The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, December 09, 1868, Image 4

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A opp at Louisville issued a le"year_invitation and sent the IfoUQwic5 notice tQ the contractors for publication in the Courier: To CoNTRAcToRs.-The under jgned, feeling the need of some -n to find fault with and grumble at when buFiness matters go wrong: d -sa&being' onely with no one to nte him,' and whereas, having "srrived at the proper age, ho is de termined to -"come out." Sealed proposals will be reec. ved till 12 o'clock midnight, ofthe 3'st December, 1868. Applicant must possess beauty or its equivalent in currency. She must possess a sweet and forgiving disposition, and, when ne- ebeek is kissed, turn the other (this is, if the right man is kissing.) She may not chew gum. Nor> wear long dresses on the street. Nor frequent sewing circles. =orgo around begging for ebari table purposes. o?i-read the paper first in the moroing. Nor-talk when I am sleepy Nor sleep when I am talking. Nar trade my clothes to wander 4ftItlians for Sower vases. " r borrow money from my vest 4-pocket while I sleep. )or hold a looking-glass- over my face, at such time, to make me teal.'noW. . - - She must believe in the sudden attack of chills, and make allow c.s for their effeetsof the ner Wbeb'her "old bear'cones.home from "meeting afew friends" rathetr affectionate, she must not take a4. ' O,fhis stateza6d wheedle iIm into trips to watering places. And above all, she may not on such occasions Oft ipecac into the coffee ..she prescribes for hii "poor head." -.he must not sit up for hiii when he happens to. be detained to,a late hour on hi. committee. -Est-wien hie does return, tired and sleepy, she will be espeeted to gem. t:th othMr side apd 've1~In b'r ow4 warm place -. * ?A d-ossesing the foregoisgj qualifications, positive and pIega. tilea hadlear of sorasthing to: her adt8ggiby inclosingared stamp. * 'All jgposals nmust. be accom ~aied by aatisfactory evidaee ol ritO- applicant tdosupport- a ls isrthe style 46 which he 3as debasutomed. ~ ow To PaOMOTI PAes ?N- A m1v-1 Remember that.-or will is likely to be crushed every day, so prepare forit. 1.NNyerybody in the liouse has aa.evil na.ture as well as ourselves, and therefore, we are not to expedi * '~ . 'To learn-the different temper 'n4 disposition of each individual. '4. Toelook ona each member of Sb.famiily a one of whom - w ekontaibste a-care. 5.~ When -any good happens tc yone to rejoice at. it. & When inclined to give ar .9AfJ answer, to "overcome evj 7. If from sftekneps, pain, or in brmity, we fbel irritable, to keep i pijt watch over ourselves. 8. ITo observe when others. ar< stfering, and drop a word of kind. assmo4uympstby'Iuited to them S. o watch the little oppor 4 eso-lesn and 'to spel litte anoyances out of the way 10. To take a cheerful view ot everything,- even of the weather and-encourage hope.. 11. To speak kindly to the servaate-to praise them for little We~gg when y:ou can. 12. In all little pleasures which mlay occur,to putyourself last. 13. To try for "the soft answeJ that turneth away wrath." A PEuoPosAL,.-On the 14th o * 2ast February, a young gentlemai residing in Leicester, sent the fol lowing Valentine to a young ladj in London: Delicate liars And Radiant Eyes Scatter Their Wilds In Leicester;. Leicester Your Offer Under-Boys, ,Emhrlfaldenl Is Not. Esther. In the course of a few days hb received this answer: Declare, Edwin ! Can Love Impart Never Entrancement Dearer, Wili Interest Thy Hand-Thy Heart, And Never Kiss Sincerer ? It will be seen on examination that the initial verses are from th< .words, "Dearest will you be mine? and those of the second, "Decline< with thanks." This is the mos elaborate and the most veiled wa' of proposing and refusing we havy evmt with. -Too LATE_ young couple eloped from a neighboring town, lately, and when at a safe distance from home were married. Soon after an officer was sent in pursdit, and arriving at the hotel where they were stopping, he immediate fly entered their room and found them snug in bed. He explained ids errand, when the young lady said, with a ringing laugh : "Tell ma itis too late-we've been mar ried some time, and have been in bed half an hour. Tel he! he-ee ! Don't get out of bed for him, John !" For the truth of the above, we refer to Cy. Binks.-Pigua Jour nal. A facetious gentleman travel. ing in the country, on irriving at the road-side inn in the evening) was met by the ostler whom he thus addressed: "Boy, extricate that quadruped from the vehicle, stab ulate him, devote him an adequate supply of nutricious aliment; and when the Aurora of morn shall again illumine the oriental horizon I will reward you with a pecuniary compensaton for your amiable hospitality.''The boy not under standing a word ran into the house saying " Master, here's a French man wapts to see you." How DEw You DEw ?