$ ) S3old by all 'udsn a LORILLARD'S - . excellont Smoking~ Tohneico wheiarever intIro haced ii isuniveorsatlly admired. It is pnt up Ini han,dsmo mn1lltttin s, in whicli orders ror' Mcerschaun ilpes are daily packed. LORILLARDf'S j |closedl by till Yacht C1u b I wo" cns""e ia Smokig Toacco~ nl the '"finest of Smokng obaco ,nIl;" it is made ofthe hicesIt)( )t Jieaf grown; it is anthi-nervonms In Its e'iTeets, as the Nicotine has been ex trneted; it leaves no0 disagreeabjlo taste after smiokinir ;It is very umid, ligh t haI color aund weicgt, hentce one1 ponsd wvill tat its long as I of' ordina;ry toimeco. In th is birai we nilso pnck orders ever,v tey f'or irst qnalIty Meer cthatutm ii 'ipest. 11ry it andit con vinco yonri <eives It is all1 it claIms to beC, "'lItE FJIET ')1 ALL,. LORJL LARD'8 'I. T hi band of O.ENTURYl' I "*t C"t chow Chewingingltobac.o hans Chewng obaco. no eqnni or sn. wmeri o anywhere, it is without donig the lLest choiniig tobacco in tihe Country. LORILLARD'S j have now been S NU FF S ItelicTd"a*ts 'ver,110 yeanrs, toml still acknowledgeud "the tt' whereCver n-, If your storlck(eper dotes not have theseoar ieles for- snie, aisk thim to get them; they are old( by resp)ectale jobbers almost every Circular of prices tforw~ardecd on appligtion. P. LORILLARD, Now York. Decc. 8, 4i8-flm. TO Til w oiti t INGOASS-We are now replaredl to furniishi all classes with coIti.t ema. toymient at home, the whtole of the time or for o a miire momenrtsOia. hiusiness no0w light and1( rlOtitbt)I. P'ersons ofeither sex aly earn from 'c. taC o 6 r e'venhor, andu aroortional sum by aroth ittteiy whole ihne to tebusiness. boys ndt gir learn nearly nsenmuch as men. That ni 'ho see this may scand their addresa, alnt St the t>nsiness , wo mnake this unt paraleled of ar: 'o o nh as are not welh at itfieti, we will sende I to pny tihr the trouble of wvriting. Fuil par culurs, a vnlinable eample, which ill do to com iance work on, and a cops) of' '"IThe' P'eope'u .iternry (Compunlon"-one of the largest sam best Idmily news tjpera pulshecd-all sent free a 11d1. iteader. If yon wanst permnanent protab vork, add res E.I- C. AU,i,N & ('0, Uout.trA, Wanted. I will bny3 Gtrenville and Cohnntmbla 11ini1 ita:l Stoc'k. In my absence persons wishing to sell, wdll call on Messrs. (larwilo & McCanugbrin, nr Silas Johingtono. Jan 5 1iff J E iTR ESTAIBLISIIED) I850, IMP'ORTERS1 rd DEPALERSi IX NOTIONS, 1AN0Y GOODS, I10OSIB1W, OLOVL4 &O. 308 W. ialtimore Street, Detwoon Iowad and Liber... The Clieayet is the Best Having sold many of these stores in the last three" year, an.d every one without exception having given en. tire satisf.action, it is with renewed p wIe.nre 1nl confidenee that I again brine it te publie notice. The weigh;, the ctpaetness the tie ltteriaI ef which it is made, the beautiful .ppe:ar'anetl which it pee. seut1tS rtl quit,tness of its bakin:r, ;te "auidity sint wh't. it boiL the clet:lliness ot its boiliug arrange nn'u:s, the e'av n naucler in thich the holes o0 the tip are changed It time a7;llest to thu Itergetst, :o that Oil 1.he s1::1.lest. sVve:&, eveU ln old tisititii'eli iitler pt1. if 1.01 che ese. rho file? lter gatte on whiel the ToUtr lirs, t le econson V n ith i hiit t $1'" tie;. Itt eilIess with wihich t is 'ept lli l, miakes it Lte best, co In e te 3'i rllst di,rble st'i Vt) d '.li> ''i,t'. nt r," { heep o n 1 t y v rmut ')t , : t scer a;. ' ltit d tit nut keep n1 1 :t1m l 'Ikt) rlil:I mlV int lr t"4 : ICI l .t (t?lnt'Iln to my1 AI- :nttiri, +luelt +i %ill - I t 'l' i low tig't s nIue-' work1m1n m - rr ' 1\' . 