Final Notice. Al persona having demands against the iatea of Geo. D. Amick, Dec'd., are here by lesp1y notified to render the same le py attested to the subscriber on or be the Brat day of August next, as on ha*8 y I will file my final accounts on aiM hale and my application to the Pro bae Court for Newberry County, for a final seshrge as administrator. JOHN J. AMICK, June 8 25 tf. Adm'r. $10 BEWARD. T Af"ED+n place formerl owned by Xt.-RlUjgT, a OW and Y-R LTNG BL The Cow is large,pale red color with 3i white tuft at end of tail-shows the " Bli bree. Ti e.Yearling is well grown -.@1bI9 e,aa cow, only a little white on te '. The Cow formerly belonged to &X , Ni e, and may have gone to " y * Wson. The above reward Sbe even for the delivery of both to me A p1 C. H., or $5 for either. T. GOUIN. J>$ ib5 tf Distd' Court of the United States. athe Distict of South Carolina. In the a ' 8legler-Blnkrnpt. Swhom a P t on. for A jdcation of Valdon the thday of AD iisaid Court. -ueie, that on the 2d day [ e, A D 18e9, a Warrant in Banks was against the estate of of the county of Lexington. . ag- of South Carolina, who has ieam a dCged a Bankrupt on his own Pe1t : that the payment of an debts rt eey of any property lon. t Bankrupt to him or for his use. of any property by him are ebidden'by Law: that a meeting of the Usdiors of the said Bankrupt,y prove their d40* sad to eboose one or more Aseignees mbjs. wil be held at a t.Int of , 9eibolden at New~enCH G. J , Registrar, on the o .A..189, at lI o'clock, i E. JOHNSTON, U. 8. Marshall _as Messenger. er .A;-.Pma, Det. Mm. J.w 30363 tffhe t)istriet Court of the NIZWOTATES, for South CaMna. May; the matter o A. C. Garling aunmd 8aatch . g in Bank ith"t d bearin be had ontbo 17th ,dq af y, I869 at leeral Obrt House seaMt, 8. ftwft120' M. and that aiim,Of i Bank t appear at said e. aapee, and ahew cause, if any they eo,W the prayer of the petitioner should let be granted. And that the 2nd and 3d deeditors ofsaid Bankruptwill be .atte eflS of C. G. Jaeger, Esq. at 3d Con. District, S. C., on ', 1888, at 11 A. M.. a[ the Court, the 28th day of DANIEL HORLBECK, . Oh iribt Court United States, a Sa3t" For South Carolina In the District Court of the U~ STATE, for South Carolina, May ~I. In the matter of John G. Lip-' 4jernaDrpit.Laurens County eduioi. for full and flaal din' a eohad o the3th ~W~ralCort ~Honse ..~ s~eq -st a ai te e - qtthe p~t'e oMnot. thatibe2n&ad 3J'met' ____ of - of - saI B a n ~I&eie al lee f C G J..eger, ~j.ofu3don. DistrictS C., on ir,the 5Sth day o AELHORLBtECK, de urrt he U S for S. C. - ~ ''' 00uit of the fr Soeth Carolina,. May -Je m8atter of Benj.'J I~m, ewbiC. H-akrup. .ea hearing bebad on the 10th - ~~st aS, at Federal Court RChafIetOS8. C ; and thatall cred I erasaid Bskrp appear at said lb.pIaaA shew ewse, If any they of the petitoner should thtthe 2nd and 3d ~ of said Bankrupt will .of C.G. Jaeger,F~. ef ~3PLonDsit of S. C,on 2t g*8g Court, the 25th day of - DANIEL HORLBECK, GtDistrict Court United State, For South Carolina, Districet COurt~ of the -,. Inathe mnatter of -A. C. af Newberry County - Bank' for .fIll and final duscharge ihitbmhgbhad on the 17th ~! J~ 189,at edrlCourt Bouse S-C,anld that, al steI E~huiupSappear ma ai*uase, I any~te tahat the 2nd and 3d .sirosaid ,Bankrupt will a t he Court, th 2d day f S -DANIEL HOELBECK, - ~~ District,onrt United States, Jna 253t For South Carolina. n ne1mr Schedule. ?Juion Rt. R. ~e8h of June, Instant, the --Trains wRi leave Sartan. on TUESDAY, THURS, EUDAYS, at 5 00 A. K, and at 1130A. M. same days, leave Alston at 12. d arrive at Spartanb.rg Court as7.0P. , as per foflowtngsche" j 5.00 7.00 6.20 .5.29 5.33 .......48 923 2.36 40 .