-"Why, Uncle Dewlittle, how dew do you dew ? How does Aunt Hannah dew, and what is she dewing now? Dew tell us all about the news. OovAe;devsit up to the table and dew as we dew ; dew help your self, dew ; and dew talk .some and dew not malee e dew all the talk ing, 'for I shan't .dew it. Now, dew say something, -dew." "Oh. dew dry up, dew," said the -old man; "give ipe half a chance to say something, dew." How TO DETECT COUNTERFEITS. -The following is published as an infallible rule by which Couinter feit "green-backs" may be detect ed: : "Divide the last two figures of the number of the bill by four, and if one remain, the letter on the genuine will be A ; if two remain, B; if three C; should there be no remainder, the letter will be D. For example, a note is registered 2,461, divide 61 by 4 and you have 1 remaining. Ac cording to this rule the letter on this note will be A. in case the rule fails, be certain that the bill is counterfeit." The Columbia correspondent of the Gharleston News, in noticing the return of .Governor Scott, among other fea tures connected with his trip, says the Governor states that leading railroad men and capitalists, worth ten and twelve million dollars, are anxiously awaiting the- thorough establishibent of civil law in the State, when they are ready to give their money and cnergies in any railroad enterprise in the South which has a shadow of .promise of being safe and profitable to themselves, as- well as to the communities to be beiellt ted by their construction. All they want to be assured of is that the old citizens recognize fully the laws passed by Con gress and tbe Legislatures of the various States, and will act up to them faithfully. Governor Scott has no doubt..whatever of being able to go on to the completion of the Blue Ridge RilIr.oad. if the present peace of the State be m:ainitaiied, an'l the -people forget, for the timne, all politi cal issues, and devote thetuselves to their material interests. . Damr Or GENERAL WADDY THOMPSON -The telegTaph this pwr:ipzg.antiomaces the death of General Waddy Thonztp'son, ini Tallaharkee.yesterday; at the advan reed age of seventy. Gen. Thomp~.on was born at Pickens Court H -use, in this State, St ptembher 8. V)98, graduated at the Sauthi Carolina COlahge in 1814, and was admitted to the bar in 1q19. He was solicitor oif the Western Circuit for several years, afterwards a member of the Legislature, and La:er still- a member of Con1gre:s from~(his State. He was in Cong 'as from 1885 to 1841, and served in 1840 as chairman of the. Committee on Military Affairs. In 1842 he was ap pointed Minister Plenipotentiary to Mex ico, and he afterwards published a very interesting book about that country and his mission. His title of General was obtamned in the militia service, and he had passed from the stage of action he fore the war which made such titles more plentiful. His death will be re gretted as the breaking of another link in the chain which binds the palmy days of Carolina, when Calhoun was a giant in the Iand.--Charlteston News, Nov. 24. -Gen. Bravo,.a royal General of Spai-n, not long ago sentenced a five-year old chil to death for being the son of a rebel. The child not understanding the situa tion, moved about, and by extraordinary luck was not touched. The General then coolly threw it an orange, and, while it - was stooping to pick it up, a second vcl ley stretched it dead. NICKERSON HOUSE, COLUMBIA, S. C. - FIRST CLASS HEJTEL, $3.00 Per Day. Win. A. - Wright, Manager. Nov. 11 t amas In the District Court of the UNITED S FATES, for South Carolina, Oct. Term, 1868. In the matter of Henry Stone, Bankrupt-Petition for full and final dis" charge in Bankruptcy. Ordered, that a hearing be had on the 23d day of December, 1868. at Federal Court House in Columbia.-S. C ; and that all cred itors, &c. of said bankrupt apoear at said time and place, and shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted And that the 2nd and 3rd meeting< of creditors of said bankrupt will he held at the office of Henry Summer, Esq. Register of 3rd Con. District, S. C., on 19th day of Dec 1868, at 11 a. m. By order or ibe Cott, the 30th day of No' vewber, 1868. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clerk District Court United States, Dec: 249 3t. For South Carolina. In the District Court of the UNITED STATES, for South Carolina, Oct. Term, 1868 In the matter of John R. Shu ler of Lexington County-Bankrupt. Peti tion for full and final discharge in Bank ruptcy. Ordered, that a hearing be had on the 23d day of Decenther, 1868. at Federal Court House in Colunhia. S. C ; and that all cred itors, &c , of said Bankrupt appear at said time and place, and shew cnuse, if any they can, why the prayer of the Petitioner should not -e granted. And that the 2nd and 3rd meeti,gstf-cre"ditors of said b'ankrupt will he held at the office of Hrnrv *nmmer, Esq'r, Register or 3rl Con. District, S. C , on 21st day of December. 