AIL MS H E T omeboy- womana of course-in quires why, w E,I va was manufactured from the qvix*"Ab, a servant wasn't ma+sde at- "suele wait- el her ? Somebocl e1 e-a womuan, Wqcimagiae rep>it foewiing s . V~ dae,n,ver came whining to e w Ia agg&TtIocking to be darned, -'cotta ased-p: Gergj tatepct "r aa quick now." ecause he got down behi,d the palm trees, and arei eag irumela1t.o*yetd ' n supper uo.t z easly, iy dear " kettle aver it himselft we'll' enture-; and pulled the radi hes, pfe. the" qtatoes, and y bhit 6e ough . le teil ,' ;. v ; hieke s, and d after the chickens hiq"elf.. -He newer brought home hair d ozen ' in when Eve hadt tany - e neiee'stye4 -et tiR 11 o'clock to a ward meeting, hurrahing for an oat-and-oet. cadidate, and -then sld because poor ]Ere was t-ittiug up sad crying, inside the gates e never ed- b ins and drove r + tsbsco sm,oke. He never loafed aronrd gp scliOMi Lwhil,a -eage kn l Cain's eradle at home. In short, he did not think- . epecip y *reated and was that it dwgraced a ma to lighten a woman's t nothing cooked." "Well, get p -.and cook somie "Well, get up and get- a cleana and fork- I'IL g"broug ottIon Niyh'ow." )u rgbs5 x iiGn 6ndboard a * boat o - t Potomac, gnd - *. & 2cal*' is - g jb ppened'to- slif and{I f1l on deck.. A4dpndy, who chanced to be nege aftb6~ tiine; stood, mo not assist her in gettngJ1f, ~br9*I 4 @'A ...1xaC' in ~~pE'the dab-ef wkick is NappIer athan when in e, - - Wbes.b lust tramp the a sbaf fill, 44 owa} s efgfgltee to muid. O~ bbage head -4~s * still an infant, his wings just beginning ta eme out of higdek. lie is one of sithttheae iuetn nbu tons, ge-..beg .mind e atosaenot caleuiiatedI to Iwih.,.ta playing marbles on Sund-ty, and sternly asked.J.jok .s w.were tthose little boyAW'n44 al aabIes .on. Sunk noenti~v, -"' same - en toe Celgo c on, am g e SA w S~lJualist, w sewife had r'" penif iroe h-day late sty~le of hoo -skirts h~ usthi$.deNecdii,e sean,face-expatnsion, aneir * ~9*~ent, gossamer-indestr etibk,po oe cworam. It is sai,d to it vtry therming thing. jfid,' said a lady to her hus - adkia4 1 am gVng. to have a stiff e~ i o at all improbable, my dear,' Jhe h~ihave seen strong sy optoms of ie?Jc I hare known you.' return upon a writ was made a4juty Sheriffin Indiana. It was: 00sei the-within ; but was fit with brtckbats by the wimmrin. o that I could -not sarve it." 1 rretefh, who, at a social party, said that a goang lady playing a piano forte was like an ape, because her fingers were .geogkeysshas been arrested. To keep thelfireside while man goes out and.cellects .the materials to make the pot boil is said to be woman's mis sion, "Shrall 1 leave some tracts here?" TYes," said the irritated burgher, "with 'the toes towards the door."