The Newberry herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1884, June 03, 1868, Image 3

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Nw -')sr and anef tb ee - - * -4 -- E e44 oniu : h ui 'ether'ase - - in *pa 1 inbtbiI notere4stl day in~ dankrptcy ~e wipy croperty begingt o sm or fh.dis use, and bgh~Sefad tat a metin o - , wirngesel ataCur -be bldI t Newherr Garina,t.'bfre enr onb i the p fJnet P . M.~2FFI Gh. S. Mari a s 'issner.u - by QEORG e 4PSe, Tai Den'Cgtu.egn * INTERS. anufacture Type, Re fta& ;Rab)e a&DaSingle Cyinder Print eiad Platten P*wer Presses, FOR JEWSPAPER, 1001, : jdaidard Printing. Iey -iruld call attention of Publishers ofKawspapers to their new ILAILWAY NEWSPAPER PRESS, Which is specially designed to supply News pgpers of moderate circulation with a plain but Werviceable Printing Machine..and one 'iapabl of aoing also Job Work of every deniption' h an be run: asily by one 1anaat e-spee'd of8i*impressions per hour, ~and-tby:seamrwill give 1,000 to 1,24)0 per ;4rh.4without:n6ise or jar. 'The Press occupies a space 5z10 feet, and~ciibe worked in a rooai 7 feet high. Weight, boxed, 6,000 lbs. Their MINLE LARGE CYLINDER IND PINTING MACHINE, OR CUNTRY PRESS, Is also a convenient anud durable Printing Machine, capable of doing the entire work of an out of town office. It is designed to run by hand at a speed of 8o0 per hoar. Each MachinDe is warranted, apd will- not fail to gi*e entirsp satisfactio. 'Wcmaanvaeture almost every artce re qIrefoiitfes1W,.I.thograph?c or Cop: m-Pljte -tinUig, Book-Bitdig; Etectro -xpig d Stwreotypivg, -and fimish out ts eemplete for each. We would call attention to- our Patent tSectaal'S&ereo!ype - Blocks, Mechanical Quits, Patent Lied Galleys, New Com . nitor!.Stands, Cabinets of new designs tnd of all sizese Standing Galleys, Patent -Pocket Bedkins, rrinter's Knives, &c., &c. Brhingand T% pe of our own inpor ,ttion, aid.made expr4y 'for -tur News paper and Cyinder Pitiig ahines. Bsdim4tes U Detail Furnishd. A -new atalog*,. eontaining Cuts and deeritio sof many new Machines, not be forshown ins their Book, with directions lhi ppuing , working, &c., and other use fel inforinateon, fa just completed, and can be ad oin appe4 . K Hoe & V0l, eNO Tork and Bostonl,L Mass. . Publishers ofNwspapers are at liberty to iesert~ this advertisement, displayed as abedu tbeetiures if their weekly - paper, WItIdhi note,but not without,^any time pevai e,aary I, 11869, but no latfer, poiIded7they puac etype yr material 01 suruaunfatureftur Ibar times the amount JFm&,,febill, 1ebch 'will he allowed in'-se(te metof onrs,oe recueipf of a copy of- their ppeeoultAimuBgtbe adye9pRti.e - - A.prl 22 17 st U. S.~mre-Om an. 6opa CaIQuL.I pi*aTeh.1 BQU1rr. The rivo'ofB4opkins,- Hul. & Atkin - son, vs. tihe Survilors of Lartin, James -& Bowden,ttfal:. lti hereby ordered, that the creditors of Marti, -dames & Bowden, do. on-or. before -the 1st day of July next, render on . oath and establish their demands before pha ?,Nreon epd,i referee, at New bru'y C, JL S. C. S y Flie Cour, DNI 'BRGKEC - Clerk Vircuit tCourt, Surgeom De'ntist, wo.l repeceaI fbrua tas ubue that helis openea an oflice In' the (syofCo Rua'ta, whsere he is 5.dto execute, in