se b 2eugesse by the Tresaurer r 'Moemaiost Uemster(Asociation, Dr. T. "i'n, to caI the attentioo of holders of Wt (ths *bo hie not yet paid for the 1e t._that the mo is needed -4imsde all errange ents the goind. The material Is aRrdased, e. aheady dWlir ed, and the ready for delivery ; but unless the pink. d (and they should be the ho0 edd) afake eadyt paymebt, Sc*annot cary on this Important and inter" jtost. We Join with .Dr. Goin in emedy asking that this matier be attend el to. Hasing been pushed forward so far, ft wIl be a melincholy resection if it is ameg .fIi SU h, *hen so nearly con As r n ^Ba b Lces.-As ad todesied, the Newberry Imilgratiod Society " } etidg ;e' dnsday 1tst at Bal eyen Grove. The meeting we regret to aydi siita iv gy'-ttlnded .n was hoped Sof Ih attendance from abroad being sly small. A sumcient number of persods, were there, however, to give the f,tmtg a respectable appearance. The ?residset;-1e. '. 8 .ipest,-in a practi' et uipta5e magnEr, espfained the, objects af tW meeting, the nature of the Society, a g work so fir accomplished, stb great bene$ts.which will arise from - b prosecution of the- work. From - hs dd e we -arned- that some thirty terma~n laboters have aIready been deek int. this .District, and that so fi bey have girer the utmost satisfaction. We s oon'-to tell of a mueh larger nmhber su eeEcieit s;eneraly are "aention fo ship important aid to prosperity- and strength of the r ?r Boinest ras followed by .dge epie and'Msj. 1a r,-the latter in _ neing several resolutions, which will be - iied by she Secretary of the 4ssoc* The-tiarbetaadinner came o9, about two I" a was aendanty vroidpd. Ta Somt -CAnbOtur Barsr STATE i Tis body -asembied -in this pise.u0 Pidfiset. e. -J. Cul per'.foerIagtbn delivered the Intro detory Sermon. ?he- Convention was - by-thefectiotof Rev: J. L -D. D.,President ;Rev. J. 0. B. .-D. ie-President - Rev. J. Sepletalyr " yand Prof .0. B. " -s~ppewari from- nearTT every be State. -esoiuons were wit refereace to. systematic -be. * *av.hsce, the South Caroiina Bsptisr, tbian Uiversity. Furman Uni. SpeeQaed to ho te$b chief sub.jet of ~wedurig the Oonvention. i'his ion s'ocated at Greenville, S. U.. - ~ riqg4eAh. lees of Lb endow men't be 4e.. disastrons war, was *m~u'es no a critical condition. On .4e.aintineresting &nd' stir - dSres.were sde~ and at once - ~~. s* d 'pIiages were .made,1 ViUayathe Uiwrsity from its p$esent p resst. I%e apirit oftinter tyihhtik members Ithtie Convention1 rallied to the aspport - a S M-espist Mnsters plbti i.4hr~ town of Iwihd e are satis6ied the com u6~ eieed>tbe ezeefleit discourses ~UI4ByEra permitted to hiear. ~,.~P*l@ adjourned sine die Tuesday soawCmm.-The -impression 'is -s trenger here every day that * eisentry lsaboet -to -pass -throogh a a mnsc oe trying ordeal thao was the .uEt the elbenion. As an aiec 4ee-felig bse,itcan be stated 90 a~wemi#erarof the Federal arm, aliFiherWs h, gave it i* his sbIpeipios, .that: belbre the closi a:(etr1de thedate, by hang IgwiU be witnessed within the wusRh of -- If tty''schemes concected * *hich to jeise- upon tOmsuent beattempted to be put lata execs@je Uenral-:---sas he ptyexcug .to see snembe's of beng ta their respective chani I-etile ssat mnesas. of arresting abavenheen--and awing the country. - eQr. Baltimore Gazette. At enest the botela in ~Sea, Ala., sadlordpid-to - .baarder : "Sec . bae, r. Baei,-teWhamnbermaid found . ahkir * 'this.. morning." "W 2~ a;. "I fona along ''i he butter this morninge but it preth-ere wis a female in It." Our.devil baying'picked the last type .W,f.h bohes, ye.terday, cried out: 'wJss--the anagoeof Biram Ulysses - Maapen Grnt, 9et ns have P's."'" :@ete her reuidence in Newberry Dis -a t &,ad.ygthe 12e.h -July, 1868, Mrs. biih.a Hawkins, aged. eighty-nine yearS, * brtnisand11 agg. She was born in * hubery Detrict, Jifee t, 1779. She bad'eltht ehildien, of whom six are living ; Aey4ve gated cbildren of whom thirty foar are living ; fty-sli -great grand child .wen, of whom forty-three are living, and. one great-great-graad-.child. 