~ What kind of leather would a naked Moor remind you of? Undressed mo. Why was William the Conqueror of no sex? Because he was niot a female .Mgr-anan. *Reverdy Johnson has a cataract in his eye; but how many young men have a 'water-fall in both! The best physicians are Dr. D)iet, Dr, Q,iet nne Dr. Merryman. Of ths 4 T ep,a t the - Fha si p et CCoUlege. Wata1* Newberry College has reached a period in ts history, in which the Boarti of Trusteps is compelled either to suspend the-eaercises of the -Iaetlsution indefnitely, and to sell the property at public auction, or to make a compromise with the holders of Scholarship t, and WHxaa Scholarship holders have been notifBed by' circular of the necessity of im mediatelvyesitting their dues that the ex ercisea of 'College may continue, and they have failed to respond, and IfiVtrc, Thernecessity of snch. action has been occusioned, not from any want on he art -of - e Beard of Trostees to comply itls its obligatios ; but from the tion "oneangK of the 'Scholarship holders to fifil. tae obl.gauons ipiauvsd st in their .bonds, and Wisais, The necessity t er to s-a Hpend, and to sedl, or to re anise fnrces itsvli upon the . oard at the p.vnt time, therefore, . 'RsbL CA , By the Board of Trustees as rsienbled, and in accordance_ with the re commendation of. the Ev. Luth. Synod of So. Ca. and alcateut States, whose servants they are, holding in trust - the College of said Synod: l.: Every Scholarship paid in goodino ney or its. equivalent, before or during the war; shall be charged only half the p-ice of thition for every collegiate year due t or if paid in Confederate money after Jan. 1st, 1863,three-fourths the amount of ,tuition, uitilbe avaidskhowrship is: fully 'e:ptned. 24 Allsclarsbpc, whose due have not been paid In +ail, au Jau. 1st, 18681.shall be ens14ered unit and void, and willbe re garded by the Board, after said date, as foreie. -. 3. chola:ehip holders, *ising -to arail theosselreaVthe ?nedt otheir schotar ships. fosfeited asl i Res., can. do so by piysnthe balance due on 'their 1irhotsr sh eips a4efore theiretof 'Jaa 190, and securethe iewefit of-Re-L> s 4othiog h!eer, ereia contaiped shall eatitl.eihe scfeolai h dec to send on sch sclbar ship u L all gjmasat paid.. 4 ..4Lr Jan. 1st,.1.66, .New6erry Cul lege sli be seL gsta jag, agteery. str deut sht be ehrgcd a4othly, and no ore shall be 'perinited -to cogint u natid is owntlv arrearat-s"es are lar-tlement made uwith tie President. . 5. AUBzncficiaries of tie Luath'urch, as the Colleke is au Institution of the Church, thalta etiiidtedto'tOtion free, un lejsjott wVt+sc t a glat>tp i be sodaerthe id e of fis ineeftig f the' Beard 6f Trug 7.-A0 bisek diteeahsdl be,paced into the hailds of a colfeetorto' be.appointed, a:td be shall be authorized to proceed .in .the ~ulc,tioi'o f these duer aceording t6 -his jiagineni, 'snit te ~amount collerted shall. be applied to 1i datitng die baek' salariles 8o TI Preamble ard Rssoou.ions be publisiedi t6hde Newvberry Ikrald arid Ev. Lutheran for three consecdilve i.sin. The.folloing rate.of t1e Preparatory Departmneat-ladnag Writing,Arithnesis English Gram mar, Geography, &c., per month, -$2.00 Caialfl et- -Lauti k, )fahem4 4m. - 8.00 Collegiate otrse, - - 4.2 The cofledto~r uindere oin 4, above, is to be appointed by the. President of the' C gsueforgdd 44obe Prof. Smieltzer was retaired as the Presi dent tot tK TCollege 'Hb. Ibstkation is plac#edhjs cdage; aubesisto em ploy assistants, one or muore if necessarye~ ~ a'4iMythe Board asb meecnig. And the Board wig use their best efarts to aid himi sadaikiag Ihe Insskadeon. fIThe Instition to