"It"SSa I841113,1"4 A r bl with AWi here s a very remar ase ,if adeMlienaldiey i a a a a a .t t #ea .n iEw- 14e $ oa*aOI With to sapds,to. each' oY' whom she was married in legalfbrm, At'tb time the war broke out, tbis wa man was 1iwing-with her first hus band, by whom se bad thre children. 496s-ia r-the 17eak ing 1914, her hu: ban , .w t off in t role of a "b etsi mhwedier oy." I y64etWif.fter bis rrife hear. t. aI,led-in . Iattle. Sh ar bothing from him personal -4; tie-a ohloed, and he failet Swr 'e ettepArt at his for t ar e- t:,ier d ' in Chicago. ss wf i!r cotsidered hersel a iddowbeyoad,lldoubt, and it ebe.tti 11e a arried egain utyas-ew months ago to bet MA tomicil. lbut, l$ke wife the of another au fa i1lht ims .- .:e kg heart. FcR of war was heldb the similarly situated woot id ve re sulted. ip - and ~litiga a ily and, sat t ~' an'th e trio. t~. 0a M .aned that- Wt QMkUWntimtld to fft ."' h te _SpWan o. , and ehe shsuld bt - the wife of both husband*'. lu'oI afer - a retur bom to tht. n e t e uffspri n of husband No. 2. -3u* this ittlt r iMa edid not sept to. dis - t eb 'i]brium of So. 1. not the Jbgesh jd. And e pp -..awily' -ooe two ( ifour cbidron-in anUI 0004age, a, ! ontentedly to afl ap a if a t iisg uppaua his as_ a Shadde when. ngwill r fos ea. fore the Cm:sr wheta i-was discrvugI*at the champiow oft t ggly Sacrament wasau - o, but a Jew ! * butbhesaid he had been with -the insolence of: the brawler, and as la.ew 'hat religious injuries, he hadin tbejr behalf: setIewe ages t f Aght.:gfor the4 sear GdbtmChesb ia that oben. lone corn. her ed ot tobe o e M.a ~ the e4 ar -e f ta e .PP, to iret l q tot intopne liFt _ 01 AI. WHIt.LDIN. Th adpat Jgah 4 -AILSONi. 'eetiere. ,JOa" C. t11Us, astsar7. 3 i 24 =neit<, rn tie e''t ('oiupa :ies In the United Sates, bharte'red fihe Amrisr,Hae 3$200. of..Avets fae .:every $lta of LiAbili&ies. flte Amfn--Nevter loat a dolar of in Vestinta. 5he Americaa---Isu polkies'9 ar,rLde ble 'Isbpuns. the tercan -skes aL. poliies n fsr feitat,le. c , ' --E AL;f of ithe fhe Ame n-Ha' no unnecesary restric rhe annual it at the en of the first year. fbsAaecis -.-Pa7S s losses pror ady. Has all the tao of rates for Life, En lowament, IncQ' Producing, R.-turn Pre in P;emism Redueiag,:: Children'$ En o*ment-r4le, and grants Annuities oi. ,st faeriAe tertns. Its rates are low of has hoth tlitit.tl and stmek punk. .CALDWELL A BRENIZER, G#n'AtWenta orth So.utk;,arQlin.:-.Oe Firt Naiona Eaalbuilg,-Cab te, N. C. a1Rar TO G. V. uc Chsrlotte, . C.t~ X01,A t tm, *. *P-saodlle,,=himbi, ! C. cbl..Jas. Gibt, ..L D. hlda, ' 1 KZWTON FUWLE=, Age t, . . . Ne+berr., . C. 1 Ai'tts Wanted. Liberal. arrange ueuat' alt bs.m/de with m,-n who UsN sa:uxs "f June v 23 ly. MN%.,SSTS SVNS' "li 4G4UThCAUfLIN , NeWTberry Bi ohn Office Ozi PrAtt Strftt. Geal WADE H1ATt'.(v. PFssu . o T . Ai rp-h1be" Ratet Per ctt Per Ainum. Parc9a m.,so5 p.m. [Extracfifrom By-Latos.] -4 withiet a gaiu ss by atersi senmq be p cdte ssonal parWts rP. 