'Nuwaaar, July 28-Cotton quiet at 25j eee for middlings. . Jul,~y 27-7 p.ju-Cotton dull ad. lower; s 900 bales, a: 3S~m4tsand1WEstern'1 a 2c. better ter fresh ground; superfine 6.50 a 7 30; Sosthura a shade firmer. Corn 1 a2c.1lower. . ay27.-Cotton deeltning; sales'St ba.les-middiug 29 . SUUSen. July 27 -COtton market dufl sbagdaslmaitbales; receipts 51 biddHiug 2| . Livmeeior,, July 27-Evening.-,Cotton sale ,1BO 000 bales-uplands 91 a10; The- Deinocrate of Newberry are re qmested to attend a mass meeting on Monday, the 8rd of~Auigust next, to rati 6.the :nbminations of the tDeinocratic Convention which was 6eld in New tork ei Ys 4th inst., and to adopreach other measures as maj be deemed necessary to tire sncess of the party in this Dis tridt. R. MOORMAN, President. Removal. .Ia a6msbacriber hasiing moed from his . ~rScorg, will be happ' to see .his dsand customers in the Stdre Thrmnerly secapied by Mr. X. Foot. Iew. Advertisemeuts. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. By an order from Hon. Geo. S. Bryan, District Judge of South Carolina, r will sell at Newberry Court House, on Thursday, 20th August next, at II o'clock, A. M., the following lots of land in the Town Qf Niewberry, belonging to the estate of J. P. Pool, Bankrupt,to-wit: The Hotel Lot, d ontaining one and a half acree, more or less, upon which is situated the fine and commodious Brick Hotel. Also, the Livery Stables Lot, containing one half acre, more or less, upon which is located the well known Livery and Sales' Stables. Terms of Sale Cash, and purchasers to pay .or all necessary stamps and papers. . .J. N. MARTIN, July 29 8 Assignee. BUCKWHEAT. Ten Bushels Buckwheat Seed on hand and for sale. (all at once on July 29 2 MATES & MARTIN. NOTICE. Having been appointed by the anufte turers Agent for-the exclusive sale of the Cotton Plant Cooking Stove. for the Districts of Pickens, Greenville, Spartanburg, Itaurens; Abberville, York, Union, 1 ewberry, Edgefield, Cheater, Fair. field, Lexington, Richland, Orangeburg and Kershaw, I would respectfuly- inform the citizens of the above named Districts that I will keep on band a large supply of these Stoves, which I will sell at low prices for cash only. Wholesale dealers supplied at a liberal disceoun. A. PALMER, July 29 2 NOTICE. I have been informed that some of my left-handed friends of Newberry have re ported thsa I was going to:move from New berry ; -but such is not the case. I think - too much of Newberry to leave it at this particular time. .,My Tanneywill ge on as usuaL The highest price will be paid for iil good hides, &c. I shall be absentya short time at Greenville, and Mr. Thomas Paysinger will act for me as agent. One dundred Dollars Reward will be. paid by the subscriber for evidence that will convict any person or persons of hav iug-set fire to my' house' at Helena on the uiht of the 9th instant. July 25 3 1. BIERFIELD. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. . NEwaKUar DISTRCr. By John T. Peterson, Ordinary of Newberry . Ditrict. Whereas, Frnes S. Glasgow has applied o me.for Leuters of Administation, on all ad lulrthe goods'and .dattels, rights ird crdts of John L.'GIasgow, late of the lisrict aforesaid.: deceased:-. These are therefore to cite and admonish il sad singular-the ktndred and cu'editors of besaid decesed, to be and appear before e, at our next Ordinary's Court for the aid District, so be holden at Newherry Court fouse, on the 6th day of August. to show ause, if any, way the said Adzmn'atration Given under my hnd and se'a, Th1r1rd ay of July; In the -year of our LIrd one housan eg hthundred and 'it-eight. JOHN T. PETERSON, o.n .d. NOTICE. The undersigned will CARD and RE 'URN all WOOL shipped from Niwbewry . H., or amy depot on the Laurens-R. R. o G. P.- Copeland, Clinton, S. C. JAB. W. DUVALL, Agent. July 22830$.. Law Partnership. -We, the undersigned. ha're this d4y asso ated ourselves together in-the practice of aw and Equity in the State and Federal ~outs, under the vame and style of Fair, ope.and Pope, Office Newrberry 0. H., L. C. SIMEONFAIR, Y . J. POPE, - SAMPSON POPE. -0 I take this occasion to notify my clients hat in my necessary -absence from New erry, during July, by applying to either of yprtners, Messrs. Y. J. or Sampson Pope, y information or attention necessary to ny old liusiness will be promptly given. . -- IMEON~ FAIR. July 15 29 tf. New Crockery. V have jost.received a splendid stock of White Gi-anite Ware. Also a small lot of 3. C. Ware, - Glass Ware, Lalps, &c., &c., rhich wepropose to selt at very reasonable dees. .LOVELACE & WHEElER. July 2280 2t.I EQUIT INCOME, $4,500,000. IFE ASSURAI NO. 92 BROADW) --0 ~IM ASSURED DURINQ& TIHE JANUARY 31, 184 --- PURELY MUTUAL. ALL PRI Y HOLDERS. Dividends decla he start. The Rank of "Tn: EQUrisTB".among. bess done since its organization, stands as n 1860 it was the NINTH. In 1862 and 186~ . 1861 the EIGHTH. In 1864 and 1865 ---0 The ratio of the EQUITABLE'S total < Premium received for the last five years, o the same period. ---C WIIAM C. ALEIANDER, President. G3ORGE V. PHILLIPS, Actugry. SILAS JOINSTONE & WI Jnt7 15 9 inna NEWBERRY 'Female College, NEWBERRY C. H., S. C. ADVISORY BOARD. Judge Y. J. Pope, Chairman. Col. Robt. Moorman, Mr. Wm. Langford, Maj. C. Suber, " Silas Johnstone, Maj. L. J. Jones, " T. F. Greneker, -- I Dr. Jas. McIntosh, Mr. W. H. Webb, Treasurer. The ensuing session of this School will commence on the frst Wednesday in Au. gust next, and close the second Friday in December. Persons desiring to enter their children or wards, are requested to address the Chairman of the Advisory Board, or the Principal of the Institution. The various departments of the College are thoroughly organized, and every facility is afforded for obtaining a comaplete education. Payment for Board and Tuition must be made at the time the pupil enters the School, and pupils will be charged from the time of entrance to the close of the Session. A re, ceipt from the Treasurer of the Advisory Board must be placed by each pupil in the hands of the Principal at the time she enters the School. Provisions will be as acceptable as money in payme. of expenses. Terms Per Session in Advance : Board, including Washing and Light........8100 Tuition, Col. Department, embracing English Branches and Latin.............................. 25 Tuition, Academic Department.................. 16 " Primary ................... 1% " Music 20 " French 4 ................... 10 " Greek " 10 Incidental Expenses ............ .. 