the msta egant scientific manner, al1 -brnehes of'essIon. - Teeth etmu'aced~wlthobt -psn orwa sub -t iMNats, by the use of- nitrous ox id,prte oxide of nitrogeo,or laughing gas. Persona desiring to have their teeth fixed up in the most e1egant andc .ppmued man, e,mndo so ty valling at his offce-on Main-t, over Gregg's queens-"aie. store. Rame entrance-s to Wern a .Ri' photo'u. - Gallery. TposS4esiring to make an ay 27 Columbia. ~Dress' Making. :M:E. M. R. HUNTER, Fashionable Dress Maker, Over Xeinrs. Iovelace & Wheeler's, W'- Entrance same a~s to Photo graph Gallecry. QTTON YARNS! COTTON YARNS! ' The.subscriber, agent for of the culfetirated Buena Vista Cotton Yarns, has at al times, a full eupply on hand. Mer eina,ts will be supplied by the hale, at man ufsurer's prices. R. STEW ART. May 27 22 tf Dr. R. S. Whaley's .Dental Laboratory. The subscribe,r -offer. in ducements---in the 'way of Good Work and Low Prices -eoil *na afl requiring his professional services. Perfect satisfaction guarantied. ay 27 fputy Collector's Office, WNewberry, May 25th, 188.8.. Notice is . hereby given to all -parties. claiming an inteiregt itf the following de scri6ed seizures, viz: in- wqgon, team and conte.ats, seized frozn Berry .Uawkins, of Greeeville, S. C. Also,-in about 61lallans of wiey, seized - from. *1. H. Cromner, of N~ewbervf, and. in. abot 31 gallons of whiskey seized f'roin Scitt' Met, Eee, of Larens/- S. C., -fomr violeotio nt ernal Renue IAas, td.present their cWa&aand gve ben4a to defend suits "for eotidEmnba tie. in Uttd at*les Courg ia thirteiuys fr attbla list rofraiipe ry wil be sold accordig~ tWla'w-- - . -~ ~. AMES it. DO#NIS, 3Is ft 2n 2 n.... le ter Ani -. Hamuil oi H. Folk,Bankrvpt. Assignee's sale. - ti p"genance of an order of the United States Court for the District of South Caro lina, I will sell; at *he zeeiden&e of H. H. Folk, on Thursday, 11th June,. 1868, The Tract of Land on whicb ibe said H. H. Folk now resides, containing Six HUndred & Twelve Acres, mere or I -ss, bounding and butting on lands of John P. Kinard, James H. Wil liams, and lands belonging to the estates of James B. Wilson and Chancellor Job John stone, dee'd-5 miles North of New 'erry C. R. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. ALSO, At the same time and place, I will sell on the same terms all the personal property of said Bankrupt, not exempted by law, con sistig in part of Two Horses and other live stock 300 bushels Cotton Seed, Carriage and Harness Buggy.and Harness 1 Gin 1 Thresher I Fan 1 Sewinig Macbhiw May 20 21 4 H. M.'FOLK, Assignee. .Assignee's Sale. By order of the Hon. George S. Bryan, Judge.of the United States Court, for the Disrict of South Carolina. I will sell, at the residence of John C. S. Brown, on Thursday, 4th day of June, 1868, the Tract of Land upon which the said John C. S. Brown now resides, containing (704) Seven hundred & four Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of David C#,sson, A. L. Brown, Joseph Caldwell and others. I Terms of sale cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. Also, at the same time and place. I will sell the Personal propersy belongi;g to the estateof said Bankrapt, not exempted, viz: 6 head of Sheep, 5 head of Goats, 4 Cows and Calves, 2 Horses, I Mare and Colt, 1 Mule, 1 Piano, I 4-horse Wagon, 2 2-horse Wagons, 2 Cptton Gins, 1 Gin Band, I Wheat Thrasher and Fan, 1 Lot Blacksmith Tools, 1 Corn Sheller, . 