'or em .sewheW b1 lepnelt iss h b -mus - - 'rJTU5% AT AW, Has respnged4 ge~ practice et the Law ,at ths place, and e n he ?oi:3d for tie presem STIL S HURD0' - ith the BRIDGEPORT C N.L, -e.ebled te seleet -the4no..t erfet flnubed - ~ uaj rward them to toe wh Sant, at the nuaazuse tesmo j*Ieet,ed 4g-:ta the :guFhae!ns An .ees sent .tongh Slas Juahnstone & Win. F. Nanses, wilt COLUBlk HOTE * .mI1CrnA 1 C. wlbspsed ~ Tn1na% is iun~ c toe - ewdgkeO@ve is esnpiedasadby: smweaient sa egeer eeaR bike ant and swryshg - ieardb shortes possibe uodhe. Ias 95j1.gsand game een behad at all De)319 tf speledWines and Liquors. *s#(iesem,nt8 4eisbrated good Eeaa nd' pesesse use, just recelvc4 y the adersigned Ageots for Newberry. SMITH& CMM?IA. ggAgS 7RTIN E A A013D'N&kT1UI,10 VUQXZZ M GIAOaIXt14ICrs@Vrr,>t ON E ' W V iudre'! letts a day ua frum patients all oVer the Inhabitable glotw. I. Magriel. your Pill has rid me of all bi loms." *No more nozious does for me in fite o: ten P ils taken at one time. One of yeou p8: tared me " "Thanks Docto. My beadsebe bas left me. Send another box to keep In the house " ''Afrer snfertar.tertue f*em the bilos cholic, two .f sf-ur Fill. cnr."d me, and I have no ai tigmn of the mahe.l ." "Agr doctors treated me r CfrnlIC Con stipatiof. as ,hey;!!ad it. and at last 'id I was Incurable. Your $agglel's cared me. "I had no appe?ite; Magglel's Pins gave me a beartv one. S-Yor Plls arm marvelous" "I send for another box, sad keep them in the hou--" ?"Dr. Maggiel has 'eared my headache that was. chrunic " ' gave half one of ybr Pis to my babe for cholera morbas. The dear yount thing got wa' is a day. "My nausea e a morais now eed. ,.Yoar Bx of Magiela lls cured .s o noises lathe bead I rubbed some ,alne bhbind my en and the noise~leftme" "Send me two boxes-I want one fbr a poor family * *- et clo-+ a dollar-inur price Ib twenty. five-cents, but the medlcine'to me sw rt a dollar." "Send me-e$e boxes of ;oar Tills " -**Mat: e ,u"_'hoses of yar t.ve aind ue'b,1i et urwsal " - For all d.eases of the Kidneys, ke 0*eUr of .C., ne : Geeral -Lastude and Want of igsee- gg ?'Ills ,tU be fbond as A so,tRULtus la their eeSs. and a cui's can:be almo4-gUaatsdi. Bkh Bx contains -w08v0 Fills eIVe PI in a Dose. , sA all ord ra t. . - ag6e e .Kef'York. boprlr@tr of 'the+ lAGGIL'S LU19 AfIlR r . OBoz,x. June 16 23'tt. eIL &OBSON, 1t$fL EIT#J,8. 40. Big hienself strictly to a OutIsor fuiesq. wkhout opueatingon hia oun se count, respectfully oicts4OP:gnbmenlt e Doon Flour, Wiheat.iorn, Bc. Shir1 of'rodnee to hima may, at theli a nof go masdb ,w*olt4dZ Bshon W. N. Wgightan, 8. C; Col *. n& L$sO iN.0& r. T.yO somrs1 Ten'' .Jih: PXing 'An guta. Ga. ; Mesura. Geo.- W. Wifliims I C., Charleston, 8. C.; lesses. Wiltiams ayokp,New York. t an - dr- d--s, y hi"follo sUtIefer h e&Lstre ht, be Senfh *. W of sbe. p*.r usiiined (free of charse) for - an~d usi ths ~bcthey V '1 We a 'ure cr Prspsof is to benefit the a , am pra ffmatibm whieb he e eas t b a poa,u plaeaddress Ra.v EDWARDkA. WILS(N.t #P lliasburg, 2igsOo.1 . Jue 221 1*. 2211. No 42Cederst., N. r a. E D VI4MVAN' TI DEtER WINED TO EBTABESIHS BD frsch Omeie In South Carolin4,whbe n.sa ve us the bernetits of an enitirelyUoun C ompy, y.hibV94(din the State, all lb fud' received in it. In fact it ii' betite eapital and ase ts. This company haes insured some Fot Ilundred pers'ons in Edgtefeld, near Tw ffmeed in.. Atbbeville, :a g,odL maar ies.mtis,aUdl aat ThirtJip.5e' berry. It is the duty of erery pesos c ta~lro insu-ue in h-half oftha'sfalmRY I Nes -i takes much less han you thin sTeire. Doa's irait till Fall, but take et &arge,a Poliev'as you can Sow,. and is crinr,t' when~ or et abte. You nay dl t ulis imf a-ekly aeason, andl in thu e' ama ., onecy woul4 do. your f'amil anne god, an i a your :du&n.to.nake ie be poviion you ctan for thema, na matuer ho time ae a Policy in this souther aost~iptywiihou a d4y's-delaY OAS 11OOORM, 001AN, une t - Agent. Ie. Ia the mtsar of Jie-phW.IM :othcaroltawS gi t da4 Dee.: A . f.S. Jj%MARne, an 'HELEA stveha. 