2 Boarders are required to turn iehtheir Towels, Sheets. Pillow Cases, and Heavy Covering. For fbrther particulars address the Chairman of tae Board or Principal of College. Rev. J. TAYLOR ZEALY, Princpal Nenberry Vepnale college. T J. Pors, Chairman Advisory Board. Board can be had in families near.the College, July S In Re. Thos. W. Holloway, Bankrupt. " Assignee's -Sale. By order of Hon. Geo. S. Bryan, Judge of the U. S. Court of South Carolina Dia trict, I will sell at public auction, for cash, at the residence of laid Bankrupt, at Po marie, on. Thursday, 13th day of August next, Three Males, one Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Corn, Cotton Seed, Blacksmith Tools, Bar Iron, two Wagons, one Carriage and Hai ness, Cast-iron Mill and Boilers, Bacon, Carpenter's Tools, Seven Shares of stock of the G. & C. R. R. Co., Twelve Years' Scholarship in Newberry College, and one Gold Watch. Also, at the same time and place, the TRACT OF LAND, on which said Bankrupt now resides, containing Five Hundred & Forty-five Acres, more or less, butting and bounded by rands of J. 'W. Folk, Jao. A. Canuon, estate of Wm. R. Chapman, Geo. ~H. Dickert, C. Sber, and Dr. Berley. And at the same time and place, one and one-half of an acre of rand belonging jointly to estates of Thos. W. Rolloway and of H. H. Folk, Bankrupts, sitateat the Pomaria Depot, aod bounded by the tract above -described, the Bun combe and of the Greenville & Columbia Railroad. Purchasers to pay for~stamps and papers. H AYNE D. REID, Assigaee.. July 22 30 3 25 Boxes, 25 Boxes,. 25 Bozes et Cheag Isdiam. aat Good Yobacco. Just received, and will be sold at a bargziin by the box, or in any quantity that may be wanted4 LOVELJACE & WHEELER, July 22 80 St. ._____ Qiarterly Tax litice. Iwlllbe atNewberr C, H. on Wodnesday the 20th Inst., and at Lgpvol the day fol kowing, for the purpose of receiving the Taxes on the,suales of goods, wares and mer% chandise, and on spirituous lignors manu factured during the quartet ending .3Oth June, 1868. J. B. ImELES T.C..D July 22 2 STA TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Newberry Distrit-In Equity. Isabella Birge, Adm'x,'v. Win. S. Birge; - et. al. The creditors of John S. Dirge, dee'd, are required to render and establish their deadsbefore the Commissioner on or before the first day of Octob'er next. Comn's Office, SILAS JORN8TONE, July 22 30) 'lit -*12. c. i. r. D. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Newberry District-In Equity.. John G. Lipford and a ife, v. Lala Rook and ethers. The creditors of Samuel L.. Rook, dec'd, are required to render and establish their demands before the Commissioner, on or befo-e the first day of October nezt. Conm's Offiee, SILAS JOHNSTONE, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Newberry Distriet-In Equity. Mary li. Ridelhuber, Adm'x, v. John J. Eide}huber, et al. Bill for Dower. The creditors of William L. Rideihubel-, deceased, are reqbired to render and estab lish their respective demnands before the Gomt missioner, on or before the first day of Octo, ber next. SILAS JOHlNs,TONE. Coi's Office, c. u. is. D. Juy 2230 11t. 012. ABLASH ASSETS, $7,000,000. CfE SOCIETY, LY, NEW YORK. i'SAL YEAR TERMINATING ;S, $47,020,134. )FITS DIVIDED AMONG POLI 'ed annually, payable in cash from 1l American Coinpanies, as to New Busi follows : th SEVmNrH.. In 1886 the FouRTN. the SJIfr. In 1867r (fiscal yeat) the SzcoN;. iutgo for Deaths and Erpenses, to Cash is less than tha;t of any other Company ENEY B. HYDE, Yie-President. JAMES W. ALEXANDER, Secretary. MAU L 1 NA&NCit Agents; Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facis to me directed, I will sell on Monday tb 3Fd day of August neit.the following prol erty, viz: One Blind Horse and one Mule. .Levie on as the property of Harry Suber at ti suit of G. P. Sligh, et al. f83 Also, one Mule. Levied on as the prc perty of Andrew Kinard, deceased, at th suit of C. G. DeWalt. f3 Also, six head of at the suit < Eleanor Price, et al, vs..T. J. Price. $3 I will also sell, on Tuesday, the 4th < August, at the residence of Thos. J. Pric( a fine lot of Hogs, 8 or 10 head of Cattle, Wagon and Harness, Cotton and Gotto Seed, and other things. 