be opened 1st MQndiy in vRe. E. Gan'o'h:nan. HENRY SUMNER, 2 r4aog theBoard. What White Men Can Do. of what cani be done by the energy of white men. Let our people all ~A worthy citizen of the Fork, Avith two small sons, made 400 busheLk Corn, 60 bushels Rjce, 4 6ales{'dttpn; and at plenty- of all kinro pro#isions. A coend family working oi the same pan t:pon, foreo tr the ~abve, mnado 20 husheIs oi-n, a ~iight bale o5f Cotton, 10 bdsbis Ride, isd o$ber artieles of prodlzee in prepardon Another gentlemap o(the saas setion, who is on~e of our ba haiborersi, awidone or ttio lhaWfkande jnad.e a.ecrop fuilly eods of'o own ehoid,'and mbIraucing every grade, in,dictted bf p'ies avgin)g iroig -. - .. 96.0 to $60 Per Suit. SINGLE GA IMENTS, IN PROPORTION. - peciaLat.tenition given to Elts S 3oQts,$IIOCS Mnd Tiex nishin 6dBoodS Dealing exrctnsively in tidsline, and hur ng our Goods for~Vush,-we can andl wiltof er indueemepts noL to be fon- SWe.are..much- encouruged at theo ~igh conmiendation- of competent jndgeus vho limve ilately;~ examined- the elothing tocks of our neighboring towns, Columbia mid Augustnw:hty w lio- asure u3 that OUR STOCL~ s equd~i if -not suporior in~tniany respects, to any to be found' ~in those mnarkets. - Then yh-e'is a call, and ifwe fall o please, the loss be im ou*r skoizlers. WRIGh T & 00PP60X, No. 4, Mollohon Row, October 2 Kewberry 6. C, School Notice. The undersigned woutI inforia.his-'fomer atrons, and others who-wv'l!th afail thiem ~elves of his servicos as 'teachrer, 'tht'ttie irst sessioz) of.jds school will comnmvoeon he second Monday in- January next -and ~ontinue until the 18th of AJuly. IP~pils will from time of entrance to ~lose of session. No deduction will be-al owed except in cases of protrae'ted illness. nstructions will be given in the inodern anguages, French and Germah., to those wishing it. Boarding can be had either with the indersigned or in the vicinity. For further particulars address, THOMAS DUCKETT, Liberty Hall, Newberry, S. C. Dec. 11 50) 2mo. LEGAL NOTICE. JONES & JONES ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN EQUITY1 Will practice in the State Court.s for the. Districts of Ne wberry, Laurens, A bbeville, Edgefield and Lexinugton, and in the United tates Circuit Court for~ South Carolina District. And are especially prepared for, md will give their immediate attention to dl cases in Bankrupt cy which may be en rusted to their care. JONES & JONES. [U. J. JoNEs,. ... . .,. ..... ...B. M. JONEs. Newberry C. H., Dec 10th, 1867. 11 50 4 Dr. J. D. Bruce Having resumed the practice of Medicine, anders his professional services to the public.. Office in the building formerly occupIed by Sr. John A. Chapman, and opposite Mrs. arp's residence. The Great Decline in Cotton Has been iollowed by a corresponding lecline in all Gotton Fabrics tu the N.'rth !rn matkets. Now being determined TO SELL GOODS At a Fair Value, Regardless of Cost, L Hae Maked all y Gnods .DOWsr AND WILL SELL AS LOW As the TIMES DEMAND. D. MOWEl. Norember 20 47 . I[illinery ! Millinery!I Weekly additions received, By D. MOWER. !ov. 2947 tf Cloaks! C1oaks!! 01 styles cut and made to oder, At 1) MOWER'S. N~ow.2) 47 