4ti veyhav n sat-sfaepior. c Feb-l - - Theot beatofl. Cooiega do pal k tn. .L CAon witaTsNE, LADr, SpeconEyenGlysses, operate lLA)os te m - MeeLaurIns R R Courtd atselena USi a~ C.ures ao GENEBALSUPEBENTENDET'8RFC .pI 7s 14 i. **A = J 9. 18%'E 10AMB RESUALA,'ani thwely sAerln aeoniledfrA WaSptNC, E y e ted-: Le.si 07 KunInga'..-.. tA.t n Os sad gafe Monda,2t Meagays and Sata a . 4wur*t .-awE---e --*~'. p. a Si e. in roIsee I with theypg GE3AL8UPER[NT.NEA'SNR. se - ted. eoengwihmd it et A,lg ..nblf..........8 5 " N Uati. .9.....O1P3U ArivgatC bh bin at..-....t 0Lp. - -Amon As...i..,6 I Wl m.am aa............60 sa . San ." l ...-. .-. Arrie Tata Cobew 22 -rlapIac34t cR. -~ SaidmUdt days excptey SansesciOF ted. Ig Le~ aveAtmiat ........-7.-0 a. b naeas...--. Th trrain Abwi at.......i33emi to mA deso~nuUM.da...d..r.d..8moning -" A evaIl at REIT.S. BER EDIl [D WITUOTEXTENE atefe s n-tv inus.'It h Stve I aesod ot.n t n ed er n in varket.Wis brakeas a .tefelsr an to iELER &i. CO.)a durle a and isRsola otcal Whrlese, aSd. t CotoniPlantCodkStove, WIf ?lR and itensinlIopk Please examine and test this Stove and youfwill find it all we repredEatitob. For Economy in Fuel; For Durability ; For Capacity in Baking, Boil. *1' f - ing and Broiling; For Simplicity in Manage ment; For Cleanliness in Cooking ; For great power of Heat in Bakins(and Boiling, with a very small Consumption -fIuelI; For Beauty of Des i. Smoothn atg The "Cot1oni Plat" STANBSUNEQIUARLEO - SJ$lNAIE, ls . Sol* Agentt oUe half the St.te of . C. Beedr en. e = ON~ and after Raturda'y, ieT1i mstant, the Trains on this Road will run every day, Suday'us excepted. onnecting with the GreelvilleitId CoriimbMia i:fload 'gW AD dern : t qiTaI-Lpe,Nage .Aad6,s0o142O o Gloo pnmg; lerPen-o n %tto pi. DdwN' Ta&li':Iave WallilA, 4 a locl f.a' ; ;leave Pendleton, s'4ba.m. Ur ,TagIr.-Arrive at Pendleton, 6.2k p. m.; erie siWalhala,:8 o' -eul Ehis ltaesod. In thiadtrb Bas cesete uti. ea at s yearsces.t ;orAi .. shui ma e byCHAS. JblbdENEh 0, itl 12 eware. K T.n.e31U. OlS teS 4.. - ,M T T N U T196 1 4~ It X j ; NEW- MORL ^lAti A SES OVFR THRI MIL. J LIONS OF DOLLARS biiideies t oiers 1 r, 1I.37. _. New Policies issued in I . The Company Is PURELl tvidendito;h5Lu pses ts are returned to the assured, thus esumf ohclsto -be STAINING fn irteen years, or to double ip twenty. Interest received from investa t Iw, relosses, .out O,esO. Real Estate, Boals abd Mortgages as lest state; In the City ot)yearak e..5Xe NTEEN MILLIONS of dollars. It is tble' rIe i empanT( erd a poldies are- bodifo ' d euds are the largest. Applications for Conambiist1's'l6-tll" en portion of ShOh ieeol iirefved by GsEG, PkLa& Ce., cens a smi $seso i. Jo0e4 Ak*aS Sdbti. Janss Mc[azoss, Y. D., Medical am. ter. Feb.1f 8 1.. OSUJUW r lale by -Druggfits 2 ;VWjWfs Wos ' .M Artist Supply, 'aint,Oil,Glass, Sash,-rush, Varnish, Lamp,idna P troleum Oil Store., 'atent Thief Detecting Mon efr Drawers. 'arker's "Furniture Go." 2 QUEEN STREEP,CHAt$ f'ON, S C. Apr128178 ,, TH E UB OII D LAes oTijren Sor.ld Eavry wen oclu an aibleeulas s ouiust rate sofilie nd asue hulcothat tunit s . stcton ropteshud&de1putch ifrahi'!! haveii thet, o iug'e 1as ith an.' rhddr wt be rnishVdra Moh e rate R$1e ' ThnFlor ash! ab A. C. CH APAN Neber S. C. Juy 1 a fhtrni . Glas, an Ma di.71 tt. N 7br.. .9 KeUTHERr) C1~~~ St.im~ruma ehta h m a fgie Ka8