m.-NEWBVJERY e~tdnesaday Mloring, D)e'r, 13, 1869 Arrival of a Colony of Swedes. An interesting letter friom the lev. l'. pollest, of Pomallai, tales us to give the followitng 11itm t our readers: rin Ii we lenirn thait ho realichi Potlit fia oil TuIsdlilly Inst %itl it colmny of twenty-rour Swede-8, dirret fione thtir .oi ;Ountry. They are ill gool lilorei, toid embrace (our fimillies nd four single mi), id tuiog leml )r fatinerI wngon IIA rt, carpentis ant bri k-makers. Some A, e0 %ju Me aile to pur-clinse Itild, blet Ohey pt-crut- wol k ig 14 yeatr or two it Fervice bverftle legitilig ill i strange cp.t.ry for thielnuselve-A. They were til selected with deIign telin a colony, - W erluve, a-ent ol hmii.n tion inl Swedic1, and I lo neiipa,ud (14i, .ticim to this plhwe. severul ti1 them lave 41VU1e t mjoltyed by Mr. lilaest, %% ho will -thu 11e Ottbl d i cominet. olr peoile that they canlt ke cotton; fiti thete are 41thers yet to be disposed fif. Mr. Fe.r ttve,t le a I 'er ghes on to state,'nnt setitns YVWlY nWxt fall r,s itnly be rc'd, e li f4iller. only having to vt'Vve. $..!5 in ol for t-e1h, tid they. no ill comij diret SClinrlestoll, not tonichiig at New Yokl. u are plealed to know that our Sjoiety t:ii- now ililly 1l1or, j list s I te il p loyer uy n ih, either s rlect e ol f om'i hior exchange in New Volk, or direelh froin Swtedil-, lDeliin6nik U, G 1:min1 ly or k-tngland, 11nd41 fulthei ilIt it is progieo Ilg % liloit ialikin.g 11unch0 ftlss i it it. The Newburr Intnigy:iIion Socety, anld is woillby tmild e.etgeti. pre.ideit, have don tond ar still ig a g<.td ali-r in Jillia dint many i-odn:,:1 tills Ia b.ors into our idu.i. M:ty tile gooil wVork conitillme, Ilntil 11here i. r41111 Jil*r n-1 mlore. and th.e filuitb V1 tailu s-,il be multiplied p ,Allolumidl fol. . w,ve relienlhmer Illright, Ilid wiitt pro plr ly . : 4. 1 we e tl i vI t It-ti 11 to it in tLis coll. necti'llh conmmiltel% wvere appo1(initedl to stolicit 11,.ilipt imul l i na le Mr. (.ii fle-t to ii4ecivIer ftlmt the reiet, heavy ols Hiluistinl by him i t c hurtilig 01 Ilis gil lun.e I.C otheri ,rer1l Ity, ntd atlinve 1111A of he to iit lt s I lel-rlted in.T. is aNy .rtil+1a.1lial Id i eeit anl'ol eid? w%te Iave hietril tal no411', t1ittan 1hilik it lime lial mehil'litg n% itL n llt iat this TiE XTX 'n'r,t:;itY rot ievmberhts ile (1ullowilli litcillelive tm le lit. o ll emittilIs: Ii tmitseenteimest of I'itliO Al(en, (thiateit lii ''Ill ra~i-hircett8 (1,l1111flic eill, Clltal Deili't llde, Milpim a 'te F. E IA-ierih-hlit, - The AN111ivin of' 1,101h'nlrein, "-lV TI.lvks-y H 1pirt, Froml (lilt ilte lt'iv, Till- S titdelnt. Prgrss E- 1111r .\ Pnot., Edlicoil1 W ork - shop, Aatimt t f Seleile, .\i an1l Dis covery h'isces Eni 1'assenor, ()lila Pl'ldil, Imtilorttil Nolltes to lIII l'ublic. F. G VoFs.ix : mid 'ub6lier, chanrlestoll, S. C. Primn .83,50. Tu. Stm-imt Cturiv.