-... 610.ii 10.1 TA2 1.45 and.... 1111230 THO B JEFER, Ptsdent. ,~ ~ertanurg and UnionrR B. GOOD WORK HANDS. M ASONS. sply to . MOWER. Chreston . ~A1D PER DAY, $3.00. Mas, H..L B UTTERFIELD,. ASA BUTTERFIELD; In the District Court of the United States For the District of South Carolina In Bankruptcy. In the matter of John F. Sims-Bankrupt. Pursuant to an order obtained from the Hon. C. G. Jaeger, Registrar in Bankruptcy, I will sell, at the residence of the Bankrupt, in Newberry County, on Thursday 15th day of July, 1869, all of the real and personal Estate of said bankrupt, to wit: One Tract of Land situate in the County and State aforesaid, containing One Hundred Acres, more or less, butting and bounding on lands of Dr. John N. Herndon and lands of Louisa F. Sims ail of the interest of said Bankrupt in the lands the inheritance of his wife Louisa F. Sims-and all the personal property of said deceased not exempt. Terms of sale Cash-purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. Newberry, C. H., S. C. D. R. PHIFER, June 18, 1869. Assignee. June 23 24 3t. CheapCooking Stoves. A few good cooking stoves sent out from the manufacturers as samples, w ill be sold very low if applied for soon. Come and get you a good cooking sto+e, cheap.- Now is the time to get a bargain. June 30 25 tf W. T. WRIGHR. WOOL CARDING AT OO I1S FI ORY. LAURENS DISTRICT, S C, O UR WOOL CARDING MACHINES, are now in first rate order, and card% ing very superior Rolls. Wool left with A. W. T. SIMMONS, at the Depot, Newberry,C. H., will be re ceived carded and returned free of trans portation, to whom payment may be made. When wool is greased, our pi ices for card ing are 121 cents per 1b, or one-fourth of the wool-toll. Patronage of the citizens of Newberry, solicited, to whom - we guarantee satisfac tion in every instance. R. S. & J. W. GOODGION. June 30 25 MONEY WANTED. 02 O WANTED in sums of no , p less than $1000, at fair interest and ample security guaranteed Apply to E. & G. D. HOPE. Columbia. S. C' Jane 23 24 3t SOUTH CAROLINA State Agiunltural &Mechanical Offiial Orgau of the Sonth Carolina State Ag ricultural and srechanial Society.) At an early date, the subscribers will pubs lsh the first number of a Monthly Magazine; devoed to the development of the material interests of this $tate, and the whole South, and will distribute tnye thousand copies gra tuitously, so that every one may see what it is before subs.cribleg. - Ihey intend to make It the best and bandsomest industrial maga,. sine ever published at the South, and they ask the cordial co-operation of every good isen in this enterprise, which must re dound to~the public welfare. Persons wishIng copies of the first DumD% ber, wiRl pesse send their address to WALlER, EVANS & 00O8WEL1L, )fayll9tfCharleston,8. C. NICKERSON HOUSE. COLUMBIA, 80UTIIE CAILINA. This pleasantly located HOTEL, unsur passed by any House in rhe South for com fort and healthy locality, is open to Trav ellers and others seeking BOARD for the Smmer. Families can be accommodated with nice, airy rooms, on reasonable terms, "A call is solicited." May19 20 if WM. A. WRIGHT. DR. TIO. T. MOOR Is happy to inform his friendls and the public, that he is up again-better and brighter than ever,.after the recent confia gration. He -is prepared to -perform all manner of operations connected with the Dental profession, in the most scientific manner. He desires particularly to call the attentidn of persons suffering from "Cleft Palate." He can remedy the evil and make speech perfect. He has greater facilities for making and administering Nitrous [xide Gas, than any one else in the State. Teeth can positively be extracted without pain, by the