'a t yerience, yout aull itrU I e '. Mtrchanits es e I Ii: a 1ei) to examlinee n r es :c z Ie"it aml satistleal :Ci r ist to thetir ad ta):ge W. L'. WRIGTLL . FARMERS nerense o'ttr :: )ps and Improve x i 1tlti 'I 1 i1, PHCENIX GUANO. inttortetd 'v 'is dimlet trom the Phaenix .luds, Sultil P:acititt e)Ce:tn. Wilcox. Gibbs & Co's. iIPELITED GLN l'r'p:ni It ;r anntlh. Ga., and Char . , whtch hits proved in the soil btll .\Ln re in ulse . FOR SALE BY WILCOX, GIBBS & C( Importers and Dealers in Bi ANDS 99) IAY STl{EET, SAVANNAII, (.. f 1-:AST ii.\Y-ST., t'hlAIlLESroN. S. C 2-11 l;ittAl) STI-FET, A(;US rA, GA. Also, by G. T. SCOTT, Agent, Ncwberry, We also keep Pure No 1. I'EIt'Y'AN GUANO. Ilure I1r't:t \1'' I.INE. l'nro L.\N! 'i.\STERt. Ifor elren ar, or subscotribeo to "Stathern A culturist, iulisheild by~ W. ('. Macmugrph' Co . a i.A tna and Rav itnnah, Ga., at low prico of 25r'. per annt nm. Dec. 1, 47-4lmos. Baugh's Raw Bone Supcr-Phosphate of [JM I nnt ntow receiving my supltdies or this tuo nitd i'lnanters can recly upon01 eftling nn, art tully ny to etlatdatrd nta por aniyois. A -I bot (roun flayseifor authorized Agentis, I will g uiiifi'o, as every cargo so solhi, Js analyzed on ai hl roe, naathew high characlt o1 the mnai flykP- .pl*. N. IIOIISON. Sole Ag't for So. Co.. Nos. I and 2 Altlantic Wharf. Chaurleston,, 8. CItIIE& ~MC.\UGiullIlN Agents r'of. .'ho parfd says orni sa mAde Oct. thij r t'le anunntre and deckdly supe lxlune)tmuel by M1. C. M1. 1Iammiondl, No ulm nure, 887 lbs. Seedl Cottn per acre. 17h bs leruvian Guano, 1828lbs$Ced Cotton li Ilbs. hlgi ' 14S0 lbs Seed Cotton por~ neri INSURE IN TilE LIFE INSURANCE COMPA! PHILADELPHIA. A tLl''N. WII.fLDIN, Presidlent. G EO. K' UG EN T1, VIce-I'resident. JOilN 8. WILQON, Secretary. JOllN L. SIMMS, Actnu Assets, .. ., $2,500,000. Anual income, 1,000,000. FTe American-Is now one of' the Olds Companies in the United States, Charter Thei Amnerienn-IIns $200 of' Asets I every $100) of liabili,ies. 1Phe Amterican-....Never lost a dollar' or ves$tmntgs. The Aimerican-,.Issues~ poliic On A r.1. d surable platns, The un--1jaflak~!es A j.r. policies non .ft The,1 Amoerican---..Pay9 Life Policies to ti nsutireud at tihe age of eighty years. 'Fh Aumeean---lias~ no nnecessariy restri ,tionsj On travel and residence. TIb1 Ameru~icn-D.Ieclatres dividends annni 17 att the cnd of' the first year'. TPhe Ametrea-.Pays all losses prom'ptly. lins~ all tihe tables of rates for Life, I dIoet,t Incomo ProducIng, hietnrr. ' P I'Un, P'remiun- leducing, (Childiren's I (iO"I"?"nt Poliios~, andl grants Annuities 'nloat fatvorale terms. Its rates ar-e le hI. has both the mtuttuai and stook plans. . A tD W I. LL & IJIIEN1'ERI, Gen'I A ge North and 8ounth (arolina. Ollco FI Natianai Itank building, Olharlotte, N. 0, Exc. Gov'. Vanco, Charlotte, N. 0. Ghen. Alexandor, Cohtmnbla, 8. 