DIATE OF A MODERN SAMPSON. 'aptain John W. Russell died in Franklin County, Ky., last week, 75 years. The Louisville .4iJowsiT2 says: * was famous among Western 'r s for his strength and in He served in the war of , was a member of the State leaste, and an intimate personal and partisan friend of Henry Clay. He was for many years a Missis sippi steam-boat captain. The in cidents of his force of will and power of command would fill a volume. On one occasion, in New Orleans, he bad a personal rencon t with the pirate Lafitte, and, ermed, whipped him, and eject dd bim from a ball room. On an abur, while landing at Natehes, a of his boat was robbed the gang which then infested portion of the town bor driug on the river, and known as 'Natehea under the Hill." By surrounding with his crew the boes in which the robbers took retge, he passed a cable around i, and under threat of pulling it, with its inmates, in the river, he eempelled testitution of the money, Aed made himself a terror to the tivoe and cut-throats who then Mod the river towns. Of his rengh, who knew ers, when led by age, would have had bat little conception, though when s prieit was known from to New Orleans he had ed a shaft weighing 1,647 gteadW, and that he had carried emerely across the deck of the best an anchor of 1,242 pounds th man who "conld'nt stand, asy s oagr,". bas taken a seat ad e qelu guite comfortable." V ss writing such a bIglad lr, r""Why you e t ai udm.bhr.bdafe,and I am writig a tod btter to her." Tobeseo should not 6 chewed, tkehowed. mhe smiler. are often 40 weepers. Ve eoasb with ourselves when es a&b with love. bet ever known Os etsgetisse-those of a -.-wen a s ~bm as.a MMG sass:l aesesne e sos am i e se sumnsumasbss: 2 el QeniseMM*s* as enheSS ans U.Etwaa a, . ni.usm.sli.uma din as ..s - pusmm EI*SaVAE BRO1EERS, hast forS~ Cesh ..a a- mT aSbe5, amse. U&WS ?AET 1act Till se. peaeby ..y, I. yet uaunactered. Fer me.assa and dme-aby this Thi has as aghst old them far the doe passa w ael that we een een ======4the toa! Plaansers as *MIBT FACTOIT. assibbIusa, watch w wr - mWEAl 3108. WWKInet'c INSURE IN THE AMRICAN UFE INSURANCE COMPANY 01 PHILADELPHIA. ALX. WnLLDI. re.Mat. {EO * UIIENT Vice-President. JONS. a'IL.ION, eretary. JO N C. BIMM$, ?ctsMz. Aets, - - $2,500,000. Annual Income, 1,000,000. The American-Is now one of the Oldest Compauiesin the United States, Chartered 185. The American-Has $200 of Auets for every $100 of Liabilities. The American-Never lost a dollar of in vestments. The American-Issue policies on Ar. de Airable plans. The American-Makes ar. policies non-for feitable. The American-Pays Life Policies to the insured at the age of eighty years. The American-Has no unnecessary restric tions on travel and residence. The American-Declares dividends annual. ty at the end of the first year. The American-Pays all loses promptly. Has all the tables of rates for Life, En dowment, Income Producing Return Pre miam, Premium Reducing. bhildren's En dowment Policies, and grants Annuities on most favors le terms. Its rates are low. It has both the mutual and stock plans. CALDWELL &BRENIZER, Gen'l Agents North and South Carolina. Office First National Bank building, Charlotte, N. C. 33rn3 to EL Gov. Vance, Charlotte, N. C. Gen. Jno. A. Young, " " Gen. Alexander, ColumbIa, 8. 