An Earthquake Coming. iftMers A H;tAVY SHAKING-CP OF THINGs IN SEPTEMBER on OCTOBER. The San Francisco Chronicle publishes the following prediction, made by a local philosopher, W. Frank Stewart : During the past eighteen months the earth and other planets completed the most remarkable conjunction which has ever occurred : and on the night of the 14th of last November we again wit nessed the grand thirty-four year star swarm. Every intelligent person is aware that for a period of nearly two years our globe has been subjected to for many centuries. T,pperturbatints have been generally over the surface of the planet. Storms, t phoons, volcanoes. earthq-iakes, in as eTand '-scorching winds have shernate!;r,spent their fury upon the .~ns tf*Very hemisphere. By care t:ctionc; astronomers have found -period of about eleven years e sup ta towards us a remarkably spotted4 e and it has also been ob served that any4edden changes of light & .b u upon the sun during thi &d'peiod instantly affects terrestial It is well known that in the autumn of 1859 one of these son-spot tians was immediately followed toy I of the most brilliant Aurora etve witnessed in the not thern ;-adsill mvre smisn ctof the aurora was so 'ekisages were freely sent *gr*phi lines without connection eries and 'by means of the t0a?&!rrent alone. Many additiona' sngsh eing the connection of celestial '1 * taptagnetjsm. might he have neither time t o room jqm n. Suice it to say, that as the rt a magnetic forces are now, and for msn months 'have been, greatly dis } y cos mie influence; and as we tv tly made our annual transit r the nebufos belt ; and as the -e - eee ja at this momept dis a.unusual number of spots ; e#o n on the 7th ultimo is aithc& the sun, thereby ttditiooil fuagnetic disturb AW: earth; and as we-on~ the S ' la ere3 kow experiencing an .i1ay protracted dry season, the in WwpWe'precursor of tenshors in this part of the world, for the foregoing and jter. potent reasons, l predict a tusake to take place early -tOn-, as soon as moist clouds nttfie dry, vaporless atmosphere. btrsnting. .upon the recent pro a4f public meeting at Union rW.i.W' con be found-elsea here in 'tTiTmes says: eiite the special attention of the pr e .of the State of South Carolina, to de~omandl adopted by.a public meet Ie uaWtisisensa Monday 1ast. Per .~*V~riM4 nogeod, but we think 4jh~~j~I 4fproperly treated by the r of the g$~te. The Republi nt s very smtall portion -W~'~~k- er, gadihe- members o! wp-f Ary little how much i tye rte4d from thetneses of ed alama'hWbaTe. notheb honor to * t* sILiCtet and the commereial tad from the. outspoken ~&trt%msof'all persons a ho have the t in -tat heart,' that they do dtligation to pay these g4~i~*eAbupon them, sad the bond 9 sb,cahqq Uepon the omrket, with 3agesjad very low selingi thn o pth dependent upon anoconstructed rail njon the contino qIM~S~of 'nn:stax-payers, as a - i aihbt, u ho assists sps Ui e Nmanipulation ol oohCarolina linances in New York, Ier ~the proper pl,ace for the wete endeavoring to depre -thWCaro1liga I,nds. Not so; 2rhibn eDpito pubish to.the world este~r not S,muth .Carolina bonds, S.t,and Republicmn legis 13~s-of their trusts, legislate ~j2yati4Vcte as they are paid, nteresti the future payment: ~Wli.~RI fr incurred, surely they, siegg b4eie Ew interest, should 'properl' geia jued scelains to the world in ad abat. these litters of corruptiom agpewill not be paid if w fr4assued that such a voice wukl adits depre'ciating infin eB~ opoui 'tbt anticupated bonds wook SthemZfireeer" v pGo RyoptuX.