HUNT, BRU'S & CO., Charleston, S. C. Hunt, Thomson & Co., 97 and 99 Water-st., N. Y. Cotton ractors and Commis sion Merchants. Having recently establi-hed a house in New York, we are prepared to offer every facility for receiving. forwarding and selling Cotton and other produce. Liberal cash advances made on consigns either house or to our friends in Liverpool. Parties shipping to us can have the benefit of three markets with one commission. Jan 203 PERIUVIAN GUANO. We will give particular attention to pur chasing Peruvian Guano, and warrant it pure. - HUNT, THOMSON & CO , Jan 20 3 '7 and 99 Water st , N. Y. STATE oFSOLTII CAROLINA. NEwBERRY COUNTTY. By John T. Peterson, Probite Judge. - Whereas James P. Johnson has nade suit to me to grant him Letters of Administra-. tion, will annexed, of the Estate and effects of Nancy Bishop. -' se are therefore to cite and admonish 'iand singular, the kindred and cleditors of tlke said deceased, to be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate to be held at Newberry Court House, on the 26th day of January inst. after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any. the.y have, why the said Administration not be granted. * 'e under my hand this 12th day of uan'ary, Kino Domini. 1869. JOHN T. PETERSON, P.. Jan 20 2 -SOlfRNHM[ JOURNAL, A WEEKL Y PAPER, .evoted to Choice Literature, Bi ography; History, Poetry, and the News, PUBLSSED EVERY SATURDAY, By JOHN Y. SLATER, 293 Baltimore Street; Baltimore, Md., at $3 per annum, in- advance. Many of the most popular -writers at the South contribute regularly to its column-s. Jan. 20 3 ANNUAL MEETING ON TaE STOCKHOLDERS UOUTH CABOLINA RATL ROAD COMPANY, AND OF THE S*UTHWESTERN RAIL ROAD BANK. KE ANNUAL MEE 1ING OF T HE STOCK II OLDERS of the above Institutions will .be held in the City of Charleston, on the second Tuesday in February next, the 9th of the mouth. Place -of meeting, Brl, or the Southwestern Rail Road Bank, in Broad-street. Hour of con vin,11 o'clock, A. M!. ott the day followbag. Wedn.esday, the 10th, there will be an Election held at the samne place, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P'~ M , for JJFFEEN DIR ECrORs of the Railroad' Com, . A Cemmittee to verify Proxies wml at lend. stoctholders will be pased, as usual, over tihe and from the M.-eting', free of charwe. in aseiordance with the zeso:u:ion of the Con vention of 18b1. J. R. EIIERY, Secretary. Jan. 20 8 BUY YOUR C L OT HING In Columbia, of I, & s IVC. NWlAJ~ELD, They Sell the CHEAPEST, THE BEST MADE, ANiD Most Durable Clothing in the State. ALL THE LATEST *STYLES OF HATS. CLQTINE MADE TO LATES8T STYLES. Jaaltf School Notice. The undersigned wi-4hes to inform his for mer patr'ons, and the public generally, that he expects to re-open his school on- Mon day, the 18th inst. Those wishing to arjil themselves of the opportunity of sending their sons, will do well to n ke arrange .ments as soon as they can, as the school will necessarily be limited. Rates of Tuition-per &ssion of Twenty Weeks. Primary,-- -- -- -- - --- ---- $10 English Grammar and Geography, - 15 Mathematics above Arithmetic, Logic and Rhetor'e, - - ----- 20 Latin and Greek, --- -- -- -- 25 Lessons will be given in the French and German languages to those wishing them, without additional charge. -Board, not including washing and lights, thirteen dollars per month. Jan. 13 2 tf. TH OS. DUCKET. IRISH POTATOES. We are now receiving and will keep constantly on -hand a good assortment of Planting and Eating * .Potatoes, at the lowest prices pos sible. LOVELACIE & WHEELER. an 1&atr GREENVILLE FEMALE COLLEGE The SPRING SESSION of this Institution will begin Wednesday the 3d of February, and continue 21 weeks. Ample provision has beent made for ef ficient instruction in all Dep artments, in *cluding Ancient and