use of this Gas, when adminis tered by scientific hands. Persons wishing any work done will find it t their advantage to cal'. at his office, over Messrs. Bryant & McCarter's Book Store, Main Street, Columbia, S. C. March 17l 11 3m. STHE UNDERSIGNED RE SPEUTFULLY informs his friends, patrons and the public generally, that he Is prepared to supply them with all the latest improvements in dentistry, and at the lowest prices. He is inapplied with teeth of the most fln, Isd make, style and durability, and all the inst elegant and trust-worthy inventions of the day. .. Goleehare not co'nly beautiful in them selves-but they serve a great economy in as much as they promote health. See to it, then, that your mouth is in order. Teeth filed, cleaned, plqgged and inserted ujoni seientific principle R. S. WHALEY, June 2 21 tr. Surgeon Dentist. Shaving, Chamipooing, &c. .Louis Butler, barber, hair dresser, &c., re .apectfully bega leave to inform the Ladies ad Gent.lemen of Newberry, that he is sup 4plied-with all necessary appliances to prac iOe the Art Tonsorial satisfactorily to all. Ladies wishing their hair champooed, &c., will be waited upon a; their homes. He annones to the gentlemen that he has fitted up a shower bath and a plunge. bath. Sbop rear of Newberry HoteL June 9 22 Money-Order Pestoffee,)' Newberry, C. IL, S. C., k May 25th, 1869. J oney Orders can be obtained at this Office upon all parts of the United States, whIch is now the safest way to send money, as the goyesament isresponsible for every order issued. A. M. RISER, May 262 4tn ?Patmnter TE EtIIJITIBLE LIFE 11' No. 92 BROADII ASSETS (March 31, 1869) .............. ANNUAL INCOME (March 31, 1869),..... Number of Policses issued in 1888........ Assuring the snm of. ................ Policies in Force December 31, 1868,...... Assuring the sum of................ ALL PROFITS ARE ANNUALLY I Examine the "Tontine-I Equit DIVIDENDS THREE AS HAVE HITHERTO BEEN I Besides issuing all kinds of ] the "EQUITABLE" would call attentio POLICIES." upon which many are now assai those who have given it the most study and r to a degree hitherto unknown. For documenl ASSURANCE," application can be made to WM. F. 0. B. MAYOR. Medical Examiner. DUNDEE BAGGING 2 pieces Dundee Bagging, for Sunning Wheat. Received by CARWILE & McCAUGHRIN. June 16 28 tf BAR ROO,M A"D illiard Saloon, WE will keep constantly on hand a .arge and well selected stock of Wooj.fe's Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps, Blackberry Wine & Brandy. Whiskey, Gin, Wine, &c. ALSO, Champagne Wine, Champagne Cider, Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Lemons. A WELL AND SELECTED STOCK OF -BE(*ARS of all grades. We will keep constantly a good supply of ICE during the SUMMER SEASON, and will be pleased to furnish families with all they need, at tbe very lowest price. Our Wines, Cider, Ale, Porter and Bier will be kept in a Refrigerator, an ice, during the entire ceason. Persons wishing bever, ages that are pleasant and palatable can get them by giving us a call.C ISIN June 23 24 tf Notice. dei anlng such an exorbitant picefor thei iense I was foreed to make other arrange Ihiave mde aragements with a large firm ork dne by the bes workmenha e Uite States at a much less cost to you than it possibly Al tiat you have to do is to call and let me take your impression. and get a sett of teeth made by the best workmen WIAE,D .S Dissolution of Partnership. HE Partnership heretofore .existing be'. Ttween HERMA N C. WIsKEMIAN and WILLIAM G. WILBER. under the atyle of Wiskeman & W ilber, at Newberry, S. C., has this day been dissolved by mutual con. The assets of the prtnership remain in the bands of Herman C. Wiskeman, to