0. Col. Jas. Gibbs, " " " L. D. Childs, " J MIWTON FOWLES, Agent, Newberty, S. 0. fg Agents Wanted. Liberal arrange. ment. will be made with men who msax ats. June 9 22 ly. ITIZEN'S SAVINGS' BANK or SOUTH CAB OLINA, Newberry Branoh Ofmce on Pratt Street. -0 GenI. WADE HAMPTON. PresMaL J. B. PALMER, VIcferudseat. Tbomas I. GREGG, Caser. G T. Ott, Assistant 0eer. AR.ro0P3a& OPE,Solicitors. l.idma..e . Interests on Deposits at the Rate of 8 Per Cent., Per Annum. [Extract from By..Lawe.] rasstaspuirmn. and women s esir ow asee. tum ef $1 and up ins bs raeetvd, bs no in'eeest shall hapM don tbs*aelSia patsf $1, nor on seyea whs mie whoba deposit I. lees than nP. - r seinnel parn ofa month." Wil be ready for Busisess May 1st. 11amasS. Moorm.an, ATTlUNEY AT LAW, Has esmed the practice of the Law at bspae, andcean be fonid for the present at,h.e tore of R. Moorman &Co. icebsts tf STILES HURD, -with the Weer & Wilon Eanufac tiring Companys BBIDGEPORT, CONN., Is enabled to select the most perfect aished Machines, and forward them to ohe who may want, at the muanufac utoer's price, free of commissions to the prchawa. Any orders sent through ilas Johnstone & Win. F. Nancs, will seoies prompt attention. LOUIS SCUODAIR, Dker & Confectioner, MAIN STREET, Iewheny, 5.0c. RespectMnRy informs his wany oustomera md the peblio generally that his New Bake Oven new comphsted, and by Its convenient ar agemert he earn hake amy ad everything a hIs line at the abortest possible notice, snob as Cakes, Pastry, &c., satenfactory and handsome style. Parties ad Dianers furnished at shortest notice. Fresh bread, pies and cake on hand. eals served at any hour. Fish, oysters and same can be had at all Thankfihl for pest favors he solicits a con tinance of the liberal patronage heretofore estowed. Dec. 1 49 tf. T'. P.Forreston, Jobber and dealer in ERMAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH AND osiery, Trimmings and Fancy Goods, Musical Instrumients, fire-works, and Yankee Notions, lso Yashionable Emporium of Designs for tamplg, Braiding A Eabredery Constantly on hand a large and well. assorted stock of raids, French Embroidery, Cot ton and Linen sad Silk floss, Ribbons, bc. A 681UIQ ., flQ II, 3, D0949saa Jxeetfibe )eppfhref, LAND COIISSIONEE'S OFFICL. Columbia, S. C. August 11, 1869. N )tice Is hereby given that this Office $ now orzanised, in accordance with the laa creating the same, a-d is ready to proceed to business. In the purchase of Lands the interests of the State will be carefully guarded. It is the desire of the ICommis eioner to purchase none other than good I ands, in good locali ies, at their fair mar ket value, and at such prices as the sam# Lands would be sold to private individnals Arrangements have been made by whiel 'he Bonds authorized to be issue, for th. aurchase of Lands will be converted te currency, and Lands so purchased sill ti paid for in currency. The Commissiont" invites all parties ostdi-g desirable Lt:d . in desirable localities, wishing to sell theiu, and willing to take market prices, to for ward their proposals, giving a descriptiot of the Lands for sale, their locality, qualit. and adaptation to the production of cott"n. corn, and grains generally, with a view to the commencement of negociations for thq sale of said Lands to the State. C. P. LESLIE, Land Coanamisiener. Aug 18 32 St. District Court of the United States. For the District of South Carolina in Bank ruptcy. In the matter of J. W. Chappell Bankrupt. To whom It may concern: The under, siga i rel)y gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of the estate of J. W Ct appell of the County of Newberry, and State of South Carolina, within said County, who has he-n adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the di"tret court of said dis.. trict. Dated 9th day of August, A D., !869. J W. SPEARMAN, Assignee. Aug 