%ron ror tcin her. ilrcay re-eivii. Ti iterling pup cOmlihllpe ft be0 at 1ient faVOIit#- %% 11.h 01ur 1 ir Mero. Ti,e conments or tie piestnt t it inumhet kt VetY inelestiog. We revo ttimendaitin -a.i.itr to out remders ta a im. er wthA th~' r por I i t tamirivtd lt thir itieaiv W itu lituaii Wil'ttIer. :I hiw te ite. reid, i,i 1, Oittnie i p i il..ht tructie - stYd iterethn~ ma ter. Is ilmrm tiel i e m it1 p~ared ithr, tut o.iatis tmace ai get voai * grepily I ediutced pie, I ere enn'i h'ui ino i x (ttse wthiatverfo tnt sihittihinig. See spe - cl Irains uti'ur tll:otbil hitml, SPETt:ats' Mu isic.t. MIOS-ri.iv. -Wi tne k nowled.gn lih e reiptt or iih:s vi hu t i tilmi 5? leal maigrzitt or i l-cetniair lTe piiesei N~o conmlins nto less thanii thliriy-stevent p.: of chotice muic o outeen eanm i ,iecesli vear, andi publlished by J. I,. 'ter.,, &a b$roadwiy, N. Y. - SN.IALI. FatiIT Ii .Contn:ent At (: rrrita.: tiAtiJ)$.t. - We tire to reeipit. of' til va i I Itabtle lit i'limunthlymI gi taet, e,lalue I ,y .\. .\1 Imiridy, (sttnees(or tat I 'tnty & Joihnmsoni) (I P 'i.alrtn, N. Y. It conain iim hIle mto i prt:~ * ever suwt, and .-honhilibe in iihe hant? oif v' }w alimwo hi is a utrdenit iren at rliid Sijunr Ilho pice ist ly 50'~3 cenits it yiitr. Setiti slitim offer to ilhio getilitg tup club. We' totir anyt) perMuil gettinag itp ni elut) t'aix -his tol iPU.lnil &ie lllt leSoth it-l,jt fro1., als tindouit auiiei vulnualilitIiiwork maed iti plttt einri grow ail kiitds of sanail iriti I'rlee onlyt 10 cnts. The "illonieC Jourinatl" by Moris, Phiilips Co , Nio. 3 l'ark I'ince. N. Y,., t isi ne or best li'e nry anmd tjociety plii tis in .morile . Ttu hSlt tt ofThe lianme .lou rn.a t i s weI tertining linperi itf LIittre, A, I- matda So eoj for .Anwrietan htntes, that .sliit pirotiit the flreidei those pletisutres, senititimettts uti manucttlen wh,'titeh miiske hmie thel trUg~ lilen tbe heart, rnit iilim mor than~ eit', ii eertqe.ib~ l, ANIs IIAI 1.1:. -TIwo Whilt Itein, ,Iuseph Birock 11m14 .1. 1'. .linkIlus, were( III re'ttil I:Isl wet-k 1"'.1evessoly to thebnin DA'lr..b.vi, ginl houvo., an111 brought to to Vn . SlIsCqIenlly tey11 were Imilel fit (the siml oiM0 each, to 1appear to tliier whell Calledl uponl. I''r.it iooz .-401 -.;oud btili i'ems W.1% salic Lov vy, )ecetbor, 1809. All tho,lliqustry oftie city, at tit$s Bensonl, seem to deblge lloh prutionlll of beautilfi .or tiso(Ulmricoles fur chiritu Illmsenaq. litoligb ub, vimong theo 014i ye ai gtetit Clili itt the etliqttott of 41l. day pirfetts. Wint We word pinno,It, Wts not sti st\bte to give i,re9 In bhe mal:er' of ,Ja 1'.I~; Kanni, aof N etwlI rry~ Counaimty-Itlikr l'e:k n1 aor tit' 'a ant.al a Dl.ehaarse ini 15. itiitew. Ell tE tnm F D.?,~ Tha dhe.aing han liari on I, I5 hb, mth I. ,1imuary', A. 1., 1.970, ,at "-'da an CuilIhi li i in l'Jmir!eseona, S. U.;soil ti di all t 'r .a' 0S. l e .. iii' idm ihmkatrnpt imppea .o aId atimet andim p Iinc,,.mtnI lhowt en, If a they'enn, wh. lih laer of t time l'etitio shndntbe gr,inmal, Aol.11h i th 21 a 31 mie. ing of C:ediiora of' sati- inikrnpt a Iltgiter of' ii 3 1 C'amgrsi'oaI i )striie'*, H d oni the Sta day) of Jl.aunnray , A. 1)., 1870, lIy (Oreler of the: Cour't, Ilhe' 9 h idait of' D) \. I), 1839. )!A N!EL II ( )ltl.IIE( 'K, Cl ~erk of the litr'ict C onrr of the 1'. 