-The citizens and * tof B?ack ville, S. C., and th otevicinity, held a meetini y,~st ultimno, at whichi not to purchase cotton c produce 4etween the hours of .'4tik et nigt mnd 'dayiP;ht in th UKIsdng This acdioa has been 'mad feep~(u~sthe great and increasinj biAplantera and others ar thi Jeving negenes, -wht &estields and gin-houses s'iothebsproduce, ahd dispose o theifW1'goten'gains to dishonest whit, dese beIt*ie two lights. It is in th Mgbest4>&gree commendable .that th merchants and dealers in B,lac,kvill s eeralty resolved to lend thel in- the .abatement of thi " v1'which isi no more apparen sectiron than in other commDun w it of: irhich might well assis~ de'op. tot a consider-able exten' SpUeCtie of tmid-night thievin bM* a6gsa#'e coneert of action amto" agaghaot toadhere to suniln ~~ODSnd a Sed purpose to di cover and expose all persons who mak themselVT1flbife-gr2le~esistiuato 4&bragement. o illicit trmEe, W ggard this as a most himpotant matte ~IiprotecWio of the plaater,, and oni ah~ tlie mercha,nts of-cit:es, .own b1&sand comumunities should comfb3in P Agut Constitutionalis IlONETIow,-The ladiess-we feel sIV pjdwis special interest the follow s.f the origin and signiticant ns which we extra< poq oy jusagazino exchaanges tandi-ar, a beverage pri pared with honey, such as 'that ktoa as Enln up titin*diik. MSsp a euStOi ~ eti4~ed.honey-fai-sigartr daj o oo age,' after a 'wedding feas and benee arose the term honey-mooi of Te.tdWi W-r 'in AththSourl 4g4 b*e itheaged~ iarly'all Europ~ 4 so freely of hy.drimn -n bi. inarriage disy that ho died in ti Public Meeting. A meeting of the citizens of Union County was held at Union Court House, 1 on Monday, September 6. M:aj. Benj.= Kennedy was called to the chair, and R. A. McKnight, E_q., was appointed see retary. Maj. B. H. Rice'offered the following preamble and resolutions, with a few A appropriate remarks: g Whereas the enormous taxation itn posed by the present State government, and their wasteful expenditure and reck less issuing of bonds excite alarm in the s minds of those whose capital and labor ti stand pledged, w ithout their voiee or consent, to the redemption of the sane; and, whereas, it is deemed just to our selves, as also an act of good -faith, to n give to the world notice of our intention I to use every means to avoid the payment d of these obligation ; therefore, Be it res, ved, That we declare and pntbli.h, a ithout delay, to all concerned. c our indispo.,iiion and inability to pay b the monstrous honded debt raised and being tai!,ed in the name of South Caro lina, and , ur solemn caveat against the purchase ot or advance of money o 1. a such bonds, for any consideration creat \ ed since 185, as it is the unalterable purpose of the capital and labor of this. State never to pay them. Resolved, That we are willing to pay all the legitimate expenses of civil go vernment, and all the obligations of tht e State, principal and interest, created by h. r representatives in goad faith, pre. vious to the war. Resolved, That the natives. and bona fide citizens of whatever nativity cr color. have with us a common interest and the same necessity for the speedy restoration of honest civil rule, and the "preserva tion of life, linerty and property" in an affleted commonwealth. Resolved, That in view of these gi ier ances stated, we hereby place on record our opposition th reto, and invite out fellow-sutferers of every County in tl i State, to meet with us by their repre sentatives in Columbia, on Wednesday the 10th day of November next, to tak, counsel together, and to adopt such men -ures as may be i r. p:r for security an relief. After discussion, they were unanimous ly adopted. On motion, it was Resolved. That the Charleston News. Columbia Phoenix, and the papers of tht a State gen!r:.l'y, be requestcd to pull s a a copy of the iesolutions. e The meeting adjourned to meet agait on the first Monday in October. [Unui. nville Times. THE AMERIcAN STOCK JOURNAL for Sep temb -r, contains the u-ual variety of inter e.ating articles, also a new Premium List fo 1870, offering a lare variery of useful ar tick-s to all who get up clubs. Speci n Copies. Show Bills. &c , sent free. A dress N. P. Boyer Sc Co., Parkerburg, Chee ter Co., Pa. -TaE hMIM~sPP VALET CONvENTIAN -KEiKrK, Sepetember 10-The Comt mereial Convention has adjourned. Th< resolutions demand a full share of diplo mfatic appointemienits; aIsk aid front cities and towns on the Mississippi an' and its tributaries for the establishimen of an emigr:. depot at New Orleans: aka subsinty f'r mail steam-rs frona New Orleans to foreign ports, and favot the removal of the national capital. SNAI, wE GiVE IT UP.