t. Axes! AxesIt A superior artiele in style and uality, . By. D. MOWE Nov. >7A tr. rnportant PERSONAL Having. lately pur hawed Mr. Koung's interest, and. increased my Stock of Goods, since the last unouncement, in aL - _ EB WINTIR B $6 Cam now aI, to'eottpet~ wh$ one tid7a 1, either af'o Qmality~ ottbonW af Pru - The leading seekatiea re ' Dr-.t .. . - Dres& Godg - - ~- ClO<1ks CloalMs, mnnti n' kr siies pritternas Oaudtyrg - ea Ge St -- rocenies, 109i -sack LiDerpQO ;&tu - ~nd-a findassortmnentof - f HABDWA t'. Which liatter, NIR~w Sell at I soicit an ex'ainiOln f YnyStokto ~ovInce the1nost skep tical tha& what I sy .rtGgbretenie rage enjoyc4 iinec openingender the old firmn, rrespectfal y ask a, eo na~tion'of th,e same, awiil Sain!to e1%to':gIve mrieod. th4 suIe evrfatieactet W. T. TARRANT. P 3QOTT'S8 F shionable -CIothing~ and Wear Post Ojicej 2 etcerr~ S. C. Yoteru's and MEr's AS E$TS; PANTS; OyTER TS, RT'S,' IfDESH' 'I'S, RjICK. ES POCKET HIDIF'S ih T NN 09 geni araly, just',rrivad. UITh 'of the best PR 1CR and ENGe ISg. M-ATBEIAbssed 'or med.ATEST fYLE& saexprTL~ aat p41EAum=Ty -Fall and Wintertek~ of. ReadyMadeClothing,C1loths, Cassimeres & Vestings, or EusiNWSs apd DRnSS asum &c., rc., nly CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS and THE PUBLIC ilI find it to their INTEREST to give mDe a all before buying elsewhere, as I a pre, ared to SELL AuRICLES in my line on -as 9HEAP and REASONABLE TERMS a8 Can bC >btained in any market south. Making, Cutting Altering and Repairing lone at shortest notice. P. Scott, Newberry C. H., s. C. Oct. 9 41 1y SPECTACLES. Fine Periscopic Glasses, at ess than one fifth the price isually asked by Olpiticians. For sale by E .B~Y Dc. 449 imo. Agent. WITtES AND JEIIELRY, AN ELEGANT STOCK At E. s. BAILEY'S, Dec. 4 49 imo. Agent. WARRANTED Genuine and Perfect in every lparticular. For sale by Dcc. 4E49s.mBAILEY, Sheriff SSalme - By an order from .Joha1i Pe lm, Or dinary., I will resel, at the risk of the for mner. purchaser, on Moud4y, the 6th of Jan tnry, 18GR, befyre the Court Haiase, within tholerl hours of ;:t" one traet O' IaOa, belonging to the estate of Jaceb"e,kinh, dec'd,iand sold by Lewis A. Pet rv. S.. rah Perkins and other.~ Salto res eeo tains b7f Acres, more or l Is--nd sar Colony Church, and bound.ed . ad a of Mary BSence, Daxid Cook, Sarah Fellera and others, known 's the Hode Place, or tract No. 1. Terms of Safe--af a credit nati- the 4t day of November, 1868, with interest from She day of sale, exeejit soluncli of the pur chase money as may be neceary to pay the cost which must be paid in cash. The. purchasec to give-bond with at ,lesa approved securities, ind a iomt-e' * premises to the Ordinary to keiir w chase money. T. 3f. PAYSIN "ss Dec 18, 1867. Also, by an:orderrfroa Qltieis will sell At .the same.i4me and; real estate of Laaoska Wadswrt ing'forty 0? fy acfes;, jolne bf J. B. Heller, Wm. H:Rufaod QpiXgia Terns of sale, credit until - h 1868; %ith the baaitice'er t.. to above advertisement: T.-M PA YINGE & ; Dec. 16thr1867. - . Also,4 ae tract of landi:eon4 Acces, more .or 'tem bode. Wni. Metr, 'Vichact BWcrs ai Metz. ?The res.stme ef deceased, o a credit untij.the. . o uary, J819, and . Ibatane of:Ur sa-me as the above adrertiseefnet T XT. PAYSINGERi e. Dec.