meet who Is alone authorized to use the name of the late firm in liquidation, and for that alone. Jrnz 2[ , 1869. June 23 543St R. H. MARSHALL, Auction & Commission Mer chant, Newberry C. BI., S. C. Auction Sales. BY R. H. MARSHALL,' On Thursday July 1st, and on 5th and 6th July, AT AUCTION ROOM, HOTEL BUILDING, Persons having Household Furniture or anything they wish converted Into money, would do well to send them to my Auction Room. My attention will be given to the seling of them at private sale or public sale, Consignments 5olicited, Prompt Attention and Prompt Remittances. To be the better prepared to enter into my new business, I offer my stock on hand, con sisting of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hard ware, at cost, up to tmeofsal. Auc. & Corn. Merchant. 011JU8E8! YELOIIEDES! elocipedes! Circuses!! AN(D The well selected stock of Goods just re ceived at L. R. MARSHALL'S are all the rage in Newberry now. Just Arrived, A well assorted stock of Crockery and Glsss Ware. ALSO A fresh Stock of Confectionaries, Jellies, French Preserves, Cakes, Crackers and Fruits. Besides almost every thing in the Grocery -line. Come and Buy!! Come and Buy !! L R MARSHAL [E MllR11E SOCIETY, AT, NEW YORK. .............................$9,021,011 ............................$86,173,021 .................................11,986 ............................$51,891,825 ...........0.. ................. ..27,666 ...........................$112,556,233 1IVIDED AMONG THE ASSURED. )iiidend" System of the able. TIMES AS LARGE ECLARED BY ANY COMPANY. Life and Endowment Policies, n to their "TONTINE LIFE ASSURANCE ring their lives, and which is thought by eflction, will render Life Assurance popular s or information upon the subject of "LIFE . NATOE, Resident Agent. June 16 23 tf. In Equity-Newberry. Dtvid B. Kinard, vs. J. A. Crotwell and others. Bill for Injunction and General Relief. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Daniel D. Stone one of the par ties defendant to this Bill, is absent beyond the limits of this State, on motion of Messrs. Fair, Pope & Pope, Plaintiff's Solicitors. It is ordered that the said Daniel D. Stone do plead, answer or demur, to the said Bill within forty d-'ys from the date hereof, or the same will be taken pro confesso against him. By order of the Court, THOS. M. LAKE, c. c. P. Clerk's Office, June 3, 1869. June 16 23 5t. In the Circuit Court-In Equity-Newberry. John C. Caldwell, Ex'or, vs. A. C. Garling ton, and others. Bill to foreclose mortgage, relief, &c. By virtue of an order of Hon. Lemuel Boo zer, Judge of the Circuit Court for the fifth Circuit, passed in the above stated case, the defendants, Catharine Boyce, Mary Ran dall, 'nd Carver Randall, George Johnstone, and J. 11. Williams, are required to plead, answer or demur to said bill within forty days from the publication of this order, or the same will he taken pro confesso against them. ' THOS. M. LAKE, c. c. P. Clerk's Office, Newborry, C. H., S. C., June 9th 1869. June 16 23 6t. R. Moorman & Co., Are just receiving .a fresh supply of Virgina Flour, of superfine grades. Buckwheat Flour, No. 1 Kits of 'Mackerel And other articles, to which they invite the attention of housekee'p ers. April 14 15 tf EDJGEFIELD FEMALE INIRMARY. .D. JENNINGS, M. D., late Profes sor of Diseases of Women in Galves ton Medical College of Texas, respectful'. ly informs the citizens of Edgefleld and ad" joining Counties, that he is now permanent ly located at Edgefleld C. H., S. C., In the Practice of his Profession. Dr. JENNINGS is now prepared to give especial attention to the Diseases of Fe males. He has made the treatment of uten~ ie Diseases his specialty. Ladies