-The proposed District Agricultural Society, for L aurenis promises to be-not a success. O people are not gregarious. .Aa Bank said of the Union, we are inclned to wards this thing, thusly-'To leti slde." Our colum,is are open to any body who desires a say on the subject. [Lauren-ville Herald. FIRst FRost iN SP~AlTANaWh.-The Spartan say-s: "The effects ot frosi wer e seen in the not;thern part of this district' during the cold "snap" whiet was felt here last week. The frost was light, and the damage searcely percepti bIte. We selom have fro%t hero earhiet than the middle of October." DEATD OF A CAZDE3I Pn1YSICIA.-A private letter from Camden receivet y a Lentleman in this city under dat of September 1st, says: "We lost om m'st prominent physician, Dr. T. W S.lsmond, yesterday ; a'nd I fear Dr. T. S Wortsman will not probably live througl tbe night."- Charleston Courier. LosNON, September 10.-The Pope and the negroer- The Pope, s-ays the M"rninL Post, is about to make a great effoart t. convert the A merican negroes. T s hundred of them are now studying fcr thr priesthood. We are pleased to announce that the Chamber of Commnaeice, at the mneeting held last night,l pa~ssed a :esolution of fering a silver gobet to the State Ag riultural Sm iety, to be given as a pre m tium for the h~e-t ten balks of upland cotton.-Cha' leston News. SNEwBEmRY.-Dr. Mayer is the Ches' E litor of the Newherry Herald. I: Problem No 7, (Heral September 8) "White is to plav and mate in foum moves." and we doubt not, under fav orble ausp~ices, (i. e. caisa volente,) wIll do it.-Charleston e. ourier. Detective oficer 8. J. Coates, of Char leston, decoyed express messenger P. 1!. Scott, of Laurens, to .Charleston 1:14 week, and arrested him upon the su ph~ ion or his being a party to the recest express robbery at Laurens. Inanrance is a good thing-the Tm,erial Fire Insurance Company of London", re cently paid a firm in Philadelphia $250, 687-a loss sustained in the recent whisker fire. 'Banting, the fat reformer, has been called bltswed by two thouxandl corres pondente, who thank him for thieir eman cipation from ohe-ity. e ,000 negroes went on an excursion .from Darlington to Charleston last week, Senator Fessendeun is dead. He was one of the most distinguished of the Re publean party. tThe stock of the Cheraw and Dar ;lington R. R1. has been sold to a Balti more purchaser. 'Fearful storms and sk:ipwreeks are re iported North. .It in announced that Gen. Sherman will become Secret er of' War ad interi eRev. !Robert J. Boyd of the Methodist Coneference; is dead. Er-Gov. Worth is dead. NEWBERRY : lednesday Morning,Sept'ber 15. 1869. COESBURY DIBTRICT 1ONFERENCE. This Gonferenice aenbled in Laurens, ep. 9th, Bishop Wightman presiding. bout eighty ministerial and lay dele. ates were present. The Cotaference as opened with an able and eloquent ,rmon, by Rev. Wm. H. Fleming, Pre ding Elder of the Di,triet. Commit !es were appointec on Church Exten ion, Education, Religious Literature, unday Schools, Family Worship, Tern erance, Parsonages and Church Music. he reports of these Committees e'i ited iscus-ions of much interest. The ti ings from the Churches, showed the ondition of the Di.trict to be better oth religtously and financially than at ny time since the war. The village was thronged with visitors, nd the churches were crowded. Bishop Vightman preached with wonderful )wer; entrancing his congregation by is depth of thought, clearness of argu nent, and overwhelming eloquence. The hospitality of the citizens was 'egant, and touched the hearts of those rho enjoyed it. EDrcATIoNAL.