1 Straw Cutter, 1 pair Steelyards, 1 Log-chain, 1 Fifth Chain, I pair Balances, 1 gent's Saddle and Bridle; 1 Ladies' Saddle, .I Boring Machine, .&c. - J. N. MARTIN, May I3 204t Assignee. Assignee's Sale. By order of thli on. George S. Bryan, udge of the United States Di.itrict (Court, f~r the jitrict of South 'Carolina, I will ~if at'die reiirM "" -La nerly, on Tiesday the 9th day of June, A~ D., 186$, All of the interest of the Bankrupt in the tract ot land upon which the--said Thomas B. Kennerly now resides containing Six Hundred and Fifty Acres of -Land more or lese, subject to the wife's right of inheritance and dower'.. Terms of sale .cash, purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. Also, asthe same time an'd place, I will sell the personal propertr belonging to the estate of Said-Bankrupt,.not exempted, viz: 1 single cased Gotd Watch, 1 lot of Corn, 1ilot of Fodder, 2 -Horses, 5 Mules, 1 sorrel Filly, 4 Cows and Calves, 3 dry Cows, - Bull, 1 Heifer, 2 bull Calves, 14 head of> Sheep, 2 Sows, 1 Boar, 3 Shoats, *22Pigs, 1 lot Farming Utensils, 1 Wagon, 1 -lot Piough Gear, 1 lot of Hoes and .Axes, * 1 Fifth Chain, * 1 pair Stretchers, &c. JOSEPH CALD)WELL, Assignee, May 13 20) 4t The State of South Carolina. Nealherry District-In Equity. . Ivy S. Hughes. Trustee, v. Isaac Kellar, Ez'or and others. Yt appearing to mv satisfaction that Alfred E. Keller, Daniel Goyver and Juliana, his wife, 8arath S. Gant, John D. Kellar. Hen rietta Keller,Martha J. Hunghes, and the four Infant children of Jo.seph Kel:ar, dee'd , and the onie minor child of Isaac Kellar, de'd, defendanrs in this case, reside beyond the liits of this Staste. on motion of Mr. Pope, Comp. Sol'r. it is ordered tbat the said absent defendanta do pled, answer or demur to t!.is bill within forty days from the publication hereof, or the same wi be tsken pro confesso against them. SILAS JOlINSfoNE. Com's OfHcen. 19 May, 1808. C.E.N.D. hay 27 22 7-14 In re. Drayton T. Living ston, Bankrupt. Assignee's Sale. By order of the Hon. Geo. S. Bryan, Judge of Uni:ed States Court- f6r the Dis trict of South Caroline, I will sell, at pnh li auction at Newherry Court House, on the frst Monday in July next, the tract or parcel of land on which said bankrupt now resides,'contain'ing Seventy-Eight Acres, -more 'r-less, bcdunding' and butting oh. land of -Henry Szone; Philip Sligh, Thoi. Ellisor.and.lrs. E..Dewalt. -Terms of-sale cash. PRrchaser to pay for stai1nps aud papers. ROBT. L. UTHiER, ^ey 27 22. 8 Zss gnee. Feotypes for et. 4limta ett for .5 tents, at:- WREN &T WHEELB'. 4. Justreceved k asotmn o h MaE124 R.4 TW R -2 EW THE YEEY EEST E '0 0% "Z a C5g :g - 0 W a be o at " Rock Yora k Pries JTeeivethd ae arnt oe ay 204 R. STEWART. fing Crued thfie prciowf Medicine tenes hist-rofelsinalserac tor te pubhe. OShee inShe, bSicyte forerly ocenpied&by Sep.. 180 3. e BLtig Cotce. Ay.atao B ol inlqth, Will pbe nte Stat orsfrti na.