18323t. District Courtof the United.States. For the District of South Carolina In Bank, ruptcy. In the matter of W. F. Peterson -Bankrupt. To whom it may concern: The under signed hereby gives notice of his appoint. ment as Assignee of the Estate of W. F. Pe terson. of the County of Newberry, and State of South Carolina, within said County. who bas been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the district court of said district. Dated 9th day of Auast. A. D., 1869. THOS H. CHAPPELL, Assignee. Aug. 1832 3t. In the District Court of the U. S. District of South Carolina. o Re C D. Spearman-Bankrupt-Ex parte This to notity all lien creditors of the estate of said Bankrupt, to prove their liens before C. G Jaeger. Regismar, at Newberry C H , on or before the 1st September next, or be debarred from the benefit of any decree to be made in the above stated ease. By order of the Court. 18th Aug., 1869. JOH V F. SPEARIAN, Assignee. Aug. 8 32 3t. J. N. ROBSON, Commission Merchant EIs.I& 2, Atlantic Wharf, CIHA RL ESTO N, S. C. Having ample means for advances, a bus iness experience of twenty years, and con fining himself Etrictly to a Comssion3 Businiess, without operating on his own ac-1 count, respectfully solicits consignments ol Gotton Flour, Wheat, Corn, &c. Shippers of Produce to him may, at their. option, have their consignments sold either in Charleston or New York ; thus having the advantage of tao markets, without ex tra comision. Bishop W. N. Wightnman, S. C; Col. Win. Johnson, Charlotte N. C; Rev. T. (I sommers. Tenn.; Hon. John P King, Au gusta. Ga.; Messrs. Geo. W. Williams & Co., Charleston, S. C.; Messrs. Williams, Taylor & Co., New York. April 28 1'2 ly. T E Advertiser, havin been restored to Thealth Ins atbw wek, by a very sim pie remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung afection, andi that dread disease, C.nsumptl4)-is auniu< to make knoWn to his follow sufferers, the means of enrm. to all whbo desire it, he will send a copy of the preccrlption used (tree of charve). with the direction'. for pregaring and sing the same, which they wiil find a sure cure for ConsumptIon, A'tl'ma, Bronchitis. ese The object of the Adveriser In sending the Prescripdion Is to benefit the afEictedi, and spedInformation which he conceives to be invaluabi.; and he hopes every sufferer will try h:a remedy, as is will cost them nothing. I and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the Prescription, will p-sa address RET. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, King. Co., N- Y. June 221 iy. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, 1 and all the effets of youthftl Indiscetion, a will, fbr the sake of suffering humanity, send ftee toall who needlit. the reeipt and i directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by she Advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing,linperfect conldence, JOHN B OGDEN. ,hns221lly. No. 42 Cedarst., N. Y. Get The Best READY OOFING, Suitable for all Buildings, Dwellings, Barns, Ghurches, Factories, &c., and for all climates; equally adapted to flat or steep roofs, and can be applied by any or dinary workman. TIE READY ROOFING Is more durable than tin, and does not cess, one-half as much. It is cheaper than 1I shingles, far more durable, and fire-proof. It is made of the hetaviest fa bric ever used for the parnose, and is pui up in rolls ready for shipment to any part of the world. a Send for Circular and Samples, (sent free.) i Wa ar.so NANuracruas. GRANITE CEMENT, For repairing all kinds of leaky roofs, cLimneys, sky-lights, &c. This