1 House and Lot in the town of Newberr; containing one-fourth of an acre, more < less, bounded by lots of H. H. Kinard, Gec Boland and Adams street on the Soutr Levied on as the property of John W Brown, and sold at the suit of S. A Pope. Also, two hundred acres of land, more o less, bounded by lands of John P. Buzzar< 0. H. Buzzard, et. al. Sold at the suit< G. G. DeWalt, vs. Thompson Wilson an Daniel Buzzard The above levied on a the property of Daniel Buzzard. T. M. PAYSINGER, s. N. D. July 15 29 fi Assignee's Sale. By order of the Honorable George B Bryan; District Judge of South Carolina, will sell ar Newberry, Court House, On Thursday, 30th instant, At eleven o'clock, A. M., A HOUSE AND LOT, situated in the Town of Newberry, beloni ing to the estate of Warren H. Jones,Banl -rpt. Terms of sale cash, and purchaser to pa for papers. HENRY HALFACRE, July 8 3 Assignee. District Court of the lnited States For the District of South Carolina. I Bankruptcy. In the matter of A. W. ' SIMMONS, Bankrupt. To whqm it may concern: The under signed hereby- gives notice of his appoint mant as Assignee of the estate of A. W. T Simmons, of the town of Newberry, in th District of Newberry and State of South Carc lina within said district, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon'his own petition b; the District Court of Said District. Datec 3rd day of July, A. D , 1868. W. T. TABRANT, Assignee. July 8 28 3t. In Re. C. B. Countq, Bankrupt. Assignee's Sale. By order of Hon. George S. Bryan, Judgj U. S. District Court for South Carolina Dis trict, I will sell at public auction for eash at New-berry Court House on First Monday in August next, 3rd the tract or plantation of land on whict said Bankrupt now resides, containing One Hundred Acre', more or less, situated in. Newberry District on the waters of Crims Creek, and boundet by lands of L. E. Folk, J. W. Folk, Estati of Peter Duckett, dec'd, G. 1. Setzler am Estate of John Riser, dec'd. Purchasers to pa .for stamps and papers THOS. W. HOLLOWAY, July 8 28 St. Assignee. WOOL. CARDIN - AT . LAURENS DISTRICT. Our CARDING MACHINES are in irs rate order and. operated by SKULLFUL.ani EXPERIENCED .hands. Wool leftr witi N-. B' Enox, at D)epor, Newberry, C. Hi. will be received and promptly returne< cardedt. When wool is oiled we charge 12 cents per lb.. Patronage solicited and satis faction GUARA1 TIEDI. R. S. & J. W. GOODGION. June 30 3m Notice. The Subscriber 'wonid inform -his Triend and the public that be-haa-a small stock- of SADUDLES, BRIDLES, BUGGY HAR - NESS, &c., which he offers for sale at prices to suit thn times. W. A. ELItORE. A pril 1 2m BURKE'S Weekly for Boys and Girls' is paper has already eatablisbed itsel as "the Southern favorite." It is .just thn periodical for boys.and girls.. " It brings sun shine into the household. - Marbles an< dolls are laid aside to welcome it. It in structs and entertains at the same time, an< the old folks find interest in its pages. 1 new volume begivns In July,. wIth .increaset atractions Now is the time to subscribe and renew subscriptIons. A beautiful titli pageand Index will be furnished at the clo's of the volume.- Terms. 82 a year, or thre< copies for 85. J- W. BURKE &~ Co., Pub libhers, Niacon, Georgia, July 8 28 tf. STA TE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Newberry District-In Equity. Margaret Martin, Adrux. v Jonathan Mar' sin and others. Bill to Marshall Assets, &c. The creditors of Patrick Martin, deceased are required to render in and establIb-htheI demands before the Commissioner by thi first day of October next. SILAS JOHNSTO NE, C. E. N. D. Comn's Office, 21 July, 1868. .12 STAT E OF SOUTH. CA ROLINA New berry District In Equity. George Larsen, Aflmr., vs. Walter HI. Hun and others. The creditors of Jacob H. Hunt are re quired to render on oath and establish thef demands before the Com missioner on or be, fore the fir't day of October next. SILAS JOHINSTO NE, C.E.N.D. Comn's Office, 21 July. 1868. 