-It will be remembered hat I'rofessor Pifer's Engli,lh and Classical hool opens Ist October. Dr. Harter's Fever at d Ague and Neu algia Specific can be had at Pratt & ant's. It is said to be a good remedy Dr chills. KICKED.-A little negro boy received severe kirk in the face from a mule a ew mornings since,. and although one heek was laid open, the sufferer sus ined no further injury, and be is now ing well. We invite attention to card in to-day's paper, fl3rs. Edward 6. White's Boarding and Day chool for young ladies, No. 59 West 42d street, ,ew York City, between 5th and 6th Avenues, pposite lKeservior Park. Mrs. White's abilities s an Instructress in the Classics. and in English nd moder n lasguages. music, drawing, &c., are mient, while her rigid discipline in all that ertaius to the grace and polite accomplishment f her pupils cannot be surpassed. Her referen es, ft'om the distinguished gentlemen oith and South, are numerous. A BEAPTIrcL CAKE.-Ye local says that t afforded him pleasure to watch the ma iipulstion necessary to the completion of a andsome cake : said cake was made by ions. Shodair, and is to grace the table of lovely young bride. The cake is 21 feet igh. An elaborate Gothic steeple, sur nounted by a flower vase of artistic finish, onders it higl ly unique and ornamental. 2harlotte Russe br.skets,leaves and flowers, ll beautifully made of sugar, complete the :able ornamentation. PERSONAL.-WeC had the pleasure during he past week to meet Mr. B. G. Heriol ,f Charleston, Gen. Agt. of the Equalit.1 U e Insurance Co ..pany of Richmond, Va Ir. Heriot is devotd to the greait busins% , insurance, having made it a specialt or upwards of eighte~en years. Mr. R. Hamuilton,,the genial-hearted sup't f the pleasant "Pav ilion" of Charles:on, so spent a few mnoments in our sanctum 'the other morning.' Those visiting the' oaside city, and who have an eye to max mm comt fort at miunium cost, should stap t the Pavilio Hotel. Now that the traveling season begins ve invite attention to the following hote cards in to-day's paper: FIrst of all, i he goodly Pavilion, under the very able nanagemlent of Mrs. [I. L. Butterfield ho is so effic'ientl+ assisted by that p'ice of h>tel managers, Mr. R. Hamnil ton. The Pavilion is elegutntly appoint 0L1 If Charleston is the Queen' City thec Pavilion is its hotel. The "National" of Columbia, withi' - stone's throw of the S. C., & G. & C R. R , has nwany attractions for the wear' traveler and business man. R. Joyner Proprietor. Then comes the "Continental," of thb 'it tle city of Laurens, by C1pt. J. Y. II Williamns, who has recently put hi: house in perfect order. A rell fur nishe< ra and barber shop have been adde< to the house. The table of thue Conti iental is supplied with the best the mr et aff'ords ; the servants are polite an ittentive, and serenity prevails. Last, but by nio means least, appear the Newvberry hotel-the famous briel otel-by Jordan P. Pool, E.sq. Eligi hility, good fare, comfort and conven lence are the distinctive features of thi wvellkept house. "Pma'Rs' MrslcAL MONTHLY," for Septem be, is well worth 'he price of' a year's suli cripton. It contains, besides interestin; reading matter, the following pieces of' tn ic : "Je-sie," (Song) ; "Downm in the Vm Iy Where the Green Grass Groweth, (Song and Chorns); "At Home Thou Ar Remebered Still, (An-iver to "Do The Chink of' Me at Home"); "The Flower c \arble-head," (Song); "Drum a d File, (Fantasic Military March) ; "Congeni; Hlearts," (Mazur ra de Salon); "Morning Glory Mazurka,"; "Holy, Holy, Holyi God our Lord,"~ (Quartette); "A Mother' Group, or a Row or Little Faces by th Bed," (Qurartette); "''owe Thon Fount ( Every Uh-s,in-." "This World is Po. troum S rote to S -cre*; "O1' Where S : Rest be Founid." Address J. L. Peten~ Publisher, No. 198 Broadway, New Yorl Terms $3 per annum, or 3u cents for a sit gle copy. A *VALraEtK WotnR.