-. Spea aonr Casces, Dr. J D.Bruc Han reeuved tu*e psratce of ee bOffie ipeiLower fomerf LawcRged b ane Sumer C.w.earch2 Atr ineLa fared p6um ftreducedd fre. Coshp ate ned op whnars. Sept. 18ir; LetCs-segl Nikt8oticeapFoos JhN F.smcyh StoeARMAdi"N&, May 6190 4 1RMAgeT. ABol. tin Law othnsquty Wilrpactyin the state o for h. CHw Aor PPEL, metans neothe Eae of Thoas H. aen ofes tedirict.f Nethe 'ai e d State Coruf isodDsrc nt oouth addsrd,b pecianl ahitteion srin Coraes o Ba k-ic. DOffice i Che' Depnd do y oLaw Rae.y r beyC.. T. ArS o ee. The st4dat SouCara. Caphriebyhe10l. A.WrAloders frotheex fred .Jms .Bonn othe DItpring Ctof ysatisaton taties redsbn the ditrcmifSots Caotisa. Oan &oton.of Ssrp. Toawho abe.dtendan coeead,h aner sndeure hies ttn tof das fo te puaoneeof theamet ofl etaken. prLcnessga Nst ice -SOHA F. JOSPOE.ARMEN,D Teaeof S~outh Carolina. w$ttI4dr.t b eerrDisteaBrptn iw Jas.on,b t.Hrrigtnc and t .An a d distie,t. R.DPat an Crelia. hispwf, Wanshdgtofny W. Calme an1iedngF68lese lmTsth State.O otioarnao.eer Fie nd,, P ape Bop. Sol'ru, at d ohered tha thoe sa aret defendants to psll, enn wr or deurtoths bill. within fortydysfoth dasfo h-publcation bereof, or the sm ilb ae saewl etknpro confesso againsti SIL A SJOuH SOE. c. EN. xn Comn's Office, 190 May, 188. 22 7 114. The State of South Carolina. Newberry District-In Equity. John F. Lintord &n Aa wife, ad''an d', Js. Malmes xo and others. The redior soerat ofSaueJ Rok apec'aret myuie stftonde and eob tablishu ond oathteir. hepiseVO teans,oa fne nthis cafi e, ron or be yore the 1tdyo uy Coms office,tat . Onmtino N. Dr. FTihen fopein Camed gentlemeni is or thatdb thei aspctivde fends dor ped Fuwordmr tx Cos,llct fr S.LW. JOusrSOE.c . D TC atof Suth.Carlina JohnG ir d . H ife, .dn&adamr J.. alxa.Ro n tes ThFreiorsCer of t aC ofrt. e J ook,e dc areM reires eer aaCande o th6 offiee,ofnJurtieforf the P ace ondr July, nwConstOficeio, C .r. ANOM NAIONS.IEDS -Thses Emlonnam-egetee arne DOm. At. by tPr r sp c ivAe'fisfor the f FrTax Collector, n ol . Ai91 MANYFRINDS r;nForth 1erkrse ofe o utic o new- C .ntIutiotVfER sHOES, AND HR0G.4XS. Abrams, Griffin AND. Hargrove, Are now receiving their Stock of Spring and Summer G-O OD S , Comprisng Ladies', Misses & Children's Goat, Kid & Morocco Bootees, Gaiters, &c. Men's BOOTS & SHOES of Every Variety. The a;ove GOODS have been carefully selected, and made by the beat workmen. We feel thankful for past favors and earnestly solicit an exafnination of our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Give us a call and judge for yourselves. ABRAY-S, GRIFFIN & HARGROVE. April 22 Stoves and Tin-ware, Still Cheap. Having bought the entire interest of Mr. 17. H. Blease in the Tin and Stove bui ness. I will continue to carry on the same in all it. branches at the old stand and will be most happy to wait on all who may want anything in my line. I shall keep. constant ly- on hand a large and well made stock of TI N-WJARE, with an extensive assortment of Cooking and other Stoves, of the most iznproved patterns. ALSO A well selected stock of Presed Ware and bouse furnishing good,41generally. Job work of all descriptions will be done in the best manner, at reasonable prices and short notice. W. T. WRIGHT. April 15 16 tf. Photographs. On and after the 15th -April, our price for Photographs will be as follows: Photographs for the Album. Three for . . '. 