0. Col. Jas. Gibbs, " 44 "1L. D. Chsilds, " J. NEWTON FOWI,ES, Agent, Newb.erry, 8, (1 (jt'*'Agents Wannted, Liberai arran monlits will bo shiado with men01 who na "I"':s-)l~5 Junei 0 22 by DR. R. S. WHALFr' 8 UR~GEoN DEINTisT, WVOUbi, respectfeeylrinfoturr his friei nnti theo puiMA hgeneralIi that ho can foini is I oint e t NCtruerty, at. all tini prepared nni 'oad'y to Serve thera pro, ionally, at CIt.be5 rn6 oderte ra?t. 140 22, .0-tr' .. . OF~~ VIGIIA it 1 {3 ff .3 t ' +~ It,, out~ ~ ~ OF V RG N A RF.AS$Ns WHY EY} RY O\F. SitotLf 1\SUnK IN Isl- T Hn Y LIF : tsstn.xek CO>M rANY or nr.tctomu V1notxt.t. 1st. It is more LIIlEAI, to the INSU RERS than any other compauy, and will eventually become PURELY MUTUAL and belong to the INSURERS. , t d. It eirenlatea its monev amon gst its le- patrona, who are the insu'rer:,. tions, . the rlentty they are Continnally getting thre benefit of the rapid anenlations of the Company, the money being inveled byv the 1oard of Directors amongst the in ,sitrers. Therefore the insutrers are buihI mng up an institution peculiarly their own and conrihted for Iheir benet. ad. The loans of this conpayv are ts lit eral ias other ompames Who declare divi dtenis at the end of the enneld, third and Sfortnh years, of t this rColp:iuy nt, the end of the first anid every year. Ihereh the thsurer saves several years' interest on his loans by instrin in this Gompany, and he never loses his money itlie pays ip for ONE ,1U Wi 'E YItA1t ; whereas, in 'o0thiier tomnpa. nies, ho has to remain an insurer for se v ettl yearrs, or he loses atll the ioney ihe has tte is ii W rY ie.Prhde t r i- ur'r so - W icrN, yecreta arr . o i I to& Gnerb llalh lui[ LoAN pi', uy. e Dr.Lt v. 1 . iy *ly,~ -icaliA dolllers. .tJuesh Jln t letiRii Ei'i ilstr, o Cou - J-u. . W N T N Tr a u e an e r ar 1. AF. & . C R. I'es. et Wt- Tlt . J .HNN , of Johnsnid nt WMe1). FI. VWEtS,ofWion& owr ele1 imevl Grocers. ca AlWr htIEt O liAY Tr3esurerBucin. urr' . . JHS[N-t, oSuperinteen Adms Ex I A RI Pc EW Y.UhORIS, o MX'no-i & I'tvs, Io hnr Ri ner Gutpu . tot . A. IP Ul'IL, Sliperint endent,i 3 Manchiester 1 ottonMills. Jio lN.Je TLER , Jolhn 11. & John11 Tv!er, of MOSUS 311 If rrIHEU WVhiolesalet Dry Goouds. TIHOMAS S. HALDWI,Cotir eJOI N .GODN Cishiler lanrters' iank. .1R. 1)0WEL[L, Siuper'iintendentis t,. e-tri - iumon Telegraph Comip-mv. --._ A 14EN. C. lROl3Elh'TSON, Cart h fIroker. CUG l' I. ItERRU ING, Whlolesale Griicer. It. L. BfljWN, of' Irown, .Jonesi & C. WVholesale (irneers. YS. 3. IROSENJAL~ U.. o . . oena I ry Goods. .o .&3.J(sittt Equality IWe Insurantce 0o.1 Examfline Ifs Pamphlets before vou hisutre, it ..Is .to youir itrest to io .o yJOIEN A. CIIAP31AN, Dii. .JAS. MOINIlOSII Local Agen C. Examling P'hiianii JSop.22 07' ly. )hstrleston, S. C. er to a ei. Wo wilt keep consti'itty on hrind a n. choiee variet y of line Top anut no To e. Uggies of the latest, and iu.ost, appro'.ed n~. Styles. on Old CarrIages antd Jtutggies renovated wy. and miade to look good 335 new. Special atttenijti given to repaiinig Iine st CIarrilages and Jiuggies whioh is limpior.i i rat to consumters. Rfepuir ug donge in theo best mianner anid In conniectionl with 4our facetor wo areo filling orders for fine Orarrliage, lfi1 110oe%. a way,, Germantowna Pheatonis, Tiop and 110 Tlop Unggles from a first chitss North. ern Factory. Terma cash on delivery, Onr facotory 1is near thie Depot, J. TAYLORl & CO. Ji:ly 21 28 ly. --DR. H. BAER, IIOLESAL4E anId IBETAIL, DR )iUGGIJST 64 131 M EIg'1G TFI"' (Opposito Macrket t,,) CHARLETON, . c'. ly~~ ~ ~ a; 1. C.: +I '. + [, .J fl + " + [ " .' r, t ..,I.w ,i i 1,. + 1; ";cre , +1,f ,1. Jt" ri "r a r ? r&:A# .,y JM "_ {. 1 k . r <![JTE '' 'J y+! ;' SO tri ' it. "' I. ~ ilill t~~~ ~ ~ ~ S '..-.'" ?, -11" _r r'i ." 2'i t i . -q T>f " a hI I i A F ~ T J i-. P ~ m d r m h h s h t~