1868, at 12 m: By order of the Court, the 27th day of No vember, 1868. DANIEL HORLBECK, Cierk District Court United States. Dec. 2 49 3t. For South Carolina. In the Dist ict Court of the UNITED S LATES, for South Carolina Oct. Term. 1808 In the matter of John P. Anll of Newberry County-Bankrupt. Petition for Full and final discharge in Bankruptcy. Ordered. that a hearing be bad on the 18th day of December, 1868, at. Federal Court House In Columbia. S. C ; and that all cred% itors, &c., of said Bankrupt appear at said time and place, and shew eanse. if any they can, why the prayer of the Petitioner should not be granted. And that the 2nd and 3d meetings of creditors of said Bankrupt will be held at the office of Henry Summer. Esq., Register of third (3) Congressional District, S. C ; on 15th day of December, 1868, at 12 M. By order of the Court, the 19th day of No vember, 1868. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clerk District Court United States. Nov. 25 48 3t. For South Carolina. In the District Court of the UNITED STATES, for Sonth Carolina. Oct. Term, 1868. In. the matter of Wade H. Setzler-Bankrupt. Petition for Full and Final Discharge in Baukruptcy. Ordered, that a hearing be had on the 15th day of Dec. 1 S S, at Federal Court House in Columbia, S. C; and that all creditors, &c,, of said Bankrupt appear at said time and place, and, shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the Petitioner should not be granted. And that the 2nd and 3d meet ing of Creditors of said Bankrupt will be held at the office of Henry Summer, Esq., Register of (3d) third Congressional Dis trict, S. C., on the 5th day of Dec. 1868, at 12 M. By order of thte Court, the 17th day of November, 1868. DANIEL HORLBECK, Clerk District Court United States. Nov. 25 48 St. For South Carolina. In the District Court of the UNITED STA i ES-FOR THE D!STRICT of South Carolin-In B,inkriiptcy.-In the Matter of William Summer, a bankrupt. N o t i e e .-Willi4im Sutmmer, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his. Own pe tition, having filed his petition prayintg his final discharge, 'all creditors who have ooved their debits anid other pereons in interest, are hereby not itied to appear be fore te United States Court at Columbia, ini said Disrieir, on the 27th day cf. Novemt ber, A. D. 1868, at 11 o'clock A. M., to show cau<e if any they have, why said prayer be not granted. And wilt further take nofice that a second and third meeting of Crtvditrs in. this case, will be held at thte offiegof Henry Summer, Eq , Register at Newbi-ry C. H'. 'on Tues day the 24th day of November, at 11 o'clock, A. M. - By order of Court. DANIEL IIORLBECK Clerk ,District Court Un,ited States, nov 18 47 3t For south Carolina. District Court of the United States. F,r the District of South Carolina. In Batnkruptcy. I-: the matter of J. G. Lipford, Bankrupt. By whom a p.etition for atijudication of Ban gruptcy was tiled on the 16th day of Noemnber, A. D., 1868S, in said Court. .This is to give notice that on the.'2Oth day of Nov'r, 1868, a warrant of Bankruprtcy was issued azainst the Estate of J. G Lip ord, of Chiappel's depot, New berry District, sate of South Carolitna who has bee'n ad jdged a bankrupt oni his own petition: that the payment of any debtr and the de livery of any property beleaging to said Bankrupt ; to him, or for hisI use,' and the trnsler of-any property by hirn., are for hidden by law ; and that a meeting of- the crditors oh said Bankrupt, to .prove their dbts, anid to --hoose 0one or more Assignees of his estate, will he held at a.Court of Bank-' ruptcy', to he holden at NewberryCur House, Soeuth C:arelina, b'efore llenpy Sum ner, Esq., Register, ont the 9th day of Decemtber, A. D., 1868, at 12 o'clock M. J. P. M. EPPING, . U. S. Marshal as Messenger. by A. P. PIFEa, Nov'25 3t. Deputy Mlessenger. District Court of the United States. For the l:Wtiet 0 South Carolina, in Bank ruptcy, in the matter of Jacob Luther Aull-Bank tupt. By whom a Petition for adjudication of fankruptey was filed on- the 18th day o: November, A. D., 1868, in said Court.. Tis is to give no:iee that on' the 23rd da y of November, 1868, a warrant of Baunk ruperc, wts issued againtst the estate of Jacob Luther Aull of Newberry County, and State of .South Carolina, who has been adjudged a banikrupt on his own peti tioni That the.paymtent of any debts and the delivery of any. property' belonging to said bankrupt ; to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him is for bidden by law; antd that a meetintg of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose onte or mnore Asaignees of h's estate, wtll be held! at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Newberry Court H ouse ,South Carolina, before Henry Sum mer, Register, Ott the 19th day of Decemoer, A. D., 1868, at 12 o'clock, M. J. P. M. EPPING, U. S. Marshall as Messenger. A. P. PIFrn, Deputy Messenger. Dec. 2 49 St. District Court of the United State. For the District of South Carolina. In Bank ruptcy. In the matter of John Mayer-Bnk rupt. To-whom it may concern :The undersigned herby gives nto ice of his appointment as As, signee of the estate of John Mayer, of the dist. ot Lexington, and st'ate of South Carolina, with in said district, who ha's been adjudged a bank rut uonhis own