2 00 Additional copies, each, 5 Coloring, eachr, - 25 and 5( GROUPS. Two persons, three photo's $3 C( Three a~ " 4 0( Five Six "7 Addition~al.copies, each Coloring, each 5 Bills amnounting to $25, 10 per et off S50, 15 -" "C 100, 20 "" WREN & WHEELER, Apr 15 16 tf. - Photographers. Grocery Stora~ The andersigned has opened in th store formerly occupied by A. harris next to MIessrs.. Wiskemnan a Wilher where he wilt be happy to se~e bis frienl ond old cuatomers. He will keep con stantly on hand a Complete Stock of Groceries censisting ia part of Bacon, Flour, Sugar,. Coffee; Segars, Salt, Lard, Molasses, &c., &c. JOHN W. MILLER, April 29 18 8mo. . Agent. SHOP. The subscriber .respecrfully calls the at tenion of~ the public to. the fa,ct tha t he is still on hind and pr-'pared to execute al work in his line of business, ei.her in Cariage, Buggy or W agori Work. In a workmanlike and expeditin manner and at prices in accordance with tho times. Having an experience ot twenty'.tive yeari and having worked in all the p.rincipal cities of the South, in the best carrisge houses,.I am confident of my ability to give entiri satsaction. Give me a trial and be convinced. 6hop in rear of Nathan Runter's, and at tached to my3 residence. May 6 6to GEO. Do LAND. Hides Wanted. We w14h to purchase a quantity of goo Dry Hides tg which we will pay the highes hy6 'LOVELACE a WHEELER. Immigration! IMMIGRATION !! IMMIGRATION!! BOl of tvry deoripto Immgraion Agenit, 412 Eilng crertHd ane RICHARD TOZER. ENMINER & UAHINiRT * Columbia, S. d. team Engines and-Machinery of1a de scriptfa mnade to order 'on tl~ io$t erm. ordr froni thte e,utry a%te M. FOOT. Has just received a larg Stock of Bacon Sides, Namw and Shouldere, Salt, Molasses, Sugar, Rio and Java Coffie Flour, Rice, Irish Potatoes, Cheese, Soda and Sugar Crackers, Candies, Soda Yeast Powder, Coneentrated Lye, Soaps. Starch, Candles, Matches,. Pickles, Logwood, Madder, Coperas, Indigo, Spices, Lamp Chimneys, Tobacco and Segars, Bagging, Roping, Plow Lines, Shovels, Nails, Sieves, Cotton Cards, Shoe Blacking, Pipes, Tacks, Knifes and Forks, Powder and Shot, ..Crockery Ware, Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnish ing Goods of all kinds, Boots, Shoese and Gaiters, of all sizes, Clothig Hats, &c. Other Goods, too numer ous to mention, which are I offer my GOODS at nrices as low as theyican be Ibotigti or sold-at (he corner of the Hotel. March 25 13 tf. District Court of the United States. For the district of south Carolina. I's Tank' ' rney. In the matter of HENRY a. R, B..mkrtwt. By whom a Pedzilon for Adjudication of Bankraptcy win, ied on,the 28th day of Feb ruary A. D. 1808, in said Court. - This ive wotice that-on the 8rb day lof May, 1868 a warrant of Ba4iitcy was Issued against the esat 6f Henry 8. Kerr. of' A bbbe'rllleCourt Hotrge, in she dis trict of A.bbeille and state soudr Carolina. who has been adjudged.a Bankrupt on his ownt petidion 'Tbat the payment of any debta and tihw delivery of any property belonging to -such Bankrupt; to him, or forhis use, and thre transfer of any ptoper'y by him, are forbid den by law; ad that a meeting of the Cred' Itors of said Bainkrupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or mora. Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Co'urt of Bank ruptcy, to be bolden at Newberry Court House at the efBee of, and trefore Henry Summier, E.%q. Registc. on.the 28th day of May, A. V., L868, at 3o'clock. P. M.. J P. M. EP'PIbiG, U. s. Mashah, s. C., district, by Gsonos LAEtSEN, May 27 22 St. Deputy Mesreriger. District Cgrt of the Unite4 States. For the district of south Catonlna. In Bank ruprev. In the matter of CoENELIUs F. W ATERs. Bankrupt. -By whom a Petdos for Ajundication of Bankruptcy was filed on 'the .27th day of Fehruary. A D.. 1868. in said Court. T'his is to give notice thar on the 22d1 day of Kay; 1868, a warrant of Bankruptcy wats Ia-ned aga.inst the Estate of' Cornelius F. Waters, of Greenvill. Court Housec. in the~ District of G1tenTvii.'e, and State of southi Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bank rupt on his own petition. That the payment of any debts and the de'. livery of any property belonging to suc.h Bankrupr; tn himi, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbid den by law; and thiat a meeting of the Cred irors of said Bankrapt, to prove their d. ht-i. and to choom one or more Assignees otf his estate. will be held at a C'ourt of B>aukrupt~ cy, to be holden at Newberry Court House at the office of, and before Henry summer, Esq , Re ter, on the 12th day of June-, A. D. at 3'clock. P. M. J. P M. EPPING, U. S. Marshan,. S. C , District, by Guoso: LaRsta,. May 27 22 St. Deputy Mesenger District Court of the United States. For the District of South C'arofli . Tn Bank rub'cy. In the matter Of J . K. VAN DIV E1t, Bankrupt. - - By whom a Petition for adjudication of Banik rupte was flied on the. 17th day of February. -A 3,l68 in aidt c'urt. flhE is to g,meotkm tliat' .n.the 8th day of May. 1868, a warrant of Bank ruptcy wa 1 sued against the estate ofJames M. Vandlver of A bheviile Cout House, in.tbe District or Abbe ville, an5d State ot South .0arointa, who bas been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition: That thse of any del is aid the delivery of any pr operty belonging to such Bankrupt; to him,* or for has use, at d the transer of any propert by him, ar orbidenb law;adta prove ther. debts. ano-to choose one or more As sIigns of.bis estate, will be held at a Court of Baikruptcy, to be holden at Newberry Court koune at the offBce of; and befbo Henry Sum4 mer. Esq , Be,gWser -in Bantruptcy for said D.striot. on the 8th day of )1s A. D., 198,8 at 8 o'clock,-.. M. . - U hy (in-oxea Lasaax, Mhy 2722k . DepU$y )lessnger. WhoW&tits an Abum? .; .We hbve just relved froni.-New X'otl a fnesorttof Albums. : . -~ 1 March 18 ro mE PUBLUC I have jut returfned from 7barlestoa,n rhere I bought a Large Steek of SPRING GOOD9 Consisting in part of Beutiful Iqlirs, Ofnaburgs, Shirtings, (Blese' unhieached,) also, GroceHes, Shoes, Hi, th for Gents an4 Ladies, in f ici I have very t4i;g kept i * good 9ountry vtrep return hy kind thanks to my friends abd ,stomers, for the Uiba4-patronage Ih0 - eceived since L opeq4 where I am. I old them I was going te se Cheap Goodi, o come and look and judge. My custo-: neta did so, and I sold