Rooting Cenent fotms a permanent adhesive coat- ja ing over the whole surface of all roofs, s whether tin, shingle or composition, corn 1 pletely closing up leakages, and being eorn posed largely of ground Giranite, which sets I and hardens, and soon becomes an artificial SLaTE or SToua covering. For coating tin and all kinds of metal I and composition roofs. It will not run, crack or peal off, but form a permanent and perfect protection wherever placed. It is furnished at half the cost, and posses- j ses twice the durabilhty of the common oil paints used for such purposes. al County rights for sale. For Circulars and all particnlars, Address, READY ROOFING Company. i 81 Mfaideni .Lane, N. Y a 3slv en !sin ,I THE LEA WITH Ali -f!. Mi m1 HRI The most beautiful Cooking S do all kinds of Cooking' with as lit sove has. It is very heavy and d EADER, 1 keep constantly on hi oerate well. Out of the many stisfaction. The Tin Business is still carri Feb 17 Law Notice. The under.igned~ have formed a partner. ;p for the practice of Law in the State aorts and the United Stateq Courtsi, for hDistict of South Carolina. Office at aeberry, S. C. JAMES M. BAXTER, pril 7 14 tf. .8 LAS JoHNSTONE. JAMES ALLAN, Importer anid i?ea wr in ine Watches, Clocks, ewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, Fancy Good s, &c. Nos 307 KIng Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. rAT1EsB, CLOCES and JEWELRY RE 'AiED. dec 21y Laurens Railroad. 01Uee Laurens R. R. Laurens C.H., S C,.April 29. 186S On and after Tueday. 12th Mat next the ais on this road will commence running eturn on same day; to conneet with up ddown trains on (dreenvl le and Colm-. Railroad, at Helena; leaying Laurens at M.. on Tuesdaye. Fhursday's and Sat sdy's, and leaving Helena at 11 P. M , on edays. J. 8. BOW ERS. Supt. L R. B. uth Carolina R. R. Comp]any, NEA UEINEDN' OFFICE, A PRIL 9. 1869. N AND AFTER- SUNDAY, 11TH in, tant, the f,illowing -schediule for [PAS, NGER TR A[EN, will be ob.irved: DAY PASSBIGER TRAIN. aing Columbia at......... 7 458 a m. rrving at Columbia at........-.610 p mn. NIGBtT N.'PaEss TAIN. wing Columbiat ...........-.-.520P pn. rag-gt Columbia at........---..4.4 a. mn. CAEm TRAIN. u run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sature. days. Lving In Columbia at............11.0' a. mn. rin.Colubia at ......--.::2 p. mn. e Frain now running between Columbila dKinsvIll5 in eonnectionm with the 'lhruh [al rain, wiU be taken of on sunday, .April I. H T.PEAKE, pril it General Supetintendent reenville & Columbia R. R. N and after SArTURDAY. the 6th isant, Passenger Trains will run daily, ndays excepted, connecting with Night ains on south Carolina and Charlotte and oth Carolina Railroads, as follow,s: e Clumbliaat.......... -- 7.00 a. mn. AIhton at.....-----.855. " Newberry at... .... .. 10 35 " ve at A bbeville at.........330 p m. at Anderson at......... 5.15" at Greenville at........ 6.00" ae Greenville at............600 a. in. Anderson at........... 6 4.5" Abbeville at...........8 45 " Newberry at........... 1.25 p.,mn. Aiton at.......-..-.-- 3 00, rrie at Columbia at...........5.00'. Train. on the Blue Ridge Railroad will orun daily, Sundays excepted. ae Anderson at...........-520 p. mi. 'Pendleton at...........- 6 20" rve at Walalla at........ .800" ere Wa.'halla at...........- .400 a. m. 