Modern Languages, Drawing an'd Painting, Solo-singing and Vocalization, Thorough Base and Harmony, and Instrumental music. For full particulars apply for eatalogne to Prof. C. II. JU'DSON, CHEAP GIOIS. We are now receiving a large assortment of GOODS, all new and fresh and purchased low for cash, so that we can offer inducements to purchasers. Dress Goods, &c. We have Dress Goods, White Goods, Prints,Bleached and Brown Sceetings and Shirtings, Cassi mers, Satinets, Jeans, Plains, Ker seys, Linseys, Ticking, also Cloth ing. Shirts, Drawers. Gents and Ladies' Undershirts and Vests.and a good selection of .Boots, Shoes, Hats and Trunks. ,Crockery, &c. A splendid stock of Crockery and Glass-ware. Also Kerosene Lamps, Oil Cans, Kerosene- Oil, Lamp shades, Chimneys, Wicks, and extra Burners and Collars. Miscellaneous. We have a nice assortment of -Pocket and Table Cutlery, Table and Tea spoons, Britania Water Dippers. Coffee Mills, Axes,Spades, Shovels, Forks, Trace Chains and Hames, Nails, locks, Hinges, Butts and Screws, Frying Pans, Seives, Water Buckets, Looking Glasses, &c., &c. - Stationary. We keep Cap, Letter, Bill and Note Paper, and Envelopes, Ink. Pens, Pencils, Slates and a small lot of Blank Books, Diaries, &c. Groceries. We keep constantly on hand a choice lot of Groceries,Bacon,Lard, Flour, Salt, Molasses, Vinegar, Candles, Starch, Soap, Soda, Shoe Brushes and Blacking, and a great many other goods that we haven't time to enumerate. Call soon and get bargains. LOVELACE & WHEELER. Jan 132tf A. Harris Has just received a choice stock of. FA MILY - TR9CERIES, FRUITS, C UTL'ERY', &c.,&c., &c. Among which can be found Bacon, Lard, Goshen Butter, Flour, Molasses, Clieese, Crnckers, Sugar Coffee, Knit-es and Forks, Axes and Handles, PadI Locks, - . Cccoa Nuts, Oranges, And ma.ny other things, which will be so1(d cheap for cash. Jan 13 Sheriff's Sale. B virtue of an order froam John T. Peter on,'Probate Judge for Newberry County, [ will sell, on the first Monday i'n February, K Newberry C. H., one Tract of land, con aining sixty-four acres more or less, lying n Newberry, and bounded by lands of Parruck Duncan, Estates of Dr. James M. pps and Bar.ruck WVhitmite, the same be ing the reail Estate of Mary R. C. Whitmire, eceased. Terms, on a credit of one year, with interest from the of sale, except the costs which must be id in cash. The urchaser will be required to give a mort age with at least two good sureties to se cure the purchase money. * By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Faciais o me directed, I will sell, on the sathe day, t the same place, the following property, nz: One tract, the Speakes land, containing 80 acres, more or less, bounded by lands f H. 0. Henson, Mre. Rebecca Speakes, Mrs. artha Goree and others. * Also, the Gary tract, containing three undred acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Henry 0. Henson, Mrs. Sallie Gary, Jacob Summer and others. Levied on at the suit of E. P. Lake and others, vs. Henry H. Kinard. *3 Also, one tract containing three hundred and twenty five acres of land, more or less, bounded by lands of G. WV. L. Spearman, Graves Spearman, et. al. Levied on at the suit of D. Goggans, Av landrof Thomat< Floyd, ott the Sotht atnd Southl-East hy the Saltuda River, West by lainds of Jantes Lintdeay, and H. Williams, North by lands of Griflin, ontaining nine hundred attd forty-one (941') cres nmore or.less. Terms of Sale. Twenty-five hundred dollars, and the expenses of sale itt cash. iance on a credit of one aind two years, enred by bond and mortgage. Purcha.sers to pay for stamtps atid ptpers. JOIUN AGNEW, Attorney of the Mor'gitor, Jan. 6 1 2t. A. Ri. TAYLOR. STATE OF SOUTH CA ROLINA. Newberry District--In Equity. George Larsen, Adm'r. vs. W. H. Hutnt and others. It appearing to my