'4kVOCE OF GRIEF. O t wtepth of thorns and briers, wea blefed eet ?s with sbdows of usr*aped desires, pIe.in,eS iubomplete! IA;uutuebsnfping -Porow ter the dead, And bitternees of life, W1meble I es by ertzel bandse are abed, Si Id of strife; Wsrateere*l, like the Al snows, Qtf"red above moo end Map Bedf dait s night, snd from her bosom throws .ur arrows "rd her stings! shu So tweet breath of Summer sweep the eanbh, ~~T e it smile with IIowers, Yet leave to man the pestilential dearth Of ever..witbering powers? SAM ' Sorrow, waudering through the , WaOs passionate tears of blood, y .poo" the stones is hurled. kaed for good ! 76 Kf Grief pierces the Silent Land, o i me's dangerous strand, 1o joy beyondthe sunt Worman in Breeches. WASHINGTON, May 16. Mrs. Dr. Mary E. Walker is still determined to bring herself prom inantly- before the public. Yester day she visited Dr. Metcalf, chief k.4 the Interior Department, and made formal application in writing for the position of Libra ria. --To-day she made her ap pesianceat the door of the room fh-C.9mnmissioner of Patents, an icant for an interview with official. While patiently waking her turn to be admitted, Mde.General Gaines, of Louisiana, eni#idTrom the Commissioner's room, and, after eyeing the ."wo -umri-breehes" for awhile, ad Z led her with the question, "Is this Mrs. Dr. Walker ?" The fair doctor replied affirmatively. Mrs. _rn'pes said: "Will you allow me to give you a piece of advice ?" - Pr.Walker: I will not pay asytiog for your advice, but if 1 i'given freely I will be happy to. recei-e it. .*mGaines: I shall make no .shage.for .it, and if you act upon :will be benefited by it. Wleker intimated her read to hear. Gaines: Well, my advice 1,pu is to go home and pull off o breeches at once and not d mce yourself by- wearing Dr. Walker: If I do so will adopt me as your daughter? Iis. Gaines: I don't think I would.. I have too many adopted diagters already. Dr.. Wiker (very emphatical I ): If you would 'adopt me as # er'daughter and give me every yuhave in the world I notaandon my principles ,s0 deas or change my modo of dress.- - Mrs~ Gaines: You arc injuring. yourelf4 dressing so. Had I ptuo Breeclies I never should * have sueceeded in establishing my * . rights. I never put.on breeches, -no. not even my husband's end with the blessing of God I never will. Mrs. W'alker: You may not -dres Ethis costume and yet drea*s-a).ecomingly in some other garb.: You, wear feathers and flowers in your bair, while there is nothing of the kind to be aeen about mine. The argument upon the merits Lq.tetyles of d'ress waxed . - warm, And had attracted a large crowd of clerks and visitors; when $he bell struck, and. Commission er ISisber. gnessenger announced tbat the Commissioner was now 4Mady to receive Mrs. Walker, b*sa abse entered the Commis ~ iou*er's room, and Mrs. Gaines de patdin another direction and left the building. (Cor. Balt. Sun. * TEeHNICAL SUIoR--Love * .Lettr from a Tailor to his Sweet - Aeart, a Manamaker. 'Remnant ~i~y hopes: May I be ripped fm the border of your esteem and never be buttoned to the loop ofyour kindness, bnt I am strongly seamed to them by your beauty. May I never lose a thimbleful of your favor, but you have entangled the thread of my understanding LYRith that pretty outside of yours. Odd bodkin l I am surely youlsa every inch of me-and my needle follows you. Therefore blunt not the endeavors, but let me baste .siyse[f_to your kindness, that I ~a sit thither to your affections. 