-18th, 1867: --.- - . .yysirtne of a Wri$ of 14e directed, I'will sell on 1f Idna'tary'; 198 the*e a Se-"T: o: Land c aai Acres. more ot. less,. b of Richard 5atteri ,Di and others. Two ine Brood - Two horse Wag, 2 pair aIMd Saddie. Lettet1 e3MathSfIt' IS . D 9 6 e s . G lb o a . t ". . Also Lwil) sell the. twofln ftn"-e 'wn of .iwb*e - this time b .D GrisottA A. ton,. nd bounded. ip. sq6are ott -the south s " Mh4 en :rhe-north by the snitQof Sam $B o)is cs W-.W. McMorriea; *ct H Also, 180O,Ages efA,als Ihome trct,) 'containing boolidd by ladsof T4 Caldwelt, LemueL Dicer 1o' 2'; tying on Indiatn bounded by lanes -Dr. - L..Davis and .P. W .CieAN Twetle Bundred(ib Acres. -vled Off the poipr 4f-$. 1i a t1Lot" .9I3Gtl L qi1~ ,s licMo >e . W. acdJoeCaldweifr . - _ STATEOFSOFFHem W. E ?arridto e \ta AaroOiba udt,ae~ It appearing to -bstuetOtalP nsUltfordsAaro6 limits of this State. dii o -te1rlothItis 841dtorf Oste - .do plcad, ansresar,e's!s~k in fqrty daiys. frogn thpfliest orthe samme wflletapifi them. --- - -o; . -Cami's afie,, , ,g STT F OUH'A M - Sflas4ohnstone. Seel, ief. ~t pnlcocr r~e z uary next at the r-isk of tC Nautmh :ide of' Enorte verf three hiundreil acre8{# 6 mill -and t fc .at nd j4~snortp e of 4 tht purci0e mrt4 bt ..ntune rea U , or Omy Jnds fAps bjntz, on and others. . 4Tn's.-kedii Wmonlsit -intr icz..fleisdry Coui4r Uourchase - nJg to be apaeddig.bwAiwith at lest two good suretles anmd~, ,.woftg:.gO of the land. The costs of thefe roehdings to be piiscash ..~S FONE, -Com'rst ce c . x.D he Sftite kf -So Newboiry Distt - - Bill tofojeedese azg&eC1Re L By ordei- o't theCor at publie: enctRn,: on.faes Janaagy 6, bf.~i ew rry .a se un mn 4~i - ewhbeny..The sakkdlei more . Jess,. and is 'Striet, infi -satci west byn Dry k'e n;ndo3 d by lands oCoL. Simee Et. e to give bond with at least tw and a mortgage of. the prom the purchase ~ne~.aab1e at tsW months,. with interest raUm4Ldh and to pay the corsflof - 1 cash. - SILAS JOHN830NE, oma.m Com'rs Office, ,18 D)ec 1.867. .,2 STA TE OFfSOUT H CAROI4NA, - NewBERnY DTSTiroMIN EQWwsrw Henry Sarme and William Samme# Sr. viving Adm'rs., vs. Mary M,. iinm~trp, * C. P, Summer,. et. at. Bill to se11 Land, Marshall Assets and Gene rat Relief. By order of the Court of Eq,uity, I wilt meli at public-outcry, before the Court Hus at Newberry, on the first Monday in Janupry next, the Kibler tract of land lying in lex ington District, containing: wo hundred andt seventy two acres more or less, and bounded by lands of Joseph Epting, Joseph Sheily, John Swittenburg and oth.ers. TERMs-The purchaser Will be peritted to pay any piortion of the purchase money in cash, otherwise the same must be secured by bond, with at least two good sureties and a mortgage of the property. :The costa of these proceedings to be paid in cash. Corn's Office, SILAS JOHNSTONE, Dec. 1651 St *0 C. E. N. D. JOHN H. HOLMES, Commission Merchant Boyce & Co.'s Wharf, C HA RL E ST ON So. Ca., -UzlSnl TO-. Uon. George A. Trenholm,. Andrew Simonds,President 1st National Bank Charleston. F. S. Hlolmes, Piesident S. C. Mining and Manulucturing Co.