satisfaction that Joseph . Clark is absent from the limits of this State, on motion of Messrs. JTones and Jones, omp's Sol's it is ordered that the said abs sent defendant do plead answer or demur to this bill within forty days from the publicas tion hereof, or the same will be taken pro onfesso against himn. Cor's Office, SILAS JOH NSTONE, NOW RECEIVING, And in Store, AT W. H.' Webb's No. 1 M!llohon Row, A L:r-e al Sup rior _:ock of Entbraci:g every ar,icle in that line, tog ther with a heavy lot of choice GROCERIES, of e%ery grade, besides BOOTS ANB SHOES, and ::iny other things not enune:ated.' Whichi will he sold CHEAP for CASH! LuT it advarces made on Cotton shipped to Messrs. llrodie & Co., Charlesten. Also sells Exchange on Charles'.on. dec 2 tf STILES HURD, with the Wheeler & Wilson Manufac turing Company. BRIDGEPORT, CONN., scenahled to select the most perfect finished Machines, and forward them to those who may want, at the manufac turer's price, free of conmtissions- to the purehascr. Any orders sent through Silas J:+hnstone & Win. F. Nance, will receive protnp: attention. Dcc 16 Law Partnership. We, the nedersigned. have this d: y asso ciated nrse!ves together in the practice of Law and Equity in the State and Federal Courts, ttndor the r'aene and style of Fair, Pope and Pope. Ollice Newherry C. H., S. C. SI',EON FAIR, Y. J. PoPE, SAMPSON POPE. -0- 0 I take this occasion to notify my clients that in my neceoszr,ary absence from New, herry, during July, by applying to either of my p:rt ner; Messrs. 1. J. or Sampson Pope, any information or attention necessary to my o!d business will:be promptly given. SIMEON FAIR. July 15 29 tf. Male Academy. :The undlersigned will commence his School on MONDAY, the 16th inst. Terms per month, payable in advance. Reading, writing and Arithmetic, $2,50 Ordinary Enig!lih, (including the above,) Modern Geography, English Grammar, History, &ec, S,50 Higher English Mathenmaties and Ancient Languages, 4,50 . No, Ineidental Fees. An opportunity will he afforded to Study Modern Languages and Book-Keepinir. A. P. P1gR Nov. 11 46 tf. R M. P. Albriton, Again! My SpsIem of quick Sales, and Tri,Weekly arrivals of Fresh Goods, places me in a position to give my custom ers cheaper goods than ever. I am d'ing a rapidly increas ing business, but desire to add to it. Every buyer who comes to my store, will leave, saying. I have'bought ch'eap goods. I wilt not attempt to enumerate any article, a mere glance i. to my large Store House, will satisfy any person that my house is fuil int every line of' goods that are needed 'for the trade. Both by wholesale and retail. oct'.28 44 tf. EOwann N. Tncrns-ros. C. R. HoLMEs. -THURSTON &. HOL.MES, COTTON FACTORS AND Commission ilerchants, AD)JER'S NORTH WHARF. CIIARLE'STON. S. C. Liberal cash advances made ont consign ments of Cotton and other produce. sept 30 Gru T his is one of the most flourishinig Insti, tutions in the state. Pupils received at any time, and charged from time of entering, Tuition, including Latin and French, $4 per month. Boarding, including Fuel and Washing, $14 50 per moQnth. dec 16 3m J. L. BONNER, Pres. Dupont's Powder. The utndersigned are .Agents for the sale of DUPONI"S. CELEBRATED POWDER, and having secured a fire-proof Mag. -zine, they cani fnrnish the sante in any quantity ami at aill times to Merchants at. Manufac turer's prices with freight added. Thtey are alto Agents for the sale of Gower, Cox, Marley & Co's. Wa.gons, matuacttured in Greenville, . C. CA RWII1E & McCAUTGH RIN, Jan. 6 1 if. Final Notice, To Debtors of the Edtate of WV. D. Gohggans, deceased. All persons indebted to the Estate of W. D., deceased, must come forward IMMEDIATELY, and settle with Messrs. Jones & Jotnes, or every Note and Account of whatever size will be sited on this edmaing return