'love you beyond measure, but it iso hard to cabbage one sweet A(be -from you, that I almost despair of having enough to finish ,my sgit. Pray put a favorable li'i-ostruction on this, and, for the saxue shall always sit cross-legged for your sake, being, my dearest - little Souncer, your CABBAGE.' A Szearr WORH KNOWING. An able writer gives the following rf ible secret: . Thie kooking forward to enjoy ent~ don't pay. For what Lknow Wi; would as soon chase-but rq4es for a living, bottle moon-. shine for a cloudy night. The on .Iy way to be happy is to take the drops of happiness as God gives them to us every day of our lives. Tbheboy must learn to be happy while he is learning his trade ; the agerehaat while he is making his or*~tuDe. If he fails to learn this art, he~will be sure tomiss his en ovent when he gains what he ~asighed for THEOLD SAOIABITES TEET JTER OI -odE-ylir TIE LEA WITH AT ,eaewl. Ou ofth mn The Tisn buestifl l earg ThWen -ausnd i silldren a-Wmn.u-and Children! RE AD-R EA D. "C8lin to Sclsd Bns. "ealing to all sores, Ulcers, Ac." s e most extraordinary sALIVE ever known, spower of Soothing and Healing for all us Burns. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Cha pped ads and r'kin, for-Sore N,pp!es, for Piles, c, &c.,--ls without a paralel One per, onsays of it, 'I would not he without is o in my House, if it cost $.5.00, or E had ravel all the way to New York for it ." IN. Y. Evening Ne ws, Sept. 5 - Al Drnggists in Newberry sell it. "COSTAR'S" Sand ard Preplaratioiis ARE H. T HE lterSweet and Orange Blossonis - One Bottle, $1.00-Three for $2.00. IlS "sar's" Rht, Roath, &c., Exterminators. 'astars" Bd Bug tEirminters. "soar's" (only pure) Insect Pow&i "Only Infallible Remed:es knowni." "18 years establishild in New York." "2,b0 Boxes and Flsksu minuate oiy. All Druggists at liewberry C. H., sell them. "COSTAR, 10 Crosby St., N. Y., r, JOHN F. HENRY. (Successor to DEMAs BARNEs & Co., 21 Pail Row, N. Y. Sold at 1!EWBER EY C. H1. April 2817 tf. NOTICE. Guardians, Trustees, Comnmittees, Rlecei es, also Adiniistraitors and Executor must make their annual return to thais ollie' on r before the first day of June tielt. Bulas will be issued against all deraulter JOHN T. PETERSON, Probate Judge, April 14 15 12t New berry County. Law Notice. The unders.igned have formed a partne' sip for the practice of Law in the Stai Curts and the United States Courts, f< h District of South Carolina. Office a whery S.C.JAlMES M. BAXTER, April71 14 tf. SILAS JOIINSTONE. W. G. GLENN, *WITH{ GEO. C. ROBINSO15 GROCER AND ommissioni Il\erchiant 26% Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA' Choice Family Groceries, f Every DescripiolJ COSTANTLY ON HAND, incuding Bacon, Flour, .Coffee, Sugar,'Salt, PQtatoes, Salt Fish,&a At the Lowest Cash Prices DTc. 49 A mon. IAR COOK! ~D WITHOUT EXTENSION urable and i not s la liocac sm an alageasor mn of ote_aten,a DruggZ*ist4e 131 MEET IGSRET n hitity a -~ dli rabl aand lar~e asortmnt ofoth spa fer,a Nto.e 92 BR odA, ntoe Yor knoea --do n t aiusbacesen l thosa Whlsaean e a ruggis[,ers. 131MEEING SAEET,. CharIs~on ~o.Ca. 1Ch. T.l.E LEQUITABLE President. .JS.W.Ae A NDER.ic Sctay. ot e OGANIZEUED TAES rc1859. Cao.ia 2 excluWAiv ew CaiaYSok.) lin onipoe prpt AntePrP.l ciy n t at or e.ok ot failti more tan doule theamoun of orao lo n . ........-------......... S ,868P U n id st t c urt ie of .......... .718.7782r th )e Yaokitatcelnd ity optads......5.)0 Css n h oad o treorteing... 7t2end str mo reiums n coube thf c o to....235 0 lc tuedt erst... ... ................ 81,47 15 PO ord 01 uDelerr bed ...i-An...al07a.d2.Quarterlyii hi' in m ts .........--- ...- ---------...69 8.732 w il l Oter Popety..................-.........274 5I.0 ROA Ah in B sset.............---.... .207.2 t St AS ro th irn cure of 1869co...1 3 .000.00tadsc GrossAssetestarh..1.18..........3,01,847.02o 0 tosaet redSm-nue and Quaroterad-li rn polcisof..he......e.........9,000 Other rociety................-.-....189 ,889.0 . t Su grp u......... ..----.--------....... . 7188 02 in te s Numbrers ofet Poliche 31,ue 1 in613 8 9,01,07.8 u o s A rNtpeetleo mount rAssured in 1GO.---..---51 8,2 sbf i l HLt aft eiLAuS JltOuNSTONa&ud-te New ber - C.H. as the 56,39.89 0 ero --- ber, wil M. . A. LBRITATO. 1tee I would respectfully soy to the citizens, that I IMay: have just rec.