12 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Newberry District-In EQuity. Mary A. Rikard, Adrn'x, vs. Geo. A. Ri kard, & others. The creditors of estate of John Rikard deceased, are required to present and es tablishi their demands on oath before thr Commissioner, on or before the first day o October next. Comn's office, SILAS .JOHNSTONE, Jnly 21 25 1868 *12 c. E. N. Dl. The State of South Carolina, Newberry District-In Equity. Mary Reeder, v. John L. Syeake, Ex'or, et al The creditors of George Speaske, dec'd, ar required ti, render and establish - their de mands before the Commissioner, on ~or be fore the first day of August next. Com's Office, SILAS JOHiLSITONE, July 22 303t. . ~ C.L. .D. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Newberry District-In Equity. Jams R. Sheppard, Executor, v. Mary 1 Schumpert and others. The ceditors of Honorius Sheppard, dec'd are required to render and estaLlish their de mands before the Commissioner on or beflar the first day of August next. Comn's Offie, SILAS JOHNSTONE, Juy33(KW 'Pd s .W SHOES, AND BROG.AS. Abrams, Griffin AND Ar Hargrove, r Are now receiv'ing their Stock of s Spring ad Summer G-OOD s, Comprising Ladies', Misses & Children's Goat, Kid & Moroeco Bootees, Gaiters, &c. Men's BOOTS & SHOES of Every Variety. The above GOODS have been carefully selected, and made by the best workmen. We .feel thankful for past favors and earnestly solicit an exanination of our - Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Give us a call and judge for yourselves. ARRAYS, GRIFFN & E IAGROVE. April 22 Stoves and Tin-ware, Still Cheap. Having bought the entire interest of 'Mr. H. H. Blease in the Tin and Stove buni ness. I will'continue to carry on the same in all its branches at the old stand and will be most happy to wait on all who may want anything line. I shall keep constant ly on hand a large and well made stock of TIN-WARE, with an extensive assortment of Cooking and other Stoves, of the most improved patterns. ALSO A well selected stock -of Pressed Ware and house furnishing goods generally. Job work of all descriptions will be done in the best manner, at reasonable prices and short notice. - W. T. WRIGHT. April 1516 tf. Grocery Store. ' The undersigned has opened in the store formnerly occupied by A. Harris, next to Messrs. Wiskeman & Wilber, where he will be happy to se-is friends .and old customers. He will keep con stantly on hand's Complete Stock of Groceries, .. c ensistlug in part of. Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Segars, ,Salt Lard, Molasses,. &c., &c. JORN W. MILLER, April 29 18 3lmo. ~Agent. CA1RIAfE AND IIT?O SHOPs The subscriber respectfully calls the at tention of the public to the fact that he is - till on band and prapared to exeeute all work Irl his line of business, either .in Carriage, Buggy or Wagon WVork. In a workmanlike and expeditions mannes', and at prices in accordance With the times. Having an experienceoftwenty%five years and having worke4in all the,principal cities of the Suth, in the best carriage houses, I am confident of mny ability to give entire -satisfaction.. Give me a trial and be convinced. Shop in rear of Nathan hunter's, and at tached to my residence. May 6 6mo GEO. BOLAND. Immigration! IMMIGRATIONW!! IMMIGRATION!!! 