petition by the district court of sadasrict. Dated 25th day of Novr, A. D., 1868. F. H. DOMINICK, Assignee. ov. 254 AS3t. Dr. J. D. Bruce . Having resumed the practice of Medicine, tenders his professional services to the ptublic. Office in the building formerly occupied by Mr. John A. Chapman, and opposite Mrs. Harp's residence. ont. 12 32tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Newberry County-In the Circuit Court. James R. Wilson, vs. Thomas R. Wilson and others. It appearing to my satisfaction, that Thos. R. Wilson, Wm. C. Wilson, Maria Capple man, Henry Capp'enian and the children of John Wilson, dec'd, parties defendants, are absent from and without the limits of this State, on motion of Messrs. Jones & Jones, Complainant's So+'s, it is ordered, that the said absent defendants do plead, answer or demur to t'is bill within forty days, from the publication hereof, or the same will be taken, pro coufesso against them. Clerks office, THOS. M. LAKE, Nov. 9 7t C. C. P. IN THE PROBATE COURT. NEWBERRY. Abner W. Reeder, and .wife Elizabeth, vs. Joseph I itts and others. Petit on for Partition. It appearing to my satisfaction that Jo seph Davenport and Elizabeth his wife, de fendants in the abowe stated case, reside without the limits of this State. On motion of Messrs. Fair, Pope & Pope, Solicitors for petitioners, it is ordered that said defend ants do plead, answer or demur to said pe ti,ion on or before the 29th day of Decem her next, or the same will be taken pro confeso against them. - Given under my hand this 19th Nov. 1865. JOHN T. PETERSON, J. P. N. c. Nov. 25 4S 5t. IN THE PROBATE COURT. N EW BERRY. Thomas Philips, vs. Mary J.' Whitmire and others. Petition for Partition of the Re .1 Estate of Mary R. C. Whit mire, dec'd. It appearing to ny satisfaction that Moses Whitmire one of the defendants in the above stated case, resides without the limits of this State. On motion of Baxter, Solici tor for Petitioner, it is ordered that he do p!ead, answer or demur to said petition on or before the 4th day of January next, or the same will be taken pro confesso -aeinst him. JOHN T. PETERSON, Nov. 25 48 6t. J. P. N. c. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.. Newberry County-In the Probate Court. Henry V. Dominick and others vs. Enoch M. Lake and Anna R. Lake. Petition to prove Will.iu due form of Law. It appearing to my Esatisfaction that Enoch M. Lake, one of the heirs at law and distributees of Benjamin6Lake, dec'd, late of Newberry County, resides beyond the limits of this,State. This is to give notice that an application is on file in this Court to prove the will of said :deeeased in due form of law, the absent defendant is hereby notified to be and appear before me in said Court, on or before the 11th day of January next, to shew cause if any he can, why the said will shall not he pr,ven in the manner aforesaid. JOHN T. PETERSON, Dec. 2 49 6t. Judge of Probate, N. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA .NEWBERRY COUNTY. By John T. Peterson, Probate Judge, of New berry County.A Whereas. J. Daniel Epps baa applied to me for Letters of A dministration, on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Dr. Jas. M. Epps, late of the county aforesaid; deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular,' the kindred and creditors of the said deceased. to be and appear before me, at our next Probate Court for the said County. to be holden at Newberry 'Court House on the 14th day of Dec.. inst, to show. cnuse, if any why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my h:'nd and Seal, the 30th day of Nov.. in the year of our Lord1 one thousand eigh t hiundred and sixty-eight. John T. Peterson, P. J. N. C. Dec. 2 49 2t. Notice-.--Sale. Puisuant to an order fromn John T. Pe terson, Judge of Probate l'or Newberry County, I will sell at public outcry, at. the residence of the late Daniel Hughey, near Hughey's Ferry, On the 15th of December next, The personal property of said deceased, cnsisting of Horses, Mules, Cows and Calves, Hogs and Sheep, - Corn and Fodder 20 Bales of Cotton, Cotton Seed, Household and Kitchen Furniture Blaksmith Shop and Tools, Farming Implemen ts, &c.;&C.s Terms of sale cash. MARY A. HUGIIEY,.Adm's. nv11 465St An Extraordinary Premium Offer, 8.'f5 FOR $1.50. Messrs. Danghaday and Beckers the publ.ish era of Our Schoodddy Visitor, l'hiladelphaia, have just publi"hed a larL'e, original, finely executed steel plate engraving entited GENER AL GRANT AND HIS FAMILEY, frtm the hand of the celebrated Sartain, which is destined to become one of the most popular pictures of thre day. Six perso'ns, three eques trian figurses. Every member ot the family is as hthfully likenessed as the photographas, which were given to the artist froam the hands of the General himself, hare power to express. This work has cost months os skilsed labor, and more than one llTousaa.d dollars in cash, and readily sells for $2.50 its regular pricee This -magnificent pictur e and a copy of OUR SCHOOLDAY VISITOR, one of the oldest, handsomest and cheapest Yong Folks' Maaazines in. this contry, which alone as worth 61 26 a year, will both be sent to every -subscriber for 1869, for $1 50! Where clubs are formed, a still greater r. duction. The Visitor is a live, high-toned monthly for the Young of to-day. N'either sectarian nor sectional. Its aim. the instruction, amusement and elevation of our young people every where. Please send 1" cents at otace for sample Dum ber of the Visitor, and Circular giving the origin and complete description of this large and ele'. gant engraving, and full list of Fremiums for Clubs. A rare chance. Agents wanted every where Address, DA USHADAY & BECKER, Publishers. 