'Pendleton at.......... .5 40" rve at Anderson at .........640" The train will return from Belton to An-. aron on Monday and Friday mornings. AI1S. O.UEREDJ TT H Sunnt DER CII FD WITHOUT EXTENE Stre ae od no net m Ido;nisvris rnhs n l Wor es aret Will baeal Cho n t ares rn es anda (Sainso and E .I LERaSi&iCO.) Wlesxale andthi Rteail FrCaacit n in ag.ol ingl ad BroIlin ; a For Econmiy in F anage ment; For Cleanliness in Cooking ; For great power of Heat in Baking and Boiling, with a very small Consumption of Fuel; For Beauty of Design. For Smoothness of Castings and Elegance of Finish; The "Cotton Plant" ST ANDS UNEQUALLED, ASIIER PALIER, Colo 'S8. O., Sole Agent for one half the State of S. C. Jan 27 tf4 Schedule on Blue Ridge R. R. ON and after Saturday, the fifth insatant, the Trains on this Road will run every day, Sunday's excepted. connecting with the Greenville and Columbia Railroad at An derson : UP TRAI,.-Len we A nderson 5 20 o clock p mn.; leatve Pe.ndleton 6 20 p. in. DowN TRAIN-Leave Walhalla, 4 o'clock a. mn ; leave Perdl"ton, 5 40 a. ml. Ur TRaIrx-Arrive at Penidleton, 8.20 p. mn.; arrive at Walhalla, 8 o'clock p. mn. DoIns TEaaN.-AriFve at Anderson, 6.40 a. mn. WV4iting one hont rter usual time for arrival of the G. & C. train. An accommodation train will liave An derson on Mondays and Fridays: Ur' TAIrs-Leave Anderson at '7.80 a. in.; leave Pendleton, 8.2'J.; leave Per,ry yille, 9.10.; arrive at WaIhalla, 10. DowN TRAN-Arrive at Anderson, 1.50 p. mn.; leave Walhall", 31 a. mn.; leave Pendleton I p. m. W. H. D. GAILLA RD, June 23 Superintendent. Tin-ware, At W. T. Wright's. ! STEVE. ION TOP. ~nick, boil as fast, broil as nice, and many advantages which no other as many stOVes are. Besides the erns, all of which are warranted to nowledge has failed to give entire work will be done at short notice. W. T. WRIGHT. NEWBERRY FEMALE ACADE~MY. REV. J. B. BILLHOUSE-Puractu'r,. Miss Fdgxzu sE LXsrr, Assistants. "Amea HIL.r.OUSI., Ma, F. Wars-Professor of Muic Cor, 8. FAJr-Chairman Board Trustees Terms per quarter, of 2j months, payable In advance. Primary Department, SpellinR. Read ing. Writing and First Lessons in Arithmetic, English Grammar and in Geography,.... .. ...500 English Grammar, Geography, Arith metic and History,... .. ..$750 Ladin, Greek. Freneh, Logie. Rhetoric, Physlea!, Mental and Moral Sci, encees, .-... ......61000 No Pupil will be charged at the same 'ime with m.or than one of the preceding rates. Mas'c, extra-425S per session orfieve months. Boardling with the Principal and others, yn reasontb'e terms. Thorough instruction afforded in all the .ranches. or a liberal education. March 10 10 tf. ~ MANHOOD: how Lost, low Restored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cu!. verwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) or Spermatorrhxes, or Seminal Weakness. Involutary Seminal Losses. Impotency, Mental and Ph:slcal In,% e.>paclty. Impedimenta to Marriage, etc.; also, Cosumpuion, Epilepsy, and Fits; indnced by self-indulgence or sexual ex. travagance. WPrice, in a saled envelope, only six The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice. that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certaIn, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no m'atter what his condidion may be. may cnre himseif cheaply, privately and radically. Irr his Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every a -n in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or to ot't stafm Also, Dr. Cul'. verweli's "IMarriage Gn ," price 25 cents Address the Publishers, CH AS. J. C. KLINE & C0., 127 Bowery, N. Y., Post. Ooe Boz 4,586. July 7 26 1. COLUMBIA HOTEL COLUMBIA, S. C. THE PROPRIETORS take pleasure in an, nouncing that this elegantly fbrnished Esablishment is now open for the accom modation of guests. The table will always be