day. DANIEL GOGGANs, Administrator, de bonis non. Jan. 13 2 3t. NOTICE. All persons indebted to us by M1emoran dum Accounts or otherwise, must call in and settle the same forthwith, as we must close up the trans action, of the old year: and hereafter no more memoran dums will be kept, and the money in every cas'e must accompany orders, to receive attention. MATHIAS BARRE & SON, JA ai Per J. Y. McFALL. THlE BIG And Shoe Store. ABRAMS, GRIFFIN & HARGROVE Newberry C. H., S. C. Have on hand a large and well selected stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Consisting of IEfT o1Lr hIP & TJ BOOTS, Also a fine assortment of Youth's & Boys Boot, A large and selected hssortment.of LADIES' GLOVE KID, GOAT AND SERGE BALMORALS AND GAITERS, In fac't every thing to be found in a FIRST CLASS Boot and Shoe Store, Boots and Shoes made to order. DON'T FAIL TO CALL at the BIG BOOT. Oct 7 41 LOUIS SCHODAIR, Baker & Confbctioner, MAIN STREET, Newberry, S. C. Respectfully informs his ntvny cstoae mid the pt"blic general;y that his New Bake Oven s now completed, and by its convenientar rangemert lie can bake any apd everything n his line at the shortest possible netiee, lch as Cakes, Pastry, &c., n satisfaictory and handsome style. .Parts nad Dinners furnished at shortest notig, Fresh bread, pics and sajce on' haad. deals served at any hour. Fish, oysters and game can be had'at Thankful for past favors he solceits saeNi inuance of-the liberal patronage heretofore >etowed. Dec. 2 49 tf. JAMES ALLAN, Importer anid Dealer in ine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, Eye Glass.., Fancy Goods, &c. No. 307 King.Sreeg C'HARLESTON,16O. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY RE- - AIRED. deo 2y PAVILION HOTEL. Charleston, S. C, BOARD PER DAY, $3.00. BLTE1WIEL, ~Ifs. I. L. BTTiEL Superintend at. Proprierss" SON, COTTON FACTSRIT Ommisson 3Merehaats, ACCOMMODATION WUARF,. Charleston, S. C, aug 26 5m RY &MIlLLINERY G~O9BR A good stock of the above con ~tanty on hand, and for sale low br cash, by D). MOWER,. Jan 13tf. The State of Sout h 2atgoina, y John T7. Peterson, Probate3Judge of New berry Countv. T hereas, Sloorman Ruff has applied to me r Lctters of Administration, -on all and ;ingular the goods and chattels, mights and. ~redits of Maximnillian Ruff, late of county ifo esaid, dece.aed: These are therefore to cite and admouish .1 and singular, the kindred and creditors of he said deceased, to be and appear, before ne, at our next Probate Court for the taid County, to be ho'den at NewberryCourt -ouse, on tl.e 2141 day of Jan., next, after )ublicatiton hereof, at 11 G'clock in the fore, con to show cau'e. if ainy.why the said Ad' inistratio't should rot be granted. Given uinder my hand and seal, this 7th lay of Jan.$in the year of car Lord one housand eight hundred and sixty-uine.. John T. Peterson. P. J. N. C. Jan13 2 2t. NITED~ STATES DISTRICT COURT, District of South Carlina Ex Patrte James A. Crotwell andethiers, In Re John P. Kinu d-Voluntary Bank1 rupt. The fndgment creditors of John P. Kidkrd re notified to appear in the District Cours, if the United States, for the District of~ outh Carolina, in Charleston, on the 26tih lay of January, 1869, at 11 o'clock, A. M.~ make such motion in the above stated :sse as they may feet advised in pursuance if their interest, on which day said case is e down for a hearing,. DANIEL HIORLBECK, Jan. I3 2 2t. Clerk U. S. Court. Notice to Debtors, The Notes and Accounts belonging*t e Estate of Geo. A. Suber, deceased, have ieen placed in the hands of Messrs. Jonea .nd Jones for collection, and if not paicd efore the first day of February next, will e sued on without exception. All persona aving demands against said Estate, are re 1uired to render them in by same timre. * M. D. sUBElH. Admu'n _an. 13 2 3t