-ived1 a very large and well select ed stock~ of S pring Goods. con sistiug in part of DiY G ODS, VIZ: l'rints, Sheetingsa and Shirtings, Hats, and Caps for Ladies (ients and. ALSSO, a large lot of Hardware and Crockery,1 Boots and Shoes, Saddles, Ha rness, Bridles, &c. a A LSO. a large lot ot Groceries, to wit: Sugars, jI Coffees. Teas, Malsses, &c. Ti A LSO, a fine assortment of Drugs, together Ti with a splendid stock of' Liquors, Brauadys, passed1 WVins, Gin, Whaiskeys, Rum, carolina Bitters. fort an' &c. Stock is complete and I want all my, ellers a -friOdad and customers, as,well as every one else Summe who can find it convenient, to come forward with iii *ad seey stock, forI am certain that I can "A cal * sell. II. P. ALBRIlT'ON. May Marh 29 tf. iTOVE. TOP. oil as fast, broil as nice, ar d advantagoes which no othe~r Lny stoves are. Besides the I of which are warranted ta Ige has failed to give entire will be done at short notice. W. T. WRIGHT. ~THE GREAT Cause OF mzan IMisery. blised in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents: ure on the Nature, Treatment and Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sper% aa. induced by self,Ahuse; invol'. misi?.ons. Impotency, Nervous De id Impdiments to Marriage gene )f-utiltonl. Epilepsy, and Fits; nd Phiysica1luincpacity, &ic -By CULVRn~ ELL, 5I. D , Author of en Book." &c. rld renowned author, in this ad Lecrr. ele ry proves from his o'n e thatr the nwful consequecIes of e may be effectually removed with,. cine, and( wi hur da:ntgeraus sur rtn .hor.gie,.. inc.ruments, rings. Is, pointinr (out $a mo:le of cure ait an and effectual, by which every no matter wha&t his condition may cure himaelf cheaply, privately and .This lecture will prove a boon to is and thousands. uder seal, in a plain envelope, to ress, on receipt of six cents, or two ttamps, by addressing the pubUhs DR. CULVERWELL'S "Marriage prce 25 cents. ;s the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., wery, N. Y., Po't- Offce Box 4,586. P. TOALFE, rleston, S C., Manufacturer of rs, Sash, Blinds. -We would call the particular at of our friends to the above card. ale has a large Factory, and such as eale him to supply the best his own make at low prices. A ge and complete assortment always I at his Factory. HORLBECK'S F, NE AR NORTH EASTERN RAIL EPOT, CIHIAIRL ESTON, S. C. Orders from the country solicited, it attention paid to shipping in d cr. . April 7 '69 Iy QUTH CAROLINA Agicultural & Mechanical Oran of the South:Carolina State Ag atural and Nenhainal Society.) early date . the subscribers will pubs rst number of a Monthly Magazine; to the development of the material f this State, and the whole South, distribute five thousand copies gra y, so that every one may see what it ssbscribing. They intend to make st and hansomnest indu-trial maga, r publibed at the south, and they crdial co-operation of every gocd in this enterprise, which must re o the pubjic welfare. o wishing copies of the first nums please send their address to [KER, EVANS & COGSWELL, Charleston, S. C. KERSON HOUSE. COLUMBIA, UTH gAjOLINA. pleasantly located HOTEL, unsur p any House in the South for corn I healthy locality, is open to Tray nd others seeking BOARD for the r Families can be accommodated :e, airy rooms, on reasonable terms, i solicited." 192n .r WM. A. WRIGH T. South Carolina R. R. Company, GENERAL SUPERIN'ENDENT'S OFFICE, APRIL 0, 1869. O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 11TH in, :tant, the f" lo? lg Schedule for PAS, SEN,3ER TRA l. S, will be observed: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaving Colnmbia at..............7 45 a. m. Arriving at Columbia at......... 6 10 p. in. NIGHT EXPRES TRAIN. Leaving Colmbia at ........................5 20 p m. Arriving at Columbia at......................4.46 a. in. CAMDEN TRAIN. Will run on Mondays, Weduesdays and Satur' day . Arriving in Columbia at........11.01 a. m. Leaving Columbia at ...............