who may require the services of Dr. JENNINGS will be received Into his family for treatment. Dr. JENNINGS will take pleasure In fur'. nishing references of prominent Medical Colb leges, and Certificates of ladies in Edgefleld County who have been bed-ridden for years, and who are now completely re:,tored to health nder his treatment. [lv7 Charges moderate. May 1920 tf EMIJSTT S. 15 pieces New Style Prints, Received by CARWILE &MCCAUGHRIN. June1ie28 tf WALHALLA HOTEL. WALHALLA, S. C. Is open for the reception of Boarders and the transient Public. It has been enlarged and arranged for the accommodation of persons desiring to spend the Summer in this healthy locality. The Table is furnished with-the very best the market can afford. Is well stocked with every variety of Wines and Lignors, of the best and purest brands. The Proprietor gives his personal super vision to the establishment, and intends to maintain and extend its reputation as a PIRST CLASS HOTEL. D. BIEMANN. W.ALE.L.A, S. C., April 19, 1869. May 5 18 tf CHARLESTQ'd HOTEL. CH ARLESToN, SOUTH CAROLINA. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY id~oims his friends and the public generally that he has taken charge of this well known and popular FIRST CLASS HOTEL, and hopes that by strict attention to merit a full share of the public patronage. The Celebrated ARTESIAN WATER BATHS, hot, cold and shower, can be had at all hours. COACHES, with attentive Porters, are always in readiness to CONVEY PASSEN GERS to' and from the different Rail Roads and Steamert. H.AISN E. .nAGE'N DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. W. B. McKellar takes great pleasure in returring his t) anks to the public for their kind and liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and wot ld say to the pub lie generally, that lie fe Is determined to renew his efforts in the future to do his work cbeaper and better than he ever did. His nephew, Henry McKe:lar. has just com menced the study of Dentistry, and will fill and extract teeth free of ch.rge, for the next three months; also insert teeth at a very reduced price. Notice what the Dental Vulcanite Com pany says: Notice is hereby given, that Dr. W. B. McKellar, of Newberry County, South Car olina, is our only Licensee for the use of Rubber as a base for artificial Dentures, in Newberry County. All persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing Rubber Dental Plates of any parties NOT Licensed of this Company, as by so doing they render them selves equally liable to prosecution for in fringement. A reward will be paid for in formation that will lead to the conviction of any parties of unlawful use of our Patents. JOSIAH BACON, Treas. Goodyear Dent'l Vulcanite Co. Boston, June lit, 1869. 9 3m. Buy the Best! We now have on hand the following pop ular styles of Ladies and Misses boop skirts: The Dew Drop, Tip Top, Popular, Favorite, Reception Demi Quaker, Grecian La Parie. The Buple3 Elliptic is a great favorite with the Lgies. and ig a;iersally receornmended by the Fashion Magazines as the standard skirt of the fashbIonable world. To enjoy the following inestimable 'advati< tages, viz: Superior quality, perfect shape, finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economny. Buy the best. IA THIAS BAURE & SON. June 2 AND COW PEAN FOR SALE BY R. MOORMAN & C0. May 5 18 tf. WILSON & IIKER, THIS DAY OPENING A CHOICE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Dress G'-oods, GROCERIES, & C. &. CONSISTING IN PART OF: CHALLIES, B3ERAGES, SMOZAMBIQUES, GREENADINES, POPLINS, MUSLINS, PRINTS, CALUCUES, &C, STRIPES, &C. EMAACY ARTICLES, &C. SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, MOLASSES, FLOUR, BACON, POTATOES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, &C. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHgES&C. June-2 20 Uf 1869. LIITEI'OGL AND LONDON ~AND Globe In.saranceCo. Capital, 6arplus and Reserved 'ends .............--.Gold, p17,690,300 00 Assets in the United States, over...................----- .----- 2,0,000 00 Daily Cash Receipts, upwards ot.....................-----------Gold 20,030 00 THE ANRUAL REPOET SOR TEE YaE 1368 snows, That the Premiums were...Gold, 5.665,075 e Losses amonted to..... ... ' 3,662,44 After paying a Dividend of 30 per cent., amounting to S587,625, the undivided efits are..................Gold 488,580 oTa Assete ...................Gold 17,690,3) FIRE POLICIES ISSUED, PAYABLE IN CURRECY,GOLD OR STER LING. CHARLES T. LOWNDES, Agent South Carolina. Wx. F. NANCE, Lpl ha inbmt Newberrv, S. C. 1869. SPRING 1869. sTOCE' OF SHOES !! ABRAMS, GRIFFIN & HARGROVE Have now in Store an elegant Stock of GAITERS& SHOES, For Spring and Summer wear, of every pattern, make and material, which have been selected specially for this market, and we invite particular attention to them. As we deal exclusively in this line, our Stock embraces a large variety, and too, buy ing as we do, in such quantities, we can af ford to Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. si- Call and Examine our Stock and be convinced.t We return thanks to our friends and cus tomers for the very liberal patronage be stowed upon us in the past, and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. March 24 tf Capt. McFall, WITH IESSRS, BIIRRE & SON, Takes pleasure in informing the Ladies particularly, and the community at large, that an elegant Stock of Goods is now open for inspection. In the line of Fine Goods, special attention has been given, and the assortmcrt of Embroideries, Tattins, Laces and Trimmings, Is the completest and best ever before brcught out. While the Stock of Dry Goods, White and Heavy Goods, And Dress Patterns in Poplins, Lenoes, Mozambiques, ' Tamertines, Grenadines, Challies, Silks, Muslins and Calicoes, TOGETHER WITH .Shirtings, Sheet ings, I Stripes, &c., &c. Are of the best grades and qualities. To which Is adde~d in eleganit And beautiful assortment of dTattt and( $9it Stii 5. All of these Goods are offered at reason able prices. Call and examine. March 1,7 11 tf. CLOTHING. AND H A'TS. At Wholesale & Retail. --0 R, & W,0,IJ SW1TFFIELD, Columbia, S. C. -0 We have received our SPRING STOCK of the above Goods bought for cash, and will be sold at a small advance. Conntry dealers supplied, and priceQ guaranteed AS LOW as any house south of New York. We keep'thi best fitting Shirts that are made. All the late styles of French Casi meres for custom work. March 24 12 tf. Such as Bacon Sides, Extra Family Flour, Molasses, Cider Vin egar, and Kerosene Oil. Mack erel, Sardines, Oysters, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Rice, Tobacco and Se gars, Soda, Starch, Candy, Raisins, Soda Crackers, Bar Soap, Candles, Combs and Brushes, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Needles, Pins, &c., Hoop Skirts for Ladies and Misses, Cal ico for quilt purposes, also other Prints, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Shoes and Hats, Powder Shot and Gun Caps, and many other articles which will be sold cheap for cash. The public are respectfully in vited to call and be satisfied. JOHN J. AMICK. June 2 21 1mo. PRIMlE !MUiLAND OATS, 'bushels of 'the above, for sale by MA YES & NARTIN. June 922tf. Ice, Ice. The subscribers are prepared to furnish ice to the citizens of Newberry, from this date.sMITH & CHRIsT1AN. Jane 2 20 tf. Nails, Nails. A large lot, by the keg, or