5. De)ae. 1.5, .i-3t. For Sothi Caraolit 8. In the District Courit of i - I' NITE ED STATECS, fori the 1Distict (.f 5So 5, C.;arolinm:'. Ini Ite 11. I1. KInaard, limkrt in llainrupaey. [is liurlaant to an or,k.re of salb, to men dhI eid in the abiovei' c:ase, by thei 'ton. Oeo a 5. 1 iyn, .1 li of'tmi the Uitedl States 1)1st . ('ourLt for thle Di)strIet of Soth ariolina,Ii axposa f'orsih, at public ainetlon, at Newhi n' Courtt lonse, on Alondlay the 20thi daay lie D'ecembera, 18O0. att 12 o)''clock l.: d.' of saId Il:niukrnpt-cosistinig Ir' part of is, I ninni I, 2 hiorses, iii S3overal old Car'riages andc lit e gios, ''Ono wagon, dl. Ono Ir'on Safea, at, Ono obt Satddle, ono Clockc, er Ono old D1 esk, Corn Cr'usher, S- Lot old i[bd's, &c., &c. 'all L. Fi. *IOINSTO('N, 11. 5. Mlialhi hi A.4'. P'IFElI, Dep. U'. S. 51. and Del)ap. tO, in Iihkruiptcy3. Lin l>ee. 15 10 1it. $1,OOOReward. li.x-:-viv )narAtao#w ill (iaoaiii, Dlecembeitr 10,' Id conmuanliuitand to tiIs IDepnraatmentm , 11hnt isa, n iroelous itmraler' wits commiitltecd on udnit ghit' f lhe 7a h ot Ih-embehr' hlast, 0n b)ody'of SAsMI'ELII. l)tNW(Oh)Y,iat 5 inlberry, niear the Greenville ntI (Coinni li'linilrtoail Dipot, by3 ptrsn'sni unkniow.. Now knmow.. ye, ait I, li(l hElhT' K. 5CO G ovearnior at' tIhe Sint a of' Soth C arollint m orderm thmat jusaatie' may3 be~ donea, iati the j esry if ahe law vhImidlen'ited, do hereby off 8. rewarid of lIN1E Tl(I'SA NI) DhI,1,AIti' lie nppre'ahei2aSona tind (It'l iey, inm any ja thIi s Samnre, of Itotithetreer or i murderer Ilae snida Samueal II. IhImwoody, wihth pa'on aonie(t; atnd ia propor'tionait rewvar'd wviI pid for Iminmtin that may lead to b-. ntrrest aind caonvlellona. Ina estimonay whercmof', 1 hnvao heoreuint( .,ay hand, and eaiased the grnit sonl ~AIlie Saute to ho nflhxedt mit Colutnmbin, 11- 1thni ty of' D)aeember. A. 1). 1869, on la the~ untly-four'th~aI year oft the lnde dlence of' the U'nited Hantee of' Amerh Ito liliEITI K. SCOT 1', Governt F". L . CA unOZa, See State. Dee' ll nd $300 Reward. Some0 person Ot' perisonas attelIel batrnt up myii stal'to', in which waere amy aim ont the ialj,hot' tho 'ith inal. I oITYir tlhe abiova 'o ward) tomr then ny~ hiea,yIoni ynd denve.'ry ini the jiailor0 Nea a'7, Q th0.porletrutor., with proof to i t. Or' onte hundred't dtllr.. f'or ainy tiindoui thnat iay lend to theirt or-rest, .' JOllN P. JKINA lRD, De.5 49 i, - oh-~ Ss, atIl N ~OTICEJ~. I rei)n to.the highest. iddI'r otn day mu ,IC'uary be I inet Nt. 2 iim the -real' est'f 4- M. enn deIanel, dit 18 NOW RHADY. L. I. MA1SIIALL now has lia Christmas Stock >pen an1d reatdy For inspoetion. Arrivals of FIesh Fruits every ly or two from now until Janu. Wry. Thero nerer has been niargor or botter elected stock of CRIST. MAS I X INGS in Nowberry than Lj. I. Marl-S l 0 now hang. Come l see. So Soys Sa11nta Clau11s. N. B. FIS11 and OYSTERS.1iot noglected. Deoc 15, 49-1t CXIIIIIE-SEED & LANDRETH'S NEW 6ROP, Every Variety. Warranted fresh and genuine. For Sade at PRATT & FANT'S Drug Store. Dec 15, 49--tf ONION SETS, ]For sale at PRATT & FANT'S IRUG ST OitE. Dec. 15, -10 -If. NOTIOR. d .o heritby notil'y ll .iwrsoni Fox h r sing, Sporting or Hitding thronmh my inelo. suret tiot the lmsw will be pklt iln force agaehit all sneh iltrudes. to the tMost extent. .0. 