1 am nw p~eae tofnfrn EUROPENL BOo*riri H. PENHETHr, Immidaton Agent, 4as King cere Hudson eta. Dr. McBride's KING OF PAIN, A CERTAIN CURE FORt Chills and Fever, AND All Summer Complaintse TR rT ALL YE THAT ARE AFLCTE. For Sate by D. MOWER. June 24 26 2m. ICE CREAM. This summer delicacy can from this day, and until fur ther notice, be had at L. Schodair's Confectionery and Restaurant. June 3 23 tf. REMEMBER When you want PICTURES to call at my Gallery over Mower's store. I amI here all the while,- and -putting up the right kind of Photo graphs, Ambrotypes, &c.. at low -prices. We charge nothing for look ing, and not much for a picture. Also a nice lot of Albums and Pins for putting pictures in. W. I. WISEEAN. Jnly 15 Notice This. In order to make room for our FALL STOCK we will, from this date, till the first of September, sell BOOTS and SHOES AT REDUCED PRICES. ABRAM, GRIlN & IMWOVE. July 22 3') 3 . FOOT. Has just received a large Stock of Bacon Sides, Hams and Shoulders, Salt, Molasses, Sugar, Rio and Java Cofee, Flour, Rice, Irish Potatoes, Cheese, Soda and Sugar Crackers, Candies, Sodax Yeast Powder, - Concentrated Lye; Soap, Starch, Candles, Matches, Pickles, L wood, Madder, Coperas, Indigo, Spices, Lamp Chimneys, Tobacco and Segars, Bagging, Roping, Plow Lines, Shovels, Nails, Sieves, Cotton Cards, Shoe Blacking, - Pipes, Tacks, Knifes and Forks, Powder and Shot, Crockery Ware, Dry Goods, Fancy. Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnish ing Goods of all kinds, Boots; Shoes and Gaiters, of all sizes, Clothing,. Hats, &c.. Other Goods, .too numier ous to mention, which are generally kept in a well sup plied Variety Store. I offer my GOODS at prices as low as they can be bought. or sold-at the corner of the Hotel. March 25 13 tf. Change 1. Change !! All things are subject to Change!! W. H. WEBB has again changed base, and is now permnently located (nntil the next change,) on the Corner Store of Mol hon Row, (No. 1.) This CHANGE has been made with a view to gather in the loose CHANGE now aftoat,. and to do this effectually he invites an ex amination of' his Stock, the PRICES OF WHICH ARE SO VERY LOW. MirCall and be convinced, at No. 1, Mollohon .Row. June 3 23 3 He tonu d Your children's PICTURES TAKEN. If not, now is the ti-ne to secure a good picture-a life-like, bright, clean, clear and stereoscopic picture. We have made ar rangements to go to Laurenis, S. C., about the middle of August, an-iPhose who want pictures should call on us before that time. Our pictures have given general satisfaction ad are admired by all. We warrant them equal to any now~made. Those intending to have their pictures taken should call at an early day. Please do not put it off till the last week. Special Attention raid to Copying Old Pictures of Any .Description. Those hiaving old p;ctures they wish copied, can have them done in a very Su perior manner, as we pay special atte it'on to tis~ branch. Pictures that are delaced wth finger mark,- .scratches, dust, &c., we can copy without these defects showing, by a process known onrly to us. Send us your old pictures, tl at are defaced by time and use, and we will transform them into new pictures without a blemish. WwEN & Wumr.rr TO THE PUBLIC. I have just returned _from Charleston, where I bought a Large Stock of - SPRING GOODS, Consisting in part of Betutiful Prlnta, Muslins, Osuaburgs, Shirtings, (Bleached & unbleached,) also, Groceries, Shoes, Hats, both for Gents and Ladies, in f a I have every thing kept in a good country storg. I return my kind tharnk4 to my friends and customners, for the Liberal patronage I have received since I opened where I am. I. told them I was going te sell Cheap Goods, to come and look and judge. My custeo mers did so, and I sold them goods