-The Septemnbe number of the (Jarolina Farmer is receive< It ully sustains its reputation rs one of th best agricultural journals of the countr.1 The hnext (Octobe r) nrumber wil c lose th monthly series; and on the 1st of Noven be it, will appear a' anr eight-page Agr cultural and Fatmily Weekly. In its nie 'ori it will give twice as much agrieoltur: matter as at present, besides a great vari4 t of iiellaneomus and general readjin The praice w ill retmain atS:1.uu0 per year,i advatce. A ddress, Wam. I. Bernard, Wi *ingtoni, N. C. By the burning of a coal breaker Aondle Mine, Plytmounath Pa., neari two hundred lives were lost. Ti deadfu$ calamity bas made six bundre iw and enAn-h2ns. ' Immigration Society of New berry. The Immigration Society of Newberry, S. C., is prepared to furnish the country with field laborers and mechanics; re quiring their travelling expenses, etc., to be paid in advance, and desiring recom mendations from such persons as are unknown to the Society. Single female servants cannot he obtained. The Society can promtise H ith certain ty to till, between the 15th of November, 1869, and the 15th of March, 1870, only the titst 5; 0 orders, therefore it behooves those who really desire to obtain labor ers to send their orders as soon as pos sible. The money, to be advanced, which must, without fail, accompany the or der, is $25.00 for a single laborer, and $60.00 for a family. The actual expenses'of travelPin, from New York to any point on the South Carolina and Greenville and Columbia Rail Road-$l6.00 for a grown person, $8.00 for children between three and twelve years old, (nothing for children under three years)-will be repaid. from the wages of the immtigrant. The Society will charge, for contingent expenses $1.00 for a single laborer, and $6.00 for a family. Besides this, the Society w ill set aside f:on the money advanced $3.00 from each order-wheth er for a single laborer or family-to es tablish a fund to secure from loss, re sulting from failure of the immigrant to embark, after his passage has been paid, etc. This fund is also for the purpose of rtttuhursing any employer who can sttisfactouily show that a laborer has left h:i:n before he could refund the mo ney prepaid for his travelling expenses. The contrihution for contingent ex penses i. not inc!uded in this fund. Any amontt of the fund remaining at the end of the year 1870, will be retur ned to employer in proportion to what they have paid. The contingent expenses and the contribution for the fund against losses, which the S&ciety might sus -ain, must be paid by the employer and not be deducted from the wages of the employee. If the Society fails to fill an order, it will return the money advanced, deduct ing only the postage. The Society has appointed Agents only at t harleston. Uolumbia and Newherry, if, however the orderer desires Immi grants to be forwarded to other points, he must appoint some one at such place, to take charge of them and the narme of such person must be communicated to the subscriber. The Society pays the travelling ex penses only to stations along the South Carolina and Greenville and Columbia Rail Roads, and will not be responsible for expense. incurred on other Rail Roads. Upon the arrival of the imtmirant, the Society will make ouit a bill of all ex penses at-d present to. the person order tmg for set tlement. The wages of the immigrants will be ixed as follows, -ualess a laborer con sents to a redpptiork FIELD--LA BORF.RS. 1st. SINOLE LABoRER.-$O.00 month lv, with board, hxiging and washing. (Not requtired to do his own cooainiE.) 