- 21 p. m. The Train now running between Columbia and lingsville. in connectinn with the Through Mail frain, will be taken off on sunday, April L1. I. T.PEAKE, April 14 General Supe, intendent L(U IS SCIODAIR, Baker & C rnft ctioner, MAIN STREET, Newberry, S. C. Respectfully inforns his many customers and tte l,r'.1re gt.ne4r:Il.- th at hi New Bake Oven now completed, and by its convenient ar rangener t he can hake any end everything in his line at the shortest possible notice, such as .Cakes, Pastry, &c., in satisfactory and handsome style. Parties and Dinners furnished at shortest notice. Fresh bread, pies and cake on hand. Meals served at any hour. Fish, oysters and game can be had at all times. Thinkful for past favors he solicits a con tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore betowed. Dec. 2 49 tf. GEN. 1-. H. i A. W, MAGISTRATE, Will take Dowers, draw Deeds and Mortgages. dec 16 51 S. C. RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, CHARLv.SrON. February 13. 1869. 5 O N and after SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14, the Passenger Trains of the South Car >lina Railroad, willI run as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Chirleston................830 A M Arrive at Augusta...........5.10 P M Connecting with Trains for Mnntgome y, Iemphis. Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.................8 30 A M Arrive at Columbia... ........5 45 P M . nnecing with Wilmington and Manches er Railroad. Charlotte and South Carolina ailroad, and Camden Train. FOR CHARLESTON. eave Augusta ...............800 A MI rrive at Charleston.......... 00 P M eave Columbia...............7.45 A M1 Arrive at Charleston.............5. P M AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) eave Charleston..............7.30 P M Arrive at Augusra ............6.30 A M onnecing with Trains for Memphis, Nasha ille and New Orleans, via Grand June, ion. ave Augusta................4.10 P M rrive at Charleston ....-.-.---..4 A M1 COLU MBIA NIGI'P EX RESS. (Sundays excepted )t aave Charleston.............. 605 P M rive at Columbia...........4 45 A M . onnecing, Sundays excepted, with Green rlle and Columbia Railroad. eave Columbia.............. 530 P M trtv at Charles~ton..........5 30 A M1 SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. anve Charleston ---...........3 00P M rrive at Summerville.........420 P M1 Leave Summerville............7.10 A M rrive at Charleston...........825 A M CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, wednesdays and Saturdays. a've Kingf the celebraited mnufanTctuare of.400K, y ere Sti'es Hurd, formel of this'pa yrocured his stock. All orders promp:ly ttended to. Z. L. WHITE. PurietAheI 'or ale by-D Wm v W , JAlMES MPAER, PRACTICAL ROUSE, SIGN AN WC1, P Glasier and PprI .Yewberry C.K5., '. Begs to inform the citizens of tidh coms munity that be is now fairly a 4iJa1 ness and prepared to execute a ld'Vfwith neatness and punctuality, and at modesa rates,-. ~tbe found a: Louis 8ho4air's Ba's taurant, Newhberry C. t1. 'March 3 CIRLESTON HIOT. C HA RLESTON, SOUTK OA$dL&L. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTU5Y' inTorms his friegds Ind the pt 11y-li thatr he has taken chargeof thi ~w asW and popular FIRST CL@S 3 ~1Uau4 hopes that by strict Irttelitioft' to Me lull share of the public pg The Celebrated ARTR8I WATER: BAT HS, hot, cold and sposer,see be hadJ at all boqrs. . COACHES, with attentive PortMs. ame always in readiness to CONVEY PASSEN; GERS to and4rom the different Railr Rbadb &nd Steamers. .j;an27 PAVILION OTEL Charleston, 8,SC. BOARD PER DAY, $3.00.. MaS. H. L:B 'l Prorese ASA BUTTERI2LJ Wolfe's Schied.am Schnap Bottled Wines and ti gr, A supply of these jstly ceJlr4~ for medenal an.private se,4 ved by the undersign~ed-A. aot SIITH. & OH . Jan 27I 14 JOs., tW: Pssai Artist SuppI, Paint,Oil,Glass,SashgB1rash, Varnish, Lamtar4 Pe.s troleum Oi tfe. Patent Thiefte indda, ey Drawers. parker's "Furniture Gloss." 62 QUTEEN STREEr,'ANR WIN. TOE, S. c. April 2 1'7 6A