cheap; and will continue to sell cheap, cheap faorl cash. I am adding weekly to my stock of Gro" ceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockeryware. Shoes and -Pickles, - Preserves, &c. Also, a Large Lot Cornfor sale cheap. I will exchange Goods for all kind ,op Country Produce. M. P. ALBRITO11. Newberry, March 25. Wilson & Wieker HAVE GREATLY INCREASED T]BEIR New Stock of Spring GOODS. consisting of - DRY GOODS &GROERIE. AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIXES. Prints, Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, Flour, Lard - Cau. Frits, ?ckles, Sardines Tobacco, &c. - March 25 Carriage and Buggy FACTORY. Je Taylor & Co. Will keep constantly-on hand a good si. oroved styles' and patterns, combiriing lightness and durability. Built- .to orde. lFght Rocka ways, and Plantation Qarriages,; Pheatons, Top and no Top Buggies, &c. Old Carriages and Buggies renovated -sat made to look as good as .new.' Repairig done in the best manner and at reasouab .prices, and all work estimated od before it is repaired and a copy giveM to our custot, mers. Special attention given to repiring' fine Carriages and Buggies, which is impor tant to consumers. Freight wiHl be paid one way, when sent by Rail Road, when the.res. pairs amount to over $100. We use nothing but the best materials that can-be bought, ad are wilting to rely on the merit. of our work for a liberal patronage. We invite the exami nation of-oar work~ and assure the pubU that we can, build the same class work s cheap if not cheaper than we can import'it' All of our work is-warrante d. . - Our Factqry is near the Depot. Newberry, 8.-C., March 25 13 ly. -Z.-L. WHITE,:. GUNSMITH And Repairer Of all kinds of FIRE AR MS, LOCKS, &c. Ras on hand Pistols and Gtuns of all ajiy proved makes. Ammunition, such as''Carw tridges, Caps, Powder and Shot. Shot Pouches; Flasks, Bags, an8 every' other kind of-Sporting Apparatus.. BesideW muany oth ar articles of vArious .charadters' and kinds. .All'kinds of REPAIRING neatly ahd ei. p. dito ously exec uted, and at low ratds' - A pril 15 lb tf. ~Wanted--Agentsa. $175 pe ot to sel.l the NATIONA~ flhi Mach ine is equal to th.e stan.dard maobinesi in every respect and is 4oI51 at the how-re o7 52! Address \AlIONAL SEWDT WA iHINE CO., P'ittsburgh, Pa. June 24 266m. COTTON YARNS! COTTON YARNS? The subscriber, agent for the sale of the' - celebrated Buena Vista Cotton Yarns, has at -all times, a fhil sunpply on hand. Mar -hau,ts will be supplied by the bale, at man afacturer-'s prices. R. STEWART. Maty 2'l 22 tf 11OSA DALIN Purifies the Blood. E'r Sale by Druggists Eyerywhele Bolting Cloths. Anchor Bolting Cloths, THE VERY BEST XADE, Will be sold at New York Prices, These cloths are warraiited extra. ap (2 3m R. STEWART. District Court of the United States For the District of South Carolina. JIn Bank rujjtcy. In the matter of Thomas Ellisor, Bankrupt. To) whom It may concern :The undersignid ereby giyes no'ice of his appointmuent as Ai ignzee of the estate of iboa. Ellisor, of th4 dIat. of Newberry, and Stiute of South Carolina, with" ia said district, *ho-hss been adjude.ed a bank ptupfon his own petition by the district oi dfid strict. Dated 2nd day of .Juiy, AU 268. It L. LWuUEIt, Assignee. Julyl154 District Court of the United -States. For the Districtof South Carolina. In Bank,. rnkptc. In the matter of D. ii. Bushardit, To whom it may concern: The undersigned ereby gives notice of' his appointment as As ignee of the estate of D). H.- Bazhardt,..of the District of Niewberry, and State of South arolina within said District, who has been ad' Juge Banrut" upon*hic* own petiin Tb ofJulyr, A ..D., 20BE 7. N.- MABTLI, AsU!5"ei