retail. May 5 18 tf. RI. STEWART & Co. CHOICE SUGAR!I Afew barrels of SUGAR, at 12je. per pound. For sale by MYES & MARTIN. COLUMBIA--DRY GOODS, NOW OPES AT KINARD'S. W E take pleasure in fnforaing os" Newberry friends, and those of swr rounding country, that we have now OPea; a selection of Dress* Gods, with Frin -; Gimps and Buttons to maWb, of beau styles and patterns. A full line of Printed Lawns, Cambrioe, Jaconets and Organdies. A full line of Sheeting. A full line of Long Cloths. A full line of Calicoes. A full line of White Good. A full line of Kid Gloves. A full line of Li=le Thread Gloves. A full line of Uo=iery. A full line of Irish Liuens. A full line of Cassineres for Gentlemen's Suits. A full line of Lincn Coating, Drills and Ducks. Making our stock quite as fall and com plete as it s as two weeks ago. We solicit a call from our friends and a1 visitors to our city, with the assu-ranee thas our stock and prices will please all. J. H. & M. L. KINARD, One door South of Columbia otel. May 5 18 3mos. FRESH ARR1VALS. The undersigned has just- returnediltm 1cew York, with a large and completa stock of Dry Goods and Groceries. which be is prepared to sell low for cash. Feb. 10 tf. D. MOWK . Spring Dress Goods. A few pieces of nice Poplin and ChallieDob Call and see them, at D. MOWTi.g'L. Feb 10 tf Notice. I have been solicited by my friends fom time to time to order stoves for them, and I would now say to all who desire one of tke best COOK S lOVES, that I have made set. isfactory arrangements with the manufactu rers. and can fill orders for all who may de sire. D. MOWER Jan 13 LIME. Eor sale by Jan 13 D. MOWER. Just Received, Some very heavy PLAID O NABURG, for sale low by D. MOWEL Jan. 27 4 tf. DRY &MILLI.ERY GOOIL A good stock of the above cen stantly on hand, and for sale low or cash, by D. MOWER. Jan 13 tf. New Orleans Molasses. For sale by Jan 13 D. MOWENt, Prints-Prints. lewand handsome styles of Sprnin, Ladies' Baskets. A flue assortment at D. XOWERW. Feb 10 tf. Kits New Mackerel and Salmon, for msb% Feb 10 tf D. MOWK A nice stock of Sugars. Call andse u 0nat D. MOW W.. Leather, for sale by . D. MOWFR. HW1 STORE-NW8 S4J4L Groceries!. Groceries ! Groceries i Bacon, Flour, Salt, Sugar, - Coffee, L~ard, Molasses, Soap, Candles,, Cheese, Mackerel, Candy, &c., &c., &c. March 3 D. P. BUJZZBARINf. FINAL NOTICE. T HIE Creditors of the Estates of J.3. ii6 er and A. W. Reeder, dec'd, are o' )y notified to render their elam prl1I ttested to the undersigned, on or fo. irst day of JuTy next, or said demands WE )s debarred paymeDt. W. D. REED25R. June 9 22 4t AdministrafS. SEASONABLE GODg! JUST IN! A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT ON D RE SS GO0 DS, SUITABLE FOR THE SURNRRK SUCOH AS itAGES, GRENADINES, LAWN!S, BSHEER ORGANDIES, &c ,&c. We offer Inducements as to rc Spring Dress Goods for thene sAls0so, in receipt of a fresh lot of Chelly's Kid Gloves, Silk and Lilse Gloves, Gkow Fitting Corsets, Bone andRedoreu1 numbers-a line of Trimming .ibisI widths and colors, Fringes, Gimp, ,ais Buttons. &c , &c. An elegant assortment of Gents' Under Vests, in silk, lisle thread, (b'pus, sd whiteL, cotton, novia, gause,.merino, I3d Another lot of handsome Shetland and Grenadine Shawls. We always keep the best Tcelet Arti*ipe such as Glycerine, Palm Oil, PonineQ Pq;a ice. Castile, Honey. Almond sud Soaps, Language of Flowers, Loqe SIU the Roses, opopponax,Ihlanlg,NIght ~Ous ing Cerens, Burnet's standard 90lg , French and German imported Colognle, Pomades, Cocoine; Caliston, &c. ~ A gee assortment ofprinlts, Bleached and& Browy Goods, just to hand, together with a. full line of other Goods for the Departbet. Wrapping. e, Twine, *c.