2d. FAnIMi.Es -For a man $ 10.00 monthly, for a working won:an$>. with provision;. The employer can either have the co:mking done, or he canr gv-e them ratiotis apd allow the wile Ijiie to cook. The follo Amtg rat ions htave been proven by last ',tcar's experience, to besufliiient: For a matn: 6 quptrts corn mecal, 31- poutdb wheaut flour, :} pounds tment, i poundl coffee, Ij qutarts molasses a week, and some imik daily. For a woman :4 qutarts corn meal, 2 poundits wheat flour, 3 pounds mteat, j-.potund coffee, 1 gtnart molasses a wee-k, and some tmilk daily. Should the employer prefer giving the family money with uhbich to proemee provi.,ions, the amount fixed upon is about $6.50 a month f or a ma.n, an1d %t.0t for a womtan, w ith a small garde-n, which tmust he worked only in spare time. CBH.DREN, Capable of w ork, must be paid their services; and the wages tuust be arr-angetd between tbe employer and their paretnts. Al MECI! ANICS. Al persons desiring mechanics umst defitne what wages and condittin they are willing to enter into wth e?mpltoyees. Unless differetntly expressed in the or decr, all imniigrants will consider theta w elves en gaged until Christ mas, 1870. The immigrant. in cases of di,agre~ ment with his employer, shall always the allowed to umake his appeal to the Socie tv, a hich, if the complaint is well found ed and cannot he adjusted, will proceed to ottain him antothter plface. Emtduovers would 'do well, not to ex eite expetetations by makintg the imumi rants any promises, about the fulfill mentof wthic-h there can be any doubt, and thus avoid onie great cause of dis contetnt. It is advisable, the Society thinksa, to place the laborer at the very commuence mtent of his senice upon the very work he is to do: and to see that he does it properly. This would do mouch towards securing a good and faithful laborer. All letters, remittances, etc., must be directed to the subscriber ; and written in a leg ble hand. All orders must be given before the 20th of Oc.tober, 1869. New berry C. 11., S. U., Sep. 6.h, 1869. ,, F. W. BRUTGGEMANN, General Agent of the Imumigr ation,So ~ciety of Newhberry. SASR EV. T.'S. BOINEST, Pres't. & sJonNsTnNE, Sec'y. R. L. McCArGanRIN, Treas. TIhere bas beetn organized in OUr C ounty a secre-t political. arganizatiotn styling itself the "Sorts of the Sun" whic-h sems to be gaining ground v-ery raidly. From what we can learn. it is ba alir THE "XIX CENTURY" PublcatIon Co, at Charleston, have been so ucesful in- literary enterprise that they- arc ditibutinag hunadieds ofrehokt-e Staitdard works free to the purchasers of-the Magazinot Ask for it sliCbspman's Book Store. A great many side bits are being made at the .A2TATlOY BtrTs by a rco:e of disirnte tcd tr.enuls, who ar. endeavoring to imit:te or u,te'fei: them. It is aal, f nour.. The peop e n't be impose i upon LAzTaTCOB BITTCUS B e iucreaa.n; in use and P>I ularity every dav . ey are inr thae same sized butsle, and made just they were at first. They make the we-akJ -ong. the languid brilliant and are exhantedi ture's great restorer. I lie recipe and full cir" Tar around each bottle. Clergymen, erchar:ts, and persons whose sedentary hab, B aiduce weakness, lassitude, palpitation of B e heart, lack ".t'appetite, liver complaint, Ae , so Ii find immediate and permanent relif in C ese Hitters. But, above all, they are recAm- p vnded to weak and delicate females and moth- I B.S MAGNOT.TA WATER.-Superior to the best porred German Cologne, and sold at half e price. COMMERCIAL. YwIBRRY Se ptember 13-Cotton firm at 28 R. for miidi inus. N\w Tous, Sel temher 13-7 P. 3T.-Cotton m wer with sales of 70u bales, at 33 a 331. bold tl AUOGSTA, September 13 -Cotton market a rive. but prices declined ;c-sale< 464 bales;. ceipts 4 0; midtdliugs 29. Cotton is coming in tb eely to market. ('HA RLhsTuN, September 13 -Cotton in fair o 'mand. bit es4ier. with sales of'200 balas- to dd Iuiga 30; receipts 512. u; LivFRPOoL. Septemuer 13-Evening. Cot u dull, with sales of 7,00) Lales. to School Notice. Mi-s Furman will open a school at her other's residence on Mondac, 20th inst. erns $2.00 to 4.00 per month, payable advance. Music l.ssona will be given in the after- E )on, if de!;ired. Terms $5.00 per month. Sept. 15 3i 3t. F, FEE, TE, &C, 0 Bbls. A. C. Crushed, Powdered, and English Island Sugar. 