supplied with every delicacy of the sea'. son-bot4i from New York and Charlestoja Markets. and no efforts will be spared to give perfect satIsfasction, in every respect, to or patrons. H.GORDE A , P a s May 518 The State of South Carolina. In Equity-Newherry. Benry W Dominuick and wife, vs. Anna Lake, et. al. Bill for Petition, Account, ac. appearing to the satisfaction of the Court tht LMRLake one of the parIes Defhadant inthis case,is abent beyond the Jimits ofthis statp: On motion of Meseus. Fair, Pope &rope Plaintif's Solicitors. It Is ordered that he pea mmwe or demr to uin lI ot das rom ~aginst m. THOMAS N.. LAK E, Clerks Offee, - o -F Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps, AND Bottled Wines and Liquors. A nuly of these justly celebrated goods 'or medicinal and private use, just received ay the undersigned Agents for Niewberry. a sMWTI a CHRISTIAN. Ja. t7 le MUTUAL ll INsUA?CE coltAf, OF NEW YORK. INCORPORATED, - - - - - 142, CAShT ASSETS OVER THIRTY MIL LIONS OF DOLLARS. Cash Income, 1867, over TEN MILLIONS, Dividends to Policy Holiers, 1867, 2,235, 874.37. New Policies uned in 1867,19,406. The Company is PURELY MUTUAL. Ie dividends to stockholders. The entire pro. dls are returned to the assured, thus causing Policies to become SELF-8USTAINING I thirteen years, or to double in twenty. Interest received from Investmets, 1867' over $1,300,000. Excess of INTEREST RECEIPTS ALONE over losses, about $400,000. Real Estate, Bonds and Mortgages on Reart Estate, in the City of New York, over SEY: E1tTEEN MILLIONS of doflars. It is the richest Company ft fth wesdd. Its policies are nouforM - be;" ,s dii, dends are the largest. Applications for Columbia, and the Nolth' ern portion of South Carolina, received by GUiEGG, PALMER I CO.q Basor M. Jots, Agent at Nowiy. Jazas Mcivosn, I. D., Medical Emw' leer. Feb.10 6 1. BOSADALIS Purifies the Blood. Per ftU by De,n a vewrywb JOS. W. HARRISSON', Artist Supply, Paint,Oil,Glass, Sash, Brush, Varnish, Lamp, and Pe,. troleum Oil Store. Patent Thief Detecting Mon ey Drawers. Parker's "Furniture Gloss."' 62 QUEEN STREET, C.1ARLW TON, S. C. April 2817 8m THE SUGREA ISB ER scNstatlo hantd a full ssortment of the above approved eases, of diflerent patterns, besides coftnu of his own make, all of which he is prepared to furnish at very reasonable rate, with promptness anad desparch. Persons desirous of having eases set by railroad will have them sent free of .eff.rge. A Hearse is always on hand andi wiR be furnished at the rate otf $1) per day. Tuaankful for past patronage, the sub scriber respectfully asks for a continuation of the same, and assures the public tha nao effort on his part wIll be spared to rendes' the utmost satisfaction. A. C. CHAPMAN Newberry S. C., July 31. Sash & Blindat The subscriber take. 1lessere in amno mng to thi< community that, having made all necessary arrangemenUts he wi)L be able ro furnish Sash with and without Glass, and Blince, At Very Moderate Raha. L For Cash8~ ANDREW g'. fl'AflANf, Oct.7 41te. Newbesy C.BH, S. - ~ 4 The Great SOUTHERN TONIC BOWIEs& MEJIS, Proprieters & Whlesale Jhaggisu4 Charleston, S. C. Dec. 283 51 ly. NICKERSON HOUSE. SOUTH E0110L1NA. This pleasantly located HOTEL, sser assed by any Douse in the.6outh fpr cern. ort and healthy locality, Is open to Tra llers and others seeking BOARD~ for the ;nwmer. Families can be aseemmodated rith nice, airy rooms, on reasonable terms, 'A eall is solicited." May 19 20 f W L-A W . Apgod Carriage asit A mset beady ha3Its will iune co-sant etpoIsnt. Apply to J. 9A%oR & Co, Aug. 530 4. Newherry.. S. 1'..