424 W alnut Street, Philadelphia, ra . Our Schoolday Visitor. the eng raving entitled, "Generasl Grant and his Family," and the South ern .iome Journal [published in Baltimore, 'd., will be sent to one address, upon receipt of S4O0, whch i less than the cost of the Visitor aud Journal only, when subscribed for separately. The price of the engraving is 62 5'. Dec. 2 49. THE NEW YORK OBSERVER Is now Publishing a New Serial Story, to run. through a large part of the next volume, entitled "Mr. Browning's Parish.". All New Subscribers will get the Story Corn plete. WVe send Grover k Baker's $55 Sewing Ma chine for 18 New Subscribers. In order to introduce tihe Observer to rew readers and new circles of influence, we make the following liberal offers for NEW SUBSCRIBERS: We will send the Observer for one year to 2 subscribers, one or both being new, for $6.00 3 " two or all a' " for $8.u0 4 " three-or all " " .for $10.00 Or to any per-son sending us five or more new Isubscribers, we will allow one dollar commission On each. ~fi odr 7' Send by check, draft, or Ps-fieodr Sample Copies and Circulars sent free. Terms, $3.5-) a year, in advance. SIDNEY E. MORSE, Jr., 8& Co., Pee.243t8'3 Park Row. New York . Pomaria Nurseries. 1868-9. The Pomaria Nurseries have been greatly im roved. and the undersigned has.the-pleasure of ofering to his patrons the bet collection of? ruit Trees ever giown in this climate. Apples ad peaches particularly adapted to the climate, irom the earlie-t to the latest Apricots, 'lums, 'ectarines. Cherries, in great variety. Almon.ds, uinces, Figs, t:omegranates, Medlars, Filberts, snglish Walunats, Spanish Chestnuts, Ever-, earing . Mulberries. Of Pears, the best and nest varied collection ever offered in the South, among them the liebe. a large. winter pear, rquat to Duchesse D'Augouleme in size. Stan lard and Dwarfs can be furnished from 2 years )ld, to bearing size. Girapes In great variety, including all the best aew table varieties, with those for vineyards. Also Lutterlock's, True Scuppernong, and the Flsyers, much prized with the Scuppernong, ,or wine. Of Evergreens. a large and most varied collec ion. embracing every desirable variety-many .articularly adapted to Cemeteries. Ioses-AIl the fine varietirs, with -the new P rebch ,im prtations all, grown on their own rots. Dah lias, t he inest colors, and most per rect French early variety. Gladiolus-many ;rperb kinds. Tube Roses, Crysanthemutns and ;verything desirable -in the way of Ornamental Flio cring Shrubs, &c. A new Catalogue will oon be ready for <:istribution. Persons otdering, till please direct to WM. SUMME , Aeent. thv. 68-4m. Pomaria,S. C. "The Farm & Garden" Is the only Agricultural Paper published in South Carolina, It is publisbed in mag'zine form, and is flled with excellent agricultural reading matter. It enters upon its fourth volume on the 15th day of January, 1869. Subscribe at once for it;-Price but one dollar, a year. Try it at least for six months;-only 50 cents. Specimen copies ten cents. Liberal arrangements made with extensive advertisers, and clubs. Address JAS R. JACOBS & Co., Clinton, S. C. A $5.00 GREENBACK Of full value sent free to any Book Agent. AGENTS WAN LED FOR VTTIIEIT HALE S3IIITII'S NN BOOK, "Sunshine and2 Shadow in New York.' A work replete with Anecdotes n.ird.incidents of LIFE IN THE GREAT METROPOLIS. Being the most complete and graphic presenta tion of both the bright and SHADY SIDE OF NEW YORK LIFE. And without sectarian, social or political bias. No book ever sold so rapidly Oae Ageut sold B in one day, another sold' aid delivered' 227 in 15 days, another 3 4 in 7 days. If you wish to know how Fortunes are made and lost in a day; how Shrewd Men are ruined in Wall Street; how "'ountrymen" are swin dled by Sharpers; how 1initers and Merchants are Blackmailed; how Dance Halls and Concert Satloons are_ Managed; how- Gaanbling Houses and Lotteries are coductecf; how Stock Com panies Originate and how the BulbleMurst. &c., read this work. it tells you about the mysteries of New York, and contains biographical sketch e of its noted uailionaires, merchants, &c. A large Octavo Volume, 720 pages, Finely ;lius trated. The largest commission given. Our 32 page circular, and a $5 o. Greenback sent free on application. For full particulars and terms address the sole publishers, J. B. BURR & CO., Hartford, Conn. Dec. 249 tf. SOUTHERN JOIrAE