0 1 and i Boxes Adamantine Can 5 Bags Choico Rio Coffee. dies. 5 Boxes Patent Sperm Candies. d Kegs English Soda, Concentra ted Lye, Starch, Pepper, SpiCe, Ginger, Gunpowder, Hyson and Imperial Tea. eceived and for sale by C)ARWILE & McC.UGIIRIN. Sep. 15 39 tf. ALL THADE, 1869. -M. FOOT, [as just opet e l for inspection, a complete Stock of Fail and Winter Goods, a which he irvites the attention of his friends and the public genecrally. STA APLE ANKD FA NCY D RY GO ODS, A complete line. .CRODKEBY, Granite, CC, and Glass-ware. DRESS GOODS, In great varstiety. The largest stock we have ever opened. HATS AND CAPS, All of the novelties, of the sceason. BOOTS AND SHOES. To the hidie's we can offer MILES' cele reted Philadelphia w.ork. CUTLEBY. The Planter, MeChaniec and Hlousekeeper :an be supplied with every article desired. A full Stock of Groceries, al of which he offers at the lowest cash . prics. Sep. 15 36 if. IIIAND OPENIG In calling attention to the annexed list of irge azr.d ..plendtid selections ot' goods from he first class bonsof Broadlway, New Iork, [ woulId tate that [ am stil conduct ag business on the principles of equal and 'act justice to all. Buyers can rely on tvery article being- eqal to its representa, ion in quality, quantity and measurement. ENIMElIATION: WHITE GOODS, Jaconets, Cambrics, Swiss Mnelin, Tarlton, Nans.ook, frish Linen, Towels. &c. KRCHIEFDEP ARTMENT. Ldies' Embroidered L adieA', Gents' and Chldren's Lawn HFandkerehiefs. In Neck 'ies, all the naovelties of~ the season. Gloves and ilosiery. Ladies', G.'nts' and Children's Gloves. La,. di.'s'nd Clildren's ilosae, Men and Buy's H alf' Ho'e, a he antiful assortment of Ladies' Hose at 10cents per pair. Shawls, Knit Goods, and Millinery, A large and choice asortmnnr, Including a most superb article of Bllue Ribbons.. CLOT HING, Selected from the celebrated' House of Charles B. Peet & Co., including all the l.atest styles of Coats, Over-coats, Pants, Vests, &c. Hats and Caps, Every variety of style. SA DDL ERY. Ladies' and Gents' Saddlee,, Buggy flar'. ness, Bridles, Whips and Spurs. GROCERIES. Sugar, Cvafee, Soda, Pepper, Soap, Starch, CIIRLEM B. BUST. W. B -The highest market price paid for cottoa an'Iother produe. 7MtWated en:wcney taken in exchane. 6an. IE 36 1:. [RS. EDWARD B. WHITE'S EYG LISH & FRENCR oarding School for Young Ladies. 'EMO NED to No. 59 West Forty.second .treet. opposite Reservior Park, NeW urit City. IREFERENCES: Bishop Potter, New York; i,hop Davis, South Carolina; Rev. W. T. rtntly. Atlanta. Ga; Prof. Henry, Smirb inian Institute; Gen. Wade Hampton, South irolina;W W. Corcoran,W'ashington,D.C.; e4ident Middleton, Charleston College; of Davies, New York; W Gilmore Simms, )nth Carolina; Prof. Bartlett, West Point, ilitarv Ac:demy. Sept. 15 36 3m. TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. NEWBERRY COUNTY. By John T. Peterson, Probate Judge. Whereas, Daniel Goggans has made suit to e to grat.t him Letters of Admiaistratioo, of e E"tate and ef.fts of Josiah Stewart, dec'd. l*hese are thereftore to cite and admonnish all Ad sivguler, the kindred and crediters of the id de-ceased. to be and appear before me, il e Court of Probate to be held at Newberry ,urt tioute. cn the28th day of September ust., ter publication hereof. at 11 o'clock in the renoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why e said Administration should not be gratd, Given nuder my hand this 14th day of Bep. mber, Anno Domini 1869. John T. Peterson, P. J. N. C. Sep. 15362t. PAVILION HOTELs Charleston, S. C. 3OARD PER DAY, $3.00. Mas. H. L. BUTTERFIELD, Proprietess. R. HA MILTON Superiatndeat. Sept. 15. Newberry Hotel. J. P. POOL, Proprietor, Tiuis Hotel is centrilly sitnated, commd ious, airy and well appointed. No palas re spared to make