ther, gooda- ebap.; Lnd will continue to seH theap,. cheip f?b :ash. I am adding weekly to. my stock of Gro eries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery*nre. hes and Pickles, PrMerves, 4e.. Also;, a Large Lot Corn forsale obeap. I will exchange Goods for sH k1nd- of ;ountry Produce. M. P. ALWON. Newberry, March 25. A Wilson & Wicker EAVE GREATLY INCR'AS THEIR New Stock of Spring GOODS&, consisting o6 ORY GOOJJ . GIO4IREt& AT PRICES TO SUIT T TIMES. Prints, Sugr, Coffee, Baconi Flour, tard - . Soap. Can Fruts, Pickfes Sardiaea Tobacco, &c. Mnrci 25 P~. SCOT'S7 Fashionable Crothing an1 FURNISHIN,ST@E. Near Post Qfe"e,. Nebery., & C. Youm's and M-a. COAT& VESTS, PANTS, OVERCO'kT$ SHIRTS, U N D E R S H- TW biECK-T IES, POCKET HDBF' and FURNISHING GOD gq erally, just arrived. SUITS of the- best FRENCH^mudEPNUm LISH MATERIAL. rand of the LAT91 S TES. yaxr: and 31wiag made to order. Having purchased FOR CASH, from ti OLDEst and Bsst EstIsAm3EEan Big in New York, my Fall an.d Winter Stock o or 3Oentz8s and iu, t88Aile NE.,1 thy CUSToXEas, FRaENDS and TEE wuw3rB a il findis to their nhxaazst to give -me * aIl~before buying elsewhete, s I- am pf pared~ to SELL ARTICLES iit-iny 115e -3OR aEA? and REAsoNrALE TBRs 33-cam ~ >bained in aymarket qurb. - loge ata c,azze. - Newber G Oct. 941 1 CarrIageandBug FACTOR~t J. Taylor A Co,, K. Will keep constantly on hand a - aorment of ie BUGGIr.S of .the a~sP. roved styles and pattern.s; co,i1k lightness and durability. BulW4 - -ght Rockaways, and.Plantation GarIkai Phearous, Top and-no Top Bugs E Old Carriager. and Buggie&renotateda made to look as good as-ne*. RpmV done in the best manner andat fiV prices, and all work -eaifnadu ir is repaired and a cops gisey sd uy rera. Special attention givea e ine Carriages and -Bug~~, ' dieb1k mw tant to consumers. *Fr ight fS way, when sent by Ealb ad.; 411tI~ pis amount to oTe'egO00. We u.~ 'ut the best matoiials thant can bea b t'an irwillingorty'di tlieme teFeIr6 eIv r liberal pateonage. We-invite the 4iand-~ nation of an,r work and assure th& pub# that weii e b'6ild' thie .sa'id eiss wdrkws the*p if no.%4ie*per .tJIas up-sAifnprt . AU of our Cork is watrant 4L Our Factoed is near thie ?Ifeot. Newb-errf, 8. 0.; Mase-b Se It - Views for Sae. Photographs of the Baptist,Luthera Methodist. PreMt erian ant Episc opal CAh'Gree Tbene Viewst aro.perfect .P1 -baseutt al:y briglit, cliandf clear. ho dest'e plotnyes otsnyof the kdOve,CbarChtB. have now an opomrtuniry. to obu intht heap. They are 61 by 8* inahe. and mountd on card.. board, ready I6r-fram . W e have on,hand a fine assortment of 3. frames, suitable far Ibeso views - WREN a WHEELER, March 11 Photographers. Zs L. WHITE GUNSMIT~ And Rapaire~ of all kiinds of FIRE A RER& Has on hand Pistols and Guns of bil ;p. proved makes. Ammunition, such as Oar ridges, Caps, Powder and Shea. .Shot Pouches, Flasks, Bags, and every ther kind of Sporin- ?pp3aratus. many othar articles of various characters md kinda.. 4ll kinds of REPAIRING neatly and era y diionsly executed, and at Jow raq A pril 15 18 if. 'Ishei:ehy given. that all peja f n ys s Mehr.bed. to Th6mas W. Hollwy,so oloway & Folk, mnus settle the 1 arly'day. Durig-y'absene M,ay 11, 1o969~ . A1390