Ol.ED[I1TION. OFFICE SUP'T PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, FRAN FORT, KY. The Southern States have a unit of interest in the great measures of'educational referm, both of a public and private character, which are, and are to be, inauga'rated throughout our section. The wreck and. destructi9tn of such institutionis and interests- consequent upon the war and the usurpation by the dominatnt power of' the-people's rights con'. spre to make ibe4pestionis involved orliisl and peculiar. We have no commloni or;:tn of communicutioni and no advocate of outr peculiar interest throughout the State4 of the South. Kenitucky is awaketuing and moving to complete her school-eys'emn, as well as to phice herself in the f:ont rank of L,rue.eduCaonal r&formu - Whit she nteeds every State in the South needs,-just what will interest all! With the two- told ohjcet.ofrmeetitg a speciml and' peneral necessity at the samte time, thc Snu, perintendent of Publie iistr'uction for Ken'. tucky basassgopated Ihusefwith:Jlohn T.' lern of' tie t'.utherni Journtal of' Education for the purpo.~e of' conducting sachi'a' repre-. sentative or'gan as our sectionf needs. This pe'riodlical has been conducted sue eessully for otne year, and is highly en'. dorsed by Sonthem~ Educ4ttors and- Editors It is a 48 page octavo monthly, and fur-. nished a t $2 peyr year; sintte copies 20 cen ts. All r'ticleif'or insertion to be uddresse'd. to E F. Suijta, Superin.tendent of Publie In sructon,.F'ii'adoFt, Ky., and husiness coah tunicatiouis to John T. 11earn's Shlbyville, Dec. 2 9 tf. -_ _ Change of Schedule, ON TiIE '.& U. R AIL RO AD. On and after 2nd November 1868. the pas senger train wvil leave Spartanburg Court Houe, otn Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days at 7a. m.,.and arrive atAltonl at 1.30 p. m., connecting with the Greewville down trai, atnd tratns fo'r Charlotte and Cha'res On uesddys, Thursdays and Saturdays, the up passenger triain -connecting wi.h the Greenville yp traies, .will leave. Alston at 9 a. mn.,- imn hrrive at $partanburg Court Hose at 3 20 p. mn., as per following sched,. DOWN TBAIN. UP.TRAINt. Spa'tanburg, 00 00 | 7.00 1 3 20. I 00 00' Pacolet. 7 451| 748 I2 32 I 2.35 Joesville, 8 251| 830 I1 50 I' 1.55 Uionville, 9.15 I 9 49 I12.40 I 1 05 San tc, 10 16 | .10.21 I1203 I 19 08. Shelton, 11 10 | 11 12 I11.06 I 11 08 Lvles Ford, 11 36-1 118 38 143 j :10 42 Strote-,' '''12 02 I 12 05I 10' 12 r'10.15 Alston, 1 20| 3 00 10 00Ol 9.00 T HOM AS 13 JEf E, President. Nov 11th, 1868. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILl ROAD, GERAL..SUPERINTENDJENT''6 OrWICE, -SOUTH CAItONNA RAILIrdAI, A pril 28. 1868. T4E -FOLLOWING- FRELGIT TARIFF nom Nashvillfe and Chattanoog" to Colum,' bia will take effect from and after this date: From ' Frm To Columbia. Nashville. Chattanooga. Bacon per 100 lbs.........83 62 Oats per bushel.........28 21. Corn per bushel.........3 27 Wheat, rye an d barley per bushel.............. .431 321 Pork and beef barrel... .$2 57 $1 92 Flour, apples, onions and potatoes per barrel... 1:59 1 19 Whiskey, high wines and alcohol,............... 3.95 . 2 95 (Sine;) -- -H.T. PEAKE, May 7 General Superintendent. Goodspeed's Fountain Pens. Sixtv lines w'ritten with one pen of Ink. The fountaitn been attached to Good .pee's celebrated Goldeni Pen. War'rant ed to be the best Fountain mr the World. Sample sent for 1t) ets , ani assorted box for 25 t., or a full gross, post paid, for $3.00. $0a daty guaranteed to activ'e agenits. Adde.s, J. T. PRICE & CO, Oct. 14 42 2mo. '1 Park Ro w, N. Y. CABINET MAKING And Repairing. The undersigned respectfutlly gives notice that, he is prepared to M AKE, ot' REPAIR any kind of CABINET WARE, in the ceat est and most satisfactory tnanner. W,2rk solicited. Prices reasonable. WM. ZOBEL. Fisk's Metallic Burial Cases,. THE SUBSCRIBER has constantly or hand a full assortment of the above approved cases, of different patterns, besides. coffin. of his own make, all of which he is prepared to furnish at very reasonable rates, with promptness and despatch. Persons desirous of having cases sent by railroad will have them sent free of charge. A Hearse is always on hand' and will be furnished at the rate of A10.per day. Thankful for past patronage, the sub scriber respectfully asks for a continuation of the same, and assures the public that no effort on his part will be spared to render the utmost satisfaction. R. C. CHAPMAN Newberry S. C., July 31. Sash & Blinds. The subscriber takes pleasure in announc ini to thik community that, having made all necessary arrangements, he will be able to furnish Sash with and without Glass, and Blinds, At Very Moderato Rates!! For Cash ! ANDREW C. CHAPMAN, Oct.7 41 tf. Newberry C. If., S. C. Z. L. WHITE, GUNSMITI And Repairer Of all kinds of FIREARMS, LOGK$, &c. Has on band Pistols and Guns of all ap proved makes. Ammunition., such as Car. tridges, Caps, Powder and Shot. Shot Pouches,. Flasks, Bags, - and everv other kind of Sporting Apparatus. Besides many other articles of various characters and