the guests feel "t CMe." Sept. 15. Beware, Lest you pass this noticeo by ithout impressing it on your iind, that L. R. MARSHALL rill have fresh fish every Wed esdays and Saturdays, until fur her notice. Sept. 15 36 it. Notice. .I will sell on the sec'd Monday In October ext, at Newberrv Court House, at public ale, for cash, all the - CHOSESLV ACTION belonginf to the estate of ames 1!. Bl.'ase,~now in bankruptcy. All persons holding lien4 on said etfatE re hereby notified to render and .establish he sasme'before C.'G. Jaeger, Eatq., Bega rar at Newberry, on or before the est day at November next. JOHN T. PETEftSON, Sept 1.5 36 4t. Assignee. District Court of the U. S., For the Dist.' of. So. Ca. Ex Parte Jno. T.Peterison, Assignee. In Re J1. Hardy Saiber, Baukrpt-Ia. Bank-i rup:ey. It is orders'i by the Hlon.. G.'o S. Bryn, rdge of the U. S. Court for the District of p. Cat., that rhe lien creditors.4 f J. H*vdy sob,er, B-.nkruapt, estabtlisth etheir respective ens on oath be'fore 0. G.- Jaegr, Etq., [egist er, at. Ne wherry Court. House, on or the tirst day o)f October next. JOIN T. PETERSON, Sept 14 36 3 Aiaignee. By virtue of sundry wris~ of "MidrI a ias'' to me directed, I will sell on the irt Monday in October next, the following . )operty, viz: The interest of Geo. A,. Kinard, in one haundred and thirty-8ve eres of' Land, more or less, bounded by a nids of T. S. Boinesot, J. B. Counts, et al. evied onl At the suit of James E. Gut, earer, by Adm's, vs. Ge. A. lardl. d0 4tH, Acres ofla'nd, more or less, bonded i landso of J. C. S Brown, G. B. Boozer, f. Ma. Brooks and Benj;amti" Uathis, Sr. >ld at the suit of . Silas Johnstone, Corn iissioner in Equity, YR. Thos. J. Price. T. M. PAYSINGER, a.x. a. Sepl15 6 3t.3 In Equity-Newberry. WEen M1. Croseson, by next tfrnd, vs James K. Crosner, and others. .Bill to sell Land, &o.3 Pursuant to a decretal order in the above eated csse, [ wIll sell on next Salesday the dth ay of Oct. her, at Newberry Ce,urt H arne, the. L-ou.e andi Lot in the Town of Newberry. earn. aiing fotur acres, more or less. bounded by and' of 3mehaeI Foot, G. & C. R. a. Co., by :e new out Road. and Gauntt street, as the -eal Fstae of'lMrs. Helen Crosson. laKs or lSAL..-Ha5lfCas6h, and Ice balaner m c. edit of one year with intest bomn date, ecured by parchaser's bond with a morgag af the said premnises. . HOXAS K. T.AKE o. c. r. Sep. 15 as St. Sale of Cheses in Action. In pursuance of an order from his Honor Judge lIryan, t . me directed. I, as Assige .of John Mayer, Bankrupt, will sell -at ebr rI..S C ,on first .nday in October, .A.D. 1869', at 11 o'clock A M1., all the Notes and As. cunts in my hands. belonging to said Eiats. F. H. D0O1trICK, Assigne. sep.u 1se3 St. In Equity-Newberry. E. P. L AKE, Adm'r., vs. MTILE P. LAKE, and others. Bif-to sell Land, &e. Pursuant to a decretal order mede is the above stated case, I will sol -on next sate day, the 4th of October next, a tract of lad conaning two hundred and nine acres more or less, situted in New berry Cotunty, and bounded by lands of r'hos. R Wilson. Thoa. WV Bonzer, Thos. M1. Neel and Andrew J. [ngsho're. as the real estate ~of athe Lake. d.:ceased. Terms of saldoseshalf en,hl and the '.lanice on a credit of on~e yn, with in'ere't to be senred by the paaobasera bond with a mortgag&n h saI premises. Sept. 136B3G. K . AKE . District Oourt of the U. S,, For the Dist. of So. Ca. Ex Parte Jno. T. Peterson, Assignee. Ip~ Re Miartin Ch:apin, individuaisy, and as snrvivor or S.anmer &, Bankrops -In Bankruptcy. It is ordered by the Hon. George 8.1Bry an. Juige of the U. S. Court., for the Disc. of So. Ca., that the lien creditors of Martig Cha pian individually, and as survivor of theq irm of Summer & Chapin, estaib?ish tbel, respective liens on ostir beford. '1.4. er, Edq, Reiristrar' at. Newhmesry oumt House, South C arolina, op .g before the irst d.ay ofO6tober next. Sant. 1.3 36 St. .Assinee.