11. TAYLOR. Dee 15, -19-3.* CHRISTMAS :BILL of .VAnl NOW OPE1N AT A. HAR RIS'. Conl';isting of the COC EST. C1EAPEtSTo iS CU N NI NGy-S' 11AN'I- IETis. id in greater ry prol'tusionl lmt ever illurel I)efore to a gahki lovinl- tind 1goodi Wninlg people. yu lovers or the faev, ye lover. f the fair, Ye love"rs o1f the gJ,I, yo lovera,t tie rar', Ye 'o sutti, ye loverd without So lovers of the eblenlmst, ye lovers all orA. 11A 11HUS blows his b1ornl, please listen fkx of 111141 llear A. And b e advised to mnko your aelections oi rrom ti Ii - elegntii aniid larga ttotck . The enlu 111l Iletrat ilon to I)(. frnul'llow (tmllaes a por to tionl o, %tit Is il store beside.i nuch not twentioned antd some yet to comne: T-lv birgest nnd,1 handsonme-t DOLLS,, be i . 111 iliam sized IInd sm.al 1. tgel her with Freiieh and A worletlA'A NI W) E.S, of nll va. riehie.s tand 'shnip"' "A~l'PI 'iOlAG 10 FIGS. AlA I ) 0N D. -IMI S, .IC,E N_ Ni"r, VlliECl1A CK liit. atitltrOYS hi end. r't. ..A:'i * '.A.- ti -litill '. K l' (I'SI', . 'A Nilll STiAICH-, SO hie 10\,l M('*.ltD). I.\'Oll.'s, IlUICgN(, nml lIY lI, 8 AlP, &ec., atre 10 bI foiud alt at -i A JIAlI[IS'. a. i.f'NEl1's, sneh ntt -'A8hi,1lk, \Vine, ny lanno.n, Crieim, lEgg, liae~ -'Oyster and ler Pull', harei to bt loutnnd att ' . -- ,AlIRi[S'. Fl.I ) It, 1theon41, liekfis. Strip., Maicke% lar se of aill kin~ is, 11re to be toni nrt tlIlOOTS', Shtoet, hIts iend O'il. nro to bo eC., fu lat.. :A. IIALtiI|S'. Crowts, Sllters~ aind Axes, nro.lo einurl at 10~ . ( l.OTlI NG of' nil kindn. quailitles and ilh prices,~1 with white Shirts, Coledi ShIrts, nt p.der Shiirts antd D)rauw crs, and( Truiniks, tire to It. fan0 a1ti( t A. hIAhltrS'. ec- D)i1Y GOOD)S, Piece GoodAi4'ainey Goods, 'let 1100ops, jinfr Swltchles, anid Futr4 of' Inest ri'l style, aire to be found) it A. IIAIlIly. r'ry A bewitching lot of MIl,1,1 ,itY, enn be of !ouind tat ., ;ilA'titIS'. Andi may other thlngs lf celled for enn be' old i'onn;d nir A. liltIs'. Dec. 8, 48-4t. . .--r 'A FRIESH SUPPL Y' FOR Christmias. Perfumes mid Ettacts for' the H andicerchlef, r. Condrn'y' " idIlttudinronr't's . '' - - enntt Mar'io Fiini (Joig'te, &c., &+ r 1ogecter with ai supeiior article ofl Cologne Sof' ny own it nnnihetute, uansurpassed by T i ay In the nrkelct. ma-t ~ DIt. JA MES'. McINTOSIf. t- l'ec. 8-18 . SA Fine Assortnment of C to Puoff Iloxes, . - . Powder P'ulW4, iN To 'let0 I'nwders, &c, For sale e set . Dlt. JIA M I MelNTOhIl'S,. Toilet and fancy Soaps. Liuw, Soni &' 1i1'den,. hirowin Widslor, (Glyeinatu, to 'f'~ranflFparent Ilihla Mlta o'sl it lhary ShnYivng Sonp, &O, pre- 1)1 A 4. NcN O11S er. 1)..848 nd SURG(EOQl@TIST; (Onceess.or to Pt.&Y ,11 McKe'lk.) Ofi'o-over'.Ihii'rre 4tSet' #ll' hre I ,J|| J .1, 1870, aIYot~ iit 1in,aoeMt'J.eFgh & & * storp , on Mhtiit $1re' comleedonte ter us- before nr uno and evey (don in th bes ti!nnr lil wS)trtah edl. 'heivIti miauge:ol Ilbu, public Its re<0ctfutlllle Iin td. l. v. ....-'a,