kinds. All kinds-of -REPAIRING neatly and ex p ditio'isly executed, and at low rates. Gn-Smithing, &c. In addition to the above, I am prepared to fill orders for all kinds of vehicles, such as BU/GGIES, CARRIAGES,&C. of the celebrated manufacture of ,COOK, w! ere Stiles Hurd, formerly of this place, procured hid stock. All orders promp ly attended to. Z. L. WHITE. April 15 16 tf. GUANO. No. 1 Peruvian Guano, $61 per ton, in gold, or its equivalei,t in currency. Bruce's Concentrated Fertilizer, in bar rels, per ton, $50). Pure Ground Bone, in barrels, per ton. $40.. Hone and Meat, in barrels, per tory $38 Fish Guanio, ini barel Aulta Vel.t GtWe, '2o. S-aa 12i.31 G. no, in bag,~ or barrels, Silpi:aie of Soda, in b:ar.rels, per1&i:, $.. ~oliib!e Pa itic Guartfo, 56t;. Best SuPppih;phae, containng en per ceunt. soluble phosphorie neid,. and three per cent. amonia, pur up in buge or bar iels. Price 855 per toi. Cubant Guntlan fm eaves, colntaiii -- besides the nuua phosphates and orgaic~ matter-five to iix per cent. of nitrate of pota'h., . An exaellent appul.i:tin for piota toes, tobacco, cottoin, etc. Price ii bjas, $35 per ton. South Qairolbia Phosphate,. grond -and put in bags or barrels. Navassa Guano, by the cargo, in lu .p or ground. For sale by GEO. E WHITE, 150) Front Street, N. Y.' Oct. 14 4~2 6mo. Greenville & Columbia R. R. ON and after WEDNESDAY. the 12th instant, Passenger Trains will run daily, Sundays excepted. co.nnecting with Night Trains on South Carolins' and Charlotte and South Carolina Rairoade, as follows: Leave Columbia at............7.00 a.. m. "Alston at..............840." "Newberry at...........10 10( Arrive 'at A bbev.ille at...........3 00 p. m. Atat Andersofi a:.......420 .. " at Greenville at........500 " Leave Greenville at...........5 45 a. m. " Anderson at.......... ..6-25-" " Abbeville at...-...8.00 " "Newberry at..........12 35. p. m. " Alston at..............21 "& Arrive at Columbia at..........3.45 " Trains o6 the Blue Ridge Railro'ad liril also-run daily, Sundays excepted. Leave Anderson at............4 30 p. m. "Pendleton at............6 30 " Arrive at WValhalla at.,...r... ..7.30" Leave WValhalla at....... 3 30 a. m. "Pendleton at............5.30 . Arive at Anderson at. ......620 " The train will return from Belton to An derson on Monday and Friday mornings. -JA MES 0.- MERED[TH, General Superintendent. Aug 17th, 1868. "The Christian lieighbor?." On Thursday, A pril 2d, 18 8. 1 shall commence the weekly publication of THBI CHRISF'IAN NEIGH B.OR; in the-eity of Columbia, S. C. It will be an A DvocAvy.; 1.. Of Christianity universl4 also particular, 'as oppota -o , ofrensive or defensive.: -2. Of the Inteirnt Unit of the Church, as opposed to the puetenuiona o externalismi. 8. 0O- Methodism. a-holding the Head, and as consistin g with the essentials, lib erty and charity of Christianity. 4. Of Civil Government and Patriotism, as they consist with the Divine Government and G3eneral Benignity. 5. Of 1 quality, as it consists with Christianized common sense. 6. Of Education, physical, men tal, religibus and'mdral,- as of the first impor% tance. A REcoaDER of General Intei)igence from the household, agricultural, .scientitic, artiAcial, commercial aund political world.. And an ADVEf-rISKU- of the respectable and moral. Care will be exercised to excelude improper matter, and to pnt in that wich will instruct the Children and the School, and edify the Adults and the Church. -- Tha question of the censistency of war with Christianity will, when under consideration, be treated as fart as we can in a Christian spirit. A nd, while the denominational leature of the paper Methodistic, we shall endeavor "to meeD therunity of the spirit in the bond of peace" with all branches of the Church that hold Christ. asthe Head. The effort will be to make the weekly visits of, T E NEIGH BoR agreeable and profitable to every family.| Terms in Advanee or within 3 Xonths t One Year....................---....-800 Six Months..............-.....---106 Every subscriber is authorized to act as sa agent, and will, after pying 82.00 for his own paper, be credited with 10 per cent. on all. amounts received from him for THE NEIGHnOn. A limited number of advertisements will be re ceived at the customary rates. U5 Persons remitting money by mall will de posit the letter in the l"ost Ofliceein the presence. of a witness, ar.d In ease the money is not re'. ceved. the certificate of deposit will be forward-, ed to us. W T'he receipt of all sums of money sent will be acknowledged in the paper, in connection with the subscriber's name. 07y Office on Main street, next to Robert Bryce & Son. Address: SIDI H. BROWNE, Columbia. S. C. P. S. Agents and other friends to the enter.. prise will please exert themselves and send in subscrIbers and money by the last of March. Carriage andu y FACTOR. J. Taylor & Co. Will keep constantly on han'd agend. As sortment of fine BUGGIES of the mot ap Droved styles and patterns, combining lightness and durability. Built to order light Rockaways, and Plantation Catdlges, Pheatons, Top and no Top Buggies, ': Old Carriages and Buggies renovateW'and made to look as good as new. Repaing done in the best manner and at reasenable prices, and all work estimated on befe it is repaired and a copf giveu to out lesto mers. Special attention given to ~epimring fine Carriages and Buggies, which-1s tor tant to eonsomers. Freight wilibeeld,one way, when sent by Rail Road wben re pairs amount to over $100. -e use notiing but the best materials that bougb,-and are willing to rely on the meritof out rk for a liberal patronage. We invite the ex&mi nation of our work and assure the.. pHli that we can build the same class^'"ot as cheap if not cheaper than we can import it. All of our work is warranted. Our Factory is near the Depot. Newberry, S. C., March 25 18 ly. Don't Fail to'ry the Celeb a ted Southern Tonic, Panknin's Hepa ti ,Bit ters, an unfailing remedy for all Dleeis of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. .Fer sale by all Druggists. Don't Fail to Try the (ge brated Southern Tonle, Panknin's Hepatis Bitters, an unfailing remedy for al Die eases of the Digestive Organs andtbe Liiet. .For sale by all Druggists. Don't Fail to Try the Cle brated Southern Tonic, Panknin's fepatie Bitters, an unfailing remedy for pjl Dis eases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Druggists. Don't Fail to Try the Cele brated Southern Tonic, Panknin's Hepitie Bitters, an unfailing remedy for all Dis eases of the Digestive Organs and the Loer. For sale by all Druggists. Don't Fail to Try the Gee brated Southern Tonic, Panknin's gepatie Bitters, an unfailing remedy for all Liseaaes of the Digestive Organs and the Liver. For sale by all Druggists. Don't Fail to Try the Cele brated Southern Tonic, Panknin's Hepatie Bitters, an unfailing remedy for all Diseases of the Digestive Organs and the Liver, For sale by all Druggists. JOYSTER'Sr? National Hotel,, Columbia, S. C.. Within fifty yards of the Greenville and Charleston Railroad Depots, coiner Gkfiais and Gadsden streets.,.. RarEs.-Board, per week, $12.50; ier day, $3 ; Supper, break fast and todgig,; Single Meals, $1. A No. 1, Livery Stable in com:eeioni4th the Hotel, Carriages, &c., for hire a& pH hours of the Day and Night. ROBERT JOYNFR, Aug. 19 Proprieto. CHARLESTON HOTEL Charleston, S. C.. The uindersieb,ed hav~ing taken~ . th. abovs we.ll known. ilotel, respessfully in:ferni. his friends and the travellig publio that it has been refurniished in all of its de ptrtmients. The' talde will :at all times be hpp.llied wi:h the best thec Market affords, including esser delicacy in .season, while the cui.sine will be uinexceptionable. The Bah flooms~ attpecd to the 5lotel st p,lie d with 4ic. celebrated Artesiaht and iot, Cold er Showe'r Batths can he ob tain-.d .at a niy. :tiipe The- saane atntion will be pauid to the consfort of the guests as heretofore,- and travellers carn rely upon finding rhe Chstown Hotel -equsl to any in the United Srates. The pfttro e .f the t ravelling .pblie~ i.s'respectfuIy soli' - J.'P. HORBACH. Agent, Jan. 15 3 tf. Proprietor. MA NHOOD: HOW L1Y5r' NOWd R.EST OR k#. Just published, a new -edition of D'iCa. verwell's Celebrated Essay on the radi cal eure (without medicine) of' Sperm*tor rhea, or Sendnal Weakness, Involengy Sermical Losse,, Imnpoteney, MnG 4S Physical Incapacity, Impediment, to ear -riage, etc.; also, Consum~ption, Epleg and Fits, induced by self-indulgeneeog unl ex.travagance. - .. IgrPrice,in aseaed enivalop., 681y 6 cents. .The celebrated author, in the admiratife .essay, clearly demonstrates fromi a 'tlafy years' successful practice, that the alsrnig consequences-of self-abuse may be radically cured withonzt the use of internal * )ine or.tlie application of. the .ltc fe pemting out a mode of cure at once simple, .ceraka, and effectual,.by vpeans of which every suf ferer, no matter what his conditionm gie may cure himself cheaply, privately,-and radically. - W This Lecture shoufd bel in el'mnds of every-youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelop to any.adrspspi icited s or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price,25 cents. Address the Publishers, - CHAS. J. C. KLINE & , 127 BroadWiay, N. Y., Poet Ece Box IJRRIAE 141AGQ SHOPS The subscriber respeothN)y calls to. tention of the public to the fiet t t still on hand and prepared ts. eecate all work in his line of busipess, either in Carriage, Buggy or Wagon . . Work. In a workmanlike and expeditious manner, .and at prices in accordance with thetm , -Having an experienee of twenty4vey 'n d having worked in all the principal eta - of the Soauth, in the best carriage houses,'! am confident of my ability to giv6eenip satisfaction. Give me a trial and be convinced, Shop in rear of Nathan Btunterad at tached to my residence. May 6 O6mo GEO. BOLAND. Dr. R. S. Whaley's DentaT -Laboratory. The subscriber offers is. ducementa-In the way of Good Work and Low Prices to one and all requiripg .his-.professiot)al services. Perfect satisfaction guarntied. May 27 hROSADALIS Purinies the Blooda